Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 09, 1896, Image 4

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TO Til 15
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details call on O. R. A N.
Agent ta Ueppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
E, McNEluL, President and Manager.
Stin Irnnolsoo
And all poinU In California, vie the ML BhuU
ruut ut the
Southern Pacific Co
The smut hlehwny through California to all
point Kut end Month. Grand Hoenla lloute
of the IWto Count. Pullman Hnflet
HlMIrs. Bwoond-olass Bleeper
Attaehad tnexpra trains, atfoHins superior
aowimuodatttm foramind-oliuw aenra.
For mM, tiitketa. aliwpiug oar rwarvallun,
ate,, rail npon or addres
. kOKHLKK, Manager, . P. ROOERfl, Ant.
Sen. F. A Y. Agt.. Portland, Oregon
m mm
catcking "j:g i:.za.
Bow the Bl-'tk ":::.!! r a -sht Id
Southern V .tiUmiin.
"It is cntcrt;:;,-i'-.i; to wtjTi San
Diegans catch" ni-u t:ic:,". fiays a trav
eler. 'I,'ir:, V.-a v l uit a r-.;:;nav hook
with a bit cf v.v ; : 1, ur.d csitjh a min
now. Xlica tl:cy I.;u '.':c minnow on a
larger hoolc, and fch with it to capture
a smelt. V.'hn the? rr the smelt they
take their he.kvy :;;.u-li:;iiinr tackle,
place the unolt on the hook, nnd po to
angling fcr a hslibr.t or sea bass. After
they get their hclibut or sea bass, and
the bigger cither i.i the better, they
bait it on a hook which is as big as a
small anchor with only one fluke. This
hook is attached to a lino a quarter of
an inch hi diameter. When all is ready
the fishermen whirls the big hook with
the halibut on it several times around
his head, and then gives il a toss out
into the water. Away it iiails thirty or
forty feet.
"Say, for instance, that this black
bass fishing is being done from the
long do-lc ct San Diego. San Diego
bay is about the best place for this
fishing along the coast, although the
fish are plentiful' at other places. After
the baited end of the lino is east the
other end is coiled on the dock, and an
empty keg or quarter barrel, or some
thing like that, is tied to it. Then the
fisherman gets in his rowboat, taking a
harpoon with hiin, and waits for a bite.
Seems queer, hero in the east, doesn't
it, to g o out after black bass? The
trouble is, you see, that the black bass
of those southern California waters
weigh fron three hundred to one thou
sand pounds, end it wouldn't bo much
use to go out lifter them with ily tackle
and an eight-ounces rod. That's what I
said. I'liousimd pounds. And it's
true, every word of it. It isn't often
one as large us that is taken, but they
have been, and will be again. I helped
kill one once tint weighed six hundred
pounds. It took over live hours to do
It, but that na1! nothing extraordinary,
for a two hundred pounder will give his
captors a good three hourrt' fight any
'SomeUini'iioof these monster bass
will be ready at baud when the halibut
or sea bass bait goes sailing through
the air and hinds with a splash in the
water, and w'ul seine it immediately,
but more fivf.'.e.ntly there is. more or
less of a waiii for the big fish to bite.
When he ti'la. s the bait, true to bass
nature, away he goes with a rush. In
stantly as inany persons on the deck as
can get a hold on the line seize it and
slacken the tremendous fellow's pace if
they can. If he doesn't hitpprn to be
too big they can generally fetch him
to, but that i i a rare occurrence. Usu
ally the line whizzes through their
fingers at a rate that makes more than
one of those having hold of the line
drop it qui-kly to save their hands
from blistering. The shore end of the
lino is soon n ached, and it Is dropped,
for those handling it would bo pulled
head lir.,1 o.'T tlu.-de k if they held to it.
Then tin1 c:-i;if y keg or barrel plumps
overboard, mid the water chase is on.
