Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 02, 1896, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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    . ' t
! 1
nee vvooi means num 10 me'
Great Industry.
The Wilson Bill and What It Has
Done The Remedy.
Major McKlnley spoke to flip farmers
and wool pro we rs of Ohio on September
1 4 th, as follows:
Ladies and Gentlemen. My Fellow Citi
zens: I count it a very special honor to"
receive this visit from my fellow citizens,
composed for the most part of the farmers
of Harrison county. 1 would have been
glad to have had with you that venerable I
citizen and statesman John A. Bingham,
whose message of cheer and eongratula
lion and Rood will you have brought me
(ureal applause.) 1 beg that you will
carry back to him my best wishes and
my earnest prayer that his life may be
long spared to enjoy the respect and hon
or given to him by his admiring coun
trymen everywhere. (Cheers.) I know
of no man in public life to whom great
er opportunity was given and who more
admirably Improved those opportunities
than your distinguished fellow eitzon in
the mightiest crisis of our country's his
tory, and I needed no assurance from
liim that he stands now ns he has always
stood In the past, for his country and liis
countrymen, for his country's honor
and for the prosperity of the people.
(( treat applause.)
It is especially gratifying to me to re
ceive a visit from so many of the farmers
and wool growers of Harrison county.
There Is scarcely a county In the state
which is so essentially agricultural as
yours. You have no large towns. You
have but few factories, ami your occu
pations are almost exclusively rural. Your
county has long been noted as one of the
great agricultural sections of the state,
and especially devoted to that branch of
agriculture known as sheep raising and
wool growing. There Is probably no por
tion of the country of the same area that
has supported so many sheep as yours,
mid for many years at least this was the
most prolitable Industry of your farmers.
II rrntii'tlnii In 1H1)0 Rome Out.
11 is no; so goon, i liollevo, now as
formerly, i Laughter and applause, and
cries of "I guess net.") The last three
years nave neen years or great trial, not
only to the wiml growers of your county
utii 10 i ne entire eoiunry. loll nave seen
your (locks disappear and your lleeei
diminish In value to an extent thai prior
in !.-:' you woum mil nave li 11,-veil was
Misslble. 1 r- member in IS'll to have de
livered an address In Cad!, to the as
Hcnilileil tanners of Harrison county, hi
which 1 undertook to predict whai would
happen if we had free wool in the (Hit
Nan, there were few men In ihat
great-audience who h-lloved my pivdii
lion men. o.it no you IlilliK of It How.
farmer of Harrison county? (Cries oi
"We think h Is righi."i
in i:'i .vni naii. according to your
I'-'" rs displayed here to-dav, iri.t,r,ii;i
hei p of an average value of imt head
In is'.M you have but IC.kmi sheep, worth
tuny JM..HI M-. lieail. In 1MI1 you re
ceived from thirty to ihlrty-two coins per
INiiiiiu tor your wool: in ls'.tii, for tin
came grade of wool, from fmirt.vii to six
hi n it uts per iHiiind. This enormous loss
to a great industry Is truly astonishing.
Hiid culls for serious consideration and
prompt remedy, if one can In- round, mid
flic only remedy we have In the I'lilted
Plan Is by the ballot, mid If It Is pro
ni-iimi you wiini. you know what party
.-arrlca (lie biinn.r of proly l Ion. l-u-lliill:iHie
1'rliir to the eiiai inn-m of the Wil-.ni
arlff law you had enjoy.-.!, almost with
til interruption, from the Ih-kIiiiiIiik of
Hie govertiiiieiit it tariff on your pimhiel
In protect yn from die iump, ti.loii of
the cln ah r lands and the , i,a-r laW
of oilier iiniiiirl". I'.y ih.it act your
ii'iiilu t was i t.t I friv mill .-m le d up io
I he Uliri-s.ri' t'il iiitiiiH'tlibiii of nil III.-
or Hie ttorlil. What makes that ci
lliore lllil. f. ll.lllle . ir.t, llinl It n
w Imlly tiiimif.ary. mid. -.hhihI. ih.n it
W.l lln-:llg out nlie nf the t'ri;lt't In
do-irle. of lie- iiiimiiy f,,r liiiiiiiilaii.
wnTitliv, J. i mr oilier iiidu-iri.K having
ls cnater i l.iiiii iiniii tin. iiiiinl. Miton
f tin- tfoii ruiiM iu pr o Hi iilly iiuUiii iiieil
tt'tit of " l liai i r!ulil.'i
lllll lrnui.r4 lif Xr.l Irtrl.uH.
No rl.i of our riilxiiia hav iiff.rei
" ioii.Ii fi.itu th,- t.iriff a. !. ,,!
t.ni. r of Ho- I ni.id fi.itt . no I n hi.
! iiNire 'h-wnliiij the ii ii. roil irnt.
lie tit Him liny. .. in. . ).,,. w ,,
tie: ih.it she pi'., hi, i. who r.n..i.i n .
i1im:;.. of Hi.' In, iff n',og ihi- lei
ii od U ti. i.il in ff,,. rnw lot-. t hI. i.
Iilin.iiing to w.Ml tin- Ii.II. no. I t,-,
h.ir i.-. r. I.- W.4-.U i.-.i,,. : "H ,ij
-'- "iir ,,o..f i,ii h-.ori.
r- wllCtn: i.i i.iu fr,in tb:. iff,,. f.,H
lM.'l!i-lti il.lril, I. Ie ,,,h. ,. t
f nil ui.ff 4iiH ..a. iiii, ilul tb.- In
-n:-l. it: tur.lii uf . Ii a .,,,.,
.(.prior., .'w.iiil la. i-nipl, ,,.;!(,, .
