SEPTEMBER JSUNlMONlTU EIWED THUlFR iLSAfT '1 fiUlu Where They Met. McKiuley Bit , with Napoleon eye, Bays "Bryan I it's drink some Linwood B We meet aB fr lends, my words are few J1 v I hope they d on't, dear Brian Bore lT . And Bryan sa ys, in a joking mann '.. "Iwonaerift Imt'swhat'sthema' s That's horse and horse, you fr -r with Hanna U7I T iw roitt. T am Vft -illV FClier Thn i.iv a-.-avnlv hnwed. "" o Teller wd they winked an And tUoy drs' nk some Vl al V. Pre Be,rere 8ftloon' E- n 11 1 .1 1 D "ore good Liuwood Rye. PTirj!apAT1ONS Time wintjofbe allowed anyone after July 1st. All Arsons failing to pay by itbe lOth oifltf-jh month hereafter will be mtoff. fl'jiPPNER LIGHT & WaTEB Co. FREE TRADE PRICE?. Buoks for sale-30 floe Merino bucks; : 20 Oxford tirades. Eoquire of O. E. '. Farosworth. tf. THE LATEST STYLES. Mrs. M. Le Bnlister, tbe Heppner milliner, has just received a large and complete line of the latest style fall and winter hats. Intending purohasers should oall and see the fashionable dis play at their earliest convenience. olB. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. Unparalleled Inducer jents I On Sept. 24th, ooly, I wjh Beu jioket, to Portland and ret,ur0 8i the extremely low rata 01 h.t, for the found trip, tickets good to on that day only, and parties must leave Portland returning on tbe nighr, 0 the 28th, reaching bere tbemornl og0f the29tb. No reduction W JW'.drea. J. 0. Habt, Agent. if ta tmmvtcriai, tn my judgment, rwhetlier the sheep grower receives any t benefit from the tariff or not 1 Whether he does or does not I am for . free wool Extract from speech of vtlliam J. Bryan in tlie House of Iiep : resenianves wnen ine iv uwn oul was under consideration. Olobe: Tbe Mitchell Monitor learns that Nate Buird, of Antelope, who was recently married to wealthy lady of Urownsvillo, Lion county, has just fallen hair to f 10,000. . Nate is a brother of Mrs. I. A. Henderson of Beeober Flat, and was formerly a prominent bastuess man of Arlington. Cards are out announcing the marriage r ueorgia Anna, ianafbtr ot Mr. and Mrs. William O. Nourse, to Mr. Harry W. Powers, all of CbKjuirn. at 8 o'clock Wednestlsy evening, Oct. 7, 1W6. Mies Nonrae is 'cousin of tbe Patterson brothers, and indeed an estimable, talent d young Isdr. For Dyspepsia sod Llarr complaint yna bave a printed "laraisfse on every bottle of Hblloh's "VitairW. It never fails to oure For ale try Wells A Warren. "Vou can bet your last winter's duds that this fair Is no "frost," Cut Jack Frost Is one of the boys that comes around annually and no mistake. E. W. RHEA & CO., tneuessefS ! Wb ill I rpi jot fur fallsat dfaes agalest Ibe (stmws of tle Fmel fallp. Hera lie el wiaUr eloibisg yo sr n Mors, aaJ at ptvae sy iowm. Tins art pretty laugh 1st fow toy h'u yea gl bargaias, sa"l yoe ? Call on E. W. RHEA & CO., at tbe First Nafl E. 1. n. ttrctits. t f tA SJa., Here and There. -. The Heppoer Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 37-tf. Geo. Ely and from Douglas. mother are np tod a O. O. Curtis, of lone, was one of He pp. tier's visitors yesterday. Much local news . of tbia week wu orowded out for next issue. Mrs. Geo. Goneer has recovered fr ibe indisposition of last week. Morrow oounty la be ing favor Jl wav some floe summer weather agai' - LoydCoohran. represents -houses, was in town over 8 44 Raoes tbis fall in Hep 1 1 .; rectors bave me. and so. Ced. Drink tbe celeb . . . whiskey On tn - H, Gutte ir itrin Rrrt-fttwr'. New invoice . . , those who w Jfraa spices, for C. Thonip A ,fBt blass tYrtroles, at P Company's. 2c. from ,frtld Mitehell got book g0. . Grant ounty Sunday. They did j4 work for the Maooabees oyer there. !