Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 15, 1896, Image 3

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    I v J - -- - '
Here and There.
LIITM I r ( 1 (t- i--i 1 1 i Tp-m I - 1
fKyia'.j VOL" u tmcuiinUirKi om I i
w 4 V"
CTI y4.ll K
Qambrin.us Beer,
Hotel Bar !
Drinkable Liquors
, CI ars. Call
and Smokabla
on Ted.
Maine 50,000 republican. How's that T
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
lor sale. 37-U.
Jake I earson and Andy Oook are OTer
from Lena today.
Morris Mack wbb oyer from Lone
Creek late lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rhea have return
ed from their Dalles trip.
Come ont to bear Oaoles, on Saturday.
Sept. 19th, at 1 o'clock, p. m. tf
Emmett Coobran and other John Day
people were iu town yesterday. .
Ike Enneo and Art Minor were oat in
the mountains over Sunday last.
Roaooe Shaw cams in Sunday with
wool and took out freight yesterday.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On top at Chris BoroherV.
Nsttirrlav nifttit at the opera bonne a
ladies' McKinley club will be organized.
Miss Ethel Kinsman left last eve nog
for Portland to attend nneiness college.
T. M. : J. P. Rhea, a prominent banker
and cattle raiser of Heppner, is in the
Chae. Valentine was in Heppner yea-
terday to get medioine tor his wife who
is ill.
Arlington Record: Mr. Henry Hepp
ner from the town of Ueppner was in
town Monday.
Bow Small
Rill Brown came in
last Friday, leaving
Friday evening.
from Lone Rock
for Portland on
September 10, 1890, '
State vs. D. C. Beaob ; defendant re
leased on his own reoogniznrjoe.
State vs. C. Sargent; arraigned and
plead not guilty.
State vs. Sam Sperry ; arraigned and
plead not guilty. .,
atate vs. ir Jbeyde; defendant ar
raigned, plead guilty and seutcnoed to 2
years in the reform school. -
State vs. N. Dickson; oontiuued for
term ; bonds fixed at $200
J. A. Woolery vs. Benefiel, Horner &
McFarland ; on trial before court.
Summers vs. Summers; Trial before
court and decree and ouetody of child
Riven Mrs. Summers.
Reininger vs. Reioinger; trial by oourt
and decree fr plaintiff.
Burrell & Thompson vs. F. McFarland
and others; demurrer overruled and 20
days given to file au answer.
September 11th.
State vs. Sperry; found guilty of
larceny by bailee and seutenced to three
months in tbeoaunty jail.
September 12th.
J. M. Russell Co. vs. J. O. Nealen;
plaintiff allowed 20 days in which to file
motion and affidavits for new trial, and
defendant allowed until Nov. 2 to file
counter affidavits. "
State vs. Eugene Jones; arraigned and
indictment read oiiarging laroeny ol a
eow, A'mo in another cane charging
. laroeny of a horse. Time set to plead,
Monday morning.
' State vs. Waldron Rbet; arraigned
and indictment read charging larceny of
a steer. To plead Monday morning.
:' State vs. Cbet Svgent, charged with
; attempted rape, on trial and will doubt
less be concluded tod y.
September 14th.
State vs. Jonei; plead not guilty to
both indictments.
State vs. Waldron Rhea; pleads not
. Wade vs. Wade j default.
was in from Eight
Staoey says -"Hur-
. A Million Gold Dollars
Would not bring happiness to the per
son iuffuriug with djipepsia, but Hood's
Hanaparilla bas cared many thousands
of osaee ot this disease. It tone the
stomach, regulates tba bowels and puts
all lbs machinery of tbs system in good
workioc otdut. It creates a good appe
tite and gives health, strength and hap
Hood's Pills act harmoniously with
Hood's 8ri arilla. Cure all liter ills.
25 cents. .
A PleaaaM Orraalee.
Staoey Roberta
Mile on yesterday,
rah for Bryan."
I. N. Sargent, father of Charley Sar
gent, has been up from The Dalles for
tbe past week.