HI.-.HII. ft it,,. f u. f ,.,.
pot oil i i. ro l..t mi l pi
IH ..f l.itifl (4in. ( ...,. ur-onot
IU' lr.. o. .. t MH.. J,,!,, d,,,)
ap ;i.il'.i." Urn dii ili.l ii. -I m il i,
f.Vrtl Mm , tJH,-.l M il, ,M)t
Uf'iri- in ;w iwoiery, )il v.. r- on
'' I" Miiro the r...;iii i..i l ,
it -rr Jni!y riiiii.i u. I ),.(,r
in H4,(.. i!H f ir,,, ,,
h r . ..f -ibn . f,fc!,i ,
In All ilw .-ir ,n ,', iIk. ( .,,,
hi if y . (n ..t, y n ki. tint I
l-r-t'l. n I.. ..(, mi, in ,f f
Ivn 4i,. i i!,,. ;ii.)u..f, i,Mt.. ,j , ,
i.,ti iit ,. ,w f jw(
. nrjf ikr . : ti'al .l1 , f (l
in, ,t.r tttrufm I ..f r, .
Itt. iIh- f rui.ii f. f 1,1,1
n,L,t.t, l!,, n ..,. I. g,,. , ,
M !! !..(.. oai.j. il , 1(
a. fir ilw liuif,. . t, ,;,.,f
follr ai. atr.tf ai- ..1 l.f H.
ill nt ,r.4 ,,)
I rum ,,f " , fkl,l
!!.. .:f , .,f i;- Ntl.tnl i j,o1,n
ran mi'. ii alialt ,,,u. i,a , t
li.ifcb I.. Ui$ en . ...n. aili.-i., ,H l!
.a4 llwl'la rr ati, fl aLt-a II aja, iji
"' 1 rt,Il;t a fi,;j 4 4 ,.. ,
fc ..lif rri .'' ll iljrl .,( i ,i
l. tj - .. r"i Tti a m .).,
Irne tr.'" '4 IV M' ml .U''tti -,
I ""' labir'a -m tWmm if itn. f,, ,
u & I I. U llra 4 Urn U j,
factory to lu-mii. to wool, the nrnd,,-
the great industry of sheep husbandrv
as well as to the llnishod woolens of the
inn.we promise the most ample protec
tion." Al)):ms(. i Ami wli.it it,.. ....
l.llit.W'ltl lmi-rt' in.rt,! I. ! . i .1 . . .
v 111 ""m",!" . H il(s "Thar right.-)
.., ,ii,i,i,- iiiuoiises TO lie broken.
It says what it means and means what
it says. (Ureat cheering. i If clothed with
power in all branches of the government
it will give to this industry fair and j.ist
protection witli all other industries of" the
Hut. my fellow citizens, what we want,
whether we produce wool or nnv oilier
agricultural product what we wan; is to
preserve i he splendid home market to out
own America n producers. KJreat ap
plause.) It is tlie best market in the
world. There is no other market like il,
and upon every principle of justice and
fair play it belongs to us and iiobodv else
before us. (Applause and cries of
i inns rigiu. ) Protection to the
or has been recognized from the
' farm-begln-
iniif, ot the government until now.
Wool Industry's Importance.
As showing the importance of your in.
dustry, it is only necessary to. tiny thai
in lN'.r there were TtKl.iMM)" wool growers
in the Knifed States "I H),0() people
whose chief occupation was that of wool
growing. There were probably one
lourth as many more who were owners
of small Hocks of slice) iu the Tinted
States. This industry employed liesides
those who owned the flocks, it is estimat
ed, at least ."ion,! MM) laborers, representing
with those who were dependent ui
them, nearly 2.."(H),0(M) people. There were
i(HMMM) farms, averaging Kin acres each,
devoted to this industry, and the moun
tainous regions anil the vast plains of
the great West, which are not adapted
to other kinds of fanning, have been
utilized In this great industry and made
valuable. Kvery one of these farms, com
prising Kio acres of land 1 12,(MK).iH)(t
acres in ail have been seriously Injured
by placing wool upon the free list.
In one of the agricultural papers of
the West I have seen the statement that
in Oregon. Ctiih, Washington. Idaho and
Western .Montana, there were Ii.7lil.7-Ki
sheep, which were, worth in 1S!2 jjtbi..
4:21, (MR), mill which in lS'.Ki were worth
only $ii,710.(Hii). i 1SP-J we had 47.
2T.l'CC sheep in the fluted States valued
at $ 1 ., h h ),i h m ). In IS!).", we had lis.
SIN.IMMI valued at (.-. ihmi.immi. The total
imports of woolen goods in ISiii'. under
the lb-publican protectin- tariff kiw, were
a little almve .f:!7,(HHi.i)iMi. and In IS!):,,
miner tne w iisoi, tariff law. tin
amounted to more than
K'ries of Hurrah lor .MeKiniev and the
iK'publiciin partv.")
siui mm i ii u i
Ilia U'orila In 1KMM KichIIi iI.
n April i'. ISMS, in presenting the mi
nority rejMirt in opposition to tlie Mills
-..nil i.ai in me .ailonal House of Ii
eseiiiatives. i said: Wool on tin
iti i .. .i ti..
.. o iiiioii.v assault upon a
"-ii.oi.oiai interest, ami will f;,l W,,
terrible severity upon .1 million people,
:he households and doneii, !,,, m
Invested capital, unsettle i-stnb.
llslied Vi
lilies, wrest from tloel.- ih.uik,
their lifi time earnlu-'s I, n,i. ,i. ...
sands of
our Icsi and most IndiistrioiH
and drive ilonn into oili-r
"f agrlciiliuri. nlronde .,..
