Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 25, 1896, Image 4

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    Kit . m
Of. Two Transcontinental
St. Paul Kansas City
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
to protect the property or live, of resi
dent American citizens or to comply witb
As soon as this country goes
back to the protective policy of
the republican parly the English
manufacturer will have to be con
tent with his English field of trade
or come to America and invest his
money here, hiring American labor
in his manufacturing enterprises.
As Lincoln said, "when an Ameri
can paid twenty dollars for steel to
an English manufacturer, America
bad the steel and England had the
twenty dollars. But when he paid
twenty dollars for the steel to an
American manufacturer, America
had both the steel and the twenty
Steamers Leaue Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fnll detdilH call on 0. K. & N.
At?' nt t Ileppner, cr address
Gen. Puns. Agt.
E. McNEIlL, President and Manager.
Sfiix Fmneisoo
And all poiuts In California, via the Mt. Bliasts
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
The irrniit hishwny thrmtnh Oiilifnrnie. to all
points Kant mi'l South. i mini Hmnin Itoute
of tha I'twinn ('oust. I'nllmnri HtifTet
HitM.pHrH. Hoonl-olft8s Sleeper
Aliwlil tnniprnni t ruins, erlordin anpanor
nuiuiiuoilHtloim for nootict-olMMi paaMwgera,
Kor mma, tickele. sleeping car reeerrationa,
tn,. cell npon oradilroM
K. lid Kill. Kit, MaiiKKr, K. P. ROGKBS, A kit.
Oon. K. A 1'. Aitt., Portland, Oregon
Iu a recent letter to the mnntifaotur
era Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of tbe
Speotator, RiiHliford, N. Y., says: "It
tuny be a plcusnre to you to know tbe
high esteem in which Clmrjaberlain's
medicines are held by the peeple of
your own state, where they must be
best known. An aunt of mine, who re
sides at Dexter, Iowa, wbb about to
visit me a few years since, and before
leaving home wrote me, RHkinfj if tbey
were sold here, stating if they were not
she would bring a quantity with her,
as she did not like to be without them.'
The medicines referred to are Chamber.
Iain's Conu'ii Remedy, famous for its
cures of colds and oronp; Chamberlain's
Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back
pains in the side and chest, and Cham
berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for bowel complaints. These
medicines have been in coiiHtant use in
Iowa for almoHt a quarter of a century.
The people have learned that they are
articles of grent worth and merit, and
uneqiialed by any other. They are for
The Republicans of the United States,
assembled by their representatatives in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievements of
30 years of Republican rule, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
For the first time since the civil war
tbe Amerioan people have witnessed tbe
oalamltous oonsequences of full and un
restricted Democratic oontrol of the
government. It has been a record of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled np the publio
debt by $262,000,000 In time of peaoe,
forced an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace hanging over the re
demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
dence to tbe island.
sugar I liberty. Tbe government of Spain bav-
We condemn tbe present Bdmini8frg. "1. ot control of Cuba and being unable
tion for not keeping faith witb tbe sugar
nroducers of this country. Tbe Repnb-
,. . . , . . . its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
hoan party favors suoh protection as will ' "
. . , ... :i government of the United States should
lead to tbe production on American sou
, .. . . . actively use its influence and good offi-
of all snirar which Amerioan people use '
and for which the, pa, other oonntriee I restore peace and give .ndepeo-
more than 9100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe
product of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well ss to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating duties for tbe
Ita V.S.JrtnX of MUn
Prof. W. E. Feeke, who
makea a specialty of
Epilepsy, haa without
donbt treated and cur
ed more casea than any
living phyaician; hie
success ia astonishing.
we nave near a ot casea
of ao yeara' standing
curea oy
him. He
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
Be send
o3 i
xuo peauo buu rcuunt ui iuc ic-juuuu wno may send ttieir f . u. ana express aaaresi.
and the maintenance of its rightful in- j.w.H.PEElF.I..4CedarSt.,HewYork
fiaenoe among the nations of tbe earth
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor continued enlargement
ot the navv and oomplete system of har
bor and seaooast defenses.