The fishermen i:i the bout follow the
barrel as it is towed swiftly over the
surface, nnd if the I'.'.h is a particularly
large one 1', frequently happens that
there will be a long, stern chase of tho
barrel before the bout overtakes it,
that being tlit- oitjeet of the men In the
An Alttmipt to h iivn I lot (irrut Myatery
of llinl ."..titration.
In nn article on "IlinU of Passage
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
We condemn the present administra-i
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. Th" Kepab
liosn party favors such protection as will
lead to the production on American soil
of all sugar whiob American people nse
and for which they psy other countries
more than 9100,000,000 annually.
liberty. The government of Spain bav-
! iog lost control of Cuba and being unable
to proteot the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to oomply with
its treaty obligations, we believe the
government of the United States should
actively nse its influenoe and good offi
oes to restore peace and give indepen
dence to the island.
The Republicans of the United States,
assembled by their representatatives in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievements of
80 years of Republican rule, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
principles :
For the first time sinoe the civil war
the Amerioan people have witnessed the
calamitous consequences of full and On
restricted Democratic control of the
government. It has been a reoord of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed lodispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled op the public ment of the j
debt by $262,000,000 In time of peace,
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of the shop
and faotory; to hemp, to wool, to the
product of the great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring the early Amerioan
policy of discriminating duties for the
upbuilding of our merohant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing nnder tbe Stars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icansmay regain the carrying of our
foreign commerce.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It oaused tbe enaot-
aw providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then everv dollar has been as good
perpetual menace hanging over tne re- .
m m a A ' J!l I
We are unalterably opposed to every
demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measures and results of euooessful Re
publican rule. In the broad effect of its
policy it has precipitated panic, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
and wages, baited enterprise and o rip
plod American production while stimu
lating foreign production tor tbe Ameri
can market. Every consideration of
publio safety and individual interest
demands that the government shall be
rescued from the bands of those who
have shown themselves iDOspable to
oondaot it without disaster at borne and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
the party whiob for 30 years admin
istered it with uoequaled sucoess and
prosperity; and In this connection we
eartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
and suooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison.
NOT vn cnirrillf IQT theVh:1;:;:;;a;s',y;iioned;.z:
Mul nnli OUUIJILrtk)' xi.lum.tiou for lb- ,-rn.t mystery of
Through Pullman I'alarc HIci'Imt.
Tn.itl.l HI.-.-.t ami Krca Him lining Club
Can liAlLY to Oiling".
Many hi.nr aavi-d via tlila line to Kailrrn
k. n.XTt:n, ;. Awt.
'nrfiimf, Ortgnn
J. ('. IIAUT, Ayrut, Ilfimtr, Oregon. riici billy when u l.ne rain U Tilling,
iiiulut mlc i,r li.i.i ling Mm are heard.
bird inigralioii, there being nothing
else t lint wi.l innnit, be ill have to
accept the theory of hereditary Knowl
edge, a knowledge of the unfailing
M ii i h, 'I'lie (oi ut Ih ur and Orion up
peitrcd ut the uuur time in our region,
even mIii u the !ivt lotiH of land and
water were vi ry difTcrciit than they
are toiluv. That the sturs are the
guides for bildi iigreca with the fact
thai they Ily ut remarkable heights,
often ubove the i loinln, nnd that wan
derer lose l'nir way hen hey at ray
Into chunk II 11,1 I . . I . ' H.
On kturli.-bt night htrg:rliiig birds
arc tx I. Mi i ii.it i. .'.I. hi ii I he sUy ia
overo I, u In i the nig! t Is d irk, but
T SolintiflO AmerlcM
S Agency r
M VLr Ttaot mail,
ti.t'4 Dlsicaj aviS)T.
fnf tf wat" a1 trm Man.li-
Mea o . mi H'i.i.af, aaw t.
t t tl I.,! If M l'h wf.
iwIkm I f fl. trm 4 itf la Ik
eg Scientific ntcrirau
t ffrmttD r4 tmt t4Mt aiM tm
.i4 liM-o.ii. .i,,rM. I h . liiliif-t
asa It Urn llh. It, f I
K I t in ' i h a csa
aufata. ! lHvla, ImI lu.