Tow,le,r. ii Vies of -niaiv Wlilt
done. li i a vi-ious and Indefensible
l'low at the entire agricultural in reread
i i ne country. hvIcn of "You
Alexander Hamilioii. In his rejiori ujiou
iniiliiifaciiivs. made in Congr.ua K4
years ago. said: "This Id.-ii of an exieii
slve doiti, -sic market fr in,. W pro
duce of the soil Is of the first hMirlaniv.
II K of all things, thai whiel )fit ef.
feci willy conduces to a llollllshlllg lillc
of agriculture." .
Thoma. Jefferson said: KxihtIciuh
has tiiughi me thai inamirnrnuvr ,r1 ,
n-. i-w.iry to our lnde ii,eiin. a ( ,
(..iiifori. The diiil.-a we lay u nil anl-
ilea of foreign Inailllfilelllie whleli i,r.
il'-no- rcpilna im , ,,,..,1,11,1, , ,
lth the pa.rioile det'i-mliiatioii f ,.v.
cry ...Ml cliii, ,,, ,. for,.!,,,. .lr,..
11 II I, II I'll ,1 IN. .;,,,
'.1.. 1. . .... . . " 1
I . (
agaliisi a relapa,' lui., forHgn d. . udency
My own i.. I, ttmi we should cn.niinue
'"" ' fii' lui-a lo ihe ,.,:,., f ,Mlr
llU Collalllnplloll." lApp,..,
Minna Maraei alaa il, NI
I hne nilil Hut ,!. ,ih m.irk'-t l ih
l( iii.irkei. Viiti known thai from ,
Nrl.-ii.a.. nod il- I.,,,,. ,.i,,., , ,(H
U ii. r by Imri-aaitig mr fuct.H i.-a ui y
ing inployiiM nl 1,, dl,. , ki11g1n.11
'Jrciil . h.arinu , p,,, ,.v,.rj. ,,,. (
ih- ii'iiiiiry 1., w.rk nod y.nir c.ni,ii-r.
Will la' In. T. n-l -itippl nia,. nil.l iTl.-a of
"I hit a right" I and n le 11 tour ihikhh.
. inn, II- 11 llillll,, umin, t,
era ar.- Iii.t. .ii. ,. ,r um,.t j, j,,,.
pr.n.l met ,. ,.. r ,. . ,
i-.lv- f.M- your K.ahhi. .ivi,-, .,f'-,;M
ll'anl. I
Y.'ii MifinUr il,.,! In tvr.' H f,..
Ht.llV l,ilm Ih.H r,,. olll.l III
ir..i- ih.. pi-.,,. ,,1 tt,,i ,,, .i... ,,..,,
W.a.1 greHif-,,, s,mvt ,, l,'
fc'--a Ii- IIl.I wa ,.l,.r .,,- a,
lial.tflt-a-Tt bill III. II ,oil l. r. lllell, , l
It lt. . .,l l.i..,l. r .1... ..y
Vca. did "1 Ih.i-,. ,;,v , ,,. I,,;,
a-'IIM. f irilLTa Mho llt.ni.-hl ,i:
l A i.i, "W.il. IIh) kli. w I, .. r u..."
"O'l gr-wl liiugoi.t Th, r- ar- ,i.,i. , ,
think a,. im. i!.ii... .nig,!,T ,,)
1-l.iu- I II ,i, ii,.,, If ,,.,. i
up il,,a (iiniitrr -o iIm- f,i n- i.f r-
4 ( Ih- .,.. th,- far, r. w .. U.
It. find 1 1 . 1. .1.,,,.. nl,. hi ,i, Hi,.,
ta in i t, ,,p,n i,.r ,.,, j ,.,
N-' h. x 1, It ..i i, , f-,,. ,,1,., r
-U.utit.f I la 1. p.i. , j f (,! ,, m,
i-I jnl.t.ti an-1 mi Imt,. it,.,,
UN' UHMK-t ill I ir. ill III..,, ,!,, y ,
Imd f..tr )iita iik-.., Im, iH h.., mH
-ra l.4t., 1, oh , f l( ,,., M,
M.,i .I-,,, f "f ,, r , ,,,
l-.M l. .1 ). ,ir ,i,.lt,ri, ,. f, . I
.f : ...r, . t, f ,.h), . I, ,,!,,,..
3. .f "II., . , ,, , l., .,,
alr.n.l, !.. B, x,y mm (l( ) )(f
fl-aWa lli. J , ,!,, 1 1. m,. , ,
IIH ,1 f
Jl !(" I 1' I
a)aa I f".t tairrhaa Ubr,
Mr haf I up ,w tt.ii a t.i n,
,,f '. ,. ta.-b V, ..4 ,.J
li.e lui i,.i .nT,r,. (:,.
Am- r, at f,r,,., , m, , , mj () .
.U.. It II,. t., . ,,, u, ,,,
n't . . ,...iof t 1 ,, m,n
r.-ta .!-.ii..ar rr.,, ! , ,
k'l I 1 S ir , , ,i f ,-,. k,
I lr- lll,, rMiir li lt ,i,ia V-v .) r.,i
l i'l l av . f I, a ,., I ,:..
a-t.nlt I I 11k. .., .,), 1, ,,,
"'' f ) i. l.f....,., , ,..
I ji..ti "v , e.1,.,1,,,, ,r,..j f-'it t.
II lka "fW Allki.j,, f,r,f ; ..
I4i.t-!r It ll.ia tol f-h ,.
