Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 29, 1896, Image 2

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    Republican Ticket.
For President,
william Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER, of Marlon County,
8. M. YORAN, ol Lane.
E. L. SMITH, ol Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
TnE Morning Dispatch, of The
Dalles, is the latest venture in the
newspaper field.
John R. Gentry has paced a
mile in 2:00. The two-minute
horse is not far off.
The Ablest of Women Journalists In-
'dorses Paines' Celery Compound.
Emma Ashley has been acquit
ted of the charge of attempting to
kill Lucky Baldwin.
' Sewall is a silverite as a vice
presidential candidate but as a
business man he is an arch gold
bug. His contracts are "ironclad,"
that is they demand payments in
Some of the democratic papers
are fond of quoting Senator Mitch
ell's speeches on independent bi
metallism, but they usually neglect
Mrs. H. B. Speiry, who is now the
eminent president of the Woman's Na
tional Press association, was assistant
editor of the Washington World. Her
vigorous editorials in Ohio and Wash
ington newspapers first brought her in
to national prominence.
The active profession of journalism
I Km a tVarir f ra Uriflii ii r in A lit a fn in.
1 I I l. ,! U . F K
lottuu iu.iv cilCu u formBtjon BD(1 proBre(1Bive in thonght.
coupled with "a protective tanlL when there was evident need of a reme
1 ICQ trade IS incongruous with dy in her family, Bbe was well aware that
everything, including prosperity. Urine's celery oomponnd was best to
use. xne tonowing euiuuHianno leiier
shows the bappy results from tbe use of
Com Dunn and Bradstreet re- ,hig nTeateet remedies :
i tt 1 1 i,- I i r t I: 1 T7 1
, . i vrn a a it c sruxiiu ui., unn dkw u, vi,
f . ' Dear Sirs: A few weeks' nse of Paine'e
in the business populace ot our , oornDod by my Myosrs-old
nation, the certainty of McKinley'a mother has been of great benefit to her
election being responsible for that and proved to my satisfaction that
condition. If anticipation or nn- t,'ere', "'t'iDB like it for the headaches
nrl.;.,t. nnuottln. .ru(l.in . J U(1 sleeplessness incident to impaired
I Alttuut'um k iiionA in m w fumltv mma
much, what would be the effect of , of il)P()rnIllft by URioB ooe
Bryan 8 election Pno answer is bottle of raiue's celery compound,
neccssRiy. Yours very truly,
Hannah IJ. S perry.
In every part of this country women
are utilizing these blessed autumn days
month in 111 iliois for McKinley I by taking I'aine's celery compound and
and Allison is doing valiant work lusitiug on its use by member of their
over in Iowa. O, vaunted boasters! '""'" " esks volume, for this
V.. u,.;,1 Tnnrun ... f. Pr.. wonderful remedy that of all the women
J puui ijw a tv i.ey tut ' a T u u I . . . , , ,
n I .n i.wa rttAnHiiriil haii i 1 1 V lla vnuuna
and Mr. Lathrop will tell you next .., .... , , , ,Bke jt
Monday night lliftt Allmon IB through the persuasion of other women,
doing tiothlllg and that Iowa is .inters, mothers, friends or relative..
ct'i thiu for the domocratio leader. Many o man .lowly failing in health,
but .tublKirnly iibutting his eye. to Ih.
alarming fact, ha leeu lei n lak.
WlIKN a pt'bblo Htrikei tho water riii' relrry compound from swing it
it cieatJ. colihiderable commotion, remarkable health giving ff.Mt in the
!... II, : .,.. ..I:l, I i caee n ma own whh, .isier, nr.omeuwier
imt tijio mmu ruubiui i nun iun , - . , t , , .
