Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 02, 1896, Image 2

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    Eastebn storms are reported.
It is but the advance guard of the
cyclone that will sweep over
Bryanism on November 3rd.
eceived !
"Senatob Allison is not doing
anything in Iowa. Oh no. Last
Monday at Dubuque he introduced
General Sickles in a telliDg speech.
MS 'IV "ViV- V
Just R
RcpuDiican Ticket.
For President,
williajvi Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER. of Marion County,
S. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
..- J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah.
Interesting Intormatlon that Should be Care
fully Read Dy the Fair Sex.
It Treats of the Dangers of Procrastination. Points
out the Way of Relief from Various Ills. The
Story of a Mother and Daughter.
From the Chronicle, Chicago, Illinois.
The popocrata condemn internat
ional bimetallism and accuse the
adherents of McKinley with lack
of honesty in this matter. What
has the republican party ever
promised that it did not fulfill?
Name it if you can. It promised
eaual rights to all of its citizens.
born under the flag and it delivered
the goods; it promised to make the
greenback dollar as good as tne
beBt one and the promise was kept
it assured our people that their
iuterests should be protected as
compared with those of the for
eigner, and the people of this coun
try well know that the promise
was redeemed. Its patriotic pur
poses have never been honestly
questioned. Now, honest, the
voter must admit that if independ
ent free coinage does not accomp
lish the purpose that bimetallists
hope that it will, i. e., increase the
stock of money of ultimate redemp
tion for this country's use by keep
ing it in circulation and preserving
its interchangeability, the dearer
money will go to gold countries,
assisting them in procuring a large
stock of real money just what
they wantthus decreasing their
demands for the white metal and
putting farther away the desire of
all foreign bimetallists that our
future policy on finance became
the policy of the civilized workl
If, we say again, there la any
rlnnl.t that eohl and silver would
uvvav. o t
circulate together under free coin
ago, and all popocratio epoakers
admit that there is by showing
how gold could be procured to
pay gold debts if we should go to
a silver banis under free coinage,
theu the international bimetallists
have the best of it Indeed it is
the safest plan, and the admitted
statements of the popocratic papets
that many foreign notables are
encouraging silver legislation is
the strongest argument that could
bo brought iu favor of inlornation-
hi action.
Atmuluto action of governments
talks louder than fulsome individ
ual prime of Mr. Hryan and his
ideas, but it docs show conclusive
ly that leading men of leading
nation will aupport any interna
tional movement locking to the
hetlleinent of this fiuaucial ques
tion, and through their Influence
combined tlToit of nations coul
bo secured.
the moor or the rviwma
The American Tariff League hat
undertaken an investigation
which has for its object the gather
incjf.f utatmties nblcn will show
how the wago-wotkera have far1
in recent time under protectire
u.l anti protective licioa. Th
months of July. bW and K
have Wen selected In which tomak
it, i..t. as the.e two dale are
enactment of the McKinley au
the Gorman act.
Ti. American 1'couornUt tho
auinmartoa the rrault:
Tp to th eh ' lt ek wa
had tecetve,! upward of 5.'iO report
from etof)er in thirty. ail differ,
rnt b, In July,
d..rdl conation for lH.i-1
t...,u ol.rteMllie Miua cmeerns
e,uli oiiW employ K,7l) hands in
Jul of tb it J ear.
ri.i amount of wage pai.L
Julv 11 b ! 1L2-T1 hand
:,.,l,.u.t M.W7.2X1L Hot tb
i,rotl for U.t July. fir U
years ol Uw eininu
Unit, aggregated u&'f tXM il'l
-I La nx.nlt.lf gw rU of
.ini in, declined from 131 f4)
Li ;il among tho who art
wirtk, Tl tumber -f IdU ban I.
in about M fUllihrobU, was
lha inoolLly h of tarn-
inr talk wca arnra waall,
4',: li lb iInt to mphjr
t.aa eirrclod :H twf, CuL
letj 4 ) lr r tX"
A story remarkable in many respects
is told by Mrs. George Argils wbiob oon
tains mncb information wbiob will be
appreciated by thousands of women who
are suffering as sbe did, and tbey will
find relief from all tbeir trouble, so easi
ly) so quickly, and so permanently tba
tbey will wonder bow tbe possibility
came about.