Iwankes & 51. Pail ft'y
Tbe peace and security of the republio
and tbe maintenance of its rightful in
fluenoe among the nations of tbe eartb
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor continued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seaooast defenses.
For the protection of the quality of our
Amerioan oitizBUsbip and of wages of
our workiogmen against the fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
tbat tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United States those
who oan neither read nor write.
The civil service law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, wbiob has always sustained it,
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever practi
We demand that every citizen of the
United States shall be allowed to cast a
free and unrestricted ballot, sod such
ballot shall be counted and returned as
Wa proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous
nractice known as thelvnchins orkillins
agreement with the leading commercial of homan lnge suspected or obarged
nations of tbe world, wbioh we pledge with crime, without prooess of law
ourselves to promote, buu uuvu buuu no NATIONAL ABBITBATION.
t i i m ..;.;,, I
.fc-tBeuien .u u. uu...u .u We creation of a national
gold standard must be preserved. All of arbitration to settle and adjust
of our Bilver and paper eurrenoy now in I the differences which may arise between
circulation must be maintained at a employers and employed engaged in in
1.1 j .. .n m.a. terstate oommeroe.
parti wuu gum, buu w v . w.
n ra. itaainn aA in main t.in inviolable the IIOME8T1AD8
obligations of tbe United States and all We believe in tbe immediate return
... In Ik. fu. kM.in.laDl li nl lh.
our money, whether coin or paper, ai ine 'u """"""-
present standard the standard of the
To the Editor t I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely uss
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. & proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send two bottles fret to tnose or your rwucr a
who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCUM. H. U. iki reari ai., new iotju
g!7- Tha Editorial ana Baslne Management 01
measure caloulsted to debase oar eur
renoy or impair tbe oredit of our coun
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
coinage of sliver, except by international
publican party, and urge the passage
by congress of the satisfactory tree
homestead measure wbiob has already
passeal the bouse and is now pending
in tbe senate-
We favor the admiasion of tbe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest praotioabl
I date, having dui regard to tbe interest of
Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-'
ent business conducted for Moderatc Fees, i
Our Ornci is Oppositi; U, s. patent Orrict
and we can secure patent in less blue than tlione
1 1 1 1 v 1. m!iI (twnn.1
bena moaci, orawing or puuiu., whm
tinn. We advise. It Datemauie or noi, ire in
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
, a s...uirT " How to Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign counuies
sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C.
Th e com parati ve ralu e ofth tw o cards
" la known to most persons." '
They flluitrate that greater quantity ia
' Not always moat to be desired.
Theae cards expreas the beneficial qoal-
- Ityof
4a compared with any prtvfoualy knows)
Ripana Tabulea : Price, so cent a bostj
- Of dniKglsu, or by mail.
i D. C, for their $1,800 prise oflev.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. dt P. Kt. W. at U.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sti.,
The regular subscription price of thai
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian'
is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 93.60. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe wall be entitled to
the same.
NewFbed Yabd. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
tbe Gazette office, and now solicits a
Bbare of your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
I V . ,v
1 xN
V 0 '
Hint r-noTAavN.0 jt f .
"""V tkfl 1 S at tl ( M
' a A
Tlien llii'V nil ift 11, doiibtleN fi.rthi)
j urMise of I.i eiinj,' In nr i-ueli other;
and often it. .it iiiiinU rn of them
Ixaind ii,"nint the window of li;rlit
liiiiiM I he 1 ..it U' h.i olivrvi il that
mi O, luber I - from Is 11 o'ehx k at
lihlit till the next iii"rnin ('olden
i n iti d w n ti'i ta-.i.'tn d bl,e know lluhrs
agulied Ihe Ii.-IiI'k.ii of Heligoland,
ami that on the folio ing tin v ruldi-n
rrintrd w n nn t ut on rvery iuar fMt
Of lll-tik'olttiul.
