Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 22, 1896, Image 2

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    up, dear E. 6.; smite (lie mote oat
of thine own eye before plucking
it out of the eye of thy brother.
Republican Ticket.
For President,
williajw Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President, -
OI New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T..T. GEER, of Marion County,
8. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. h. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
Hob. Bea Belling, a BUM Beaatoror Hal tw
in ah County, Exprcaaea Hit Opialoa
ob ttia Political ttitaatloa.
In the summer of '94 a carbuild-
er and some of his workmen had
la dispute -about wages. Because
of that dispute about a body of
railroad operatives, led by Eugene
V. Debs, attempted to stop the
traffic on all the railroads running
out of Chicago which would not
cease hauling the coaches of this
carbuilder. The result was an
outburst of violence. ' Trains were
sidetracked. Women and children
left half starved and burning with
thirst at way stations unable to
proceed on their journeys, men
traveled at the risk of their lives,
tracks were torn up and cars
ditched and burned, the mails
were stopped, train-wreckers piled
up destruction on roadbeds and
cut out the support of bridges, and
railroad operatives who in defiance
Senator Mitchell, a statesman
who believes that free silver coin
acre is the correct thiDg for the
people, but who is supporting gold of Deb9 attempted to earn a living
monometallism beoause bis party , . ... ,
has declared for it and thefegis- were Ben their death in the
i.in nt nmn ia nvArwlinlmino-. bottom of rivers or struck down
y republican and he desires to be directly by the missies of the mob,
re-elected senator, will speak in The local and state authorities
rendieton on uctoDer a. xnose under the ieaderBhip 0f Altgeld,
who like to hear a man speak who , . u- i u u
.nit.;fiM hinU tnr th baIta nf I the pardoner of anarchist bomb-
office should not forget the date, throwers, refused to protect life
East Oregonian. and the United States governmen
Senator Mitchell is not support had to interfere to restore order
inrr onld monrrniAtfillism when he and put down rebellion. With
supports McKinley. The E. 0. is reference to that action the Chica
nninc' ft stock nonocratio statement Ko conveution which nominated
fnr BfTfint Renator Mitchell has not Bryan and had Altgeld for one oi
changed his views on silver, but Ub leading spirits declared:
he refuses to support worse than "We denounce arbitrary interior
free trade, state sovereignty, con- ence by federal authorities in local
demnation of our greatest tribunal, affairs as a violation of the consti
a platform that all in all, is re- tution of the U. B. and a crime
plete with anarchy, in order to against free institutions, and we
BUDPort independent bimetallism, especialy object to government by
Really the East Oregonian is injunction as a new and highly
placed in a far worse position than dangerous form of oppression."
any believer in the principle of It is to be noted that Mr. Bryan
bimetallism. It has always Baid carefully avoided aoy comment on
that free coinage was wrong in this bid for the votes of train-wreck,
principle, that it was opposed to e and incendiaries in his Madi-
paternalism of any sort. The son Square Uarden speecn. jm.
East Oregonian during the past . lnbune.
The Uazette doos not claim that
Hon. Beo Selling, of Multnomah
county, repabliOBn state senator-elect,
is in town oa business. All tho old
timers know Mr. Selling m member of
the old firm of P. Selling, formerly re
tailer! of Portland. In ye olden time in
the history of Morrow ' county many ol
oar people were wont to bay their sap
plies of Mr. Belling. The reputation of
this firm for square dealing and thorough
business methods suffered not when it
was merged into the wholesale house of
Akin, Selling & Co. This firm, however,
went out of business in 1893. Mr. Ben
Selling, who contributed so largely to
the splendid suooess of both firms, has
retained large interests in Oregon, and
indeed, in a certain sense, is as aotive as
ever. The opinion of snob men, (there
fore, on the politioal situation is worth
something, and with this idea in view a
representative of the Oezette sought Mr.
Selling yesterday for an interriew. It
was graoionsly granted.
