Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 06, 1896, Image 4

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    a u-j a t w pvt.
Of Two Transcontinental
3E, "O" T ES 3
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
And Bo the Beautiful Girl' Lit Was
Miraculously BaeeO.
Far above the excited crowd a young
woman clung, trembling', to a window
ill. Beautiful she was, even in the
habiliments of midnight, Bays the New
York World.
The flames rolled on. Ominous vol
umes of smoke belched from the wic
dovvs about and, climbing tip the walla
of the doomed structure, darkened the
heavens above.
Still the young woman maintained
her grasp and hung suspended fivehun-
A rtii fad in tni.lnl.
I m. v i i - 1 1 r. i i n . i
"Hrfnt Helnl" she cried at last. Ane nepuoncans or me unueo. states,
tr- - - l
But, though the street below was assembled by their repreeenUtativM Id
thronged with firemen who wore med- , , oonvent Bppealing for
als for braverv, not one moved towards rtr " "
the girl. Such an act would have been lar ana Historical justiuoation or tneir
suicidal. I nlnimn tn thn mutflilpHR RnhiVAmenrs of
"What, Kha II I rtn?" r train RnneKea
the girl, as the forked flames licked tho 30 years of Republican rule, earnestly
coping just above her head. and confidently sddress themselves to
il l i ti ' i .. f ivn t .kt uin i
t was then that a young man wai and conscience of their countrymen in
seen pushing his way through the tne following declaration of facts and
crowa. lie wore a smiui, uarn iuus
St. Paul Kansas City
For the first time sinoe the civil war
the Amerioan people have witnessed the
calamitous consequences of full and un
restricted Democratic oontrol of the
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
tache and seemed scarcely more than a
stripling. In his teeth he clinched a
When he had reached a position ul-
rectly under the young woman he exclaimed:
"T.t, rrn vnnr hold nnd drnni
Nh r.t.v.H hi onmmand nnd tbe government. , It has been a reoord of
crowd stood awestricken. Like a comet unparalleled inoapaoity, dishonor and
Biiu bJiui curumiuu. I . T , : , . - ,
Landlnir directly upon the young ul80Blor- """""""-"n""
man's head, bhe rebounded several feet it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible
into the crowd and was caught by p
r .
'Are you hurt?" inquired the young orutnary current eipenoeu witu
man, anxiously. borrowed money, piled up the publio
"Not one bit," she replied. ... . . , tima -
T area al. v-"-,v","v
"Ila. ha!" he eiaculated:
QAM FRANOmOO wavs famoue for having anything but a foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
OMIM T nHIHUIUWi hard head." And the crowd cheered i u-: it....
uoryetum uueurao uauKiue utoi iuo
him to the echo. I ... . .
demption inna, pawnea American oreait
For fall details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Qen.Fass. Agt.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
Cued by tn. Natives of ta West iodic m measures and results of Bucoessful Be
au Illuminator. I .
The gre. flrefly-elater noctilucus- P"Diioan ruie. in me oroau eneoi ui us
is an inhabitant of the savannahs of polioy it has precipitated panio, blighted
to attain a length of eleven and a half pression, closed factories, reduced work
Inches. In the gloom of night, says an(j w,ges, halted enterprise and orlp-
iiu tun x ear nouuu, tnese uie are cx- ... . . ...
tremely luminous, and the effect is P"a American prouuc.ion wuue buiiiu
brilliant. The light chiefly proceeds latins foreign production tor the Ameri-
i rum iijur purus, iiuuieiy, iiuui two t-.a ..--ij.-.i.nn .
glandular spots behind the eyes, and
one under each wing. They have the public safety and individual iqteresl
And all poinU In California, vis the Mt. Hhaita power to cut off the light at will, in demanijg nttt tn8 government shall be
pimta f Ilia I 1 l . , i 1. I
wiiicn case uie giauuuiar kiois uecome i , . ,
c ii n..:. .mi. Ti,o iini,t. ,J tv.(. resouea worn ine dbdus ui iuum who
nc II i li K I 1 1 ruuiiiu Liu i -ri" o
The vrottt hleliwny thrunsh California to all
point Kant and Smith, brand Hoenio Itimta
oflhePactifia Coant. I'ullman Haffet
Bimiiera. Hxixind-olaM Hlenpere
Altiu'hml (o exprnee traine, aflnrriintr enperior
ccnnmoHHtiona for etMiondilnm iiawwniiHni.
