Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 02, 1896, Image 3

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Here and There.
Senator Mitobell here on Opt 13th.
Miss May Tolbert, ot Six Dollar, ia
Joe Biber went down to Portland Uat
Miss Addie Jaokson ia ill at the Palace
The Heppner Transfer Co., ban wood
(or sale. 87-tf.
Prof. J. 8. Henry, formerly professor
of masio at the Weaton Normal, has
severed bis conneotion with that insti
tution and ia now in this oity and hopes
to organize a Yooal class. Prof. Henry
is a thorough instructor in both vocal
and instrumental work of every nature.
The ladies are discussing the feasibility
of organising a ladies' band and in the
event the organization is perfeoted will
probably secure the services of Prof.
Henry an instructor should he decide to
locate with us.
Where They Het
McKinloy Bill, with Napoleon eye,
Bays "Bryan let's drink some Linwood Rye!
We meet aa friends, my words are few
I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Bryan says, in a Joking manner,
"I wonderif that's what's the matter with Hanna
That's horse and horse, you funny feller
When I see my wife I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank some more good Linwood Rye.
Sold only nt the Belvedere Saloon, E,
O. Sperry, Prop.
Time will not be allowed anyone after
July 1st. All persons failing to pay by
the 10th of each month hereafter will be
out off.
Heppner LIoht & Wateb Co.
Buoka tor sale 30 fine Merino
20 Oxford grades. Enquire of
Mrs. M. Le Baliater, the Heppner
milliner, has just received a large and
complete line ot tbe latest style tall end
winter hats. Intending purchasers
should oall and see the fashionable dis
play at their earliest convenience. ol8.
The semi annual convention of the
Morrow County Sunday School Associa
tion wilt be held in Heppner on Oct. 8.
9 and 10. Tbe superintendent and one
delegate from eaoh school in the oounty
are requested to be present with report
from their respective schools.
Entertainment will be prvided for all
delegates. -
An interesting program will be render,
ed. All are invited to attend.
31. J. J. Adkjhs, President,
Pill Do Not Core.
Pills do not eure ennsttnation. They
only aggravtfgate. Karl's Clover Hoot
Tea gives perfect regularity ot the
I o vela. For sale by Wells and W arren
"if M tmmotertai, in my judgment,
whether the sheep grower receives any
benefit from the tariff or not . .
Whether he doet or does not I am for
from sveech of
Bryan in the onsen Ken
resentatwes when the WtJon bill wot
nnder consideration.
Emmett Cochran ia over from the
Jobn Day,
Jas. Royse was in from Hardman
J. Kolman is in from a trip over the
main line.
Mrs. Julia Bradley is confined to her
room by uluess.
William Cowins nod wife oame home
last Tuesday from Portland.
Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
Waldron Rhea returned from a busi
ness trip to Portland on last Wednesday.
Harry Kneelaud. who is herding for
Jas. Jones, ia reported as being quite ill.
Hear Hon. J. D. Lee on the political
issues ot the 'day at the opera bouse,
Wednesday, at 2 p. ua. tf.
Arlington Reword: Miss Delia Reed
after a short visit with Mrs. 0. A. Shurte
went on to Heppner Monday night.
Mrs. Jas. Neville returned Wednes
day from Portland where she has been
visiting her daughter, Miss Martha. .
Tbe Gazette neglected to state in last
issue that Pros. Att'v Bean was in attend
ance at the session ot court last Tuesday,
Fall weather brings cool weather, cool
weather calls for winter olothiog. See
E. W. Rhea's line of goods. Ad in this
issue. sl8-lm.
Mrs. Jas. W. Matlook came up from
Portland Tuesday to visit her husband.
Bbe was aooompauied from below by her
eon, Lee.
Every resident of Morrow should hear
Hoo. John H. Mitchell, Oregon's popa-
bncks; lar senator, Oot. 13tb, at tbe opera bouse
O. E. B P m
tf. A dance will be given at the opera
house on tbe first and third Friday
evenings of eaoh month, tor an indefi
nite period. tf.
