-JT-'--" jt,- . -r; T" N '"September lIWTMOKi?Tl" 1 3vutr?ru i Where They Met. McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye, Iflnys "Bryan let's drink some Uuwood Rye; We meet as friends, my words are few .1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore' V." .And Bryan says, In a joking manner, "I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanna 'That's horse and horse, yon funny feller When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." ' Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, .And they drank some more good Llnwoort Rye. Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E. G. Soerry, Prop. NOTICE TO PATKONS. Time will no be ullowej pnyotie after July 1st. All persotiB failing to pay by the 10h of eucli month hereafter will be out off. Heppner LIght & Water Co. FitEK TIIADE PRICE'. Btiolis for Biile 30 flue Merino bucks; 20 Oxford radi,8. . Eiqnira of O. E. Fuj-tiHWiu-fh. tf. THE LATEST STVbES. Mrs. M. Le Bulieter, the Heppner milliner, has just received a larue and 'Complete line of the latest style fall and winter huts. Intending purchasers shonld call and eee the fashionable dis play at their earliest convenience. ol8. Notice. The semi annnal convention of the Morrow County Sunday School Associa tion will be held in Heppner on Oot. 8, 9 and 10. The superintendent and one delegate from enoh school in the oonnty are requested to be present with a report from tbeir respective schools. Entertainment will be prvided for all legates. An interesting program will be render d. All are invited to attend. 3t. J. J. Aokins, President. A Natural Beautlfler. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and rivs a cle'ir and beantifnl complexion. For sale by Wells A War reu. "if t tmmvteruu, in my judgment, trhether the nheep grower receive any benefit from the tariff or not . . . , Whether he tfors or do?s not I am for free woofEj-tract from trteech of It i'luim J. Ilriun tn the lloHHeof Hep renenlattve when the II ilson lull wa$ nnrtVr eonmderution. Tor lyirpla nd Liver complaiot yon Lave a printed Rtiarantee nu every bottle of Hhilnb'i Vitatlr.er. It nvr tails to onra For sals by Wells A Warrm . Walt. Thompson runs stags between Heppner and Muniimtit, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day rieapt Sunday. Huorteat and cheap. Mt route tn the iotrinr. Outiser A Brock, agent. Ir. Hnnlook an I L. A. Millar war rvrr from Vne llirk las'. Friday and Hlorday. Mr. Miliar and Perry (Jam will rruwnl rtnc'1 - ' t tbs Oomiog grand lodga teaaion. l I'cn l T jit! IN. v "i 1 1 r- V i i You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost," But Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and Be prepared to receive no mistake. him by calling on E. W. RHEA & CO. ItuitMfl tw Who will t f I '" l vahaat drf. agaiast tbe tsvaetnatof tbFmt fa.H p. Hsrb a line of wlnUr etothieg fo ntvtr mw Ufor. and at prtr 'way down, tims are flty toagh tal yoa ea My 744 got waft-alas, eaa'l fan ? . Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe First Natl I. N. in 'outs. - Salesman. Here and There. Senator Mitchell here on Oot. 13tb. . W. J. Leezer is reported as improving. C. Oeten was over from Wagner last week. The Heppner Transfer Co., ba wood for sale. 37-tf. Ben Poppen was down from Hardmao yesterday. Henty Filkina was an last Friday from Douglas. Saturday was a bnsy day with oar left this morning for merchants. W. M. Pieroe Pendleton. E L. Matlouk sot back from Salem lam Monday. . . . John Sctivner was in from Goest berry last Satuiday. H. W. Carter, of Grant" oouuty, was iu town last week. "' ' ' Perry Kline is down from Montana to boy some sheep. . T. H. Lyons arrived borne tbia morn ing from Ooodou. Tunis Swick is over from Grant oounty on business. ., . - ' F. H. BobinsoD, ot Arlington, was in Heppner last week. - J. L. Mitohell joined tbe Artisans at Heppner Saturday last. J as. A. Baney, of Calif., is visiting h's cousins, the cinns Hros. J. M. Lerter, ot Pendleton, is over for a few days visiting bis brothers. Hi Tosh, Ed. Oux and othtr Hard manites were down Saturday last. Mrs. Anna Crumn will shortly move in from her ranch to school ber children. Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Cotter whiSkey. On tap at Chris Bombers'. Chief Minto has been requested to step down and oot ot tbe Portland police torce, Miss R. T. Smith was bere last Satur day and organized a Hive of lady Mac cabees. . . - - G. A. Tnylur, node of Tillard Bros., was here last week representing Glass & Prodbomme. J. L. Mitchell, tbe Macoabee organizer, has gone to Walla Walla in tbe interest of bis order. Wm. Penland got back from Portland on last Saturday morning. He is mnch improved in health. . O. D, Allison was in from Eight Mile last Hatnrday. Mr. Allison is solid for MoKinley and protection. Prineville is preparing for races, to ba held November 11, 12, 13 and 14 Tbe parses aggregate nearly $800. - Bev. Putwine arrived from Pendleton this morning at a will bold services at tbe M, E. ohorch this evening, A son of Stephen A. Douglas is stomp ing Kentucky for MoKinley, and a son of V. S. Grant is oot for Bryan. On Oot. 13 Haystaok will begin two nay's racing. No added money la given, The laces will be beld near Poplar. Mnch complaint is made concerning tha condition of tbe railroad stockyards. Ibey will not bold unruly stock at all. Fall weather bringa cool weather, cool weather calls for winter clothing. Hue E. W. Bbea's line of goods. Ad in tbia issue. sl8-lm. Several patches ot Spanish thistle are to be seen in various parts ot Heppner, It shonld be destroyed by tbe town au thorities. Leonard Aksrs la preparing to give musical concert io Heppner before leav ing for the oonservstory ot music at Corvallis. A dance wilt be given at the opera bonne on tbe first and tbird Friday evenings of each month, for an indefi nite period. tf. E.O.: Mr. and Mr. Henry J. Bean and cbildreD cams borne from Newport this morning, wbere Mrs. Bean (pent tbe summer. Lt A Trilby beart watoh rbarm oo Ibe streets of Heppner. Finder will kindly return same to tbia offloe and receive reward. Kavar waa a aaara grlavaaa mi 4mm tha faranara af amr cavalry tkaa that Pjaally laflletad earing the fat thrva taara aawa the hI ffwware. Allheeg-la aar aaoat Baafal altlaaaa, thalr l trat have haaa arMtlallf eatre4. MctllBlar'a lattar t aeaaataaaa. m MOflMtt) 4 MCA. BoqK CorQcr. E. W. RHEA & CO., Proprietors. WALTER M. PI KECK 8PKAK3. Hakes aa Appeal to the Prejudices ot tha Peopls Wrbater Calls Bach a Mas a Deaugofae. Yesterday's politioal speaking waa success, so far as entertainment was con cerned, bat tbe crowd was quite small and must have been disappointing to tbe leaders of tbe popoorats. Fully half the Budience were ladies and half ot tbe voters present were republicans. How ever, the little handful of popocrats present were enthusiastic and like tbe farmer's frogs, what they lacked io num bers tbey made op io noise. The . Bryan ladies made quite a suc cess of the musioal part of tbe program, Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew rendering an instrumental solo, while . other ladies song campaign, aongs in a manner that brought forth tbe applause of tbe entire audience. Miss Addie Conlee also reoit ed eloquently a part of Washington's farewell address in whioh be counseled, tbe people to avoid class distinctions and to stand together as a united nation, and then Mr. Walter M. Pieroe, of Pendleton, held tbe audience for two hours in wblob one class waa arrayed against another and the prejudices of the people pander ed to without stint. The leaders of tbe republican party and some ot those sap porting tbe republican ticket werecbar-, aoterized as "rascals," "thieves,1, "traitors," "Jew gang," eto. The term "Jew" was need several times aa a sort of a red flag to tbe audience whioh usu ally brought forth liberal applause. Mi. Pierce was introduced by J. W, Morrow who presided at tbe meeting, Tbe speaker advaaoed to tbe front of the rostrum and at once entered into tbe discussion ot bis theme, in the