Kor rate, ticikeU, iliwpiug oar reservation,
et,. obII npon or artdrena
B. KDKHI.KK, Maimner, K. r. kukmui, ami.
Goii. V. it r. AKt.. Portland, Oregon
(Sun. Franoisoo
1 1 1 1 1 I I ii
r. y
".a'. - .iv
TiiroiiKli 1 'H 1 1 in it il I'alarn H:ri'rn,
lourlat Hi'inr and Kn-e Kit lining Chair
tni i All.) to I lilmgu.
Many huura avi via llila Hue to Kaatorn
I'. h i U.
wonderful insect by Itself is such that have shown themselves lnoapable to
if the creature be held in the palm of oondnol it withoat dieBBter at home and
the hand, print or manuscript is as
easily read as by a candle. The abo- dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
riginal natives cage these creatures and ,he party wnjon (or so yeart admin
tniiln nun flinm If lu nil nrriu! na Inn I
terns. Ladies adorn thcmselvos with lf"(l ' witb nnequaled suooesi and
this electric-like luminary. prosperity ; and in this connection we
It is related of Don Domingo Oonde, . ... . . n.. ... .i ;..
... , , , . , ,i heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
of Colombia, that ho would appear on
the eveninir nromenade with a larire and euooeas of the administration of
firefly ornamenting the buckle of his President Harrison
oroau nut, winie a nana 01 smaller
luminous iiihocts surrounded it. The
same Spaniard lighted his palace with
fireflies in silver cages. The display
must have been enchanting, for at one
time the light is ruddy, then there is a glance to the polioy of protection as Ibe
change to golden yellow. It is stated bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde-
tit tit u'lintt (lin Mriii t tvarA Biinnt I
land one of their expeditions against pondenoe nd the foundation of Ameri-
Mexico, a pan in wus caused by these can development and prosperity, This
luminaries. The host of flitting lights I , . i;. ..
,,u , . . i 1 1 II IIO auiD lunu UUIJI laim iviviku
oa land was supposed to be an lndi- "
cation of the enemy arousing their ducts and encourage home industry and
camp to resist the at tuck. puts the burden of revenue on foreign
When the English were attacking
the West India Islands the fireflies were Roods; it seoures tha Amerioan market
taken to be a Spanish army advancing for the American producer; it upholds
iiii i.uriiiiiK mini m- uKuiunt wirm, i ., , . ...,i ...i .. ,,. tV,.
An 1 1. . n I 4 ..... . .. . . IUB fliuvilUNll Dtauutaiw w. w .
Bint liiv iiiniiub i mi m itnnijr ivurab I
the alilpa. American workingmrn ; it put tha lac
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. The Repub
lican party favors auch protection as will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people use
and for which they . pay otber countries
more than 8100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of the shop
and faotory; to hemp, to wool, to the
product of the great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating duties for the
pbuildmg of our merchant marine and
the protection of our shipping interests
in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing under tbe Stars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icansmay regain the carrying of our
foreign commerce.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
tor sound money. It oaused the enact
ment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our cur
rency or impair the oredit of our coun-
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
Ooinnge of silver, except by international
agreement with tbe leading commercial
nations of the world, wbioh we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until such an
agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in
circulation must be maintained at a
parity witb gold, and we favor all meas
ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe
bligationa of tbe United States and all
our money, whether Colo or paper, at the
present standard the standard of tbe
most enlightened nations of oe 2tVb.
We renew and emphasize our alle-
t'Ullors to War Ship Hliow the Ureal
National Charaeterlatle.
Ji. IP. PAXTElt. C,h. Ai,tt,
J'tirtliiwl, Oregon.
J. (". IIAUT, .Ijcwf, lleppntr, Oregon.
Sctentlflg AntwIcM
Agency far
YHaoa a a a a.
Dtsic raviMT.
" "if a an 1 1'- Il.n l.. ,ii m
Ml l. .M l.....t. S .
t .14 burr , f-9 efifM -t III. m Aiirtra.
t ..it t i-i tfc .i u i. i.wtii tj.r"
b imUu kjv a m m lva ire vt cfevue la tbe
'cicnli(ic atucrifiiit
I (wui.i wiiiv fwf ta eke
,. .Ml f ...-I.4I..I ft , . 111. tot
l-l l oill-mt II Hart I,, .1 1X1 a
t.mti t t-..i, lllMtl 4 .
