Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 06, 1896, Image 2

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    Republican Ticket.
For President,
william Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Of New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. X. GEER. of Marion County,
B. M. YOBAN, of Lane,
E.L.8MITH.0I Wasco.
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
may have been your politics in the
past, whether you would now pre-
fere to have that tin-plate factory
there than to have it in Wales.
It only illustrates what has been
said of times by statesmen of the
past and by leaders of the present,
that the more factories you can
have in any community, the better
will be general business conditions
and the better will be the market
for the farmer."
Mr McKinley never uttered a
truer saying than when he said
that this country wanted to pursue
a policy that built factories here
and not in Europe, and that indeed
the American people wanted all
the factories they could get, for
nothing was so beneficial to gener-
al" business and to the farming
communities. The home market
is the great market for the farmer,
It is the best market.
Democratic speakers in attempt
ing to defend some of the un-dem
ocratic and un-American planks in
the Chicago platform, especially
those condemning the supreme
court and also Cleveland for his
patriotic act in protecting property,
the U. 8. Mails and innocent lives
of American citizens, style the
supporters of McKinley as "trait
ors," "robbers," "rascals," and
"anarchists." The speaker yes.
terday, who by the way made
an excellent literary effort, and a
good democratic speech consider
ing the materinl at hand, used
some of the above epithets and also
loudly proclaimed that Mr. llanna,
national chairmnn of the republic
an committoe, and others contrib
uting to the cause were "the real
anarchists" in this campaign.
The silver barons, who are contrib
uting their many thousands to
the democratic cause, of course,
are patriotic citizens eyen if some
of the largest contributors are for
eigners who feel Bure of a great
iucrense of value in their American
silver properties in the event of
Uryan's election. The democrats
take great delight in condemning
Mr. llanna, just because Mr.
Hurst, a largo silver mine owner,
who also owns the Examiner, con
demns him, yet it is safe to say
that thren-fuurths of those curb
stone orators cannot toll who is
the democratic manager of the
present cnmpaign. The writer
has heard the question asked
number of times, when the party
(mentioned would look blauk for a
mionto and thru confeHs that he
didu't believe there was any. This
is certainly a very truthful confess
ion, for the democratic party to
day is ono minus n head but with
n KtirpIiiH of tnilrt. Oue dny the
press of tin! country, not the Oreg
on inn alone as the democracy
would innke you think, gives out
the II fol million that Jones, tliw
ilrMunatie failure, is to resign
from Uih head of tho committee
The next day tli world U inform
cil that lie U to I il n buck Heat and
that Ki'iistur Oct limn will step to
tli wlicrl. Next i'oiiu m llm ri'Nit
of a difnn'i'iiiBiit Ix'twrou ltrynti
and hiit MAimgor, and that Mr.
Itrynn will ignore all of thorn and
run Iiirt Ciililmik'li to suit hilllHi lf,
infoiuiiiii them that no manager
ran hnndionp hi mouth. Very
truthfully tho doinocrney in with
out a inuim.T and Iwcihikii of thn
fart that Mr. lUnim in nun of the
lii.wd tuii'ivuNful manager tht
republican paity hint ever had, ami
U going .i h ad it t t on of it
greatrnt tii'lurim, tin faithful are
nut n rally voty m and cotiwit
ipiontly t nit 1 1. 1 1 ItttU hi rffoiU
in rvory nMi way. However,
thin ill avail nothing and the tli
organiM d in n-rary tnd l-Hir
giv tln ir atti ntioii the manner,
lui'iit of thi ir (iu rnuiiinign, Iom
tho rty I ' biiii' d in eternal
McKinley and
prosperity are
Multnomah county will
McKinley 5000 plurality.
Pr.osrEitiTY is
The election of
bring it.
what we want.
McKinley will
An eastekn exchange suggests
that the demonitization of horses
by the crime of bicycles may have
had something to do with the price
of oats.