intro duction of hie speech be emulated much the manner of Brj an. His appearanoe was modest ana tbe presentation ot ar guments showed the oareful politician that be Is. -. Tbe speaker wanted "cheap money" but be gave no reasou why silver should be ooined, free and unlimited? further than that tbe populace wanted "more money," "oheaper money." His plea for "cheaper money" contrasted strangely with bis assertion that under free coin age silver would advance to $1.29 an ounce. At this point the BDeaker failed to explain that under free ooicage it would take effort to get a dollar jost aa it does now, and be also admitted that there waa a strong doubt that silver would advance to $1.29 an ounoe by ex plaining bow gold oould be procured toj pay gold debts if silver should beoome the only money in circulation. He did not mention tbe tact that unlets gold and silver circulated aide by side tbe current debts of the country would be paid in depreciated money aod tbe creditor cheated out of bait bis dues. He utterly failed to note tbe faot tbat we are all oreditors as well as debtors, and tbat tbe large amoonts owing are under oontraot payable In gold. He failed to treat tbe subject of bimetallism io Its true eoonomie tense or in any par. tioular aa a genuine principle of political economy. It waa a pander, from begin ning to end, to popular hatred of tbe popolaoe of those who are fortunate; "cheap money," "more monej;" a pre mium upon indmtry was luterentially demanded; no reason waa assigned why paper would not give the desired "cheap money," "more money," just as well as silrsr, probably because tbe speaker was confronted wilb tbe dilemma of ad vacating tbe eleotion of Bryan aod Watson, Ibe nominees of tbe St. Louis popolitt convention, while reference was made only to lbs Cbiosgo platform aa tbe guide of his faitb. Just whom tbe democratic maaegArs of tbe meetiuf in tend to snpport at tbeir standard bearer of tbe vios presideoey is oot koowa. No one bad Ibe ooorag to etbibit Ibe pie ture ot either Sewall or Wat sou. In faot all aesmsd to be wrapped on with Ibe idea tbat tbey were ' the oombined oppo- eitioa to McKinley," aod it mattered little mbo was selected to the vice resi dency, a man who might become the president. lit. Pieroo'a reference to tbe "money of tbe constitution" evoked cbeera tbougb ia fact wbal be meant Is not kuowu. Tbe eonttiiailoa, Chap. IV Arl,S,saya: 'l'owere of Cngreat To ooiu money; to rrolate the value there of; Io rrtftilate tbe value of ori(a olo." Tbe words "gold and llier do olappesr in tbe contiltotioo end Ibe term "mooey of tbe enatitnllla', U political claptrap which Mr. fVroe bear J some person oe aad adipled It ae means of roaadingrff Ibe end of eae of bis Ueutiful, rhetorical! slrgml Mteacee. Mr. HUeart, of Nevada Ug perdue). of tits rreoeUoo-OM of California' a four senators who It etdretaily looks a let tbe barroogb of Nevada, was re ferred to ae one of the bamhweeUd la the peaaea-e of the bill deeomleaUd "the rimeef T3," but utterly iganred tbe fact tbat la Ibe diaeossioe) of Ibie bill Mr. Btewert advocated tbe gutd eteodetd aa I taki ; UI eff)bo.ly know wbal a duller la worth. Tba Ibe mae who c ae West to bay pruU will be endr ae aeaeesily to Intars bitwlf astnst Ibe flarlttliimt of Ibe eorraery. He eaa pay the fall valae of Ibe wbei tba witboat tbe tea let! a rbaef ia ibe prtraef gold will break blai do we bains be rs bark to Nta York. Ibe eb.al will be mtaaar- 1 1 j tbeeetHsi taa4r4g44a llll eote as it ia la Lrwt, aad aay an ea flf are II ap. lint aoa it le a Uf i tbe wlfit ai.jt ef fleeaee at a Iry; aad what 4t ae t sy day t Re M Iboaw tut d.vts Ibetr at- I mi I ma li It snakisf large furl aae eat f Ibis stt.Ury. I4 aa do m all Ibe people i( Ibe 01 1.1 bate beea deieg frvm Ibe Ugiaatag. at.aaa's oar iaJa4 by gld, ad4 Ibe alaadard tbal ail eaa aaJarateed aad gl rid ! Ibte tnratM;." ft beey 1 1, n, 4. Co-ataeJ lUaord pa 1 la r(.fir,g 4 tl,e fart ILal eilvaf la at dtr.etly r4tMble ia g44, Ibe palr Urgit U elate that laa g-.e aval prrteMstilrf