Toward the end of (lie aiunmrr, along
Into the fall.it u not a rare oeour-
rrii. im dnrk nlt;ht to a, through
he H(.'lit of ktrtet I.iiiii-n bird Dying
liver Inland titiea. The rsMlrnes-4
obarrvr rceiivMiie by lteall tliorur
lew and the atrand iiI;h'. M-n aw albn
and M'ngull, "i i-i.iii.iilv hear wrn
tlie flap of ll ir i.ie, lint lot bird Is
l.il.te lit the it.it Lni .v tin dutit lil'ht
no iBr'iruri tin nit Ut! nt the atrsy
tug bird low l, ny. llieatartare
thv tiMi-t flii..iM,' i iii.li ti t'irds In
their initial tii lint only tlio future
ran ti ll whrllii-r they really arrvt
la thai rai Ut
most enlightened nstioos of 104 " ttb.
The veterans of tbe Union armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
sod generous recognition. Wbeoever
practicable they abooJJ be given prefer
We renew and emphasize our alle-I f nee in me matter or employment ana I the territories and tbe United Slates. All
gianoe to tl4 polioy of protection as the tbey are entitled to the enactment of federal officers appointed for territories
bulwark of Amerioan industrial Inde- such laws as are best Calculated to se- boulJ be selecteJ from boos fide reel-
..ndence and the foundation of Amer. car. the fulfillment of pledge, made to Y Z
. m. I il I a 1 J -tw J .1 a. i.i
can development and prospeniy. inis iu u.r u.7. vi toe ooantry s jo,bU We believe tbe citizens of Alas
true Amerioan policy tares foreign pro- peril. We denounce tbe praoho. in tbe jka should bsve represeutstion in the
hu ts and encoursgM home industry and pensioo bureau, so recklessly and nn-
puts the burden of revenue on foreign justly osrried on by the present adminls
goods; it secures the Ameriosn msrket tration, of reduoitg peosions and arbi
fortbe American producer-, it upholds trarily dropping names from the role a.
the Amerioan standard of wages for the deserving tbe severest condemnation of
American wotkingraen; it puts the fan- tbe American people.
lory by the side nt tbe farm, and makes 01 fobkion Policy.
the Ameriosn farmer lee. arpenaeoi on Uur orein oohct should be at all
foreign deaaod and price; it diffuses lroe j, ,jgoroni aod dlgmfleJ, and
general thrift, and founds th. .treogtb all onr j0,.rtlU ( lu, wesipm hemls-
ofall on the strength of each. In its D c,r.f0ii, ,uheJ and euarded
reasooable .j plication it U Just, fair and Tn, h,.,,,, uisnd. should be controll- opportoniti-e, equal psy for equal
Impartial, e.(nslly rpjKised to foreign Uf, hy the United State., aod eo foreinn "0,k n1 P'cH tb. borne. We
rmilrol and domestic monoDoly: toWKl- .i...i.i k- u.i f0 saJm leaioo of women to wider
.... , ... , sniwri atJIIWUlU WW kFW I U llll U Wl lUiniriW I. ..a . . ...
. , :! 1... 1 spheres of nr ulceus ana welcome their
t,,.n.l ilUriunnatton and loduidu h,m. ,b Vkm e,0., ,Doolil , ,b, mitf tnm
f.ivoritiro. Weileoouoos the present i,. bo. .-..j 0D.r.i-a by tbe lV.mnAr.ilM anil Pnnnllet miimanaaemeal
drmnerstic tariff ee sectional, irjurloua rjoited State; and by tbe parcbeee of n! misuse.
ta public credit and destructive to bnsl- lb, ujaj, Ulaods we sbi.nlj secures! Such are the principle, aod pollrlea
sees toterpria We demand sooh Brotmt Ult ,..ae. njej iUlioll 1- ib, of lbs repobllcso party. By these prin
equitable tariff 00 f..lgo Import. Iilrbl WfM)t idlf,. WJ.. and tbee. polMe.
