Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 06, 1896, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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I'aper Read by Geo. W. Hamilton Before
the Farmer's Institute .Held In Fulton,
I am no partisan; wear no man nor
party collar, never did, and. plea so
God, never will. I voted for Cleve
land, and voted too, in the election of
Tuesday for . Democrats and tor Re
publicans. But my subject lias been
taken into politics and thither I must
follow, if I consider it at all, in order
to take my bearings.
There is nothing political in my feel
ing, however, and especially 'there is
no bitterness, in my feeling toward
those who tUffer f,.0'm me. I know that
very many of them are great-hearted,
broad-minded lovers of their oountrc,
and of their fellow men; but 1 .think
they have been mistaken. Business
facts and business pointers are what
we're after, and to business facts and
pointers I shall endeavor to restrict
.mmi as lar as possible, I think it is
susceptible of proof amounting to
flemonstration that the wool-growing
industry of the United States has pruo
tieally been destroyed bv free wool
uur country needs lioO.OOn mm m.nn.io
wool annually.
- ...n.viom ti u-
1.)1, ."lO.OOII.OOU nounds:
ouced in ik.ii. r,r.f) nomum ...,.i...
ape of (food Hope. Africa, in lSi.ll
J-N,)81,000 DOUllds: ffivnr Plot., a
4 , . " i Muir, cull LU
America, in 1SP1. ;:7i.iii0,0tHj pounds;
the United States in 1SP1, ZSTi.OUO 000
In the foreign countries named there
ar(-no winters, no expensive winter
,T"rrlu ''"Pi-ovements in the wav
... km- teen and shelter, small
help is needed and herder's wages ire
Pitilully.niean. there is no civilized
government expenses to help carry, nor
fences, nor Christianity, nor evon'civil
I.atiou to slipiiort. and the freights
from there to our market are as fol
lows: From Argentine and Platte River to
iow ioik. 14 cent a pound: from Lon
"'!;!, t0,N,:w, York. cent a pound.
i he freight on wool from St. Louis
to New York is cent a pound: from
Colorado to New York. o cenH .,
pound, and from Montana to New York
IR z K! cents per pound.
We cannot compete. Tlie man who
.... Ms( in irymg to do so. would
be ruined irretrievably.
The Industry had become great urn
dor .protect ion. ranking seventh in the
111 ed Males. A table before nie gives
nder normal conditions) the follow-
ins estimate:
Oipital Invested in sheep. .$HiVHiO.OiO
I' arms and barns devoted to
vh',',',) . 4VUHI0.(KKl
o. farms and llockmasteis 1 imniikki
m,, employed u portion
t!l V" 'T""-; Tw).ooo
I OUIUlS WOOl l.loitlt,.,.,! (,. .... i.m i4...
i. , , ' -in ,i.;p,ii,.n,
It is a big question, protection, as the
wool men had found out from long con
sideration, under the menaces and for
ays they had been subjected to. The
country, too, is finding out by experi
ence and education. Cotton was so
low two years ago at 10 cents, that con
ventions were called in the South to re
duce tlie acreage.
Free wool and shoddy has affected
cotton exactly as oats effects corn, and
together with the times, lias depre ssed
the price from ten cents down to five
cents. They won't be able to buy "cot
ton mules" down there, at least not a
high priced mule. The sugar men in
j.wuijsuiiia are similarly affected as re
gards sugar mules" and the sheep men
must forego patronizing tlie furniture
man, and the clothing man, and tin
Harness man. ami the hardware man,
ami rue carpenter and the laborer. So
run the ramifying lines of commingled
interest reaching everywhere from ev
ery business and from every IndusCy.
like nerves and sinews, and arteries of
one great body, as tlie American Union
of States in reality is. There is no east,
no west, no Mason and Dixon line in
this industry of sheep and wool. It is
the Nation's industry tlie only purely
National industry our country lias. Its
benefiting is wide spread 'Xntionn.--in
reclaimed and enriched land adding
io county and state and national
wealth. In working toward an inde
pendent, self-supporting and self-sup-plying
nation in clothing and wool in
times of peace or war. In taking as
surance against trusts and foreign or
domestic rings that may combine: for
it would be impossible ami bevond the
power of trusts to control 'l.OOO.OdO
farmers and shepherds, scattered .ill
over our country. In making cheat)
find healthful meat for the masses: and
In tlie same lirocesa ni:il;hie- , .1,001,
clothing as well, and guaranteeing its
continuance. And in saving $100,000,
000 in gold every year that will go
abroad to pay for wool and for wool n
goods, and the necessity for issuing
But it was settled.
Happily. when tlie end came the
sheep men were prepared. That is.
they comprehended the situation cor
rectly, and moved quickly, each man
for himself as best he could. As for
myself, the effect of fattening 1.000
sheep every year for seven consecu
tive years, remained, in an exceeding
ly fertile farm. I went into hogs, and
have a small drove of thoroughbred
Poland Chinas. I planted potatoes on
ground the sheep had enriched, and
raised over 400 bushels from exae'ly
three acres and n luilf ri,.. t ',
---- - ....... ,, iii-.il. ,,,,
acres, and raised 'J." bushels per nor.
ami inn acres of clover ami have the
seen ami the hay mowed away in niv
Kile Rlieep .sheds. ,
ue hiiew the Industry was killed
I olillcans and editors and well-mean
nig n lends discussed the "probable ef
feels" of the measure upon our bu-d
ness. We mi ii iiolhlni?. but i-,iu.i,i
rustled to let go as easy as possible: for
micw i ne tmsiness was killed: d
I I, .V, 111,1 1 ..,,.. .1 ...... 1 a
"'' i" "iviMiire; anil that no
power on earth could restore It to lir,
the little free riot which recently en
livened Lendville will cost the taxpayers
when they have it all paid about !F:;,oiri..'
