Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 13, 1896, Image 3

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    Here and There.
Little Jack Hubbard went to the oud-
board and "swiped" thence a biitcnutard
n : - ti : .11 i : 1 . r
IUiKeeneyha moved 10 the Stcxiom ,,,,. ki -1 mk i ,Jn.t .h,
wnen 1 try." v beu momma came rourd
The HeppDer Transfer Co.. ban wood Mrs. H. quickly found that Jack had
for sale.
Lewis Davidson
sou last Friday.
Jrs. Johnson was over
creek Friday last.
(ireen Matbevs bag
tion with Minor Bros.
were in
W litre They Met.
McKlnley Bill, with Napoleon eye,
Says "Bryan let's drink some Linwood Rye;
We meet as friends, my wordB are few
I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Bryan says, in a Joking manner.
"I wonder U that's what's the matter with Hanna
That s horse and horse, you funny feller
When I see my wife I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they wiuked an
And they drank some more good I.tnwood Rye,
Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E,
Q. Sperry, Prop.
Nelse Jones was in town from bis
sheep ranch Saturday.
Key. J. T. Hopkins and wife
from Oalloway last Friday.
E. J. Sloontn has returned frnm
DUBintss trip to Portland.
J. H. Woolery and wife were in Hinn.
ner from lone over Sandsy.
Henry Heppner is suffering from an
attack of erysipelas iu the faoe.
A Andrews, of Alpine, wos a visitor
to Heppuer last Friday and Saturday.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Onttr
whiskey. On taD at Chris Bnrnhera'.
Rev. Greene preached an excellent
sermon to a crowded houee Sunday uight.
Bmitn Birch made final nroof on hi
Homestead before Clerk Morrow Saturday.
The family of Johnny Elder have
moved into their pity residence for the
FttliB TRADE PltlCK.J.
Bucks for sale 30 floe Merino bucks;
20 Oxford grades. Enquire of O. E
Farnsworth. tf.
Mrs. M. Le Blister, the Heppner
milliner, has just received a large and
complete line of the latest style fall and
' winter hats whioh she will sell at oost.
Intending purchasers should oall and
eee the faebiouublo display at their
earliest convenience. ol3.
' Heppner's ladies band is now a full
fledged organization and mettts regulary
twice a wees .'or praotioe. mere is
fourteen pieces in the band and Pnf,
Henery expeots to have tuern playing
some good music before long. The
ladies expect to equip themselves with a
new set of instruments in a short time
If Tronblrd With RIfeiinialiain Head This,
AonapoliB, Md., Apr. 1G, 1894. I have
used Chamberlain's Fain Balm for rhmi
mutism and found it to be all that is
claimed for it. I believe it to be the
beet preparation for rheumatism and
deep seated muscular pains on the mar
ket and cheerfully reoommend it to the
public J ho. O Bbooks, dealer in boots,
hoes, etc, No. 10 Main St.
Mecbaniosville, St. Mary Oo , Md. I
Hold it bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm to a roan who had beo stilTdrinn
with rheumatism for several years It
made him a well man. A. J. McUill
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Ouuser
A Urock.
Never was mart arleTons wrong done
the formers of oar eoantry thee that to
anjnstlr Inflicted during tha paat three
year npoa tho wool growers. Althongh
emeag oar most Bseful eltlsens, their ln
taresie have been praettralljr destroyed
HekMnley's letter at acceptance.
Walt. Thompson run stag" between
Heppner end Monument, arriving evry
day except Monday god leaving every
day exoept Sunday, nhorlesl and cheap
est route to the interior. JDer
Brook, agents.
M. Licbteotbal is the old standby of
the Ueppuer people aud keep only the
bmt grade of bixita and shoes. Bc-e his
ad in another column. 1
For l'ypni
aod Liver complaint yon bavs a rioted
. yiaraotae 00 ever bottle of Hhiloh
Viialtier. It never falls to cure For
ale by Wells A Warren.
as over from David-
from Butter
accepted a posl-
been there 00 the sly, and instead of
abort crust, to her utmost disgust, she
was short of the whole blootniu pie.
New York World.