McKiuley's motto is to throw
open the mills of the United States
to the labor of America. Bryan's
motto is to throw open the mints
of the United States to the silver
of the world. Take your choice
Bryan is out over the country
hunting up friends, while McKio-
ley stays at home and his thousands
of friends come to see him. Mc
Kinley is a stasesman. Bryan is a
politician. That is the difference,
We must always remember that
unless we make it possible for capi
tal to find employment and for
labor to earn ample and remuner
ative wages it will bo impossibl
to attain that degree of prosperity
which with a sound monetary
policy, buttressed by a sound tariff
policy, will be assured. Garret A
When chairman Hauna was ask
ed if McKinley would take the
stump, ho said: "Mr. McKinley is
not going to takn the slump. The
democrats would undoubtedly like
very much to see him chasing ove
the country in a wild scramble for
tiitt'H, an Mr. Bryan has insistei
noun dniug. Mr. McKinley wi
continue to conduct himself as
man who appreciates the dignity
ami tinpoitaiice of the position he
seeks. He will not lend himself to
any catch-penny', scheme for the
sake (if satihfying the curious or
make liiniHolf talked about. I have
heard this discussed. I think I
know what I am talking alnut
when I say Mr. McKiuley will con
tinue to address the people who
visit him at Canton."
at rrni
n.w r. tiik
IWi'titiy a Ji lectlnm vl tin.
Into worki'M, headed by (HHigreM
man T)lr, McKinley' umr,
f Lil'ri, Olu., rulled on hi
Cm. I n i.oinii r, Mr. McKinley
"I am tWj.fy tiiuvid l y thi cull
on llii iiiil. n,( nt ily from injr
i. I roi.nUlix'tit, fi"iu tli lioini
ln'i my ixifctoi In ! I. Iain
fcUd, Uidi i' l, t'l Intra lu (Mimecl.
1 with a J loco i f .ti,i Iri.lft.
ti'iu tUt t 1 1 I n i f I.i
Ii0 an rnlfij iiMi tin pint pUi.t,
Mel. l.M i;hfti flu J t..JlnHit to
lie 'I it tlnii t...,a. V"U,
fMuir, ! in ! '! l d .iiine
ti.i li, lf, w 1
A Happy K'M.
On laal Hun. lay evening at 7 o'clock,
Mr. Kun A. Vatican, tit popnUr
ynunii (Initial ot ruillcliin, formerly of
tin city, whf halt 1 anj favorably
kDusD, ami Mini Miuoia Matlock,
iUulilr if F-t r J L. Mlltck, prnt
tit-nlt ot lint oonnly, r nnitl io
marriatf at tin rrmJctiA of lh hrida't
fitiff la Hi i cily bf lUf.CtiM. Horl
Tli wt J.hiitf ipifl nn, only (
ul tli imiiiKilmr (ricuili nl rvlatitM ot
Hi (olilrcUiif tllri twlntf irriil,
lull ! all ll a earlalulf ry bappy
rtil. K'liiing lb tuarna rr
nt'iiilm an, rniigraiiilatiiiii all wr
I at lb Ul.I o Id tnmpiiiuu
itlJui uipr Lr very pUaaaal
bour ti ia dirpwititf of lb
IiiiHidiI viaB'la a'til lo aooial Coirta-
lb' prvaonl from a diatanca r
Mr. J. K. I.albrnp and Mr a. T. W. Ajra,
ot rriiJlrlon an, Mi I'arrl Vauifban,
U(r if lb irnxnn, of for I tan J.
Mr atil Mr. Vaiifhaa Jpart4 laal
ri.inrf f. r llifir bom at IVo.ll
l.'ii. Wlial atui,alj lb(laaH lab
Ihriu lliaa plpataul nj prnpra
Feeliog tbat Ibe election of MoKidey
and Hobart ia now ebtolately assured,
tbe republican managers purpose giviog
more attention lo a spirited attempt,
with tbe aaaiifanoe ot the sonod money
democrats, to pat a number of Southern
states in tbe repnblioan cilnmn than
tbey would bave done bad they consider,
ed the states necessary for republican
success lo be in doubt. This charge up
on tbe Sonth is not rainbow chasing. It
approved as good politios, and as
promising substantial results, by some
of tbe shrewdest workers and managers
tbe repnblioan party. To start with
there are four Sontbern states Mary
land, Delaware, West Virginia and Ken.
