Where. They Met. McKlnley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Says "Bryan list' drink some Unwood Rye; We meet as friends, my words are few I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan says, in a jokinir manner, "I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanna That's horse and horse, you funny feller When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Linwood Eye. Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon, E. G. Sperry, Prop. FKEE TRADE PlttCEi. Books for Rale 30 floe Morioo bucks; 20 Oxford irrades. Enquire of O. E. Farnsworth. tf. the Latest styles. Mm. M. Le Blister, tbe Hpppnet milliner, baa just received a larije and com pie re line of the latest style fall and winter hats. Intending purchasers should call and see the fashionable dis play ot their earliest convenience. ol8. Notice. The semi annual convention of the Morrow County Sunday School Associa tion will be held in Heppner on Oot. 8. 9 and 10. Tbe superintendent nod one delegate from eaob school in tbe county are requested to be present with a report from tbeir respective schools. Entertainment will be prvidt'd for all delegates. An interesting program will be render ed. All are invited to attend. 3t. J. J. Adkihs, President. "It is tmmvteruu, in my judgment, whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not Whether he dors or does not I am for free wool" Extract from speech of n I'liam J . ISruan in the. Uouseof lien resentutives when the Vilsn bill was nnder consideration. Walt. Thompson rutin etnge between Ilcupner and MonuroHit, arrivim every day except Monday and leaving every d y except Suminv. MhoriHst ami cheap est route to tb internr. OouBur & Brock, amenta. lltn. W. It. KUiH returned home last Sunday ruori.it v ru a political tour in tli valley. Wlilu auiy he deliver' ed nnnilier of em t clies hikI aililreaa- d esppilally lcrij crowd at Astoria, UilUborn and HHd Kiver. Mr. EUia firieola tn reuiiiin in Heppner until after Hon. Jobu II Mitebrli'a viait when be will make another tout i.f Kastern Oregon npetiir.a lit Pendleton on Octo ber jib. , r'or ijirpl and Liver complaint yon have a priolm) gnarauttia on every bottle of Hlilloh't VitalUer. It never fails to cure For ale by Well A Warren. Haver wa mora rlm arronf (Ion the feranere of enr ronnirr than that ejoetl Infllrted during lha past ttar aar apsa lb wool trow era. AlthnaiM tmoai anr tunas aful elllsena. Ihalr la. Until bava ee Brartleall destroyed. McKlaUy's lattar of accajitanoe. Here and There. Senator Mitobell here on Oot. 13th. J. L Morrow ia visiting in Portland. Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 37-tf. Clarence J jhnson is over from Grant oounty. Qeur Hon. J. D. Lee at she opera house tomorrow at 2 p. m. A sixteen foot. addition is beinn built to tbe Thompson & Binns stable. Mrs. Bradley, wbn baa been quite ill at the City hotel ia iuoiroviui slowly. Diiik the celebrated J. H. 0'itttr whinny. On tnp ut. Chris Borchera. Jim Thompson got buck to Heppuer this morning (rum his (rip over the tn.il Mi-e. T. W. Ayers retnrned to her home iu t'endlelon on hint evetit'K'i train. 0;is Patierson relumed from a brief visit to Portland and Arlington this moruing. Hear Hon. J. D. Lee on tbe political issues of tbe day at the opera bouse, Wednesday, at 2 p. ui. tf. J. A. Burdell returned from Fossil Sunday. He reports a very strong Mo Kiuley sentiment over there. Portland has been visited by a $25,000 Are which more than proved lbs defi ciency ot the preseut fire department. Full weather brings cool weather, cool weather calls for winter clothing. See E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this issue. sl8-lm. Every resident of Morrow should hear Hon. John H. Mitchell, Oregon's popu lar senator, Oot. 13:b, at tbe opera bouse at 2 