000. Bryauism isn't economical.
The only tiling that is "coercing" the
labor vote into line for McKinlev is the
realization on tlie part of the laborer that
he has everything to gain by a restora
tion or protection and
everything to lose by
" ' cent wage
Peons Slur
erty ami
'Them Mr
of the
reciprocity and
the introduction of
paying dollar. Omaha
to MttKtlT-T!t AlljiM-t l'nv-
H'itlio.it (lot li In If to lover
n Uet N'itrtrarillv Wane-, (Itil
I'lttmice Thpy Pay lliirli fur
value or woo $ Ho.fHMi.OiNi f,'r "'.v .vears. It was like Chicago,
N miiber of sheep Jo.OOO.Ooo i ?rt'1' Ml"- Ovary's cow succeeded In
' i xiieep sold lor pelt
?! fr';,-; .oon.non
Amount pid Wnge rMNm.fton
ai. services flock musters.. .Mum mono
Cost washing & shearing..! :,m,m
Amount paid for labor.... Simmkhmki
.-mowing a capital invested of f;ao.
(H Nil loo, employment to l.oon.ooo meii
uLV LV " ' ' or service. H0.
imfMMNi. and a total annua! product re
CUllilltf Of !C11fl.tMM.IMN
if . . . .
"' ciotiiiiig ,s been liiade
.i.-.i,.,t. nun everything else for that
matter, but we sheep mo M.(.V(. 1U
there may be other blessings In this
J '"" "'ere cheai ss. That it
.. .. .., .H-iMiviMg a temple ,i
- m iia nie; or Jumping over bin,.
in Kniii straws; (,r saving at th.
plgot to ,.m. nt the biing liole; of kill
lug the hen that laid th,. Kden .
that there was n wiser way
IV I... II I ...
: "" cueap u-oo was
coming rast; nay. wa alrea.lv her,,
iin.i ini.i , . ,! Wlls ...i,,,!,,,, jiri.,,U).;
I.v In the way In whl.-i, iiiiitiou was I..
com ilia very . heap. iini,.y ,v n. M.r,
i . "" i'rorvo or pnNluctlon
iKlicllling ev-rylKMly: pr,.r ,,
l the country as whole
l or i:i imwi the I iilr.-.l stHt. pr.v
.,lil,."l,,,M.",.,,',,,,,,," ,,r "
III Pflll the I hllrd Stilt, n ,rHll,re. "V,
"iMi W, f WlN,. n w..iM,.rfi;'i
In.-rfmw. nml wool down to in ,vni4..
the tin.pM.il.,im.le result of proton,,,,
ml production.
Some b-m rrh-nds hare roiiir..rte.l us
jr HMuraiiiT lhai they have given ti
the win, I,, wothi fr lir mn rft .
fortiitmi.ly ther have In t-ttUiy' gWvn
etir market l., iif. wr,,. Bll ,,,. ,wk
en away i. ,flrltet tM,.hw f,ir
ti In the wot l.. ' r
ly the r,.,.rt t th h. -U.
'- JnMinrjr I MM. there ha. Im-, i
ffrt 1 1 in 1 fitti. .1. .j
. . riM iit-ti fir vahiin tit
i.urniiig it down. This explains the
steady unloading that has poured Info
or iiinrKcis inxe a flood even at glvi
away prices, and that hi 111 Oiillra u'hli.
out abatenieiit. Kvery ws. man iindor.
sioo W1V w.ki did not advance liiiine-
omieiy arier the McKinley law took
elTect. It was a great coiiuiidriiiii
with the adviHiiles or Free Wool, ami
pet. one. too, for propounding two
.nun. ago. nut i think that everyboiH
can readily tinderstanil It now." slm v
nicy saw the plain frorklng of th.
ninKKy nag ami sugar trust, getting
..iijr out ot ihiiui nod raw sugar In
to the country nntlclpatorv or the date
when the Senate bill provisions would
go Into oierailo,i. enhancing the value
... hoi ii articio. .mm s... aiiil.lpat.irv
or the effect or the McKinley law. siN'..
ula tors glutted our market w lih foreign
wool Immediately licrore the I Kln'ev
law provlNlons ralmil the rate of rev
enue that must l. pn, , nr ,,, , v
N'w the sauic tiauii ni ......... -i
and the xaiuc , aiiw. operate to prevent
any prompt or great r.-covery wh.-n t.
ilium agiilll. Therefore. as to
w.H.I. no great Imnrovi i.i i.. .
U iHmMble. even for a y.-ar or two af!. :
the iliiilige-even should il... ..,......
..me In lsasi. xhls Is wi ll iiii.i..i-i.,i
by the wool growers, and it Is it fn,.i
will, h nlll render tin.
Wi ll.iluMrv n lotV
lh.HISflll.ls or ln... Ii lMl.HNi .
iiiortal blow that !,, M,.
1fl.ii ti it it. i
me thai will nqnire years to r.-ovr
We must restore the protective Fystein
before we undertake any other legisla
tion. The labor of this country has al
ready waited too long for a return ot
work and wages.
Not many years ago nickel was worth
about $4 a pound. At present it is worth
not much more than 2.". cents a pound
and it is now being asked, what dastard
conspirators secretly, at the dead hour of
midnight, demonetized nickel?
It is well to bear in mind ex-President
Harrison's remarks at tlie Carnegie hall
meeting in New York, and let it be ite
rated and reiterated during the cam
paign. He said. "No prospect of Republi
can success ever interfered with busi
ness. There is a whole volume of ar
gument in favor of the election of Mc
Kinley in that one brief sentence.
In a recent speech to a delegation from
Lisbon. Ohio, McKinlev nfW vr...
to tlie establishment 'there of a tin plate
factory, said: "I submit to you. no matter
what may have been your politics in tlie
past, whether von would iw.t ,.,,f,.
have that tin plate factory in your count v
and in your state than to have it in
Wales' That' simple question involves
lie whole tariff question: AYill you have
lactones abroad or at home?
