i i - t '"-SEPTEMBER I CMAf tr'-ru Win-re They Met. McKlnley Bill, with Napoleon eye, :Bays "Bryan let's drink some Lluwoort Rye; We meet as frlendB, my words are few 1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan says, in a Joking manner, "I wonder if that's what's the mattor with Hanna That's horse and horse, you funny feller When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Linwoort Rye. Sold ouly t the Belvedere Saloon, E. G. Sperrj, Prop. NOTICE TO PATliONS. Time will not be allowed anyone after July lat. All persons f tilling to pa; by the 10th of eaoh month hereafter will be out off. Hbpvner LIght fe Water Co. FREE TRADE. PRICE? Buoke fur sale- 30 fine Merino 20 Oxford srrdts. Enquire of Faruawortu. bncks; O. E. tf. THE LATEST STYLES. Mrs. SI. Le Balister, the Heppner milliner, baa jusl received n large and complete line of the latent style fall and winter bats. lutunditig parobasers should call nnd see the fashionable dis play at their earliest convenience. 0I8. Some Accidents. On Thursday of last week the little daughter of Mr. 0. McGinn is, wbo is living on the Wren plaoe out in Clark's canyon, was thrown from a horse while riding borne from eobool, suffering a dislocation of the right elbow. Dr. Mo Swords was called Bud reduced the dis location. . On last Friday, a little son of Mr. Gardner, who is living out on Ed. D-ty't plaoe, was thrown from a horse while returning from sohool and was badly bruised though not seriously injured. "it ts tmvwtcrtai, in my judgment, whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not Whether h does or does not I am for free wool "Extract from speech of William J. Bryan in the House of Rep' reseniatives when the U uson bill was nnder consideration. Wheat is grndnally going up in price, 0 advance of Iwi emit 8 ooonrnng Wedursdity hint. During the paat leo days tbe advance 1ms been four to five cent. The jriie quotod fur No, 1 today it 40 to 41 opcjU at lirppner. TIM Do Nt Car. Pills do Dot ours ("inMipatioo. They only aggravant. Karl's Clovr Hoot Tsa gives perfeot rcanlanlr of tbe bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren Walt. Thompson runs slags between Heppner and Monument, arriving evsry day except Monday and leaviog every day i-icetl Siiri-Uv. Nhorteal a.id obrsp- est mote t lbs Interior. Onnser k Crook, agents. ' Mm, T.l lUTtJAklfTt ijjwMii-iuni i uLimm i nuirniionii You can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost " Cut Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and no mistake. E. W. RHEA & CO., awcossofs t M0Bt ant ft. wilt i-MMr Vrasa Msl tbe tavesmna of It,, F, ..t fai4!p. B-b a lias la!f MMt ff asm mi ,., es t at trtrt aat Ja. Tim-s ars flatly looga bat Jf tea ,f ah a toe 6 Uigaixv. eea'l ? Call on E. First Here and There. Frank Lee is up from Tbe Dalles. Senator Mitchell here on Oct 13th . Lee Matlock is in Portland this week. Robert Sayers is op from Douglas today. A1(C Cornett is in today from creek. Batter The Heppner Transfer Co., for sale. bas wood 37-tf. Wool is said to be a low figure. moving slowly at Thos. Barnett was tip from Lexington Wednesday Inst. Geo. W. Harrington got ba?k Tnesday from Portland. Mrs. II. F'lllook is reported as being very innoh better. E'Dest riper is np from his ranch be low Lexington today. G. o. Perry, of Lyme . Hook, was ov.-r taut week on business, Jerry Bronan, of little Butter creek, was over lust week on business. B irn To tb wife of 8. 