Mmiin k si. Paul H'g
. V at, fk
..." tm
s. 1 0 W A
lory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes
the Amerioan farmer lees dependent on
foreign demand and price; it diffuses
Whenever a ship of the United States general thrift, and founds tha strength
I t a I . i . . t I
1. . . ... n-,ou:' of all on lb. strength of each. In Its
aays ino , aNninguiQ nmr, mo inmrra i
are aura that they will have to serve reasoaabla application It l josi, fair ana
ihn purpose ol the curi.mtty seeker. 1 impatrtiaU. fqnally .pKaed to foreign
4 nr fri 'aiiim Tiian puinie, an iti unroll
Undo Ham's noble seamen the other niroi anu ui.mmra uiunui, tw .ro
day, "Is fully aware that it own Its tinnal dierrlminstton and lodividaal
ahare of a battle ship or a gunboat, , ... .
and It Intend, to have the worth of Ita oounoa tb. preeen
money when an opportunity ofTora. It demncntio tariff as sectional, It jnrlons
la ela med hy the oflleera that they do to pnbno f rfdi, Md dMrnciivs bus,
nut fitiUH't tii alliiu iiiir ix-numa wtui da. I
aire to see a man-f war to wander over 0M tnierpnaa. via aemaoa saoo
the ship and see what it la like, but equitable tariff no foreign Imports ablet.
they do object tn tha rtirlmity of some , . . .. i.i. . .
, f ... .i .1. i . i . . , , ... come into rompeiitino with Amerioan
perMina wliu Insist in eottilng Into the '
wardrtMim and gulnglhnmgh their cab- prod nets as a III not only fnrniab ade-
Ina and all their private effeela, aa If -naia U,r tha BMwaiar einen
tlipv nM-mut fhikfcj'ftrtU'lca aa evi.lt aa tha I
ship. Nn ni. ff., Cal.. U aald to ba the " '". bot wUI pfotact
plaee moat ahliorrvd by offioers on ae I Amenraa labor from tbe drf red at loo lo
count of cnrUiaity a ker Ona of ... .... , . ,.,,.
them aaid that a man could not lie down I
In bia cabin and get the sleep oectweary I Wa ara not plvJgaJ lo aay particular
Ul ataml wateh without being routed Lui.u Tha atiMtinB nf rata la
utlL with Die rti lallwiliiili: "U'hv.tiem'a 1
one of Vm. ami he's aslarn. (' and PfM,l0' qowtloa to ba ivro4 by
l.aik. girla." At other llmea the crowd I cotidltioos of the time and of productinr
. .. 1 I It... . .. I .u. . 1 ... 1 1 . . I
the wardroom and waU htheomemat rH'"" " "H " '
m!a. malting an. h rommt tila as they ! tha proteetiou and detelopmeel ol
a . . . . '1
thineoniHiimwaniBoetii ihemrs tad i-,.,u. 1.1... .j tk.
what they wrr rating, aa if they bad I
t- n a part of a ntenarerW that had Jttal """""V "'" rit aiimmi ana
'-l- "Have as from riding at attrbor I tbf o it waatt rest.
at Nan inept, aay tha ofiioen. whobava
Ih ti there
tm aanra.sm.
'if (i immaterial, la my jti-ljtnent.
rhrlhtr the mkep grittter rtetirt oaf
farf mm the Uirff or ml . ,
II A tlhrr he ilf pr foea anf n at for I
Wa Mlavs lb rpel of tba rarlpmoi
ty arrangements a(otiate. by tha last
lUt'iibllrao sdmioietralirKl mm balloa
Glance at this Map
iH it, I .in, wilee-lp e4 at rl Rail.
aa I . lie - ll t 1 1 N a I lanrae-
timl Hne ea4 w e4 tweHa, tt4
twenl 'Sal Ha Oalneaie teit aHh etee-
t-t. i A htr4 -t m lie ritMiii le
iittt a...t. f ? , at4itaiMl
.. .i.,f nr, ilk fie te. 'Ilf keo. tefe
''i-t" ! Vra a 'm,r nra tjKf lee) a.
a4 1i . ft - i! twH ! It MI4.
t.t(,f il a a !. i.t V r . wt tMtteale
S.-W. M M IkoW Ul'lUa)
free m-oxl."- tttntrt from ijffik o ealamlt and demand their renew
ii ,u,.,m J. frin . la the iiou of liep Mj ottaMkm earl. Wrote aa will
t r.M . ... .
rtiei f nr iivia woq in u. piimti
raronts reattiolum ahifb bow nbetraet
.t. .. .. ...