Tlie Bryan shunters are careful to I"
tiore tlie fact tilat tlie Democratic free
trade papers j. MY2 spoke of o10 ,msI.
ness conditions as "provokingly healthy."
Hie trouble in tin- United states has been
created since that date and Its causes
niust lie far removed from the incident
of lSi.l. It was. free trade in ISO.'! that.
'" ""seiner, and not a change in the
monetary system made twenty years ear-
Major McKinley was noniiivited bv
the Republican pa,.Vi mt i,(lls(, of ,,,'
views on the currency question, but be
cause he Is the typ',,,,1 representative of
oi projection, it wiw tin.
for the re-eslablislmieiit of protection
ipelled the M;ilr'
iioiiilniitloii, and tlie Democratic candidate
mii-i inn oe auowed io dodge that
The Carthage Press says that an engi
Jleer wl, ,llak(, r,,Kuhl rnnH
that city on the Trisco. Is resiH.nsib:e
ror the following train order:
"Take our train .McKinley and Hobart
for ihe white house. Train Cleveland aud
Stevenson abandoned. Drop two cars si.
ver-one at Bland station, the other at
re let- station Ixsik out for Tom Re d's
switching train one mile ens: of Water
rank. Pick up car William J. 1,,-van
wlih hot Inix and busied Journal
Iliyaii adv.s-at.-s talk much hImiiiI "low
PH.,. -nn.l still only rour years ag,
Bryan d.-clared In a speech In congress:
"I wain to HHy, 1IH emphatlciillv as
words can say. that I consider It as "raise
eeoiiomy and vicious In M!cy to attempt
til r ilun at n I, I.. I. I . . , '
... -.. .. i.is.i pniT in mis coiimrv
Iml w il, h we can purchase abroad at a
Miyan ami h!s frl. mis Mb.iut.f
get her."
puriv. ,t:i
A Naker down In I n.l! ii i...
..... , . . ...ii.-i
lli;.Tl'l till- r,i ItuW ll.r tniUi...
Klnlcy I as linud an ilm i.i.if ,,,..'
Ihiirt Is as wide as hiiiuauily ,.f.
1MH.W Wlllllll h!S SlliMHll.t
"on ( ii numinous r i ,
R. piibl'. Hii party, wlilioiit-tiviched arm.
bids w.-livii... In flu. gr,.,it .mih,-, , ii
race iiihI all n llglmm. ti,,. ..t i...
I'llbllcrtli leopllMllly Htaud .,N n sllke to
all Jews and ii. mil,, of the r. piil,c. atl,
Io nil Aiis rhfiiw, in, niiiiter uiel.r what
skl iln y may have Un it
Kn,ilfli(l, H,
Ilre la a hi I.n.-i, r . ,!I.,M..,,
rot wlili whirl, WllliMtu J Itryan c,n.
llniMs to Iiiiiit ii. nielligi.,. of ii,,.
Mf,rliltli.'tlietl of I Ma ciniuiri ;
beep nod i.e.. h. , ro., fl)m uf i M frb ti.la. Il,.-re are two kin. la f
K.i.iii, ,! ,..p lMn,n n.ifii,,,,, ,'"' r """"ry. He.... wi,
....... ..... ' i imr
- ..imn.i i,i n,-r,.
will I- r.l.gt.. I., ,,.,,,ai!., .(
. ,.ttx ,,,., B ftf
il of If III gold ' '
"Ail." an .-I. I getii,..fi,flt, i . m,,,
flu- oiler day. " w.,,t M.
Itt a l.ll.imaa t,n r.-Uir.-. ,rt,
' ''' ' n.ii t. , t ,,
U hst do ..nr f .., n VVi.r il..
-. I.uil.l t,rm jmi w...il. v
Ihtnk .r ii,e .lll Ian - rsirh..,, f,,r
f.m.f fluHHflfl -,..ii. , Klilgl..
tt.sn. ..r f, w, t,oti. in, ii,.
Uh triple to lp.tr llo ui ,! lo j,,,
'"'" eil np WoiiMnf ton
IhlDk ,t i1.rtf-t U-tirr frrl,,t
tn fair iiil..-rDil.in? thai t,ir e..
nint,.i .l,..nl. pr.,fe,t ft)l At,
fn m,r ' Vir l.o.iin . ,a,t mu f
jflwlsl fatorlir; ...i isre nllnr I
siHrtiir." i..lr. llw w..4 l..i,.
lin.l Hi-utir fin Inoi.ornia,
l,n.. f o.IIM..i, .t rt, fr,, f,,,,,,
li.i.flwa ai, ,.f or rsitlc; $n4 it,
it o.n--.nrtiiljr tot rt..rliui (,h
rl Wl.alrlrr M fslrtlfla;
fulfil Col in I f,m, tt J..n4. ,,t
It"''"'. f ntif trtn. rngig- n u r
0 "IUI f.-rftl Willi U II Wa m.
f..r-.. tflrt4it X.lrviiKrU h f.
fnn, lh Mhrf Mltrtr, whr til. ft,,.
it ai fmtmmlt mt la .Unim i
'' H ffl palirttrv ,.)
n1-i" ra ltrxt in mmkm m Hunt,
wlih frl? fflPtMfwilf p.
k WH H'I f rn1 ihf ih ,t,4 s
find lhai wi ttn4M Utr-iy 4f
i-4wi is wrr-if i tMtti riwirwJ
nna i , profciaiiM.
IIhmh w
Mi. Ill to
""' - "' niTiir wink lo r.-liirn
an- MtWI.il, an, nfl ti,n, .,
ewH Hie i, il,, ,ir
w.rk for ihi-n, )..., n... .
" wHI ,i. ,,p . H,.
aa l,ia in.,., ,. ,ta en,p.,i Pr "
Aa a lnwjer, Mr ltr, .i",.M,i, k,M,
ilmt i,i a..ri-.n .ii-i,,i,nai
L.'T h" ,,,"',' ""iMfis
" 'r ' ""1'S. ra a,,k .
n. tt,P t.l.a of h,;r .,..: t,,,,
" ""ir Uh a.rll.,ll .