0 Smith, on Friday, Sept. 18th, a 10 pound girl. E.J. Bay ley, tbe Jobn Day merchant, came in Wednesday on his way below. Drink the celebrated J. H. Gutter wMhIcaV- On Inn nr. flhria Ttnvnhnra' The infant of Dave Pressley is report ed by Dr. McSwords as being quite ill. J. P. Harden made bis regular ap- pearance among our merohan ts last week. Mrs. T. W. Avers, Jr., is over from Pendleton to visit her many relatives here. H Ohapin Is just completing a com modious residence out in tbe Hardman seotlon. W. G. Espey, the hardware repre sentative, visited our merchants here Wednesday, The ladies of tbe M. E. oburoh bave deoided to run a dining ball in tbe city election day. Gilbert Hunt, the Walla Walla man- nfanturer of farm machinery, was here last Wednesday. ' Frank Natter returned from Portland yesterday morning, having concluded not to attend tobool this year. Fall weather brings cool weather, cool weather calls for winter clothing. See E. W. Rbea's liue of goods. Ad in this issue. al8-ln, Case Fnqua waa in from Eight Mile Friday of last week. Case reports very short crop this season on bis pos sessions. Messsrs. W. White and son, G. W. White, of Gilliam oonnty, shipped 1,400 head of sheep last Wednesday, destina tion eastward. At the M. E. Church next Sunday: Sunday school at 10 o'olook and Epworth League at 630. other services discontin ued 00 acoount of tbe revival services in progress at tbe South church. Bho Leland is over from Mon ament on Dusiness. Ben is now a member oil the mercantile firm of Murpby & Le laiid, and he saya that he is doing very well, having a good tall trade. Mr. R. Allen, of Toll Rook, is in re ceipt of the and news announcing tbe death of ba son. Louis, in Southern Oregon rcoently. Tbe bereaved have tbe sympathy of many friends in Mor row county. Charley Jones, the well-known "old- timer in the rnnsorial line, bas again located in Heppner, having pnrobased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite tbe city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Never Wftl mora grlevons wrong doaa the farmers of oar country Iku that so anjustly Inflicted during the put three years upon the wool (rowers. Although among oar moat useful eltlseae. their In terest have been practically destroyed. Mckinley's letter of aeeeptaaee. From all accounts Cbsmberlain'a Gongh Remedy ia a Godsend to the slllieted. Titers is no advrlismeal ah ml this; we feel jost Ilk saying it. The I) moorat, Carrol I too, Ky. For aala by Conser k Brock, druggist. Mr. E Minor arrived boms from a visit to Iowa yaeterdar. Ba found Iowa "chuck" fall of politics and oome baok mora imbued with kfoallnlsyisrn than ever. Mr. Minor (a oertsin that both Tas mil V.hraaka will aive nMtli majorities ur iui ivuuuticiu suiuiuvr Be prepared to receive him by calling on W. RHEA & CO., at tbe Natl BaoK CorQcr. Prof. U. P. . Hedriek. teacher ofhorii- enltura and botany at ths State Agricult ural Uoiiege, is making a tour or .has ten! Oregon, acoompanied by G. A. Hobbs, of Milton, Or commissioner of horticulture, arriving at Heppner from Canyon City Wednesday. The gentle men proceeded on their journey yester day. Tbe Corvallis sonool has many patrons in this vicinity. Cbas. Frey is hack from Idaho where he went last spring to sbesr sheen. After completing the spring "run" Char ley visited various portions of Idaho snd Eastern Oregon and found it dull everywhere, though wages in Idaho, especially among farmers, are better than in Oregon. Hayraising and fruit growing are tbe principal industries of Boise valley. The Heppner nine hns aooepted tbe challenge issued by the Morrow county boys ana tbe two nines will cross bats tomorrow at 2 o'clock prompt. This wiil in all probability be tbe Isst game of the season. All are invited, and good order will be maintained. Warren Uarsner ana brother were over from Haystaak last week, having come in with some oattle. While here an old uncle and aunt arrived from the East and acoompanied the nephews baok to their possessions. J. C. Baird, formerly of Arlington, who was mixed up in a shooting scrape on the border while endeavoring to prevent some Chinamen from being smuggled in, a few years ago, died at Seattle re cently. Be Sure Yon then go ahead. are Right And It your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nervss weak, yon may be sure that Hoods Ssr- saparilla ia what yon need. Then take no substitute. Insist upon Hood s and only Hood's. This Is tbe medioine which has tbe largest sales in the world. Hood b Sarsaparllla is tbe One True Blood Purifier. . Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, al ways reliable, easy to take, easy to oper ate. A QUEER LAKE. It Freezes In Warm Weather and Thawe When It Ia Gold. The History of Seneca Lake In Hew Turk State and It Singular Bevela- . tlons Nome Notable Events on tbe Ice. oeneca differs from nearly all of its many sister lakes in this section of the state in the matter of its seldom freez ing over, writes a correspondent of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle from Watkina, N. Y. This is due to the great depth of the lake and the tact that it is fed largely by springs along its shores and, as many believe, at its bottom. During the summer sea son the lake absorbs a vast amount of beat, but owing to the non-conducting properties of water it is slow in throw ing off in the winter. For this reason on many cold winter mornings the lake's surface is covered with vapor, which Indicates that the water is warmer than the atmosphere. This vapor is always densest over the deepest portions of the lake, showing that the water along the shores in the shallower parts has to some extent be come colder. As the surface of the lake cools the water gradually com mingles with that below, and finally the whole body of the lako becomes cooled. In addition a. Heavy body of snow melting in the spring and flowing into the lake, especially in case of a frcahct, tends to cool the water and render the lake liable to freezing if the surface is not too much disturbed by wind. For these reasons the lake sometimes freezes over very late in the spring, even when the temperature is from fifteen degrees to twenty-five de grees above zero; as for Instance a thin film of ice covered the lake'a surface on the mornings of May 5, 1831, May IS, 1873, May 0, 1873, and April 8fl, 1834, On many mornings the mercury haa been down to aero or below, and at Monterey one day recently the thermom Ur registered thirty degrees below zero, yet the lake had not aufflclently cooled to freeze over, for no enow water haa run into it this season. However, the country tributary to the lake is now cor ervd with snow to a depth of from two to three feet, and if the cold should con Unite for some tlma yet and the heavy body of snow go off in a flood the lake would undoubtedly frreze over. In a doaorlption of Nentva lake An- pleUm'a Cyclopedia state that It waa never known to be frozen over until March 81, IsM). but according to Wil liam C. Coon, of Hurdett, he and a part of about twenty skated across the lake from Olm Lldridge to Watkina and back on tbe Morning of February 8s. 1H5S. The l-e waa then five Inches thick in tbe middle of the lake and waa clear and solid. On March 8, isos, the lake again froze over, and in 1875, f or a pe riod of four werks and two days prior to March 14, It waa frozen over so that pcrma could erona It many miles from Hie head. On February II. IMS. It froze over from atiore to adore out aa far aa the eye could reach, and four days later a grand carnival was held on the Ice In the evening. About one thou sand persons awkrmblexl. eotnlng from Kltjilre and other place by train and from all the aurruundlng country la ale If ha. The moon, nearly full, rode high In a eloudlraa sky, and the aeene waa one of a nxl IneplHnf netaro. Chine lanterns and torrhllghu Irnl their rharm to the aurnmndlnga, while theglaroof rockets and bMnUllghtlap theaky. A band waa preerot, and dann Ing and skating were among the sport enjoyed. January 14, 193, aa unusually early dalo, the brad of the lake frone over from shore to shore out a dbiaac of almt twrnly roda. bat the lea only lealrd a few daye. Hy oWrvaibw many prpl hava n to esprit the lake to frrrtm ovrf (rtv-e In every Irn year, and according to sorb a er-rt-e It should freer UiU winter, f.er ty r frrrac tt the detr mentioned al-e Itwiil bo aeea that It frosa over la 1S4J, In IvAS, la lTJ sod la I'M. sorter, to tax pay sax v til mvS e irl k Is R Mm M tl Alt fmnrm vwhlnf ms ,t(M la si mi " W aat ni at mm . t. t, 114 la. tM m, last, las I CXtCUTOirS AOfCff. la essential to Blood health. Every nook and corner of tbe system is reached by the blood, and on its quality the condition of ever j organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofuls, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's SarsapariUa. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, SarsapariUa Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. j r.ft cure Liver Ills; easy to HOOd S PlIlS take, easy to operate. 25c. . . Left In the Larch. , Mr. Pryor Wilson, of Monument, came in last night from home and left this morning on the return trip. Mr. Wilson informed a Gazette reporter that the object of his visit was to corral some 8137.50, with interest for three yesrs, from L. W. Lewis before be departed for the East, but he waa too late, Mr. Lewis having departed early this week. Aooordiug to Mr. Wilson's statement Lewis made promise to pay ust as toon as certain notes, which bad been re ceived for hay, could be disposed of. Tbe disposition was made but Pryor never saw tbe color of a copper. He is naturally very wratby over his treat ment. The Gazette's proprietors have known both men oonoerned for several years. Mr. Wilson is a hardworking man who has had considerable bad luck daring the past five or six years, and like most of us oan ill afford to lose any sum at present. This paper bas always regard ed Mr. Lewis as an bonorabla man and is surprised at bis recent action. The Ills of Womes. Constipation, causes more than half the ills ot women. Karl's Clover Root, tea ia a pleasant cure lor Uonslipation. For asle by Wells k Warren. Bad a Narrow Escape. See Driskell, wbo went east witb J. M. Graden'i sbeep shipment recently. returned tbe first of this week, having gone east aa far as Cbioago. While in oi. rani me notei in wnioh he was stopping look fire and he and others were driven from their rooms without anything at all in tbe way ot clothing Fortunately tbe "enure robe ot night' prevented their destitute condition from being publicly oommrnted on, for when a man wears nothing but a oommon paper collar and a sobsr ooontensnoe, be is indeed as destitute ,aa tbe meekest of God's orestures. Tbe oett momma tbe unhappy guests were restored their ololbing, Hoe among tbs real, Bee wss unable to remain A. K. doings at Bt. iauL very quiet in the esst. for theG limes ars Are Vos Mails Miserable by Indigestion. Constipa tion, DiEiineas, Lose of Appetite, fellow BkinT Bbilob'a Vitaliser is a positive cure, for aala by Wells AWerreo. lg Brvkss, Jost aa we go to press we learo that a frightful scold set befell Mr. JooMban Boyar while tbresbiog at A. Hartman'a rsncb three miles north of town. Hi pants got caught on tbe tumbling shall and before the machine oonil be stopped ba was wound arooud tbe shaft in a terrible manner, breaking one leg at the tblnh and Injuring biro internally. Dr, Hogaa M attending bitn. Buould bis In Jams not result fatally he will be die abled tbe balsaoe of tbe summer. II only year amee Mr. Bysr lost Lis wir and as be baa a largs farnil of smell children, Ibis la Indeed nofortuoste Condon Globe. Iirvs Oe tdt. I was aarvona. tired. Irritable aa erosa. Kail's Clover K hM Tsa bas wad di well sad bapesy. Ms K. B. Wosds. rot sale by Wells Warrea. IW4H ikt tva Kear Csnyoo r-ity last sk a trsvilint saae stopped over aigbl witb popaliat lar mar, sad la tbe axMaieg sitweletl to pay a dollar for bis board and lodgteg bat was pr ear a tad with bill of $3 Of eonratlb Its veiaf diet bie Wooer, e aake-I IbeclJ utaa bew be tad tbe gall lo s.k on each otr(oas prUve for each mft eeeooxsoHtlkoe, wbervap. M DM pnp!teli Dibs rspliad; The fart is, be -!, I e4 Ibe mossy." This showed that tbe eld aodgaf bad great fcopee of iWyso'e eUetKMt, asd Ibong b be weald si art in elrtedy. AaWIm lUfslJ. " it immaterial, in sag Judgment, trkttkrr Ik skfrp gmtret