Newt. Jones and wife left recently for
Boise overland. Tbey will remain there
this winter, but in the spring may go on
to Wyomiog.
Lost A Trilby heart watoh charm on
the streets ot Heppner. Finder will
kindly return same to this office and
reoeive reward.
Tbe Heppner cow ordinance, not
allowing stock to roam at large from 6
p. m. to 6 a. m. is now iu force. Jjook
out for your cows.
Oscar Minor departed last Wednesday
evening for the East where be goes to
purchase soms fine stock for hia Morrow
oounty stock farm.
M. Licbteatbal is tbe old standby of
tbe Heppner people and keeps only tbe
beet grades ot boots and shoes. See bis
ad iu another column. a.
E. 0. : W. R. Ellis, congressman from
the seoond district ot Oregon, passed
tbrongh Pendleton Saturday on bis way
from Uilgard to Weston.
A representative of E P. Qeary, O. O.
of the K. of P. "of tbis state, will visit
Dorio Lodge next Tuesday evening. All
knigbts should be present.
The Morrow Co. 8. 8. Association will
meet in Heppner, at tbe M. E. church,
at 2 o'olock, p. m., Oot. 8ib, and con
tinue In session three days. 2t.
F re
free wool" Extract fr
William J. Bryan in tht
The Best CooRk Care
Is Bliiloh's core. A neglected cough
ia dangerous. Stop It at once with
Hhilob'i Cure. For sale by Wells A
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving every
day eioep'-Hundsy. Nborteet and cheap
est ronU to the interior. Conser A
Brook, agents.
Martin Anderson atrtved borne from
Portland Tuesday, having enjoyed a
pleasant little stay io tbe metropolis.
Arthur Hodson and Rev. Chamberlain
recently bnilt a model ol a foil rigged
ship wbiob is on exhibition down atT.
R, Howard's atore. It is a fiuepieoeot
The MoKinley clnb will not bold a
meeting tomorrow evening owing to tbe
republican speaking snl Wedoesday,
however an interesting program will be
presented at that time.
E. 0.: Cbas. H. Green, buyer for
Koxbland A to, wool handlers, oame
over from Heppner Sunday morning, to
remain tor a few days in Pendleton. He
will return to Heppner tbis week.
Kever wm a a-rleveas wren Sea a
the farmers f er eoaatry thaa that a
nlasWr larlletewl daring the aaat tar a
year a pea the waal (rowers. Altaaagk
a eag aar meet eeral alllieas. their la
tereste have keea practically oestroyeaU
HeKlaler'a lattar af mmdUim,
If vour children are snbjeot to croup
watoh for the first symptom ot tbe dis
ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
obild becomes h-iarse it will prevent the
attack. Even after tbe croupy congh
has appeared the attaok can always be
prevented by giving this remedy. It is
also invaluable for colds and whooping
cough. For sale by Couser & Brock.
Fossil Journal: Alex Beard,' Dick
Allen and Ed Horn took 40 bead of beef
cattle to Hepuner last week, wbiob Alex.
had sold to Roe Grimes, reoeiving $2.10
for steers and $1.60 for cows. Mr,
Grimes sbioped tbe cattle from Heppner
Friday, along with 65 bead purchased at
Lone Rook and 200 bead from the North
Fork of the Jobn Day.
"It is immaterial, in my judgment,
whether the sheep grower receives any
benefit from the tariff or not
Whether he does or does not I am for
free wool." Extract from speech of
William J., Bryan in the House of Rep
resentatives when the Wilson bill was
under consideration.
Tbe Godfreys, Thomas and Lizzie, will
give a performance tonight in tbe opera
bouse. It will consist in every respect
of first class specialties and is well worth
attending. Tbe exhibition of rifle shoot
ing from . slack wire is well worth tbe
prioe of admission alone. Prioes, 15, 25
and 50 oents.
There will be preaching at the opera
bouse Sunday at 11 o'olook a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Elder J. W. Jenkins will
preach in the morning on "Going on to
Perfection j" in the evening, "One
Shepherd and One Fold." All not wor
shipping elsewhere are invited.
