TO TUB 0IVE8 TBI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. GREAT UNION The sun is setting forever on NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. JT? I L I CO Viaug AD ftUVADOU vu., ka via inn will take its Dlace. Not so much more money either as the chance to earn what we have. Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND St. Paul Kansas City In a reoent letter to the msnafaotur. ers Mr. W. F. BeDjamin. editor of the 0BjBmltoa oonsequenoes of full Sod an Ruehford, N. Y., says: It e&snre lo too to mow ids which Chamberlain's government, suaaB. We condemn the present d ministra tion for not keepiog faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repab Hoan party fnvors aaoh proteotion aa will lead to the prodootioa on American aoil of all sugsr whioh Amerioan people nee and for which they pay other eonntriee more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AKD WOOLKXa. To all oar product, to those of mine and field aa well aa tboae of the ibop and faotory; to hemp, to wool, to the ! product of the great industry husbandry, aa well aa to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample proteotion. MIBOHaNT MiRIHS. We favor restoring the early Amerioan and conscience of their countrymen in polioy of discriminating duties for tbe the following declaration of facta and upbuilding of our merobent marine and nrinaioles tDa protection of our shipping interests For the first time ainoe the oivil war in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer- the American people hate witnessed the lean ships the product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatatiyea in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical jostifioation of their claims to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience liberty. The government of Spain bav ing lost control of Cuba and being unable to protect the property or lives of resi dent Amerioan citizens or to oomply with its treaty obligations, we believe the government of the United Statea abould actively one its inflaenoo and good offi ces to restore pesos and give indepen dence to tbe island. TBI NAVY. restricted Democratic oontrol of the sailing under the Stare and Stripes, and It has been a reoord of manned, officered and owned by Amer- LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. FINANOIAti PLANK. Ocean UJKU CSDCU1 iU Tf UVM vae.-aa.vw.- - "I 11 , . , . a , h.M h. th r,B(,nlfl of unnaralleled inoaoaoity. dishonor and leans-may regain the carrying of oar UlCUIVylUCD teiv s-usu ni - - f't " I your own state, where tbey must be disaster. In administrative management foreign commerce best known. An aunt of mine, who re it Das ruthlessly esorificed iodispensible sides at Dexter. Iowa, was about to . ., . . . .,: visit me a few years since, and before refeDue' "0lBl,8U " BO"""u , Tb. republiosn psrty is nnr.servedly 1 1 : , i - if ih eiea om oraiDHi oumui wura " i. . . . t. x .i.. ... oivumo uB .v. Were sold here, stating if they were not borrowed money, piled up tne puwio tVery 0 Uay8 tor she would bring s quantity with her, aebt by 8262,000,000 In time of pesce, alia dirt nnt like In he withont them." I . - m v.i . ...J. m 1 tl AIOO " , roroea an adverse uninuw us up f SAN FRANCISCO. The medicine, referred to are Chamber. over the re- Iain's Cough Remedy, famous for its v . . . . . Au cures of colds and oronp; Chamberlain's oempuon tuuu, p.u .u .u.. Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, to alien syndicates sod reversed all the pains in tbe side and chest, and Cham- measures and results of suooessful Re berlain's Oolio. Cholers and Diarrhoea pubHolM, rQl(,4 In ths broad effect of its Remedy for bowel complaints. These . . m,-k medicine, have been in constant us. in H"y it ha. precip.taled panic, blighted Iowa for almost a quarter of a century, industry and trade with prolonged de The people have learned that they are pre.aion, dosed factories, reduced work articles of great worth and merit, and aDd wages, halted enterprise and orip unequaled by any