, . , , wo win put in mi vsuiiun. vw mu ir
com. into tMBpemk "itb American Tb. rn.-ee.es U Armet.1. have aroiw- Ul.B lh i..u judgmeol of lb.
priJuil.as will nt only fornlab ad- ad be deep sympathy aod Just lojigoa- America! pi(,U. GioflJent siike In
quale revenue for tbe oeeeetary eipeo j()0 u( tbs Aoieriean people, and we be-1 tbe history of our great party and ia the
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of tho Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
Ky ry-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
congress ol tbe United States to the end
tbat needed legielatioa may be intelli
gently enaoted.
We sympathise with .11 wise and le
gitimate efforts to letsea and prevent tbe
evil, of intemperance and promote mor
The Ilepublioan party is miodful of
tbs rights of women. Proteotl'n of
Amerioan iodotlries include, equal
PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Maoarer,
5i8 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C
IT. B.TMl Compmw U tonlnlltd by nrttrly on thoutand hading net-
papa in (Ae V nil ft fttalei, and it guanntetd y Mem.
I , . -v
arr tt ir.e.M. m . ar . . at . at e . . m a -. . . m . m pm jaj r o
Attorneys at Law,
All busiues. attended to ib a prompt and a.tiafaotory
manner. Notaries i'nblic and Collector..
iu iiiivi ttiiva a uvii ivuuiiu sv.v '
anfinn h
mivii v w
Leavtof Alder Hlrm-t I-ck. rortlasd, for Astoria, Ilwseo, Loaf Deaeh, Ocee
Perk and nabeotta. Ihreel eonoeetion with Ilw.eo eUamersj and rail
road; also at Tooog's 11 ay with Seashore IUilroed.
Imh Purllan4 T A. M. Pally, eirept Sunday. Leeves Astoria J P. M. Dally, eteept Sunday,
see of tbe government, but will protect ii... ik. UnlUd State, aboold eierriee JB,,' Mr wee w. prnt our plat- Portiamt I P. M tMiy. epi Simday. aamntay nihi. 11 p a. Imhi AsineU Pally .
a I.I... t...m II,. .l.alallnn tol-i. a . . . I f.iflS) Slid OUT O.OdklatM I. lb. full ma
1. u.. . .. ...... 1 an IB lou ioaoo 11 dbb properly eieci m
tb. wag. level of other Lode, Ibrioc tbee. t4reeiliee to aa eod. I.
W. are oo pledged to aoy particular Xorkey A merle ao reaideole bsv. beea prosperity to lb. people of tbe United
ebedulis, Tbe q ieetioo of rates Is s tlprt4 to tbe graveet dcrs sad Sietee.
praelical quralloa Ut be goveroed b in,,,.) ptoperiy destroyed There
rotiditinesuf tbe tlm.aad of pfodetit. ,0i tffb,r, Amerkao cltise. aod
f 1 'it llHWUttf ri.ll, ISJ l jmymmn
, I rfi-r f. 'i-i jroiTfr reren-
J I lnfftl fnm lh fun or hnl
r I II L.lL.m La .1. ... ...a ..,( I nm fur
frtt nhJ ,Vfri- froB t)ffk n
It ifnim J. fre.m in lh llout i.f lirp-
rrtrnl.it iff trhtn IK II tJe I iH '
a r dinsi.. euf ii ,
k " - IIIPMIIllllt
tv X Is Hhilob'. me. A aegWriel txmifli
te danafa. Htep II at tte wllh
i'J. " .T- Hl ib b Cere. .,r sate ty Wells a
SIS ViA. Msrpsandaf 4 Monday, oondajr alabt, T P.
Una) PnHtaM and run dtrwl to llaiam. Ttuwlav and Tkawtay l I A. M. fetarMav'si It.U.
Lam, liaaro taiu.iaf aa4 rrMay el i e. si. oa aaiwiay nif ai at r. as.
