RepoDllcan Ticket. For President, WILLIAM AkKINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GKER. of Marlon County, B. M.YORAN, of Lane. E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. oss. Bryan has pratical rejected the populist platform and refuses to notice bis populist running mate, altbongb the populists plat form is far better tban the Chicago oat put. Watson's friends all over the country are getting ready to reciprocate Corvallis Gazette. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editorially of a popular patent medioine: "We know from experieDoe tbat Cham berlain' Co'ie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ia all tbat is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an un timely grave. We would not rest easy over night without it io the bouse." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering tban an; other medi oine in tbe world. Every family should keep it in tbe house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by Conser fe Brock. Today is Morrow county's re publican day. It is now only a question of how large will be McEinley's majority. Immense throngs of voters c daily arriving at the borne of Major McKmley to greet our next president Gov. McConnell, of Idaho, has sent a challenge to Senator Squire, of Washington to meet him in a joint debate at Spokane. A large delegation of ex-con federate soldiers called on Mr. McKinley Friday. They were from Virginia and promised the republican nominee their earnest support Candidate Bryan's furious de nunciations of Great Britain come rather late in bis political life to be of service in this canvass. His previous record stands in too vio lent contrast to his present perform ances. He talks about his Ameri canism, but when he has an oppor tunity to demonstrate tbe practical character of his patriotism be fail ed to embrace it "When the Wilson bill was before the house," sayi The Saratogian, "Mr. Bryan was very friendly to British mauu facturers, and did all in his power to further their interests. As m i memoer 01 trie ways and means committe having charge of the bill, be never lifted up his voice in behalf of American manufactur ers, who were in many instances denied a hearing before the com mittee. His denunciations of England now will deceivo nobody." m i fan Mft Fi, thf NERVES IN OCTOBER. For the Six Months Ending on the 31st Day of September, 1896. Made Well Again by Paine's" Celery Compound. Semi-Annual Report Of the County Clerk of Morrow County. State of Oregon, nlmwinu th nmnnnt and number of claims allowed by tbe county court of said county, for what al lowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants ontatandina and unpaid, from the 1st day of April, 1896, to tbe 81st day of September, 1896, both inclusive: ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. A Myelins; Tonrlst. Last Friday a tall, dark-oomplezioned young man, wearing a well-worn bicycle suit, shoes and leggins dropped into Heppoer from tbe east, coming in by tbe way of the Hinton oreek road. He at once prooeeded to Bert 8im ids' plaoe and proved to be an old valley friena of Mrs. Simons, who on bis way home from Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. John H. Scott, for that was who it proved to be, is a Salem boy. He was seen by a Gazette reporter and stated tbat be bad been taking a law oonrse at Ann Arbor, and bav'mg finished bis studies this year be concluded to return on a bicycle go that be ooutd see the country. Leaving Ann Arbor on June 18th last, he prooeeded by easy stages, taking aoircuitous route down through Southern Illinois and Missouri. Ia all he has traveled 4000 miles and looks brown but healthy. He rides a Trilby and left Saturday morning for bis borne. Mr. Soott went to school with Mr. C. A. Minor, manager of the' merchandise establishment of Minor it Co., at the Willamette University, and was known as a little boy by Dr. J. W. Rasmus. All enjoyed the renew. 1 of old acquaintanceship. County treasurer's salary School superintendent's aocount. Stock inspector's salary County Judge, salary account.... Deputy sheriff aooount Deputy olerk aooount Distriot attorney's aooount County commissioners' aocount. . Pauper aooount Road and bridge acoount County Sheriff, salary account.. . County Clerk, salary acoount... Stationery account Criminal aooount, justice court.. Kleotion aooount Criminal aooount, oirouit oourt. . Assessor s account Cou-t house and jail account.... Bailiffs acoount Expense Bocount Jury aooount Bounty on wild animals Total amount claims allowed and drawn . Outstanding unpaid oounty warrants day of September. 