Mr. George Argile left bis native borne
in Yorkshire, England, eight years ago
to embrace the greater opportunities
this country offered. lie wsa fort on ate
in immediately securing a re.poosiDie
position on his arrival in Chicago witb
tbe Obioago and Rook Island Railroad
Company. Faithful to bis duties he re
ceived recognition by promotions and
today is in sole charge of tbe team tracks
of this great railway system. Tbe posi
tion is known in railroad circles an
foreman of tbe teams that load and un
load freight.
After one year and a half in tbe em
ploy ol this road be sent for his wife and
obildren, who arrived safe); here and in
good health. After some two years
residence here Mrs. Argile began to feel
badly. Like thousands of other women
be bad womb tronble of over twenty
years standing. At first this trouble in
Chicago, waa not sufficiently aonte to
interfere materially witb ber bonsebold
daties, but in ooarse of months it devel
oped to snob a degree that it proved ex
ceedingly painful to ber to attend to tbe
many little duties required to keep the
house neat and tidy. This condition
oontinaed to grow worse and worse till
he wss foroed to recognize that if she
did not get skillful medical aid, sbe
wonld grow Into a cob firmed invalid.
During this period a neighbor whom sbe
had known for quite a while told ber
that she was using Dr. William' rink
Fills for Tale People witb exoallent re
sults, and she believed that tbey wonld
rid ber of all, ber troubles without tbe aid
of any physician. Having confidence iu
ber neighbor's word sbe oommenoed to
take tbe pill some six months ago and
fonud that after taking tbe first box she
It an Improvement, not great, but snffl
oieut to realise that it this better feeling
eontlnued sbe would be on the right
With the seoond box she knew that
he was getting better, as she gained
both llesb and strength, felt a buoyancy
f spirit sbe bad not experienced
years, and tbe pelts from which he bad
suffered so modi were quickly growin
re. Today it li beeo fir month
alno aha began taking tbe pill, tth
a relieved of all ber lain, ha regained
her etrrnglb, ro that the ia able to work
all day, and it ie only when she over
exerts herself that she has any indica
tion of pains, which wonlj alio happen
to perfectly well woman.
Tbi is th story of what Dr. Williams'
I'iok l'llls for I'al rpl litr dne for
her, and of coins ah Is well satisfied
wllh lb Iwrfflts ah bat received. Hot
this doe not end by any mean what
he ha still farther to tell, sndwbatis
mar h speak with th sam know
ledge she bat of ber owi ease, th eaa
of ber little daughter Emily bo t 13
year old. Hb y to regard to her
"about three year ago Emily in tb
urumer month wbeo diphtheria ws
prevalent, we take do with it. HI.
wa very ill and bad a erion tim of it
for week. Heveral time I doubted
helhrr h wonld pnll through but
thanks to ber elrong ntilntun sh
g t belter and after many wkh wa
alxuit again. 1 Holloed, bover, tbat
nmriiiieg wa iri in her iiiroai wnion
eoeiued ta effeet bar. Tbo, too, aba
did uol rg nn ber old lively splfita. Hh
a UnatJ to br inovrmt, ab e- m
plained of toeing tired u l furthertiior
Don't forget to hear Hon. J. D.
Lee next week at some appoint
ment in Morrow county. lso
remember that Senator Mitchell
will address the voters here on Oct.
Bryan is drawing as large
crowds in Maine as elswere but no
one will accuse Maine people of
voting for him in sufficient num
bers as to give him their electoral
it beoame perceotible that she was grow
ing nervous. Her oondition during tbe
following year after ber sickness did not
improve, in fact, I thought it waa a little
worse. The second year, I know it was ;
bat probably being witb ber constantly
did not fully realize tbat sbe was deoid
edly gettiog in a very bad way.
"It was only in tbe forepart of last
year that I beoame seriously alarmed, as
ber languidoess, ber constant tiredness
increased and she became so nervous
and so fretful tbit if any person spoke
to ber it wonld make her cry. Her
appetite got poorer every month and I
did really wonder bow tbe little thing
could live on what she ate. Her com
plexion became sallow and assumed a
greenish hue, and she became wbat 1
o ailed 'skin and bones' very tbin iodeed.
