HMBMaMsaoHBannM TO TUB GIVES THB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. E. ft N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pans. Agt. POBTLAKD, ObIOOH. E. McNEluL, President end Manager. QUICK TI3VXU i 4S fin Isrcmolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhaata ruut of th Southern Pacific Co The RTMt hivhwnr through California to all point Kast and South. Grand ttomlo Root of the Faoiflo loaat. Pullman Hnflat Hlaapara. tteoond-olaaa Hleapeca AttanhM toaipraaa traina, aflnrdinf an parlor aoflomiuoriatiiina for saoonii -class paaaangsra. Kor rats, tinkatii, almping oar ratanatlona. a to,, mil npon or artaraa K. KOKHI.KR, Manaxer, K. P. R0QKE8, Asst. Oea. K. P. Aft., 1'ortland, Oregon -TO THE- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman I'slact Hltwprra. Tnu rial Hlwre and Fr Hevlltilni Cara DAILY Uil'liUago. Chair Many hour aarod via Ihla Una to Eastern rmtiu. STEAM HEAT. MIWICHT PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATItal, JU 11'. BAXTER, Oen. Agent. i'ortland, Oregon. J. C. 1IAUT, Agent, Ileppner, Oregon. tolsntlflo Aaaarletl Agency for caviar. TBaoa aaaaaa. Oleic atst. COaiaieyia SW ln' mll i.1 trmt MaMtu-a Brlla la Ml a tOj mt . haw . f i.a ! f. aminn twamu la mira. .. rMi lh a mii !? u, ia fctiNMttl avlnra aw kuia Uf a a ita U a la aaa lannrlmlln aa, Mutt rr- fa Hni .i4 ...tMir KinMniM a tafinfi m -U i iihw4 il .! ( (m a "Ml ' MMU Ll lMt VT UJ -". l Wxia, a lata cur. ciiiOAno. jnilwaukes & SI. Faul mmu 9 TSM 1 a u ii i V,,.- A Lt 0 W A MP- All s tW V Glanco at this Map la t e4 Nit Rail at iM iwai ii imm iia m !l na. '! li- a4 M fa-.l aM a.4. 4 isiia lai 4t.a .t1 wif M aaH eMaat. I la tilrl la -i.l, I ,.(..( ,, il rj. aantla iM ,,.. aim tmm riU.f rtal- awfikc krih aa aa uw na-U taa M l ia a IM la la Mt4 Ii m a l r I Va 1 1. Ml a . i.mi4 a4 m a um laiiW ya-A4ak 1aa at 9 t I iiaai il ifca j f Wf Mi;la " rw a la t h t ill n l(lt4 M'tat, a Sna f I. It t-T. at , I w !, T 4 M, f ui ca! muuomi SUw T I TO-Oa,y These are free lanch days and many a poor workingman or clerk has been glad to avail himself of the opportunity to satisfy ' his hanger; McKinley believes in discouraging free lunch and free soup houses by encouraging indus try thereby giving our people profitable and continuous employ ment McEinley's campaign is no "soup house" affair. In a reoent letter to the manafaotnr- ers Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor ot the Speotator, Ruehford, N. Y., says: "It may be a pleasnre to yon to know tbe high esteem in which Chamberlain's medicines are held by the peeple of yonr own state, where they must be best known. An annt of mine, who re sides at Dexter, Iowa, waa about to visit me a tew years einoe, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they were sold here, stating it they were not she wonld bring a quantity with her, as she did not like to be without them." Tbe medicines referred to are Chamber lain's Gongh Remedy, famous for its oures of oolds and oronp; Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and cheat, and Cham berlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. These medicines have been in constant nse in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. Tbe people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and nneqnaled by any other. They are for sale here by Conger & Brook, druggists. John Bull's protege, Free Trade, is no longer wanted in this country, and will receive notice to vacate on Nov. 3rd. Come over Johnny and take him back. He's the worst brat you ever sent us. Thla la Your Opportunity, On rwolpt of tu reula, cimh or atana, KHDoroiie aHinpIo will tm mnilnl of th ni' ml xnilnr L'ulnrrh and Hay fever Cur (tly'a Cmim Italinl anDtoient to drtuon atrat tli frrat nirrita nf Uie reuimly. FX MtOTIIKtlH, 6tl Warn u M., New York City. IUv. John IUi.l. Jr.. of Or. tit FiilU, Moot., remiumcnilrd Kly'a ( roam Iialin In ma. 1 can ainplia.! hi alati lurnt, ''It ia a loai U cure fur mtfirrn if Uae! nailireotml." HV. Francia V. 1'imiU, 1'aator Cvutrail're. Church, llili D, tlonL Fty'a Crram Halm I the alinolttrl enra fur catarrh ami onntaina no nirmiry lxr any iujuiioua ilnig. frioe, 60 cent. llll an llawa gnatlii. Ill iliM'iiaalnir nrw atnnU and th fart that rtrn Mrll nhii Btril rn are alvtaya I'niiiiiiaT iikmi ilnulitful trrma, thrrt. alory of Col. Cull, of rftoltrr fUi. lm ri'fiiki-il to I iluuntril rrn ty m onl wlilih did not rit. Th rul.incl aa aitting on Ihr rramln of faratia hotel narrating; aom of hi rlrnrr In Turkey when ha went lher lo tlrp roiHra. t. Aa he talked. xitiia aron, Ju.lirf from aome rT""1e