1896 Estimated interest accrued tbereon Total amount of unpaid county warrants. Statx of Obboon, ) County of Morrow, t I, J. W. Morrow, Oouaty Clerk of tbe Oounty of Morrow. State of Oregon. do hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true and correct statement of tbe number and amount of claims allowed by tbe county court of eaid oounty, for the six months ending on the 81st day of September, 1896, on what aooount the same were allowed, and tbe amount of warrants drawn, and tbe amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as tbe same appear upon the reoorda of my office and in Of the First National Bank at Hepp- my oflloial custody. Witness my hand and tbe seal of the county oourt of said county this 9th day of October, A. V. 1896. J. W. Uobbow, Oounty Clerk. How's This. We offer Oue Huodred Dollars Reward for any case of catarrh that oaonot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . F. J. Cbenbt & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, tbe undersigned, bave known F, J. Cheney fur the last 15 years, and be lieve him tu be perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their arm. West & Trunx, Wholesale Druggists, loieiio, unto. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mncous surfaces of tbe system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. iettimonialB tree. Sheriffs Statement Of the amount of money and warrants received for taxes and money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon, for tbe three months ending on tbe 31st day of September, A. V. 1896. Hon. Simon U. Uuckneb, Ken. tuckj'a candidate for vice presi dent knows the people of the lilue Qraaa state pretty well, and his opinion of the jolitical situation there is entitled to great weight Io an interview in Ne York be said: "I do not believe that thore is a reasonable chance of Mr. liryan's carrying Kentucky. I know from the report that bave oome too me that he has hurt him self in KeLtucky. The objections of Kentackians tu Mr. Hryau's spoechi'S are that he advocates most radical doctrines, which some Lavs interpreted to mean insur rection and internecine strife. We have Lad enough of that busl nets down our way. I repeat tbat there is no reasonable chance that Mr. Kijan is to carry Ken tucky." Mr. ISuckner's sentiments ate confirmed by the Louisville Courier-Journal, the most iuflurn- tial Democratic per south of the Ohio Itiver, and by Jmlgn llich ards, of Louisville, who, in a Utter to colonel John H. Nosier, declared he las bad no doubt about the republicans carrying the statu. A Had Accident. J. M. White, who resides at Lexing ton, was brought to Ueppner yesterday evening with a badly crushed leg, tbe result of an aooident which befell him about 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. White ha the eontraot to furnish be county 30 O'irdaof wood. and has been very busy lor smiie days past io the niouuUiust the head of Caldwell grade, banliug the wood end "banking" it oat Dear tbe Wilson pUoe so that be might more readily gt it to town should bud weathnrsel in. Us was making bis usaal trip yesterday morning with four horse-team and afoot 14' oords of grso pitch fur oa his wagon, and while o lining down c.fT the mountain tie glenoid bark to see bow bis little eoa wlm was a hundred yards or so io bis rear with a team, was making it, wheo bis twain leered to one side causing wheel to strike against a log which thrsw Mr. White omlir tbe wagon. He ooatile to entirely extricate bimsl( he fore one of tbe bind wheels paawed over his right leg beta-eeo the knee and I high, crushing II io a horrible tnaooer, Mr. White waa at one brought to town, and Drs. MjFuiI and doiubaroe sailed la to wait on blin. They found the in jury to be a compound frartars of the tbigb bone, and tbe fleab about it badly lareoralnd. The fracture was reduced aol Mr. While is si present realist very easy. one ins injury ia a very s vers one and will keep Mr. White ooeflned for some lime, be entertains no fear of any serious oooeeunaaees, sod being of rolnt nalaro be (till oome through tbe ordeal all right. DURING THE MONTH Or