kaacb!ily aa l , ie Plt:4 t lew la Haai ve tba paniy Nerves Just aa surely come from the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla aa doea the cure ot scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called blood diseases. - This Is simply because the blood affects the condition of all the Eeirves bones, muscles and tissues. : If It is im pure it cannot properly sustain thew parts. It made pure, rich, red ahd vital ized by Hood's Sarsaparilla, it carries health Instead ot disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system as nothing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True Blood Purifier. HnnH'o DIllo the best after-dinner aavwu 0 it ins puis, am digestion. 250. of gold and silver. The speaker aaid tbat the government ought to pay off its treasury notes in silver, even thugb gold might be demanded, forgetting that ahonld the speaker's plan be followed tbe depreciation of silver would occur in less than a fortnight. Mr. Pierce did not state tbat silver nnder free- coinage would oiroulate on its merits just as gold does now. Iu this oonneotion he said that what waa wanted waa a market for the world's aupply of silver at $129 per ounoe tbat value oould be legislated into silver, probably into potatoes, boo p. poles or pumpkins though he did not say so forgetting that value oould not be increased in anything at the same time it was intended Io be made oheaoer by tbat very aot. Mr. Pieroe bad evi dently not sounded the subject deep enough to oomprehend that beoause a pieoe of metal was called a dollar, wbiob, In reality, compared with the standard, waa worth only 53 cents, did not increase in value because it was named a dollar, ignoring the fact that "value" and "pur. obasing power" are synonymous. Mr. Pieroe bad to admit tbat laok of revenue was partially responsible for the depletion of our gold reserve, but neg lected to state tbat tbia " produced obaotio oonditiods, aidedjand abetted by tbe passage of an nn-Amerioan tariff end an entire change of manner ot doing business, which took out the. rest of it. In fact the tariff question was worse than ignored. Our sheepmen were told tbat we bad "no free trade" but bow many believed it this paper has not learned. He aaid that tbe Wilson tariff law waa higher than Ibe MoKinley bill bioh waa more news, and several of our sheepmen were seen to pinoh themselves taaee whether or oot they were alive. In oonneotion with the influence of "rascals," thieves." "traitor ," etc for McKinley, tbe epeaker brought down tbe bonse by referring to tbe combin ed wealth ot the McKinley supporters but said not one word about tha (30,- 000,000 invested In silver mines by Jnat 22 individuals and corporations in tbe United States, and tbat tbe Rotbsohilda owned, perhspt, (100,000,000 Interest io silver io this country. It would take a whole week to fill uo tbe gaps in Mr. Pieroe's remarks, but this is probably due to the faot that wben be came from tbe East ltt spring he wss an admirer and supporter of "traitor" Carliale, i nd being a aw eon vert has not bad an opportunity Io be oome thoroughly familiar with Ibe sil ver qaeetion. But ooe illuatrstmo of "cheap mooey" should oot be overlook ed. Tbe speaker called tbe attention of tbe oldtimera to tbe good, old day a of Canyon creek when vegetablee aod grain brought anon an snormoaa price aod raid "Why money was cheap," probably forgHtiog tbat the law of top pi aod demand M tbe price for tbe aapplirs bought by miners and that Io tbe markets ot tbe world gold weejutt ae dear then aa now. 8pMatry is a powermi weapon in Ibe bande of a penderer Io popular prrjudioee. a Tbe manner of atlaoking the rppni Imo contrasted strangely, all Ihroogb Mr. Pierce's remarks, with JodgeCsplee' diguifi'd position, aod tbia was certain- If aolmeable to all. Even ia tba fare at oeaetwereble argument, pot plain ly wtlaoat Ibe oa.f invectives, some ot "tba faithful" could oot stasj fire aad left tha ball daring tbe Jtidga's remarks. arooeg them some a bote btteieeeesboeld beta