" ' ' W a t In . . ,
lUn a. t .. ,(y 1 1,- Ani in .
I ZZZ - m-
" BRYAN "Smother
ingnian in the woolen mills will Indig
nantly repel that legislation whose effect
is to degrade his labor. (Applause and
cries of "He will on tlie'.'ird of Novem
ber.") My fellow citizens, I am glad to re
ceive yon and welcome you here tit my
home, and it will afford me sincere pleas
lire to shake hands with each one of you
personally if yon desire me to do 'so.
(tireat applause.)
What Three Yearn of K. rnnii" Have Done
r iir Him,
I'rotn issn to lS'.rj th,. live million or
more persons engaged in maiiiifiictur-
lg mid haiilcal pursuits In the
rnited States were busy and prosper.
011s. During those twelve y-ais ti e
j en ics or the ( tilled Slincs pushed
j ahead at a marvelous rate. Th.- buil.l
j big trades were especially prosperous,
j Carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers,
j stone masons ami painters were well
i employed at good wages. Magnlli.t-iit
j buildings went up iu all the large c!t
I les. and millions of surplus funds were
jput into permanent structures of all
j sorts. Skilled labor was In greai do
1 111a ml. There was no hick of currency
I with which to prosecute these , nter-
prises. The wages paid Were tlie high
jest known, mid they were paid in gold.
in in money ns goiNi 11,4 gold.
'I'll'' fain ay Im- said of mnnufa-
luring. While general observation ami
the figures easily obtain able In Individ
ual cities show tin. ih'on lit- ..r n, ..
j building trades, we have tl )), (., )
j census let 11 1 11 of liiiiuillact ill e.. Here
, hiv the ilgun-s:
I sso.
so. 71,11 vor.
I 'at'llHl
! No. .tn 1 -I. -v.hI . .
1 'I'utal hiii'm. , ,
.'. 7"o.7.r.'
11.10. in.'
S.HCl. I0I.4.-,H
Vni. of iinaliii't
.M7l.7.Mt 1 Mi
ll.OTSI.7lil IRM(
III spile of 1111 Mlleged llpprei inl lug
currency, over ui p-r ii-ni. more . api
nil was invested In mills 11 ml fa.-t.n ies
and wotkshopN In Iw.m ilum n is.su,
Nenrly mi iH-r cut. more ncraoiis n-i-m
given emnloi 1111 nl
l-'itr en.-h hundred
iN-rsol,s einploycd III VS(I w- ,, mi
N.l.lllloiial lit; M-rai.iH In IMSI; IK ill fur
'eiii h hundred dulhira lima iivi-hI- In
issii m(. find Hddltloiiiil scvi-mv l..
lara In v.m, or an lu. ivaa,. f ,.'v. iily
M-r celit.
There was no link of inoiiey nhh
Hlili-h In do this i-uormoiisly iticr-aa--i
vollline of biislii-aii.
I low hIhiiiI wiig-a?
! Wilg-a In, t-ac 11, i only Net ilully,
llh III" In.r.nw i.f ih- ii'nuiU.r .-in-,
p.i)e.. Imt m n still great-r rntu r-l i
1 lively. While Ih- liuinlM-r iiii.lojnl did
I liol lollble. the wages uili ,. H,,,,,
il-.nbled. th- 1 111 Ten a- In-Iiik l.'tl H-r
I I i-lil. In ahorl. every mini, womnn met
l I Il Hills elig .ged W-tit lioloe ,-H- Il
hiiliirday night Willi iimr- ii.IiiiiI ,10-11
r) Igiasl aoninl in-. lie) l ,a uiv 1 11
-..h.. Ill S'al Until , SSl. ,d wh.H
lla Inn- i s-, hi,, likewlae 1 1 lie
1I1.M 11 to the year IVI.'.
We lb. -nr., iv , ii,..y ,1,1,11;,,
"lk tioilgh, nt,. H li.ing HHg-,
fcf-nt-. in, nil ald.-a l.y the In noli
dona nrrny of fm la t,i, ta.i,,,, u,M
ffi-e allv-r ndviaiiiea nr- n.r Irilrvg
In ilinliit- Ih.-lr I:M- gfoond rr
le.ire Unit th- ..1 k liiginMU la g.-tii,,.-l-aa
n,,. I,.., f ,. ,,(, ,lf ,,Mir
((ill III .li,liiitil..,i aa ,i. .i,,
nii'l Hull in- inaoof.,, lon-r la .-iiing
ii..r- nil i..r- H,t .ti,( ,
a.-loiih fe. 1 ,i. rr . ,... . tn,,.. i ;,
leintf- mi,,, ml Hit.-.. r linml .i. m
sl nna nta.tit (to, re !l,,i, !,
reriitf ild in isj.i, h,,,. n, ,,,,,
il?" In s-a h,. rtr ,
III. .l.lil 111.-. I, I,,, I, a t., He,,- f1 I
nl I.. Itiia 1 l i f l.n ,,, , 1
.I h l-vi ,, r , ,(
for t n., ,ar M.aiitifit'liiiliitf (....
,.irr :'.i"M'oni f ,. ,,,,,a Htta
ll.tl alral. r i, ia . aa, n (..,, 11 t An. I
) in- ii.in, la ,,,, f,,.
ii.tn.irr a iifr.f.ii.- f,,,, 4 ...nlra,
U..II ..f I l,i- 1 0.1,0, y Tl.ia la p. ! ,,.
l-tl If It H. fr. if H..,,U . i, ,r
if, 91 1. 1,1 .1. ,.- and ate ad. r all
i.r lifr tain- aa aid. to .n.tf ... ftl, ,
int. ,..