Qeo. Coneer sold about 80.000 pounds
of wool reoently bat the price paid is not
known to ye soribe
E. O.: Miss Anna Brown passed
through Pendleton this morning on ber
way to Beverly, Ohio, ber home.
Jas. Dongberty. of Wallowa county.
formerly coroner of tbis oounty and a
resided ot the Lena section, is in town
Wash Thompson was in from tbe
oonntry Friday last, and he was talking
"MoKinley" to bis friends tbe same as
ot yore.
Mrs. Minnie Kinsman. Booompanied
by her daughter, Bertie, arrived from
New York, where they have been visit
ing, last Sunday.
Tbe veterans at St. Paul had 24.000 in
line, 7,000 of them being from Minneso
ta. Tbe order shows a deoreaae ot 9,000
last year by death
Mrs. Jaa. McHalev baa on exhibition.
down at M. Liohtentbal s, rmt samples
of fruit, raised on their Heppner plaoe,
which are fine beyond description.
Hear Caplea at tbe opera house next
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Then
stay over for the big McKinley olub
meeting in tbe evening. It will do your
soul good to bear a few refreshing facts.
Homer Harrington got home Saturday
from an extended outing trip to tbe
coast aad to the mountains of OowlilB
oounty, Washington. He intends to
enter business college in Portland in tbe
very near future
From all accounts Chamberlain's
Cnngh Remedy is a Godtend to tbe
efllioted. There is no advertisement
about tbis; we feel inst like saying it.
The Dnmoorat, Carrolltoo, Ky. For sale
by Conser t Brock, druggists.
Haver was a mar (Haven wrong done
the farmers of oar country thaa the se
an Justly Inflicted daring tba peat three
years apoa the wool (rawer, althaagh
among oar noil atefal eltlaea. their la-
tareat have heea practical 1 7 destroyed.
HcKlnler'a letter of eeeaplaaee.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old'
timer" in tbe tonsorial line, bas again
located in Qeprmer, bavir.g porohssed
Qreen Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe rity boUL Charley will
annrM-iate a call whan In town.
John Murphy, wltb a six-borse team,
arrived at Heppner from Monument on
Saturday loaded Wltb 7.1K8 pounds of
wool. Tbis is a part of Henry Welob e
clip and Is a nice lt ot wool. Mr. Welch
brought in a lod on last Saturday.
James Applegata, who died in Mon
rovia on Angust 31. was one of tbe r
heat pioneer to eutue to tbe I'aoiQo coast,
He came to Oregeo from Missouri in
together with tiie father and two
brothers. He was 63 ytari old at the
time of bis dratb.
Shareholder Are Oftea
Six thimbles and two peas in the
hands of a ring of skilled professionals
do not leave much chance for outsiders,
however smart and wideawake they
may think themselves. Not only do the
insiders have the concoction of the vari
ous companies and the fixing of their
original capitalization, which practical
ly determines their future value, but,
says the National Review, they have
the entire management of tbem. They
can decide which of the half-dozen is to
pay the big dividends and which are to
draw blanks. They have all the initia
tive, do all the manipulating, and can
arrange every new scheme to suit them
selves. They might even strip a com
pany of its assets and reduce it to an
empty husk before the shareholders
could interfere to prevent them. The
proprietary or parent company is in
that respect most at their mercy. Say
that it starts with so many claims to de
velopa thousand it may be and that
it divides them up among four or five
working companies. ; v
Ihe usual course iB to receive in pay
ment of the claims an agreed number of
the sub-company's shares. These pass
into the treasury of the parent com-
pany.but there is no obligation on the di
rectors to keep them longer than they
please, and no guarantee to the share
holders that they will be kept. They
moy be sold, pawned, exchanged, or put
In trust at the pleasure of the directors,
who have invariably proxies enough to
give them complete control.
With Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, "8alea Talk," and
show that this medi
cine has enjoyed public confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord
ed any other proprietary medicine. Tbis
is simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
sny other. It is not what we ssy, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
the story. All advertisements of Hood'?
Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it
self, are honest. We have never deceive
tbe public, and this with its superlalh
medicinal merit, is why the peoplo hv.
abiding confidence in it, and buy
; s ; '
ll virtue of a writ of execution Issued out of
the Clerk's omee of the circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County, under the
seal thereof, and lo me directed and delivered
upon a decree rendered and entered In said
Court on the 6th dsy of March, 18SH, in favor of
Frank Haerman, Receiver of Lombard Invest
ment Company, as plaintiff, and against Henry
Wade. Nancy A. Wade, Frank McFarland, D. w.
Hornor, J. R, Bimont, K. L. Simons, Frank
Pangburn and Hugh Fields, as defendants,
whereby the plaintiff did recover a personal
decree against the defendants Henry Wade and
Nancy A. Wade for the sura of 11012.66. with in
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 6th day of March, 1896: and the
costs and disbursements taxed at 127.70: and
whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated
on the Kith day of May. 1SS8. executed bv Henry
Wade and Nancy A. wade to the Lombard In-
Almost to the exclusion ot all others. Try
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, M
. . ni are the only pills to 1 1
HOOd S FlllS with Hood's Sarsapwi.
The Squirrel, Owl and Mice, Also the Re
flections of a Blnejay.
It was in late summer and the owl sat
upon a branch looking very wise and
doing nothing, while the squirrel
busied himself with the nuts lying
about on the ground, gathering them
expeditiously and stowing them away
in hollows and holes.
Winter came by and by and with its
shar cold and deep snow, but still the
owl sat upon the branch looking wise
and doing nothing. The squirrel jeered
nt him, thinking that the owl must be
hungry and starving, because the bird
had not been a provident one. Each day
the squirrel grew fatter, but the owl
did not change, whidh the squirrel
thought to be due to the feathers stuck
out by the owl in his false pride.
When it was at last between fall and
spring time.the blue jay one day saw the
wise owl leave its perch on the branch
and seize the fat, provident squirrel by
the neck and eat him, after which the
owl returned to the branch, and eat
upon it, looking wiser than ever, and the
blue jay wondered if it was better to be
provident like the squirrel, wise like the
owl, or lucky like the mice that there
after ate of tbe squirrel's store.
Their Destructtvenes Shown by the Con
tents of a Unrrow.
Arthur S. Burr, of Old Haddain, when
going across lot recently disgovered
the carcass of a woodchuck partly eat
en, and a little further along a ruffed
grouse. Thinking it was the work of a
fox, he made search and found tbe bur
row, with a large black hen and two
more partridges at its mouth. Suspect
ing there were young partridges in the
row. he made up bis mind to return
and dig them out, as the town of Ilad
dam 'pays a bounty of two dollars a
It was five days before he had a
chance to do this, ond when he dug out
the burrow with the assistance of
Sherm Fowler he found that the wily
mother fox had removed. They were
determined to have that bounty, and in
cidentally the foxes, and after a long
search they found a new burrow, pick
ing up two more partridgeB on the way.
On digging out this new hole they took
out eight pnrtridges, three rabbits and
a very large woodchuck, w'.th ' five
young foxes in the end. The partridges
were partly eaten, but the wodchuck
was completely cleaned out, nothing
but the skin being left.
Sporttimen have long claimed that
foxes were more destructive to game
than all the hunters, and have noted a
great increase of foxes in towns that
have not paid a bounty for the last few
years. The only incentive the farmers'
boys have for killing the fox is the
bounty money. Eight partridges In a
vestment Company, and now held by the Dlain
tiff upon the following described real property
in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The South
west quarter of Section No Kin Township No. 2
South and Range No. 27 Kast of Willamette
meridian, excepting therefrom ten acre in
equare form out of the southwest corner of said
quarter section, containing 1jO acres, more or
less, which mortgage was recorded Jon the
31st day of May, 1SK8, at page 298 of Book "0" of
the Records of Mortgages in the ottlce nf the
County Clerk of Morrow Comity, Oregon, should
be foreclosed, and the said real property sold by
the Sheriff of Morrow County, Orogon, to satisfy
said judgment and all costs; therefore I will,
on Saturday, the 19th day of September, 1896, at
11 o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, at the
front door of the court house in the city of
Heppner, Oregon, sell all the right, title, inter
est and estate which the said defendantsand all
persons claiming and to claim by, through or
under tnem, or any of tnem, nan on the lbth
day of May, 1888, or Bince then have had, or now
have, in and to the above described real prop
erty, and every part thereof, at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the pro
ceeds of such sale to be applied in satisfaction
oi sain execution ana an costs.