p. m. tf. A dance will be given at tbe opera house on the first and third Friday evenings of eaob month, for an indefi nite period. tf. Lost A Trilby heart watoh charm on the streets of Heppner. Finder will kindly return same to this effioe and reoeive reward. Lee Cantwell had tin misfortune to step on a wire nail last week and as a result he is under tho necessity of walk ing with a cans. M. Licbtentbal is tbe old standby of the Heppner people aud keeps only the best grades of boote and shoes. See bis ad In another column. a. T. A. Keeney, of Portland, ia in town with a floe line of clothing and shirts. Avail yourselves I tbe opportunity to get a bargain iu a suit. The Morrow Co. S. S. Association will meet in Heppner, at tbe M. E. oburcb, at 2 o dock, p. m., Oct. etb, and con tinue In session three days. 2t Miss Ada Bartlett, of San Francisoo, is visiting with tbe family of ber nnole, O. E. Farnsworth, of this city. Miss Burtlutt txpects to spend tbe winter here. J. E. Latbrop. oily editor of tbe E. O., of IVudieton, spent Mnnday and yeater day iu this city and yesterday afternoon addressed the Bryan club at tbe opera bouse. C. O. Sargent baa just completed a feed etable and will feed horses at 25 cents per bead to good wbeat hay. 8f ole to rent at 10 oenta, double, lo feed furbished. ot. Rev. Rosa, who has been assisting the M. E ohmuU, South, in their revival ineeti g, aneompatiied by hia wife, de parted tor Coquille City last evening where be will ugain take up tbe work. ' W. F. Courtney, the cattle buyer, ar rived in Heppner yesterday from Crook unnuty, vvhern be purchased I rue nninW of cuttle to be shipped from Pendleton. P.'puiiet Vandarburg baa quietly drop ped bit contost proceeding! against bit successful rival, Tom Tongue, aa be could not prod no aoy evidence to show that fraud bad been practiced at tbe polls. Oil last Thursday nlgbt O. M. Uriraet hipp'd tevrn cur-loads of bnga to Irmitrfale. Mam Walker, Joa Woolery and Parman Broa , of O'tostbarry aliip ped four ea -loaJa of awli.a from loot on the sums date. Senator John II. MiVMI wat greetl by on ot lb large! political andnoe that t"f gathered tn Pendleton laal Haln'day, th ovAjaion of bit vnit there. Mr. Mlmtifll will apeak io tbit eiiy J week from today at 2 p. m It your children are subject to eronp watoh tor tbe first symptom ot tbe dis ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is given as soon as tbe child becomes hoarse it will prevent tbe attack. Even after the croupy cough has appeared tbe attaok can always be prevented by eiviog this remedy. It is also invaluable for oilds and whooping cough. For s-de by Coser Sc Brock. Hon. W. R. Ellis did good work in V!1.b county, beinu greeted with are audiences. At the close of tbe meeting ut Enterprise, the Chieftain says, "seveial dtinnorata manifosted their appr va. or at least a part of the republican policy a d a determioation to support it" candidate by signing a McKin.ry club roll." ''It is immaterial, in my judgment, whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not it nether he does or does not I am for fre- wool." Extract from sperch of l illiam J Bryan in the House of Rep resentatives when the Wilson bill teas under consideration. The vaudeville end speoialty show given by the Godfreys at the opera house last Friday evening was only fairly well attended. The slaok wire, trapeze and bar performances of Thomas Godfrey were certainly very oreditab'e. especial ly his feats ot balancing and rifid shoot ing from slack wire. Tbe car containing Miss Bertha Gate's piano which was recently shipped from Walla Walla, was derailed and consider ably wrecked at Castle Rook and as a result the piano was badly damaged. Suit has been brought against tbe oora pany for recovery of damages. Misa Carrie Yaughan arrived from