Interior rrjrion, allirl .y the group, iMTaalniially furanm niehl and then aaiiif on. hul.ri, .e auil, viith Ihe arriona ure of "-al.lM, and aakid In a .Iritm. alow ml luraaiirrd lonra; Wa Ihe auituii cf Turkey, air, alataie himarlf In hla Intrrmmrar Willi iliatinftilahr.l fnrrl(,' rrar Aa qnlrkly aa If "Ui.ate" rn a familiar la him aa th- word "re- ul.rr." Col. Coll replied: "I rannt aay of iny -rHnn kni1rtlt'. niay Bf Dial rrpiiUIUin." Then aa ,e J"l. C.entiy lUflr-d. rl on mil of raratiol, I l.e iurne.1 In lh fttwp and aaked: "Whal In llm did herrwanr l'trtjt1jr laughed, but lui"i knew- A IMmI kaaaaal. A yoong lad one rJ)r- tn one of IiiUiille'a moal iri-niineii .mn.s. (atat tiial, ami after diu ourainf all Iba U.(.i.a of lntrrt .f Ihe day, mtt I A m I 1 -1 1 I - a . . t . . "u"r lit i nr, ana ail ibat the iaa fwatly aniMije Hh a hlir fa. Inf. 1I I htatrlaa lriwrvl 1 1 1 la la. Ill f i an. I r.s ll.ein l.l hrt, I') InlnMte tirwttr.a a ! K.a tM-y al(n!. ta taken. aram rn la talk, and after tttany a.a fori ll frl her oil I, ai.e lrle. (if he d.r. M t I J.iai .ai.- ii, h'a ah tnrt-el and al I -i h, ,. i,.f , t,t at.all d i If Ihew ..IU k n. trura nr "1k the r-i-rk. h Vrloftel. "Ihey ll ana that a h f. a a.nking fl I tanrla - Arr -Dant. !W I IM .m MgH ta Visaltv (rar-sisn, tta ( mmtfp .f It. Waal, vt lis 1 1, (I . rr. lalaaalala IImImi aa ai.l i aa a REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. Tbe Republicans of tbe United States, assembled by their repreeentatatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification ot their claims to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rnle, earnestly and confidently address themselves to tbe awakened intelligence,' experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles: For the first time einoe tbe civil war the Amerioan people have witnessed the calamitous consequences ot full and un restricted Democratic oontrol of the government. It has been a reoord of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with borrowed money, piled np the publio debt by $262,00(1,000 in time of peace, foroed an adverse balance ot trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over tbe re demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results ot suooessful Re publican rule. In tbe broad effect of its polioy it has precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, dosed factories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and crip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production tor the Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be resoned from tbe hands of those who have shown themselves Inospable to condnot it without disaster at borne and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wbion for 30 years admin istered it with nnequaled suooess and prosperity; and iu this oonneotion we heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism and suooess of the administration' of President Harrison. Till TAB IFF. We renew and emphasize our alle giance to the polioy ot protection as tbe bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde pendence and the foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign pro ducts and encourages home industry and puis the burden of revenue on foreign goods; it secures the American market for the Amerioan producer; it upholds the American standard o( wages for tbe Amerioan workingmen ; it puts the fuo lory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes the Amerioan farmer leea dependent on foreign demand and price; it diffuses general thrift, and tonnds tba strength of all on Iba strength ot each. In its raasooabl application It ia Just, fair and impartial, equally opposed to foreign control and domeslio monopoly; to aeo tiooal discrimination and Individual favoritism. We denounce tba preaent democratid tariff as sectional, injurious to publio credit and destructive to bust oea enterprise. We demand aooh equitable tariff oo foreign Imports which com Into competition with American products as will not only furnUh ade quate reno for the neoeaaary eipen ae ot the government, but will protect Atnrrirao labor from the degradation to lb wage level of other lands. We art not pUslgaJ to any particular allied ate. Tbe q iration ot rale is a praotlcal queation to be governed by Conditions ot tbe time aa J of production. Tba rating and noeompromlaing priori pis is lbs protection eaj development ol America labor and toduetrr. The ouantrv demands right alileroot and tbto II wants reek u ftftirftvirm. W llv tbe repeal of lbs rarlprod ty arrangement Mfotiat4 by tt laal I U publican edrniatalratlos was t Halloa at eelemllt and demand their renew a aed eiiraalo oa orb tarns M will quails anr trad with other nailon renwivs realrieliona hUb tow obatrnct tbe sale ot A men a products ia port of ol brr nantrtoa, and aernr e!atfJ Brkt fw Iba pro.lii't of onr farms, furet aa J fartoria. rrt(de4i sal rrlproily are lata Bteaaateaaf llt l !, pl cy, aa l go a 1 la band. iVavatfalMt rale ,a rkleaaly rek 4..a a tth, and txlh ! N r ealaUial,.), eerti.a f.f atial aa nm.lfi.