TO THE GIVES TH1 0B0IC1 Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. VIA . VIA Spokane- Denver MINNEAPOLIS" OMAHA AND AHD St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. A HOUSE'S EVIDENCE. xt Was of Great Moment In a Tennessee Murder Case.. , REPUBLICAN PLATFORM For (all details call on 0. B. ft N, Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. n. HURLBURT, Qen. Pass. Agt. FOBTIiAND, ObKOON. E. McNElLl, Preiidant and Managar. QDXOS TI3VI33 t Son Franoiaoo And aU polnU In ('alifnrola, via tha Mi, Bhasta - nrateoiuia Southern Pacific Co Tha jrrsat Mahway through California to all points Kut and South. Grand Hoenio Roato f tha PaoiAo Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepere. Beoond-oUse Bias para Attached to sipress trains, affording an pari or aooom stodatltms (or eeoonrl-olase paaeenaera. For rata, tiokeU, sleeping oar rasenaUonS, ata,. oall npon or address R. R, Manager, K. P. SOGIBS, Ant Gen. I. A P. Act, Portland, Oregon mum m us Tha Anljnal's Proverbial Sagacity Waa Frored In . Startling Manner A Fantomlmic Description of the Tragedy. The horse has been known to act in the capacity of a detective. Thus, in Shelby county, Tenn., a shocking mur der was committed and the trial of tha murderer came oft in a district which was divided from one of another juris diction by the highway on which the deed was committed. The body was found a few yards from the road, from which it had evidently been dragged, and the doubt arose as to which civil district the murder had been committed in, which gave rise to the probability that the murderer would escape convic tion. - Several months passed away before the trial was commenced, when one of the witnesses, mounted on the horse of the deceased, and accompanied by a large, number of persons, was riding toward the 'courthouse. ' ' When the horse reached the vicinity of the scene of the murder he began to show symp toms of alarm, which conduct greatly surprised all who witnessed it, for the other horses of the company betrayed no indications offear. As the party proceeded onward the agitation of the horse increased, and when 'he reached a point in the road opposite where the body was found his excitement was so great that he became unmanageable altogether. The gentlemen present came to a halt and looked on in per feet astonishment. His flesh quivered, his nostrils dilated, and his eyes glanc in? into the woods near by he stood snorting aftd neighing, a picture of the wildest excitement. One of the gentlemen present, sus pecting the cause of the horse's agita tion, suggested that, he should have a loose rein, which, being granted, the noble animal rushed into the thicket, and, coming to a certain tree, com' menccd pawing at its roots. Then making his way farther into the forest he circled round and returned to the same spot, where he stood trembling with agitation and pawing until he was violently forced away, and when ever afterward he passed that same spot his conduct was invariably the same. No blood had ever been seen upon the road and no appearance of any un usual struggle had ever been discov ered. If the murder took place in ths highway the horse would have knowi nothing of the tree in the neighboring thicket; if it was committed where the body was found then the court had no jurisdiction and the murderer would go scot free. Upon tliis trial the testimony of the dumb animal against the prisoner proved most startling. His sagacity was proverbial in the neighborhood where he belonged, and his attachment to his muster was mch that he fol lowed him round lil:o a dog. In un mistakable pun ti inline ha enacted the committal of the murder, pictured the decoy into thu wood, the a.vnllant' de mand for gold Mid t!w ileath struggle under the inn, und t'.i us the doom of the prisoner was ic'tlel. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. SUGAR. We condemn tbs present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar prodacers of this country. The Repub lioan party favors snob, protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people use and for which they pay other eon d tries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all onr products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and factory; to hemp, to. wool, to the product of the great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection. HBBOHANT MARINK. We favor restoring the early Amerioan policy of discriminating duties for the The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their repreeentatativas in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following deolaration of facts and upbuilding of our merohant marine and principles: the protection of our shipping interests For the first time sinoe the civil war in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer- tbe Amerioan people have witnessed the calamitous consequences of fall and un restricted Democratic oontrol of the government. It has been a reoord of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management foreign commerce, it has ruthlessly sacrificed iodispensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with borrowed money, piled np the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peaoe, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over the re demption fond, pawned Amerioan credit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Re publican rule. In the broad effeot of its polioy it has precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de- ican ships the product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icansmay regain the carrying of our FINANCIAL PLANK. Tbe republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused the enact ment of the law providiog for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are nnalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair tbe oredit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinage of silver, except by international liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States should actively use its inflaenoe and good offi oes to restore peaoe and give indepen dence to tbe island. TBI NAVY. Tbe peaoe and security of tbe republio and tbe maintenance of its rightful in flaenoe among the nations of tbe eartb demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of the navv and complete system of bar bor and seaooast defenses. FOBEIQN IMMIQBATION . For tbe protection of tbe quality of oar Amerioan citizenship and of wages of our w.orkingmen against the fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who oau neither read nor write. civil sbrviob. , The civil service law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBBE BALLOT. Cite kliO tmm FA Jaunui ef JTaSdM Prof. W. H. Peeke, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, baa without doubt treated and car ed more case s tnan any living Physician ; bis success ia astonishing. We have heard of cases of so years' standing CQTDU U coral laree bot tle of hi absolute cure, free to any suffererf hn m send their P. O. and Excress address. We advise anr one wishing a cure to address frotW. H. PEE2E, F. ., 4 CedarSt., Hew Tor -TO Till- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourist Hlnnrwra and Free Reclining Chair Cars DAILY Ui Chisago. Many hour! sated via this line to Eastern Points. 'lF fv.A vv1 STEAM HEAT, lowksjT PINTSCH LIGHTS, KATICS), JL W. BAXTER. Oen. Agent, Vorttamt, Oregon. J. C. II ART, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. 