'My mission to Heppner is purely a
business one," said Mr. Selling in re
sponse to on inquiry as to whether or
not it had any politioal significance,
Recently I have been o ailed to several
portions of our state on similar missions,
and as one interested in the outcome of
the present campaign I have taken
strict note of the conditions which sur
round us as stats, in a business as well
Bs a politioal sense. Indeed as an active
member of the county league of repnblio
an olubs I am thrown in oontaot daily,
when at home, with men from every part
of the state, and under the oiroumatanees,
and all in all, I have good ppportunity
to form an opinion as to what will be
the result of this election in Oregon. As
to the general result, why that is Just as
good as settled. McKinley will be our
next president.
"The depression which is upon us of
oourse began in '92 when it became evi
dent that sweeping obanges would be
made as soon as the new administration
assumed oontrol. The actual experience
wbioh we have gone through has proved
that our fears were not unfounded. But
I am in a position to know that the bare
possibility of Bryan's eleotion has tied
the oommeroial part of every community
band and toot, as it were. The avenues
of business lead in every direotion and
are tar-rsaohing. This business depres
sion affects the capitalist and laborer
alike no class or oreed is exempt from
it. Wby.I have oonneotioos in San Fran
oisco who Inform me that they have
plenty of money to use it they could do
so safely. These people are as anxious
to put this money where it will do them
Extract from republican National
platform, adopted Jane 18, 1896:
"We favor restoring the early Ameri
can policy of discriminating duties tor
the upbuilding of our merchant msrine
and the protection of our shipping in
the foreign carrying trade, so that
American ships the product of Ameri
can labor employed In American ship
yards, sailing under the Stars end Stripes,
and manned, officered and owned by
Americans may regain the carrying of
our foreign commerce."
Just Received !
Extract from William MoKinley's
letter officially accepting the republican
nomination for the presidency, Aug. 27,
"The declaration of the republican
platform in favor of the upbuilding of
our merohant marine has my hearty ap
proval. The polioy of discriminating
duties in favor of our shipping, which
prevailed in the early years of our bis
tory, should be sgain promptly adopted
by congress and vigorously supported
until our prestige and suprsmaoy on the
seas is fully attained.
"We should no longer contribute di
reotlv or indirectly to the maintenance
of the colossal msrine of foreign oonn
tries, but provide a sufficient and com'
plete marine of our own. Now that the
American navy is assuming a position
oommensurate with our importance as
nation, a policy I am glad to observe the
republican platform strongly endorses,
we must supplement it with a merchant
marine that will give us the advantage
in both our ooastwise and foreign trade
that we ought naturally and properly to
enjoy. It should be at onoe a matter of
poblio policy and national pride to re
possess this immense and prosperous
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
Latest Sps !
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call,
early and make their selections before the assortment is
broken, .
Catarrh Cared,
health and sweet breath secured, by
Sbilob's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
oents. Nasal Injeotor free. For sale by
Wells k Warren.
We Have ir) These Goods 011 Qualities Rangigg rj
Price froxT) $2 to $18.
vear has upheld President Cleve
land in his course, and at the Mr. Bryan is a dishonest man, but ood M peopa to get it, but they
rati) & time has bursted numerous indeed there is a wide difference cannot do anything as long as there is a
hamestrings in its endeavors to between justice and tho plank
show the beauties of the gold printed above, bo fall of state
standard-Dot cold standard till sovereignty doctrine,
bimetallism could be brought about
without risk of loss but tho clean,
unmodified, gilt-edged gold stand
ard. It baa Baid it was dishonor-
able to make "53 cents worth of
dollar." Unlike benalor
Mitchell it has repudiated the
principle for which it contended
Threshing is in full blast.
' Mrs. Lou Davidson is better.
Several showers the lsst two or three
Wheal averages from six to ten bushels
per acre.
Farmers are hauling wood from the
Miss Florenoe Davidson is teaching at
Eight Mile Centre.
Mrs. Msttie Fuqua is teaching at the
MoBes sohoolhouse.
Sorry we oould not hear theleotare on
the lubjeot, "A Woman's No."
All threshiog machines in this neigh
borhood are running cook wagon.