"II.. X )(- . le trad) I, ItM.al
t...i lt..y ,. I,,, K Tie It .-.,,,
ra H ,1. r!t it.g fi,! n.-., y ( ,i i
k, and 11-,r 1 0,1, mrt H
'" ''"'I'-'- ! II la Ih.h .
lali,,.. , II,...,. h h.t ar- ( a. -,1.1a ,.f
t.ak r g r.llio.ili .. ih3 ),,
laio.if.or ,, ,h,ii',, i i ,,,).
l.a-l I.. l-l,.. I f )n 11,1 1(, 1(,1 1
M.Kl'.l. a fi,,,,,, U fr,
I B. 1 1. Ui t, 1: roam I.I ,J;.,rt,
an.-, fi. . ! ,,f , .r . ttf jr,r
la. airt,, .,t, a., f, ji.i, ,,,,,,
, . .... .... ... ,,.,,, I , f lUf
TUI ..-11 4,a .f rtllal.U
l-.rlH. a
lrsr ! u.e ijfiil, f.
'I lhal It..
the Km !
Tr Wilt, DrV$ 'Everybody' Out ok tiie 'Gamin"
' .. , . , ' rotn Cincinnati 'J'itim-Star.
products of our factories did not exceed
$.".iKHMHi(UMMi in i,s.-,n falling'ofr of
nearly one-half. Since nearly !)() per
cent, or this amount represents the
earnings of labor, it will be-seen how
seriously the masses of our people have
been affected by three years of "re
form." Kvery . free trade prediction and
promise failed of full'illm-nt. The
markets of the world, which were o
be ours, havt taken two or three hun
dred millions less of our products tha-i
they did in JS'lL'. There is simply noth
ing in this free trade experiment but
trouble for our producers and for our
workingmeii. It has been 1 fill v saHi
thai every blow at any pro.lu. 1' of la
bor. whether It be coal, which givi's
employment to the miner. 01-steel mills,
which keep pud. Hers nt work, m-witol!
which adds to ih,- income of the fann
er, or clolh. which gives wprk. t- lhe
Jailor. Is a direct blow to labor and tin
la borer. :-.
Look to-day over the whole. b.-o.td
Held of American industry, and what
do we tlnd? A diminished pro.ljullon,
falling prices. Increased foreign impor
tations, ami. as n result. lnW m .lis-
Ircss. out or work ami marvln. I k
where y.u may. It Is (he sanm. The
textile Indus) ilea of New Knglaml 1 In
Iron and steel districts of tV Middle
Stales, th- mines of th- N'orihwesl
and tlie lumber camps along t. i-:,.
nadian border - nil give' ehleii,.-e of
great dislri'si.. The cry Is It-rai-H mid
r-ltemied: (Ipen the ,H ,M ,,.
faetori-H. start the furiiii.-s, c:it th,.
lumber, dig the ore! (live us employ.
ineiit: It is work ami wages, no; t
Inlilcaclea f txv ,,. . ,IUMIlli
.illicit ioiei-o! .HI, vlclllns of
years of "reforiu."
-Hint tl. W,,1M. r,(. f )ll(.r,,H ,
the l,.l.l,l.r t-mploytMl kept
Hl",nl ,w K'vlng work ion million
or i.ioiv iid.liioi, 1,,, tMla. Iiihi 1 ,
niviiig ihni mimlH-r out t a jt,.
Attorney ;t-tieral Iliiriooii la rtf,
I II- laaue f sm- , ,. lloM.rl, e in
lid" .iiiopnlgi, a , f m.)i ,-,,.r
Ihe uuillil-iiaii.t. t.f i-i,iiuiiit (lw"
Ih- proleell f a.a lety na,,., ,',
Uoh ii.-e. All ui her l.su.-s ,,. f iir
i.a.l ,. , (,, )U
lllllllia lin.le. Ided. The , ,ff
on- re
mnl ihe (iilnng- que. 1 ion iir.Aii,.-r ly
ln.ld.ntnl. inir govern,,,,.,,! tin, .nr
le Hie ,l.;,.e,a of ,..,a' Iln.ili
ii.i-ri.rei.i,. f , . :
a . . .'IIMI aiifi f 1 u Mill I IV 11 U full
, .
Ihe ..,. a ,,.1(,V ,,,, r
I rvaii a.auda ,h, ,r,.,, ,,.,,
. etT., .i.-,,.,,,,,.,.. ,1,- , f ,..
V"'1 ' '" """" "'" '''''''I
"sTl i"!"'1.'"'' (....im, !!.. of
v.. In hi, .,r ,.f ,,,.,. Mr
"HIN-Hliii,,,- II,,,! tl, t. ,.
,... J...,: ... "
' " - " ..."hi I'liia... M
i-iiiig mm. ei.f..i,iM, .,,f I,,,, wul
,,,,.! ,-, u,p ,i,(,. t,,
III- llM.li.lr.oia (In. .it u .. . I. I .. -. I
II. I,.,.
I' nl
a............ , I ..... ... .. . -
' i I i il I I IT I' It .
IMr ,e,,rr.ll
ff I-. t-lif..r.
.Illil.l Id- IJ
" " tlealr..) I It Ihe fe..,
"l.llr.l , a f. H.-l.t.. II i
lil.-ill) III I a II. I. II,. .i
l- H
ll'-lltl . ,,.i,,. ,, Hel,,, Hh.