This was her ooDditi m some four month
ago. It was at this time tbat I bad tak
en a few of the pills, and commencing to
get faith in them I made Emily take
them. I say, immediately she felt bet
ter, perhaps tbat is not quite true, but
certalaly after tbe third week I could
see an improved condition in her, and
this improvement con tinned up to the
seoond month, slowly but surely. Then
the improvement of tbe child beoame
marked, ber appetite returned and sbe
beoame better with every day, she com
menced to fatten op, she became more
cheerful and lively and ber nervousness
t time left ber altogether.
"In the last two weeks her complexion
baa regained tbe perfeot color of health,
ber obeek are fleshy and plump and sbe
is as lively a a cricket. Her appetite-
well tbe less said about tbat tbe better,
sbe is eating all the time, Bnd all the
ime is hungry. When sbe now come
home from school, instead of listlessly
crawling into tbe bouse to lie dowji to
rest, she is romping all over the bouse
nd ories 'Mother you don't know bow
good it feel to be fall of life, how glad
I am tbat I don't feel tired any more.'
Hb baa completely thrown off ber ner
vousness, and all tboa symptom which
had (or thre long year mad me tear
very mnoh that sh had not long to live
"All tbi I know to b da to Dr. Wtl
Hum' Pink 1 ill because she b taken
nothing else, nd I am iodeed tbnkfal
that I'rovideno brongbt tb thonght to
me of giving tbem a trial, know what
bad condition I waa in before I took
tbem, and I w the condition saydaogb
ter tiUilly wa In. Today botn or n
look and ar well. I eaa do tb work in
my bouse every dv a I did formerly
without any trouble and Emily is on of
th liveliest, moat cheerful nd plump
girl in our neighborhood, and tbat
saying a good deal a tbe children
around us ar noted for splendid health
and excellent spirit. W live at 47oO
Wentwortb Ave.
"Tbe abov i a correct statement ol
th faot concerning my cas and that of
my daughter Emily.
(Signed) Lmilt Aroilb,"
Bwurn and autieoribed to befor me
this fourth day of February 1K
Da Qsis,
Aofarjf Public.
Dr. William' rink I'll I coolalo, to a
Condensed form, all tb element Deeee-
sry to giv n lif and riobne to tb
blood and rector shattered nrv. Tbey
ar aa unfailing peifla for such dia
a locomotor ataxia, St. Vilas'
dene, t'itiea, nrnralgia, rheumatism,
nervon headache, tb after eftVt of I
f ripp, palpitation of th beart, pal and
allow complexion, all fotmi of week
are ilber in nial or ten!, rink
nil ar wild by all dlr, or will b
nl ppt paid on receipt of pnee, fa)
ent a bos, or n Uxe for 12 W-
(ihey ar never sld In bnlk or by lb
b) by addreMlng r. William.' Me.ll
cine Company, HebOM-ta.ty, N. T.
Popocbat papers are printing
far and wide Sen. Mitchell's Jan
nary speech on the money question
but they always neglect to put in
big type the closing words, "coup
led with a protective tariff."
The old editor of the Mitchell
Monitor, A. 0. Palmer, denies that
he offered to work for Congress
man Ellis last summer if $150 was
forthcoming. Mr" Palmer's letter
to that effect has been preserved
and a denial is usless.
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
Latest Sty
The East Oregoniau, the "non
partisan" newspaper, is making
considerable bluster in its columns
because somo drummer bluffed a I
ittle on a McKinley bet Bets
don't settle anything but the East
Oregonian must not consider that
these are all bluffs. It can get
all the satisfaction it wants on the
if) .
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do
well to call early and make their selections
before the assortment is broken.
19 vil
We Have ir) These Goods fill Quali
ties fangiQg ir) Price fron)
$2 to $18.
It is an absolute fact that some
of our people who are engaged in
the cattle busines are going to vote
or Bryan because they think his
election will destroy the sheep in
dustry. How absurd 1 When the
sheepman is done for, the condi
tions of the country will not be
avorable to thejsuccess of any sort
of an industry. One thing urged
is that when wool was 18 and 20
cents a pound cattlemen could not
buy hay less than $10 to $15 a ton
while now it is plentiful at $2.50
This is a good argument why every
farmer should vote for McKinley.
Republican Speaking.
He has onythlng in this line that you may desire and you nan depend on It you get a good
article when Mat guarantees it.
Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Spelalty.
Th Tyraaay of th Desk.