Miss Pearl Davis, who will be remem
bered by many of our Heppner people,
arrived Wednesday from S:nta Boss
and has accepted a position in Mrs. E,
W, Rhea's millinery store wbiob will be
opened up shortly in tbe Garrigues store
Thad. O. Gladdings, founder of the
MnltoDor Clnb. of Portland, was bere
last week representing P. Lorrillard To
bacco Co. He Is in possession ot
Bryan pocketbook about four feet long
wbioe is an object lesson of itself.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old
timer in tbe tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner. having purohased
Green Mathews shop, Minor building
oDnosite tbe city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
At a meeting of tbe Heppner Board ot
Trade last evening, E. G. Sperry was
selected to appear before the Grant
oounty oonrt next week in tbe interest ot
tbe Parish oreek road. He will leave on
tomorrow's stage.
' J. O. and Vasoo Williams were In
Wednesday for maobicery for the Black
Butte mine, near Fox valley, Grant
county. Tbey think that this well known
properly will be ready for operations in
tbe near future.
Condon Globe: Married, on Sunday,
Sept. 20, 1896, at tbe home ot tbo bride's
parents near Davidson, Morrow county.
Mr. W. A. Ooodin of Condon ana
Mies Ada W. Wallace, elder John Divis
Congressman Ellis was in Heppner
oyer Sunday, having arrived from Wal
lowa oounty Hnnday morning. Mr. E'Ma
is well satisfied with his work over there,
and left Monday for bis appointments
E. O : Henry G. Blsckwell, the cuttle
buyer, ran into a wire fenoe on George
Jones' place on McKay creek tbis morn
ing. He has been bronght into the
Golden Rule and has had medioal atten
O. n. Sargent has just completed a
feed stsble and will feed horses at 25
oents per head to good wheat bay. 8ta.
hie to rent at 10 cots, donbts, po feed
furnished. 81,
Last and all the time Hood's Saraaparllla
has been advertised as a blood purifier.
Its great cures have been accomplished
through purified blood cures of scrofula,
salt rheum, eczema, rheumatism, neural
gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel
ing. It cures when others fail, because it
Strikes at the root of the disease and
eliminates every germ of Impurity.
Thousands testify to absolute cures ct
blood diseases by Hood's Earsaparilla,
although discouraged by the failure of
other medx5r.es. Rembmber that
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
, T-v, 1 1 easy to buy. easy to take,
MOOd S PUIS easy to operate. 250.
of Oreiron for Morrow fount.
A. 8. Bennett and P. P. Mays, Plaintiffs,
Charles Kirasey and Clara Klmsey, his
wife, A. J. klmsey and Kimsey,
his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey,
his wife, W. S. Mercer and Sarah Mer
cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella
Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and
Minnie Hall, his wife. Samuel Hall
and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell
and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas
Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft.
To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his
wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife,
William Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, Rich
ard Hall aud Minnie Hall, his wife, William
Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim
sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you will take notice that the above
plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have
commenced a suit against the above defend
ants in the above court to foreclose a mortsjsfta
riven them bv the above defendants upon the
enstjhalf of the northwest quarter, the south
west quarter 01 tne normeasi quarter aim uie
northwest quarter of tne southeast quarter 01
section 18 townshin 1 south ranee 25 East in
said county. That the relief demanded in the
complaint in said suit is for a decree that plain.
tins said mortgage re loreciosea, tue mortgaged
property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay
ment of costs and disbursements of said suit,
to the note secured by said mortgage and the
attorney's fees st forth therein. That the
Sourt also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery
torn Charles Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey and Wil
liam Kirasey of seven hundred dollars i7uu.uu)
and interest thereon at ten per cent per annum
from September 1 1, 1889, and seventy-five dol
lars (t75.001 attornev's fees, besides costs and
disbursements of suit. And further decree
that all the other defendants be foreclosed of
all rlcht. claim or eaultv of redemption In ana
to said landB, or any part tnereot, ana mat
plaintiffs have such other and further relief as
Article Which Appeared In Bryan s
Paper Four Years Ago.
From the Walla Walla Union.