tuobv which are almost certain to be
carried by MoEiuley and Hobart, and
wbich are privately oonoeded by many
silver men as being already lost to
Bryan. There is a fighting chance for
the republicans to carry North Carolina,
although it has been lessened by tbe
fusing of the democrats and popnlists,
which some republicans think onght to
bave been and oould bave been prevent-
TennesBee republicans bave assur
ed the national committee tbat the state
oan be carried for McKinley, if tbe com
mittee will lend its help to get oat the
full republican vote, and the committee
bas promised to do so. Tbe republicans
will also make a lively fight in Alabama,
not with the expectation of electing the
McKinley and Hobart eleotors, but in
directly helping tbe sound money demo
crats of that state to oarry some of tbe
congressional districts and to elect tbe
Palmer and Buckner electors. The
Alabama democrats and populists are so
bot against each other that they will
probably not fuse.
Acoording to Comptroller Eckels, who
bas been making sound money speeches
in Illinois, Bryan is thoroughly beaten
and will not oarry a single one ot the
Mississippi valley states. He also says
tbat Altgeld is making his oanvass for
governor of Illinois independent ot tbe
Bryan cause, but that be will be beaten
Even tbe women in tbe District of
Colombia are taking an notive part in
the fight for MoKinley and Hobart and
honest money and the right to earn it by
honest toil. Tbe Aniiliury Women's
Repnblioan Association bas been organ
ized, to assist the MoKinley and Hobart
marohing campaign club. This is the
first women's olnb organized lu Wash
ington daring tbe present oampaign, its
objeot being, as stated in its constitu
tion, "to unite tbe women of this com
munity in educational work and sooial
influence for the maintenance of the
principles of tbe republican party in tbe
home, in the state, in the nation."
Bryan has proven himself to be a big
ger man with the democratic maohine of
New York than Senator Hill is. He
said when Hill's candidate for governor,
John Boyd Thatcher, wrote that letter,
expressing bis willingness to run ror
governor on a platform endorsing tbe
Cbioago platform, while declaring him
self unalterably opposed to tbe free
ooinage of silver, tbat Tbatober would
have lo get off the ticket, and now, lo
and behold, Thatcher is off tbe ticket.
Democrats in Washington will not be
snrpriHed if this last humiliation put
npon Hill by Bryan results m nil! Cum
ing out for FitlmHr and Biickunr or sulk
ing dnring the oampaign.
Chairmnn Habcock, of tbe republican
congressional committee, bas just re
turned from Nw York, where b eon
furred ih Chairman Hun us, Hciialor
Cj'iay and otlu r member of tbe lepubh
oan national commit!, and h I iu i
very j.ibilant state of mind. II
that everything I going McKinley-
trarda, and tbat tbe republican who
Isn't ontiUntetl wilb the present drift of 1
pnb'io -eiitlint'ot mnst be bur J to salikfy
Ther la great Joy among republican
hereabouts, Fprnker Heed bas promised
In ad. Ire a big McKlnlev and Hobart
meeting to bs betd in Washington, early
In October, nn.liT lb nsplie of lb
National Union Club, and lttreiwiita
ll (Jowen, ot Maryland, a democrat
who ia d ilng g d work for McKinley,
baa promised to a J, I res lb tarn meet
ing. Many republican orgsnit itlona in
Maryland, Virginia and Vet Virginia
bav already aignifl l Ihair intention lo
take pari In Ibis roting; aud Ibere U
lilt! doubt tbat II will b a nurarnoib
Newa which is coming lo Washington
from all along lb lint of Bryan's east
ern Isnr make II er Win that hi radical
utlorancr and bis appeal to ptaaa pre
J ii die r tusklrg string Mi-Kliiley tto
out of thiiuianJa of oottarrvativ ilriuo
arat who mitflit bav allowed lb
frr eolnag doctnn. but b rano.'t
stand Iba aru.sb np, dowa Ub very
thing, "Moll i bring preaohrj by Bry
an. Tba tmn do put belli- II In h
eriinlaal for ma ! b Ibrifty and a
euimilat property, of thai It It wrong
nr tb goverorosiil -t protect tbia prop
rty If Herd b. Hub of Bryan' re
mark r. lik quotations from lb
tpwb- ot lb rua who atari I lb
rienoa revaluiion, an.l no man
waal Id i a ' H'lga ot Terror" ia lui
Waablngt.i, t. C.Hepl. . 11.