&r. L. Blttuaenthal and Hon. H. Black tftfin oame up Sunday morning from below. Mr. B. left for Portland yester. day. . Fall weather brings oool weather, cool weatber calls tor winter olothing. gee E. W. Rhea's line ot goods. Ad in this issue. sl8-lm. "White Squadron" Mocha and Java roast coffee, tbe finest to be obtained at any price, for sale by P. (J. Thomrmnn Company. 2t. Mrs. Bert Simons aconmnanind har father, Mr. Thad Armstrous. on his journey home ward Oeuterville, Wash. last week. 'Ayoca" Roast Ooffea. 8 lhs. for 1 nn the best ever sold iu Heppner for tbe prioe. For sale br P. O. Thomrnn tin. Call for sample. 2t. T.-M.: C. L. Grimes nassed thrnncrh tbe city last evenintr en ronta tn Port. land, from Heppner, with 13 carloads ot oeer oattle for the local markets. Remember the daily services now be- ing conducted at the M. E. cburcb, Bonth, under Evangelist Ross. Services at 10 o'clock a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Gome and near him. Abe Ootette office was the reeininnt yesterday of a pleasant visit from Revr. Ross and Howard. In the language ot ye "otd fashioned quill driver. "Come again, gentlemen." Robert Eriok has closed up his Arcade stand and moved over to tbe City hotel, rjavmg purchased tbe Tedrowe plaoe. Bob is always glad to see bis old friends Call on him at tbe new stand. . Don't overlook the faot that Senator Jobn H. Mitohell will speak in Heppner, Uot. idtti. H-very voter of Morrow oounty should oome out. Bring along your amines and sweethearts, Large invoioe of ax bandies. Dick bandies and sledge handles, just received direot from manufacturer, at pnoee low er than ever before known in Eastern Oregon. Oall and see tbem at P. Thompson Oo's. 2t. Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old- timer in the tonsorial line, baa again locatad in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Ntt was a mora arlsvont wrong done the farmers of oar country tbu that so npjustly Inflicted daring- tba past thro roars aooa the wool growors. A lthoagh amoag oar most useful eltlaaas, their In toreita hava beea practically destroyed. SIcKlDley's letter of aooeptaaee. From all accounts Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is a Godsend to the sfllioted. There is no advertisement ab int this; we feel jnst liks saying it. The Democrat, Carrolltoo, Ky. For tale by Oonser k Brock, druggists. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday, Shortest and cheap est route to tbe interior. Uonser Brook, agnts. noo Walter Pieroe,of Pendleton, will address tbe oitissns of Heppner aad violoity on tbe political issues of tba day from derooo ratio standpoint, at tbe opara boose next Moolay at 1 o'olnok All are invited to came out and bear him It Saves lives Kvery Day. Thousands of cast- of Consumption, Asthma, Uooghs, Uolds ana (Jroap are cored every day by ribilob's Oure. For tale by Wells k Wsrren. Be prepared to receive - him by calling on Hottom a SiNtA. BqqK CorQcr. W. ntlEA & CO., Proprietors. rt .J! Cs.pte, maeech. The Gssette t ntlt thit it ha, no, ,h, time nor spr ta tiVe JaJ(ie Cap,M, Heppner lfmJth ot Utt 8l,urd.y in fa 11 -traod effort. "r," U speaking- began nnmerom Dr" &iative gentlemen of this locality A ftnto the stage and oaenpied seats A konor (during the address. It was (rdticed that among them were several democrats who will support MoKinley tuts year. The exercises began with the singing of a solo, by Miss Elise Bartholomew. hioh wk libcrelly applauded. Hon. J. N. Biowd, as ohairman of the meeting, tbau presented Judas CaDles in a few ppropriate remarks. The judge talked about one boor and a' half, and every word he uttered went straight home. It was a plea for better conditions, happy homes, a prosperous people. He said the mouey issue was not tbe