Fa:7i-e Cklri Ii CiHrotj DrsiistSiM M EVifbfj Frtt of Crprtst
Poe ftafrly, Spawl, Cooifnrt, fUMura, Trarel the Telephone, Wiley OaUert ao4 Oraea Wave,
TVs talaa ll. t.lrxaW mxA Blnaiflst lew 4.
Tbeteliogand aaeomprumieieg ptloci- 401ft),B properly mst be ab!at!r I lml la crn. wii.r. aiMheam. arJcxW
Pie is tbe pMerlio aod d.ve..poseol of Molcca,j iU fcrtMd- koJ , 1 ?"rf 'UiTJ,t'?
I I sill'1 v . tea t ci ay mwm 1 mm
Mosaoa Docratsa. Ointment, Many very bad cm- nave Iww fll
I twnneraentlv rar4 I V IL II I entiali?
W. reaeeert the U at. rue doctrine la s.see4 0 li. hln piU snd 1 1 faerMHierrtn-
ir kr s.re riitw; rmi i-i utiauv run
. - ( . . ... - .1-1. . . . I '
no iiiwi eiiaai mu wo maiaj sne blaina. trM htirm. ai iknuM e
Hght of tbe UsiUd Htete. to ait. tb. ' " b dntqiais at 55 cents f bot.
doetH. sffeet by reepeadlef to tbe p Try Ir. ra4 fJllUa peweVrs, tfc
srejiw hsl Hnea ... oluii la tavl nU-
Aoiencaa IsW and iaduelry. Tbe
eountrv denaeds rlabl tllool and
Ibea it wants rest.
ia amrtviiTTT.
We Wlieve lb. repeal of the reelpruei.
Glanco at this Map
W arraa .
111 1 nrf ! 1'rtil l n vie lleppetf
I rtio hiage 'etatoe dealinea if
tlellieg 1'eedMoa S.e sate lime aal
nni t'jr tab 11 this ni. lira..
inainlina Ibe s.eale tbs 4tta etee
!. Ibe ! will teaks rnneei4i eltb
1 M.-1 lm l I tin I re.M.u,
I m. 1 .f . l.uMa.a.1.1. na ffria.tla 1 . ... .
tr arret g-mrtjl aegoliated by lb laat I ' - " Its. tll pn!M-rai4 wrsuilufsv,
IUp-iUimo aJmialelraliu wa. a ... ' .ee. of sveropees) ... r-r ,,u b f A Ijfc, d.esglets
al e.lamilr ami we demand tbrir renew- "bmeel.
i . . . ..ki.,.Mi!l We ehelj tot be ieterfered a.d shall "I ia immnUri.il, in mg ju.ljmnl,
aland eitei..!, o. .nrb lerss.ae will eUWIa.iW r.vr rir.i .
equalise nnr lis le Hb other BSlt.tM, lotel ellk Ibe eillis pneoeee- (,w.ln JU t,irtg
. i. te of ear Kemneea pew ta Ibis tkr K tl.s oe iit nt I nm f
remove reeuieiumo iK.vm - - , frr0 4 ,ffw,
the eale i4 Amw leaa piodeete ta pe " r--- nU'we J. Hrp-ie e lh It cf .v,
uf e.t,er e-iaiit. aol .reeelsif U ,,UJ4
fa a a a a a a. a 1
For tho Cur o
Uquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It Is toresai al fhslaea, Oreaws,
TU Uomi timtifl Tom on tXt Qxut
Call al ike Oaierre eelee fae saieHnlate
MnrU) aaaa.l.miaL tmiant prVteaeaa. ewe
Is. .11. 1 s, s . s
.mk.U fi Ibe pimlurts of tmt larma, '
aal WilhlrseaJ of LampeM! pneere,
I . ...
rvacfil'iriree trftee A It PtU
n.lrr ri"i Irrtti".