4 toltstlfil Aaertetl N Agtncy fofa I If eavwar. Ttaoa aaaaaSu Oleic, parsers. COPtStCMTB. tav Pn tafnratMtxe) M fna H a M Hi a txt. mi auiitt. e I fH4t Nw, ptaa l ISMttra $ af MI -) MIN te I. trwaM M rUli a MMeilns In at etwee ta la f tmixiit 'mttltm l mrt a a vteatta ,ni la the W.t4 h-trilWlf Hti4rMp4 t!ttft M tm vkaxaat K tlr, Ma .j aiM.iH ) V I rmwaiaa, t I I alias, 1 mt tHf . CIIICAOO. jnuwaukee & St. f am n'g pression, dosed factories, reduced work agreement with. the leading oommeroial and wages, halted enterprise and crip- nBtionl of the worldf whioh we pledge pled Amerioan production while stimn- 0TJrge,vel to promote, and untij Buoh an agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all me as ares designed to maintain inviolable the obligations of the United States and all our money, whether ooin or paper, at tbe present standard tbe standard of tbe moat enlightened nations of tbe eartb. AS TO PENSIONS. Tbe veterans of the Union armies de serve and should reoeive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given prefer ence in the matter of employment and tbey are entitled to tbe enactment of such laws as are best calculated to se- ours the fulfillment ot pledges made to them in the dark days ot tbe country peril. Ws denounce the praotioe in tbs pension barsao, so reoklessly sod un justly oarried on by the present adminis' ration, ot reducing pensions and arbi trarily dropping names from the role as deserving tbs severest condemnation of tbs Amerioan people. 01' B FOREIGN POLICY, Uur foreign policy should be at all foreign dsmsnd and price; It diffuses times firm, vigorous and dignified, and gsnsral thrift, and founds tbe strength all our interests to tbe western herois- of all on tbe strength ot stch. In its pbere carefully watched and guarded. reasonable ppKoatioo it ia just, fair and The Hawaiian islands should be ocntrolU impartial, equally opposed to foreign ed by tbs Uoited 8tats, and no forslgn power should be permitted to interfere I . a.. a tiooal discrimination and Individual wUO IDemj ids Nicaragua oanai iuouiu favoritism. Ws denounce tbe present be built, owned and operated by tbe demoeretie tariff as actional, bjorlons I Coitd States; and by tbs porchassof to public credit end destructive to bnsl- be Isaiao islands we should secure sees enterprise. We demand soob proper nod moon needed station Irr tbe Mailable tariff on foreign Imports a bleb I Weat ladies, cose Into competition with Amerioan Abe mseseoies in Armenia have arons- I... . .a , products as will not only Inrnleb ads- deep aympsinf ana jusi inaigna- oaste revenue lot tbe nsceetary eipen ot tbe American people, and we be see of tbe novernasot, bnt will prelect tbe United Slates should txeniit Amanraa labor from the dMredattoa to tbe iatlueaee It can properly start to We demand that every oitizen of the United States shall be allowed to oast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. " . LYNCHING. We proclaim our unqualified condem nation ot the uncivilized and barbarous practice known as the lynching or killing ot bnman beings suspected or obarged with crime, without process of law. lating foreign production for tbe Ameri oan market Every consideration ot public safety and individual uteres! demsnds that the government shall be resoaed from tbe hands ot those who have shown themselves Incapable to conduct it without disaster at borne and dishonor nbroad, and ahall be restored to tbe party wbiob for 80 years admin istered it with unequeled success and prosperity; and In this oonneotion we heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism end suoeess of tbe administration of Presidsnt Harrison. TBI TAB IFF, We renew and emphasize onr alle- giaooe to tbs policy of protection as the bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde pendence and tbe foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true Amerioan policy Uses foreign pro ducts and enooarages homeinduatry and puts tbs burden of revenue on foreign goods; itseoures tbe Amerioan market tor tbe Amerioan producer; it upholds tbs American standard of wages for tbs Amerioan workingmsn ; it pats tbe fac tory by tbe side of tbe farm, nod makes tbe Amerioan farmer less dependent on Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-' ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OFFOSm U. 8. P ATENTOfFICE and we can secure patent ia kss Un. J than those .Amnfrai 4rnm Wncrnnffrnri. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of; cnaree. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , . "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office. Washington. D. C Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., v. Ft. w. at c, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. ; KATES $&S.OO PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., csxic-a-o-o. ixiIj. Thecompsrative value oftheaetwoeards . Is known o moat persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity is Not always moat to be desired. These cards express tha benettelal qaaV ityof RipansTabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripans Tabulea : Price, 50 eanta a boay ; ; Of druggists, or by aiaU. . BIPftNS CHEMICAL CO., 10 prBCStMH.T. ; -; f WANTED-AN IDEAoTr. thing to patentT Protect yonrWeaa .v brinl you wealth. Write JOHW WKDTJKB- BUrtN & CXX, Patent- Attorneys, VYaaaingwn, D.O.. for their $1,800 priie o. - The regular subscription price ot the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 32.50 and tbe regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 93.60. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same. New Feed Taed. Wm. Gordon ban opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solioits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioe reasonable. Hay and grain forsale. tf We NATIONAL ARBITRATION. favor the creation of a national Osieaa Taeat. Cut brred Into even !, toast end I control nod domestic monopoly; to see buttr the pleura and molatea them with hot water. Itoll all eega bard, fVperate tha whita from the yolka; rbop the whltaa and prraa the yolks through a colander or sieve. Make a while sauce, using one tahleaponnful eavh of butter and Hour rooked tosrethrr ami I Inn add nrtipful nfrreamormilk, when It la wrll thlrkraiwl add the hopml Mbltae and ariann with pepper and sell. rirtwl luia wlitiire on the altera of tmt and roer the top with the maaliFil yilk. Pprlnkle the yolka evenly oter the fiteree till they liMk very yellow, rVrve very hotlowl llouee kerping. board of arbitration to settle and adjust the differences wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEAOS. We believe in tbe immediate return to the free homestead rolicy of the Re publican party, and urge the passage by congress of tbe satisfactory free homestead measure wbiob has already passed the house and is now pending in tbe senate- TERBI TORIES. We favor the admission ot tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable date, having dui regard to the interest of the territories and tbe United States. All federal officers appointed for territories should be eeleoted from bona fide resi dents thereof, and the right of'self-govern- ment should be accorded a far as prao tioable. Ws believe the citizens of Alas ka abould havs representation ia the congress of tbe United States to the end that nseded legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TEMPERANCE. We sympstbize with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen end prevent tbs evils ot intemperance and promote mor ality. BiailTS OP WOM UN. Ihe Republican party is mindful of tbe rights ot womsn. Protection of Amerioan industries includes squal opportunities, rqaal pay toe equal ork and protection to tbs borne. We favor ths admlaion of womsn to wldsr sphsres of usefulness and welcome their eo-operetion la rescuing tbe ooutry from Democratic sod Populist mismanagemeol snd misuse. Hnch are tbe principles snd policies of lbs republiosn party. By tbees prin ciples we will abids, and tbaec policies we will put into execution. We ask for TMU. S. GOVERNMENT i IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served tn the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Warn on whom you depended for support ? i THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED ; UNDER THE NEW LAW To .receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new I law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present I your claim at this present time? Your pension datea