m. f3 I Republican TMet. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER. of Marlon County, S. M. YORAN, of Lane. E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. HOW IS THIS SOURCEt Sleeplessness and Nerve Exhaustion BI 1HFLHI0IQHT0RY Two Gases in Gladwin Gountu, Mien., Glted to the tact mat Nerve Debility can be Treated a Nerve Food SuccessloHy. DO NOT USE A STIMULANT, USE A NERVE FOOD. From the Courier-Herald, Saginaw, Mich. In tbe long list of diseases that human flesh is heir to, none are perhaps more Recently the Salt Lake Tribune, pain Inl than inflammatory rheumatism a supporter of Bryan, published in and its attendant ilia- The sufferer lies its colums a "special" to the Chi- racked with pains that seem almost un cago Tribune which we give below, bearable aud many times even death headlines and all. It has been itself would be a relief. Tortured by , j i ,1 . t pains that seem beyond humnu skill to charged by the partisan Bryan press away or even yalleviBtei tbe wretcU. that the opposition papers were ed Bufferer toBBeB on a bed of pain, hop manufacturing telegraphic news jng that something may be found to which protrayed a condition of release him from the thralls of that affairs in the Bryan camp not alto- dreaded malady. A case of this oharao ., . ,,, . , ter reoently oame tinder the observation gether of the "happy family" char- '7 ' iin , the courier-Herald. acter. One enterprising Eastern whjie he chanced to be 10 tbe thriving Oregon journal has taken the pains little town of uladwin, tbe county seat to telegraph Chairman Jones as to of Oladwin county, Mioblgan. While the truth of these rumors of disa- he beftrd of tbe 0BBe of Mr'- W"1" iam Flynn, wbo Lad been a v.otim or in f .i.i i' flammatoty rheumatism in its worst form is anything but harmony, and is Bnd had eudured nntoid BOfferings from confident of Bryan s election. u. it had drawn her bsnda out of The following is the Tribune's shape until tbey resembled bird's claws "special:" "Gorman to lead. Jones to be retired and a new plan arranged for. Chicago, Sept 1G. A special to the Tribune quotes Senator Faulkner of West Virginia as say- Hhe Lad fallen away in flesh uotil she waa almost a livina skeleton and her sufferings were so great and ooostant that she became a victim of sleeplessness. All of these troubles oontrivod to make her condition most alarming and she be came tbe viotimof hallucinations, seeing ing it is definitely settled that ,e"ibla thing, and fancied danger, every a i- r - :n . i . where. oeimvur uoiiuau win iu uuu Then, at a time wben tbe most serions time be at the bead of tbe demo- consequences were threatened, she was cratlC campaign committee, induced to try a moat remarkable reme dy that had cured one of her friends and campaign 'Chairman Jones will not formally rcsigu,' he said, 'because that will cause demoralization in the party, but Senator Gorman will be at the head of the campaign work within a fewdnys. "The first thing Senator Gorman will do, will be to put a stop to the retir platform speeches of Mr Bryan. It is doubtful, too, whethor Senator Teller will make any speeches in New York, as Senator Gorinau regards that state irre deemably wedded to the gold standard. The great fight will be rendu by Senator Gorman in the Reoently, while a representative of tbe Courier-Herald was at tbe thriving Til lage of Gladwin, Oladwin oounty, be beard of a case of this nature and that it bad yielded to a abort treatme'nl with a celebrated remedy, tbe name of which bas beoome a" household word in every hamlet, village and oity in tbe land. Tbe victim of this unusually