For tbe protection ot the quality of our
upbuilding of our merobant marine and Amerioan citizenship and of wages of
tbe protection of our shipping interests our workingmen against fie fatal com-
m tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer- .... v.. .k, m.
iUBl lua 1 LULU 1 1 I WsUiA innn LFO nuwiumu.
ican ships-the produot of American enfof0e(, and B0 exteDded as to exclude
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, from entrance to the United States those
sailing onder the Htars and Stripes, and who can neither read nor write,
manned, officered and owned by Amer-- civil, skbviok.
icans-may regain the earrying of oar The oivil Bervioe jaw WBg piBCed on
foreign commeroe. I the statute books by the republican
nnrtv. which has alwavs sustained it.
v-a-ru a o-m 1 r w a MV IS,'
I and we renew our repeated declarations
Tbe republican party is unreservedly that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
for sound money. It oaused the enact-1 enforced and extended wherever praoti
ment of the law providing for the oeble.
i Caveats, and Trade-Marke obtoined and all Pat
ient business conducted for moderate Fees.
SOun Office ia Oppobit? U.S. PaTENTOrricE
Jand we can secure patent in lcs tunc than those
Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp
Stion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
icharee. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
(. .., How to Obuin Patents," with
gcost of same in' the U. S. and foreign countries
(sent free. Address,
Is known to moat peraooa.
They illustrate that greater quantity fa
Not alwaya moat to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity or
Vs compared with any previously knows
Ripana Tabules: Price, 50 cents a boa.
Of druggists, or by mail.
: :
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprues St., H.T.
thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKEU
BURN (XX, Patent Attorneys, WaaMugton,
D. 0.. for their $1,800 prize offer.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable'
'-Gault House,
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our our-
measu res and results of suooessful K- ten0y or impair the oredit of our coun-
publioan rule. In the broad effect of its tly
polioy it has precipitated panic, blighted We are thereforei opp0ed to tbe free
industry and trade witb prolonged de- ooinaf(. ot ,nTer, except by international
. ' .1 A (,..!: mo. A nnb ..... .
pressiou, o.oBea .-otuMco, .u --- agreement with toe leading commercial of hnman beings suspected or charged
and wages, naitea enterprise ana orip- nationl of the woridi whl0ii we pledge with orime, without prooess ot law.
pled Amerioan production while stimu- 0TJrgeiveg t0 promote, and until snob an
lailnn tnmiirn nrrul n nkinn fnr the A inpri- I & t i-i i ,L. : 4 :
1 1 1 1 i, .wj.r" Bgroeineni oou uo uuiuiueu, sue cuduuk i , -...: . n-in.i
can market. Every consideration gold standard must be preserved. AH toftrd of arbitration to settle and adjust
pubho safety and individual interest o( onr 8,lTer an(1 paper ourrenoy now n the differences whioh may arise between
demands that the government shall be oircaiatjol, mu8t be maintained at a employers and employed engaged In in
reeoued from the bands ot those who parity with Boldi and w faTor aU mea8. terstate oommeroe.
have shown themselves ineapaoie to nres degjgoed to maintain inviolable the HOMBSTiADi.
ooodnot it without disaster at home and oblieations) ot tbe United States and all We believe in the Immediate return
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to onr moneT( whether coin or paper, at tbe to the free homestead t olicy ot tbe Re-
We demand that every oitizen of the
United States shall be allowed to oast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and suoh
ballot shall be counted and returned as
We proolaim onr unqualified condem
nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous
practice known as the lynching or killing
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4
Q., C. M. & Bt. v., V. & A., r. rt. w. ck u.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Kailroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
The regular subscription price ot the '
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 92.60 and tbe
regular price of tbe Weekly Oregon ian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the.
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 93.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled to
New Feed Tabd. Wm. Gordon hBt
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solioits a
share ot your patronage. Billy is right
at borne at Ibis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prices
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
-- mrim
sale here by Conner & Brook, drnggists. P"' wh,oh ,or 30 year" Btlmin" present standard-lhe standard of the
Isteredit with noequaled suooess and mosfeDiightened nations of the earth.
prosperity ; and in tbii oonneotion we
heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
and snooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison.
'"o!u i'i , - i
TlimiHli I'lillinan I'alsi'fl HlwiH-ra,
loiirUi Ki....i" Fri'e ltis'lltiing t'lialr
Cars t'Ail.Y t-i riiliiiK't.
Our rciit ilonioiTatic pocri'lnry
of tln triviHiiry iimda the prop!noy
four ycHis H thnt froo timlo
M.ny limns savl via llils line lu Kaalern lUCHDt good tiini'H. Wo kllOW
IliAlrnr. Ciirliwlo ktinua lii'tli-r liow.