-.-a hi i-it-iinn r pnl, ,.f
I nil. -I Maira and 1,,-n. .,., ..
an. I i iiitr.i a...... flr,. .,(rf
M il. ,
an., pntat.. ,:,, ai.,le
l-l- j" ily. ,
a hi,, ii. on i.f. , ,, , i
.......i.,i, ,.. ,,, ,rr , H.
Iheniy .. r ...., r in. . H
I'.. I.i .1.. a,. I., . ,.,,,r, . r
I..I. I.. H I !. I ... .
...... . -,.,. , o tO.-ii J I, .,,
. . .......
...... int., , I,.. , I y,,.
Irll.biH .. . .1 . ... , . .
II .tf.alie. in,!...
,....-..1,0.,,,, i
' , i.ur.a II H,I .,,
. -. I l.l... II., II....O.U , ,
" ..,. a. I., at, j ,.l .f , j,,,, f
ii.. ii...... ...... ......
. ... , . .,.. ,
I. I-. r.a I- ,1,,. I..,,,. , ,,,.,
.tUltat. , . . . . '
' it ... -,. f!,
n i- ii a",,," tr I-,,
in iIm. (j !i f. in. - . .
. - - .i ..i ai,4, ly
!..n li. I... I.ti.r ..f ar.. p.,,. ,
Ur, . t(, oil,. a.,,., -
a.lh..f.e.t tn l,.lr,f.,. n (,, 4,.m,h
at pi .al-a -r ih. rltrmtt he n, '
, . .,,.,,,. ,m r.n,.lH.,- .
t.l.ii.tv .t..f:..i.. t . . . ... .,
l. .1 . . ... . . . i .
' n, , ,Ht
I'll -f l.a r.,f. 11.41 if It. Ha. .,r
I. ..I. ..!
, ,,,t ,,f Jul, I.
a il. ft mw
"Il f.fita.
to use the federal power 'to quell the
insiirreciioii and restore tramiuility.
The whole tenor of the Chicago plat
form and of Mr. Itryan's letter leads
Irresbdilily to the conclusion that In
case the' conditions of .Inly. IS'.M. were
repealed. I,f he were presideul.hr
would regard tin- disl urb.iiice as a
purely, local affair and would, there
fore, refuse to intervene,
Tlie fuiirtiment.il error of Mr. ltiy
tin's position Is in regarding such tin
Insurrection as that of l.N'.H as a "l.
fill" affair.- lrt no-sense was it such. II
was part of a vast, conspiracy, which
-extended over a dozen or more states.
The disturbance was merely Ural
i.ed nM'hieago ainl some other points.
It was a conspiracy, not against stair
authority, bin against ihe autlioritv of
lln- I'nited Slates. The mob violence
which -usii.-il was In violation of both
stale and l uited Stales laws: bill it
was imoiv dire.-ily In violation f ihr
latter, because lis larger results wen
lie detention of I niied Stales mall?
and I he" sloppage of Inierslale com
liieM-. The violalj f those laws o
Ihe I nil ei I Siaies was the cause Hint
brought (he federal authority into n-
1 ion. ami n.-icKci iiiat aiithorliy
by fiOefal bnfoneN,
Tln cyiiitiniluii f Mr. !iyiiii mi, I d
lln. uiisialil.. plaifoin, upon, whleli
tit.-inds- If tiiiifmrblc, ill.tgi. ,,1 nil.l ,
surd. JMsalso iu u. -, ,1,.,,,. .,
g.-roiis. If I lial be the corti-ct Inter
prefallon of the couslltiillnli. our fed
eral nnt'lioiliy Is but ,, myili and 0111
niifl.Mial. govefnmeiii is Inn 011 duply
name, lif whai us- Is if to pass l ull'
ed Stales laws If th- executive oille.-r.
IT I lie I lilted States are liol i ii.,
Willi siwer t.t enforce thus,, laws?
The aclloti f IVesldeut 1 cvcliin. In
(he grave crisis of si -mi a I l ImImhI
and l--lined a principle which will ,-
dure which Iiiiisi cudiire. If Ihla gov
eruiiielil Is In atati.l and ciiiih! It ill lomil
llls-rty la In be iiiiilutnln.-.l. Il i-sii,t,
liahea the principle ,n every f.Bil of
the soil of . I iiiti-.l SIi,h, 'h aulij,,
l Ihe nulhoiliv t,f ih- gove, em ,,f
(he l ulled Stales; Hint no ponton t.f
the llilll..,iii i-rrltory ia I.hi am nil fo,
lite exerelae f f.-d-ral N,w,-r lo el,
I. ute ihe uailomil ,,
r I 'nlietl Siai-a In,,, ,., ,,,
Ily Inipll.-a i. ,.,..,,, f n,,,!,,,,!,,
llinl M,Wer by Ihe (mil,,,,,,! g,..v-iiiii,.,,t
In c.iiiimI idi'dlcliee lo ,.,.,.
llae f.,,,e If iM,.,v f,(P ,!,. ' (.
h.-. and I.i piml.i, , ,!.,,! ,
la u a
I,r...lli..lia a.t plain 11. the.
1. . ...n .. .
alio,, ,
eaai.H, .y nppi'iir ,,,
. u. ..-! ..
iw flmlllftlillll
, ":" " --i
Iin-llil.-- ,,f 1 1,,. ,,,
! The,.. , ,, ,
,. r ,, ,.,,,.,. , .';,
- HH.,.i,a.,i ..rtti,. I',...,,,..,,,
i '-'"'I IVI l,a. , h.,.1 1-1,1
i "al ..ullM.niy .,.. ,, ,M
i,,, .,,.. ,1,,l..rl!, ,..,','
', , , ... li.ling lr-a.pa I),
" " '! r- I
, rniiw- nil,, M,,
II, H a ere ,
: '!.. t ,i.m Ml, I,.