To The Editob : Tbe enolosed dip
ping was taken from tbe last mtionai
Tribune. I wish every ex-Union soldier
might read it carefully and then deter
mine whether be will oaet his vote for
tbe soldier oandidate, MoKinley, or for
Mr. Bryan who endorses such contempt
ible flings at tbe men who offered their
all to save their oountry. I would also
have every oomrade in arms and their
friends remember that Mr. Hoke Smith,
who, as secretary ot the interior, made
nee of hie position to deprive our com
rades ot their little plttanoe ot a pension,
in every possible case, resigned bis
effioe, ir. order that he might work for
Bryan's election. Can it be that in case
Bryan should be elected, be expects to
again have a cbsnco at usT Your oom
rade. E. W. Eliot.
Tbe artiole enclosed in Mr. Eliot's
oommunioation was beaded and read as
follows :
Bryan on Pensions.
From the Omaha World-Herald (Mr. Bryan's
paper,) Nov. 18,1892.
Tbe next session ot congress will have
to wrestle with one defloienoy of (36,000.
000. This is ou an aooount of pensions,
Tbe appropriation for pensions for tbe
next year must not be less than 8150,
000,000. It ia therefore easy arithmetic
to peroeive that the appropriation that
oongress must make for pensions next
session must aggregate not less than
This tremendous sum would in itself
be enongh to run a reasonable govern
ment. One would not oomplain it it
were an honest debt, but a large nropor
tion is not debt, beoanse it has never been
earned bv any aot of patriotism or herolo
service. Tbe government is held np
and despoiled ot no mean portion ot
tbis, and it seems helpless to defeud it
self. One cannot help boing ourtons tn
know bow many more yeara it will take
to exbanst tbe generation which feels it
self iojored by tbe war. It ia safe to say
that never did a generation display suob
remarkable longevity.
This summons is served unon vou bv publi
cation bv order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell.
judge of the above court, made by him at
Chambers on the 22nd day of Heptemher, mm,
and each of the defendants above named are
required to answer said complaint on or before
the first day of the next term of the above
court, to-wit: the first Monday of March. 1897.
or the plaintiffs will apply to said ouurt for the
renei aemanaeam saia complaint.
78-91. Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
G. B. Uatt. the tonsorial artist, can
be fonnd at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
ahaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc. '
Morrow Cotioty vs. Heppner tomorrow
afternoon. This will I the last gain
of tbe season.
Titles It Over.
Ms Wiv v jm ' .X M ii B !l J Ulaw F w m I
feLfid You will find one coupon
MWWrNT1 1 1 1I , ' i inside eacn two ounce bag l
Wi-1 iSxMml 1 1 Hln? and two couoons Inside each I
s TmuAwini i . i
I J VytwRsm 1 1 1 1 1 jli rourouncebagofBlackwell s
JL 1 " yjrSfflfflfV Durham. Buy a bag of this
O r 8flfWF 'H If'1 celebrated tobacco and read
IJffJ "f 'If III I I the coupon-which gives a
'Aa7M llllKnn list or valuable presents ana 1
Yk22V'W how to get them. I
14 ELftJ I
mi a m
and bv virtue of an execution Issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Morrow, ana to me directed ana
delivered, upon a judgment rendered ana en
tered iu said court on the 3rd day of March, 1HH0,
in favor of u. A. tinea, J. L,. Morrow At Hon tj,
W. Morrow), Henry Blackman.t Hugh Fields,
G. W. SwaKUart. Thos. Quaid. P. 8. Wilson. Wm.
Penland. J. P. Khea. T. A. Rhea. Otis Patterson
and T. W. Avers, Plaintiffs and against The
Palace Hotel Company of Heppner, Oregon,
Defendant, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dol
lars with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from August 2nd 1H94 nd Ten
Dollars costs; ana, wnereas, ty said juagment
It was ordered and adjudged that the follow
ing described real property, to-wit: Commenc
ing at the Southwest corner of Lot No. Six (6)
In Block No. Four (4) of the Original Town ol
Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Oregon,
thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet.
thence North sixty (KU) feet, thence West one
hundred and ten (110) feet, thence South sixty
60) feet to place of beginning, be sold to satis
v said Judgment, costs and accruing costs. I
will, on the
Third Day ot October, I60S,
at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of
the said The Palace Hotel Company In and to
the above described property at Public Auction
to the highest and best bidder for cash tn hand,
the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of
said execution aud all costs, and costs that may
ccrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated Sept. 2nd, 18;;, 472-81.
i ft I III I A
is is m mi mm i
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in faot everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call and Bee the stock before it is too late.
trict, State of Oregon, County of Morrow.