The tlianortiif of Hit) irticiit'
complaint lias prompted one, Dr.
l'ryan, to prencrite "free nilver."
ii'i u..:i :.. t :i .:n i.l, .
It. H". ItAXTEIt, Cm. Ayrnt, " U,'H B,,T, r ,n o ,l
i'orfunf, vrnjnn, inlwir to pi't it jiint hh it always Imn.
We renew and emphasise onr alle
giance to the polioy ot protection as the
bulwark ot American industrial inde-
ixtndcnee and the foundation ot Ameri
can development and prosperity. This
true American policy taxes foreign pro
duct and encourages borne industry and
ptitu the burden ot revenue on foreign
goods; it secures the American market
for the Amerioan producer; it upholds
the American standard of wages tor tbe
American workingmen ; it pats the fao-
lury by tbe side of the farm, and makes
the American farmer leas dependent on
publican party, and urge the passage
by oongress of tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure which has already
passed tbe bouse and is now pending
in tbe senate-
We favor tbe admission of tbe remain.
ing territories at tbe earliest prsotioable
date, having dm regard to the interest of
tbe territories and the United States. All
federal officers appointed for territories
The veterans of tbe Union armies de
serve and should receive fnir treatment
and generous reoognition. Whenever
prsotioable they should be given prefer
ence ia the matter ot employment and
tbey are entitled to the enactment ot
such laws as are best calculated to ee-1 should be selected from bona fids reei-
ours the fulfillment ot pledges made to I dents thereof, and the right of self-govern-1
them in tbe dark days of the oountry's men! should be accorded as far as prao-
r. a i. v,. tioable. we believe me citizens oi &ias-
lis UDUUuui.g 9uv i au.iwu au .uw 4 . . , I
SB) IUUU1U UlfD I 7JImi7M uu .u .u I
pension bureau, so reomessiy ana nn- wagnH of tn8 TjnIted States to the end
justly oarried on by the present adminis- lDat needed legislation may be intelli-
tration, of reduoiLg pensions and arbi-1 gently enacted.
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay.' Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
fy-Write for laws and complete information. No' Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manajer,
618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
We sympathize with all wise and le- j
gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent tbe
evils of intemperaooe and promote mor
The Republican party ia miodfal ot
the rights ot womea. Proteoiion of
Amerioan indattries inclades squall
opportunities, equal pay for equal
J. C. I1AUT, A'jent, r'mrr, Orttjon.
Sclsnlifla American
Ajcncy for
I riunra.
rt r r) n 1 f cei II fit 1-1
f i, 1 I mr.( f r .Mm,, . .1. die m A lirt,
I f .14 i.t IS,, n .1 I t )! 1 I ar("
l r.H III ' f 1'ifflilHiff U V
ricuiiftc wcricau
I .,fH Hwliltfl Hf I.MI rl. IN IK
i .1 I.. .. i.it iiMiar.ir.1 k., li,Hi"s
l,.lkl I .lxtl ill.
Irarily dropping names from the role as
deserving tbe severest condemnation ot
Iba Amerioan people.
Our foreign policy abould be at all
1.. mi a J
foreign dereaod and price; it diffuses mes nrm, vigorous aoa u.go.ucu, .uu
general thrill, and founds the strength oat interests in tbe wesUrn hernia-
of all on the strength of each. Ia Its Pre carefally watched and guarded,
reasonable application it Is last, fair and The Hawaiian Islands should be control!-
impartial, einlly opposed to foreign """" worasoa prow-cuou
control and domestio monopoly j to.ee- power should be permitted to Interfere f.vo, the admbioa ol women to wider
tion.1 discrimination and Individual witb Ih.m; , be Nic.r.gu. e.na. should '1
f.vnritiam. We denoonee the present be built, owned and operated by D u.aoor.uoMd Populist mismsnsgemeol
oVmnortlio tariff as s-ction.L Injurlon. CToit.d Btates; snd by the parchaee ot LD(J mil06
l Kl....h'a rnr A nlote.l c..u,.i ,0 public i redit sod destroclive to busl- Ue D.nUb inlands we should seoure a I 8oon ,r th, pnocp,. Md polk-les
iiMiPrnH. Mop ii ni imip nn , ... , . anflt, proper ana uocti oseaea siaiioo id sue 0f Ibe rcDObilceo parly, at ibeee pnn-
h.r .,! .y W.ll. . Lll- -ul MA. .n Ih MU...
eqniubl. tariff on foreign Import, wbicb " " w, ,d(J ,IMaUoD. w. Mk for
con,, into ompel.tkm wilb American m..o, in Armenia have a on ttT. eoo.id.r.U. jodgmeptof tbe
r..tr.... .Ill not only furnUh ade- ed Ihe deep sympathy and Ju.1 ladlgna- OntUnt a.ike In
nnai r-venne fr the oeoeeaary eipen " ' b American people, and we be ,b, hutory 0, 00f grM pMly Md o ,n.