" !"' "t proof h ,
ol alllKlM. ..,rf I,. f, an
lo Dl.f who ,a tg , fu.
"'"'f ' " f-r him ),..
tiff almll Hf.lr.
Il la r. ji.m.1,,,1 ,. H. ,,,,,. t)mf
Mr, Itrtan t.a.l l, w iirfnlll ,
..ti ..f .n.r .f il.i. r4,Mlr frr
.il.Hjr rt.i., ..r.i,. , ,,;,,
' I'.'-tlHfll , ta,1m ,,,,,,,, (
!. io,af .hMil.intl roannr-r j,
lota h, ,l,.t, if.i. it i, illf tmm.n
l. lo ..,o,. it,.) wlwa I. M), ,,,,
Ihr-t in. ., lH. ...... .....
H...,)ra M ii, f t,r. ,u
' '"" M rf
It la r.aa,.oMr rM.m il,,, h ln.,m
' "" Ito ff.ii.t lUat h
m4 fl-ff.rfla In at,r M,(tl4. m,tf ( ( ft
r.rtntk.ti ll.ai w..,l, ...UP ., , f
I., l-l.'r-r tip, ll.i. rt,.,(.
" II mwM htm ,...
IkksI - All.aST :iprrar
Th IMfl-,,1 N gh, , !,..
Aii..rti.y lion, nil I larttfui. in A p,.
aliilelii.1,1. iMk.-a tin r. ......i.i
...i. i.,.inna iinn.ii'in that fn,r.i in-t.-rf.'r.
ii.-e In uml aff ilra iw ver Jo-il
finbl.'. '. ,,Tiiii,. ,w,i,,n,. ,,bi ,a
' l'l'.v ii..ii II,.. .,,t,,li,l f,,
WlMl la known ih,. Allg, , k n pl.lh
III II,.- Chi. , platf.ri,,. w t,, t, ,, tssiii-
In oilt -r than dir-,1 w.ir.la. th- li,i,if,T!
iyv or the r,.,.-ral .lmii,i,ira .,i In uH.
hi. ago rtoia of yi
Il l Mr. Itryai,'. ,t,i,. i,,,, ,! .r
r T i,.,,,,rii,- ,, ,i,i, , ,H, r 1Vi,v
. .rf l, a .,ip,t i:f ,Ul, f,,.r ;,
goveriiiiH-m b... no r ght, m,-r any , .r.
riimai iiM-. i., hm-rr,. fr ,
!"" " ri-.i imiil ,-,n,, ,,, ,'
k. lll S.lbclU, 11,1.1, IIM.pli,,,,.,,,;:
l"l do III Hut r,mr, aiel l uM. ,M,af,
II. M 4.1.1 !.... .. . . . ' ' .
.. .,. , .., iii.'T ,'T. n,i- r.
'"' "r,,"r '' lltlf-t M. .10,1 j
... ,....,..T.T. (1. t,N,I,y mirn ( I
II," lt.11,1 IIN .' ,. f..l ,,-,
l..h i. l.t.i an npi. t,y i,M. ,). ,,.
'"'"' ' " 'e at riff ,.f ;. ,,,ft
'" " nai If'SII llw atHti.t I.i
tUt ,... - ...
..., n .in ,,H, i, ,i,tn,,r
io t!,.. I'.. .!.. Mr Him ,M,l.a
I.. I if ..,l. I w ll .,.f,.,
f -l'-ial ill .il.n Ikv; ll.ni (f n .,
t. ... us ,l ,(,,,, n .t,. il,,, ,,, IM
' '"1" f f-i-rl g..tiIM
'"' " ' ni'l a- .k., .
:i -lt 1,1 I .,,,1, ,;,,, ....
ll Ik- l I u- r. (i.i .1 fl.i or i..
I riO'li ii' II " A.-fl.I ... ti.
I'.'MM. Htip ,a a.Ho-wlctv lu..,, n
laiWiMiitoti pr.,, t,; tl( (tJ
M ! Wl,!l, l)H. I ;,,. ...
ln Octolier 1st organized labor, in
Chicago, listened attentively to a re
port on tlie condition of labor in Mex
ico as two renroseiitJitivou ,o' tlm i 'l.i
eago Trade and Labor Assembly act
ually found it.
A special meeting of tlie organization
considered tlie report. Politics was elim
inated. Amazed at (lie servitude and
economic misery existing in a silver
standard country, the delegates n
,-,.,. lut- n-poii omciaiiy. spread it
upon the records of tlie organization
and by an overwhelming vote grate
,-,.ii.. . .i , , .
'uii.v 'iiiauKeu their representatives
who had thus given their services for
tlie good of American workmen.
ir.,1.1 i "
....-in u, iii-iore nie eyes or the in
telligent wage-earners as a mirror of
tacts, the report reflected a plain warn
ing which visibly impressed tin; delo-
ga res.
T. J. Maas and 1'atrlck Enright, tlie
men. who stood before their comrades
in toil and made tlie report, are two of
tlie "plain people men whose work
has not been merely in the abstract
Both are veterans in the ranks of union
labor, respected and honored bv their
associates and trusted because t'hey al
ways have maintained a reputation for
fairness between man and man. They
are also of opposite political faiths.
Ilml Showing for Mrx'.rp.
Tlie report was a joint one, based on
tlie unanimity that the American wa-e-earner
is a prince compared to the
Mexican toiler. In substance It n
j comprehensive statement of informa
tion gained by two American trades
unionists, who left Chicago September
Jl and mingled with the workin-'
classes of Mexico. It was a tour of
practical inquiry. They saw for them
selves. The result discloses Unit the
price of labor In a silver standard
country lias decreased, while the cost
ol commodities has Increased.