A I et Hatth Keaej.at I let eaia v aawrwaa pnniiioi n porta
ttmi.ttm U tirtpp, I'aeauioBla w oantftaa, al aacara ealaif4
an. I all Tbntal and tn dueaaea att I atoik-ta for tba frtfctttrit of ri le.wa,
ttt4 hf p.tilba Cora. fat asla l-l trmU aaJ feefcw.aa.
rtoUetloo aa4 tetptttty ara lo
I- a I mmlulnri mo the tl'ixia t
laiuntNi 1 aa.. r ruRtiirrif.ii.
H ells A Warreo.
1 1 fit lo I'ehdSel o tta llrrier-
t rhit lila(a I.tta. t'eranao Jeetri at af
tlaMiaf I'faillel.io a safe time aad
ouoef taking tlita Hate. Py aa
qaalatlef Ida ael ll,o pvetkiaa aieo
toeoeatea of lUpabltaao aliy, aad ff
ka4 lo kaad. lWoMitwalto lata bat
reokleoaly altork d.iao bnto, a4 Botk
oiaal bo re otUbJiabed. rotaotltt fuf
ll'Tteo el die Sa M.o. W. It, l.iao.
ri'li ,
S' l tba titoo the Wavklf
la-eee-e ,!. t h weat tejtr"aaw, lla f Nti( oeaepapw N
1. i'.. e.i-'a'i l ' v. tt e eut I tt 111,0 Weal. t lib lhe(laelt,Ula kH
l-l i t.if t .m aittllf to e.teoeo, ooo ta, 1 1 fax SltWtlet
! t' i'l..( t .1. (-.i.., m -!'. j t..0'ltaale' f aae-ar fat tm 0 '
ia ll. etale. ti.o will fiva a. a
! i,fi,i!'.itt aa at tilt , .al f 'at.tLa Wet
I .! T, t tMi. lil r.wl pieaVf, ao o-t i-illtraJ tf.
Iitiuit, oooeet. toa to 0o aal i.Lofto
Ira IU (ea oill aaaka rfioto oiiklobal oo tJio; (rao a-twltolua fw tha
3 i ! i itaio at I bo ..r i eatlieinn
The veterans of tbe Union armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
prsotioable they should be given prefer
ence in the matter of employment and
tbey are entitled to tbe enactment of
suob lawi as are best calculated to se-
onre tbe fulfillment of pledgee made to
tLsin in the dark days of tha ooootry'a
peril. We denounce tbe praotioo lo tba
pension bureau, so recklessly and un
justly oarried on by the present stditiiuia-
trstioo, of reduoiLg peosiona and arbi
trarily dropping names from the role as
ileaervlng tbe severe t condemnation of
tbe American people.
Our foreign policy should bo at all
limes firm, vigorous and digoifieJ, and
all our interests lo the western hemis
phere carefully oakbed and guarded.
Tba Hawaiian islands should bo controll
ed by the United Statu, aod oo foreign
power should bo permitted' to interfere
witb them ; tbo Nicaragua eanal should
be built, owned and operated by tbe
Uoited States; and by tba purchase of
tba Danish Islands oa aboold aaouro
proper aod much needed station in tba
Weal ladlee.
Iba Baeaaete io Armenia bavo arous
ed the deep sympathy aod Just indigna
tion of tba American people, and wo bo
lieve tbo Uoited tttotoo aboold nan i
all tba itiflneeco It can properly iett lo
bring Iboeo atrocities lo ao and. Is
Torkey Amerioan reeidebt bave baoo
tipneed lo Iba graveet dangers aod
American property destroyed. Thai
aod tvery a bars American cltftoot aod
A met lean properly roost bo abeotataly
protected at all hatards aod al any cost
ooaoi txxTTStxa.
Ws reaaaert Iba fcf ooroa dostrtoo io
its folio! osteal aaJ ws reaffirm Iba
right of lbs Ceiled Hiatao to glvo lbs
doetfies tffed by reoponJiag lo tba ap
paalt of aty A marts taste's or frieodly
intereUo la oaas of Eoropoao so
Ws shall ftol ho ioUiferod aod bell
not latetlevo witb lbs stisliag p-teao-
ks of aay Lorpoaa power ia Ibis
beatepbare, bol tboas ftoaaaaeioos Boat
ol, OO eoy Vtesl, bo tlleoJed. W
kapafully iWk fur ward to lbs seol
al wtlbdi aoai of Earopoaa poosit
fma Ibis bMoinbatS aaJ lo lbs olUmate
liberty. The government of Spain hav
ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable
to proteot the property or lives of resi-
dent, American citizens orto oomply with
its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government of the United States should
actively use its influenoe and good effl
oes to restore peace and give indepen
dence to tbe island.
