Where They Met. McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Says "Bryan let'g drink some Uuwooil Rye; We meet as friends, my words are few I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." ' And Bryan says, in a joking manner, "I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanua That's horse and horse, yon funny feller . When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Llnwood Rye. Sold only nt the Belvedere Buloon, E. Q. Sperry, Prop. FREE TRADE PRICE3. Buoha for sale 30 line Merino 20 Oxford grades. Enquire of Famsworth. bucks; O. E. tf. THE LATEST STYLES. Mrs. M. Le Blister, the Heppner milliner, Las just received n In rue and complete line of the latest style fall and winter bats whioh she will sell at cost. Intending purchasers should oall and Bee the fashionable display at their earliest convenience. cl8. Forcible Argument. Under the heading of ''A Representa tive Bryan Man," the OreROniun prints a fao simile letter from one S Johnson of Oregon City, as follows: "H, Soott, Dear Sir Kuowing you to be the biggest lyre on the faoe of the earth your story of Byron insanity is enough to gag an aia if you think that you make any con rts for Mark Hanna by lying abnoght Mr. Bryen tbats vhera you ar of your nuts he will carry Oregon buy 2000 this fall." A atomaobful of undigested food is boot as unhealthy a muss as one can well imagine. What oan bedone with it T There it stays. It won't digest. It oburni up, ferments and decays; be comes powonnus (as all putrid matter does) and onuses groat paiu aud deep seated disorders. In order to change all this take Shaker Digestive Cordial. It stops fermentation and decay at once, so tbut no more poisons are creat ed. It clears the stomach of doImcd al re (i y there. It helps it In turu the food that remains, into tinlthf ol nourishment It strengthens the sto each for the next meal. Here is the whole philosophy and oar of indigestion in few words. And what a more, it a1! Irne Try it rjbaker Digestive Cordial i for sale by druggist, prise 10 cent lo 81 00 a but tle. Never was a mar grleenve wrong Hunt the farmers of oar country than Ihat o ejnrtly Infllctad darlug the put tare ' rin tpol IM WHl A It host a amosg aar matt a.eful altleeae, their In kmutiti baa a prartlrall j ita.trurad. McKlalay'e letter a( aeroplane. M. Lichtenlbal is the old standby of tba rJeipner people ami keeps only the beat grades of boots and shoes. Hi a his ad la soother column. a. You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "rrost," But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be prepared to receive no mistake. htm by calling on E. W. RHEA & CO., aaxcettae t Wfca will f ti. re oa f.,e a valieat drfe agaieel the ievaavast of tbe Fmei fatallp. Ktrb a Haa t f alnter cMhtaf )n atver ee mtoft, tbd at prtrae 'f dta. Hop are frrelty Maigt bat fm tao ,ty be ya gl lt aia. taa'l yra ? Call on E. W. RHEA & CO.. at tbe first Natl Bar)H Conner. i. x HUlIt Here and There. E. J. Slooum is ia Portland this week. I'be Heppner Transfer Co., has wood for sale. 37-tf. U. i. lhompson, of Bn'ter ori-ek. in iu towu today. Mike Kenney was over from Bolter eieek )esterday. 8. J. Craruer, a knight uf the imp. was in town yesteriay. A R. Grant, oue of the poi ular travel ing uiau, was in Heppner yesterday. Drink the celebrnted J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tnp nt Chris Boroln m'. Fifitk L-cy dennitrd on last evonipu's trn'ii lor a brief business visit to Por- iiud. S'na or John H. Mitchell. H sn. O. W. all for out Fnlton' nud a Dole ruisiuc iat'RUay. T. W. Ayere, Jr., is in the Pendleton, having arrived morning. ' oily from yesterday Geo. Swasrenrt left for SDokaue Wed nesday night to attend the fall races nt that plaoe. M. O. Edwards, of Walla Walla, la visiting with his uncle, J. H. Edwards. ot this oounty. , Mrs. M. E. Miller, formerly owner of the Dasohutes bridge, was in town ovei Wednesday night. Born In the neighborhood of Parker's mill, Oct. 5, 1896. to the wife of Robert Knighten, a 7 