severe case of nervous trouble was Ransom Simmons, an old and well known resident of tbe village. His nervous oondition bad grown worse and worse, until the slight est unusual noise, or even tbe opening of a door would almost drive him frantic, Skilled physicians bad studied over bis case and prescribed tbe usual remedies, but their efforts were unavailing, and the patient oontinued to get worse. Finally, one day in reading a news paper, be encountered an item in regard to a oase similar to bia own, and read with greBt interest of tbe means by wbiob it had been cured. He at once deoided to try tbe remedy, and did so. As to tbe results of its use, we oan not do better than quote Mr. Simmons own words. Wben asked to narrate bis ex perience, be spoke as follows : "As tbe result of long oontinued ill ness I beoame the viotim of nervous de bility in its most violent form about four years ago. It kept growing worse and worse until I bad become so nervous that tbe least noise around tbe house, or tbe entranoe of anyone into tbe house, would throw me into a violent nervous t THE GREAT QUESTION. . - I A Washington correspondent says in a reoeot letter : The calm, dispassionate, legal-like open letter which Attorney General Harmon made publio several days ago is by far the most important u'teranoe that baa come from tbe administration, against Bryan's anarchistic tendenoies. not excepting the letter from Mr. Cleve land. Mr. Harmon's letter deals exolu siyely with that clause of the Chioago platform declaring Bgainet what it term ed federal interference in local affairs, which everybody knows to bave been aimed at Mr. Cleveland's prompt sup pression of tbe interference with tbe TJ. 8 mails by tbe railroad rioters at Chica go, tbe most creditable tbiog io bis ad ministration, and with Mi. ' Bryan's pledge not to do likewise should be be come president, and a similar state of affairs be brought about again. Tbe following words of Attorney General Harmon are worthy of the oareful study of every good citizen, regardless of par ty: "This in mv judgment, is a far more serious matter than tbe money question or any other question now before tbe people, grave as they all are. Our form of government may survive a wrong de cision of those questions, and the people may end ore for a time tbe evils wbiob result from false systems of finance and taxation, bat if the president baa de liberately disregarded the instrument upon which the United States is found ed, by supplanting the authority of a sovereign state by armed foroe, a prece dent has been made which threatens our form of government, while if a candi date for president may properly pledge himself in advanoe, as Mr. Bryan has done, to do nothing to proteot the prop erty, maintain the authority aod enforce the laws or tbe United States, unless and until the officers of another eountry re quest or oonsent, then we really bave no federal government, for a government which is not entirely free to nse foroe to protect aud maintain itself in the dis charge of its own proper funotiona, is no government at all." Mr. Harmon also quotes tbe resolution offered in the sen ate by Senator Daniels, of Va., wbo pre sided over tbe Chioago convention, voted for tba platform and who is now on the stump tor Bryan, indorsing in the strong eat langnage the president's action in oppressing tbe railroad riots. - Just Received I We have just received a Large Line of Ladies' and Misses Jackets and Capes Io HL M Sty OS after a short time happy termination of ber terrible illneaa was assured. Ask ed in regard to her trouble and its treat ment Mrs. Flynn responded