J. A. Woolery, l'lalntill,
8. E. Jones. Defendant
To S. F. Hones. Defendant:
in the name ol the mate ol Oregon, we com
mand you to appear before the
I .1 n, ,KA t... I .. VJ .......
and State, on or before the r.tth day of Octolier.
lw,l, at the hour of 10 of o cloi k in the forenoon
undersigned, a
, ln said County
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
said day. at my office In the said town to answer
the complaint of 1. A. Woolery founded on
promissory mites and wherein he demands thai
sum ol One Hundred Thirty-six and ftU-HK Dol
lars, for which sum ludgment will be rendered
against you if you fall so to appear and answer I
sain commaint. I
uiveu iinuor my nana tnis vnn aay ot ncpi. i
a. u., n. a. nivMAniimm,
472ai. Justice of the Peace.
We are not small men, lbs.' We are small men, s.
ve are not ine Largest mtsialiewonii
t But when the people of all tha surrounding country are in need of
Hardware, Tinware, Croeksry ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Gaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe fittings, Btovei and Ranges, Wagons,
Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Haws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, tirau
Iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bottlers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
f Ws have Good Goods at Fta Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
Hare yon ever bei rd of mrilirioe
witb snob record of cares ss IIoimI's
Hsrsspsrilla? Don't ton know that
flood's Harssparills, Hi OnsTros Blood
1'oriQcr, baa proved, over and over
sain, Ibal II Las poer to eare. fro
Iter all nOiar remctifS fail? If J
have iropnrs blood yon may tke lim d's
Haraparilla wih tb ntmost oonfl.l. ocs
ibat it will do ou good.
HooJ's Tills aaaUt dlgMtlon. 23 Setil
U Troubled With Khfamallsm Head Tbis.
Aoospolis, M1., Apr. 16 1894 I bays
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rbeu
matiam sad found it to be sll Ibat is
olsimed for it. I beliefs it to be tbs
beet preparation for rbenmitisrn and
deep seated muson'sr pains on the mar.
kt and cheerfully reooromeod it to the
public. J no. U. Bhooes, dealer iu boots,
sboes, etc, Ho. Iff Main ot.
MfCliaoiftaville, Ht. Mary Co, M l -I
sold bottle of Cbnmbvrlain's Pain
Balm to man who bad tmo suffnring
lib rheumatism for several years. It
made him well man. A. J. M'1ii.l.
For sale at 00 cents per bottle by Uous-r
Portlaad Ktponllloa.
For tbe Uretfon Industrial Eiposiiinn
to b ti'-IJ at I'ortlaiid, Mept. lit, IXMl,
Afot Hart, of tbeO. H. t H. Co., will
a!l special eicnraion tickets at Iba rale
of one and oua tirib fare for tbe round
trip, plus fifty rents for two admission
routxius to tbe Eiposuion, making in all
t'.l W) for the round trip.
Hilling las at lleppner are Kept. 22,
2, Oot. 0 sod 13. Tickets riptre H-pt.
fc, Ucl.Z. a ana Vi. If.
You can bet vour last winter's duds that this
- - m
lair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is
one of the boys that comes
around annually and Be prepared to receive
no mistake. him by calling on
E. W. RHEA & CO.,
IvuasaafS la HOBHtw BHtA.
Wba) will prepare f"t f" alial 4fee stalest tbe loaaui ot
tbe Froat feallp. Hr-b a lias of "IcUr elothisg yo asvtr saw
tie-rota, sod at prtras 'mf &nmm. Tlsaae are pretty tonga bal ft eaa
bmf yea flat bargeles, eae'l yo ?