other. They are for . . .,- nrodncion .hile stimn- sale here by Conser k Brook, druggists. . , ISUUg IUM91KU fruuuu.uu IVI wuv "-'" Fits Ym VJJamml a MM Prat W. S. Peaks, who tnaka a apecuotv oc BDilerjey. baa without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any 1 bring Physician t bia succeee la asionisnint;. hare baard of cases of as years' standing cvria dj Gored and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the cations of ths eartb demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of the naw and complete system of har bor and seaeoast defenses. FOBKION IMMIGBATION. For tbe protection of tbe quality of our Amerioan citizenship and of wagea of oar workingmeo agaio.t tbe fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforoed and ao extended as to exclude from entrsnoe to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL 8BBVI0E. The civil service lew wss placed on the statute books by the republican party, which bas always sustained it, and we renew oar repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBBE BALLOT. larare bot tle of hi absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may send tneir v. u. ai W advise any one wishin rra.w. H. FEEXX, J. D au . ... a a. i Via al ins peace and aecunly or tbS repUDllC who -. wni their P. O. and Expresa address. lnir a cure i o aaaresa 4 Cedar St., lew Tor A Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-j teat buiineis conducted lor mobiratc Fees, i Sand we can secure patent in lot tune than uotc i Send modeL drawing or photo., with deierio-' W adviu. if Datenuble or not. free of icharge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. , i m ........ -r How to Obtain Patents," with reoM ok same in m. v. 0. mm. ii-v-,. w t (sent free. - Address, SNOW&CO. ' Ornct, WasHiHaTon. D. C. c;a. Off. pmnr The camps rati vevalue of that twecards Is known to moat persona. Tbsy Ulustrata that greater quantity la Not always most to be desired. .'. Theae cards express the beaeBeiai qual ity or Ripansfabules 4s compared with any previously know DYSPEPSIA CURE Kipans Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a ho Of druggists, or by snail. f IIPMS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 tarsce St., N.T. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable For full details oall on 0. R. N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address 71. H. HUBLBUBT, , Geo. Fass. Agt. POBTLiWD. OBSOOK. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. QUXOa TI3VIU t iSnia Frnnoisoo And all points In California. ia the kit BhasU route us toe Southern Pacific Co The areat hiahwar through California to all points East and Strath, brand Hosnie Rout of the Paolfio Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleeoera. Beoond-olaas Hleepers Attached to expresa trains, affording superior aoaiitnaiodatlonB for seoond-olaas paasensera. For rates, tiokeu, sleeping ear reserrations, ste.. oall noon or address B. KOKHLKR, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst fien. F. di r. Agt., Portland, Oregon oan market. Every consideration of publio safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be reaoued from tbe bands of those who have shown tbemaelves ' Inospable to conduct it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wbiob for 80 years admin istered it with anequaled success and prosperity ; and In this oonneotlon we heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism and suooess of ths administration or President Barriaon. ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since then every dollar bas been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair the oredit of oar coun try. 