Oregoa Farmers
Will l ay Bie Prices
On the register of a prominent Phila
delphia hotel this legend was written
recently : "Joshut L. Drnmgoole, Oreg
on ; here for pletsore and cats." The
clerk was inclined to doubt tbe-eanUy of
tbe guest, despite tbe feet tbat he looked
sensible. Mr. Drnmgoole, however.
laughingly explained away the clerk's
fears before be went to dinner. "I have
a large raooh in Oregon, dev ited princi
pally to the growing of wheat and other
grain. For several years past onr crops
have suff; red greatly by reasoo of the
depredatiouq of great armies of gophers
that infest the oouutry theraubouta. Tbe
nutsanoe has grown more and more an
noying with each 'suoooeding year, ar.d
we have finally decided that a eiop must
be put to it. Now, a oat is death on a
gopher, bat cats are not go plentiful in
the west ae tbey are here. So I iutecd
to get together a couple of hundred otn
and take them with me when I start f r
home. Out in my coantry oats bring
fajcy prioes, but from my recollection of
this looality, I should be able to get all I
need for very little laoney." Chicago
Just R
eceived !
The Tyranny of the l)ek.
We will euppose tbat your occupation
is sedentary tbat yon are chained, eo to
speak to tbe desk in some counting
house, or perhaps to tbe loom in soma
vast mill where you are compelled to
labor from morning till night. Hunday
is your only day of relaxation. You re
turn borne every evening wearied men
tally and bodily. Your health and
strength begin to fail' What will most
effectually recuperate your vital energy?
Tbe weight of evidence points to no
other conclusion than that Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is your safest, most re
liable sheet anchor. Use it persistently
and yonr system will soon regain its
pristine vigor. Every function will re-
oeive a healthful impulse. There is no
remedy to equal the Bitters for nervous
ness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, con
stination and biliousness. It averts and
remedies all forms of malarial disease,
and is a preventive of rheumatism and
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
Styles !
y 4
y -
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do
well to call early and make their selections
before the assortment is broken.
L.'. 1 -.'.ia.; :
,4' -.J
We Have ir) These Goods fill Quali
ties RangiQg ir) Price Fron)
$2 to $18.
UeiiiDcriitic Buenklng.
As announced in a previous issue, J
E. Lathrop, of Pendleton, addressed
what was supposed to be the Bryan club
at the opera bouse yesterday afternoon
on tbe political issues from a popocrntic
standpoint. Tbe audience was vury
small, perhaps 75 in all, more than half
of whom were Indies and voters ot the
opposite political faith. This was prob
ably partiully due to the fact that the
meeting had been first announced for
the evening nod many were not aware of
tbe eleventh honr ohnni;e to the after
noon, Mr. Lathrop made a very excellent
literary effort, aud perh'ips a first clnsi
political eddress from a ' I ryimistic"
standpoint und the ChiO'iuo apology,
commonly known as the (1-inocrntio
platform, but. the major portion of the
American people have ulrf ndv ibcid. d
to oast their lot with the putty of
"patriotism, protection ond pnippctitv"
and all the combined oratory of tbe
demnoraov in defense i.f I In ir pint form
or iu condemnation i f Ibe opposition w ill
eHWt nothing. Mr. Lathrop's ,n nisi ka
were well received by the fow fnitlnl
who were present. The Indies' Br van
quartette opened the lueetiiiir with a
good selection and following the pptiih
lug i'rof. Henry favored tun .uidiri.ee
with a beautiful vi"lui a d i abivh wi s
heartily enchorel.