f.feal en J frt.ie
frBlrrd. aal tealpfoeily are tela
.--." I -- w---f.v 1
. is. , r a"t ! 1 !a.- " 'aiaHs
.'.' U ? ei 4 1.1 i
.-a I '.'a- !.!,! 4Me
r I. ll't T. l
I li'l,t r.a. .Vi
rtva, free
fnoa tble bn.ti.ba.e aed tetbealUatete
a,,., f lt.ral.Hea H'f. f n M fri U
keel ia bM,d. lWef.lle rale bee U of Its to-
Mbtetysreb Jea bntb, a d t4b babtt.eta.
nin.l t te e.iebtiebe.1; pei4stka fas rrna aaat.rTa.
t.at ee ! '-!.. Iee Uaioa M tbe vtm ,u bw eekietig lUir ee.
I. i..a, k,,llfi f ,,f, ..ki, 4 m pt , UaKl.nee, tbe Pple 4 tbe l M
"". -ifai araB f aaafaal ejUle bare ferVJ allb l;apelhs lb.
free Ibeeaeetree fmsa !. weter
r1 1
m II I 1.1. , MHnl ..t M ti Sail
f M l ea Uii-t ( all laa.N
iMnlal i.a sM at I l a-1 ', M
...-.!( 1 1.. I la I'.ki. itiia4 eliaeiw.
I .l i-J tnM It ex .i iiwi.lU
. l itu..lk.U llfta.a a 1. . mi. A
...H..-..at.i-.t..i....a a MH.ee at IM le'
.m.i i- -' i-ti. Wv I rf'--".
. . 1 ..... ......
.S ti4il"e ' tae lo ia en 1 I i
ii im tt I e tbe time Hi g-t ta w m lit ( tbtetxi eU.t ie rj-a aei le re- j etieg Ue) ef eb AaBeeteea pept
.-4 a-t ' .- t.t-ri Otraiaa. Ike r-l ee.pff , f 4 raf mlt to Mker..
It eWeat ibtketlaa t.U be i.l . . , A u . . .......
I le a.iana. , M Us b.H.f ) ' r
,..,... f a... r.,.r.e.at..a.!. aMuaK .M am ewe Aetlt j iu,M t Ur Unleef lb. tKae
inll.a.t.t. wteeeii tl. a a f f ..,.. I.m ; ..ie,iy 11 te p ff-i tsl,,o ...! riaallf I ertee!-,
I I .11. ...I I ...,.! I ! U .t .1 ' "
I llasler. en eeir-iil.il ti. ' '
tt. We we'sh elib tmt aUJiag
llu-k U.lk.as la alitt al ika n'.J atat..!
s H.f lte paH ffiee, fins t ta t t 't :
petr4 le 4a aatllia- t bie lin. f tSlzTZ.
Hfcaeieg. hair teltiag bat I.' 4e . el I ' I f -f
Thl I tatt.twN-Hr. 7lV
ra44 H rm , ! ee a., VT '
a r.oa s4a a lt U -!-4 4 A
sk M a ll-nli 4 Hat r t aei V
(lit !' ef-! t A'mm-
Sfvie fnm at M H tM h' if
llv t-iuttiirm,
be vtext m , .w tk .iy
JJUe J.Aa r.H it ft a fi'W,M -l
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri-
. , . a ., . . i . . , ljl . I m .,.
,ia aa aa eai-,.. MMlt- h- l al M tke fell j r, t e. a. ,1 a.'.MH Sa-e-
...... . .
wu ii nan l an in r. ' I a . . . a a
..,,a. .., r f,cc. in need ii in vour Dusincss. nnu as a
. re I . If aa imIM I '
;.a ..!. U 'n.4 faMMt a.U. I 4.
I I a..r.fc. Ibte, Y. t
'j ! !
matter tt hustness vc nuin sell it.
TlIK PATTrCtiWi.N PuilMitUKG Co.
l-ee ! s4 tlhe.
', ,) o
4A4Ma.4 etal te ISW aay s.rw ai 4 lMak, M