real isrus at all aud that it Bhonld not have been brought into politioes that it was pushed forward as forlorn bope of tbe popoorats. He nrged the people to unite in the election ot McKiuley 'so that a protective tariff law might again be passed and that patriotism might once more reign. It was tbe hope ot tbe Amerloan people, the speaker said. The entire audience arose at the close of tbe speaking and sang as one person the patriotio hymn "Amerioa." after which Judge Oaples proposed three oheers for MoKioley which were given with a will, and a "tiger to boot." Judge Oaples' addrsss made votes for MoKinley in Morrow oounty. It strengthened tbe weak brothers and gave freab courage to the "old vets." McKiuley Club Meeting. On last Saturday evening the MoKin ley olub, of Morrow county, held their weekly meeting at the opera house. The program was interesting. Mesdama N, Brown and F. E. Bnrholomsw an instrumental duet, and tbe campaign quartet sang one of their ohoioest select ions. The first speech ot tbe evening was made by Hon. W. B. Ellis, ot Heppnar, congressman from tbis district. Mr Ellis made a most exoelleot effort, bt - iug in tbe main a pursuasivs appeal to an repuDiioana 10 unite and vote as one for the magnificent principles of the grsnd old psrty. Everyone was pleased with Mr. Ellis' effort and indeed it was ortby of oommendation. Judge Caples closed with a stirring address which kept the au iieoOe Id good humor, and at tbe sams time fired vol- ley after yolloy of telling shots into ths rsnks of the opposition. He dosed with his chearso tenet io three cheers for Mc Kiuley, and the olub in return gave three cheers tor Judge Oaples. Hon. Ben Selling, of Portland, wat called upon for an address, and though in town, a previous business engage ment prevented him from being present at ths meeting. Ths Ladies' McKiuley olub, ot Mor. row oounty, was usbered into existence with a goodly member bip, nearly 90, on this nooasiou. It is offioered as fql lows: Mrs. Eugene Oilman, president! Miss Annie Bdtiger, first vice president Mrs. H. K. Uartbolomsw, secood vies president j Mrs. W. W. Smead, seoretsry) Mrs. Nellls Hlooom, treasurer. Tbis olub will meet at tbe opera house next Hstorday eveniog at which tims an In teresting progrsm will be presented. Bsrprlss Party. Quite a number of Miss Bertha Kins man's yonog friends surprised her, at tbe residence of her father, rJam Kins man, In South Hepyner, on last Friday tvsoing. Tbe eveniog was passed pleas antly in games and social conversation, ending with an elegant looob not at all one of Ibe unimportant features. There were present : Gertrude Bishop, Earl MrFarlaod, Edetb Vanghan, tlepp Dr uiackman, fclale Ayere, Garfield Orswford. Bertha Motlock, Epdie Kins man, Bertha Kiosmaa, Ralph Bishop, Katie Blabm. An Lis Mathews, Zjs Pelterton and 0ear Borg. Mies Dertba Isft on last evening's train for Portland where she will attend school this wloler. fat LeSlea Ualy. The attention ot tbeladiea at npp- nsr is called to tbe fact that alias P. R. Smith, Dep. Sap, Com. of lbs Lady Mae- eabees, will give a tpaelel talk to ladies oaty at the QU Fellows ball, la Hspp oer.oQ Saturday afleroooa. He ft 341b, HSo'elork. Free to all. A Ilivs will b formed at the eloea of tbe masting. The eharUr list le now being form!. If yea bave not givva Mrs. Mitchell, the oranitr, yoor aama, do so el once. Call at roots 31, raise boUl. T Us RfBsaaf Mlaa. Tea srs harsbf sbs!l0ad Id Bast tbs M'wrov Coast bins Is (a as of baas UII lbs lUfptjar froooJs, Hstorda sisrsoos, rWiyt 3S, i. bj oid of Joss U Tss,Capt. Jas llitr, Uo(r. tar Wmn taaasj W rlUtaf With lbs rbaasAslra Is as (ndltalual bom. If bars Christ laa si-inl, o said torglT. U K M tjisiiaf mM bit