Watsoo la dissatisfied a-llb the I rent
meot be is rreeifiog.eo ) It Is only snr
prialog that be bee not mplaiaal
sooner. lie no pntiliely declares:
"Under present rx-fidilioos Mr. Bryap
ranoot get tie fnll populist tola.
Tbey (tbt popalutts) may But be able to
break np tha fasioo deal, bnt tbey aan
stay at bom. Witb one aoeord
tbe Bryan and Hawaii papers bsvs given
B nothing bnt disparagement, misrp
reaeutatite aoJ rid wo I a,"
Eay word Mr. Weleon eats la Ibia
re pert is tram f bat ears) tbe demoeiale
for popaltets ot tbe principle tbe pipo
list er eoolen ling for? It be always
been tbatr bnaat and tbeir greatest ala
Beetil til strength tbal, regard! of r
anlta, tbey would vol their Ira ee oil
men U. la Oregoa, a Is tnaay olber
states, they are ealWd apoa to vota, t
far wbat they bllee in, or bar always
peofeaead to ballet la, bat for lb !
to rfTI' of dentnrrata. Reasll U to be
ftr preal.leal tf Jntie as 4 I be olbr
maaager c aa saak k'm e, and Rate-
la to ha bat earrtlUa. II and all cna
bo ot I tils twa preai lent bat
a rial. I h 4aaallefle4.
Mr. H ata say: rty (tk ppImm)
baela hf Voting
I 'B Tela
W tiffer Oue flnodred Illars lUward
for any raaa of ratarrb Ibateanuotb
urej by Hall's Catarrh Cur.
F. J I'Hsxir d , l'rop.,
Tidtdn, lll.io.
', tli nnderigi, bar known F.
'. lbny fur lb last 13 tear, and b
ief blm to b perfeetly bottorabl lu all
boaioea Iraesaolion and Gosnaially
ahla to earry out any (ibllnatioa rnal
by ineir arm.
Weal Troai, boleaal Drngglsta,
Tl"1. rT.
WaMirg. Klr-nso A Marvin, VYboleeel
l- n aiela, Toledo, (Jbio.
Ilail'e Catarrh Cur I take Inter a al-
Ir, ailing direrlly opn t.'ia bloo-1 and
m erona sorfae of lb S)Um 'ri
per hoiil. HolJ by ail drnggista.
Testiisamala free.
... a aae ml ir R ft A f. . t t I ill tuA atqltlff
f rill rn r . W. KnrM C Ul, Ln e...e.l lb.r orlneiple.- Tb- Iber
' I mm,t d
First Natl BqqK CorQcr.
I. N.
Ht ClltS. f
E. W. RHEA & CO..
dt If lb artae lbs Iv1
a4 belaeea the leader Dryaa
r err. Dales.
It vlll U - Ibat Brysa i aot, d
II -4 b. tasea I il WaU. a. lb
tIaa M U ete Heaall. -. foraeery
reo. b14 h Bora eKJ-e'Walile n
ppl tb ay aiaa eiiber teei,
UTUI l.inr.
Isrrraa nvriiitet
4 or, !, I ,
( MhM Jh It
tm lllt MM tn
WHea ratline
rhiite w n
or Ue Hlrs ftwea mf
j, r. wikusaa, r.
Motici of attrition.
f r rrt at i a nfit. .trMii
I 4 t I. I la '. s it..l
ih t.ritonfl aea4 eef a4 art
el at. leletl'4!i aek. SaI f-tt la 9t,-p
e ki iie a4 UMut4fn"l'l aa a4
Wlf. Ih, r..l f .l M'.a r.mtitf
H, e, iv.tt um. tit ,
4Ka a k H M.
N t Uf tbe M e4 afwsw
ae4 r v i, T a w i
II mm Iha (ilnaln .IHiiiii In en.
al mHMi MeMteae eeea aa4 f ulti v.tl'.a
mt M. t I'hI I.
IH H !-. A I M.t.R.t. Blr
Ij.iI" Jok . ifr, ail !!.