... . . t . I rut-rimer or iti unnaennio,
inncm ruuuiuiiu ui urn airi'nm is i Wln , ,ck ,, fw.b,B ,ofr,.ffr
inaikcd Willi not a lipide. Ho it to vain ei-adilv in lii-kliii and vUnr
was) with tho Biyau Ixxiru. For a taking 1'aiiie'. wlrry compound.
fWttiruotLe wave -tirrod every "lBel fw"n l,r J"ut, u Mx 0 "'
part of Ilia country.
I.NUEtirioiX, will speak next
most stubborn-minded person. Tbi.
joyous transformation from aioknes. to
health is going on in thousands of home.
Borosi tbe wide extent of this country.
Tbe reputation of Paine'i oelery eom
pound has grown by word ot month,
from persons made well, to other, who
need its healing, strengthening power.
The agreement of opinion among th.
best-informed, most observant olas. of
people, in tbe well-to-do-homes of our
largest eities, as well a. in tbe more
frugal town communities, plaoe. Paine'i
celery oomponnd far in advance of any
This great remedy is not an ordinary
sarsaparilla, bitter., tomo or nervine,
Paine', oelery oomponnd i. a. far apart
from any ot tbese guesswork remedies
a. blaok i. from white in tbe eye. of
pbysioian. who regularly prescribe it,
nse it themselves and carry it borne to
their own families. Faloe'a celery oom
ponnd is tbe famous formula ot that
thoughtful and studious physician, Prof.
Edward . Phelps, M. D LL D, of
Dartmouth medical college.
It is the duty of every man or woman
who bin been benefitted by Paine', oel
ery compound to impress on friend, and
neighbor, it. wonderful effloaoy a. a
blood aiid oerv. remedy tbat i. in .very
way worthy of tb. nam..
The past of Pain.', oelery oomponnd
a. every one who keeps iolormed of car
rent events is well aware, is a remarka
ble story of sick people made well, ao
of many person, who had given op b.altb
a. wholly lost, made alrong a. ever tbey
were io their live. Paine', celery oom
ponnd is the spiing remedy par e icl
lenca. Nn invigorator has been so much
praised, diecuaaed, rroommeoded an
used by physioiana, and diaoeroiog, eon
iwrvaliv. men and women io every wal
of life.
The slnry of Pain.', celery compound
in a nuUlirll is that it make, pwopl.
Prof. Howard ha. arrived from Pen
dleton and is tbe guest of hi. unele. Rev.
Howard. He will take hi. place in tbe I
ueppner sonool Uot. 5.
Isaac Baeey and family moved io from
tbe oourtry Saturday last and are once
more domiciled in their property, oppo
site me uszette rancn.
E O: Mr. Tboma. W ' Ay era went
over to Heppner Thursday night. She
expect, to remain a month, tbe guest of I
ner sinter, air.. Al Roberts.
Tbe Morrow Co. S. S. Association will
meet in Heppner, at tbe M. . churob.
at 'i o'clock, p. m., Oot. Btb, and con
tinue In session three day.. iX.
B. F. Mitchell, brother of McKinley
Mitchell, of Qervaie, Or., one of oor re
publican representative in tbe next
legislature, wo. in town last Fri ay.
Aody Tillard took advantage of the
low rate, and visited Portland last
week. Waldon ltbea and Martin Ander
son are also seeing the sights below.
Bill and Wes Marlatt, Lish Watkins
and Fell nimiaon oam in yesterday
from tbe John Day with 107 be'd of
oattle which tbey will ship tomorrow.
Geo Swsggari's band of ebeep passed
through town last Saturday en route
from the mountain, to range on "the
sand." Tbey are in exoellent condi
0. 0. Sargent ha. just completed a
feed stable and will feed horse, at 25
cents per bead to good wheat bay. Sta
ble to rent at 10 oente, double, do feed
furnished. 3t.
E. O. : Homer H. Hallook of tbe East
Oregonian oounting room retorned this
morning from Heppner, His mother,
who bas been seriously sick, ha. im
proved considerably.
Mr. Claude A. Duniway, of Portland,
son of Mrs. Abigail Hoott Duniway, wa.
recently appointed a. instructor in his
tory in Harvard. Mr. Duniway was
born in Albany, Oregon.