-ai l.aa ,.Im.l. f ik. KFaaikil .f wLWa) w da 4 pfr- .j . li,linia iLiru ilia ttilllru It r. . . M ....... L. ...... ' " " " j riaH..ia lIH ap d4l laJattrt , f earaalva rai ity Ira. 1 1 n f .f- buoab. We condemn the present administra. tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors each protection as will lead to the production on American soil of all sugar wbiob Amerioan people nee and for which they pay other countries more than 9100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of, mine and field as well aa those ot tbe shop and factory; to hemp, to wool, to the product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection. MERCHANT MARINE We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan polioy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merchant marine and tbe protection ot onr shipping interests in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships tbe produot of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing nnder the Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icansmay regain the carrying ot our foreign commerce. FINANCIAL FLAKE. - The republican party is unreservedly for sound money. ' It oaused the enaot ment of the law providing for the resumption ot specie payments in 1879; since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair tbe oredit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinage of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until snoh an agreement can be obtained, the existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our Bilver and paper currency now in circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe obligations of tbe United States and all onr money, whether ooin or paper, at the present standard the standard of tbe most enlightened nations ot the earth,' AS TO PENSIONS. The veterans of the Union armies de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given prefer ence in the matter ot employment and they are entitled to the enactment of such laws as are best calculated to se cure the fulfillment of pledges made to them in the dark days ot the country's peril. We denounce the praotioe In tbe pensioo bureau, so recklessly .and un justly carried on by tbe present adminis tration, ot reduoit.g pensions and arbi trarily dropping names from tbe role a deserving tbe severest condemnation ot lbs American people. Of B FORKION POLIOY. Our foreign policy should be at all times firm, vigorous and dignified, and all our interests in tbe western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded. Tbe Hawaiian Inland should be col troll ed by tbe United States, and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere mitb them; tba Nicaragua canal sbonld be built, owned and operated by the United Btate; and by the purchase of th Danish ialands we should seoura a proper and much oeeded station in the Wet ladles, 1'be maaci in Armani bava arons d the deep sympathy and jual indlgoa. tion of the Amerioan people, and we ba iler tba United Htate abould rxerciaa all th intl iao it oan properly eiert to bring I bee etrocitie lo an end. Is Turkey Amerioan residents bare bee a . loosed lo Hi graveat danger and American property destroyed. Titer and everywhere American cltliens and American property rati at ba abanlotely prolectej at all basard anJ ai any coat Miwaoi DocTaixa, We rtaaaert the Monro doctrine io IU lulteat i lent aaj w reaffirm lb right ot lb UniUd HteUa to aiv th doclrie effect by rpoo liog lo th ap peal of any Amerteaa t' or friendly intervention la ( of European o- eroachmeel . W shall not b Interfered and shall ol loterler . its th eilaliog pne ton of any KaMpo power la llis hernia; b, bat thoa tnnt n, oa any preieit, b itad4 W bnptful.y look f'arj la lb tvenf. aal withdrawal of !".rion pn Irota tbk hetniepbaxa aa l Uj ll.e ultimate of all Cag'iali speaking rl of tba routined by frao canen uf it In ha. it aula. nun .i.rTha. tr.,m ika km, t ayti,aina It,., aaa ! lJF,aiJa, lb ! i4 IK ltit'4 m.ul. ...l.l .,ik .ik. . l. t i"lli'. ri cnar amFiirss rapia II 1 ha. U.aa,t. ta. r.a,a... ., It-. Vt a alh lib ap aaj aMIirg