In comparison to American wa"es
and American' prices tliev round the
economic condition of the Mexican
workman one that was pitiable in tlie
extreme. They warned all American
labor io stay north of, the R (iiande.
Mexicans are. In many Instai s. mere
chattels of .the haciendado, enslaved
vTth shackles or pauper wages ami per
petual debt which preclude all possi
bility of Ill.lllStl'lllI ill, I, .,.n. I.. ...... I ..
lor In (hat country was round to'he'a
... skeleton, starved by employers
...... ...-io iiiioi-nucu sway and took ad
vantage or the libs. 'IK'P (it ill'irti ii tv.i t..ii
nml luck of Mlucatl(n Hinon tin work-
.Messrs. Maas and Knrlght also re.
polled that Mexico, as a nation, was
merely marking time" In the grand
parade ot civilization and progress,
while others marched onward. Cpon
the bones or women and children who
eked out a miserable existence on
wages or IN and ar, cents a day, Indus
rles are founded. Ubor unions are un
known. Kdu.nilon seldom knocks at
the Mexican laborer's door.
IVom. In 'r rllral si.vrrr.
While laws forbade pe,,,, lnverv.
thousands of them are t ,g ,, ,.,.
eu.his In th,. ,t rays of a tropical son
Il'Iiiiim ni ,.r , I. . ' "."
- " ' i ii. i r ,.,i,ii Iicipailoli, be-
cause they cannot f ad nor write, and
their mauler maintain ..aronlal swav
iHs ailse they will not tell theni nt t.'r
rights i,r ,HTndt communi. ailoii win,
IlllflllgCllt N1..
While the union col,iiilaa,.r. t ,
II" MH,r h.OlHl-S , Ml-Xl.-O. t.y r,
i-early every thoroughfare a pathway
or out atr,-i. lM hands f ,,.,
gare.1 and broken ,,hhi bv t,,.,
Mn very, now at . i,.r, y r charitable
tourists and M.r. l,an.e the sil, n,.4
phi.iMl their wli.r,., palms ,y f,.
l..w .otiiiirymcii.
lie slglilll.-aiil feninrp of t. ,.n ii
Weill was the slatelueht lt . M(.t.
. an wotkmai, bud absolutely ,, ,,.
Ing (Mslnlly or M,j,v,
III point or M-rrlee. IhVy f.,,,,,,1 ,,mt
M.l,an worked rr,,,,, t,. , ,,.,,
Iiours. The average was fourteen In
wine placm .v round he Hmm.m .,
not a.-.-ept . I.Hka a. a guide r lals.r.
Oil COI,h ,h their l lpy,H, work
lo I he n.11 ejletil or ,hal, ei,ln,.
ea. I, day. I ron, . r,n, ( lhu .
d. rpald ,) ou-rwotkod .-oiidiii,,,,. ,).
Me.ii-nn employ. , . (1(,Vl.r
but eisi lmir aiarve.1 umii i.
joins ll,e wrnka or Inimanlly ,,i, t.
highway pb-adlng r..r alioa. r ,..
a.l.la anotlo r lire on . ,r f ,,
,.,II,I,,. lllrll aal,.,,
l-w Kala ,.t KM
M.l.ti wag., lot,,,!,,!,., ,,,,, ,
the op,i, ,,t Trade ami liU.r' U
.,l,y .ir,.ra. gHP w'rk
IllgllO II i l,!,!.. loilo .,M. Ihlhkil.g
'ara ni, r in M. tl.o mi-it, n ,,,,,
room ,.f r. .t-mi. H .lay; the ,,,.
" nil. 1.1 n.i, ti. I
I lit, I lo Illt-M.
i rii,i.ra f,,f. fr, ,
1 i... ... 1
.... .... ,-- ,,- I,IM, MtMma ...
II, ; '"' l" r . e.i pl In i. i i,.
m.,. wi,t. , ri. i(
"' "" "' ft Ut I'sloi.r.
i.t I.I. ., -,
"g- l lo
created astoiiishment when they cited
them. Botli sexes are in many in-j
stances siM-Uless, half-clad and'haH'-l
starved. Morals are .lepra v.-d. Ouivj
f.ii per cent, of the total population can
read or write. j
At the stores in Mexico they found
inat Hour, which costs '' cents a pound
in Chicago, was S cents a pound in the
City of Mexico. Butter valued at IS
cents in this city ranged from .V, to 75
cents a pound. Sugar .jumped from 5
cents in Chicago to S in Zn.-ateeas and
I-1- in (iuanajato. Two-dollar shoos
were aud $5 in Mexico. Most of the
Mexican laborers wear either breech
cloths or remnants of trousers, ami go
barefooted, while their wives seldom
see a pair of shoes. Personal attire is
another object, lesson said to be due to
pauper wages.
Milk is from 0 to i) cents a quart
across the Kio (iraiuie. In Chicago it
is Coffee, ipioted here at 2.". cents a
pound, is MS in tlie City of Mexico. Po
tatoes are from :i to o cents a pound,
while soap, which retails here for o
cents a pound, commands IT ceujs. All
other prices in commodities aud the ne
cessities of life were found lo tie cor
respondingly advanced, while wages in
variably hud a downward tendency.
As a result, if. was nsei.i-iiiiiii.,1 r,.,.,n
personal observations that Mexican
wage-workers and their families sacri
fice the pleasures of butter, sugar,
in ilk and other indispensable adiuii-ts
of an American laborer's household.
Mexicans who wish to sit down at
their tables must pay p, for kitchen
Clothing Was found to be accordingly
ox-pensive.' Calico, which retails at 5
cents a yard in Chicago, commands the
price of 17 cents in Zaeatoeas ami II
cents in the City of Mexico. This is
only one of many similar instances. 1
In comparing Mexican prices and
wages with those of tlie I'nitcd Stales
the currency of tlie respective counties
is tlie basis. An American dollar, un
der the present gold standard, outranks
tlie valu.. of the Mexican coin.
I.irt Is AilnpU-il.