'We are, therefore, opposed lo the free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial l( bumM .,,... or oharged nations of tbe world, whioh we pledge with orime, withont process of lsw ourselves to promote, and until snob an I national abbitbatiok. agreement oan be obtained, the existing We demand that every citizen of the I United States shall be allowed to cast a tree and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot .hall be counted and returned as caat. LINCnlNQ. We prooleim our unqualified condem nation of ths uncivilized and barbarous preotice known aa tbe lynching or killiog Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A.. P. Ft. W. & C, . and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HAT1IH QU.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton SU., CHIOASO. ILIi. WANTED-AN IDEAoT.J. oW BURSA CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, for their $1,800 prise offer. The regular sabsoription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe ; regular price of tbe Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 13.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe same. Nbw Fbkd Yabd. Wm. Gordon has opened up the feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a .hare of yonr patronage. Billy is right at borne at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prices reasonable. Bar and grain forsale. tf fivl Free'trade means monopolization of the Lome market by the foreign- The foreiauer that is cried We favor the creation of S national gold standard must be preserved. All o( arbitration to settle snd sdju.t of oar silver snd paper ourrenoy now in the differences which may arise between circulation mast be maintained at employers and employed engaged in in .i.k u mw.A all m.u. terstata oommeroe. ares designed to maintain inviolable tbe hombsisads. obligations of tbs Uoited States and all Ws believe in tbe immediate return our money, whether coin or paper, at tbe to tbe free homestead rolicy of the Be- ..rf.lih. ai.nrl.rJ of th. publioan party, snd urge tbe passsge ....... ... .. by congress of the satisfactory free moat enlightened nations of ths esrth. . . ,hinh h .x..a. as To pensions. passed tbe bouss sod is now pending . . . - mi . i .w- n..i in me senate. " aerve and should receive fair trestment ierbitobies. end generous recognition. Whenever We favor tbe admission of tbe remain- practioable they should be given prefer- ing territories st tbe earliest practicable We renew and emphasise oar sue- - - ' ' , the territories snd tbe United Slates. All gisnoe to tbs policy of protection aatbe ' """"u ,u- -- federal officers sppointed for territories anon laws as are) uras wuuismw ew- hnuld be selected from Dona nas resi- tub Tabifv. bulwsrk of Amerioan Industrial lode-1 -TO THE- east and mm VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman ralacs Hlw-pers. Tourist Hlrepera and Free Keclliilng Chutr Cars UAlLY lotbkago. er. The foreiguer tuat is crieu d tbs foundation of Amerf- sore tbe fulfillment of pledgee made to dents thereof, and tbe right or seir-govern-against bo much is patronized ,,6n D0,1" " nrnmni,M, Thk them in the dark days of theoountry'e meolsbould be socorded ss far as prso 1 . . . , , can development and prosperity. This iosbU We believe tbe cititens of Alaa- wiiere lit) yn.o uuv uuo uo pockets of our tradesmen. M.t.AwM l.A mila nf no. Mflt In 111 A I I UM1I Uf ft.nnn.n. Ka nrsfllilM In Iha wuoio no mv." I . . mi.,lnBn !!,.. .,.. foreign Dro- k. .K..M h..e .nM..nt.tin in lha ducts and snconrsges boms industry and PnBioD bnr"a' ,0 'lessly snd nn- Longre., ol tb. United States to the end ....... e ...o Trta,e K.h. f r...nn. un 0f.ian J'F o"o p-' that needed legiaiation may oe inieui- "a.. . ih. Amariean market ' 0B. of redao,t" P60"00' Md 'rbi the strange i)i.roerT r Two Miroiii.g ..un. Irftrity dropping names from the rols ss In the Hrlllr Isles. I tl.. A m nrnrlnmiri it noholdS ' M ,vrY "B An Interr-Htlng dlKooverv has been . , . . , for ,h deserv ing tbe severest condemnation of matlelnliielhi.'H.rrM-iiiy. meiamoua lbg American people. Wan. or logging atone, within a mile Amerioan workingmeo; it pnts ins reo- gently enacted. TSMPIBANC'S. Ws sympathise with all wise and le- TheU.S. GOVERNMENT! IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United Statesof to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it in vnnsnd i wiiilns! and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the x2 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. C7-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. r- . ..I Iff) no res unieu uitctui. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AYIRETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C IT. B.Thlt Comprnif U controlled b nearly tf Ounuund leadlnf nswt- paptrt in the United main, and if ffuuranleea ey mem. 1 afeVisf? 1 tied Tta tills line te Eastern Mens hours I roliila. STEAM HEAT. it. It'. HAXTER, Gen. Aunt, I'ortlantt, Ortgon J. C. UAUT, Ajtnt, llrppntr, Oregon oi b fob bow rouor. Our foreign policy should be at all gitimate efforts to leeo snd prevent tbe evils of inlempersnee and promote mor- slity. BiauTs or WOMEN. ISe Republican party la mindful of I tbs rights of women. Proteotion of I Amerioan industries includes squall or two of the Land a End, has been on hj ioe .jj, 0f b( farm, and makes of the sights of West Corn wall for many I . , . vr. .n.l tl...UH.n.l. ,f tmiriaU hae. OS amerioan larmer ie under the direction of the Wal guidea, foreign demaod and price; it diffuses times firm, vigorous sad dignified, and PiNTSCH LIGHTS Mo w,lh m Ph '"rtl,,n1to general thrift, and founds ths strength all our in tbs western bemls rlNTstn Liunis, the heavy macs of granite In motion. s f"r L . . . . . . . . ... iCsaT HATICSJ. evenly la it HnanL Hut the I. van rock of all on the strength of ssch. In its pbers carefully watched snd guarded. Is put entirely in the aha.le. says a lato rtMOOable application it is Jost, fair sad Tbs Hawaiian Islands should bs eontroll- 0DDOrlaDt,- rqal p.y for sqisl ZZrr rZ iii. T.f h.i I. impartial, v,nally oppowd to foreign ed by the United BtaUs, and as ror.ign wofk ,od prn,o. to tbs borne. Ws im.IUiI toli tho larireHt lotfirlnir ktone Lnnimland dnmestio moaopolys to aeo- power sboold be permitted to interfere favor ths sdmisioo of women to wider Inllritain. Iteeslateno wadi-lird . diicrlmi0,K)0 snd todlvidnsl with isem; tbe Nicaragua eanal should spheres of oaafnlneas and weloome Ibeli (itilttiy aeridrnt. txlward McDonald . . nnmmmiMA K. so-operbtion in rescuing tbe ooutry from and a friend were strolling around Ten- tsvoriiisin. weueoounoa -r . " rjamooratie and Populist mismanagement inula when a squall or win.i and rain rjemoortie tariff as sectional, injurious untied Dtates; ana oy me pares. i i, Biintg st tttsa nn at nil tlistv auiiiirtit BallSllsP ItV I . I . . ,. . a t a I .11 . I thealdeoi rnonnou. msas of ro, k. to publio crlit .ad deatroctive to Duet-1 IDS UanisD islands we soon.a awewr. . M n prBC,pU, a kft While bailing against It Mr. McDonald nrse eoterpriaa. We demand sosb proper snd mucn oaedea eiation id tne or n,, repoblicaa party. By these prtn HEPPNER. Attorneys tit Inw, All busineea attended to it, a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IS NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. I I OREOON WHITE COLLAR LINE. 4 toisatini Aawlcat Agesey fofa. Jl Ts)aoa saaaaw, Utr etsiosi wavssiTS. wwririrynini BaM rifiliimhin Hivorantl Piicrot Sniinn Na VVIUIUVIW ass i vs viisva a v ), V rVVUIIVI H'l Q Strum mm&l, I.UIXI EiHtlT LVD OCEiM WIVt Graiinn I o M V I V U W V fam-lrd he felt the rck vll.rale. and an ., . . ,.,i(T ,!, tmnort .hlcb Wast ladles examination was made with the result I , ... . k . a wilt nut into eteenlion. We ask for that the two young men found that by C-m. into competltU-i .... a o. -as,w- - . .. , of ,r ,lnr, . r,n(.n,n.ra.,M products ss will not oniy lurnts. s. .ju.rur , I AmsHoaa neoDle. OoaOdent aiiks lo I , ..7 quale revenue for tbe neoeesary espen uoo or me Amsnean peopie, b bUlofy of Mf fri( ptt; ktliJ , b , MAm an.l thex ncllrUa Leaving Alder Street Dwk. Portleod, for Astoria. Ilwaeo, Long Beach, Ocea v .7 ' . . ' . . park and Nabcotta. Direct eonoectioa with Ilwaeo steamer fn, ami frM MsMllt mrtlm k i km a o. mi M.4i..,. tiwe. fM.iMS hawee rv svaiki mwsw seMttre. wt nakl Uln "el f " t eekus kr a al'e f rae el tkaxe la lea ? fituUfic wtiifan ss- leim m,Mti