Marshal K iberts now ktOD his "beagle
lieye" peeled for stray town oows fonud
at larae after 6 p. m., so if you miss your
onw at night do not acouse some one of
diiving her off to the butcher's, at least
until after you have consulted with the
mnrabal about the matter. Toe oow
ordinanoe is to b? striotly enforoed.
"It is immaterial, in my judgmen t
whether the sheep grower receives any
benefit from the tariff or not
vviiether lie does or aoes not 1 am Tor
free wool " Extract from speech of
Wvham J . Bryan in the House of Ken
resentatives when the Wilson bill was
wider consideration.
Miss AddieCorlee departed forCanvon
City on Friday where she will have
charge of the prinoipulship of the eohool
for the winter. Mr. At Binne took Miss
Uonleo on the way as far as Monument,
returning borne Sunday evening.
Otis Patterson, grand prelate, and A.
W. Patterson, grand orator of the K. of
P. of Oregon, tiok their departure on
Friday eyening for Portland to attend
the annnal session of the grand lodge
whioh oonvenes in that oity today.
Dick Beman,. an old time mutton
monarch of Heppner's eternal bills, has
Mrs. Julia Bradley is still quite ill at jaet returned from a summer's prospect
the City hotel, but is reporter to be im
Many of Morrow oounty'a oitizens
in Heppuer .oday to attend the political
Mr. F. R. Blockberecr. of the Staats
Zitung, of Portland, is In the oity on
business today.
Mrs. W. B. Gilliam moved into her
town residence on Saturday to send her
obildren to school.
Dr. D. J. McFaul and wife have moved
into Mrs. Henry Welch's property on
lower Main street.
mg. tie louna some gooa piaoergrouna
on the John Day and thinks that there
is a small fortune in it.
Hon. Henry Blftokmin was up from
Portland to spend Sunday with bis
family in this oity.
Miss Addie Jackson hue so far recover
ed from h,er recent indisposition as to be
able to be around again.
The Palaoe hotel was sold on Bator
day. It was hid in by Wm. Peolsnd for
910,000. Cheap property.
Hon. J. N. Brown accompanied Mr.
J. D. Iee on his trip of speeohmaking
at different points in this county. .
Qid Hatt has dosed op the old Mat
lock stand aod gone into business with
Charley Jones, in the Minor building,
In this ispue von will find the semi
annual financial statement of Morrow
oonDty us famished by the oounty clerk,
Mrs. 3. P.. Wilson is over from Mouu
meut to be with her sister, Mrs. Julia
Bradley, who is very ill at the City hotel
Fall weather brings cool weather, cool
wenther calls for winter olotbiog. See
E. W. Rhea's hue of goods. Ad in this
issue. 18-lm.
Hm. John H. Mitchell and Hon
Css. Fulloo arrived this mnrcintr, and
are the guests of Hon. W. R. Ellis to
A dance will be given at the opera
hnnsa on the first and third Friday
evemng of each month, for an indril
nite period. tf.
Echo has sold bis wash bouse to Wing
Lee. All having accounts avdnst Kobo
hnrtld preseut tbirn on or brfore Oct
Lmt A Trilby heart watcb charm 00
the streets: of Heppner. Finder will
kindly return same to this tffloa and
reooive reward.
The pmtor request a full attendance
of mctMrs at the M. K. obnreb, inore-
dav evening at 7:80 to discuss plana far
lbs year'g work.
F. W. Hinsdale, representing tbe
Nw York Life, i in Heppner this weh
looking after some baeinree (or that ei
cellentiild line oompaoy.
O. B. Hatt, (he toneorlal artist, can
be found at hie parlore, Matlork eoroer,
where be will dispense at popular prieee,
sbavna, Itampnoa, haircuts, etc
M'S. J. It. E tee has arrived from
Baker t Uy and 1 opening op a snilli
nnry slur in the building Belt to L,
UlumeDtbal' on May street.
Heppner public school begins tbe
seoond week in splendid shape. Prof.
Howard reports 260 rupils enrolled for
tbe first week and this number will be
largely inoreased as families are moving
in from tbe country.