Tbe meeting of tbe Ladies' McKinley
Uiub, last Saturday nignt was a com
plete success. Speeches were made by
Mrs. N. A Kelly and A- W. i .Hereon.
Tbe mueio was exoellent.
Prof. rf. O. Howard desires the Qs
zette to state tbat sohool will commence
next Monday,' and tbat a meeting of
teacher, and directors i. requested Sat
urday afternoon at 2 o'olook at the
chool house.
Just Received !
JI. vX. Mt
li- lii-
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
SeW w&!' Jiff
Jack Hornor i. baok from his pros-
peoting trip to tb. John Day. Boy
Olaseoook is putting in hydraulic on I
hi. olaim, while Morn. Ball is doiog a I
little prospeoting while 'tending camp
tor Haye. Bros.
Rev. Oonrady, formerly of Pendleton.
who bas been with tbe Hawaiian leper.
for many year., is in Portland. He say.
tbat there i. little danger ot oatching
tbe disease it one is cleanly in their
From all account. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is Godsend to tbe
(llioted. There u no advertisement
about this: w. feel just like savin? it.
The Demoorat. Carrollton. Kv. Kor aala From the Foisll Journal.
by (JODser & Brock, dragmst.. A abort lime ago oar rriena Aioeri
Mr. John Gentry, and hi. .ister. Mi.. Tlier re-ltwd hi effice of Health
Belle Gentry, of Iowa, obildren ot W. W. Officer of Portland, within a tew week
Genty who wa. ber. on a visit a year or ot hi. appointment to tb. office by
o ago, are here vi.iting their relative. . P.nnn.B. . the .alary is 105 a
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do
well to call early and make their selections
before the assortment is broken.
We omz v) These Goods fill Quali
ties IangiQg ir) Price Fron)
$2 to $18.
In thi. yioioity. Tbey will remain a few
week, longer before returning.
month and tbe work light, we eonldn't
ocount for Albert, resignation, and
PI...1am TnnA 4'.. . .1 1 u.t I
timer" in tbe toneorial line, baa again hm ,n reoeotly we made Jo-
located in Ueppner, having purchased qairy, witb ID. result tn.t we louna
Green Mathews' .hop. Minor building h. resigned beoause ot tbe dense itupid
oppoaite tb. city hotel. Charley will i th. men who were detailed to oar-
appreciate a call when in town. . . . ,
,, . . ... v, ' I IT OUi ma uruorw.
Fosail Journal: W. R. Bayer, the well-
known bachelor of Clem, got mangled """"" - , T '
in a thre.hiiig maohu. wbil. al work oam. to bi. offlo. ov.r the city jail, corn
near Condon last Thursday. At first it plaining tbat tber. wa. a deed dog al
we. tbougbt be we. fatally Injured, bat be corner of Second and Ash streets,
it transpire, that hi. injurie. are not at Mik. r, ,Hij Xosier i want yon to look
all dangerous, although b. . obged Io ' ... . - .
, . . f... .. " .fl.r tha itiannlUinn tit the Aoa. AD
I t -1 .1.. Inl.tlm.nl .Mi.l.nt
"( i immaterial, in my judgment, uuut ' ,
whtthrr the thtro arou-tr reeei.. nl torned and renorted : "I bay. inquired
ItfHtfit frnm the tariff or not abuat tb. dog, and find Ibal be had a
Whether he di or dt not I am for . ! Hiannaitinn.M Th. Health
fr.t.?'l--t:jrlrlft 'iwrfc oLiiiM.i1,U.i.ii,id hi. realtfna-
i a at i
JR 1
II". . T I u IL. I . . - f. I V . " "I
rrarnfafirf trhen the Wilton bill vtu tlo beo h" f ,me
under contidrrafion.