W will aappoae that yonr occupation
is cedeotary tbat you trohiot, o to
speak to tbe desk 10 an ooanting
house, or perhaps to tbe loom ia some
vast mill where yoa ar compelled to
labor from moruinit till night. Hunday
ia toar ooly d7 of relaietion. Yoa re-
torn home every evening wearied men
tall and bodily. Tour health and
alranvth besrio to fall' What will most
effectually reouperate yoor vital energyT
Tbe weiuht of evidenr points to no
other oonolneion than tbat ilatetter'
Htomaoh Uitter U yonr feet, moat r.
liable sheet aocbor. Use tt prraislenHj
and yoor ayatem will mD rem ila
prlalin vig.r. Kvery fuuotum mill re
eiive bealthful imimUe. There ia no
remedy to equal the Hitters for nervoui
ns and want of lwp. dyepepsia, eon
tipatioo nd biliouanr. It averls and IJQN. J. D. LEE. Of Portland.
remedies l lurme oi mmnrmi iiiifmw.
r n y
Orognn's Popular Srnator and
the people's (rlrnd at the
s TUESDAY, 0GT. 13th
AT 2 . M.
All Should Hear Him.
and is a tirevrntiv ol rbromatisui and
Tke Har(at CaM.
Chester Sarsenl. wbo wa iiUoefd
by Judtie Lowell last Toeeday to ltb
teen months la th peoitentlry, is oat
on bond pending o apial to the
sapreme eonrt. Uis bond wer placed
at flOuO wbiob wer giveo yesterday.
Dr. H R Hwioburn od I. N. Margent,
Th titUeos of Morrow eionty will b
given o opportunily to bear th politl
eal iasiiM of th dty diaouesed by linn.
J. D. Lee, of I'orlleml, aa able speaker,
bo will spend fonr day in thin eoonly
All should hrar biro. Uis itinerary i a
lleppner, VvediiMjey, Oat. 71b, 2 p. m
llar.ltnan. Thnreday. (let, MHi. S p. ro.
Eight Mil. Tboraday, OpI. rth. 7 p. m.
loue, rridar. Oct l.r 9 h. 2 p. ra.
Islington. Kriday, IMoUr 9'b,7 p. m.
Ilrppoer, Halnrday, Uol. Uilrt. 7 p.m.
The laat kddre will tinder in
Full English course.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy.
hnihMii araihfutkiT... i a aire
eraodfatUr of tb drfeudaot. being tl
bondamea. A bard fight will bemad aaeplue f lb Ladle' MrKioUy Clot).
man from aomtf to nil aa lol-rel ing program win eriain
to save tb young
thoinat'lvi', and winch, i't over
aainat the free tralt llioory, from
a attiking rontraaL The abore
figurrahow th loe wotkiogmen
bat auataiuisl from the ratical
wotking of ft iKitiry for which
many of theia votl four yeara
agk liiah WorM
Tut (lett make no otgintion
Ui the jrincij U of liiinetalliam,
uptttrig it a it alwaji Laa.
What it deir4 U to ln rea ttt
woild't stork of money of u'tirnat
rele motion 6ut oarticulaily mor
tokena of romie to pay, tut
mora g.! tnoney that will bay in
th market of th votlJ a tul
lion jtat aa well a with Ibw atarup
epuo it. Tht tuljevt of titnetall
iu U a wutti wU well aa a
local on. Hut locally thera art
laiMiljr live, j ali llio iMuea l-i.l. a
tl.i tri t f tnnney whi. h ctt l
at) I will tot aarrificril f th
HiNVtiiK want o international
agreement. r Joca the rr public
an patty.
NrntusKA ha a tnihl-of-the
roal populiat ticket It will aaeiat
to defeat th Uryan poj-acrat elwt-ora.
1'inoi m, mayor of TortlanJ
haa irtnove-l Chief Camtell, of th
Dr uot artmrtit rullioi 10 on
T. IH lkL
Hiiimitx fo Waaocicotibt; hat
hen f njoinsvl by lha gotrnment
frutn trpaiog oa tbft Caca.
How thia otry eoulJ hat IU
titter eiDxl op ta bay India
heat U hat J ta auJcrtland whta
tui mora ailrer U dcIdoJ in lnJia.