from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. ' gy-Write for laws and complete information. "No Charge for. advice. ) No Fee unless successful. I The Press Claims Company ) PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manarer, ) 618 P 5treet, WASHINGTON, IX C ) JT. Jt.Th!l Company U controlled oy nearly 01M Oumtand kadinf ) paper, n (As VnUtd mate, and if gwmmtttd by thtm. the wage level of other leads. We are net pledged to any par tic alar sebedaWks. The a rat ion of rates is a Tats Is Os-actaalty. On raeetrt ef Ua tnta, eaah m alana-a, & k ......a teMhU Mill mitA t-Ji tha rfUr iaurrk aad Mar I'svav Cars pfaetleal sieatUm to b governed bf I My s t rrere Ha'.a ) te fteseesv .jm. if lb, Ums and ef production Strata the swat prtts t4 IL reaady, I tLt lUuirill Bit, Tbs 1 alleg and neomprontisitig pr loci M warra hi., Kw Ttk CUy. ;,", el.eun " HlHHtlOTJO O a f Xaittarauatol '4 A fc Glanco at this Map 14 iaa n.UmfK Ml. a4 at fl Sail st a4 a Ma mni ail ti Hwm tM at r., ae4 I e4 tmmm.i I Sat Ha status ata tatait bVtif S4 SaaaM f ataass Its aliaal Is e ' t . UWtrf, iaila t-A "ft '. vtMt ! tern! ajie Saati .' a aswM Ma S MSwll.f tateev a4 lt 4la tn a-t tM swat la tM m4 wka ! ae seta, twt a- an Infcl IfcsS (sWaJs BJf taafeS 0WI fen) 0(iFsJ s'tm- lUattn aaKotcaS Haa.u-S iiMHt a-ta ra aw wt r 't - Hi f-a If lHTlim, at 4S r I. ttf, irt, f ' ma, lajexa pie ts tbs peoteetioa and development of Anwiesa labor end industry, Tbs eosntry dttsaads n right settlement and tbta It wants reet. oft aaaratxm. We Wleve the repeal of Ike rerlproel- ty arreeccsate efottatad by tbe last Ikpeblleaa edmiaailratloa was a aaliea a) eat etc lit a4 e data and tbetr rveew al and esWeelusi ea eeck teres se will esaltseeer tia-la with othf aalk.aa, reaMf rwtrtetioiie ekkh aoe ebatraet Ike sale el Am teas roJerts ta ports ef sjibef ejaatriae, and seeereeeUtgad saetkate fat the prod wis ef o( tame, tWaets and f arWKta. fretaetkia a ad raclproeily art leie tteaearee ef UtaUieaa pUf, aed g ksed ta need. iVamMaUe rale bee raakVaaely street doea Wt, sad kmb Ml be re eaiaUaha.1. fniaeiwei f bat e ew4ere; tree ndaiat ft Ike rers44 Ur's tani Itatsa to a. raa an law hat at aintil. lt ta a torn tle ear f sa4avb tf eaa4 as ArtA m lia. r raaria W. t'nnU. festse t'anlraj rrae. Caere, tlalMa, Muet. fly's trmm IV m Is the aksrele4rJ ewre ft ea'ana a4 emialM ee sw M set tejotrtsnss dm(. rrMst, SO ate. tHti aa was 1 -ho I nnderataad that oa give aie IWlter I "Tea- Tkaak ye." S kk.,k . . - II . k I - L . - nil m ihi ewi 1 am tnmm sistr sasn went kia way. Its ka4 been eertef waare ae wee retngte get real good Im, aa4 ths gtrt was rertata ly OfpMt taee Iwtfott Tribene. ea4 e It. rkyaUlea And yoa ae fait tkle ay f ir aevcrat daisf U wl Let see se mr tongnsi, lauat-tia ae a as. 4Wi ae NifstHi l".l ts I taffer - Ikaitosi rtB"itv. a r an iaeia 0aipii, La (i'tppe raeesjseele aj aJ Tt,l eel Leeg dtsaaasS ere ere4 .y ehilak's Ce fee sale f waJle m W straw. Umwi leesaeaeel eerstsaaat ef saute . - . akuk ..ia flttjaa. a U t 4a lav te. Jl.e ta tbe tiaae m -t I be W ktt I --l" - - " OretfneMe, tbe iett ai ae efi1"1 M . tt-e W4. vTltb llMnaeUKW-tk S4rl4-1 f retet VallJs f immt t Meatff tiltMttMlMsHi,Mat efca-aM, Jf4 eer een Bsaykat 4FlMaatae wl easare aS l le iWe auie. tVa e.U flea a ' faf eerl- ; ra4Pe.4iy bed is a foe- rei.aa ee -...Me- I mU llt.u t4 tle a Uet Neat Haetae, ae ertrolta (a.l iMr 90 a4 lebsetttae, t')-ee. briDg these atrooities to an sod. Is Tatkey Amsrioaa residents bars been etpnead to the graveet daegars and Amerioan property deetroysd. There snd everyebere American cHis-os and Ameriean pmparty mot be ebenlaMy protrcteJ at all heserds and at soy cut Moaaoa ttocTitii. We reaeeert the Monroe doctrine In Its fallest etteat aad we reafflrm tbe right of lbs United Mlatae to live tbe duetrist tfftet by reepoedtag to the sp peals ot say Aaaencea atee or frlenJIy tnWrtaetiua U ease of Kuroptaa sa roeebmsst. We shall not be Utorfsred aad shall t laterfare With tbe Siistiog poaaeea. toee of aey Karopeea poetf la this