Jadg. Lowell arrived tbi. morning
and will hold an adjourned season of
court today to .onalder tb. Margeot
Full English course.
french and german,
business branches.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy.
ii !!. ii mm
If J
01M6 WRBl
inihtiilfii fur RciitiinpuL The
M coinl mi.ImT thought brought tho
jichjiI,) to their m-imoa ami now
Hot an ulmtiu'lrt U miriit to din
tuil tho grninl march to rcpublicnn
nucct'na iu licit November.
Til K HiHirrntrt at now flauuting
Im fuie the ullio what iurNrU to
l o rcrlifit-atca if foroij-u notable.
itoliii; the ifTotta of the Uryau.
id', to bring ataiut iutloeutlrnt
frt Aaitvfr it'inao iu the t'uilivt 31; v.lu II.Ai.
Awaartl Mallrta
Itelow la an ineiinii'el. .ittninary of
the atateeaiurlit r) of Morrow County:
Nuiutier of arrea I f tillable land,
i1.ua; value f i.t.r.l
Numlier of acrra nutillalile latnl, 107,'
1 ,H; value, IJI !,'.'.
Impruvemeiil on ileedixl liinil.f (i.tlS.
Town l..t. value, J kl.lViH.
Imnvrtueila (in loan bits, tuT.t.
Improvement, on lnl not deeded,
Mile. o( railroad, it; Valu. UU .0.
Itolhng aW.ek. I H.5V
T.lrgrkpli aiiJ Irleplino lines, mile.,
Ktatfu. Dven lii.maik i. aanl to
have i;iv u hi. tuoit to llryau
i.iu. (icruiaiijf ami cither Kane
bb iialioti. have ailver to .ell ait
urn eluewil rtKiub to ee that any
alight K.lvain'i iu .ilver woulj
th- in it rhanrw to ud1i.. The
chance, art', however, that the
mtifu-nl(t il !,: i. n f.kr but if it
i. lint an. I tho riviliml wml.l i.
ready for free rHiinago lho why
n't uitt the rejiul.lioau inter
national fiei oiiiian J Ian, with it.
irotHtiti, rH-ijrocal an.l other
I'ftttiotit! I'tauVa? You get the
tuoet for jour ruin that way.
! !
Mi l Hl.lt til Mtiattu
li,a nlirk. i4 Munow . will t
ln a f itliit.ily tl kM lb. pnlitl
ral Im'i.i 4 Ilia Jy dwiiaa4 b
i I' i f 1'ixtiao l, aa atii. (akr,
I ,i aiil .dI f..r jjt ) itM (;,
Ail ior. 1 t..i bt, lli mfiy i. a.
t,rt, W-nf,tkt. ?ik, J p. aa.
II . !, ItmraJaf. (Wt Ml, p. la,
t.i.11 lit!. TUralav, (i ik. 7 p. at,
..a, Irll.y, (M Wf !. I p. M.
Ii rfi' n. I ttJay. tK-i.,tf via, 7 av a.,
H'Hi.HaU'.lay, (VI. (n, 1 p, t.
Tl.a ltl -l,la wtil m SmhI. tU
aaM fit.- UWM.KiaWy flob,
an I la''iirg Maaa Wtlltettaia
y U ihIi I. IUh4M I. Milt
.rria4 w. r..t4 t eirt.i4
Ml f tf ll.ilf ft"ltrf It
Aaotkrr Hall (laaia.
Th. fourth gam. of baa ball between
tb. ao oallrd Morrow Connty and Ilepp
nr Hint- wa. rallvd at 3 o'olork laat
Saturday at tbe grounds on th. .rbool
biiuae Oat, wnb K. L Frevlanil anj Tom
Hurhara a. nmpire. .ad O. W. D.rtbol-
om.w a i Rlcial aoirr, Tb. gam. wa.
v.ty evm np to th. fifth inning when
th. Mormw Connty txiyt soorad 12 ran.
tint lu Hit following tuai.e th. Ueppnar
!") md. 9 eoofM. Tb. gam. wa.