as follows: "Two ears sgo I bad a terrible attaok of inflammatory rheumatism that prostrat ed me utterly so that I was entirely belplee. The trouble was in a very violent form and drew my hands ont ol all shape. It also affeoted my lower limbs, which became badly ewollou aod helpless. I bad bad attacks of rheiima tiam several times before but none ao violent as this. I bad constant pains In the iolnli aud violent headaches. There were aleo times wben I had chills vory severe ami these were followed by per lods of violent perspiration that was ex Rtato nf Iowa, lllinnia. Minnoanta oeedingly profuse and weakened my eoneuiailon, una oniicimru wry uu and Michigan, which are essential to tho success of Mr. Bryan." IIOW OUR GREAT SIlIMSa OWE SCARED EXGLAXIK Under the benign policy of pro tection according to tbe policy of (littcriruinatirig duties, which do. spite every injediment which for. eign cations put in our way lad built op and eteadil maintained in the carrying of practically all of our foreign commerce, the Ioudon Times, in May, 127, thus thunder. OUhly squealed: "It in nt our habit to sound the t.K-hiu tn light occasions, but we conceive it to be impossible to view the rxiolii g state of things Io this country without uioie than appra henainn and alarm. Twelve years of jx are, and what is the situation la Great llritian? The shipping inter?,, the cradle of our navy, it half ruined. Our commercial tnotmpoly no longer f lists; we have cloned thrt western Indies against America from filings of commer cial I if airy. Its active seamen have already engroeeI an import ant branch of our carrying trade tithe I'. t Indira, llrr starred (lag ia now coiiapiounua no every sea arid ill amu defy our tburj. der." And tdraJLUay tha t'olbsl HUti proceed! to rejieal tba batiatiuD act under which the tngnifWtt emveeeee were Wing a4itvfl What fatuous, aye, thai criminal folly! i 8rs4rft tUf It It. UllLLude. c tdd to anj jt the Chicago tick t, jt thifikatliftt Bryan illLa New Yik by ti leas than L'AotO vnUa. me-U a etinng protect (aitiat ti e ft lt ll.u of tl.s ffw ttief I Utfitt M at tbicN and ! fan-l fc iU fr any candidal 1! ia t!, klftj? H rpcr of flej pete. Jvtts lk1b TliatCMtMUftom. tt of hm (rraU if New Vol I, I,m ba skrd t ithdrtw, lie d In I iUb! itkfi osj the t1.ir U(f tm, it ia sH for aboat three moot hi. "Ons day a lady friend wbo bad used Dr. Williams' I'iok Tills for Tsle 1'rople with great beurfit, met my little jilrl on tba street and on learning of toy condi tion advised me to get some I'lok Tills and take (hero. I got a box and began to uie them aooording to directions. After two or three doses I bey acted very rlearly on my oervouura. I bad not lern able to sleep for a long time and this WM begUming to tell on me very vre1r. I baj fallen awar in ll"eh un til 1 was very thin and weak aud my bands were l ardly more than skin and tit. As I said after two or tbtee doers f I'mk Tills tbey began to quirt my oetvotiiiitM, tod I could sleep, I eoo linaed to gain ao that In a few monthe 1 waa again able to be np and do my own work. Ismfreafiom the peine ta the ttoaj and at Digit I eeo gt braltblul and (efrrahlng eleen. TbeM pills bave Jose s great deal of good for me and I eeeaot pk loo highly of them. There are also other taere aronnJ n where they bave bei n neJ and tley bave act ed tNrnrfieially aa they did In my own eeee. 1 rannnt say too much for them a J aay tbeee few wof.ls .f tratimeay In nvtler llal othere who are suffrrirg aa I wa, bia? try Ihrm and get rli-f." aroxysm. I tried medioinee for the trouble, but was not relieved. Finally, I read in a Detroit. Miohigan