Portland' last Sunday morning to be present at tbe marriage of ber brother. Mihs Vaugban departed last evening tor brief visit with Pendleton relatives after which she will return to Portland. Bert Wells and J. W. McAllister, wbo assisted Frank Hagenbartb in taking a band ot sheep over the trail this season, returned to Heppner Sunday morning, bavins left the sheep at Hsgenbarth's corrals near Beaver Canyon, Idaho. Charley Jones, the well-known "old- timer" in the tonsorial line, baa again located in Heppner, bavir.g pnrchised Green Mathews' shop, 'Minor building opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Walter Gentry arrived from California Sunday morning and is now visiting with bis parents in this city. Walter bas been railroading down there and ex pects soon 1 1 get back on tbe O. R. & N. agaiu. G. B. Hatt, tbe tonsorial artist, can be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will dispense at popular prioes, ebavea, shampoos, bairouta, etc. Upon having just what you call for when you go to buy Hood's SarsapariUa. There is no substitute for Hood's. It is an in sult to your intelligence to try to sell yon something else. Remember that all efforts to induce you to buy an article you do uot want, are based simply y the desire to secure more profit. The dealer or clerk who does this cares noth ing for your welfare. He simply wants your money. Do not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon having SarsapariUa And only Hood's. It Is the One True Blood Purifier. Hnnrt'c Dilla easy buy, easy to take, 11UUU fills easv to onerate. 25c. A Million Gold Dollars Would not bring happiness to tho per son suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood's SarsapariUa has cured many thousands of cases ot this disease. It tones tbe stomaob, regulates the bowels and putt all the machinery of tba system iu good working order. It creates a good appe tite and givtt health, strength aud bap piuees. Hood's Pills net barmouionsty with Hood's SarsapRril!a, Cure all liver ills 25 cents. SUMMONS. Will Locate. Here. It is the intention of Prof. J. S. H-nry to leave nrxt Wednesday tor lie poor, where be has been offered inducements to Incite and eogago iu music teaohii.g, He will have cie in vocal and instrn nu-ntal music, and direct the Heppner band. Prof. Henry 'i work at Weston bas been of tnch a nature as to thor oughly atles! hia capabilities a a muti cian and teacher, and we predict fur Liru Ulceus in t more encouraging field. Weston will still be bit home, and bis family will rtmaio here. Weslon L a- der. BASE BALL. The Heppner and Morrow County Nines Play the Fifth Game to Settle the Champion ship of the County. Tbe Heppner and Morrow County base ball nines played probably tbe last game of tbe season last Saturday to set tle the so-called ohampionship ot Mor row oounty, each nine having previous ly wou two games apiece. While tbe score was large tbe game was rather evenly played aod was interesting from tbe first call to ''play ball" until the last out was reoorded in the ninth, which showed tbe Heppner boys winners by a toore of 34 to 81. Tbe game was called promptly at 2 p. m. with Heppner Blaokman and Earl McFarland as umpires, Bruoe Kelly at offioial eoorer aud the Heppner boya at the bat, They boo red but two ruus when the opposing nine came to bat and placed 11 runs to tbeir oredit in their half of the ioniog. The Morrow County boyt retained tbe lead until the seventh when tbe Heppner nine forged ahead, keeping the lead until the finish, winning by tbe above mentioned toore. In tbe batting record the lead perhaps belonged to Norman Myrea wbo toored 6 runt with 2 outs, J. MoGuion and Clyde Baling whn scored 5 rant tnd 2 outs each, and A. W. Patterson 6 rant and 1 out. In fielding Jim Ranev, Frauk Natter aod Vawter Crawford probably made the beat reoords, having toored tbe most assists aod put outs. Tbe following it tbe toore by innings: 1234 56 789 Heppner. . 