railed at th. end of tb. eighth Inning on
aeoonnl of darker.. Tbi. .bould b.v.
doe Mnrr, . It in alnoet im-
nailil. to tme tb. ball during lb. last
half of lb. eighth, aod la all probability
aited lb. Morrow County kin. In
making 13 m ire. moal ot wbleb war.
aoraroul. Tb. fullonlng U lb. vr.
by Innings:
t a a 4
ll'irr 2 4 3 2 1 9
M .fro. Cm. . 3 0 H ft 11 ft
t 0-23
0 13-43
. Portlaa. Kipoaltloa.
For Ih. Oregon Industrial Eipoaitioa
o.ae. Intb. .vent that a motion for a M D,(1 Portland, S'P- W. W.
new trial i. overruled Harg.nt will b. Aaent B.rtoftb.U. R. k It. Co., will
.entencd, bat Ibo eaM will probably go M ipw!ia aioar.ion ticket, at tb. rat.
u" '- cuun. lonng oargeoi . i , ,,K .. . ih rnnA
parent, and grandparent, will mak. a
bard fight to keep bus out of tb. pant- trip, plo. fifty eent. for two admieMon
lentiary. Lai.r.-Hargeot wa at-noi f"ro. to lb. Eipomtion, tn.klog In all
to 11 month, io tb. "pen."
In Ih. Iui ih.i ih. ftr. rf.n.rtm,i ,Ool. and 13. llckeU eipli. Bepi,
In. -wk aw a k A
.rtl atl.nti.in. Pull . ...in. . WC1. BOU IO.
wrtek very feat, and th li.Uoek. .re
nil prpar,l lor DM, On. ot tbetn U I taULCTH.
eulircly mined by nrgli.ane. to alto
ing II to fret I.. Tb. pop'. money I .rota th Blu MonuUIn Igl.
wrpi np in Inl. .loir and It i. tb
ilnly ol tb. mayor and eonbril to .
thai nnr Or. appliance, are not mined.
A Or. will e in. aoni. day wb.n w. ar.
nut pre pa fed fur it.
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
All these can be procured at Thorn ioti k lliunc, Ix)wrr Main Ktreot,
tlpppner, OrpKon.
Thrw ifnllmn arc well acq un In list allh firi.l, lUrncy. Cnw.a. (illll.m ant other counllf,
and ran MX ir.iinvy anil thm In making thM w ,'Unna ltli IraTrilng tiiru.
I'rirra la kwriliif .lih tha llmea.
utxxtuzk, ixxrriTjta.
M.frhan llw'. V17l'l
aiming liui.Urunl. I ll.l.'.H.
Nule. aid aeeotinia, ftU fiTd.
hbarf atmk. fUtl.lKI.
,.a bold g-.K
Ilirr. and mnV. 5ii, value. 1 1,4.
C.llU.in.V; valu. $11 10.
Mevs IV. WH; tain ll.V.i.n.
Ih g. 'iW, Value, M4
llr Value of all 1'1-l-ity, I I.I '".I' Ji.
l'.IS.i..a. gilt V I
Iui. I latali'. f.'iif. U.nTa
Nivlr of polk 4;A. MVnfT. a.
wlral .ill rl IhiM. Ajtirp '..il
f'Milh, making lt,a Mat taiabl.
prtl f I 3l.i
ll lna rr ay
llmnxn l n r- if IVhuwii Iiihi,
Adhrtta, t'ngl.a, t'l'l la an I Cfnop are
rqr4 .y day l Mill, h a fi.
aala by Writ. A Mart..
inula, ivui lb. t-a la tr.Jr p wbiet)
f'vary t-.y aal .ul li"iu a I Id ante, i lei I lb. -bt. tip bf lepalr. abunt a
yiara i-f a. b4l I b. I. lb. ..hit , su-lii M", a.. wbka UlboOfbl.M
I...U tl ia v ,, ilin ti'iiil law n a4 ageio
K iiMfm: l-l it I, im'' ! m rl I I' w Ja rva.Ul fr Mvaval
rl, "tl.b.a ,. ,,.!" la koatc.w, Jay. Iiavr "IlisbaiJ I ImnMlf
"t'ao'l I ff ," m lbo an j a, am" h.- a. My. U. -m Jaorw
mkiim, T l'y t gl i far bhh Tb (liiu' ki fw k.