I., I
-r. h ii, Wll.
- d'llli.iiilr of
.. .i,,,.
II i .. . I
ui i
! ;i M I Mil I, I. .1 ....... . . a
1 I' ll..
t . . ' !
.If I.I r . .... . .
M apl.i ih
It' I I, , J , ,!..,,
.III ll.til .,r II a
I hi
- .Hun- I. i,l ., I. a.,1.1... t ...
lac II
r ,. h
-h ml . ,,r, M.
nr. ti.,, . , , ,, (H1),,f
l- l i.la .b. ,,. ,. ,., ,.
MO -alt.il,. ;,. l , l.,. i. .. ,,,, .
,,J" ' !. I.. . I. ,,f
'..- III.. III, .. I, v , ,., ,
I I, a. m . .
' "' ) I 1.1 tt ,oe.
,i it . ,
l, . t nt, .
I l
. . - ...n.i.r in I, a ..,t , ,,..
I..- (... ,. t,,1( ,,,,,,,
' ' ' I tf , in , ,,l, , j
IH.., ,1 .,,,,., . ; ,,
' ' " ) He- li....i,..., ,,
i. t.f
n In.
,ii i ,,., ,,,r if, ,. ... .
l.r ii.,
In .t ,k. 1.1,,
I...I n..-ir ......li-i,.,,
H.O I m. I..
. I l.l I!.. rt,.,,,,. f
1 !: r.M- ... .
. .:.': ,f"" i
I ! ' .II H,.. , .
,, ,.,,,. ,, H rt . . a M.I ,. i . i,,.,,,.
,,,, ...i ,.
. - I ,.,..,,,,
'it. " a ., , , , ,,, ...
0 Ih- i -,, I,,,,,
'I, - ,,, ti,,.. ,..,.,
-tt 1 1,. ,., , , .
i-'-n iiii-
If t, n, ,
if,. h.'I, ,,
I ;. ,,, ,,,, b
to t a ..f to, ir , n
''.I I la- I I,
-a I ,f I,, ,,,,, ,,f
-.,- a.. I. .I,. win.
Mr tin It, ih. .,..;..i , ,,lal(
f U ,l ,,. . ....
i.f i. .... .ui. ,f. ,. ,
a i-i, In. I. tw H'.al
I. .
'-"I I I- Ih. l a,
,,, ,,.j,,,,w i
II... fca.t..., , ,...1,1 h...
'- a.. I fti-v i r I...,
"4 ft.
It... - it-m A'lg-h ll.. a.
The liepubliciitis were .1. sirous of
fighting this present campaign out uopn
the tariff issue. T'nev believed that timm
"that single issue alone they could carry
tile country with ease.
I; was in fear of that unanswerable Is
sue that tlie Democracy swung so unan
imously in some sections for tlie money
issue. Tlie attempt to crowd the tarilY
discussion to one side by tlie leaders i-i
Hie Chicago convention and tlie rend.
compliance with that desire on the part
of rt majority of that convent ion was imt
brought al unit by tiny conviction that un
limited silver was the country's panacea
hut by a desire to force to ihe fi-ant .'
die battle a new issue. Tlie tariff issta
musi be strangled 10 death. There was
hope only in the chance of (livening pub
lic opinion from tlie shortcomings of dm
present ndniiuisi ration.
What has been the result? The Ite
ptiblican party lias refused to give up its
I'ailli in proteeiion. It talks protection to
day as faithfully as it ever did. On the
oilier hand, tlie Democratic convention
lias driven more Democratic voles away
from tlie party by its stand on the .nai'i
clal 'ssue than it lias attracted bv bnrv
iug tin- tariff issue. The Kep'ublietiu
parly has done just what the Democratic
party forced It to do. It has met the
money issue squarely and it lias an
swered il to tin- consternation of tin- Dem
ocracy. Leading Democrats all over
tin- nation, have deserted to Ihe lb-publican
columns. Disintegraiiou has set In
in New York state. Mortitictitioh is the
complaint In Illinois, and gangrene seems
to have affeeled Ihe puny in Ohio and
putrefaction is tin- result in Indiana. In
short, a surgical operation to cut away
the abcess of anarchy and repudiation is
absolutely necessary, and even that
seems now to be too late to be of any
The l!epublican party lias not been
frightened into deserting iho tariff policy
that litis made II so successful nationally.
The credit is due to Major McKinley
inore than to any oilier single person. In
addition, it has met the tlnaticial issue
very squarely and discoinliied the ene
my. I h ook lyn Times.
Iu this coiiulry the prosvrliy of the
fanner depends upon ihe pi-ospcril v of
the oi her indusirial clemenls of our'pup
nltition. A lien our industrial classes are
cniployeil at American wages iln-ir ,-ou-siiinpiion
of faun producis is on a lib
eral scale and liny are both able ami
Willing lo p,iy good prices for all Ihe nec
essities and many nf the luxuries of life.
Tinier such conditions ihere Is a good
market f,,r everything th,. farmer has
lor sale.
When the reverse is true, and ihe wiirl;.