Gardens that escaped the grasshop
pers have some fine vegetables notwith
standing the severs drought
Died At his residence on Eight Mile,'
possibility of Mr. Brysn's eleotion. Just
a short time ago I was sent 915,000
from California to invest, but before I
oould do so the order was countermand
ed. It is a faot that seems to me ought
THE people want the mills open to be patent t. all that the success of gep p LoTgIttB Med7a
with 'patriotism, protection and pros
perity.' "A friend ot mine had occasion to ask
a leading business man of Portland
recently the following question: ,'Qow
NOT more dollars so much as an " MoKini.y'i election win
ue easier r ids Buawer earn
McKlNLET's friooda) are not
worrying about the result. -
as being right, taken up one that opportunity to earn what we have
it has repeatedly said was wrong, already
No one objects to the E. O.
supporting Uryan because he is or The republican editors of Ore
liaa htsca a democrat: no one would eon have organized. Now the' far
have a right to criticize it if the will fly.
principle ot free trade and the
r.tlmr ttlanlta nf thai fMiifAPO tilat-
w.uv. i a- i ... tit' i i i v : 1 .i wonwi"""""
form were of more importance, in "H,tftd Mck,nl M Fnd"7 at the East.ro stats.
One hundred thousand voters
bis home in Canton.
speedily 'Just ten minutes.'
"When I was In London last winter I
looked np the money market and fonnd
it plentiful at one per oent per annum
on consols. This money will seek do
investment here under the r resent or
what might, by the merest aooidenl,
prove to be fatnre conditions. 'Just as
soon as tbe capitalists of Europe and of
are satisfied ot the
its estimation, than (the money
rilnnk. and outweiched!its oft-re
peated objections to free coinage, Hhusi was not a democrat last
No one cares it it goes back on it- "P'tog. He made a statement at
alt entirely io advocating Bryan- "O0". . w Uec.
lam. but undor the circumstances
it would Boom to be very good MchiSLEY reiusoa to make a
f.irm if it would take care of its tour till af Ur election. This does
own funeral, aee that Lis own not prevent tho people coming to
democratic conscience was satisfi- see him by the thousands. Me
ed before it attacks Senator Kinley's digoified course is to be mind aUo tbe Indianapolis gatbenog of
Mitchell, who has Dot changed Lis commended.
opinions on the matter of silver,
who believes that the republican Dexocbats are taking note of
election ot McKinley and that the finan
cial policy ot tbe government will sot be
ohanged millions of dollars will be sent
hers for iDVMtment.
"Report from all over tba state, and
from what I have personally observed,
as I said boforo, ooviooee me tbst toe
republican ranks are being largsly
spoiled by aoceasion from damoorsU
wbocaonot endorse tbe Chicago plat
form, and wbe have forsaken party tor
principle. Ia tbls eonnsotioa I have in
years, 5 montkf and 9 days..
A. P. Lovsgseen was born lo Sweden
in 1824. lis removed to America and
located in Kansas, living there 18 years,
eoming from thereto Eight Mile, Oregon,
wbers be lived tbe remaining eight
years of his life. He was a consistent
member ot tbe Swedish Lutheran churoh
67 years, his wife being a member ot this
oburoh also. H leaves a wife and
seven children to mourn his lose, five
ohildren baring preoedsd him to tbe
land of rest, He baa two nephews in
Morrow oounty, Martin Aodersoo, of
Qeppner and Theodora Anderson, of
Eight Mile. Two children were absent
from his bedside when he died, bis
daughter, Mrs. Lou Davidson, who Is
sick, and bis son, Albert, who was la
the mountains near TJkish.
Although euflVing a great deal he was
patient daring bis lUoeee, and he would
kindly rtqoest bla
Threshing is oontinned.
The weather bas turned cooler sinoe
the showers.
Ravaral of this Dleoe were in attend
ance at a social given at Lexington
The first wheat was brought to tbe
lone platform by Wilson Bros, and
others are beginning to haul. '
The lone seotion bss been visited by
one ot tbe heaviest rains we bare known
tor years at this season ot tbs year.