nf aor 'WIS tw m stMwU he tuwt H, fit W MmuH SSI tm4mt, lu Olf, rsxlly be made to move. Home time waofcorlit by them In proving tlielr dla rovrry and meakiirriurnU were taken. The rock Is pyraiulUical In ahapo and of the following dimenaluua: Mean h, 11 fret; length, it feet; feet; circumference, SS feet. over all. It contains 4,3V eublc fert, snd la estimated to weigh shout J tons. It lias alnre been lilt ed by a large numWr of prrone who and rail road; also at Toong's Bsy with Seaebors Railroad. r3azjxaxxzoxa'3a M. Dellr, except Sunday. Uarea Astoria 7 P. M. Dally. nrf Sunday. X3-VXXj:EJ-V OATD5EHT aaa n lha .oeeromsot. but wUI protect lieve tbs United States sboold eierclae i,,N of our eaoae we present onr plat- Uares Portland P. m tMiif. eirept SnMay. astunisr aisht, n P U. Wvm Astoria Dalit a - . ..... . .. . . ...... I all A. M..eiopt sunder and Mondat. aundat aif At, 7 r. at. American labor from tbe degradation n hi we lanueaee tw r'r"' bnne- Ibeee atroeillas to aa end. ! mat tne sieeuon win wing I .... eteiarv to the ReDablirao narlv and . a a a . . at I I T B. aaask saalilanl al B at SBal PfcAASB I - w We srs not pledged to say paruroiar ims.j """ Mparity to sc bed alee. Tbs jueetion of rales ts S si psea to ins grarres aaogers l'l8uim nneeiina to be aovarned bf Americaa property destroyed. There r' " " -s - - - i - conditions et tbe time sad of production, land svery where American cltiseas snd tbe people of tbs United alfht, 7 OOBAN WAVB tea res Pnrlland and ranedlrwt lo Tueedaf and Theredaf at I A. M Satnrdav al I t, at. Leave llaaeo weooeetiaf and rrvur st j.jba. a. uu suaaaf aifiiais r. Bt Cbfrifi It RiUmd Dritiulioi rVvia Frtt sf Eiptut tot Bafetf, Speed, Cosslort, Pleasura, Travel on tits Telephone, Bailey Oatatrt a ad Oeeaa Wsvs. CIIIOAOO. ronee & St. Paul fl'g S I al. - II. . Wa.1- markably well balanced and can W pat The inllag and noeompromiaiog prlnd. American prepeHy asset be abeolately la motion by one person , the ntomen pt M Dt protection sad devetepsaeet sf proteded at all basards sad at any cost Amerleaa labor sod industry. Tbs uostaoa doctsibb. . i , . j eonntry n.maaus a r.go. w HtM0t b Uont( doctrine ia imb n warns rest. I ... j ,..M,m ik. tWm lfjBasj sWSJi WWW w s-sj e sssi ww ' Jt a aa av ss a fn ii i' JIi rwm m MlHrirsOTASa. ,f J f "aiistwiK 'wt O W A ' i LJi turn continuing after the power baa I wen yUtilravn. It has been sailed nslil lHralng stone. A slroi- much smaller r--k was f.ninJ ne vUlnllr by Thomas Htm- nvti while be was In erarvhof tbe new t-Vf li'tf stone. It I Rat on top and can be bvirrd by two or three persons allting on the ton, ar-eaw fsahiuav It ta eai-iuated kv weigh luo tons. Glanco at this Map I lh I SM-es-V tfilet'ie 4 St Psnl Ball sf e4 k.Ae II eeewerlts eua all ttaaa tjMoiel IIm 4 aa. ril aM ssl.s. siwl enis iKet Its Ifeine er llSis- Hasten t.trMf M kealM fcf Meem. I eaulpskeal Is i lteat BmSH. Lteveef, simIb s . . Ha ti pwlnln raeoa. PeeS e-wlM eai bea ftee SS elertrte reai laaip, e4 Its i'.ls eats 'e ta teat Is is aost UU. like e teases Ikaa Uk. ! smsr SsvWVe. s4 Me4Me4staaesterVa sm'aaadstt a. - t 11 1 iiui hi l Ike popiarttf et Tw stns" (te it.s4 aet la ratin4 .e ill pM lerUet lihresiiM, er u.xsi U I, tbtiX, Ireatral . I w,ar, Tsae, pssa. aet. Where Staaks aaa4 Pea isnli 1b rvllgloM atetUtir of Iwlglam f. !), sN'ortling in the lMtntoa liuar- 4iaa, which were only puMihel to wants Ihe rliwe of last year, give tbr nuinbcrof rovential tnatltiis and tlielr Inmalea In tbe kindoM-17 to aaUrire, with J1.I2J U(er and nana. Tbrea have grown during the pvrrlliig trow til Mouealarlra, with monks and 1.114 ronvrnta, with II.SU el trr. lb Increase waa wA ao grvat a In the period liTO-an. whea many of the nunks and Ban earwlied from Pruaaia settled In Hetgtam. la the Beit ile.a.1 many of the re turned, owing to tb selataUoa of the church lawa Hut there ar still over i.nno aa and wotnea balonglog u the various ot.lcrs- and Uklug the pop nlaltos i f iWlgiaai In lva al Cauu.utM, we lad wm aua,k uv aUtrr to every too Kw Is Ike time te gat Ike