Battle Creek, Mich., claims to have
a well authenticated oase of a woman
who has not touched food for 180 dava.
The woman In said to have fallen away
from 210 to 110 pounds since the begin
ning of her fast.
The following Heppner people leave
for the Portland exposition tonight tak
ing advantage of the special excursion
rates: Dr. MoSwords and wife, Mrs.
Oeo. Conser, Mrs. Wm. Dnun Bnd Miss
Gertrude Bitshop.
Condon Globe: Prof J. S. Henry of
Weston, father of oar band tenoher,
came to Heppner last week and expects
to reraaui tbere this winter and teach
music, both vocal and instrumental-
O. U Patterson, editor of tbe Li"Dg
Creek Eagle, CNtne in Saturday night
aod left immediately on tbe evening
train, to be in attendance at the grand
lodge, K. of P., next week, at Portland
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as-
soniated together down at Charley's
old plaoe in tho tonsortal business.
Call on them aud get your whiskers
pushed in.
Judze E, L Freelaod and others went
down to Portland on last Friday niifbt
to be in attendance on tbe grand lodge
ssion of tbe Knigbti of Pythias bext
On aooonnt of sickness Rev. 8ifi,
presiding rider of the M. K. cburob,
Sooth, tailed to make bis eppoiutineuts
at this place oa Sundny.
Margaret Eury made Quel proof on
her homestead before Clerk Morrow
today, with D. A. Jenklu and Mis. W.
B. Oiillm as witnesses.
Prnseat Day Literary Imitation of Musical
Compositions Common Years Ago.
Some twenty-five years ago there was
a style of musical composition much iu
vogue known as "variations," says a
writer in the Atlantic Mouthly. It ap
peared in dozen page sheets entitled
"Horae.Sweet Home with varta'ions;"
"Coming Through the Eye with vaca
tions;" "Let Me Kiss Him for His
Mother" (also with variations). The
distinctive plan of these compositions
and, whatever their individual char
acteristic, they were, as a whole, with
out variation consisted, first, in a
brace or two of banging prelude, close
ly followed by a simple little air that
somebody else had written. This
definitely announced the theme to be
"variated," whioh was next heard be
hind a thin screen of artfully arranged
arpeggios. Then it donned a deep dis
guise in the bass, to become barely
recognizable in the treble with trills,
ditto in bass, in the treble with runs,
ditto in bass, and finally lost itself in a
company of crashing chords so over
powering that one could not be certain
whether the original air had beer.
"Coming Through the Rye" or "Let
Me Kiss Him for His Mother."
A similar sort of treatment has now
invaded the art of letters; that is to
say, it has affected the entire twenty
six, as well as the select seven to be
found upon the piano keyboard. It
doesn't nowadays satisfy a writer to
say, merely: "One summer morning,
fine and early, I was walking through
the woods." He immediately coes on
(taking the word "early" as his key
note): "The sun had not been long
above the horizon and the air was yet
iragrant with last night s dew." Then.
with "fine" and "summer" as texts, he
tells us: "Everywhere were the preen
and luxuriant footprints of light-step
ping summer." Starting next from
(1) "I," (2) "walking" and (3) "woods,"
he informs us: "As my feet pressed the
soft moss faint forest odors filled the
air, the crackle of a dry stick was
heard and a startled gray squirrel
scampered up the giant oak on my
left." Da capo: "On aueh a glorious
morning 1 was glad simply to be alive,
as were we all young-risen sun, trees,
flowers, moss and little gray squirrel."
And so, diluting and further diluting
an idea, it is hard to tell just what
degree of strength it may originally
have possessed. The strength of the
writer, it is, however, more easy to de
uliey Ml
"There are fads in
medicine as well as in
other things," said a busy
druggist, 'J but the most
remarkable thing about Hood's Sarsa-"
parilla is that customers who try other
remedies all come back to Hood's, and
this is why the enormous sales of this
great medicine BSES keep up and
continue the J whole year
round, steady, L3 sevas a clock.
"Why is it?" "O, simply because
Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura-'
tive merit than any medicine I ever sold."