The peace and security of the republic
and the maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of tbe eartb
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor continued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seacoast defenses.
For tbe protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan citizenship aod of wages of
our workingmen against t'ie fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
tbat tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United States those
who oan neither read nor write.
The civil service law was placed on
the statute books by the republioan
party, which has always sustained it,
and we reoew our repeated declarations
that il shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever practi
We demand tbat every citizen of the
United States shall be allowed to oast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and suob
ballot shall be counted and returned as
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous
practice known as tbe lynching or killing
of human beings suspected or charged
with orime, without process of law.
We favor tbe creation of a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
tbe differences wbioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommeroe.
We believe in ' tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead rolicy of the Re
publican party, and urge the passage
by oongress of tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure whiob baa already
passed tbe house and is now pending
in tbe senate-
) the Editor : 1 have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely usa
thousands of hopeless cases bave been already
permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I
of its power tint I consider it my duty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
t. A. SLOCTJM, M. C 183 Pearl St., Hew York.
Wf The Editorial and Business Management of
this Paper Guarantee tola generous Proposition.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1
ent business conducted tor Moderate Fees.
Our Office is Opposite. U.S. Patent Office
and we can secure patent in less time toaa taosc
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured,
i a PiuPHLET. " How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same In the U. S. and foreign countries
sent iree. Address,
Opp. Patent Office. Washington, d. C.
A A0
The comparatl ve value of theeetwoeards .
Ia known to most persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity ia
Not always most to ba desired.
These cards express tha beneficial qual
ity of
As compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabulee : Price, 50 cents a boa,
- Of druggists, or by mail.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block went of the TJnton Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P. Kailroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.,
caiOAao, ill.
thing to patent f Protect yonr ideas ; they may
bring yon wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER
BUHN cfe CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. 0.i for their $1,800 price offer.
The regular subscription price of tbo
Semi-Weekly Ganette is 82.50 and tbo .
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregoniao .
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tbo
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subnoriDtions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
tbe same. -
New Feed Yabd. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits a
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at this business, and yonr
horses will be well looked after. Prices
reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. tf
We favor the admiHsion of the remain
ing territories al tbe earliest practicable
date, having dui regard to tbe interest of
the territories and tbe United Slates. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should be selected from bona fide resi
dents thereof, and tbe right of self-govern
ment sbould be accorded as far as prso-
lioabls. Ws believs tbe citizens of Alas
ka should bave representation m the
congress of tbe United States to the end
tbat needed legislation may be intelli
gently enacted.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate efforts lo leases and prevent tbe
evils of intemperance and promote mor
RiouTa or WOMK.
lhe Republican party la mindful of
lbs rights of women. Proteollm of
Amerioan iodnstries includes equal
opportunities, equal pay fir equal
work and prolctiio to tbe borne. We
favor tha admision of women to wider
spheres of oeefulo.-ee aoJ welcome, their
so-operatioo io resetting tba ootitry from
Democrat io aod Populist miemaoagrmeot
and misuse.
800b ars lbs principles aod policies
of lbs republican party. Dy I bees prin
clplee ws will abids. and Ibess polk iea
wa will put Into eieominn. Ws sak for
them tbs eoosidarato Judgment of the
American pooplo. CuoBJaot alike io
lbs history of our great party and in the
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
t7"Write for law and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
gs The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
f 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
y. RThii Cnmpnny (t controlled fy nuirly one Ihoumnd Uoding new
ffA paper in the Vniled Matte, and it guaranteed by them.
Attorneys o.t Inw,
Alt busioeaa attended to io prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public aod Collectors.
: J J : : OREGON
mbia River and Paget Sound Navigation Co
Leaving Abler Stroel lXck, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaeb, Ocwao
l'ark and Net ctta. lhret ennneoiioo with Ilwaoo eUamera and rail
road; also at Toong's Day witb fUasbore Railroad.
leaves PoMLml 7 A M. blur, steel Sunday. Leaves aitorta I P. M. ballr, siMfrt ansae,
juatlos of oor Cause wa preoent our plat- I Leares rortlsnd f W. IN.Hr, ert aqnHar. HataHar aiirat. It P. M. taarat Astoria Dmllf a
am n A. x , ,(,! nn.f ana MoiwUf. Suttaat Blf ht, 7 p. M.