Date TO AMOUNT RECEIVED. - July Auguit .Sept. 180 In coin and currency 799 87 I12H7 44 1147S 3t In county, city and achool warrants Total received 799 pjtizn jfl475 36 DURING TBE MONTH OF Date. BV AMOUNTS PAID July Auju it dept. WM To County Treasurer I 791 87 11X17 44 11475 36 Total paid to Treasurer I 799 87f 1237 44 11473 36 MR. Wathon's outburst against lVyan's too partial recognition ol Bowall means a low of voU to the boy orator. Watson lias a ibvlJM following among the populist whom the 1G to 1 mesmerists Lave not Lypnoti.vL Waleon realises tbat unlr ths present arranga rnsuU Ls Las to show at all of liDg c!octl even shouKI Itryan win. He views Aryan's Media tions with l'lutorrat Kcwall, lUnk. t Hi. John ant) such unprinciplml politicians as (lot man, YoorLe an. I Vt with increasing suspicion, so J Lis warning to the poporratic cotubias ia no Ml threat WaU son make the bat shoving in ths prs-Notfffilr election. He wall' sUU, Vlaics, as almost oeaoL tnous for ths tepuUiran ticket, Lit in (Inorgla, WiUm'i Inftu tc U sun, by a largely Incr. 4 pnpuSUI vwU and a iktsocfitli All KrremaraS It. Ak your phyaifias. yottr druygiat and tour friratls etoul Hiolob s l ore for Ootiaaropllon. They will reouiBad it. rur sale by Hells Wants lUkaalkaa Minting. OS lat VI duo lay a(trn xin I be people of tleppaer re a Urea! U aa able manner ty lloa. J. ). Ie, of Portlao J.oo the loal laaure of tbe day Inim a repotilieaa slaadpilnL Mr. Lee alta mad al.lros al dilferenl pniats to aim (s.Qi.iy no Thorday and frl df, anjoa Hat ir lay eveuteg be egala pixa io large croej al Ihe oira bona r Ihe anapirwa of Ihe LaJiee' Mcklul-y ad llobait Cloh. Tbe laka was Inl.Hlae! in a Seal eaj sppripnie eirh t.f Ihe prwtdaat of Ihe elab. Mrs. time Oillaua.efci ( y Ibewa;, makes a fUnliJ em.'er. Mr. a bald IS altoii. lbs aa.liai.e ff bnl aa bear aed lecetf Storing many gwd and Ulling i-tiala dnHng bis logical ar(yt, lru('s erelealr I'lajM soma fx'l M tines ebirb viers rally a pr itl The ek4 with lbre rooamg c bears for aWKieUy 4 lU'tert, tbe repvtlteM si aa Jar J AMOUNT OF OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. on tbe 31st Amount of Amount of war claims allowed, ranta drawn. $ 249 99 8 249 99 448 70 448 70 .117 00 117 00 450 00 450 00 499 99 499 99 499 98 499 98 85 00 85 00 107 00 107 00 626 42 " 626 42 469 26 469 26 1200 00 1200 00 1200 U0 1200 00 326 06 326 06 351 54 351 54 554 30 654 80 259 00 259 00 412 00 412 00 193 84 193 84 82 50 82 50 204 26 204 26 271 25 271 25 16 00 16 00 $ 8624 09 9 8624 09 PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. ' $ 84.971 56 S 2,000 00 8 34.971 56 8 2,f00 00 Everything out of doors, from grass to sky, urges tired men sad women to tbink of health. Tbe listless, worked-out system natur- ally looks to days like these to undo the mieohief done to tbe nerves and brain by tbe long grind of tbe year past. Thou sands of tired eyes brighten at the thought of rest and reouperation. But soy thinking person must feel bow powerless a few days outing or a paltry, short vacation is against the. steady drain on strength and vitality tbat baa been going on so long. Only a positive, downright iuvigora- tor and purifier oao arouse the body out of its bad habit of poor health. Paine'a oelery compound will build up the exhausted, nervous organization. give tone to tbe entire digestive system, and assist it to fill tbe body with fresh life blood, abundant and rich. Paine'a oelery compound confidently oures nervous diseases by overcoming the faulty nutrition of these over-exert ed parts. It attacks rheumatism, neural gia, ana di oa impurities in toe same profound manner; rouses the exoretory organs to sweep ont the annoying bad humors, and thoroughly rids the body of the last traoe of impurity. - This extraordinary remedy is the one msana accounted sufficiently eff jotive by ' pbyeioiaus of wide pratio eto be relied on in cases of debility arising from what ever cause. It is the only remedy pre pared under tbe ercs of tbe medical pro fession and in strict accordance with the directions of a pbysioinn of acknowledg ed ability. Pnine's oelery compound was first used and perscribed by no leas eminent a man than A-merion's greatest physician, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D, of the Dartmouth Medioal Sobool. No ordinary help, no well-meaning but unprofessional oonnection.sasraparil la