dallBSatlSiaa, paatsbad saouf b. Jlo4b in sWt of T"ibt sos Id tvfasoM bit tslar. N ootM, bt kS U ftoM oaftl. Tbs dtaaaao is alas; 1 p-9 a sitae I bit bad s4 lill bias ItsiaaWr. As aos of rria Ihlsdisaaas, UaslHlaj'i HisMb bliurs bas lb btgbM rof Ik sod lb tal OalbofltaMf Otafvaa. Inoal ssarlino. Its sm la lb alalia I. tar I la r-i lot tnsaplaisl I to praaaa tf aarr ajaasur rbaaasalt tats- UOS a OnSalblf Sb lyl. TUs IlilWt (S Sla rswa.lf f b ftMlrsI klilitf U anal art al and lidof, dritolt ad lirvf viajs'ttet, aaitiH.o Sad OafBtMt ta a. II Oasalaraats lb ffS JL.JLi.A . . '! cna, I. lriV Of !wiarriirpriy rrii. a,e,4s,,-..t. .ad t f.o low lit j l'll??mZ u JZZ k, L f W t ,u,t f,m .L',, ,n' .a aty lb. -,a,...H ,l, .awk . , , J 7 1? , ,','" U J .. fA, II. L f tt.Jl 1 aUaaW.,,! ! ftlalH a. ''!""r0 TL "r."7. Ln friMJ sum -4 This is the complaint of Eat thousands at this season, They have no appetite; food does not relish. Theyneedthetoningupof the stomach and digestive organs, which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It slso purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an Appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds np and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervons headaches, that it seems to have almost " a magio touch." Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. ri'ii ftre the best after-dinner IlOOa S PUIS pills, aid digestion. 2M. A PLAIN STATEMENT. The following is an excerpt from a speeoh delivered by Senator Mitohell at Yeronia, Columbia county, recently, which ought to set at rest all doubt as to the senator's position on the two great questions of tbe hour. Tbe speech iB too long to publish in full, but the portion here quoted contains a few thougbta worthy of serious considera tion: "Is it entirely olear lo you, my silver friend, as an advocate of independent bimetallism, that it oannot be maintain ed in tbia country in connection with tbe enforoed polioy of free trade, and when entirely divorced from the polioy of pro tection? While I, personally, following the platform of the republican party in this state, npon which the legislature was eleoted whioh appointed me to my present term in the senate, have advo cated and voted for independent bimet allism, and bave done so earnestly and honestly, believing it Could be main tained in connection with the policy ot protection, I bave always insisted in every speeoh that I have ever made upon tbe subjeot, -that it must be coupled with a protective tariff, otherwise e could not bave prosperity in this coun try. In other words, 1 bave believed j tbet any good effect that might come from free silver would be more tbsn destroyed by tbe polioy ot free trade. And I am firm in the belief, and always bays been that, without a proper polioy of pioteotion in this oonntry, we can never have-thai decree of nrosnsrllv which rightfully beloogs to ne, whether we have bimetallism or not. Therefore, I believe now, at I always have believed and urged, that bimetallism in Ibis coun try, whether scoured through interna tional agreement or otherwise, must be acoompanied by a protective system, otherwise we will rtmain slaves to Great Britain and other foreign countries, both oommsroially and financially. While I bave argue eerndestly in tbe past in fsvor of independent bimetallism. I have never at it teems is supposed by some, oppot ad bimetslism tbroush internationsl agreement, but, on tbe Contrary, I bave always insisted thai if inch an agreement oould be brought about, it would be in all respects a better sod more sstlsfsc tory settlement of Ibe question, and tuoh is still my eonvlction. And there fore, tor these reasons, la part, I appeal lo my silver friends to sisud by the re publican ticket. k Tut Worth Kaawlas. 