I.. ........ I -
llev. me unuea msiee enoaiu eiervu.
K. S.Thlt Company U controlled by marly on (hmuand leading ntw
papcrt in th Vnittd , and it guaranteed by mem.
Attorneys at Law,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Mom mills in oprmtinti will give
our iMiil.i wliut they wnut.
1 llf Ural Cnngh l'ur
Slalol.'s ('nr.'
Virr. n ,
pn- r.cunc occrtCASES.
Im'tit a.r iiir ,rar In a l.rvsl
I !lt tf.
Tin' li It 1 1 1 i . t ;- i 1 i 'ililit i.ill III In
l i ii.il S'ui.-a in i- i r'' wi'l in a
irp.irt of ll,p t' 'I mrr 'iiiif
.il. .1 t y l"v. rl .1.. .i l .'... Tin-
iiiinl a:np n4 si 'i.' '... 'i'. iH-.iif! in.-
'.'j,il til l 'l. 1 li.' t i.lm- t'f llif prml
in I i iiiisiiiiu il n IT.'''i,lr. niul '.
7ft -,1V l ii Itir 'itf ff rii.il nr il
iifiUnl I'V ft 'I Ik l.il.il i- laid
its t o.VII fi rl.nnj irnliii'iiif -IU
ln-1 .1." 'i. 'I hi" Hilni" 'f llii- riui-
nn;. I (in tliirinif ! :i frrll
in tn'ii li t "I.r'.". ?.. Kn'iii
111' ti ! Is I l'i I. i r. ii- i rnpi'l
hi nf the guvrrnment, bat will protect
Amnriran tabor from the degredetioa to
tbe age tovol of oilier Undo.
Columbia llkcr and Pugct Soil Navigation Co
Leaving Alder Street iVck, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo. Long Beach, Oceae
l'ark and Nahcitla- Direct eonneetioa witb Ilwaoo steamers and rail
road; alto at Yonog's Hay witb Peas bore lUilroad.
Umrm Portland 1 A. M. Dally, t -! Hnmlay. LtarM Aslurla 7 P. M. Daily, tircpl Runday.
aslioe of oor cause we present oar plat-1 Lmtn Portland P, M inr. mM aunuy. imMay aiht. u P M. Ln,n Astoria Dally a
all tbe ibflueaoe it can properly eiert to I form and oar etadidetee la tbe tall se-
iu .i t .. i. saraaee that tbe election will brlog
Vfll'K www SBwswe'tW ww saw
W.ar.ootiiWgeJto any partkol.r Tark.y America resident, bete
innwaaeB & si. pad WirH ti-fHrS
V -v '
v - - 1 I
a .i.i.V .j : .
a" .y
,ii.tirw in nil i
if lliC l o'lu'H .
a! .4, I, is ! , ii 'i
I li.ltlllill lt Ms
I I f." i f lll Kl'nl I
f l! V ! I I. r.J.
Glanco at this Map
Mil . I t .: V ii.lM a.. I "1 I ! fall
f a ! i.i Ma ..in), h.m.s til, !',..
1. 1 ('.. sM ( I s. I 1 . iM
. . lt I .! Ha l.i..s I ,'.! ikW
l ii at I I 1 1 , t , . i nl I
1 ...! a H. I I ,. -Si. t -!
Sif . $ . wth t. I. . lull
S,,l I. S t a i ',0.
I i .' f s I! I I ((. a. 41 I
MI'l : Ii( A ' 'a'
T s a j I t..-s
l-'I'M ' -.. " l-'.J--
!-,.. .-
clr-iln Jars.