or blood purifier could do what Paine's celery oompound is able to accomplish; cure men and women of such diseases as kidney troubles, liver oumplaiot, dyspep sia, or permanently drive away and there's the point tbat no sufferer should lose sight of permanently drive out of the system, rbenmutism, neuralgia, and all skin affections. Nerves and brain can be worked out. This is the oondition of thousands of exhausted nervous systems that have been almost worked to death in schools, oonnting rooms, faotories, and stores. Shaky nerves, flabby musoles, muddy complexions, sod the general appear ance of wea iuess and pain tell tbe story of evbaustioo. Persistent headaches go with nervous debility. That terrible throbbing of the heart comes from a wreobed condition cf tbe nervous system. Muscular rheumatism, those dizzy spells and tbat sense of weight on top of the head mean failing vigor. Tbe sure way to get back to perfect health of body and brain is to regulate and nourish tbe nerves by means of Paine'a oelery compound. It is a searching oure for all diseases tbat indi cate vitiated blood. It builds up strength replaces nsed-up parts by new, vigor ous tissues; regulates tbe heart's action, and finally arouses tbe exoretory organs tbe kidneys, especially, upon whose vigilant activity depends the health and purity of tbe system. Nothing so quiokly builds up the tired system as this great invigorator and nerve reulator Men in offloial positions in nearly every department of tbe publio service have gone out of their way to send letters of thanks and allow their names and letters to vouch for this great remedy. Pain's celery oompound accomplishes remarkable results because it worka in telligently with a definite aim always in sight of purifying the blood, getting the wasted system again nourished and tbe vital organs working with ease and regularity. REPORT OF THE OONDITION ner, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business, Oct. 6, 1896. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $149.382 57 Overd'fisseoured aud unsecured 4,386.96 U. S. Bonds to seoure circula tion 12.500.00 Premiums on D. 8. bonds 875 00 Stooks, securities, eto 16,235.90 Banking-house furniture, and nxtures 3.884.44 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 19.83 48 Due from approved reserve agts. 13,475.21 Checks and other cash items.. 101 81 Notes of other National Banks 1005.00 Fractional paper ourreooy. niokels and cents 96 30 LAWFUL MONEY BEHRVC IN BANK, VII: Specie 814,064 15 Legal tender notes.. . 00 14.292.15 Redemption fund with TJ. 8. rreaeurer (0 per cent, of circulation) 5C2.50 00TS AND SHOES- THE PLACE TO GCTTH EM IS AT Btatb of Obeook, ( Oounty of Morrow, i I. E. L. Matlock, sheriff of said oounty, do hereby oertify tbat tbe fore going statement is oorreot and true. Witness my band this 1st day of October, A. V. 1896. E. i Matlock, Bherirrof Morrow (Jouoty. By J. W. Matlock, Deputy, Semi-Annual Statement Of the Oonnty Treasurer of Morrow County, Oregon, for tbe ail months ending on tbe 81st day of Heptember, A. D. 1806, of money received aod paid out, from whom reoelved aod from wnat source, sua oo wbst acoount pawl out: foTalTT 8230,681.32 LIABILITIES. pitnl stock paid iu . . 850.000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits, les expen se and taxes paid 22,978 80 National Bunk Notes out standing 11.2.-.0 00 Due to other National Bunks.. 4,070 02 Due to Htate Banks and Hank ers 2.127 41 Individual di-posita subject to check 10t.4H7.B7 Demand oertificnU's of deposit 32.7tll.92 DATE. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. 1896. To amount oa band from last report amis reo'd from Ooonty Olerk... " M " Hberin " " " (IE, Jooes, J. P - " " J. M. White, J. F. " " " HohoolHupt " - HUM Treasurer.. - " W. A. Kiobardson FROM WHAT HOCUCK RKCK'D. Fees earned.... Taxes Floes Kines OF.XF.RAL. SCHOOL IlKD. rtMl. 1 ss t 1135 M 1720 23 lie baa anything in this line that you may desire and yon can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantee! it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. 5 ENGLISHBUSINESS ar w aaaa aan asm was aautu - PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy, i 'A V-'""1 r-"" --! " i a iii n m m w mi Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? 