rtrt 1 rr an bmrtt from ! ttrif or tu4 htthrr kt tUti or tl' mid I am tut frr ir. tlrtut frttm )rrk It ffitM J. Itrwtin fa Ihf lltm i.f H'i rfsmfsHrvl rna im rv UMttn mil mus w lr mniiitfttitum. e(.pt) f4UlAf via llrptesir I obi tHsf tdnm. 1'era.iaa diroa td Vssilinf l esdlaina aa SS lima a)i inoeeaf bf taltaf Ihss foal. l aa qaalnlirt aals lit swwvsnis la( l, ataf all ksaks fur1m (Mb S w'claca irtaa al t Ul i fea-llaio. OT:e l &lr 1 S aiofw. VT. D. .Sfj, SUMMONS. IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THJt 6TATK of Oregon lor Morrow 'ountv. - - -A. 8. Bennett and F. P. Mays, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Klmsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. klmscy and Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife. W. 8. Mercer and 8arah Mer cer, his wife, L. A. Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hull, his wife, Samuel Hall and Mry Hsll, his wife. Win. Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife, Thomas Klmscy and Nellie J. Croft. Defendants. To Charles Kimsey and Clara Kimsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey, his wife, William Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife, Rich ard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, William Ferrell and Eva Ferrell, his wife. Thomas Kim sey and Nellie J. Croft, of above defe dants. In the name of the tftate of Oregon, you and each of you will take notice that the above pi annuls, a. h. Dennett ana f. f. Msys, nave commenced a suit aeainst the above defend ants in the above court to foreclose a mortgage given them by the above defendants upon the west nan 01 the northwest Quarter, tnesoutn- west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 18 township 1 south range 'i" East in said county. That the relief demanded in the complaint In said suit 1b for a decree that ulain. tilts' said mortgage be foreclosed, the mortgaged properly som.aim tne proceeds appuea to pay ment of costs and disbursements of said suit. to the note secured by said mortgage and the attorney s lees s-t tonn tnerein. tnat me court also decree in plaintiffs' favor a recovery irom (jnaries Kimsey, A. J. Kimsey ano Wil liam Kimsey of seven hundred dollars ($700.00) and Interest thereon at ten per cent per annum irom nepremDer 11, ana sevemy-nve dol lars ($75.00) attorney's fees, besides costs and disbursements of suit. And further decree that all the other defendants be foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in and to said lands, or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as Is equitable. This summons is served Upon you by publi cation ny orner ot Hon. btepnen A. Lowell Judge of the above court, made by him at Chambers on the 22nd dav of Heotember. 189A. and each of the defendants above named are required to answer said complaint on or before the next term of the above couit, to-wtt: the first Monday of March, 1897, or the plaintiffs win appiy to sain court tor tne renei demanded in said complaint. CAREY & MAYS, 78-01. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. SHERIFF'S SALE. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 11 and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for tne voumy 01 Morrow, ana to me directed and delivered, 'ipon a Judgment rendered and en- terea in saia court on the 3rd day of March. 1898, favor of C. A. Rhea. J. L. Morrow & Son (J. Morrow), Henry Blackmail,! Hugh Fields, W. Swagtrart. Thos. Ouaid. P. S. Wllann. Wm Penland. J. P. Khea. T. A. Hhea. Otis PattArann and T. W. Ayera, Plaintiffs and against The ramie nuiei uninpany ot rteppner, Oregon, ueieuuaiu. ior tne sum 01 -ren -i nousann Dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten Dei cent per annum trom August 2nd ltttH nd Ten vouars costs; ano, wnercas, by said Judgment ing described real property, to-wtt: Commenc iv was oruerea ana aaiuniren mat tne loiinur. lug at the Southwest corner of Lot No. Six (6; in Block No. Four (4) of the