Weekly Otraaa, IHe feeae4 aeespapa w II, Meet. V) Ilk StnCt ty la advance, nae )r, M st bestK ejmasio) vt aespeir ess he made in tbe slate. lUakWa ee will give aa a .... .. ... . . uriiis as aaatttwaai )onist.iae i eo Jlaaiae, aa anejta.ral Qaal Is M ss4 lakeerlaw. right of tks UatUd Hi tee to give tbe doetriee sffeet by reependisg to tbs ap peals ef say Amenesa stare or friewdly intervaatioej ia ease of Eoropeaa ea eroaekmeal. Ws shall sal be interfered sad shall not later lees with tbe eilstiag peeesse- ioM ol asy Kaeopeas power ia this beeatepbeea, bat Ibeee posssioa ajaaS not. o say pteteit, be etteedai. Ws bepefully look ItwwaH aa Ibesveat- aal withdrawal of Eempaan powers Irosa Iki bemtepbete a4 to tbe alMsMle eaanaol all Eagliab speak lag patsel tbe os tweet by frwe aeeawl of Its la babtlaala. rrssa saeoarrioa. Frees Ike baar ef aefc awing their let BBftPBoiTrV. We Ulleve tbe repaal of Ike raclpcoei ty arrant meet aagetialad by tbe last IWpubllcaa s.lmlsUlrslioe wss a aslioa al calamity and we itesaaad their rew al aad ilenbi oa swrb Urate ae will qoli onr trade wilH txbet Balteas, re root ralrleliorta wbkb new nbeliaot tb ssle of Araertesa prodacls ia ports of thr eoenlrtaa. sad aerare enlarged aa'kv for Iks peotlttcu ef oar Isnss, fur aaJ factoviaa. I reieettoa aad reclprewtly are twie saeeeaiv ef Itepsblt) peliey, sad t baed Is bend. I a tie rsle bas reck)'!; struck d s both, sad bulb eel be re talebt.ebed; protect tea fnt wbal we prodece; free adsiieaiea for tbe . . . I . . . ! J A . Ii.. m M IW. r..LJ aeeeeeaikve of lire wniee) we aw ev prw -r - -- due, reeiprwtal agraemaat 4 Bsalual Klates lave rwgardJ eitb sympalky Ike MerastewbwbisUepMmMketstarw- swsfiles ef etbet Aarte pwnple te Nra tU ear opea Bvke la enltees. free Ik froas taroneae !. rroteetlB bwilde ap 4.eavle leiaetry He. We weteb wtb if awl skeHaf aad Irada, aad aecere ur ewe marbat lateeeet Ike beraie battle at Ike Cabas far oertelvee j reelproeity b,U lr- fUM aeaiaat erwelty aad eppreswtoe j asSa UalS aad lai ae eettet aWsas a4r kee bofe ge oat fiw tie fall iia-aeee sf Ibaat 4Uraika4 hesUat fat DISEASES Or THE SKKf. Tbe in ten lulling and smarting Inri- went w km, mwv, WW I diseaaeS Of the aksn la IswUntiy aJUved ty applying Cbamberlain'a Kre aad Pkia Uatajent. Many very bad cawee bare beea perasaneaUT ctired by U. It IS equally elfwieol for itching plies snd a favorite edy for sore alrUa; rbapped banda, cbil klaiaa, fmst kntea, and rhronle ante eyaa. l or sale by dnajgists at eanis pf bos. Try Dr. CeadltWa lVweVr. tbet are u what a horse aswds wnew ta aaa erasoe- tkisv Tootc, Uood pttrlrWr aad vavaaifuga. It: Ec:lcy liiule For sale by Coaaer A Broek, draft Ms I For tho Cure o Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits It kt lore led st Salesa, Oreeoa, TU JkW Btattiful Torm on UU Cboef Call al the O.ISTTS afllea tne sarttealar atrvtlf sMa4eiiai. treats! pevieae4 eura ear. -It is leoKieriaf, sag jmdgmtnt, wkttkt Ike sAeep g-mrer rereires any tneitfmm Ike- lirl f sol It Ktikrr kt iiie or W not 1 mm for fr wwfKrtrfi from ay-reek ol PI J. ttrwmm in tM Htm of Kf reevafoitr sria (Aa M liana tnli trail flick Matbewe la still al tbe aid aland atl tfonr te the poet aft a, wae m is I prepared l do aaviPlag la e Ilea. Hkaeieg. bair calliag bat a' ate . all popalar pfteee tt rat is ! trv-et"Mr. Oe pscatr-1 f tee reals, eaeb mf atawera. geaarewa sasapte will b wiW4 ef U mm pr-aUr I'atarTk aad Hay free fur (Ely'e t'rea-a t-siml aa HI steal aa aae strata the gvM - 4 Us peaaedy rX HKtrniMIt, M KirM H , bw fuak lHy Re. Jobs Ri4 it 4 Falla. kksai , OUR STOCK . OF . . . SPACE IS : TOO HEAVY i AND WE , ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advcitiscrs at a great financial sacri- aaeaated eJyS t Ua4aa te saa. I tf 1 V ' .. L. ' - Vrrmi 1 nCC' OH ntCU H III JUUI IJUMlltNi, HIIU 15 A matter of business we. must sell it. Mve ear f. ealarvk If aeed tte. peanel W, '4a t'a4u Caral pvee. Ckartk, llsieasa. M at I" Craaaa tVaa ta Ike aewaWV.J eva w aatatrti MwssHsirf saa;aftae lha, t , TlIK pATTEkKX IVbtUMIKC Co. .