This is ol daily occurrence In almost
every drug store. Hood's SarsapsrWa
has cured more sickness, and made moro
happiness through restoration to hcnlth
than any other medicine.
Is the standard the One True Blood Purifier.
1 9 rn are iub oniy puis 10 uiko
liuuus r 1 1I with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
X of
p4l 1 1 alt.
1 U.WfL Yi
Ton will find one eowpo
Inatda each two crane bag,
and two coupon Inside aach
r crane bag of Black-
well's Durham. Bay m bag
of thla celebrated tobacco
and read the eonpon which
gives a list of valuable pres
ent avnd how to get them.
rare to Wis.
The people recognisi and appreciate
real merit. That is why Hood's Sarsa
parilla has the largest sale! io tbe world.
Merit io medicine mebos tb poster to
core, tlooil's Harssparilia atMminteiy,
permanently cures. It la tbe Que
True Illood FuriflVr. It superior uteri!
is ail established fact, end merit wins.
Il'iod'a 1'ills sr sy to take, easy to
operate. Cora indignation, uceJaulie
'It la immuiUriid, in wi juilamrnt.
vhrthrr the $hffp groteer rtcfitt (fti J
liruent from ffte Utnff or wof . . ,
It hrlher h does or it nut i am fur
fr0 uMl.nt'.xtrtirt from rh
II illtnm J. tirynn in the limit of lieu
rrtentnlirr tchrn tht lmn bill Mi
umUr oimiUlftation.
Wonderful Figures rail to Express Enough
Concerning the Great I'lanet.
Our most eminent astronomers do
not pretend to give us exact reckon
ings on the great floating worlds out
side of our own solar system, but with
in that monstrous aggregation every
thing has been reduced to certainty.
The kingpin of tho solar system is
upiter, "mighty Jupiter, the coIiIkmiI
giant of all the sun-kissed worlds."
Uis diameter is about 88,000 of our
miles, being uhout eleven times that
of our own globe; the circumference
275,000 miles at the equator, which
would give the giant a volume exceed
ing l nut 01 me curtu iy 1,1 i times.
Were it possible to bring tbe earth 11 ml
Jupiter ao close together that the diit
lance separating tiicm would be no
greater than that which now aepurulei
the earth from the moon atHiut C40,
000 miles what wondrou bight would
be in store fur the resident of our lit
tie glulx'. 'The world of Jupiter would
piM'iir to us to have a dlumcU r forty
tinicH larger than that of our umiuI
mighty attendant, and the Mir'tice
his dlhk would occupy a ;u:o gr.'Ulor
tnun tnai or l.nuo run inHn.
And this giant of tho pluncta in re
moved from the nun hy a distance of
4',0:H).O0O imle:; hat an orbit of mum
than I.Ooo.otKi.Ooo mile Iu extent, an I
maka circuit of iu c -Io-ImI iruel;
once every 4.r,.;j day. Tlum it wilt m
seen that a year on Jupiter it rouat to
eleven ywara, ten ntoiitha and seven
teen days on our gloW. The Imiui m.i
ty of the world of Jupiter fe.nl It urd't
may be apiroii.i.ti.'ly in. u.ucvl t.y
thin ninipuri jii: In i.r.ier t.i t'.Mti;ilcte
!l orbit In tliu time given abuve, it
UlutkH'eI around lite sun witir a
IcK-ity of Too.lMiO intlen a ilny. or a little
more than right tulle per seeonj.
A Kalaral Ilea tiler.
Karl's Clover Hxd Tea pnrtfiaa tbt
blood aod givea a clear and beautiful
oomph Hon. Fr sale by Wells A War-
It I Mar Nalwrml oil, liar
Oregon for Morrow County.
A. B. Bennett and F. P. Mhvb, I'lalntlira,
Charles Klmsey and Clara Klmsey, his
wife, Jl. 3. Klmsey and Klmsey,
his wife, Win. Klmsey and N. Klmsey,
his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Barali Mer
cer, his wife, L. A. Florence ami Ella
Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and
Minnie Hull, his wife, Samuel Hall
and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell
and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas
Ktmsey and Nellie J. Croft,
To Charles Klmsey and Clara Klmsey, his
wife, A. J. Klmsey and KimBey. his wife.