Tb IHtrliegtiio, i., Journal ay
ediiorially of a popular patent mfdUine:
Wi koow from eipriae that Cham-
b-flaio's Co'ic, Cboler n l Diarrhoea
IWiuwIy 1 all that i claimed fur It, a
a two orraeion it l J eimrtaling
pain and piailly savel o from an un
imly grave. W would not rret easy
over bight wilhool It ta lb bona.'
Tbi remedy aadatitdly eee nite
i.io aud sun. rm than any other m!i
etna in Ibe wurlJ. Kvery family should
keep II la Ibe boaee, for II I ear I be
edmj enunvr or ii4. for sat by
t'ocs-r A Uri k.
ly b preeenlrd. It pnhhen ia e h
preeinol ere reqaitrd to ciroaiai
oolirw of tlirs. mrrlirta. tf.
fiiw- Do You Want a Rig ?
Vfi) Don't You Want a Place to
- 1-0 i i J ' 1 Put un Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All thoae can b procured at Thompaon A I'.inn, l-ower Main Street,
lleppner, Oregon.
Th s'tiniii are wll ayqnslniad with Omnt. Hm-y. Cm. OHIUm ami elbsr eeuntlt.
anil ran mnny and Urn la making thn swllnns with tnisltii mo.
frlr In st'lng wllb Ihs tlmea.
LXTznTuxir, Ksrnrxjt.
liv io roil ci try of whioh th prln-
eipat eoonrg is (irach-trouble.
It M nvre wide; rea. than t1 other
diMs and. very nearly, ro re daugrr-
One thing that mak it si dang-fo
I 1 1. si it is littt andirciool
Ifilwrr ltlrr uti.Uf.l .J it Wuqld
be ovrt feare.l, more eily cured, le
aivrel than il i m.
H-k llioa who wist i b tr 1. lale
Hbaker lhg-tiv Uirdial, tva It
grw to lha rvtif lh liable aa no
other metlieio d -e. 11e par, bartn
Imb, rataitv brb ad pUnia. of ba h
it la enaii"'!. ar what rir n
wrtaia aod, at lb liwe en grntl a
II blp u I irn.na lb atoeaaf r.
frait Nf eM ee T4
Jam llager be a Bo tot el frail,
otteiaHot f fall anj winlef apple,
wbMb h effr fur sal at ! per I punnMi and Im op lb ttm.
potmJ. Ue will also ctt la irbaag
fef poala, wood or wheal, dllvere4
tbieplae fonr i' ' IIppe
Tt daairtng trail should acate with
bias. U.
K ldtr dmtgiala.
I fM In rtl hi
rkelMe fa eWp gmtree rwiw
hml tmm la trf vt mi4 .....
tt kilkrr A or U.w wo am
fm ari4."- t rtrtn-t fmm iw of
M tlhtm J. Iry 11 ! Pf Hrm.
rverafarior mhtm IA isj tii tut
ir iii.lrulKa.
r t
Mi'W by ttitio. lVelipa
lo. Ihca'iiMa. uf AptiK fellow
Hkuif hbiloit' iui a piiiv
at. rf Ml bv Vti.s AWarrea.
iaeta Itoter Tm
I tr war f f 1 1 .! J arv.w
diwM M .ihleg r"e 4'iclly.
ft al bf Well A Werewi.
Ibroagb train (KUAN, will
ma vi. IVtliii. Wall Wall aad
fradlot-M, Tbmnga ltea, Bret aad
Hn l el, will r I ennaeettoa wtl fe
the L'ei I'eHfi. Ue
f.a. A IHr" Bl els !'
IJ Li lu liii. eHig Wllh ll.
trettlaaw lt V M. i ael. I
thmwga ln'l lr Iwtla1 to Kl
aal, will two la n witb lb
UrwMoHbMa railway. t
Don't buy your Bucks until you
sec the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham hand, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon be in l leppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
Ar-paiUt, however, aware,! tit' t1,mm , mt .JZurX"' m
h oarer (lit other tUy that tnrh eyr( tfl :tV( Vt"l lee.. K'l C f 11 Ta l u U !
waaftfart Iber. ar. rnor taia. .TtjZ? l m U M Un ThoH
...teineM. tnvU iu ,7r 4 fo, , w vu ' I
lh it f r ai gu than ttef U for. ' 4 m 7
iUUb Dli.li
I VI. i
i i ii
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,