Uarte P'l1ln. ent mne iflwrt to ! .., Tveale? an Thura-Uy al S A. W. MaiqMU, ,! a
wn insw unimiii) ih iivuf m i ei,a. un suMef ai(!it at P. M.
UzKt ChrcifJ Is Idml Dotkil M BtiAfi Fret tf Eipfw.
Pnt Salvtr, rominrt, naure. Travel oa the Telefkaoa, Bailer OaUert ass Oreaa Wars.
form and oor eaediJaUs io lbs foil aa-
nraaes Ibal lbs election will bring I
victory lo lbs Rapoblirao parly aod
p me parity to lbs paopls of lbs United
Tbs Inlrnas luliin sod tmartins Irxi-
oVnl lo arwaia, tetter, aall-iheuro, and otlwf I
diaraera of lha skin la Inafatillv alhtred bvl
applying tbambrrUin's lt ani tkial
Ointment. Many Very bed caaes bars bero
pertuenentlf rored it ll U erjiially I
u and a tavunu mn-1
eni.-iat rVf ikbiial M
mf r snrt i''Ua; tbap.! balk la, fbib
biaiaa. rmst Mteav ami hnxuo ars eym
tnr sals by Antti t U cvn's per bos.
Try Ir, fa4ta foodtlt'oi PewoVra, tbev
are jtm hal a horse nrt.lt a Mi to tavl mtwll-
Its. l(NtH tkul puniier atal Vensulnfa.
For salo by Coaarr k ltrork, drogf lets
Iks Keelej bsliblo
For tho Cur o. .
Liquor, Opiam id Tobacco Habits
tt IS lore led al a!ea, Oreaao,
The MM Beautiful Tettn oo f As Coosf
Call al tke flstsrra a re tne partmiais
PtnUtMS4uat. traatawal eflTateawtHr
"It is (ateaaffrii, fa Mf jwJgment,
tiflWr IMeWe gn-wer rw-vrvs oy
benefit from ths iii or ant
II keikrr As ( ne di ! I am fir
fpr0 upinA "t.jrlntrt roea ;rr ,
ft tJi't.l as J. ltrn., tn the ltme nf Ken
reeenl.it tret when Iht II ieia tnit ten
under etne.irrnltim.
ttwk Vtbas Is anil at lbs el 1 aten l
oatl 4r 10 I bo fl , wbeea r" ts
peapared lo do eiMtf to bis lia.
aaka ol all Eaaliaa anaakiaa naiia.i rlbavitff. bair ffallias' btbs''W.. al
.'.w . j , 1 ww wwwwwm VI lie IB"
r I. tthf, t ft.
aeoeaaaitso of life okleo wa 4s o4 pto
4i raoiyraaal sreeoe of taaloal
intervals obWk ftio PpaS) HiMktls rt fo
tn f oar ope a taafMs to others.
rtnletino bill! ts p il. iumI ( ta.iteirf
crats aaontrntio.
Frost too boot at aekketmf Ikeir 000
la4tolsoo, lbs po pis of lbs t'o'tej
tolas bats rafarjsd oilb sf ptly tbs
Sttsitles of otkef America pejts lo
frea Ibeejtsertos ffas Eorapaao Amhw
km, W Wa!B Oib 4p Sol abtJlof
TVle la mne rraraa.
Oo Prt4 of lest aaeb e-e ataae;".
0 aeenM eaa i-ta Oiil la anai)4 if U
a -) ,' I t ! Maf levef Cur
1 till !! sfaol In eVsara
Strata tha fl mh'i I taa fa- ty.
ixt rkniiii 1 a.
$ wiwtnm rt , ?. l ilt
t. j.ar.ti t, .i.-.r... r.K:; vi
tar4aseaaa I.'" I l" sa ! . I
4 eaa e I I r at. w tit. II ia pflal
tlS t aee f h il I a A .rwrti
aal lr1, ! arrles wtf ooa aa j il.,-, U Ulttaaf lbs ('-, ( l' -!. ... 'Mut 4 trw '
fafooraalvea; seotptxolis Nitla lap- j Htrbrts aoatool stoelly a4 rt'Oi 1 1
f 1,. I. ... I a. I. 1 . . i f'1eff fa's It- olotb-U'l
.-, .... . w.y fa m i.e- ol:, r , , .K M '-, aw.y
I S Saas Ol tkslt 4llt4 Ovalest is t M a tJ-s jAa lea, ti tla.
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
nutter ;f Imsine v. e mut w ll it.
Till pATTKkfON IV lit ISHJSG Co.