pound boy. Mrs. Waldron Rhea has opened on a fashionable millinery store at the old Fell looation on May street. A. W, Giesy. special aeent of the Norwich Un ion Eire Insuranoe Society. spent Wednesday in this city. E. H. Clarke came over from Pendle ton on Wednesday night's train to look after the wool business in this city. Jiorn To the wife of John Piper, near Lexington, Tuesday, Spt. 29, a 101b. boy. Mother and child doing well, Fnll weather brings cool weather, oool weather calls for winter olothins. See E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this issue. sle-lm. Hear Hon. Charles W. Fnlton next Tuesday evening at the oonrt bouse at 7 :8i) One of Oregon's brightest young men. Every resident of Morrow should bear Hon. John 11. Mitohell, Oregon's popu lar senator, Oct. 13th, at the opera bouse at 2 p. m. tf. A dunce will be given at the opera house on the first and third Friday evenings nt eaoh month,' tor an indefi nite period. tf. Lost A Trilby heart watob charm on the streets ot Heppner. Finder will kindly return same to this office and reoeive reward. mammoth pumpkin, weighing 121 pRunds was brought in this morning from vvm. Ayers place on Butter creek, It is indeed a boauty. J H. Edwards returned borne yester day from a month's threshing tour out in lbs Eight Mile oouotry. He reports thresniiig as almost Ouisbed up, The ladies' band has been organised in this city aorier the leadership of Prof, Henry, and now melodious discords oio be heard at all hours of the day O. B. uatt, the tonsorial artist, oan be found at bis parlors, Matlook corner, where be will dispense at popular prices, ehaves, shampoos, haironts, etc. Mi s Hose Goldstone, wbo has spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. Phill Cohn, of this city, departed last Saturday evtoing for ber boms in San Francisco. O, n. Hargftit bas juat completed a feed stable and will feed horses at 25 certs per head to good wheat bay. Ru ble to rent at 10 cents, double, to feed fumiehed. 3t, F. J. Jlallock departed last Monday evening for Pendleton, aud after a brief visit wild relatives there he will go to Maker City to accept a position with tba Republican. The (Jcxtte ia in recelptof tba an. nonneement of tba marriage of U. J. Htilmnh!, deputy O. 8. attorney, and Mim F'ss Hmith. boh of Portland, bicli coeiirred last Tareday. Hearty congratulations. Charley Jooea, toe well-known "old timer" in tba (notorial line, baa again liirhtfil to Heppner, hivir.g purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite tba city botaL Charley will appreciate a rail abso lo town. NOSktB A lltir. E.VV.RIIEA&C0.. Proprietors. Word was received yesterday that Hon. C. W. Fnlton would be here on the occasion of Senator Mitchell's visit Mr. Mitchell has been troubled greatly for the past two weeks with hoarsnees and throat trouble, and if be has not improv ed Mr. Fulton will assist him with the afternoon meeting, otherwise Charley will address the people or Heprmi-r and voinit at the court house at 7:30 p. m. Mr. F'lltou is one f Oregon's brilliant uini! mcu and as th e i his drKtvifnt to nerpner no one should miss beanue him. Preparations are alreadv being mid) for Morro oonuty's great republican day, next Tuesd -y Ou that day Sena tor John U. Mitchell will address the people ou the oolttical issues of the dav. A 100 foot ttiig pole will be raided from wined will H int the American fUg, and McKinley and Hobart, protection and prosperity banners Every pre oiuot of Monow-oouiity will be rt presented on that occHsion. At a leoeot meeting of Heppner'? coun cil E. L. t'reeland was appointed to tM out the uuexpired term of K. J Hnlluok, recorder of this placo, the latter haviug pus in ins resignation at the ab ive-men- tioned meeting. Judge Freeland at that time resigned as oity treasurer and L. W. Bnggs was appointed to oomplete the unexpired term. It having been circulated among the social element ot Heppner that George Coneer was at the bead of a movement to organize a eooial whist club exclusive