0Dsamptloo, La Grippe, rosoinonis sad til Throat sod Laos; disssstt trt eorsd br Hbilob't Oar. For sals br Walls A VVsrrso. UOt Ml) MONY. A srsll known colorsd tsto nsmtd Old side reosntljr tnsds spaaeb io Cbicago follow: TU "bit moo obo btvt IsJksd befur tus bos told yon stool sound most. I dob I boo Biirh sboal Btoosf 1 tio'l bsrdlr sos sou sloes lb dlmjcrsts tol do, lb Uriff tod tbt rt, sod nsds sllkiods of stork srso. Hal iUOId UsydB 1 opieloB Ibsl Ihsrs slo'l 00 too tba! o't tboed, oolaa Its soao- Urlski. A f fas bark's soond 03007 sod t silver dollar, sod tv't fivt dollar cold piar. Asd lb rspabltPSB psriy mads Va toaod. I dua'l ears Botbiof tboot roar surroer tlask. Wbsl I ear tUiol It work bo Ibsrt Is pWoty of work I bar Is plsoir of Bo sy-and II s soood bov oban yon $9 to boy r"xti od ttoff ltb IL Blks'sb Kt&tolry bm proUrUoo; rft. itloo U-aao l,ly of work. plOty vl u.ury. Tby 111 b Ibal Old iiay d't Boat Isr dinytrsl bov, 'sses Hit rscoblirass U fur t"ld Booty. Wall, I sjb'I gold BAy f Urn 1 I ro; If tby it tAtt pf b la rlj (1 1 all ilsbt Jt a lakt g44 at t f-bl I caa'l tt barber told Oof silver It boa I anfk. Tba teUiPM platfoB Sjs,1if UldUaidsa ok" Ibal't bal say. H al's akst pnf bNiloa Bso. Wba tlsrrasoa as L4m.1. sad lb MrKiaUy bill la forr Old UsidV) dida'l l.s ta Idl Biaai. 'fat b i"i ap ia lb Bofa ob aa a ssyi'! Mlsyda. a'l a cnmtaod l t'f 0. t"J) r 4 IU py s ta sd mnt)rfm nti m at I; la' Ml la banks May NmU4 i4 task Is luaif aaf alia fifrfi aad , lb f k qatoiki i oa t- p rwtiu ssd lb awarf aatkHl I a. (,, Otd llatd-a taik I d-s asd ba ll sm Ibsl b past tvy. 7f it tmmtrriut, in aaf l.fAor Ik tkp jrev r r' m$ InlOOtfS SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the Countr of Morrow, and to me rilrertMl end delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en tered in said court on the 3rd day of March, 1896, In favor of C. A. Khea. J. L. Morrow A Bon (J. W. Morrow). Henrv Hlnnkmn.l Hnirh ITIeMa G. W. Swairtrart, Thos. Uuaid. P. 8. Wilson. Win. Penland. I. P. Khea. T. A. Khea. Otla Pattarann and T. W. Ayers, Plalntifls and against The Palace Hotel Company of Heppner. Oregon, Defendant, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten oer cent per annum from August 2nd 1894 nd fen Dollars costs; and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the follow ing described real property, to-wlt: Commenc ing at the Southwest corner of Lot No. Bix (6) in Block No. Four M) of the Original Town of Heppner. Countv of Morrow. Rtute nl nrmn thence Fast one hundred and ten (110) feet, tnence North sixty (fiO) feet, thence West one hundred and ten (HO) feet, thence 8outh sixty (60) feet to place of beginning, be sold to satis fy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on the Third Day of October. 1890. at 2 o clock P. M., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of me sam rne raiace Hotel Company in and to the above described property at Publio Auction to the highest and best bidder for cah in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that mav aucrue. E. L. MATLOCK. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Sept. 2nd, 1896, 472-81. SUMMONS. IN JUSTICE'S CCU RT FOR THE SIXTH Dis trict, State of Oregon, County of Morrow. a. nouiery, naiunn, vs. 8. E. Jones. Defendant. To 8. S. Sones, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, we com mand you to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace tn Heppner, in said County and State, on or before the l!)th day of October, 1896, at the hour of 10 of o'clock in the forenoon said day, at my office In the said town to answer the complaint of J. A. Woolery founded on promissory notes and wherein he demands the sum of One Hundred Thirty-six and fiO-100 Dol lars, for which sum Judgment will be rendered against you If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint. uiven unaer my hand this 2nd dav of Sept. A. p., 1896. W. A. RICHARDSON, 472.85, Justice of the Peace. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, Sept 1, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that i V StllHBr UH IlltJU QUI ice of his intention to make final proof in nupport u.niiu, biiu inn bhiu prirui wiu ue maae hdfnra tha nnnntu Al.a n W ... uvuvi, vicguii, uii vriuuer iutn, low. viz: AAPnM a DHUfiU R. IT.. n. WMll fnr th Niz fiVU JnA KVL QU'iv and QITU MU71 QM in i 3 n - aa A' v. 1 jv, 1 1 O, JV W Et, Yf . M , no names me following witnesses to prove of said land, vis: Fred R. Thomas, A. J. McKensle, Robert sexier, jonn w. uepuy. an of Heppner, Ore. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Aug. 2ft, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed no tice 01 ner intention to make final proof In su port of her claim, and that aald proof will I maun ueiore j. w. ncypusr, uregon, on x:tooer lain. 18, vis: MARORET EMRY, WMn nl lNihal.11. M V. Hd. E. No. 3.121, for the Lota 8, 4 and 5, and 8KU N ViU Sec 6, Tp 6 8. R S6 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence unon and Miltlvulnn of, said land. vl: Mrs. Annie Gilliam, James O. Williams, Frank naru, unviu a. jenains, an 01 Harnman, ore. . JA8, F. MOORE, TO-ai- Register. Notice Of Intention. Land Orrics at Ths Dalles omtanx, August 12. 18!, VTOTICE is HKRKBY OIVKN THAT THE I' lollowlnS-named settler hu nliwt nnil o( her intention to make flnal proof In support in nor vianu, anu inai snui proof win te mads before Countr Clerk ol Morrow Countjr, Oregon, at Heppper, Oreion, on Heptrmher 1, IR, vis: mks. UOKA YUUNU. nee 10K WIIjm)N, Hd. E. No. Utt, tot tba tiK Hee 80, Tp 1 B, R 24 K W M . 8b names ths followlnn witnesses to prove her continuous resilience upon suit cultivation ol said land, vli: David H. Orahill, Mrs. D.vld GrablU, Frank H. Wilson, Jacob Kees, all ol lone, Oregon. JAU. tf. IIIMIKK, 4l-7 Ueglster. Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrics at La Dbaum, Oasnos, H..titiiiil.r lilh tMttft N OTtPK IB IIKRKBV GIVE N THAT I lilt flllloWlllB'-nsllieil aa(lllr hS Hlart nnllxa other liitenlliiii to make dual priwif Iu support nl her claim, and that aald )riKif will lis mad nelors homily Clerk, of Mnrmw Countv. at lloppnar, Ort'son, ou Ovtuber Hrrt, JH'.Ki, vli: M AKY i. VAl'UHAN, ntt Mary J, Henderson, H . R. Ko. 6.W, tor ths N WH. See 27, Tp 1 8, R 2? It. Vt'a M. Hhe namfSthsfollowlns wltneasrstnnmv her continuous mldtucs upon and cuitlvatloD ol. aald laud, vis : Jnhn Marshall. William BarralL Elmer (led- try, Martin Anderson, all of lli'ppner, Uri-non. 47ti. fl. r. MlLrtON, Hrislr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. VOTlrR la hereby alven thai th anaVralsnt il has lKn aMliiinl and ronnrmnt b th t oumy i iin 01 snrmff eouniy aa eseruur of tha last Mill end Testament nl Mm. H Crxllrt, nereaam. an peratm Iisvlrif Malma Klnt "Id drreaaed hereby riilrad lopmKiil the me in in linlerl(iiM Unruliir at IMvldann SKaitoSJi-a, In aald county, with tin pnipar Vourher. aitiiinsii monibs fnmi data harvof. a led at llrppnrr. Or., this 'lid dav of Sent.. 4. It. Bas, Ally, lor Ksarubir. 