223 2 75 11 1 1-34 Mor. Co.. 11 3 1 1 8 1 5 1 0-31 The players were arranged follows: Heppner N. Myers, p ; A. W. Patterson 3d; Vawter Crawford, it.; U Bsgley.lf.j Frank Natter, 2d; J. Mills, 1st; L Mat look, o ; Peroy Uarrignet, rf ; Wm. Dunn, cf. ; Morrow County J. MoGuinn, o Jay Shipley, 2nd; F. Hart, If.; J. McFee, p.; (I. Sating, 81; Jim Ranev, 1st; J. Hart, rf.; Ed Baling, of ; Jim Brown, an. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATK of Oregon for Morrow County. A. S. Bennett and P. P. Mays, Plainlifffe, vs. Charles Kimspy and Clara Kimsey, hi wife, A. J. Kimsey and kimsey, bin wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his w tfe, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife. A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Kimsey and N. Klmsev, his wife. Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kiin sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice tbat the above plaintiffs, A. S. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have commenced a suit against tbe above defend ants in the above court to foreclose a mortgage given them bv the above defendants upon the eas.thalf of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 25 East In said county. That the relief demanded in the complaint tn said suit, is for a decree that plain, tiffs' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney's fees st forth therein. That the court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars (700.0(1) and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annnm from September 11, 18H9, and seventy-five dol lars (75.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption In and to said lands, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as Is equitable. This summons is served upon you by publi cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Jewell, judge of the above court, made by him at Chambers on tbe 22nd day of September, 18SW, and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said complaint on or before the first day of the next term of the above court, to-wit: the first Monday of March, 1807, or the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the relief demnndedln said complaint. CAREY & MAYS, 78-91. Attorneys for PlaintiHs. SHERIFF'S SALE. All Uieoniaifod It- Ask yonr pbytioian, vonr druggist aud your friends tbont Khilob't Cure for Cunantnptiun. They will rennriHDfnd it. For t4le by Wells Warrrn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, 'ipon a judgment rendered and en- terea in sain court on the 3rd Uay of March, 18H6, in favor of C. A. Rhea, J. L. Morrow & Son (J. W. Morrow), Henry Blackmail, Hugh Fields. . VVIISI G. W. Swaggart. Tiios. Ouaid. P. 8, reniana, j. r. Knea, 1. a. tinea, Otis rauerson lson, Wm, Patterson and T. W. Ayers, Plaintiffs and against The This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM Tod will find one coupon Inside each 1 oonce bag and two coupons Inside tacb 4 ouaot bag. Buy a nag, reaa un coupon ana see bow to get your share of 1230,000 In presents. I HAVE YOU HEARD THAT T 1115 IV !' Been a unange m ED. R. Bus mess BISHOP ill kni Palace Hotel Company of Heppner, Oregon, Defendant, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten ner cent per annum from August 2nd WM slid Ten Dollars costs; ana, whereas, by saw Judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Commenc ing at me souinwesi corner oi ixi no. mx (d) In Block No. Four (4) of the Original Town of Heppner, County of Morrow, Btat of Oregon, thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet, thence North sixty (60) feet, thence West one hundred and ton (110) feet, thence South sixty leei 10 place 01 Beginning, ne sold to satis fy said Judgment, costs aud accruing costs. I will, on the Third Day of October, 1800, at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, urcgou, sen an me ngnt. uue ana interest ot the said The Palaua Hotei Company in and to the above described property at Publio Auction to the highest and best bidder for carh In hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated 8ept. 2nd, 1896, 472-Nl. SUMMONS. INJUR trlct, BTICE'8 COURT FOR THE H1XTH DI8- Mate of Oregon. Countv of Morrow. 