V SatH
a r iix
Kxrxvrvifa Avrcr
V'nTtr f Is eeef ei a rkal ifc
. V Se
XL S to XL o
an in ill I il l ii
Do you know what this means ? This, that
SI1!?., there are sixteen reasons why you should buy
and br virtue of an execution Issued out
of the circuit court of th Htate of Ort'Kon, for I
t. -.. .1 ... . .. u.1. ... u.nUMU. I u.
n favor of The Northern Coiiiitlvs Investmeni I
1 met. I.lmlltvl. a roriNiratlnn. ulslntlff. and
anslustCiH'ella Taylor, H. 8. King. N. H. Mi Bh
nd . :. 1 hiiiiipwiii, defDiiiianta, fur the sum of
Hrrrn Hiinilreil and Heven'jr Three and IMHO
Holism with interest thereon from tne 1st oaf
I June, iwm, at tne rata of eiKht tier cent per
iiniim. sail the lurttier sum ul inirty iin
pois, aim ari'ruine costs; lin n )iiiKineul
wtirfillMt .t,,! H...k,l.l In lh tfMi.rh nrtli
Idrnurtln said rountjr on the IHth (1st ol I f L......l.. ,1 I ...,4
",.temlr,ls., and. whereas. I.r seld Iii.Ik- VUUr J I UtXl lJi. OUWUIICb all lit VJlllb 1 Ulllldll-
infill It was ordered and ediuileed that tha I
folliiwliiv dcarrllie,! morteeee1 itroiiertr. lo-wlt
the Mouth half of the Surllii ut quarter, and
nrthrtiiirter of Northeast uuarter teirept
ten arn-( In a eiusre form In the nnrtheaat
comer thereoll and iiiilhrt quarter nl North
et quarter of Hm'IIoii 1 an ( III! In Township
One (I) North of katiee Twenty Ave () Ka.t
w. M., lie sold to aeilaly said liidauient. cost
aim ai'ruiii( pocia, i win, on
Saturday, Slat day of October, 1090,
at 1 o'rlnrk P, M., of ld day, al Ih front dixir
of tliciiirt hoiiMln llfi.iier, Mormw t'ounty.
rrinu, sen in risni. tine am inirreaiol sail
In. itmit. ('well Taylor. M M. Klnc, N. H.
Hre and I (' IhomiHion In and to the
Uivr dea.-rllH! property at t'lihlle Am-tlon to
hlsliMt and lieat hldder lor aah In hand.
he .r."l. to he aitlled to the aall.la. ll.in
nf aald ean-utloii, and all roata and mmis thai
may anrrue. r. u M A 1 MM k.
enerin oi H.irniw , (oiuty, iirreon.
iaiei inis iiiu ny oi i i. ivu. iw m.
ings at
T. R.
for evcryf one ohjection made against it.
should decide the matter. It docs.
. r i i i i if
mt iresn goods, neat goods, good goods ior
the smallest amount of money. Buy the best
when you can get it at the s.ime figure paid for
i ami oFrii k at t ii k da i.i.m, ottK'ioM, I Jin inferior article.
Id An i !. Nit.e Is hereby el.en " -t' ' llv-,v"
Old Stand, Alain Street, near HobKrlck's.
Notice of Intention.
hat Hie lollowlii naitien -lllr ha SIM no
tice nl her liitentioii tn mass nnal pinnl In sup.
trt ol her rlalm, and that said ioof will be
male iH(ire s. w . worrow, rminiT rlera, at
lli.irr, Oreeon. on lnr I uh, IKn, lis
M a 111 i u s I SSI,
Widow of anheleo M r.mr.
ltd r.. No. it M. for the l.i. t. and i, slid fr.V
,V'.m.!i.k,KiK, M.
She l.aMi-a the . ,1 ! I Wltoeeaes to broea
hrr rtoiMniioua r,!nre uem.ii and cultlt
w. aii laii'l, .ir
Mil Annie l.ilMam. lainea O Williams.
Ward, 1. II. Jenkins, all ot llatdinan, Or
-l)l. eXteler,
proea I
J. O. J3OIICHJ0HH, Prop.
Notice of Intention.