Original Town ot Heppner, couuty of Morrow, State of Oregon, thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet, thence North sixty (fiO) feet, thence West one 111 iid reu ana ten (nuj teei, tneuce south sixty iiu; iimi mi place 01 uegiuuing, De sola to sails saia jungment, costs and accruing costs. Ill, on the Third Day of October, 1890, 2 O'clock P. M.. of Said dav. at the front dnnr in tne court nouse in Heppner, Morrow county Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest ol the said The Palace Hotel Company in and to tne aoove aescrttied property at Public Auction to the hiithest and best hldrlnr for rn.h In hand tne proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction ot aiu vxecuuon aim an costs, ana costa that may "V. A. Li. M A 1 LHJK. Sheriff of Morrow Cnimtv Orxirnn Dated Sept. 2nd, 1896, 472-Bl. SUMMONS. N JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE H1XTH DI8 . n... cinw vi 'reauii, vuuiuy oi uurruw. t. a, nooiery, riaiuun. vs. fi. E. Jones. Defendant. To 8. E. Bones. Defendant: in tne name of the state of Oregon, we com mand you to appear before the undersigned, nance 01 tne reace 111 Heppner, in said Conn) ,ln flinty nd State, on or before the tilth day ol October. lhiw, at the hour of 10 ol o'clock In the forenoon satit day, at mr offlce In tlin salil town toanswer the complaint of J. A. Wonlery foundrrl on promissory nntps and wherein he demands the sum of One Hundred Thirty-six and AO-Kit) Dol lars, for which sum Judimetit will be rendered sit al nst you If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint. Olven under my hand this 2nd day of Sept k. D , 1W.SJ. W. A. K1CH AHDHON, Ti. - t. ; Justice of the Teacs. Notice of Intention. T AND OKFIOK AT I.A OKAN'DK, ORKOOy, li Hni t. I. IMUti. Notice Is licrcliv lv,.n (l,l the followlns namrd sHtlcr has nU-d notice of his Intcnilmi Ui make final proof In siiiirl of his claim, and that said proof will be made ix-iore county cicri oi Morrow county at nuppuer, urcKon, on October mth, IKlsi, vis: AAni'.i n. ni m it, fl, K. Nn. MIR. for the N'i KKU and KKU RU'U and HEI HV, Kcc IS. Tp 4 K, K K W. M lie names the loiiowini witnesses to prove his continuous resilience uuou anil cultivation of said land, vis: Kred K. Thomea, A. I. M( Kenile. Rnlwrt ueitcr, John w. IJcpuy, all of llcppurr, tire. B. r. W I IX l.N, Kel.ter. Notice of Intention. I ANDOFriCI AT TIIK DAt.I.RH, OKEUOJt ms di it, ma. nonce is nerrhT llvu thai the following named settler baa filed no- wm 01 ner inieiiiion in mass noal ptool In sup port of her claim, and that aald proof will be maos neiore 4. w . Morrow, cnunit clerk, at Heppner, ireron. on tx totier I uh, Ik, vis: MAHIillKT r.MKY, Widow of An helaua af Inn IM. K. Nn. ll.'l. for the lta . and V and SKU NW, Her .TpS, K sr. K. W. M. She names Uie follnwlua w llneaaea in i.rnrs hercoiiilnuous residence upon sod cultlvsilon of, aald land, vis- Mrs Annie liilllam. Jamea O. Williams Prank asm, vavM H. jentllis, ail of Hard man. On. JAa. r. MIMIHK 'O "I. Keilaler. Notice Of Intention. I.AFDOmiS ST TSS PI.I.SS OSSIIOM, autfiisi ti ihys xjjth k is Hskr nr oivkn iiiat nil 1' follow Inc. namwl settler haa UmA n,.iu- of her luiMitlon to aisks Snal prif In sui-pori m nerriaim, ano inai asm pmm will a mad iiora i ..Hint ( lers of Morrow ( oiinlv. ikhim at "eppaer. tre.,n, on aertmr fj, m. vU: H IHiMs till Ml. MlHiHt Vllleol names lha followliif llneaaea to prove ner nininimii, nwt'leora unoa atid culUtallna 4 aald laud, vis Ink Id H. ir.MII, Mrs. D.ld (lrat.111. frank is. vi iiaun, janrti hf. all of Ion. .r .,.,, JAS. r. MiHK. n keiter Notice of Intention. I.tas Orru a at La (is.si.s nttwi. ne4emlar M(h. Mi V'Ti'" t MratBT f.ivrs tmt im i' follow !,. baaMd llr ha S led r. M Iter inianlt.ri, in Mir Snal anarf la saputrl nfSerrlalm and that satd r.if will l mad tl.nm c tail nf M.irmw imnif Hepprwf , lintm, ua irtW( vis . MART 1. VAt I.II.S. are Mary I. Hendanoa, H. R. a.V. lot lha W. Sar 7?,T I llfl a. .i Sba nsaut the follow li.f wllneaaea o pmv ht miiiiinwanwuMs aputl a4 culllisllirtl af ieha Msnhail. William Soralt rimes (tea icy wecua ANderaoa, ail wl M.t .er tneva AttUISISTUA TlilX SUTIVK fatal af Oaa Wallaew, lNnwaa.4 X'tni' ". I s.rl eirea ll.el Wie hf A4 i' aii.!ratla a II.. I ha Wane.. eWwaaed, vera tuu4 an l ! n..!.! . li.e It, A.t W mI, ! l-t lt.e mlf I nart af M Mfvtw .... .. r All ea s.e...