4. a. niHiiury, naimiii. vs. 8. F.. Jones, Defendant. To 8. E. tkines, Defendant: In the name of the 8tate of Oregon, we com mand you to appear before tho undersigned, i Justice of the Peace lit Heppner, tu said County ami Htale, on or before the luih day of Octolier, lh'.n., at the hour of 10 of o'clock In the forenoon said day, at my office In the said town to answer the complaint ol J. A. Woolery founded nn promissory miles and wherein he demands the sum of One Hundred Thirty-six and ftO loo Hol ism, lor w nu n sum Judgment will be rendered against you if you fail so to appear aud answer said complaint. Given under my hand this 2nd dav of ftcpt A. IV, law. W. A. KICH A KIlSON, 472-K. J mt loe of the Peace. Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at lohk Skiiflk Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. Ail wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee lUlilwry at Fossil. J. A. Wt.ulf II, (if this city, wbo nan orr from F"Mil Hnnday last, brings I ha report of a roliberj thai occurred at tbat )taot tha priont Friday oiuM, wWo f.1X) taken from Mr. Iiwvr'a aaO. Tbt tblavrt tutored I I nierohtinlis Iota, and with -"! Iliey had takS from th Mackaniilli tiior. brnk IT ll.e hsmlU of llm sa'o aid with tli n of powder bit t-tt thf tl'mr rh0 tbe J aaitjr rfth'l Hit trwy, blth tu eompntal almost thy of Oft dollar gold ptrr. A tbt timt ha left to elm tu tbt robb-rjr rep iM1. ('surra Cr, lUalih aod tirra'b tarf, by Kliil.il Catarrh IUm.y. Trie Mr. You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be prepared to receive no mistake. him by calling on E. W. RHEA & CO., (( t noun IB I Brit. VkUt ill r. fotl Ut t f!il d'' Mlt itjtmM4 )b. t r,. f.,.,1,,. Kab hat tltUr clolbitf J"t ttf Msr m1af, tb I 'tar !.. Tim art .U l"h ttt h'tf hm ot tf'l !.'.", f"! !" 7 Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe First Nat'l BarjK Corner. If Troubled Wild Kbramallsm llrad This. Annapolis, M l., Apr. 10 1891 I hi.vo uavd Cliamberlain't l'aiu Unlra for rheu matism and found it to ba all Hint i claimed fur II. I bnlieva it tu It tbe tatt prtparatiuu fur rheum tliain at.d dpep touted rouacular paint on tha mar. t-t and elm r fully riKXirntiirpd it to II a public. Jmv U. HKocut, dralrr in Lo , tbott, tic, Ho. 1H Main Bt. ALMO mD TBIM. Mrrhaninsvlllt, Ht. Mary Co, M.l.-I old bottla of Chamborlaio'a fain Halm to a man wbo bad bea tufTtrinir lib r boum at irn for aerrral jitara It madt him a wi-fl man. A. J. Ili tJnx Fur tala at WJ ttult par bolt I by Uouwr Catarrh Car4, health and tet breath tortirtd, by Hhiliibt Catarrh H-md. I'rioa 60 penia. waai Injpolor frt. ror talt by Wrllt A SVarrsn. I'rrsitratial TlaWr Kni Hatiily tlaarork? A pfMtiel man i f ttprttntt tnd thtd oWirrr, tit aa I Uit-f fx lolli with (Mit Tat. tarw-li )raUrday aod taid: I koow IMs mat llrjan. I,lTd 2 Mot fmrn birn f r yttrt. II i a. f , f r prai,ltt. lit U drMitt.pod timber. lit ia tio.ltiiill in mtit'nt). Aud mhn )o lk tl.a ilo4otltrf tlio llirt tt Autblnfl left. fit ft ll.t rdidt t f It t tilver mint o rri tkd n ' i ! t tt n tiqfarturera, I l alatrt been drtn'icrat by in beritante, but tint tbt f'x lea, let of tbt party bttt trly tuiocd tbt m toiiy itb tbeir t "A fre trade, 1 am bertalter ilac bt bt an Amfira. Tby ran't