paper about a cure of a trouble somewhat similar to mine, effected by a medicine known as Dr. Williams' Fink Fills, and deoidod to give tbeee pills a trial. After I bad taken a box of tbe pills, my ner- vonsneHS began to be relieved, and after taking ten boxea of Fluk Pilla I was so ell that I discontinued their use, aod have not bad to uae them or anything for nervous troubles for two yeara past. In my oase tbey acted quickly aod effec tually on my nervous troubles, aod they proved an efficient and reliable remedy Hinoe nsiug tbem I bave recommended them to others, aud tbey bave need them with great benefit." Mrs. Himmona corroborated ber bus band's atatoments and waa earnest in her good words for tbe remarkable remedy that bad been tbe means of af fording bar buaband muoh needed reat, and had freed him from tbe violent net voua debility that bad made bis life miserable. Many cases similar to this oae of Mr. Himmona' bare been noted, herein Dr. Williams Tick Fills bave been need witb eminently satiafaotory and pdy reunite, aod liability to fre quent aud eieeesive nervous excitement has been readily relieved and tbe shat tered nervee built np aod reatored to s normal, healthy condition. Dr. m illiame' Pink Tills contain, in a eotidet.ed form, a!l tbe eleroeots aecee- eary to give new life aod rlobneee to tbe blood and reatore shattered nerves. Tbey are an unfailing epecifie for such diseases as luonmotof ataxia, partial paralysis, Ht. Vitus' dance, eolatioa, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head- eroe, tbe after tffet of la grippe, palpi tation of the heart, pale atd sallow com plniona, all farms of weekaee ia either male or female. Tint Tills are Sold by all dealers, or will to sent poet paid on receipt of prioe, M eeots a box, or lit U'i-e lor 11 So tbey are aevwr eolJ la bulk ot by the .00), by addreeelag Df. WtllUtna' Mr Jieioe Compeer, Ht-neaee laJy, S. T. Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call early and make their selections before the assortment is broken. rr We -ave ir) These Goods Quali ties RangiQg ir) Price fron) $2 to $18. Year Wont Enemy Writhing With the rheumatism is an individual whom, if you have a Chriatian spirit, you would forgive. He ie, no matter wbat bis delinaaenoiea. nonished enough. Noth McClnre I Magazine for October No reader of tbe "Bonnie Brier Bush" storiea oan fail to be iotereated in the ingahortot Tophet could enbanoe his opeoing; article in the October MoClure's. misery. Moreover, he ia in serious peril, j, lg fcn ,coont 0f lHa Maolareu, the The disease is always prone to attack ,utnor 0( those most genial talee. by an his heart and kill him inatanter. As a lnimBte peraonal friend, the Rev. D. M. means of curing this disease, Hostetter's RoMj describing bim as a minuter aod Btomaoh bitters bas tbe highest reputa- p0ipii orator, in which characters he bad tion and me most nuinoriiaiive proiess- beoom, eminent long before he took up ional sanction. Its osa In tbe prelimi- .nthorehiD. aa well as his literary moth- nary stage of tbe oomplalnt ia tbe wisest 0)J f t0(j oareer, a series of portraits, precautionary measure rbeumatio inva- Di0tnret cf ian Maclaren'a several resi- lias oan possibly adopt. The Bitters ia denoeii ,nd i0B1 originl Drnmtoohty also a remedy or tne greaiesi mimy in tjewB uiaatrate tbe paper, malarial and kidney trouble, dyspepsia and liver complaint, ooostipation aod nervousness. It ooonteraots the effects of hardship and exposure in damp or In olement weather, and ta a capital pro moter of appetite and sleep. Give this One remedy the persietent trial to wbicb 13 1Z 3 9ft To the