Ben Case, who is now located ia tbe
upper country, tent far bis family wbioh
left for their new location daring the
Tb Rhea creek school began grinding
ont knowlsdge the past week. Miss
F.lla Mason, of lacifio University, is
employed as teacher.
Olook k Keller, tbe lone blacksmiths,
bav dissolved partnership. Tbs Olook
Bros, start Toesdar on a lour through
Oregon by back. They will be goes all
wiater and will take in Western and
Southern Oregon.
The loo school commence ia Octo
ber. Miss Alios Olassoock is oor taaoh.
Iokb. Sept. 14, 1898.
w as ssia fsBi i SMtv
I S ;pl ntWi".-
I - m . tTl,VWv'W'V ty
fH 55la
stiirM' rdkjr
Full English course.
Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy.
X'Ok.' - -T7' - ' .'V-..
7 w?S' vr
democrat who bavs braved the stigms
ot "bolUr" lo order that ao eternal pno
Hpal might be preserved tor future gen
eration. The rpoblkns de uoto-
rartv could have cone much fur- the fact that in 1803 Mr. Uryan dorse maor tblct eontaload in their
thor in its e (Torts to restore silver mf used to sunnoit the democratic ptsUotm but w mast all admire tb
ti. ,.1.1 t.1.M l.nt at tlm aainI.Utii ti,A..t In hraj.Va. an.l arnrk. PtrUHim and fealtf which prompted
time endorw everjthing in the led for the success of the jwpulUt
republican tlatfortn becaase io ticket Is lH'Jl he went into the
Death t Irs. Carry.
Tbl offlo la in reeaipt of lb ssd In-
wife to rast and not uiligence anooonolog the death ot Mrs.
grieve abont him as bs wa praparad to Hannah Onrry, ot Was bin, too, V. C,
go. Ui dying word wro "The Lord wit ot Boo. W. W. Corry, i-eretry
will b duo, whatever his will U I am of lt of lodiaas, and also aa oi-eoa-rsaJy."
01 end was peso. Do wa (rman from tb same UU, at 2
laid to rest io tho Brdma otmeUry by o'clock, a. m., Sept. 14th. Mrs. Curry
lb U1 ol hi daoghur who wa borisd Dt ba aa id valid tor twenty year and
tber fiv years ago. Rv. Uoodwia bar death was not aucipected.
preaobed lb funeral discourse from tb Tb mmdti family, with tb icp
wordHItsBaadt,balblivsgisr tioa ot Mr. Curry, bar sister, Mrs. Bo
Job 14 14. Anastroof.ot Dolda, Mo., end other
During tb yro Mr. Lovgr r- frUod sod rl alive wr pro! dr-
nded lo ear mldot b mad maay friaad fog ih last momeot ol tb now de-
aod his neighbor eoald Bad la him a ,a. Mr. Curry wa not la eomaooica-
fa oil, but a great deal hi pratae. Uo(1 uh hi family ot tb tim.anforla
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
The rantlemea are well eeqnalnted with Orant, TUrnor. Crook. OMIIm and other eountlos,
and eao aa' monej and Ume la naaln ineae eccUona !ih IraTallng men.
rrtee In keeplniwltsi the times.
Mm. ImaB hkil ht ebltdraa Lata I ...t lh nalitlral alamo.
neb a Meriflo. Tny are among lb ..B-,K. ku ,ku oaisaBli. and a4 k etaet wbertbool could not b
grl ililetiMt that have com on! of Mf U whom u Mrt M fitb- otd.
Ilia ranks ol tb democrat! part, ana I . ,, , . .i a I u r.m u a MamMlit. Hbotar.
allit is a better platform In bis democratic state convention nd I sine lblr reluaal to soppoit BryaoUm I .of hif M hup for tber ar I ly woaaan, who, dfepll ber mtatoeinn
estimation luao lue one irauea at urceU II Ut rmioroe me jxitiuusi i aaj wiiwra-ai irots popocracj I ored b U at reu "B oaoao oocm I in lb loo ot a ! ror oc a toog
rt. !.. tirkeL In La waa asked if I mil alamtiulp lM b.t.ia
. . . . ,, , i.i.i t Kbley wilboal doubt Oregon will
that have long eil.LM U-twwo the national ticket in 180t) if it was t(t milf tot or .aoduiat.