ly for married people, Mr. Oonser wishes to emphatically state that be is not at the head of any such organization, and has no desire to antagonize the youns people of Heppner. Mrs. L. J. Estes will be In Heppner in few days to open a millinery store. Having had a great deal ot experience in that line and having attended the fall and winter millinery openings both in San Francisco and Portland, she will be able to supply the ladies of Heppner with stylish millinery at lowest oash prices. E. O : Otis Patterson, editor of the Heppner Gazette, arrived in town this morning, lie is grand prelate in tba grand lodge ot the Oregon Knights of Pythias and oame over to make an offi cial visit to Damon Lodge No. 4. of Pendleton, in place ot the grand olian bellor. He meets the lodge this evening. "It is immaterial, in my judament. whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not whetlier he does or does not I am for free wool." Extract from speech of William J. Bryan in Vie House of Rev- resentatives when the Wlson bill was under consideration. N. L. Butler, demo populist candidate for presidential eleotor, is to speak bere next Tuesday according to bis itinerary ss published. Perhaps he takes this opportunity in ordor to get a orowd irom the many peopla who will be here to bear Senator Mitohell. .M. E. oburob Sunday, October 11. regular preuohing servioe at 7:30 p. in. Subject: "The Strait Gate." wi-h notes on the revival. All are invited. Sunday school and League at the usual hours. No preaching id the morning on account of communion at the South church. . Any person desiring tn wager on Bryan being elected president, one to two, any amount, can be accommodated right bere in Heppner. The parties rep resenting Ibis money will put np forfeits tbat the money is alt posted within forty eight hours after tbe wager ia made. The Spokane taoea began yesterday. During this series of races tbe Rural Spirit stake raoe is to be run. Paul Jouea aud Miss Heppner, two locul colts, bava been nominated iu this raoe, and one ot tbe two will ceitaioly be the winner. The Morrow Connty Sunday School Asouiatioo convention is now in prog ress in this oily. An interesting aeeaioa will be beld this evening at the M. E. church, Nouth. A full report will be given in the next issuo. Hot. Pennoyer was billed for 19 speeches iu Oregon this month, one of which was to on made bere next Moo- day, However be tma cancelled all but three dates, Tbe Dalles, Pendleton aud Hpokati". Are Vo Tlr1 All the time? Tbii comlitiin it aire indioati m tbat your bloo4 it .not lirb and Doorublng aa it uiixbt lo b ami an it iil Iw if yon uka few Imttli a of lb grsMit blond tmrifl-r, Hnod'aBaraprilla. TbouMiidi rlle tbat Hood' Maraapa- rilla but en red them rf tbat tired feeling by giving tbm rich, rd blood. tlood't Fill act eaaily and promptly on the livrr and bowrlt. Cnra aiok brMlacu. MrKlSLktr kSB WOOL A grbtlatnaa of I Ma Hfy ia Jnt to r- cailt of lallrr fiirta . Ia MiKfVr, ft Cbi"ag) broker, ln baa Ilia full tntg to ay Mali to lb pral lanital e m text and lb rffot nf McKlblry'a rlao tiutt on tb wwl and aha-p buaicaaa: "I, like yonraalf, fol eoofi.Unt tbat UcKiola will m nor ait invariant, Willi voritahla laodalida at that. Tb a bring tb taaa, !) prioa of wotd and abMp i! Oafaioly auv Qp farjr ra yid- la paiiof of fmfrt alo bt ai I: "Of tra, m Malta aland , there ia a fretleg le Ibi etiy that bp -o Hj L e, old peril, g.wd bye Hal are ptatieally woilt. aothing. Toe np, ,u, ..,! doerary bee alamb btvf ae M-a b w people talk UI ian it , p. tuii.t and ia Ibw alale lb raticbeav-awp lally eheep rabu are- but I ....u aave twallowad the deeaoevala. Ibey will el.ga. la lay optnioa, aad ; ) aavure of the tild aaake ory betel a Ihel ff y Wild M Kluley' eler. , azalea ,u( .I a fiM aed eeeb It., wbieh acw .t few ee'itUia. )o u4 Ibe other aad there weave ' ff beat activity, aad I 1 aa.ka Ufl al alt - lUliailla Tlma. ee ai raiMi why Eatiere llregoa, aiib lee ebawp, wix.1. grata aad latater Ittdoa trtaa, thnul I ao profit by aarb a reeati, a eallf I raeant Nil believe lhal a thai I of Me.lMf (rgia a HI let fnvej la the alrK Uy enlaata wbaea lllinoie il plana beraelf by I .