( of. ami t a. al ".! t .!, SnwIM nf IfM.ar. wiikia M.M.H. all., IKe Alm ol he I Im ,.f imtt4 INM te4k sf tbf I 1. MS 4. M A . j A Ml, A I. a At I S. i " AlmlHt(iaiili Notice of Inttntlon. Ln litiM it U ' lin t ! Nv'-'"'.! i ma tlll I I MfStST ii!il 1Mt isr I . l...itf nM4 el.r 1. a-rf... M ,4l.liM.I IMII ImI a In m4 a . m anA Ifcai f4 al.l Im w. Wa k. ik. i toniv i lers ef M.eww I w iw.afm X iirtRfaaaaj jig j J nr on The Best g SmoklngTobacco Made The Best ; SmoklngTobacco Made i HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THEHE'S Been a I ED. R. Haa bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Go., and the stock is being disposed of at le de Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Halesnian. ED. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. Giliiam & Bisbee We are not small meD, we are nol irie Largest nercms in ir,s worifl ! But when the people of all the surrounding country arc In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crnckeryware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Darbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water I'lne, Pipe KIUIuki, Htoves and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Wedges, Wedges, (Inns, I'lstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jart, lirsu ltowsre, Plows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Hliuet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Tr ices. W bsvs Oood Ooods at Fata Prices, and Clump John Goods at Chep Johu Trices. MAJN STliEPIT . H 3 to H Do you know what this means ? here are sixteen reasons why you your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish- ngs at T. R. HOWARD'S for every one objection made against it. This should decide the matter. It does. People want fresh goods, neat the smallest amount of money. Huy the best when you can get it at the same figure paid for an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrick's. THE PALACE .1. O. BOItCJ-JKItS, Prop. tMassasnauaaunaMaHU. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars y : W wm : mm pills Youro HOUN D (u Tuko'Em. M To Do Given Avay this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Cenuine am Tobacco You will find one coupon in side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, read thecoupon and see how to get your share. n 1 im 1 1 a ejaweis mi rail BISHOP R. BISHOP, Prop. lbs. We are small men, Xs. IIKiPNKU. OREGON This, that should buv goods, good goods for HOTEL BAK, ITJ J I Lcuvc, No ConUipulion. Carslt.Mllassn lli!lir.n.. Mk i.1- ..r1 M.isi a Tl '? omrosfssil pi t In lb I. ft .1 1 It l .i t. hf wall ffHis'. . rsi ts i-h - i I i;IMh1 Wri'lCst, IXI, Has I ar..aj, fat Tin: Lanca: iiiri: Insukanci: ("o. a m mm a. a a ... . . . . . . ... a a - Nfrtli I sawtrM,i"wk4MM4 a m arr"Kie4 sot Nelwf av lha ( aanf I H 4 mmtrm Mil M arb af E. VV. RHEA & CO.. Proprietors. IrAefW Ik hrp grt-wf r"ll flay M ,m '..A t,, b. m fc.u 1. !. syi. lna lam a l.l and tmaml 4 m N I Hvf nMp4 All fca.l" italv " rar rr Tfim fa ftnw or , , . . . i " "" w-narBwaa, . Ul.il.. Lm A.. m J.a f f.-. '" "SI 1. x m f in s, r Sn. 4 i an. 4 aef mifel W (.'''- Ifoa m Sn ,im ,Me,:M4 evae-nir af la. , " .. .. T , a ' '-al-S !- f S abe'. In n4 eneir ' S U vw 9 . ' ' wjwrw, ., iaMeim.nMnali.ur tm .(.ill . in. inl'irl nn'4 lea f.e.4 II Um J. II Itrvtm faj IK i.f litp ( a. -A km Iks HIVs l-ill rn . , ansSai i I li4 al UYY - . l -i 't H j tee. t , I a lliu a, laviM, ( 'r i f !-( r( fae (.if i !. ). NtM hint !, j Ui:iJNIvK, ORlvOOlV. i -" - f.nivniiininni .-iimrii, afe frreaf , . IS., a I n asi UN