" uoii t tie special se.-sion of t In
and Labor Assembly was callei
iler at ,'l o'clock to consider the
President .lames n'Connell was
cnair. lie announced th
.. .... ., , iiieeniig mm ,,,,
...inn in i ge ii i icnoaiice. .
P. .1. Maas read the report. Mr. Maas
s general organizer of the American
I'cderaiion of Labor, also organizer of
the seventh district of the Iiiternatioti.
al lypograpiiical union. II numind-
ed general interest, and at the comple
tion of the report Ids colleague. Mr
Knrlght, made a brief speech of con-ci'i-reiice
In response to freipicnt calls
Mr Knrlght Is a veteran In the histoid
of local organized labor. He Is a incni
ber of the executive board of the r,m
Mould's I'nloii of (hisaYiiv. I ii mil,.
stance he vorlllod the slaten is read
by Mr. Maas us being a pl.iin. unbiased
and iruiliful result .r the Impiirv. lie
iwhl it was not a mailer or politics but
"lie or fact which anyone who Investl
itaied would corroborate, lie had sim
ply served trades unionism.
After the applause had subsided, it
was moved that the report be received
spread upon the minutes r the assem
bly and practically adopted ,,,,,, portion
7 "'" r id or the organiza
tion, with thanks to Messrs. Maas and
Knrlght. This uiolion was promptly
carried l,y an almost unanimous vote
io- .uii.v opposition being ,. ,, M
Cra th and Aiilmni I nmi,.,.. ..t .i
It won't
cypher om mul tell the
Kinlcy unit fcr Ilotiart
uhI I want to
wlio iu-i lmiiKiti'
,v Willi the corner
hosx stiii-... for in
.V. Ml-.
liiions aint the millions
take Ion
reason itv
I'll he vol in' telle-
.-1M,I l.v
I've tw snhsi'aiH ial i-cason
givi- 'em inn.
ICl- MIC llClKlil if
l-oiintl in ,),,,, to
-Now. I lain' hi-Kin io
n nu couii.n i rim
save his lite.
l.ceaiisc he lall;.
oi' sni-oiiis
j.tnl lives i in-le's h.-ilanii
least of ii it v fuss,
l.i't hnn k.i aliead ami hi
.... quite ferret
l tie limes from 'ill
cannons vet !
.vim how ii U
I lie )o,n I
'fill tile tiniinn
io- i iiunil-y went (in pi-osinTin
f-.-.v. i,.inoiic rule.
Anil how I In- nicu in ehai-e of it lit ,)u.ir
heails. anil kept 'eni cool!
v-ui i , eeiy place wl. ilounilereil in.
the (lu-l.v nioli.
i lie ti. il. 1'. just hron
splendid joh!
i in It-ustiu- just tin
principles suhlinii.
Unit will stand fei- I
the coming time!
to ti."
I l US Kt
Sitaril Inst oi
pi'.M ly liaml we sliowed
heel wit Ii
hut I'll never
can hear them
, so heavy was
the l.lutr.
ered in. set bv
U'ht us out ami did a
same today in the
L,'ress through
The ,
' Trade
I to or
repor' .in the
purpose for
wlih half a pinch
I'er, er straddle on
who governs
unci' reason mtv
ol sense
u in 1 1 1 , i L-Minsay tier
tlie lenc(,.
lien oliserve such men ns lie
1 i 1 1 1 1 ,, v
A teiicliln''on sound docteni will, 11(. .ft of
ft allov.
Ami faullin' with the government for
" "i" '.as i-lKlir,
And leadin- ,,is 'en- land of ours
chlslie iitulil.
i, liaclieral, wit limit thinliinV
.Inst turn my hack
way I volo
f hey would lienein u,,, masses, (thei
,, , ioemselves:i
o.v teiiiiin Hits fa
sataii iliilvo.
I've got some sense that can't, he touched liv
iiruyn t er hhiir.
My vole goes fm- McKinlev
money. Hun's enough! '
to aiiiu-.
nr tiikin' any
iiion 'I'm and look tins
em usses,
nut ion to the place where
nml sound
ot an. ' Why, he's tonguey and
,i,i ,,iii speecn,
he fruit lie liankers tiftcc Is some wuvs
"'.vonil ids reach : -
fust I ravelin' i,,ini,l it,,. - i ,
, know what 1 advise,
Us it s.irt of scheme he's workln' bis fame
to itilvci-llsc!
Put when il comes to enterlu' that roval
hi lo llmise gate.
Hell Imd Hen he will get there -everlasting,
ly too late!
- Stillwater (Minn.) .Jazettis.
Silver Curr -ik v
favorite' assert ions of tlu?
that the values of silver
se and fall together, and
price of the latter is di
by the cheapness of tin,
writer in a C'd
view, and pu'.e
nn! WlidO
One of the
P.i'.vanites Is
ami wheat r
that the low
rectiy caused
f ...
loriticr. , tree coinage
eago paper lakes this
liulw.o I 1... ,'..11 ! ..... . 1 .
" " "" wuig lanii" in coiiiiectloii
with his article:
.1.111 11 ll.l AllL'IISl I.l,.,.l-S .r ,,,
Hrlck layers' Till both r whom are
1 " el silver men,
IsT.i. .
ls'7. .
1STII. .
1SMI. ,
ISM. ,
1SS4. .
INS.",. ,
1SS.I. .
1SS7 .
I sss . ,
issu. .
SIt. ,
IHI2. .
sti:i. .
I SI. I. .
I hp,-,. .
per till.
.. I 4.1
.. 1
.. 1
.. I 17
.. I .'II
. . I .17
.. 1
1 10
I I!
1 07
I o. l
per III.
o iss
1 Is
11. -I
per oz.
i am
I -'7S
, 1 !!!