The D.irln gton, Wis., Jonrmil .
rditorially i f a pi pnUr iiatnit midi dux:
"W know Irom expirieri0fl that Cliam
berlaiu'a Co'in, Cholera and Iharrhiw
ll medy i all that ia clniimd (or it, a
on two occasions it stopped excrnriMlng
pain and poasibly saved ui from an nn
timely grave. V would not rest essy
over liight willmnt it in the li.oixe.
llos reineilir u nlioilitf.l.y save iio.'e
pHiu and snlT t fit (linn any othe rtir.li
o'ue In lb worl I. Kvrrv f.imi'y flu.u.
k'-i p It in llm h nine, for It is sure lo lie
lienl'-d nmti.'r or later. tut a" Ii)
t"i,s-r ic Hr ik.
Republican Spsakino. o
rfSvliTV 1" Z
i-' f-m ll :-3v?-v: x-vn"
ti. A. ' f I - v WjOTN" a. a
r ' CV fcf rv' Iff,,! i!SZ-Jk:
lie lini onythlng In this line that yon may dealre and you nan depend on it you get a good
article when Mat guarantees It.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty.
Ihrongb train tm lb O. ll A N. will
tna via. I'ltialilU. Walla Walla and
I'rlidlrl.Hl. Tbrnugb lrpra, Oral and
kwshi.I mi, will run la .oii.a with
lb I'aloa I'. i(l lb ! m brrW
fr. A through Oral elaa alwr I'ott
lan l I i hp- kact. c ae.'tiwg with lb
flisl laa ltr l. ril. I'aal, aad a
l!,r..okh .(il Wpf I'ufllaa t Ut HI
I'aal, wdl taa la aacHtna Willi lb
tl i .ll.in railway tf
l.aa lr 1 1 j Mir
I auLuil I ) il
1 1 I i tt t r I'W, I a mg jmljmrnt
ulnlksf Ik aJtwfi gntrr rerrlrr nay
f.a(rrH tht t.irxf of m.4
II ).. Ikrr l. .! nr . a..f f,r
tai.lai i lUal I iU I r-l " - t lr.l ttm . A if
.... t, ..... - . .
r. t aiiuhilr, an 1 " " ;7 ' "f"'' ' "".
. n alUr wl.allaa . rv ..J. 'f..
r iH t"f Hal 1r4.
Jm lUa-et baa a fla M f mil.
..i..sliig t fall and inter t'r.
I.iob Ii i ff-1 f r I al i at tr
p.iim.1. II III aln ao- I la it bang
far ab poala, w.xhI -r bt, di llfJ
at bis plae f nr suiie abov ll pnr
lli. d ring frml sl-oilj .f, nb
bira. If.
A Malaral lalitr
KalT CtVf Kv.1 l fltifi' lb
1. 1 I ...I ..... . ..( ImsIiI ,ll
Utk, .rUly Wll4 wr.j"
Wklrkf or Hil.r,
Thi ia lb lii: of a txM.k on lb Mon
ey y'leation ooiitiiumg ixty-wo pag,
It la lb most e imptei work i'soe l thus
fari'nltikl all linp'irtatit imih nn tm
for the American people, r.rerv riiao
in this eonotry old n.ingti to "l
should nt full lo ra I thi UM,k hif.r
faatuig bi mighty balhit Iu lull No
vemWr. Kvery rmf loy rrc f nio abnn! I
pri'Ciir al one a iimnl if lb h V
an I band Ih' in lo bi rViii.'n. It i
compiled In neb a manlier and wub
och a t'ict rrgnd f -r trniti I b t it
raanol fi lo eonviu-. Thi ln-k
should ! in Urg qiantili udi1
(able In every empiiii r'n'i thr iuh
ont lb .nniry, and f ret aifc'n c iimnii
lee ll.rughniit eTiy I srl i f lh ln.
h ul. HiM- tln-mM' va ut a 'il!i 'irfil
number of Ibe i fik la bm dl t'll.nlf I
I every Volrr In thlr e.oHiti, ,
Hitgl e pie Caul prm-!ir'l f .r l
rala, an I ln ca is Uinr; nr ln
e,l !, iUg4 paid for lli'l. ('.II.