eaaeed tbem t? be more charitable tbaa to disturb a political ot log by going oat daring tba speaking. Home old Una rspoblkaas left yesterday before tba apeak ma aaded but Ib.y were f vet f bm rrmattitng Io Ibe ead, baj p la the kaowUdge tbal Hnpbtry always falls baraileee against Ihe bright armor of Train. A maa Mr. Piarea is a gealUman aa aa erelor a complete aneaet as aa advaoale of "aaore noy," "ebeap moaey," a failare. Te the Bftmw leeatf fclee. Toe are aeratt ctallet4 to tIaf a a-etae of bell a Mb tba Hr pear alee fa Happeef cmaa, Kaiard, on, a, m. gatne io m eaii4 at l p at. V. ( atafian, 6it. 11. lU'itar, Ma('r, sorter, to t ax r ay ma. TU t It . jrHe IK( lk t,Mr4 .4 I' P'MllMt.ai, ml SM I mat 1 .. will awrt S t. emit tmm la Nffff wff. p a4 nwllnw I tl'i MM til fmtmt VUNiRf t Mta im lM mm in ii ' a jmr mm mw rawaw. r. Pllli. miyyt, a atrnat St. Ia, In txtcvroien svtics, . 1 1 X'trttl f It bWl j ! IMIMMAHfM A baa Wm arr- 'kb aM mim4 bt Crwaif .xfi at t. rr" Mill at ,d I IM M 1 111 1 t J I N l.lw j rt....t 4,1 aMM ba'la (! ana aaoiis I aH 4hw4 MM) fv.,4 a .rwh ! aa ! mAm.i(m4 imiim ml I k.w, . In aaii m.lf lib la t.mt iikiaca Mill 1rwm A.. b.4 al M.-r. " . ! 4 .r fc,' I a a Id- a, ., 4 IWF. Aff Mlut.M ?l. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATK of Oregon for Morrow county. A. & Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiff!, va. Charles Klmaey and Clara Kinney, hit -wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, hit wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Klmaey, bit wife, W. 8. Mercer and Sarah Mer cer, bit wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, hit wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, hit wife, Samuel Hall and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomat Kimsey and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, hit wife, A. J, Kimsey and Kimsey, hit wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimteyi his wife, Rich ard Halt and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Kim sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defendants. In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that the above plaintiffs, A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, have commenced a suit against the above defend ants in the above court to foreclose a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon the west half of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter ol the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 25 East iu said county: That the relief demanded in the complaint in Bald suit is for a decree that plain, tills' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged property sold, and the proceeds applied to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit, to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney's fees at forth therein. w That the court also decree in. plaintiffs' favor a recovery from Charles Kimsey, A.- J. Kimsey and Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars '($700.00) and Interest thereon at ten per ceqt per annum from September 11', 1889, and seventy-five dol lart (178.00) attorney'! fees, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants he foreclosed nf all right, claim or equity of redemption in and -iiMKiihunuuui cijuiiy ui rmieiupiiuu in aim to aaid lands, of any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as IB equitable. This summons Is served UDon von hv nnhll- cation by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, jude;e of the above court, made bv htm at Chambers on tl.e 22nd day of Repteinber, 1896, and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said complaint on or before the next term of the above coUit, to-wlt: the first Monday of March, 1H97, or the plaintifTt will apply to said court for the relief demanded 111 saui complaint. CAREY A MAYS. 78-91. .Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and bV Virtue Of nn lIlltlnii 1afliirt mi of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, npon a judirment rendered and en tered tn said court on the 3rd day of March, 1898, In favor of C. A. Rhea, J. L. Morrow & Son (J. w. Morrow), Henry .Blackmail,1 Hugh Fields, (i. W. Bwaeirart. Thbs. Ouaiil. P. 8. Wilson. Wm Penland. J. P. Khea. T. A. lihea. ()tl Putt nrann and T. W. Ayers, Plaintitts and aeainst The Palace Hotel Company of Heppner, Oregon, isCTomiuiii,. iur hih sum or jen xnousanu uol lart with interest thereon at the rate of ten nr cent per annum from August 2nd 1894 snd fen Douats costs; ana, whereas, by said Judgment it was ordered and adliidirm! tht tho tniinw. ing described 'real property, to-wit: Commenc ing hi me anmnwest corner of Lot No. Six (6) in Block No. Four (1) of the Original Town o Heppner, County of Morrow. Rtate of Oroirnn. thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet, thence North sixty (0) feet, thence West one hundred and ten (110) feet, thence South tixty (60) feet to place of beginning, be told to satis fy said Judgment, costt and accruing costs. I will, on the Third Day of October, logo,. at 2 o'clock P. M of taid day, at the front door of the court house la Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the riuht. title and lntrt of the tald The Palace Hotei Company In and to the above-descrilied property at Public Auction to the highest and beat bidder for cath In hand, the proceeds to he applied to the satisfaction of tald execution, and all costs, and ooata that mar ccrue.. K. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, Dated Sept. 2nd, 189, 472-mI. SUMMONS. IN JUSTICE'S COURT KOS THK SIXTH 1)18 trict, Htate of Oregon, County ot Morrow, J. A. Woolery, Plain tiff, vs. 8. E. Jones, Defendant. To 8. E. Sonet, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, we com mand you to appear before the undersigned, a Justice. of the Peace In Heppner, in taid County and suite, on or before the I'.ttb day of Octnlwr, lttis, at the hour of 10 of o'clock in the forenoon said day, at my office In the said town to answer the complaint of J. .A. Woolery founded on promissory notes and wherein he demands the turn ol One Hundred Thirty-six and .V)-l(K) Dol lart. for which sum Judgment will ha rendered aval list you If you tail to to appear and answer aaiil complaint. Olven under my hand thlt 2nd dav ot Brpt A. 1)., 1H1W. W. A. R1CHAKDHON, Justice of the Peace. Notice of Intention. T AND OrriCK AT I.A GRANDE OREGON, j mm I. jmn. notice it herebv ir Hoi 1. 1. INMI. Niillin la hnruhv . ... v ' I ven that ine niiiuwing-namen pettier naa 11 tiler haa tiled notice oi nis iniciiiHui ut make nnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will ba mad pi'iura me county eiert oi Morrow county at ueppner, Oregon, nn (M'toocr loth, IHVl, vlt; AA HON M hl ltcll, II. E. No. Writ, for the NU MKu ml KVu iwu and SK'4 Ntt u. Sec m, fp 4 S, R w K W. M nenamea the l.illowlng wltnox'S tn prove his continuum resilience niun ami ultlvtii.n of aaid laud, vlt: rnl K. Thnmaa. A. J. McKenrle, Robert Drxtrr, John W. Dvpuy, all of llcppimr, Ora. ''i B. I. WIIXtN, rU-gl.tcr. Notion of Intention. I AND OrriCE AT THK DALLES. OHEGON. MJ Aug i INMI Null, la hxrvli plv.n inai ina tniiuwing namwi avillpr haa flint no- h-v m mi uiirnuiin 10 matt nnal piuol in tup port of her claim, and that arii I proof will b man wiure J. . Morrow, pnunli eleik. al ueppner, urrgon, on iimtier 1 .it a, lwia, v; MAKtiKKT KMKY, Willow of Ar,hlalia ii fmpv lid. K. No. t:.'l, lor tha Uta t. 4 ami i. and UK la KW4lW.TN. R XK. W II. Hhm aamna Uia followlna m li hm tn ...... imii. na rxainauc upon aim cultivation ol, aaid land, vis Mrs Annie (lilllam. Jamea O Willi. mt, frank nam, latlil U. ieiikint, all of llardmaii. Or. AS. r. SllMIKR. Sl. Rrgltttr. Notice Of Intention. ttseOrriia at Ths Dtun Oaroon, A lltf If Ikt XTOTit ll is HiKrav mvt.H iii.t 1111 it liilliialns name.1 aoltlor hu ft 14 ,-. o4 bar Intvtitlon to maka Snal pnaif In atipport ol br claim, and thai aaid proof will ba tnadt ht..ra ( oiinlv ( Irrt ol Morrow County. Ofou, SI 'Pt'r. 