same number Rudyard Kipling contributes one of bis strongeat balluds Other contributions of particular in terest are a remarkably vivid and real account of the Linooln and Douglas de- 1 1 1 I NGLISHanoBUSINSS COLLEGE PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, all medicines of standard reputation are bates of 1868. drawn from tbe peraonal entitled. reminiaceueea of Lincoln's and Donglaa's oonreuiDorariea sod neighbors ; a paper Tni strike and subsequent law- 0f personal obeervatione and recollections lesncBS at Leadville, last week, has of Li Hung Ubaog and bia labors for tbe i;. n.l wrnnaht tba advancement of China, by tbe Hon. . . .. . . m . . ... Cheater Holeombe, wbo for many rears destruction of thousands of dollars o ,od offloi rel worm or property. lloni wiln tb, ,kttoji Mr. Will h.- Low's remioiseenoes of a reception day "For five weeka I lived no cold water, at lbs Frenob Salon, and impreesione oi so to speak." writes a man who suffered Fortony, Dagaao Booveret, Casin, and terribly from indigeetion. other important recent painters; ana. lie could hardly keen anything on bis finally, a paper by Wiiabetn ninan stomach. Wbat staysd waaa't properly Tbelpe. giving bsr recolleotlone of the digeeietl and gave aim terrible pangs. poet Edward Rowland Bill, aod telling a Thla Is not an nneommon ease. Dye- very interesting story of collaboration peptics don't gel enough ooorubmeut. witb ber buaband In tba writing oi tbey ars generally tbia and weak. novels. All of tbeee papers sre fully Tbey may eat enough bat tbey don't Uloetreted. digeet eoougb. Much of what they eat The fiction ol toe ntimoer is ip w me lorrs into poieoo. If this keeps on MoClnre standard; wbiob means that it there's no telling what disease they may is of fresh end unfailing Interest. It in- (ft next. I elude tbe Goal installment or me ab- Tl.afa whi It ia brat to take tihaker thonv IiODe novel. "Fbroen," wblon Dlgeeuvs Cordial, as soon as srmptoms Inlueee la a perfect fl od of engaslag ad- of lodigMlioa appear. ventures; a floe story by Robert w. It carve all tba evils of lodigeetlos, Chambers, who is proving hlineelf one ana prevents lbs evils which lodigoettoo lof the moel striking of tbe yooog Amer- esaaea. I lean atory-wrn, a twwmmut wmm v, Hold by droggiela, price 10 aenUto by Morgaa Roberteon; sad a story of II 00 tt bottle. London adveotare, by W. Tett KWie. EOARDIKG DEPARTAEHT LMIES n 4' :..,; Ti i,tl.. y u.-is . . vr- -'T.'-,i "MoliK I'Uaiueee.leee Roimt" IS th rnotto of thn republican patty. AliloM repuMicana rndoreo tha St. Ioiiia platform without any reservation. TtlMt ia elill nlauhtciing Chriatian. 1 ha citilirM nations hars at.l this thirtt too loDg. national liimctalliara, sinca Mo Ki nicy's tiotinnalioo, baa written another letter io which ha Las dccidisl to support itryan. Tbera are plenty of rccraita to fill Lis plac. Htxlo MlT( ntt L'a xwh, to l-adelnrfcd hua on tha 13lh of Ocbdwr, nhrtuM lricg oultrery toter io Morrow county. Cowaetilt roam tha alrcrt of llepi ner. Will tla new fr.w ordmatice prma Ui l-a a dead lclter, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Linus, !ower Main Street, Heppner, Orpgon. The senllemen are writ rqiilnwl with Ornl. Uriur. Crnk. OlMtata ami other counttrt, and n monry and Unit lu making lh mvIIuik tlb rTtlitig mcu. I'rlrrs In kerplng with Ihf tlmec THOM PSON & INSISTS, IVXXtTMXiT. xtxrxiTjex. lluw bicarn tha dollar lia tgit,tK jr n, ia the ptol.leiu tit -at w ill If settled j ia NotetnWr ly th el.cli -n of MrKiblry. Tni city of Koba, Japan, baa a aipfHl out by flrt and tu. 11.0 I.im of Ufa is i paltintf and tho datnaga will bot