IhiI. rniiu, t trmau iti i f ' ' l. It.af and r blo o.a j-aiJ
abli tiU f r-la m Invititg . ' 't M rl.laliM c law
fiaarl rjn,- mi-ft li.al ill ry i4 lb .fflw&
M U aaa l I tbi - ti kaaa t'bmai
Tom Rhea .od W. 11. Uaugbtery
wr. Io Or.ol laat week reoelving soma
beat ..tit. Tbey returned to Urppn.r j
last Saturday. ,
A rart Warlk KmwI- Dr.. IlirMl. and William, relornrd
Onnmaplin, La Urlpp., Pn.nmonia Porllwiil lat Friday .vealog.
and all Throat end Long dla nr. Tbey w.ro aooonpMied by Mr. 8. J.
eared by Khilob't Cart. For mI. by Pmtoo, ! Thobi, who eome.tovl.it
A VI .rrea. hr lbar. Mr Dr. Mir.ele. of Ibi pImm.
I aa(4 Hiataair.
Oo W!a.dy ai.ht, S.pi. 18b, Uar
vey HuhUfd ot FoMft commltud .oleld.
by banging bimalf la tb. bom oo tb.
(Vamr. plae, about fuor mile. nolo.
Card nr. out ..nooneing tb.marrlag.
of D. I. Asbory, tdilor and proprietor ot
lb. Uraat Coaly , Io MlM Mawi.
Overboil, w blab ill lak. plaeo al tb.
rwaiJewno ot lb. brwla". paraata, In
9t4 lk kirrva
l'l-0 para, rieh blanj .ad too MJ
.ul far nrrvnn prtr.iiii.. Nerv. era
eak hn lliry are impmperly and
liim. laally farlalied. I'tir. blnud
m lli.ir pir f,nl, aaJ par. M-wJ
' " bv Uk lag lloi4 Karwaparttla,
a ht h m iba lb graalaal ant Hewt nerv.
..hii .Ian bi, op lb. bo
l in.
Il Is I'lll arw ih. favor IU family
ralbartie, eaay Io lake, W.pwraiat,
etwek rrvnj l... U J.,4 M, W W'T. aiooo.y .iwii.g.
dtaoov by Fr.k Wataoo about Oto bey who b4 smoked iXQ
MTaw.VI.irk Th.ra.y nvriag. bang- wgaraltr. aaJ ..v4 too pl.larM ibal
ll fmc . raft la lb. shad of lb. bare. " Io rb tx i, wm4. lb. .ato
Frank Immodiaieiy ra4 ao alarm, a d aoafartoret.. asking tlirn what lby
tltlly Cu.laa, wb. wm forai.g Io low., woal4 d bit. to ttrl.ang f l Ibetn
bfo.gbltb. new. U Ib.pMplaof FoaaU. Tbay Wfrhed Ibal It bo weoUl mk.
many of wbooi prtxd4 lo lb. spot I. boro tbey wvuld o4 km oumn.
tb. body, wbl.b wm left baagtng
Mil it. arrival of lb. asli.g tumo.r,
N. U, Uio.Klaoo. Jqabna f lb pm,
Wt.Ollwa.M 4oe.-ral Jsrwat.
So tv ks aaaio-n4 f.w lb aaWUa.
Utasaail wm highly aa4eat, ba4 1
y aa, anpavi a. 4 Umt. wm o. rwe.oo
why h. .IfcMibi b.vO barrta4 bk. bMkf
ik lb. lUrtU oaveofka. by bto .w.