F. O. and this journal are not one ooaioateil on a cld t.Ulform. uu!t.,,iiiab ciuotr stMtiog tb Uil
to tbem bat they aa g4 lo Bias."
Lit marred Ixrause we never He said: "I will die io in tracks
have and likely never will stand lfore I will support it" Io
on tkn satue lilicl platform, io a pe?ch at Mount Vernon, HI.,
The U. O. po.tpl publish tbe bet Mr. IWjati said;" I am not a dorao-
dailv, weekly or aru..wek!jr locraLH
lUatcrn OrrcoD. and tbe tnaoace.
I .r L lr iMiinmeniltvl fur! OaraWKia
. . , i in i i .i . Tl.s fwoiile ragti ad appreeiai
their f.in-- ia publUhbg tie r nrt to .Bf .
gnoeral . Hut the Oatette prtiia k lb lagt al la tb wmIX
cannot avoid "saying a word" when Merit io medutn . Ik pef t
tt.at ttaid'r. e.liUriallr. attarks the U4 Hatrll-l4iitely,
pomUrtO of ce cf Orr-g-io'i lrurt
S.000 and fl.OOl
frkoda, a tuan who lo tU general
Jiachargo of the dutioe of Lis et.
attd j-ili"n bao eever known
part, c rel or tvlr; a man who
tUavt lara in mind that pursuit
of principle is gratr Hen p"
t'un of lt and who at this
time U ct.aiUn'.lr lahditg liko
a rk tot ht Le I1mvni t U
ikht and what hkuvM will I
of laaltrg Ubrf.t t th I'tiitl
(Jet a few jeorl of fltaUti(y
bU f wnr Wug cvtu( IcijjBfl B5k
lt riancl!r tare. It la tb Oa
Tfo IU.1 PanBf. Its Bperir tl
I M ealaklMilted fa4, J Rielll !.
Ilonl' I'lMear J a Useey
eperale. Cur to4ilr( ree,efb.
"tw SK t "
UemJ-Al tl Urn of IU UUe
$-t. IUv. 11. It. IImJ irBwalleg.
Ml. Uillt (1 CuWiM U M
fa Hhlly. It. -ih ae ot lai Iowa
sal mt leaey frte4 wiak litem '
peoetty h bpi te In IV if (
life ) a, I
klr.a4klr. DiaWt tt.M to '
rnlllag witb
"Toibo )o hew moeh ooafl Jeoee
lleU that MaKlaley will lottwj,
parity io TarUaod, maay ol tbs old
line lmnraia, or vffeeiog to
from IV) UC that tbo Sap.-I" of
1'reieeltno' will win, 0J tber or 00
taker. Sew Toh oiU glv MflioWy
loo.nuo miriy sad it y rk ,
"Reoloi-ky I OHiMleetKl f lw M
Klnley tbl yew, m rtN a frleod of
ntaa, Wta, T. t! of iHoa'
twiBBieeetai Aiy t Umlevlll. la
el.lflall N eU4 lb fM thai
lb galbertog al lb ralater olioe(Wn
at Lnlll wa nmpaa! ol rpr a.
tetiv ef tb sallo.
Tk dig(l4 pbe ol la repn.
Iimi wUl at ! Ctno
IU ef tt t tWM ksrUr4
kor oj kh l lttigi6 oo. Tke
I a t-a'te.- ( tb m fmeo
II elaaJflit.l tl talBabl,
' ano'l wry tga, 4
M fr tl eaH It we oil tv'f,
teff a iJebl, 4ik. eft
tm,i,. l4 It' law 4w .1. Ta r
M-ae vt AsavrtMO tt4 wUI '
faaa Urn (lt Mam taeea.
Aa4 alh Ui lMn shall ratter.
WaM (nil ka mI4 ar.
fa lko ollt Ut W"N M4.