1 1..I
i 2n
1 t.-.J
1 li'.'J
1 H".
I t::i
1 Phi
1 110
1 1H
1 oil
1 KI
Assuming that these llgures are cor-
re t. let us see how they Isar out tlm
theory (hat silver and wheat are boo:,
panloiis In the market. The Ami
two dales show the cxaci opposite . 1
this alleged relation, wheat having
gained 1'.' cents per bushel ami sllvei
having lost 'J cents per ounce fr, j s; a
lo 1.N7J. I'olluwlng the tuble downi
Hie reader will be surprised lo see how
rreipii ntly the p, , ,.H ,,( t M. Uv ir
ducts have moved In coiiiiniy ,ir,.,N
Hons. I'.illowhig are sotue exiimplcH:
"Vi 71. . Whl-1,1 Bllllicl ! . Kll...l...
tr i.i..... . . . . :
.... . , iiciii K'Oll.'il
I",'l ii.." Iienl I,, -I ,.
I-T7 TH..W iu-,,1 u ., 1 ,,.., IT,-
l"ia V.I. , Iienl .i
IsT't M..M Iii-hI ualueil s...
Iv. .,. ,u ., j,,., ;,,
W.e'l.,liH,i i; i i oi, o,.,
Il !r.'. .W Iienl u..,i... I ..,
Tl.lia II la a Ilml
"ici iilly a.liai .ed Mliile
in .
II,.. I IM
1 1"' liii.ti.i
tin . Ii, 11,1, . n" , .
. . silvrr !..(
. .Silver L'nlli.-.l
, . Stller l.t .'.,
, suier Kntiic.1 ,
.S Iler l.., Se
.si'i.-r i;,, I in, I I it
, .SMler l..l
.siii.. i i..i tu
whciii hits ft...
siller I li, n il.s
11 '"'"I Vl.-e t-Kl. ri,- d.M-a ,.. I
pr.xe thai in li la nlvuiya . ,,.. t,,
II la not; but It demons! I, I lea that til
prl.fs of Hie I wo pimhii is are lutlu
el,,,-, bv illlTiii.iit lailsi'a mid Ilmt
I here Is no itc,-,-sary ajmpulhy
IWim-ii I he, ii,
Il la well. In ,s . .ume, ,,n, ,llllt
I "'"T alHclilo claim. Iiilioeli, ,
I lie . , i. f w.t IMI, n,,, J.,.,,,,,,,1
pr.ws rliy an i,-i,.rii,-. by n. ,.
lily ..r money available fr In nhiii,..,
Again .piolliig the table or the I hliMtr
adv. Ht,i. r free ,-oiiiag.. r..r the pit,.,
of iii. and laklng oilh iigr of
i ne inn-iirt .l.parinoiii fr ih
IM.II.i alipplv i.r looiii-y.
ioiimh ing i, sun :
i; i. .
Ts ,
s, ,
I VI, .
. l II..,
.. I .''..
al...H on,..
fn t fnf trmrr ,. ff yf
nr n t ium t1(l
"' ! l. .la... n ra u, a;i
it i a fit i
I Mr !..-... ia r,i,, ,,,, n i .-I ,
of ..,, tuna ..,!,. ,... ,(f .
loaftual l,.l-.f .,fc.. .... .U,.(
lb- a.,,,, of Ut itiii
, ll.al dflift I I . . ,
... ..a oar.s,, i, ,1(
'" "' rra !!,, , ,.m irj, j ''' II ' i -f l.i. lilt,
' ! anlr-.iH (,,,,
" f'i.-al ,r I'M r..fta, t,. U,
,,"' " '" ""'M 1'iw.ipk. ni
'' " ' tnUtnl (.fhonr opiuMi
N Slf .lr.l , t,tt H till.)., U (a
M tfar ,!.).. ! Ih. alirlsilr f
mnrtr ,flit. b Ktm of Ihrv tjj (ai.a
M rwtlw I1hi t!i fcTflr,ty ,j
Ih atate. mtthH rrart"- ti. atrj-a,
1. int, ftraa mhn In aatr In..
fpw mit tf rtmw ,4 It Uaful .Ha
I.- , .
1 ..on
, ,,a turf lo. I...1. I ..i
j It aa alao m-tl,, ,al ,.t
1 '"l "l Ib'lr to
f litM .... I k. ,,, tiB t,m.
; m .Am h-,M. UH -fl...l,a. r(, ,
.r,lt,)lr h f.,,,,,.1,,,,..
..I .,.r. H.lil t.p.,. mttlt fct,
rtwl. laaoa. lis. Matt, an al.. ...
M MliNl up l,rt.a la,,4 pw,, h
of IfntmariUoOTfll l.aada
1 4 rt. I.,I4 a.. 1 aR, 1 1,,.,,,! r
i "M" "-I'M t4 IU. ,rf.M
IW.ua ..f M'aaia M... ,M ,; ,,
MjJ,.r Mi K'nlei ,h n..trr,l I ralai.
illy of N.irlh sn I Smith,
(From speech lo West Virginia dele,
gallon al Callloli. October T,. IS'Hl.i
The liilercsls of your stale are Id. "i
ll-al with tl. Iiiieresla r iv slate
What Will ben, -lit one Will iM-nelll .
oilier; what ,,J,.,. ,. ,. n in ,.
Jure the other. They have no divided
iiihtcsis. i ney are ope and ludlvhlhl,.
No longer are th,.y n,.p,,ri ,,...
est or alTeciloii or fraternity bv tin- u,
happy evelils of Ihlilylh,. ,'., !ls. ,
The wollluls t., InlU. ied 'h,.v,. ,,.,'
healed. Tin. I. litem,... . ,.ht,..
a 'M'CII asaiiagiMl, The lln-s
of passion i hen loirning i,,,,,, M.