7J l. . w. 1 n A I'll a. Klerlllor. NOTICE TO TAXPAYEIlS. N TI( f ta hereby ivea that tha Board of Kuualtutlon. of Morrow I ouutr. Uraa. ill mm sna court huaa la llpiiirr M'tnday, naplamlwf ja av and catitlnua la amlon oua ak. All praoiis alahlns to Miaa rh.nn. la thalr aasmwenta aiiial (p. vwr inq aouw nuah 4 . r i I.I in. Aavasur, tirppner, Aufisl H, mt. Int. ADUISIHTRA TRIX NOTICE. ratal f rka. Walla. Uacaaaad. VT"TrU aaraby sivaa. that Mlare of Ad A aili.lHrallc.a aa tha aalalauf I l,aa Wsllaia. dar.aai d, wara iranUt la lha andtgn4 aa lha r ta dav M Auauat. la-SL ba tha I'mihla I oarv of Mnrmv runy All paramt aa'lnf claim again aald aalala ara rilrat ta hll.ll thai Ut mm bf allnr, al mt hoMa, aiil i aillaa antiih of llettnr, alililn all tmrnthm alto, lha data of U.IS aotk of tfcay ian w i..rvar iaifrat. Iki n day af A . IM AsiuAi. wai i ai r. San. AdnlMMlralrls. Notice of Intention. Lias Ovru s at La raoa. ii''( a. i VoTt'tu aystsr i.)r iitT tni 1 uimH Mllri ku fwl Mir. 4 aialnlMiioa tt aasa Snal f.'4 la tnptt al saiiaia. aaa taai a. 11 .r.-4 alii m aia I h II,. I nalilT I laS trf mrnw fa, I tfvyrt. at Hafpaar, (ma, aa NoveaahMlit, !, m DAVID M t Uil 'IN. "'MM lhllll".Hi an (. tht SVa 'v s p Tala I a a r kt Ha aaa ta f- itoalng alia m a In ana a la aniinaat nat'WM aa ai"t t tt.lttalWe a4 aatd land, tit iM. laaaa Wal H'i(l Jottany k.nUa. aa Patlila, a. I af Mi I tat. B k IIJ"ili . kafMay. urrtiN ur. Iirry t . s Ativrstini at ri-rn av fl, aaa. 'v f baa. Nat.. aP faaa llllaal U MH, H'S I W Wfcaa aaillaf M.antaa4 Iwt IMaa .ttmt ftiaaas say r iiw.aa, r si llrpf t I'aadiaf'Ni via ll.r py I'sltalMaf Ijoa, 'rsas daotrn of Vtsiliag I'aadlaio se sav llrra an fSKHaay .y laklaf ll,t mala. y ejaalittioc lb saat th pc(His svsa lag lb 4a' atll Bak raMM ll I '(lark irata at f'twt l'lMno, IKT.- 4 (Sly Hg M.a. W. l. .ai. irpnfcf. "I It laiawtfrytoJ. f i laaf I i . .. ' -1 aaaaiaaaaa BLACKWEIXS Mi l n7 6ENUJNC DURHA1 M yrs Tow will find on eoaposk Inside each two onnoa bag, and two coupons inside aaelk tout oanea hmg ot Black wall's Durham. Bay a baa; of this celebrated tobacco acd read the coupon which fl?e a list of valuable pres ents and how to get them. HAVE YOU; HEARD THAT THERE'S. Been a Change-in ED. R. Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at J S ioesae REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. PRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not email meD, he. We are 8m all men, Xs. we me not He Largest iteWs in Hfi Worm I a a But when the people of all the surrounding country are in need of a a a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Darbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe Klttliiics, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, Backs, BtiRRlt-s, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Haws, Bledgea, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rake. Mowers, Tub. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Oct Prices. Ws havs Oooo Goods at Pais rrlees, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. QILLIA.M MA.IN STHEET-' 3L B to IL o aaaBVaVtaMaaflaHtaalaaH Do you know what this means ? This, that here arc sixteen reasons why you should buy your Groceries. Supplies and Gents' Furnish- ngs at T. R. HOWARD'S "or every one objection should decide the matter. It docs. People want fresh goods, neat the smallest amount of when you can get it at an inferior article. HOWARD'S IS THE PLACE. Old Stand, Main Street, near BobKrlck's. THE PALACE J . O. BOBOHEUS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. i -:"WITH 1 : Vouro BOUN Lonvcs No Constipation,. Caras It. a wall as all ItlilMaanaoa. H.f I llaajaeh l Mlafia. Tb aatf maftata shII la to sfl4. K-.ll tf H .'i at at, .j iaio a.(t U f M, fi Mt,U t ll llllNIl-t Ml ll( At. (1. (aa raaiao, ( . Lancasiukk Iksukasck Co. t MAMCMItPIIKMi KNIII.ANM w . ssaan. SEE? Business AH Around? BISHOP R. BISHOP, Prop. & B I SB EE, I1KPPNEII. OHEQON made against it. This goods, 'good goods for money. Ihiy the best the same figure paid for HOTEL BAK, alter BI5IIFIII : FilLS D to Tulcn 'Km. I. ...a, .a 'It (arii'ruiN a. --- -- w-w