William Kimsev and N. Kimsey, his wife. Rich
ard Hall aud Minnie Hall, tits wife, William
Ferrell and Eva Ferrell. his wife. Thomas Kim
sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants.
In the name of the mate of Oregon, vou and
each of you wtll take notice that the above
plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. V. Mays, have
commenced a suit against the above defend
ants in the above court to foreelose a mortgage
Riven thein by the above defendants upon the
eaRtJhalf of the northwest quarter, the south
west quarter 01 tne nortneasi quarter ana tne
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of
section 18 township 1 south range 2ft East In
said county. That the relief demanded In the
comDlalnt in said suit ts for a decree that Dlaln.
tins sum mortgage tie loreciosen, tne mortgaged
property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay
ment of costs aud disbursements of said suit,
to the note secured by said mortgage and the
attorney's fees set forth therein. That the
court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery
irom t naries Klmsey, A. J. Klmsey ana Wil
liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars (700.00)
and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum
from Heptember 11, W9, and seventy-five dol
lars (iTn.UO) attorney's fees, besides costs and
disbursements of suit. And further decree
that all the other defendant be foreclosed of
all right, claim or equity of redemption In and
to said lands, or any part thereof, and that
lalutlns have such other and further relief ss
1 equitable.
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation by order of Hon. Htcpheu A. lxiwell.
Judge of the above court, made by him at
Chambers on fie Wnd day of Heptember, WW,
and each of th defendant above named are
required to answer said complaint on or Iwfore
the first day of the next term of the aliove
court. U-wlt: the first Monday of March. 1'.7.
or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the
Business All kail
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
hi a Change in
ED. R.
Slaughter Prices
relief deinaudedlii said complaint.
Attorneys fur rialntiiis.
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale oost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, class ware, hats.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment tall and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman,
Gilliam & Bisbee
trict, Htate of Oregon, County of Morrow.
J. A. Woolvry, l'lalnttir,
8. K. Jones, Mt-fendant.
To S. K. Hones, lielmidaut '.
In tha name nf tbe htatit of Oregon, we com
mand you to appear Ix-fore tbe undersigned, a
Jualti-aof the lv e In Heppner, In said f mint
and Hlate, on or before Die luih day of U tulwr,
W, at the hour nf lu nl o'nlnck In the loruuooti
said (lay, at my onice In the said town to answer
Hie roinplslnt ol i. A. noolvry founded on
promissory notes and wherein lie demands tbe
sum ol lino Hundred llilrty-slx and mi Km Dol
lars, for which sum Judgment will h rendered
against you tf you lall so to appear and answer
said romplalni.
(ilvrn under my hsnd this ?ud dsr or Kept.
A. l , !'. W. A. IU IIAHH-X1N.
47 m. Justice ol the I'rsce.
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, b.
ve are not tns Largest mercriants in tne Vioria t
s But when the people of all the surrounding country are in need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Kails, Iron, Barb wire,
Cumberland Coal, Oast and Water Pipe, I'lpe Klttlnirs, stove and Rannes, Wagons,
Hacks, Biittgles, Wae;on Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Haws, Sledges,
Wedges, duns, llstols, Cartridges aud Ammunition, Mason Jars, Orsn
Heware, Hows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllera
and Boards, Blieet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Bhould call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We hare Ooon Goods at Pai Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chop John Trices.
You can bet your last winter's duds that this
fair is no "frost. Cut Jack Frost is
one of the boys that comes
around annually and Be 'prepared to receive
no mistake. him by calling on
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
Kesr! HoOftra Until.
A Dions' til ballon, women tre ever
Inclined to l cheerful n'l molest.