16179 83 4 Hi) 37 A 00 10 00 17 8.1 131 CO 18 45 Total 8'W.W1.82 Htatb or Ohwion, ( Cocktt or Moanow, l I, Oeorire Conner. Cahier of Ihe shove named Hank, do aolemnly swear Hint the shove statement is true to the beat of my knowledge and twlicf. I Vl I aaitBS t uailitaiS Hulacrile,l and aworo to bffore m tiiia All these can lie procured at Thompaon & Binns, Ixwer Main Street, 12th day of Oci.ll. , Ueppner, Orecon. v. E. li. raisLAXO, I Thw itillmon are ll arqualnt4 with Grant, llaror, front. Gilliam anil other COUIitlas, Aotnry 1 UlillO for Or'goo. I and ran aara monrf aixl tl u In maklug tliex awlluaa with traellii men. lorrwj-Atleel: r A. Ilhea. T. A.I tinea, 4. u, naner, inferiors. ifM Arc You in Need of a Saddle x iorse r I17H&0 fO WW B7 DATE. 1KU6. AMOl'KTS PAID OUT. uimkral) By aroouol paid ont o Coonty WarrsoU Hy amooel poid ool Htate Tas Hy amoonl paid not oo Heboul Hunt. Warrants.. lly balance (ensral road oo band by balaooe sohowl faod oa band STHOU. riMD. rMilaa4 Kxlt. for the Oregon Indoatrial Elpllioo to be bold st 1'orilaod. Hrpt. 10. 1KN1 Ageol Hart. t.f lbs O. R. k N. Co., wili sell special sicoraion tirkrts si lbs rat of one sod ooe fifth fare for the round I 7317 8J I ,r'f A" sects for two aJmiaaioo 1SR3 40; moooits Io lbs Eipneiiiun, maklof In all 773 63 fv for lb round trip. Hotline d"S al ll-npn.r ars Het I. 22. V, (tot, 6 an l 13. liokels tii.t-e M-pt I mm ii em u I17H50 D BuM 87 Ocl. t, 9 sed 1. If. Bo AD SVSD. By balaoos oa baod last report To Caab paid sol oa warraats 8 300 00 re balaooe lirjO 93 8 130 W Dalanes oa band cbool tusraicTO. Ry balaooe oo band last report. Hy rash of Hberiff , To Saab pakl dhatrtet sletks.... To tttlaocs 9 won 8 1XM W 8 8 S' 4 84 in m 41 1 4. CD 61 Trail M Hale ec Tr4. Jam Ha gat bae a floe M of froil, OotMiiatltig cf fall snd winlar Spples, which be rffrs f .r ! al one oral t pound. He 111 alao eoreil Is ! br for poala, WixhI of obeal, d. llrd al bis plaoe fnor !' ab-vs llapt eer Tboee during fruit sboulj s nfrr with alai. if. 8 4u7a 4a 8 am 42 mr or aarmsa. Hy eaeh of Hberilf Ta raab pl4 city trees srer , Ts balaoee osj baod m 1 iKamrrs rrao Py sasb of oossly school soporiaUsdesI 8 7 J J 8 733 36 8 II it im "i.iruit, in mg jm.ljmnt, wKlhrr tkt thrrn arrnrtr rrerirrt One frt IT.1.W. - t jtru. l ffitm ; II .IlMm J. in (A nf R') rtrttttrl wkr tkt II Umm bill NM naau SsTaTS. Ily raab osj bao4 34 00 .8 10 10 will f tats or ()aan. County of Morrow, 1. 1 rank Oilliara, do brby ertiff that lbs forvvolaa' Is a trwa atJ erc4 elalaaMwl of lbs amoaals rote4, seid oat sa4 rosBataiss- bead, to Ihe anoal v trooaary of sm4 rooety r Ihe alt sanaiM Mdinf osj tbe II al day ol rWpteaitwf. K. !. i vi niaw nay a and ibis ia uay a iarmoa, AV. IV. Fbabb Uilausi, CosBty Treeeerwr. I brwosb iraias oa lbs (K IL A ,N, mo Via. t'tratllU. Walla Wall l'rdblio. Tbmaf b a!r'. Srvl a4 wl rl, will rue Is ooat.a who H I'sU'S 1'atina, lb m m bru tot. A Ibmngb flrl elnae alp 1'ort- land t- fpla, aaHmg (tb lb Iral ! lrpmf Io ft, 1'anl, and a hr.m4B ,rl tf-rt I.fl!a4 U HI raal. ll s) to 0'nnaxli.Mi Hb IK (Irtnl tbr fniloay If "It U immalrtml, in jt,,!,jmrml wkttk0r I A aA armnr owlni may I'rlrra In kwpliif with the tlmaa. . THOMPSON & BINNS, BUCKS! BUCKS! y Don't buy your Bucks until you sec the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham hand, of Pilot Hock, which will soon he in Hcppncr. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. IS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Semi Annual Summary Statement. Iif tbe flaaonial ooodiUnsi 4 the nnwaty of Morrow, la Ihe Mais of Orf, os Ike Slal day ol ri-BJbt, k. l. "WJ; I fmtm Iks l.r-i W itr avnl . . I I IIH To Bftal Jraws os Ihe Ouonly TrMrr, s4 nnMnaJing aJ nn- I II AfAr J r i-a' 4 lumf Ml. I Ittl'l.i ToMtniiaU.1 nnulof tl.rl SArral laetuo. ...'!!!'" ia1" 1rr1 f-Ik of Kseley InsliluU' Total UaUlltlaO. 4 farl Bi knaolni (auo pi !, ta irlri, I eesiooala and all Tbrt ai.J tong J ots nt1 hf Moloo'i Coir. sale b vt nlle Wwraa Rrxjcr-CLH. By f sad la baod of (Vasty Troaearof arplkaUs to lbs a;! of onanly warvanta , , M r f 1 .?.!-' "1 I'l ietl opi4 enrreBt laaas atoboaMe ia lb ByBinl of snty I hj T. ; T. ' ift i k f U -L-r-V';.rr r; r' l Tolal tWeaer .. .i ,.., ,,, , I "ClI S b i i a, 4 I-or t!to On ii 1.1'jtntr.Ojiium i-4To!annllahii ll is e4 fi.(i.. i 7V H.f fWaftaf Tvrn oa (ft I Wet , i .il a in uiittm tmt tum a iii.MMii liiaiaiaal pi't 4 tml The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.