Dated tbis Hth day of August, 1896.
466-75. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
and bv virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court ot the State ot Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to
me directed and delivered, upon Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 4th
day of May, 18911, in favor of Henry Padberg,
Plaintiff, and Against H. D. Whitman, H. W.Mt
man and J. H, Moran. Defendants, for the sum
of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest
thereon from said 4th day of May, 1896 at the
rate of ten per cent per annum and Twent
Five Dollars attorneys fees and the cost am
accruing costs; and, whereai, by said judgment
it was oracreu ana adjudged in at me following
real property, to-wit; the Northwest quarter ol
Section Thirteen (13) In Township Two (21
South of Range Twenty Three (2H) East W. M
be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs, i win, on
Saturday, 19th day of September, 1800,
at 11 o'clock A, M., of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said
defendants H. D. Whitman, H. Whitman and J.
H. Mora n in and to the above described prop
erty at Public Auction to the highest and beat
bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney' fee and all cost, and costs that may
accrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated this 21st day of Aug. 1896. 468-77.
Bow to Wash Blanket Before
Them Away.
The feather bed is, of course, a thing
of the past. It is probably not lamented
In many quarters, as it is certainly un-
healthful, difficult to care for, una not
pleasant to sleep on. Mattresses,
liliiokets, pillows, and other articles of
bedding, however, require much oare,
to be kept odorless and clean.
The main enemies to mattresses are
duct, damp and moth,-, and frequent
brushing must be given them, for in an
Incredibly short time they will harbor
dust all along the edges and where the
button is fixed. A loose cotton cover
over tbe mattress, made to button neat
ly at oue end, also goes a long war
toward keeping it clean. This can be
washed ond changed aa often as need
lie without much trouble orexpenae. It
is very Important to air all the bedding
thoroughly. Every article should lie
dully token off and laid esirately over
a chair aud a strong current of air
should be allowed to circulate through
the room before the clothes are re
placed. Tbe mattress should be turned
daily and from end to end, as this in
sure it being worn more evenly, and
not sinking in the middle,
IIIanKels are a difficulty to many peo
ple, mostly beraut they csnnot make
jip their minds as to how often they
should be washed, nor bow thry should
bn treated. In many bouses they are
vah-d only once a year; but sombow
mat uoes aoern rainer too rare a pro
ceeding, on the other hand, it is really
Ob last Saturday evening a Teff pleas- lr;,,rfc,r t)lt ieep y'rover rtcrix t any no' r to have tbem washed more
wiiiM miw Tver, uiifc tnry iniiat lasve
proper rare in the ntrvsl In tbe shape
or airing, shaking, ete. A washing ma
mine is very good for the purpose,
specially aa they should neter be
rutilied by the band. The water should
In only lukewarm, sod a little -p well
lathered In tbe water la all that will
lie required. Wring the blankets very
dry through a wringer, shake thrm ont
snd wash again In the same way, wring
ing each tiiraf, antil they re quite
rleen. I)o not rtnee thrm. but pall them
Into hr and bsng tbem out la Ihe
no. v.hn h U a great help to preservlaf
a irood enter. Kovfos Globe.
nt party was given at Ibe raises hotel
in honor of Mums Ethel f perry, Llllie
Ctabee. Elsie Lary and Eva Brians,
previous to Ibeir depsrtaie tor acbooi foi
the coming yter. Tbe evening as
gileasaolly Pent In sicial conversatk
bod games, concluding with aa appre
ciate lonob. Tbe yooog ladiee depart
ed let availing, and were cat tainly given
a very etittioaiastio farewell reception al
Ibe depot by tbeir Bteay friends.