And tr m Wl my tM Wvad lrle4
E. M. I
twst kliLa, Hpk 17th,
ad IV
oeriod. dUl mark toward tb oWvaltoa
of mankind. Hr kladly word ol advlo
bs er rdy to thM la a4 ol U
and ooablo alwar Otlrt la tb
booMbold. dpiU 11 aaa aod paia
ot lb frail body
IL Q Qttt,tV I of IU Walla Wal
lo Coioa, It opbw. Mr. Harry Car-,
of WalU Wall. 04 Mr. OW PIUros,
f Iletpoae, or a tare of Mr. Carry,
bo N oo ol tbeif Uvgfll aaol.
Ask or bhrtMoa. or drogg it aod
yoor frtfBd abnot Mttiloh' Cwro foe I
UBOiotmi. Tl will romod
It. roe l by Wlkill Wwt
rwlkaed KsiaalttiiW
Wot lb (Wt leJwUial EiotaUUoo
lab belJ at ttartJaod, Be pi. 19. K.
Agent 11 art ol tbo tt B. A It Co., w 01
etl epMai ira.o lkk4 ot tb r I tntefoaJly, aod 04 dareotly ow tb blood
t4oa4-anK ra r io mooa . MMno. Mrfa 11 air Cblorrh
. . m. . l - .
lll.i.-tkla ! aU Cr Ool O OWB mm,wnwm,
V i tot tb wmm4 Uip. peeit-d by in of lb b phy
rVltlng dt al H'srt ' t . to It oobU lot feara, aai M a rgt
V, (t. aad IS. ltH aipwo ft ,M ---ipMo. Ii s mm ol lb
flrrt Obbb Se fared.
With looal eppboali, M tby ont
rch lb Seat o IU d nn, Calarrb I
a blood ot ootaaUooJ (ti, ood io
ordattOMMtt yo as wet tal lotoroal
eediM. Ila'l' Crb CoiO lo Ukea
lag Ivl Hla4 lbH we-U.g !. 'ml ,,rfc B falaaUvroo."
Healik a4 btb
akitoh'S Uatorvl) FeaaJy.
r . a,,
rtto fair.
toailro koowo. aabiBed wtisj U
Ua4 MfiBra, 4Mig deelly mm
lb arfBMO Tb p a
UaJke ol lb two ge4iato I what
alBreBb woo lrl reauii la toe-
lag !" rU)4 fa Uwtioxolal, fra
F, J. Cov Co,
Ile4, HblO.
tVU by J(it, ho Tl .
Don't buy your Bucks until you
see the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon be in Heppner.
terms to suit purchasers.
rices ant
Plenty of them
Gazctto Office.
at the
f it immttlerial, in af jtjmnl,
srAelJUe- IA aWf grower evr oy
rwKttf from Ik tstnf c iu4 .....
H fcw JUr A rfe o 1 1 am ft
fr atA.mtrint frnm eywA n
H iiltm J. flTMi f tk llsmm tf H'p
rarafilre trAeo IA H !) ttit tros
wa.ler rm4rtatU'.
an immihiwM m4 a m kH
IwiMHIsllllSt !!" ll
, 'in at k.N.M.B
O B. list. Ika ltfawfaj 0't1, m
b tu4 at ba pte, MalWk uBf,
bee b .! 4re epW
Ibav. aaN. bri. .
A fteleral fciir.
Kar Clt Ibml 1m tmrila tb
btnl a4 giea a leat an. heaal fa
nmpktton. tut tale by W.t A War
tbroBgh tr4 tb U a A K. will
ra vt. ratt!i. Walt Walla o4
I'eaJUU. Taronib at opera, grvl 4
m4 taa. Will raw a Otiftoeellnw na
lUfeU. I' .(!. IM a -A
lt.rnh Dralelaae e!erf r.
Ian4 to spaaa, mum i, myth Iha
.l ela elrf N ) m, at I a
-' t- n'f lt-rr l'.tla4 to Ml.
I'aol. Bill tnm lo eaev-HI oii lb
Ure4 nttbr ratlosy, tf
- v