liw'tn; i il!;m rl . liberty. Tbe government of Spain bav- io IoBt control of Cuba end being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to oomply with its treaty obligations, we believe the government of the United States should sctively nse its influenoe and good offi ces to restore peaoe and give indepen dence to the island. THB NAVY. The peace and security of tbe republic and the maintenance of its rightful in fluenoe among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement ot the navv and complete system of har bor and seacoast defenses. FOItEION IMMIGBATION. For the protection of the quality of our American oitizenshlp and of wages of our workingmen against tbe fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended aa to exclude from entrance to the United States those who oan neither read nor write. CIVIL SERVICE. The oivil servioe law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBEE BALLOT. We demand that every oitizen of tbe United States shall be allowed to oast a free and unrestricted ballot, and Bucb ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. - . We proclaim our unqualified condem nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous practice known as thelynohing or killing of human beings suspected or oharged with orime, without process of law. NATIONAL ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation ot a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust the diffeienoes wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. homesteads. We believe in tbe immediate return to tbe free homestead rolicy of the Be. publican party, and urge the passage by oongress ot tbe satisfactory free homestead measure which has already passed tbe bouse and is now pending iu tbe senate- TERRITORIES. We favor tbe admission ot tbe remain ing territories at the earliest praotioable date, having dui regard to the interest of the territories and tbe United States. All federal officers appointed for territories should be eeleoted from bona fide reei- dents thereof, and the right of self-govern- meat sbonld be accorded as far as prao tioable. We believe tbe citizens of Alas ka should bavs representation in the congress of tbe United States to the end that needed legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TEMPERANCI. We sympathize with all wise and le gitimate effort to lessen and prevent the I evils of intemperanoe and promote mor ality. KIOIITS OF WOM IS. Ih Republican party is mindful of lb risbta ot woman. Proteotlun of Amerioan indastrie include equal opportunities, equal pay for equal work and protection to th bom. W favor th dtuwion of women to wider sphere of niefalneaa end weloom their 0'i-operhtion in reeeuing th eoutry from Democratic aud Populiit miimenegemeol and misuse. Huch ar th principle and policies lt 111 t.hnlitiA.M fla I U . I elide. will abid and tbra. DolWei .. . . .. iiiern in orinaiuerai jq.igmeot ot lb American peopl. Confident aiik in in htaiory ol oar great party and la th JliallC Of our CU W prant Our plat- form and onr osndidalaa lo th full that th .lection .ill bring Victory lo lb Republican pHy and prnaperily to lb paopl of lb UuiUd Hlale. DlsnASI'-) OP THE HKI!f. Th liitma lulling and smarting Inrl-lU-nt W ecrriiia, WW, aall-rheurn, and other Ji- sm ufili W us I insuntly aUlavl by aflrlng ll.smlerUin bj hkm UiMiiiM-iit Many vrry baj cmw bar Ua prrtiianrntly nirrd hf it. It U equally ifu imt fr iu hint 'if.-a and a favorit rn f.,r t nlpj l; rhut )J hat la, cbil lilalns tr-M bil, and rhmnU) nr va. I ft aal by dnicguls al H cvnta ptr boa. Try Ir. Tady. radltloa rwVr, tW r jiiM a hat a hnra ttmls bm in bad mmii. sfcuv, l.mir. bluwl (Hirtlarr and vcrtuifuga. For sal by Coaeer k Irck, dra( gUUI ta iha tlr Haah. A rrrtain Alilnti rrrisirr In rhan- rry ulra flraa rarvh aa . nrr nf ah 'roil j ;rrrntly In alatiiig an aa lin.t.r athrn lh VtMlrtir ! 'Ht a lrr iardity rf cr t-r' , d to j Ja-m.tT had Uv t . ( ! i; t a aptit, whitMt dyiy I l.i Ure It la U.tMifT, i' tr f t ai.i.i.ui,.- I , la Jrf i.inri a ti'.Uft: "Hi ,r, ..ft a, a. It, i ai d tt. rt .! 