bams) bava, tml I boas ptaeaeioas ! aet. oe aey wtil. be itauaded. W bepefutlf I'M'k forward te tbe stmt sal eilhdraeaj 4 CuMpeea pneat trm tkla Uapln aa 4 te the nluaiaU eala of ell KeglMk spaeking pails ef the ftaliat by free t et its la-ksbiteata. rrsta aeerktrvaiM. Attorneys tit Iixw, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries i'ublw and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BF.PPNEB, t l i J I OBEOOa WHITE COLLAR LINE. rll) i n vviuiii'vi usctSound Naviffatioa Co (i 11111,1 n v a ft i v vtsiva a umvv iuvuhu ti'i i u u lmm TELLTDOKE, BAILEY 6ATZOT AND OCEiS WiVI. them lbs eonslderate jadgmeot ot tbe LeHn Alder Street LWk, Portland, for Astoriar Ilwaeo, Long Beeeh, Ooaae Amerloaa people. Cob Slant alike in I Park and Nahcntta. Direct eonnefltion with Ilwaeo steamers aad rail- roaa; aiso at lonog s nay witn rteaanere itetvoaa. TXHiBPHONZl Leaves Purl land T A. M. Dally, eirapt SuntJsf. Lasvaa Astoria T P. tt, IHIljr, aieapt aaeaf, xi-tvits-a-v aATzuriT lar-s rortlaiHl P. H Itally. trr4 nnlaf . FatuMsy elht, It P M. Ua-e Astoria Dally a A. M., tsea(4 SuaUay aa4 Mon4ay. Kumtay Bight, I P. M. ooi3-iwir wa-v-s twine Pnruaiw! a4 mna 4lrart t is. Tas4ey a4 Tkarwlaf at I A. tf . SatnMsrkt f, , LntH llax'o luUr sihJ rrl.Uy al 7 at A. It. Oa eosday algil at t P. it ChfW b EiUmi Ddiulioi M Beaifi Frrt if Eiprut tbe history of ear great party and ia tha jostles of oar cause we present onr plat form and onr eaoiliJauta to tbs full sa- snrsnee that the election will bring victory to lbs Republican parte and prosperity to the people of toe united ate! ee. DISEASE OP THE sRW. Ths Intmas lu liirtf snd smarting M 1 . . ... . 1. .1. aJakal d ofo'Vsk Uirm 'M nmnt Tr"' - 'V "? O.Kert aM Or Wave. studying ChamberUin s snd nktol Ointment. Many wry bad carS bare bare parmara-tilljr eurvd l v It. It ta equall; tlfidmt far iuhing ptUe snd a favorite r-tn-alf f..r an re niidcai rli"l ban. Is, thll blalmt, fmat bitM, end rhmnle anre eynt lor sale by drufrg at SA mta par bot. Try Dr. fadj'i CeadttUsj rewdm, thrvl ar jiwt ebal s br- erwe in ti emu-1 Uutt. limk tkvl imrilwr ana vamtiiuge. Fur sale by Cesser k Brock, dragglat h Kecley lasU Fross the bear ef sekWeteg their ewe eeeeeeaiies et life etkeb ws 4e im4 prw lai-peed.eew tbe pawple U tbe United HlaVae bae rcardd eilb wpatby Ike straggUe ef etker AatafVeaa people te frae lbn.lv4 fmes Carete 4ete- tri. W eatoH eik l e4,..g IkU-aat tbe lrrtS ballls et ttt Ce 1 - Te ft-se valraa. It la worth while rnemt-Frtng In tbraa da) a w brn etrrjoti of aa W bo ran pnaaitily aifaril ll Itilrmla In lai a rl trt ait tr wrap or can that trhd thotidl alaa ! lirwhl nrinst the grain le rrmme tut, and If In rry Wt mmliilun abouM te firttkbl wlfh Una white send arid thra .rhFl till sukif of Ihla rvrualna. The rtranaing rr if rnlriliinn araahrre Alld ta rty gTvat, and If r-illmpf aftf nae end asl-l ran 4i srnir many t)RMa.t, Lmiis lirpttMSren. For tho Curo o Liquor. Opiumiii Tobacco Habits It Is teswhai at Sal a, Oragosv, Th4 JVtasf Uantfui Twm m (As Ctooet Call at tka Oitstia a-a few aai-iVala-s mrWU) MS4ttai. tree I want arl-aiaaM tare fare. "98 It SetM litre r,ry ay U ' I 'aM Tbaeaaals of eae-e of Ci-eagei,.!,,, A V j ;JMf Aeikwe, tgi.e. lUa aa4 I'mnp a.a i v"- l A rrHj .- day t-r rbilohe IVar. ff IS TvA a sale by Walls A Wertee. "I is immmlfrittUin tug jm,ljmemt. vlxfW IK tkp gn'Wr re,ip nay Kf-xSI fnM A f.tny e m.4 , , . , , It I'lW Ae or tttwt n4 I mm -- tri4 ArfFH Vw"t ark . It'i.'Msa J llryn In tie Htmm nf Rtp rvarafiilitM arLre fAe It timtn W n4r wmssitFfnf rw. Lal .k . i- ...II 1 .1. 11 1 i aaalfiafaiB IB a.ll aw f sup as a patiivte aet ete.Uf and eppfaataw; f , h eb b la a4artM4 br- t M tbe f eM i tt-ared te w atiiiae t ae na-. . . , , ;itfce.-g. ka.r Nl!-e e . al OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS ; TOO HEAVY ;; AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great fmnncial sacri fice. You need it in vour business, and as a nutter of business we must it. Tut: I'ATTr.Kfo.N rvmisuiNG Co,