1 I. fr...i n fit. nil lull ilu.li- Inniip
H i ll lll IHI.I, 1 ,; I OI'tlll'K'H'U In ,M M
I ..nn.. I f.ir l ff n- No, air. It Jim
wrrs, lkrn ii tliis Jiiry wlltuml
tut ilirr iiiiiii Iki ( jmir sfrtirrsl il s
al.i'iij la MUf in t ni.t is.i'! it, ji.i t
aii. I Hiitmul iluf Mf it.l Ut lln' r-.)iii-lli-a
1 I ii l ! mi ! ! 1 'i"l
ill Wlarrll a ) n mii.. nn i"f III' P'l.ll
. ll 1 UMl lf Htl.l t IM- ill ; ll
rtistf nf tlx" i'!it ! I il. mil i'i :i
nf lit hih if 1 inn l 1 . i-l 1 if In ".-.f-l.
i la ri' !4 ' t in a t ! Ii
brrrll.t linn Ii .1 SI. I $J- "
ll.al Ui 1 i" nn.' inli il J r (
rlrsrly ! ft Hi i 111- liriwrH.ti
fail. ottl-l in,i'(j'M.i1 r" ' i"
If ami fur h il '1 -.1 In ai ' Hi r
lh al i,l.r,l . ful I -till ! a
lllll I lll I?
I a 1 1. ' f.i .' 1 (in I 't ers I -tl
.1 .1 1. 1 I ... . - t
it. . I ' I ... 1 1 11 li t
achednW Tbe q-ieation of ratee le a
liraoHcal qntattos to be governed by
conditions of the time as J of production.
Tbe rohng and noonropronvaiog priori-
i.U is the t futtvtino and dsvclcpmeol ol
Anirncaa lator and Industry. Tbe
enantry At maads a right eettlemsml and
Ibf n it wants frst.
n aanra-Mmr.
We l!tte Hie repml ot the rerlproei
ly a'farg.mrele giisJlH by tbe last
IU'ul.li.-n a.lmioiatraiioa wee a aalioa
al caUwilv end we ilnanj tbetr renew
al and uli-osU-e oe eoili Ureseaewlll
a-paluaonr trade with oibsr catton.
rcmnt ritictioiie wbkb ow abstract
lb sli.f Amrfleae purie la parte
nf ihr emintrsM, e4 eere ealatgsdj
muiVrlt fur the prod-, ut out Isrnia,
f.,rralf bl factorlse.
rreicrtloe) e4 is iproeity are Iwia
misHMirl lVrrelliM pl ey, aed f
liai i la li..l, lifi.-talKi rale baa
,,-aU1 a'rura due both, and b"lb
sanal Ua re aslal.tiaUd. frvHa-t.a tut
hat e pnlir, le al f. tbe
hrcaii'S t life wriest we le a4 pro-
eipneed to tbe grsveet deogers ul LulN
Amerieaa propsarty drstrojeJ. There
ad .very where Americas cltiteoe and
Amerieaa properly mast be absolutely
prolecte.1 at all haiard. and at any eoet.
si on o I POCTSIKB.
jviotory to ths Repoblican party and
proapemy so ine pawpiw 01 sua vuutu
al ' A. M noi-i.l Kiitil, and Mutiilaif. sunJaT nlihl. 7 f. M
Lmtss Pnniand and rnnsdlrvrl tn tlwam. Tnaortay and Thuradara I A. M. aainMar'al I P. kt.
UatvM llaaro .iiwla)r and frl-laf at 7 Si A. M. Ou anoday nlfil al 4 f. al.
Eot Cbfdfd lo F.sikiil Dt'tiDilioi Btiili Prfifbfi Fw of Expnst
Par KaMr, 'fad. Comlurt, rtrastira, Trsrat oa I ha Tfli-rhona. lUllrjf Oalaart and Oraae Ware.
The intense lulilnf end emanine lorl-
J . a. . . 1 . MllUiM .Iriktf
us-ni so snrnis, mini ti,-. .-w-hm,
diaf-aarwof the tkln U Ineuntly alland by
spplytng Chanberlaine Kye end r-klq
OlnlsnanL Xlsny vary bad oae bare barn
.n,ni.il, rtA ka ti. It la snnaJlv
We reaseart tbe Uoofoe doelrioe la I .mcimi tr iuhln tnfi ao4 a tarorii. rats-
il. IrilUai a.l.nl as J we reaffirm Ibe I "f " ,,l'l,,i '"PPa. btn,lS
... blaina, fnaal bil, and rbronie sore eyas.
iibl ol tbe UBiwa nieMw 10 live toe r uf m by dniwis at 15 cwnts pr boa.
dietriee rfTl by respeadieg to tbe ep i TrJ pr C&J Caw4lUii reweVre, that
peats olaay Amerieaa etae or friendly atejiiiwhalalnmiiwiislabadei
lbs Ee eley Hluls
i tauo. Tanic blood purilWr sod faranifut-s.