1. arp i n IUv a. 1 (f !!, Ui.l,T. I t! It ..iS, l- iinjttal I hat th t! f. n jirt sImh,!.! Umm all tbla mm. lt,rfrf..rr, iiV th plalDUlt wittt tt-a ftri "It I la,ifr.i. (a mm jtt ljmtnt, wKrlr the s'.r. p ra.ii nag CI t l I "? et m.'l . . , . .11 krtkrr it.we twr .. m-i am rr. t ana.f r it raw! rmm "'"" J- ' ' rar.ifM fi II iia) tU aa ffr, tl . MKa U al. al lb !J ata.,1. ril U IU r,a, h a nuBiioiii II 1 K ' AND : ITS CTTRB remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured, br proof-positive am I of its power that I consider It my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C 183 Pearl St., Hew Tort 19- The Editorial and Bniineaa Management of uua rapei ouanntee uu ganeroo rropoeiuoo. f Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-1 Jent business conaucted lor Moderate Ftta. Our Office is OppoaiTcU, 8. Patent Office eand we can secure patent in less time than thoae Prrmnta frnnl Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo with descrip tion. We advise, if natentabte or not. lree of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S a Piufuirr "How to Obtain Patents." with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ' J sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office, WaaHiNoTON. D. C. Cummings &,Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Si J- M. s tn. r., v. & A., r. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. fc P. HailroadB. I AT KM 9a.oo PKW DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., osiiCA.a-o. iLii. d "srw W T rVW 1 1 2.U. b. UU ... PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? . THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new vV law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It f(; to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present f your claim' at this present time? . time you appiy. now is me accepiea nour. v nv orWrite for laws and complete information. No Charee for advice. (3 No Fee unless successful. '. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, fa 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. C) IT. RThle Company U controlled ty nearly ens Otoueand leading ncss. () papen in the United Sluice, and it guaranteed by them. TFSITjiTJS Attorneys at X,cixv All bnsinee attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Nolarie Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. : i OEFPNER, WHITE COLLAR LINE, in I.ivnroM Purpnt nnnI M. hi ii u (mil I Steamers TULTDONE, BAILEY L,,.0fwA,,,rJ,lfM,.Dtc A.torl. Ilwaoo. Long Deaeh, Ooee- lwk tui bctta. lirol oonnrotioa w.tb Ilwaoo alaamar rosa; biso at looog s "I 23 XL. 33 I l Porllsnd T A. at. iHlly, (srapt Sumlay, I H A.lTlari'V ' i-nniann r. i-auy. U 0JL J-.tirfH PUDd.y q4 aV V TTfJ JA tv t ".aXM. A. a, a..0H.f., r K. as llaaro Wr4alaf and frl'lajr at 1 M A. M. Oa aoaday nigtil at r. M. Eat CbfrW Is PaiM Dfitiutioi M hkia Frti ftf Imm tot Utetr. IM. Comfort, risaaura. Travel oa h Essls; Ule It to Advertisers .it lice. ou need it in matter of li!inos vc 9. 1 r ... ar - fc a"aaV A 7 V The comparative valae of tfceMtwecards Is known to moat parsons. They Illustrate that greater quantity I Not slwsys meat ta ba desired. - Tbaaa cards express th bcneflelal qaat Ityof ; RlpanS'TabuIes 4a compared with any previously knowa DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripana Tabnlea : Price, so cant a boa, Of druggiata, or by mail. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue M., W.Y. WANTED-AN IDEAri. thing to patent f Protect your ideas : they may hring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKR BUHN & CCL, Patent Attomeys, Wtatnogton, The regular subscription price ot tba Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and th regular price of the Weekly Oregonian , is $1.60. Anyone subscribing lor tba Qazette and paying for on year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 13.50. All old sub scribers paying their subsorirjtions for one year in adyanoe will be entitled to the same. New Feed Yard. Win. Qordon ha opened np the feed yard next door to the Qazette office, and now solioits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. . Price reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf -T-ST- WV m ra ar w-at-m M V cKJNiVltiN 1 1 is ... A Your pension dates from the (f v y i OREGON y , ,ii ui CiTZERT AND OCEiX WAVfc usy wits cteaabor IUIlroad. " 1-T - TsT Tn Leava Aiiorta T t. M. Pally, ae4 Sundaf. C3tJJWimTW Halurrtay nlrht. Mot4-.. Hun4.y big tit, T tf. M. w"m41'" mmwmm am a m i hi II U f..a.4aa. i aat.TV.II. a tit Tdoftwio, ailr OaUart and Oraaa Wit. For'tho Curo Oa Liquor, Opium vi Tobacco Habits It la orai4 al fcaiaaa, Oraga, TU HiM Veautiftl Ton en IX (W Call al IKa n.isrr aaj Ina aarUralar trvttt miuai. Traatataal rvaisaa4 aar ara. OUR STOCK. OF a a . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD I lun 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 rent finnncial "sacrk vour I)usincss, .md .is ,1 must fell it. 4j aaitl ia la b U. Tfir PAHKRfON riTM5MI.N0 Co, Crf trl ShsMba t 'ri14 ( i. f - l,ir rt.,r j -a f , f fr I-!'' U . t It. ramiirs) aa al ) ..I.ll, Vtk