Iall IViVishlng Cxupiiir, a"UVk
H iw. Nw Y.vk.
u. Tra aailaa'a.
'fl lb . ttllilt cf Jnte
(I. I lain : "If e.m It rt l '! n
fu'' Wgal lr..-r bl.. ll. rff" I
O, ll gold lt.,!f, f a' IU tf ,rl,n g
ar J'H'r a J Int illng I'n.i'. I I i . '
' rir gll. W.lh imr g .! I B i g , t i
fmm ii hall b f ' ! II tr -!!
j tilt f alaadai I and i r irUil wrb '
: lb leading otrinrtcil ro'.l f i,f (f,
j ami. I w..iit I i. l i-rdf rnhni..
J bit I ripil VI.I gala aU.ni'd
ajtka, t.,r,f,.r, I 4 lb ilrrM'.i.tg
bchIi if .-rhli 4 tl gal f. r i r
Id f)i Ia if i pn ll!l Wilrf !
OrcKi.n's l'n)iil.ir H"imt.ir and
Hie p.H..le fit.oi.l il the
AT 2 P. M.
All Should Hear Him.
HON. J. D. LCC. of Portland.
Th ii'iriis n Morrow conntv will b
gixen an c pi (i!m.iy to b ar Ibe politi
cal lu i'f Hi" d i dieiird by Hon.
J 1). Li-e, uf IWtUnd, an able fpesker,
who will t"id four d i in Ibla nonnty,
All sbouid I) ar bun. li t itinerary I a
II 1 puer, H 'llnesUy. I mi "ih, i p. ro.
Ilanlman, rJ 'bur t.f, O-l K'ti, '.' p. W.
Kigbt Mil. Times lav, (Ml. Mb. 7 p. m.
uii, Kndv. O.I .tier Uli, 2 p. m.
Islington Ktida, t .! r lh. 7 p. ro.
llppner, Hal ii'day, Oct. 10'h, 7 p.m.
Tb I .if a!.lr.'. mil I- nnd.r lb
auspiiie i f lb- Lilt's' t -Kloley Club,
and an Intere.i.ng rigrni will certain
ly ts prtfri.trd. H p'lli'ieslis lo arb
preeini'l ' riqiid to Oireqlal
lotue f I lira, nxe'ings. tf.
I B wft l
lf W W irt Ba V4 aWW-iX-y
Full English course.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, tclegkaphy.
ii r -f f.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
mi Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
H-''in, J'
llot-tri,, r
,, ,1SM I.
i rrn u i.i.i f.
ia. V a
V i
i I..I
I 1. .rtit .!rw my
i i unit. . t; M.
TtCJiurcr'i A': ( e.
ti r H tin I HV I "11 TIUT t I
I I 1 1 . I i. . .1 I MM on
r SM f tl M I'
I .Pk ..It I IW
tn . I M .. i .aibl)..
S''4. Ilr) . rt .1 ! I !
All thosfl can be procurpU at Tliompsoa A liicns, Ixiwer Main Street,
Heppner, Orpgon.
Tb fnllemn ar ll arnalnlad Hli Orant, ll.wf rr"", nilllam and othr counllc,
nd ran mutwr and Mm In making tbM wllii It to lrllng men.
I'rlre In iMflng Wild Ih llm.
uvxnTMxir. itzrnrxa.
First National Bank
1 t lit ri NF.H
C. A. Rut A,
T. A. Rhi a.
Cto. w cinn.
S. W. tMCi.
i . i
V. Fr!!!
Aaa'l CMr
.ll i , M-t " '. . f l
Bought and Sold.
-t ta, rr l i
" N
Don't "buy your Bucks until you
fee the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham hand, of Pilot Rock, which will
sexm he in Hcppncr. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
I "tl ia !".
i f.rr ft, f
'. f f jm I jmtml.i
fft vt . r l'.oi ut
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