Wbal.plr. .i H!eft U l
lf tr 1 vary ! a
"H i imm.ttsrud, im my J,tgmt,
w4W Ih aWyi ffmrrr rvfrira. .ay
frnrt fram Ik I .in f t mt4 , . , . .
II itlW nr iiw U"4 I mm ne
f" "." frwf frr ffwr4 nf
H il!t.im J. iry. I. Ik Hn ttf fttjt.
f mul.,1, r'l rV IK4 n Urn IWI rat
tr tvn-irtnlu.
H'll'f In WI'I". t. fl(i-f
rrM 4art. 4
I iH. Vl i.u.ii.g I. .... ..) m
Aab yoar pbyeM... fnmt S,mt gav aJ
ar fiva4. .! nbil.4. iweo tot
law.apM Tt will
II. fnt eai. by Well. A
Away Wnb rr fHrl
vUet i. thief 11 m not lb. Dof Ovatot
ber. mmi loodly pmclaiotl.g tbat tbk
by .bonlJ b. lodwdl ot etbef
oalioM lo all raaptUf A ad yet bar. b.
I. bnWiert.t op lb. Men ot no Omm
tat la in. Cii4 rUu o tb. gmn4
Ibal Vtartl of 11.0 axel lattt
aUM of i'aron" Ivavw Uiw-l
Ul, Tbi. Oil) Orvwf, ta!-)lW
Tak Tribwo.
,f imi Mi mI'Ii lo rj ;ti
la aananWi.,- M IK Mi.arf rer.
Of" fli. tvmmtrp IWwJ4 mat be aa
fUarbrl TVf aWvw M frimn'p
or (. im f mrl 4f JUr ma
HJpntmt m,i. JXsir mil U lo
M hritk m4 Murlwe ft Ikftr mtaM'
. fa, I. tkt mmrkfrp, tn Ike vy$m
4fnik, lo IkHr lrd; A4 iMaf
;;i ,
Don't buy your Bucks until you
see the Full Hloodcd and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham hand, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon he in Heppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
m mm
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
f wtrWi.ji'. (m fj tjmrl,
wkftkft Ike tkrrp gvirr ttmtet nap
1 1 frm Ik tin o m4
II klkr he W . oe i. rf mm t I
frm l -t'ilnml ttf-n tftik tf
II I..' l.l J. lit f-tu Ik If 'Wm i f ftrft.
etarafarlr-. rft. Ike Wilmm toll wi
lr i.trrHta,
"a aiM
0 'I n ij . . m tm .. M l I
ftf Mm. f" II 14 mi II'- .tc..-4
' rar4,
hfallb I im mt4, bf
.l.iU.ba ('lrrh Kx4f I'rtno UO
.!, Maaal telnf fr. Ff . by
It re.gb ira.a .0 lb. IX IL A S. Oill
tia. twaliUa. Wall. Wall. ao4
rf4Ut. Tbronb klopera. I'M aa4
Wi't fa. On.!,,; wtlfe
IM t'k a f.fi, (,a momi me bU
. tm. a.4 : I
" " .. ty k.k.t lhm koI. HfM '. . .. . . - l-l wM N ari.'iia f.i mil rf, mi. 1 a a a.
j 4aikliiig lb. ...wl. Ih. KbMi. .. ; L rmm IZ ZTuFZZZZL J Ml far fit fmtf lkp 4m ll ' " '
!Uikf(Hfe.i.NMiM MrVNiUiSXu.i I l4iwM .W, im ,.- ti, B tlaii, lb. iu.-f a
,k . . :"'.."'? M 1 M '"J JJ w I r.er. t It. .mlr. W.U O ttei U .1 h . K
,b .HNt mj UwtMilkibA W. U U. - ' ' S U- II U W I .b b. ...14--,-M.,,
ly. Irw v.lr.rt..l..r. . . 1 U4 'r,l-;i,ii.H mV