'irwon, an apttntr rt, mm. U a"'. lIKA VUI Sit. lira hiH4 M I m is. a niml ths follnwlna - b M.,.m. nwovora upon aiKl culinatloa 04 aaid land, til: ''I M t.railll. Mra. D.ld (tral.lll. Eranl n. nana, aroii mmm, ail ol Iota, fin-ton. JAS. r. MH)HK, krfjlatvr. Notice of Intention. Lass Orrn 1 ir l.i itttts. ria.,oa. 1 a 1 iM V"T1r nrrnr ;it-. that im At lotiovitit i.an,. ftlr baa S lad iuho c4 bar liiUntl,.M Ui auta Snal ar..H In mptmrl l bor tialm. aad thai aaid "-f will b tuada hrU9 I 0.1 1, 1 y 4 ,.1 borrow County, at "Tr". iwa'm. an iRrvrmrr twi, tmm t ta: hi ART i, VAt lillAX. trt Man j. H.tmon, a. is , aha umm tk (ollow I of wtlnim 1 lo. aoniinwHtt i.Uim a and uli.aili.a 4 imhn M.nl..i William tUrralt. lmr Ha try mmrum AMartua. all l lloftotnf imfw. A7". a 9. I hawt.r. AttUISlHTUATHIX SOTIVK. tatals af rt etta, H.r.aa.4. N OTlc l bl.y fir, that tataw tf Ad alt-OXOU., m ll. MaUul I .n ala, 1, am f 'l-l ts Ifca a4'M4 i tba r ta iiat .4 aMi, . i.f 11.. 1 Mi, I rmr A M.rftww Cmnif a, m.rm. ba.li-a ftaiw mM all mi.1. m r,..t,. in i MM! Ii..m m ax I. tiui.tM. ! nf kM, a'" I mU imth ml Mrimf . a nt.ia Ms tm.,..th a'IPf ! A. ! 4 U.M Ko4 ! al urn f... i.r.t 1iM Mb i m) A ' l Ah IK I. At I Aff " AdmlMiaiiaint. Notice of Intention. I Otn t tt U '-atai a '..., ar,,ii a, a t- Vwittt atsrsT Uit tmt rut At M...III.I mm MUM ku ! .1 bakMii.M A tmt tai yfmA la ar-1 a A ia. Kim aM ! ai4 ..-4 mi wt 1 b ImIimhi, m mi Mmr. I m , vh. al Hat?. ( H",t ImaMHa. Im. !' iHiis.ni4jHiiB t.MVtoM Al !V' ..I N II. tyu llxri uWv " " ta. M.lt lii.w, a mi bia mttnnn4 n 1m my.M .kliAa 4 aabt la-4 a lt.. tf M f).M J-b. kati'l The highest tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is as good You will find one eacn two ounce pons inside each bagot Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which of valuable presents and how to get HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBK1S Been a mm ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFai land Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK MTARLAND, Manager and Salesman. The National 1 O TV Ulllldlll a DlUCC We are not small men, we are not Ifie Largest merGnaais in te woii t But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of . Hardware, Tinware, Crockerywars, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowwarc, Nallt, Iron, Bnrbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Gam and Water Pipe, Pipe Ml tings, Stovet and Ran git, Wagons, Hacks, Buggiet, Wagon Mtterlal, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Bawt, Sledge, Wedget, Gum, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Miitnn Jarl, Gran iteware, I'towt, Ilarrowt, Hakes. Mowers, Tuba. Wash llolllert and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Ooods and Qet Prices. " We have Ooqd Goods at Fais Prices, and Cheap John Gooilt it ('hep John 1'rlcvs. GIIjIjTA.M & 13IS133S3S. MA.IN 8THEKT - U(B Do you know what there are sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Cents' Furnish ings at '. T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. should decide the matter. It- docs. want fresh goods, neat the smallest amount of money. Buy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand. Main Street, near Rob K rick's. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, .J. O. JJOltCI LIOUK, Pi op. aMMmaaaammaaa Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ( WITJI FIDS ouro nuuis "a, ' aT V ' Ik Lcuvcs No Constipation, Vr4 It, as aall as all lliittnaaM, H a ll-a I arattat.a Mll ta Iba aoiil. H i t I I .t ta ' a-i.l I t mail aa ra (lUrnoa. r. Mtit t-f l.i InlMi.i MHiUt.(0. Haa t t'.c, .i, ( at. Tin; Lancasiiiri: Insukanci. Co. ! ItANCIIKMI'KII, lIFtlll.ANII aV, $ IT7fXvilX, ifiLST. Ita .t Ilia. XV.., 1.1 claim for other none just as coupon inside bag, mid two con four ounce eives a Mat them, lis A URHAKH atoll Around 2 .... ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. lbs. We are small men, Xs. IIIOPPNKl?. OREGON to 2. this means ? This, that Tl us Pcopl e goods, good goods for i J ran FIUS ! v a u to j nuo IN.