Itigiuen are Idle or on short Hon- and cut
wages, ihey are forced io priiciice eeou,,.
my and 1 1 farmer nee. ssarily loses part
of his market ami In ,li,. I.-, .,.,',..
i lion lor Hi,- bal.-iu, M j,,w,.,.
prices. 'I'll, n- is no parilsan.-.hip In Ky.
t ing thai during the p-,si iweiny years
; "I" periods of commercial aeilviiv' and
general pr.fcn-rlly have b,ru .-oiiieideiii
, Will, liepllbliean ailuilliislr.'iti.i of th,.
i govcrinu. in. Tlie general hicIcs of the
i DeiuiKi-aiy have always In ei ideivd
j hy busliu M Iimr. sis as Inimical lo ihe
' "ininercliil welfare of il. country, and
I Whether lll.lt reeling Is con I or not ii,,.
i periods of I i,in, ,. a.,.,, ,!,.,.). ,,1Vl,
! '"" n ''"'l,'l krell 1,'lsillesa ile,res-
sion A large part f H,U foi ling N
I dolllil due lo Ihe h.;y Ihe p, ,..
tlve larirr piiiiclpl.a of tic- (opube,iiia
, which always dominates iii ,,pp,i,,
- IhH iu iiilililli.ii. ti,,.,-,. u alwavs appivi
heiislon of radical l-gMiitlnti ii,. t
i-aliiblishcd bu.lll,-. Inicies s.
This fear of hcima-racy ha. alwaya n-
a.iicii-u our iiiiiiiiir.ieturing enierprU-a
w h.-iievi-r thai pariy was pw.-r, and
bi Hull wy has gilevou.lv arr.-cied our
rarining liii.-r. sls. , ,,.,. (f 1v.
or.l ihat f.MI ,lliiv, iiu r lli(l r
Delllis raiic lldlliio.lii,,ii; ,,i4 f (,
la "hie ti, . ib.li,,-.s. f gen, ,..
II. SS W helli-Xir I lllll p.iriy u ,.
If any on- ha. n,,i i,i,.', f lrf
l ill. lined ,,..llle : ll.-ll- llivui lCV let
hill! .Mllollle Ih,. rlll ,,,1,1,. ..f f',, ,,,
pi in . of wli-ni. Ti- .., ,., ,,. ,r(
ihe animal . n.,I ..f i. n,.,-.,.-v ,lf
A gin iIii.ii. mid -h-iW Die er,,ge ',
- I'll'-- '.' Wheal . I, ,ll by r ,.,-,
ili-ne b.H, on i.,,miBT l-l of ,,,.
lltT.lllged , f.iry,,ir Mia, i,',..,,,'
ioiib nun ii. cm-i,,,,, r . ...,., ,.,.,
In S7.'. ,e
' is;:i h.,,,
urn m y pi i.i f,-,,,,, s;
n r. .bi,-. d io ii. g.,!,1)
I'li.i- ..r u i,
I.-' T".
IsTn T'.i
Issti (
I VI." !l.V
V'U'e ,,., iii,,,t li
-rum. II it - . ,i,
f If il ,t . r i - .1
ArOmr Hi. f.i,, (),,.
"' l Hi ii f. If., r-.r
..,. 1 1- ,o, a , a, , ,,;, i,,,, f, ,u
I. t. Inn.l fi,,. H i... , M ;)
b ll l.n, I ,.!, I d d.i.r f Ih. f ,,.
Hi. ,,.ri,k.. ,.,!. f Bll f
M t! ., .,. I ,i.(, .!., ,. 4 ,.,.
Ihe II III-. I, ,1 lli.o " I I' I, Hh,. , f..
.... biMOj,!,, f,,,,,, ,,. m, ., j
I.,H. ..). ,,., .., . -I, I I, , . , ,
I ' ( nt,,, i, r .n..., i ,:, I
f.rm.r had h. .!,,. ,
.i.e .. WO. i, a.t ;,, .j , ,,,,,,
It..- ,.i .,r y.-o. it, . ,, ., , , ,
Hi. .eo.HI-o f ! f (,
d-if I h. l ,., , ,, ,,. (
it.i.1 :. n ,,i, f....,, it ,. , ,
.. ne in .. i-, ,,, . ,
t 'Ih fo-lll, H , , , ,,,
I. 1. .11. .Ill- I, K , ,,ii. o
rt I It II le It, I. 1 1,. I H. ,.
l..i a.-.nii .(., I,, . , , i,;, ;,, ,
'.. f i -to. . I,,,, , ,., j ,
I in I a ll , I'l, pi, i ( ,,
r , I . , ,,..
"'.I i . ill i a. . al , ,. I,,,..
l.. .,ti ,'i k ! ti r, . . tl,
t't Hd 4. li O. I. Sim .....
li.. ,!,. ,.(
ill." I 1 .1,
n." 1 ,1 in r
. r f. .
-1' . il-l-l I.I
.1..,. Iltt
I.... I. I- I,
I l!l IN . . f
I, II . I.. ,
i , . ,:
1 1.- ..o . h u- i, .,; i i , , ,, i, f
Mr I an . . I . .,, h
I ! ' III, II, .m fli ,..
- .. .. I -1 ,., , l.
41, trf- ' It .1 '..,,,! H e i I, .., 1,
"' ' " ". H..., I. ., .,,
If. I. I - M- .In f ,f . I, t
1 1 1 d. (1. Ii f..r A 'ig't-i i. ... . 1 1, ,i
il a'at . a ..Mt-t. r t, .. Hi
...in. alii r . I. .i.l, , , , , , t .,
I. I llp tll,, i .1,H .,,.;!,(, j , .
Hill .-.or Hli.l, '.. ! .i,l , ,,,
t la. the If , ... . , ,. I,,,.
Il la H.lt t,l M, l,,,., ! . , ,
lkr If. ,,,,, t!,...,, , ,f. ..(
l.af '-f I.i iii II..- ....... fc,,, Mj ,,, M i
t..i.. r..r it k o 1. 1 ,