Thry do nt h-lut. like man. to per
form ft hpiuijl "f rrnnoui Mtton;
not haii(hty. rmr arr$ranl. tntr anprr-
rlliirua, tnt full of courtrsjr nd (Tpc-
tl.m; Induatrtoti. rrtm mUal. Inirv
A Ions; tucrs) virtuosi , ami wrtrmlti(
mir f'xxl action than Bn. nrtr
4lrvM4 wj-clf In the language of
ilpcrttry txt frWodkUlp Ut m woman.
whether cIviU(hI or vp. without
rfcvlvlng m doownt anl frlnl! cwr.
la wander in orr tht Usrmn laln
of llihoattttabl tarnmark. thnmgh
honrtl hw,ln. frosrn LtUn4. rwls
an 'I chnrlUh I inlatxt, tintTirwlil4
Itnaala krt'l tho w l.rprr SmI rrflotis of
tH wand. rlrir Tartar, tf lioatfry. dry.
eoM, wrt. or tk k, woman ha cvrr twra
fri. ndly to mm. an. I antfiamljr : arid,
to ad I to thla irtu, i w.thy th ap
llatkoa of trw..lrn, tha arttott
bar Wn fwf f ifmd In frr and
hlwl a manner that. If I wa dry, I
c'.rntik ' awevt 4rnfht, arid If
hntik'ry, ale tha fr aaora! altai
dovlda r!i.h.
H fc4 sjiII prajaf ! talieat Jfs araiad lk lataaioaaof
tba rr -t fallp. Kara a liae of ainUr rMl.iaf jem atr
twfnra, an al rwa ar 4oa. TimM rtl toatti tat yne)
My ! if' taaai, raa't . ?
Call on E. W. RHEA cSs CO., at tbe
First Natl Bar)K CorQcr.
I. M. Ill OHC , t
E.W. nilEA&CO.,
fN of th- trweit Ut.r.,1 bj rIS- of
oi l !'!.( la M John ri. I Urkm
wSl. whirH. H a n .1 hap-
pen to li la of tha Ni artrru
of tha I. tity, U "t to wll ktwa.
a n 1t. a It h-wM M ft
I H olr rtiiairtina rt f
Important Vti-ff of ft J,.Hn. wiilli
dra fr'tfa !) f ntrtxeMNr. Mnrr 1),a
: I ratvwaf ha a litetaef inert
lat. ut it. w th .-n a th
abef lr J4ta.i w. rs I f in.
tha t itf . f ar a anted wf 1 r si ,rn I .
a4 lk iMsilrsMS a lar
V Ihi alar t ara firlnn i.f llt ar H
Le4 twansa lias tp-f a I wlsss Try
ln la IbHil III l(llaal.
Yarlitlnu riikin a gmt ilr of
lnonrr.'a ciallv Midi Jiiilitiliif as I
iii(laljM' In oi'aturi and d f-ii. the
Anii'i k u'a rup. miinrka tli New York
Irltiuiie. A friend of l-ord llunraven
aid riM-entiy that I lie curl told 1. 1 in
that tlir total i-o-l to him to Imild,
"in!i and nm tba IUrl. toprther
ta ilii Ma traveling e' n', to win th
Aineriea'a rup. would b fully one hun
dred aud Cftv tltoti uixl dollar. Tha
r lid i.al whkh hiiill tha Viffilatit
iiiltM rilx-'l one hniKlei d thottaiid dol
lar firlifitiail)-. and ha hern railed
uion tor an aramenl u-lle, ao
that the total outlay U-n tha rup lie-
fe4ler U not fat fnon tha amoutit s
ended on tha Valkyrie. Add to theMl
nim tha nvn. y whtih tlta Juhll
t oI'M.la and I'lUrm e.,t thir u aers.
and tha total rl of tha laleat atrufl'
fla far tha America eup amount to
alitowt Ova hundred thou wind dollai
Tha h"i -rof loddina tha Aiix riis t
fun (i",f f, ciKO'it ha raekotted hy
' 'era a ant, and American jaeht-
!.'-l Would nt bar lieen wiliilif to
part with the trophy el anr roL lha
pra. Ikal benefit to boat huildlnef and
tha pleasure and pruhl to t derived
fr.Hn nura and manly si aaaat ha
t4 dad Ut lha rre.1,1 hvnsst
!Unt. olr.n, I', ft A , raeaatly
etortiad to IA Ahfle after Miakltif
trip with threa eornlr In
amH taat dowa tha I lir.to rtr
fr-ia Yuma to tha t!f of faUfomia,
I. awerlaia If tha rhaaael sv'uld ta
k-avta atlalla f.ar tnawrrrs, Tha
fi,.f. ha eat, rhentfee Ma ronraa la
teany ivra aery year at lha time 1.