fall I low 1,. J 111 Toll' Tntfi MS l.aaUen ch.ieeo aa the dm creWi candt data l.itpitribi'f vt the stitecf New York. J. II. Montgomery, of lVrtlaiid, wta Laa aiitUa Mtetal lettets for tht 0e,,B',, lTnrtic5 lotf. CiMU'Ul HltraLL, of Hath, Maine, president of tha American Merchant Marina Tat Intereat ahown throuchout r,w tha Southern a tales ia tha tariff With local applieati as "' ... , . rearb thaSMtof tbedheaea. Catarrh ia question has cauaej tha American boo4 Mmt9XioMi Md to l'rotcctiva Tariff League to irj Urd to ears It yn ma.lUketaien.aJ rernedtea. Ua'l's Catarrh Ore Is takes laWrsaJly, and sete dtrtetly oa the blood ea4 Baaeune aarfae. U all's Catarrh Cure ie not a ijawk n Jrta. It was prrritwd by oae ef tbe beet phjiiriaos ra tbia amiatry lot teara, and Is a reen ter preeeriplioa. It la enmnneed of tbe beet toairs known, aeabtned with the beet blend puriSwa, a Ming directly oa tbe nnroae earfeoea Tbe ertet aota benntiua at tbe two Ugredtaale at abat pr4ara tmk woadeffal reealis is far taelerk. H-ed tu teetieBoalala, frea. F. J. Cat at k Co, Tmpa. ToMa, OW-s Ui4 by draggiete, ttna TJ SMM. a revised and enlarged edition of Defender lVicutnent Na ? entitled, Tha I'rotectifaTarifl-ita Adran. tat:" t) tha HoutL" With val nabla alditioos on tha aarna sub ject, this documsnt waa iocorpur. ated io tba remarks of Banal TriUhard, of North Carolina, de livered io tba Henata. i fcH iwee kwt Ta le a ere aura foe UeaJaebe sad aerenae tt ae Nliag riMVM ao entrkty. I'of sale by Wells A I arrea. Tearl Mtee, aba eeme oat fmca lows recently for bia healta, la takieg Ctee sew exexnaipltna rare, aa4 l'-lfcf lib the bnrmal efferie ef ear keetwa ra etavMptxre Is feHdlV beieg broagkl to a btt elala at beallb. T-m ItetidwHi wee ef free Davti- l !.i;,,n I,.. ea t4ar m taei. t efwia civeo tna orcamiatioo notlcw llst:,iaiui lln wnteb Too an J l,a ill eo longer actva aa PreaU j JJ' . . . , oa loan e anaaiaaae drm lUGDttjg oa ire ireie; ptatforra and endorurg tba rapttUj licao pticcipl ff tctUo to tla American marine wottldat . b aether, bevic Mr. rwsjl' ac tion , rnie4 tiriik fof tbe Drgo ladwlnal EtptUoa lobe bld at Twtlead. IWpV 15. !.. Aat Hvt el tba U It. A 9. Ov, will II SpWHkJ MMItina tarkMO at the fete ul e aa I mo Wifc fwe I We rwa4 Ue. f B?lf eile fe lea alev t M tbe CieMiw a. taski la all r m int tu Med Huie aeva at ll'pv sa rWpt Xi, Zi,iat. aaaa IS. tWe rwi. UUrlllMJ 1 U. BUCKS! BUCKS! fritter .'m , " ' "" VV''. .si. I Don't buy your Bucks until you sec the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham, hand, of Pilot Rock, which will soon he in Heppner. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. ILlS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . "I U imwmleri.tl, ( my , jmrul. aWA Ike tkwp grrrr rwire 0mf fri frnm K .in a m t . . , . . It krlkrr k tUf ne m4 I mm ( " f anl I 1rt tt-m f M tllim J. Iirytn la la f N p raaf.ilirwe Ike H'ife tilt tor mjir f Jrern . Ie ea Si! fm-mt tm ...M 4 tm t. mi aa, fcvS at- 0 la4 mi k yAr , -mA Ik. I mmt V I X IK t -mmwl z " " r f " - - - - ; 1 a iimI bvrawe t trrt , mmmti fl I P.tw. e4 L-t j 0 n UM thm ll - y ey, Uv e4 kwwal lenWM r4 a f ( a fa r " "7' "TyT " 'T""". 1 by Kat Sve f4"t T. t1 f 'e If I We k U d-r.a. 4 " ' k4fis I wawn, lantwe, vUrpM. t1!'! ftatataj fWaHSe Kafl'e ( i- rae i;,t rr,B nt bl-aat ae l f.. a e(ar at 4 Uaai rnl e.-t iMt-. I-imI. t, vt.iuaww. 1hnt!i(tl irora aa It. C. K A Jt. Will ma t. t!,igi Ws, u,.,, refIU.. It-t-Hisb aUpeea, Biet sa4 .. I ei m,u ftU a tn.ij. IS fai t r,r , tttm M p,ltU- f, thrnmh 6 e!a lpr VtmU U..1 l i ., g fi..l M !., rt H, 1, m4 i........ t..,j.t tim,p,f fv,ijM i at. IH