For sale by Cos ear A t!roct, ararfUts
intarvsaliiMi is ease ot Earopee en-eroaebmeal.
We shall aol be loleirerwa e.j .aaii ,( fa immnltrial, im Wf jdgm,mt,
il lalaf fare with Ibe eilatiDtf Kosaase-irhtlkr tSs aWs artrr revntl sa
.. i rnHlr, Aa tun or Wot
lone ot aey Lempeaa power la this xs hfth' J,t not I am f
bemisi.berss bat those piassia MQat raa am. J Krtrttet from 'lwff f
. s. . i j p H'tfntsa J. llryan tn th f f R'f
ot, oe aey praiait, be iUe lJ. We it, It Usot. t.i roe
bofuUy Wk fiwwarJ Ibe eeal- .lrr gmtt Urulum.
aal withdrew! of Kn-(aq pnwsra fin k Xtaibewe te eill et tbe old eland.
from tkUi batniaibare bed to the olllosaU Btl d.r t Ibe p.l rfBee. wkaie be U
, ,, . . . tfa,sra. It da eettttet kie lie-.
asU'eot all E'ib epaakia parte ol Mh,flPt ('(ia(' btbe' eK?., at
H....iu.i,l ka Ina mssmI nf I la In. I hutnlaf BflCS II.
For tho Curo 04
Liquor, Opium td Tobacco Habits
It is laratad a Aaim, Orafaai,
n afuef tiHiHtifui rowa o tiu cvxut
Call al IKa Dtttrra ara nr eartlmlars
i euwiit nntjaauaj. Traautiaai srli sta aad snre
I cars.
Froai tbe bear et aeksatinf ibelrewe
taJapeeJtaee, tbe beiple'it tbe rait4
. ,1.1 ...11 mllK ...lull.. Ift.
!. foueal M malnal , - .- ' ' '
. . i ... aiiaaalaeet olkar Amarti-aa r-ale to
inUlaalS wlili U riW WSJaaia ia rw- - - '
BUij. ,).,. naa irnapaiTa imai f aropaaa unasma
II .I...' , i.
I a r. 1.' t.t. i, ..
?., Itt s
..a ,a I'. I I'i a' aaklf lula i t PHI
111.,. -in, II. a yf.,-l fraf if
It t il 1 1 . 1 1 .. I l lh at ,i-
1 1 : ' 1 ., f . ., I N-l lM
. i t I , , f , I It ft '
!,( I . a a I . as s
I ir , i. m i , u.iai.Ua Mats- i aif.e trala eaj fl 1 1 C)l!a4 (ureal
liias. We Ws'Sb With da al .t-i lir
I',. . . n t-tM It p i m't lad istry
anlli,t, l r1 t-f i biaiksl i -'" - '
... a ! Vawatla a..las aaaWSki tt SMtftasall aa 1 sW hMslllMI
f.. -lrs.:ae. bml le or- '
a4 vf beet ( ge 0l Iu tbe fall
nreate e( sjy fa'fki f?lellif
OF . a .
It to Advertisers at a qrc.it finnncial sacri-
rana.tvl! I iVs " naaa In aa. 11. ... .. .
m sa.Ha.o- .1. tin. i mi niTtl it in voiir i iiiincf;. nnil .; rt
1 Ilia atira I tut jh il na4 aa.iraa"l -- I
S.. praoHa W laanrsl I"-
It arra, II ih. t.l.
r 'y a ri r'm ts ll-a anla-ll
rr t aaiMtk aa l s' rl M S'fi'J
V art tnnrl--ae e.i"t pry, eg e
TIS Is kaaf Ufa-art aaHt.
( rwl 1 14 Va '. r..h ft sianajA
a aaaarmse eaiat-la wilt sala4 ul
4iUr la-.rrti S4 Hay Fraf Cera
(IJs-S raawsl nana! sarwasa,
Slraia Iba ft tf i4 Us rs-ly.
ttt rimrtirt.n,
(4 trm H , Saw tusk fily
i iobaP..t it .- r..raXV t. I
! matter ol I)Umikm we must sell it.
Tiik Patti-;r5o.n IVmimm Co,
C:5 ia ft' er l tuSitba