lsabo t't mt Im tvitikt; fr Pft or any rt) llaia fret tra I. f'ajallap Cnltitftef re. Perllaa4 t.iaelUa For Hit Oregon Indnatrial Eitwwitioa to bt held at Cortland, H-pt 1W.N1, AifeDt Hart, of tbt O. K. k It. Co.. will tell apeoial aicnreion tu kelt at tbt rait of nut and noo-Afib fart for tbt round trip, plat fifty tenia for two adrtiisno roiirtovt to tbt Lipoaltloo, Baking io til 'J vi for tbt rounil trip. H-illntf data at ll'ppner art Hept. 23, 21, Oof . tod 13. Ticket upbt Hpt, it, Uct. 2, V tail 10. If 8HEMFFS SALE. NOTICK IH HKRKBY OIVKN THAT I'NfiER ami by virtue ot an exoriitlon IssikhI out of the cirt'lilt court of the Htale ol Oregon, for i ouiiir oi Morrow, aim to me mrei'tiMi aim 1- llvereil, upon a I 1 1 1 k in t remleiiHl anil eiiteri-d III saiil court on the Wh ilav ol H,itemlier, !', In lavor of The Nortlipru roiintlcs Iiiveshnetit Trust, l.liiilteil, corporation, plalutlil'. ami anaiiist ('fx-rlla Taylor, li. K. K luff. N. H. Mi-Hce ami 1. '. 1 honiiHHiii. ilrfeuilaiila. for the sum of eVven lliitiitnil ami m-veu'jr I hree ami I Its) ininani nn uiieren iiiitihiii iroin ill l flajr of June, 1'm, at the rate of eight tier cent fier aiinuui, aiwl the turtlier sum of 1 hlrtjr Dollar owi. and ai i riiln roau; whtrh Jinlmnnit wa enrollnl ami d. kfOil In the Iiti a otlire ol al l court In aahl couutr on the pith .lay of iwpiemiN-r, iwi; and. a hi-rcas. hy aalil )inl- iiii-iii ii was nriii-mi ami 'Ijikikp.i mat in followlnc ri-a-rilml niortrave1 .niT1jr. to wit: IheHoutli half of the Sort heaal iiuarter, and Northeast quarter ot Northcaat uuarter (eriit ten ai-n-a In a xiuare form Iu the norllnn.t corner thereof) ami aoiithrast quarter ol North- west iinartrr of e llin 1 i lu In Township "li (I) Xorth ol Hance Tai-nIT II Kail W. M., twaolil lo sail. It sall )iiitiuiil, cost ml aci rnlng coata. I will, on Saturday, Slat tay tf Octottr, I8BO, St 1 o'clock P, M., ol salil itaf, at the front door ol Ihe court hoimetn llrppurr, Mormw ( niinlr, iirmon, sell uie riant. Illiv and lulereal ol said We are not email men, lta. We are email men, Xs. we are not (He Largest rnercnanis in tne worm i e But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need ol ' Hardware, Tinware, Crocktryware, Glassware, Wood and Willnwware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, ' Cumberland Coal, Gas and Water IMpe, I'le KittlnKS, 8tove and Kangc, Wagon, Hacks, Bugglei, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axon, Hammors, Raw, Sledge, Wedge, Quni, Itstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Gran Itewart, 1'lows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tuli. Wash Bntller and Board, Blicvt Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Qet Fricca. We hav Goon Goods st Fia Trices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John rrtce. GILLIAM & BISBISK, Main st i t e kt - iikppnek. oueqon Irmlanls ( erella Taylor. K Mi K-e end I. V, 1hoiniin a. Km, n. a In ami to In ehote drerllit pmpertr at PutiUe Auction to Hi hlahail and lieet liPhlrr lor cash In hand. Ihe rirocenls tn be applied In Die aallslacilon ol aald eiecutlon, aud all costs and coeis that majr accrue. K 1. MallNk, Hheriffof Morrftw t'onnly, Orrsoa. Ihiled Ibis illd dar ill la t. IxVti. 4K) aw. I. N. IP C!!f 5. M'ci'-on. E. VV. RHEA & CO.. Proprietors. I ' IMa. Wt efftf ()b lluadrtd I4lart lUward fur aay raa of ralarrb tbat etoaot bt cored by llall't Catarrh Cart. f. J Chrkkt A CVi, i'ropt , Toltdn. UbiO. 'A'e. I I.i i"detitgte-t. bav known F. f n-t ay I f b laal 13 leara, and bf ' LlRI tu bo peafrntly biNMatablt In all tuiuee traasrlMit tad Bnanaiallj al le tn ttery ool toy bbiigattnat ma. I by their firm. Meet A Ttosl, Wbilelt Imglttt, Tnl,, )hn. Walditf, Klroaa A Maria, Wboletalt lru(.ata, Toledo, ItUUt. llall't Celarib Cart It lake InlartaU ly, aoMi-a; dnerlly npnn IUa Uat and nruiia tnrfaeet nf tbt slrq l'ir 7 hi. p r bnttl. Hl4 by all dratiia. I eelimuiiial free. Nottct of Intention. I it orrt'R t la t.af t. "'.