I.tao Orrn sf l.a t.a.ai.s fia.,o.
M.I t.ml.l lilh. ei
Votur t iirttrbT .ivki hut nit
11 .. I. o li.a ni. ariti.t 1 1 a sint enl l.e
nf her Ii l.iitli.a to make Snel Woof la sniiiMirl
nf her siaim aiHi thai sal'1 i alii aial
tfofa I otmiy t lra. nf Uniei County, al
Hafpaef, iftrcm. aa itrtaHen mi, lasa, vis
MART I. VAt'oHAft. ae Mary I N.nderenn,
H. R. Ro VA, fm th DWH.sk r,T I S. K p
She eem Ih fnllnwlne fHlinaai itneeiive aef
e'iiinwMi rvat'ieiMia aua and tullnallua of.
aai'i in. i i
Jeka Mai,l. W 1 1 Haw fterralt, liner la
try. M.rlta Andt feoo. I f( tlt.f'ne: Oreann.
, b. r. iiim, luauHes.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
feliU f I a WaTlaea, tiers a. I.
X"H' S la h' y sl.n that tettert r
1 Biiiitxrallna nm li. eeielenf f l.aa l !.
Aea.r jt etanld to II-. i. l.'.lf us
in ta Aay ..I a ..., ll. I,, tne I Mtnly
I iwuli nf M'Jr fVn.nly. All SWrt Mna
ruin eeaioat add ae renoil in ..
aii.li ii,.a ia m ' ii.eMr. at mt aiiwi a. nnntf 1MM
i'l lle awuia n M. aiihla alt 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 f ll 1 1 l
i.a a'lev the Ae af ti,ia smt. a U..y K K r f 1 I l
A Ml I . Btlltrr, " mwmm as aa ee
i -
A4atM4'elrf s.
A UeeaA We Ma'S freaeelaf
Irae4 N"!. e..nt p.tii . aJ tit
aef, liver a 4 bwa imnble ara earenl
tv Karl's t lr Kl Tea. fur l
W ailA k V. arren.
Notice of Intention.
I trvfHa af L i.a.ei (i.san
apii( m h i
VOTfi la nt star nlin mat Tl
i a loim.lat mm! Mitel SM liet Mir. al
IKl.lMlIM at S net -4nf a aueeet af
I ii, a tbat t4 f4 alii aa a I b
i ik mie.f i t SMKit fa, -
mi H. ,.ne mm liMlMkk ImmV l.
I ! list tn H'Vi tiif r.M
) IVlUI I B IIK.11.4 Ai In th Sf A
s ""il a a. PV e s 4
heea , c4i. ld S4 .Snn4
f ? I M,rV ml Vnn anae.y as
Ike lee. id ami leeaaaaenS a a N
,i, .a,. ail l!!. v.. mmmm, I llif 1., m
iii inMH .o hi f nn-.ii af.-.i o,. tela lyl. R
......I.. Ih. )'- . .. l 1.11 I j( tmmm i . i.i all
, k... a oKi al t iMiiii e.e tf mi m
Iota.) al H.fliw'.'t . ' i ef f a- ,A, j.. w ,J Mat M.f Heel.ta,
t tf. ls-i,4ity Mlie iWf j i tHt f,, r.U.,
iwi.ne.,w,.a b
,11. alv.a
Yowro J30UND to Tnlo? 'Kin.
Leaves No Cons ti potion, .sv
CrM it, M all aa all Itlllloaene-a, Ho I l.lrl a sa l Malaria. Tl naif
oostroarsata pill In lb ort i H .l.l t y H !'. ta e-i t t.y mail
ra-e,4 of ara, rM, par Ul IIUMI 1 MII'K'Al. CO ,
Ha I lai.neeo. Cal.
-a-aai aa mm. a an a I I I
Tiir. Lancasiiikk Insukanci; Co.
os B.I Arvi iilitaa i scir. i:niii.ani
1 W. fiTTllSOX, ICI,ST. t" ! " Xoeat 1st !,. a.V..fll