(J plataiiif ." Mr. It&revf b4 aJwiye be a r4afl dat"Mat, aad wly ehMged wnb ( Ibe Hop ff the retnra of fofater pre. I tartly, m I In lh eoeeetiwit) beeaid, ffbaee t at dmht la ay fated, aed I ! a demfral 4 the old eehmd. bat Ihat Mr. l-'fKmi.y wi l r.rry K.w Tfh j New Jeeeey, (nnaaeela-wtl, tWIawtraa I Merylaad, eal feeaj all el arar i ii' t. evetaJ Xttieale people ' awae att thai Mr, frre eahaol ea . i i earry h4 b B etele fV I taarl . that I hw I aay eaaa f. aaeaeiaea a ! the gaweral rawaH." f j H e4 a-4 W 4ta m a'4 " aa , m.m a Ka Ii a fa4 a4 la a , .1. ( ei IV 14 I ui n a wm Miarata4. II ft.. . a Induced by the use ot coca, opiate or nar cotic compounds is bad, decidedly bad. They undermine health and shatter the constitution and the patient is steadily growing Into a worse condition often resulting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, but it comes more surely and more per manently through nature's great restor ing and rejuvenating channel purified, vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with lifc-givir.g energy and builds up the system and constitution from tho very foundation of all health and life the blood pure, rich, red blood. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Dill. re Hver Ills, easy to take, IIUUU S r 11 IS easy to operate. 25 cents. 10NE 1TK US Threshing is abooV completed and seeding continues. We have bad a few heavy frosts and winter will soon be nigh. Hundreds of aores will agnin be put in with grain. Farmers are very hopeful. Our platforms are rapidly being load ed with grain. Wheat isoomingin from all directions but very little is being sold. Ed Gluff bas donated one lot to the First Con. ohurob ot lone, which will oommenoe this week to put up a neat and comfortable oburcb building. We are in receipt of a letter stating that seven or eight, families from the East contemplate settling in Oregon. We are requested to send information oonoerning our vicinity and as they are all industrious and well eduoated farm ers, we believe tbey would be a valuable acquirement to our community. Tbey intend either baying or taking claims. All wbo desire to aid iu the construc tion of tbe lone oburob in the way ot work apply to Fred Balsiger who baa ohargeofit. Any help will be grateful ly accepted. Jake. Iomt, Or., Ool. 5, '98. K Troubled With Rheumatism Bead This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894 bave used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu matism and found it to be all tbat is claimed for it. I believe it to be tbe beet preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on tbe mar set and cheerfully recommend it to the pnblio. J no. U. Rhooks, dealer in boots, snoes, eic, 00. ia main Ot. AlJbO READ THIS. Mechaoiosville, St. Mary Co , Md. I sold a bottle vl Chamberlain a Fain Balm to a man wbo bad been suffaring with rheumatism tor several years. It made him a well man. A. J. MoQu.i, For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Oonser x 1 J roc a. ladletrd aa Tarae Cbargea. Oeorje F. MuGonaell, the defaulting treasurer and keeper nf reuordi and tenl of tbe Oregon Knllit of Pylhiia, wit indiotod in Portland on three obargrt of forgery ot indorsement nf bille of ex. change. Tue fir at ia Ibe forgery of a bill of eiobange for t-13 on the First National bank of Coivallit, July 14, IHttC. The name of E. M. Hargeut waa forged. Eight witnreaoe atpared before the grand Jury, The eeoond it a bill of i ehatga on tbe Firtl National bank of Hill-ix.ro for 153, with ibe nam of E. M. Sargent forged on the bsck. Tbe third ie for t04 oa tba Eagane Loan and Saving bank, iaaued on the London and San rrani ico bank of Portland. I ew a la la. VTe t ffar Ou tlomlrad Dollar llevard for any ra of catarrh tbat (annul be cutrd br Hall' Catarrh Cnra. F. J CaiKBT Co., Prop., Toledo, Obit. We, (be tmnVralgtiad. bve known F. 