tha J ana rlaa. shifoa' It ha4 ofua aa
m' h a U or iM ai! lo left or
f I.U and It woald Wa lanraitle lo
linpnund tha water an aa In sasra
ref w'.ar aaeida rl annel Tha t.des
i.ei. atanit I Ha nviatli of lha rir ara
MsiMit srtalie. ntt of Ita flr la tha
fret Uaa, whwh. ftaar Ik fall f tha
ssee-w aosf y SMosith, wsat la al
and hr virtus of an rireulloti Issued out
the i-lri-nll court of the Male of Oregon, for
otiniv 01 Morrow, snd to me (Ure-ifHi and de-
ered, uiMin a iddxuieiit rendere.1 snd entered
11 said eonrt 011 the mri day ol iM-iitemlier. iwst,
11 lavor
J. . 1 holnlwoli. defendants, for the Bum
Keren II und wl and Kevan'y Three and ih I
mllara Hh lutereat llieleill Ir.iin Ilia ll d
01 June, al ine rale ol eiifiit tier eeni Mr I . i.
iiiium, and Uie further sum ol Hiirir IxilUrs I Mli'S LL
eiails. and a ruins eoata; m hlrh ludsinriil uas I
enroiii-.! ami do li-tcl in lha Irrl s ortw ol
said eiurt I i said eounljr n the I'.lh dr ot
aa ieinif, and. shrmii, l.r suld hi'K
men! It ass nrdi-rrd and adlndse.1 thai the
iil.taitie (ira-rllefi tmiMeaeetl proMrtv. ut all
lie ajoulh half nf the Soriheaal uuarler. and
Kurtheaat quarter ot Norllieaal iiliarler leret
leu ai re In a square form In Ihenonheasl
eorner thereoli and eoutheaat uuarler of North
est quart? nl Xe-iliiii len llni In T"anlilf
tie III m!h of Kane Teui (. I f.a.l
H.. txauld li sai,lf said lu lKmrul. casUi
mi aeeriiing pais. I win. oil
ftatureay, list 4sy al Otloker, IBa,
a 2 ! r. M , nf I dev. al the fmnl d.f
.1 lha n...r h,..M In li,.....- U.
lo-a-n.i, sail the rlshl. una and Inlereal ul said I . I II r a a
d.i..etaun-e.aiia1ylor. a a. kli.e K, H hf Wm fif .imnimt Ht ITIf.MPV. IlllV thf MCt
l.lte a4 J I, laooiiaon n and In the I ' ' " - v. ...v,
iw(,nni(inni .r.m...T al ui,p atlTIKMI Ul I
Ilia niahal a 'VI heel l.l l.lrf ..r tea
lha io.aenls l la al'l 'la-l In the
nf alt esarullua, and all e.a ami nais thai I f I
"'. .... .111 lnicnor nmric.
Ml.aniT I J HnllM I .... 1. 1 litany, I " " - - ..... " "
Iwlad Iki 4nd dar ul Ik L !. 'tauaa
MiEiurra sale.
Do you know what this means ? This, that
:&sr arc sixteen reasons why you should buy
I e ells Tsylor. n H. Kln. N. H M Bee I J J J
your Groceries. Supplies and Gents rurnish-
for every one objection made against it. This
should decide the matter. It does. . People
want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for
the smallest amount of money. Huv die best
".SH when you can get it at the same figure paid for
ofci 0 Intention.
1.. a k lorn s ar l.s .si.s. Os .....a.
ei iit-i ink aa.
(ill' K l lirRKRT (.llll 1IMT 1MI
oll li.f nama.1 sillier has Sled IMrfire
ul he .iieMn ki no. Ai.al "'-" In si-a.n
'S DM rl.lv ai.. n.al aal I ...( alll I- mad
hr f.a I choiIv I lrfe. T a,.. f..a r.HO,i,t al
11. 1 f-or. ir.m. as imi t ol. iev , u
Mauri l (.III ... Xar, I Hrndersnn.