H e are all an i .pial nii t of I he gr
hois union or states, till e.piitllt ,i,.r-
'l.'. III pt, .n,,g ,a (udlaaobiblllu
all alike cop, ,.h In . air.-ngi), ,', j
Iniegrliy of I he ,,; p.,,MU
peblle h. iioilni,,!,,!,,,, ert,at
bulwark .r Ai.t.-rl. ,,i, rlghia. il. ,-oiiiia
..r the eoiiniry. with n. ,.,l fl,, W(IV.
log Ha f,,,l. f proi.i ii,,,, ,,i,,r ,m ,
aa near lo I he .Mrfa r Die me,, f ,
H..UII, aa lo the men f l tie Sort I,, ffre.
Iio-O.looa tl,,,it.,, i
"Il Wilt Ih a Itl'.tl.Mla d.ii lo II,., I.U
tory of ,,iir.o,ini, H h,,. SnrsU so, I
I he Motillt ahull la- i,imI,,, ,i iilr,. .,r
Hie goieritl ,1. ,r.iih lg,..r It,
the ill,,,, of a oiiii,, , ,,,.,.,
agf.Hlng i, H ,., N1(l y tltr ,();
g.aal r all. ai ..g, ii, r Hoiking I,, , .
and n.boli.i.ifntl,,,,, whl. li ahull U. IM,
liooiii in i n i aa Mrll aa In i,u,.,i.
He will i r,.r r. u. I, our foil and In,
-ri.,l .,w,r aa a g....f t,i n
Hut! Mitily ahull .1 ..p.iMiie i. ,
lev In a i,iii,.i, i,,i,ph, hI,. t, ahull
llo J.,1.,1 ,, , , trl,,,,,,,!,
of all .n.,,., f l(f ,,,,
mi un,, i p,n. t ,,, (f ii,,. ,,,
halt Itaull In ,., ...... ,1, . . ....
k-i.,illl I, i Ih. ,!,.,,., i r,..
M... great.-.! I..H fr tl.f I ,,, B,,
tor Ai.h M. de.iint .net- ..u,
I r. nu i.,,,o. ,i. pi ,,,,. ,
' I's.tt. .. , .,. . ,,,,.
the IlianiiiM, i,l , ,), ,, f( , II. If
l"-l '' l- .i..O,. !,,. , f . I '
.! of the .,,, r i I),,., .,.,, ,,, . 'If l..la , t, I
"I"'" r fnH r a II, ft,,,,,,. M l' !" a l.o.n. ; .;,
.!, .,. ;,! Hff, , t hrtll. ,,, I' OOi'1,1 , , i,,,, lf
la 1 1, , . ,.l . r..f It,., public g.mml l, ,r "' I M,..Oj,,
" l.i.l.ll. l..,.f and r... ii... ...ir Ih.i I. '
. ..... .... ..... i -
Weal rarli 't,i. !,,, 'I I.e '.i t an a,( i,.,.. 1,1 . il
Ho I are, .1 I.I l .,.,1. kl, ,r..k. f
'""'""f Ilrtl.t I... .. 1 ,,,f
I.. IJ. I
"'' w e'j.- ..f a! IIh.
lien a , r, i,,g
l-"""" n. WKb I.i. ,..
"''"' '"""""I lt.t..,.
or Ida ..,1I a, ,,,,, f.,11,,,
.Sii. 1,1,1,,,,,. ,, tM,,lf (iw
Irttt Ih fiaa la n a MMmla-r of t ml..
!l.l ll.li. ol Hga,,ta,.B ,,.
riirrro,, and rfn.n a, ,.,,l4, ,n
U-p-.el-.vo of llaa g..rf,
,Unaa. .t,,.,,!,! f,-.,,,,, ,.,, ',
1',n"" I- I.-Pd aaai,,.!
(ti rlia-r irtna. U il.u..i,..ui
Ifcil ftKa. .i-lalfla ana ttrrfy ntm,,f
lime IP.,
is i
, r, r.
. K. l
It ia l, it, I. i, , a,o hue Ilm
all ill. Ole I. mi e of In, .,i y ne..a.urilt'
lowila I lie ,ll.e of Wb.1,1. ,1 , j, ,;,
a.,ileli p,i, , . Iw , f, , ,,
aluli.i a bull fre,j,. ,, g,. ..g,.
Ibe i.l,). , I , ,w )(1, ,H, nil
li...a between i a l. , I . ffe. la all. j
il I.V our fl.-c.,l,r f. led. I i,., i
m rf.'l.ir, bin ni- ., Iiifr...ii. 1,1 ,n n, , i
il-lHul na I,, il. ii, .oa.t i... ,IH ,tttl
I l,. p lie .11. r. l., ,,fll ,,( , t
leal ..r l,K!ii,i, J . i l of w hi, I, ,,
1. 1 ill, I I. it,.e I!.-Iii.i, r I h ,,.,,
Kiel t I,,, ,1,1. e.
a .,,!. I .,.,,,,,,
. ue of r Ib j , . f ,,,,
i. ' .'I 1...... .
f il. on
I. AMiii.e a.
art' i f
II ltd
i ot i.i r
i i ,.(
I b
11 ii . .1
If. I I , .
I .- A oo rl.
iliffl fi ot
.! l-fl-. it.
H .H"Oa I He a,
l"l ml ."..I v , ti ,
a .el ! ! ! , , ,. , ,, .
(It, .. le. jo .,, . l . .
lr..oi ii.,1 ., ,,,,,,,,. .i,i.i
ll.rlr t .,lft h Ti ,., ,, I. ..f
th.tr p.il.lie ,. , ,! ,, ,,,
S.l ol .low a II, r .or. 1, 4.11,4 ,
'f "" at. mi r a ,., ,r ..,.. ,i,
Hl.t ...i.' iii,, l ,,i .i, a, ,,,,, IK,
la I ir..a aM a.KI I,, f , ,at ,
I .liglan.1 thai and two i.ka f.,r
Ate we Ih.i atn tig i o..oh to i.ai.
atatfin of r nmn -(,, , a mni
lw. u,ake )ia f l.,(Taki I ir,n.nl.
fl M 11. lTT I I.MIM Mi, x '