3. Cbcoty for tba laal 13 yaara. aed bu llet tit rii in be potfeetly boootable lo all buma tiantaetuiue and Buaooially able to carry out any obligation tneda by tbir firm. VWat A Troai, B bo!ale Draggiate, Tolavlo, OhK U'eldiag. Kir-nan k Matvio. Wboleeele I Drntfgiafa, Tld. Onto, Hall Catarrh Cure la lakaa internal ly, acting directly npoo Vjm bixf and tnnc.ni anrfaeee of thm )ilrm 'rr tit. per bottle. Hold by all drngelat. liititnuniali re. Well ItlaatraU , A ft brief nwiM ago tbw popnliat oof waa; "Tbe eld par I tee arenrratt." Ike Ilia t Uaalll.HI, MNI Mora lhaa half lb III of utnea, Karl e Move llnot, lea t a tlrl ear for Onaatipafi ja. Fiw M lr Weil m W aerea. ofc 0 Intention. rn fifff t at I .aAfr. nane'H', t a't l,aa, I p.iialy al.aa IKai . cmfa iw maa- "mi r" . in i. fa-.. m n. i.ih t aal rw la iM la.atia.at ..t IKai aail "ill aa ta ll k. Mnif ..( mim mai, M M.r'. Mt ", aa, i llino .. a4 , v a... t,lJ a r .1 ta aaa Ifc. a ualaa aili .aa.e . a la nai.i.aa aai4.ai.a .pw aa4 ealUva4aa 4 at4 .1. a V....a a I at-I. o. la .l,l ft r. i it kt e.i I xr.' i Tui:$ Aurf:, " f aUit flallIIU.bl..,fa,4 Null a. a. Ua .i . .m1 . .A I., ll.a M H'ww.a) waf a. a.aa'.ifc .4 lwi.Kai.1 a1 l a H I .a. I'.. .Ml ( a ...a a .1 ea.a aal'i .aia aaata. a iiaiii- ... aT-t a" ar-a fc. Ifra a "' ... . . , 4 . i l. al I a 1 'aa . m ai...t a. . i , . iik It. . h-.. . as, i.. i??n a'a i il li.fi' i , iii :.it,.ia. !- I W itn.fi.w t a ee.ai'f aaaa.l. tn!odlS summons. TN THK CIRCriT COURT OF THE STATE A of Oreeon for Morrow i ountv. A. 8. Bennett and K. V. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife. W. 8. Mereer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hull and Mary Hall, his wife, Wra. Fcrrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendant. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, hit wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Klmsev and N. Ktmsev, his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife. William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife.'Thomas Kim sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that the above plaintiffs, A. 8. B.ennott and F. P. Mays, have commenced a suit against the above defend ants in the above court to foreclose a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon the easthalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 25 East in said county. That the relief demanded in the complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain, tiffs' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney's fees st forth therein. That the court also decree In plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Kimsey, A. 3. Kimsey and Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum from September 1 1, 18S9, and seventy-five dol lars ($75.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursement of Bnit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in and to said lands, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as is equitable. This summons is Berved upon you by publi cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the above court, made bv him at Chambers on the 22nd day of September ISflfl, and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said complaint on or before the first day of the next term of the above court, to-wit: the first Monday of March, 1897, or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the relief demandedin said complaint. CAREY & MAYS, 78-91. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, npon a judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 3rd day of March, 18H6. in favor of C. A. Ithea, J. L. Morrow & Son (J. W. Morrow), Henry Blackmail, Hugh Field', Q. W. Swaggart, Thos. Quaid, P. S. Wilson, Wm. Penland, J. P. Khea, T. A. Khea. Otis Patterson and T. W. Ayers, Plaintiffs and against The Palaoe Hotel Comnanv of HoDnner. Oreenn. Defendant, for the sum of Ten thousand Dol lars wim interest thereon at the rate of ten ier cent per annum from August 2nd 1.HH1 md fen uoiiars costs; ana, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Commenc ing at the Southwest corner of Lot No. Six (til in Block No. Four (1) of the Original Town of Heppner, County of Morrow. State of Oremin. thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet. thence North sixty (till) feet, thence West one hundred aud ten (110) feet, thence South sixty Ml) teet to place of beginning, be sold to satis V said ludumeiit. costs and aouruluir ensu. 1 will, 011 the Third Day of October, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. M of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, ureaon, "en inline rigni, line alio interest ot the said The Palaee Hotel Company in and to i above described property at Public Auction th hlulw.at ami hunt V.4,1,1,. n nn.h I. U.....1 the proceeds to bo applied to the satisfaction o aid execution and all costs, and costs that may ccrue. E. L. MATLOCK. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Sept. 2nd, 18!)tl, 472-Bl. SUMMONS. IN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE H1XTH Dis trict, state of Oregon, County of Morrow. 1. A. Woolery, Plaintiff, vs. 8. E. Jones, Defendant. To 8. E. Sonrs, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, we com mand you io appear nciore tno undersigned, a justice oi me reace iu Heppner, in said Comity and StaUi, on or In-fore the l'Jth day of Octnlwr, ItiHft, at the hour of 10 of o'clock In the forenoon said day, at my office in the said town to answer the complaint of J. A. Woolery founded on promissory notva and wherein he demands the turn ot tine Hundred Thlrty-sln.nid Ml-100 Dol lars, for which sum Judgment lie rendered against you If you fail so to appear aud answer aid complaint. tiiven under my hand this 2nd dav of Sept. A. !., m. W. A. RICHARDSON, tfiP. Justice of the Peace, SHERIFFS SALE. VOl'ICK IH HEIIKBY GIVKN THAT t'NIIKR I' anil liy virtue of an eineiitlim Imii out of the cin-ult court of the Slate ot Oreitou, for i iiuniv oi Morrow, ami lo me illrecto.1 ami de livered, upon a JiulKUieut remlereil anil entered In aalil court on the th dav of Metiinlier, Iwnl, III favor of The Northern TomiHe Inveatiiient Truat, l.lmlled. a eoriioratloii, iiUliitlrf. ami aa-atnat I'ta-ella Taylor, H. H, KHiK, N. H. Mi-Hee ami 1. V,, 1 homiMHiii, ilefemlaiila, for the turn of Keren Hmi.triM ami a-viiy Three and IV UN )o lara all h Intereat theriHin from Ilia l.t d of June, lv.. at the rata of right i-.r pent wr aiiniim, and the further In in of Tlilrijr IXillara emu, and a-iTilllin roata; a hh li Ju.lKiiif in aa ennilliil and ili ki-lrd In tha fieri oW.-a ol Mldrourt In aald eoiiiity on the ith .lay if hetnila-r, ln;; ami, a hi-r.-a.. I.y ul.l )udi-im-iil It onlereil and a.l jiidat thai the follnaltiK deacrllKd morttrneed niwrty. lo all theHoiitti half nf lha Sorllieaat iiirlfr, and Northiatiiiartr "I Northi-at iiiarter (rr-t U-n wn-a In a aniiara form In the northraM corner thereof) and anntlieant iirlrof Noriti- weat nu.rli.r ol rwtlon lan tl In Tntiahlp ti; -.urn oi Knnirn lartily nva (..) aa.l . iwaoin lo aall.lf aalil Jiiditneiit, (wtl ami acrruiiii n.li, a III, oil Saturday. Slit gay el October, 1690, at l ii'rl.K P. M , of Hid day. at the front dnr of theroiirt ho.iaeln Hvpner, Morro I mli'ly, Onimi. aril lha rlatit, lllle and tiilrrmt of aald ilrtaixlaitta awvll lavlnr. H a, Kliie. N. M. MrHr and i, V 'lhniiiiin In and lo the alHitedM. rllml hroperiy at I'nldle Am I Ion to tne meiiMi aim inhi Milder for ia.h In hand, the inwt In Im aii-l to lha Mtl.la. ll.in ol aald aim-nllon, and all r.Mlii ami rwi. thai may anru K. I. ma 11 a K, Kheriff of Morrow futility, Hmroii, (Mini Ihll od il.r I. tfti m. Hotlct of Intention. f ami mrif K at inf. dam m, ohr(.i . I. Koilra la Keral.y fl.ae lhal the ioIlont itainel aalller haa Bl.