M. ktt. ia. Mil.. a Is I a. M ft
W. M
amelhahiU.iati,ff allneaaas Io bene, kef
e-.iur-i. ni-l.ixs y-.a a4 ruiiw.il.ta id
a. 11 ia"i sis
i a M...I..II William tumll, lnwv Ilea-
Iff H.nls Aa)faal.l al Hri..,wi oree..a
1-. a w i..ui
Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob Krlck's.
J. O. JiOllOJ130HStPrc)pa
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
kotwt of intention7
I... a lorn 1 t t. .
a. ,t.ia
u iirsrur i.Hr
I I llManS
oti' r is iirsrur i.Ur nut imi
..o,.e i,f k.i.1 au4 ha. few! entire u$
av.lt. 1. . Mta f -.al . a ,,.a,frl al I
lao.tai u4 ll. taut a..4 a HI la saa ta ha
I e la .Mtnlf 1. fe HfHtnt I 4 I... ,, I
SI H.rwl lT.ra mm V.t.i.i (aa ,,
lUVIti ) I l4t itf
H"ai..4 .. M - r
p ii ap, a
N. aaa o.a fc. fflif allaraata In aewee I
ei. t.ai 1. 1.. m . at-1 f tl a n't. I
a aatf t, , if
laaaa leakaf WalNs l-.hakf alr.
t Mfo
( . I
t li
'- I f
IU 11 1 jr
'-imi-rii T Mrrrrt
. !.
a.aaa f
t'-,a',.n s
- g . ,et.
4 r ttit4 I
tin- r
: fflFII : PILLS
rfir nf Iftttntta
wil f.f water eaeeral feat b'ejh. p tha i t U'flf ttliaiittf
wy on
H . wa f ral tit.if I I
heta. Tha archway hl lalef !y a.
owaa U 4faoa4 a4 Wealth aj.a. ? fatal
Mt it la raat.y ta r.tr-t a
ene m tat ;I ., I He 4a. ff ( I.e. .-., m ,
waa Cr t "T 'f I'-e I 4, . f k.
J..t,U Tha far ! r a tte-l s w
Wa -a Ike tl J..a Amt-! iu,
a.w aa4 h Vay t a. f s.4 wrta
. i'i tha
Aa attasRte) to
tk uf Umi C ol'ff sel'i.
C t r y boat la th
ha W Ml -a, .-! la f t r-'
a. al la. i aa I a-"- a ! a a.v,a
at fa tmwm wraw " j I !,-.. ,., mm
At th isMiwtw wf tha rr t "-- - . .
I pii . oit q
i t a , al (mi, a t 4
"1 'Ilk. 111! II l M
l-.aa-.. ih. I-- .! m a-aif ka f
a a - 4 a f-t a.- m.i
I- 1 (, a,.,, J. K !., H.ll
H-... 4 H i .,. tad Umm 4
te S" ( I a a
r, !'"
II M laaaaa.
ri f f'xia-1 i4 rv.atief aa i4 d
yar4 a4 lha 4yia ka.aa of .a
alaaaaar. tiaif anhea la tka Wm4. IM
r iaf nf aa atuar4 aV ansba twatr
Uei y.ar af W null ah a Lb i f
Uavaveet V V J P Ik fleer m twrt
Ynupo I JOUNI) Io TnkuMCin.
L-rnvts No CunMipntlon.Ma.at.
Car. ll. aa a. II aa all lli,loa.oa.a. Hi. k Ilelt.a 1 VJali Tie i-aly
f.SKistiiil (..II In lha ami I. )!! I r l !'. i-r sent .y asatl
fane Jl uf rt., i. s-it aef lei ll TMI-H MIMCAlsCO.
Iea r t"ei.
. 11 1111 .1 II.
Tiik Lancasiiikk Insi?i:.::ci: Co.
M IkfeXf-JCttltaa rial's KNtll.AMII
iiu;iieXJiU:, oicivoorsr.
sr s (,. tiaaaat 1st tita W!