(', ""r-7.V lM l..lH.tMfte4 IHWI SH w.-t Notice of Intention. I AMlOrrif It AT TIIK PAI.I M.OHKdllN i an tx route i iterviijr slop Ihal Ihe Inllualiif nainwl aelller ha tied no tice in net iiiieiiiion m mate anal prool In sun trt of her Malm, and thai aald oif will be ms'le llore I w. am, coimij rletk, al lieppner, otefon. nn i.ii i n tis: M A kdHKT I.VKV. tAldnw ol anhrlaus M I'm nr. It. I R. Kn. ii 'I, lor Ihe l-.l . t and a, ami tr.k Mt, 1p, K K. M. al,e uiws ihe Inllnalua wlimaen tn ttrmr her rouiiniHMia midaiKw uiu and cultlotlon trf, aald laml. U Mrs Annie tiilllam. Jam (t William, frank Hard, imtld U. Jruklus, ail f Hard man, ore. iAH. f, SliMlMK. -0. Hrdeter, II 3 to IL o Do you know what this means ? This, that there arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents rurnish- ns at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat goods, good goods for the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrick's. Notice of Intention. Lt rni t at I (!. f ..., l.4,rlMrr I tin la v'fiTt it iimrnv ii iht hie i' h'iUtm In ttanwd tlar tea fUd iMrtlra of her tiMnun so aiaSe ttMil feral la ti'irt m rier riaim. ri tnai aaoi tfwa will iaw lfra f (Hirilf I trft. ot M-ifeiw f'mrili( al Hrpt ner, ont'ia, oa iii.tf .(.. u . MART J VAI l.llA. Mary J. Il.ndefann, tt. r i, Mt. tor ii a w. tr n, Tt i a, a r) . .t eha tanwiaeti.tlnlnt He m it., mt. aef ecMiina.nu m.w upon nd tulllialtoa , saw leni is Jaha Marthall. Wltllani acral. flee fia t Xtla A'lo"n. '! "'( I , . ak. k r yi, Kl.lr. a itMtsiHTHAtiiix sutivkT tm mf I la alla. lraa4 VJ'iT r, I ,!. tin ft.al li. Ad l .iieitaie t.n .m m'.i.iK f fcaa flwraaa. t. a mf f laa-l Wt flt a'!'.'' M, a, .4 ..f , ! t , ll.al.mHl, r-iM, AM a'a" aa.l aealirtf sail clj.i aca r,-lral Im a. THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. O. 13QROI Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Li(juors and Cigars. p t i! rrfl'ylb.M.lSI b... .4y.ttb.rB,. h.,.'." IM TT " HKMJ NX HjrmCtiinf niii oU..w.WiI A4,.......,.., :wrri i Mifb'f ill bxf tbt wetatiutj nb b't pfeeer ea. Tbett ill bt lr ible f tttntt rna It. M(ea tn4 tifaein rwak if Attit, Ta ait, Oliptt, i'.irt Tttat4, Orre City, taj.oj aa J plate) la U"fltt M4 W eel, if A tledi1 pr-fr.na a tsatag re. ei ku w.n.,.a Mi4,k4 iia iu4 r -ililtalloe f aM tend, U rt a th.nraa. A I M'tMrte 4t l ' ' i'Aa . Iwfar, 'l 4 H I r ( i r rxr.cvTvtrM sorter,. Notice of Intention. I f li t st L fai fes-, N'rv t ttrattr i.Urt int iHt l.dws in mm! wim Mt tiel Ml at tMteie I avast a a ,rr-r a S, , n 4IKa(id l, iaatl OTI f la aewf-t Ik I Ike aa4n,f a4J ,k" 1 T ' l-ee.w f n , , aaa a n-aefM mA I, n We,(e), Ixmi m a-.aii a. taai. tt, . I I !'' WHt ItllU'i V. I til Hi 'rastil. Tbt tt-et Ihal btt alt ajt " i a.-.. M-! i .... I. a r a A 4 ea a-f 4- 1 k.' 1 e- .,'e4 fc ...f ifc 1,1 h ) I M !. 14 thatetef Ksia-kl nf I flh- . hmw.iM .1 ..,i , . . ... 1, . , 1, al- lnian ia few 1 ..A . t.. . ..1. a u.- '" al .t, a eae.4 r" " " I -' " w " "a '- i.miI.,,.4Imiii N leal al tte 1tki) a a t ffla t tyilU da t r ' t f 1 be jid t e'4 ea wot aa f fcl an. e a f a. sad alil,aaHi ,,... a aw . a 1, Ma aa ta l j , ' 4 al a. ,4 , I m lll'H,ia.M I kavwa, A(r Mi.ea-.urf :,( .,-. y.i W .,kM i.fcaaf a:la, I e a r n., k.i.tof : mm : PILLS ! Youro IJOUN I) to Tnkn MOni. Leaves No Cunstipatioii,aww Caret it, at veil at all lllllw.ts'.ea. Hi. k Ilea4tt d Malaria. Tb llf oriarai.a pill In tbt L tl.l.l lr 'l trniaia by seat I yaiwptMt. 43 ttr.U per tvi I HKH 1 1 Ml I'ICAl. (t) . lat raeieevi, t'al. TllF. LANCASIIIki; iNSUkASCK Co. ""t " "4 -- s '" Ol' MAMt'lll'.ei II; It, KNIII.ANII C. W FlTTtPkiCN, AC1,M. ' tlk M l ttsea Wf.-m