-l im- ita m nr inieiniiiii to mate anal proof In tup. port nt her riatra, and that aald r,, ha mada lli J. M. IIiioik, riint rink, al llrpMert liireon nn iw,,ii I h, Imak f MAKiiHRT KMNY. Wn l afihrlan. M tmn. Wd K. o. at 'l, the l.ia , and 4. and 1Kb ', aar a, tp . R pi r, W M. Ktia nanMW lb h.llnali, Hot m In pme wnininiuna mxiatara uni ami rulllt ttlon at, aald land, tit- Mt. Annt i.illl.in, lamra fl M lillama, Frank warn, Hail'I II. jaitklua, all ol llantman, lira .AH, r M'KiHI!. I'l Krllf, Notlct of Inttnlion. I..i trreii r t. iia.ai.e. ie-.e prtiilieii, MM vwin i wrarar :it, thai imk A V p.ll..t.( MM ertllrf aae lad anttf m a Intoaliua m mat anal prod In ii..r1 ot hat ti.lm and thai tald I r.,l alll t n.ad h.a I o-iniy ( laid, m Mrma I mm'y, al li -Irwr, i o a hi, n nrniiar !!. w, U, 1 AhT i. VAl '.HAW, e Mary I Handaeaa M. a an ,, h its m. ar,Tpi a, a p ia Maa ia. I.Jlnaln a Itn i. In ptwra fcaf "" ""a-re mlix up al eniil.aiwa mt ail larxl tit t jM.n Maiakail William harraM. f iae Itaa try Mania ili.. afl at M.v-af . oirra 4 aa a 9 . W I a iA, airta t, ITataW af t aaa II allar. Iaeaa V"'l .? 1raj Kal Uton a A4 A aiMiilirii mi IU Mi.ti4 I m. .iia.i t, a aaa ('aald aa lha andm1yid na laa r la day Hi Aeal. Wy ItM I mil ; aMI In .a , ifc. . ,11 htm i f mnm, . M ltiM ai'aia at, immim iiim IM data M ll.i. IKt tl,wi.i,t)iMi. ' ItiM r a 4ai ...e-a. tmaa . . Hotki of Intention. f-t r; t ta '.a. fctlll. r. a a. nt '' t iimraf .,it ta.r tat i.f a a a. ki. turf tu a4 l I . 1,14 t.ilal.i t . a.aa .l t .,..liW . ..a i.t imimiii ,4 .i i i aii t.a II . I ......I, . . ,J I m ...,, al llaje4- ," B iMialalMIt tV IU fjlalH' f'a'1 I - i i. K. Hot i.N . i i i. r ( i f 1 1 . ) r 'e aw a ... a. ... .a . j .4 I , f. -a , i M I tn, .i J '1. MM ft I aiaa l" 1 iai.Wj,-M-l..,, r)EST with a big B. BlackweU's Genuine Bull t Durham Is In a class by ' coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons Inside each four ounce bag of BlackweU's Gonuino Durham Smoking Tobacco Buy a bag of this celebrated tobaoco and read the coupon wnicn gives a nstor valuanie presents and nowto get them. t HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRU'Sgaaaar fa a Change in ED. 11. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at do S REGARDLESS OF COST. AH wooleu goods, boots, shoeB, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, cups, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it iB too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small meD, ft)B. "VYe are small men, Xe. we are noi ine Largest inefctiaiits in me world l a But when the people of all the urroundlng country are lu need of . . . Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glaiiware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nalli, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Qiui and Water Pipe, Pipe Uttinxi, Htovet and Kaiinoi, Waitniii, Haeki, Bugglct, WaKon Material, Hardwood, Axel, Hammer, Bawl, BledRei, Wedgea, Gum, Platoli, Cartrlditei and Ainmuultlon, Maaon Jam, Oran lteware, riowt, Harrow, Rake. Mower, Tub. Wah Bolller and Board, Bheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Qoods and Qet Trices. We have Good Gixxli at Faib Price, and Cheap luhn Gooil at Chep John Price. GILXjTA-M 13ISB3S3S, MAIN STREET - HEPPNER. OREGON 3L(B to H Do you know what this means ? This, that here arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish ings at T. R. HOWARD'S lor every one objection should decide the matter. It does. I 'conic want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near Bob K rick's. THE PALACE J. 0. 130I.lOJ-.niRS, Prop. ' - - n ii n a ii i ar - M-- r i , Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. f : WITH Kmaaiauu flMH.fMfHH U U L II 'V I V r fl I. II I I A. i lllJl. Xlllll Yourn HOUN Leaver No Conatipnlion, .,wv I re II, M aell M all tllllkiaeaaM Un I .Jeel, aa I VleUri. Ta alf ra.amat tail aill la lb wntt l H I I I r a'l 4'a((.a re aael tr ea. a U ftiea, i. eetlaj-af Ik.i I l:r 1 1 MfliKHI.lO, (aa I taaeiaaiaj, ( al. iTiik Lancasiurk In&ukas-ck Co. MANCIIKNTHM, I'.Ntll.ANIt 1 frirriEHiX, kuBX, .! .I'M'."- tii ttte. v..rtm itself. You will find one Business All Ml R. BISHOP, Prop. made against it. This HOTEL BAR, 1 1 er Prices aura mm : PILLS D to Tiiko'K....