Uiseea Brerrr and Laoy will attend
the Corvallia eotlege, Miae Driaas, iioa
mouth, et-d Biabee, Portland Uni
W sere TW 't
MVKInle Hill, wllh snt.
wr Biyaa M rtrli.s 1-1"-1 .
W ae Irlvfd. mf mnt. are
I tt-f lhr dn I, "er S'laa Hute I .'
"I aon.Uf II U..I a h.l mailer m im uanne
thai s ! b"e. ! I'l li'
m - f . . . - ti. I , t-H, ,1.1 i., 1 r ) ,f
Ibea they !) tweed, awl Uf lk4
rV.I4 c v al Its UIvd"e BaSouQ, r
n M,.rr I'rtiB. Tbe OaIHe bas ft eae eafS lll
benefit from th tariff or not
H hr titer M de or Our IK i OKI JOT
frrt tntot Krtrart from ntttch o
11 1, inm J. llrvtm in ihs llotMOf iirp-
rrsen fa; ire vhen tht WUann bill vu
under coHMtderatw.
E. O.I E. U. Clarke earns home Ibis
nvrnlof from Portland, rred Claris,
bis son, let! Wednesday for Kao Frsseie-
co by stesmer. Usrry llajaor, Mr.
I larke's nephew, baa let or Bed from bie
Japaa inn aud will b la baa Freociaoo
donog Ihe eloter ub Fred Clarke.
Hon. Joba F. Cplt. of Cortland, will
addrees tbe people of lleppber Oft Hator-
day, rV pt. l'Jib, ai 1 e'eloek, p. m-,oe
Ibe tMilitidel teen tf Ibe dev. Mr.
Copies k a lifelong republican sod one
ot Ibe best Dabho eueetere in urrgoa.
All are Isviud to 0ts out and bear
A quartet of Ibagi eoaSaed in Ibe all
al ftaiui la sasJe aa attempt oa Muodsr
lo dig Iheir sf l freedom via tbe,
emut Shut and ootef ail of Ibe bee-
Hie, tbeir otili 1mI beteg eneple of
lelilefmke. I beir gasae was dteoovered
aflef tber bed made Slight ieaveUe
f f 1
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Ton wUl Ond on coupon lnsld each 1 ounoe bag and two conpons Inside sacb 4 ounce tuuj.
uuy a oag, reaa trie coupon ana see now to set your share of 1050,000 In present.
n hi
mw a unan
ill w
ie musss
LTaa bought out the General MerohitndiBe Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Pre !
All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late.
burrow but four days old show
great destructivencBS of foxes.
Killed la Mlchlgaa and Held to Be Cnlqne
In This roan try.
A curious nnd exceedingly unusual
freak is reported by a deer hunter to
Konnt and Stream. The hunter was up
in Wexford county, Mich., nnd got on
ii deer trail that h;id hoof marks plain
ly made by a buck. Almost all hunters
of deer can tell a buck from a doe truck
After trailing tbe rtee; and fretting
within a rod of it the buck leaed out of
a clump of brush and got knocked down
with a bullet through the head.
The deer did not have any horn", al
though a two-year-old, and weighing
150 putinds. Further, it never hud had
any horns.
Does with horns, bucks with three
horns, dozens of spikes, and malformed
horns, have often been reported of
Michigan end other American deer, but
this is the flrst hornless American buck
reported, although some European derr
sometimes lurk Mich weapons, but yet
are able to whip the horned ones.
"It U immaterial, in my judgment,
wktther tht ihrep p roarer rtceivrt any
bent ft from the tariff or not
Whether ht does or doe not I am for
free vooWExtratt from ajieerft of
WiUiam J. Ilr)an in tht llout of Rrj
retentatirtt vhen tht WUmn bill trot
under coneidt ration.
and by virtue of an execution Issued out
ot the circuit court of the Htate of Oregon tor
the County of Morrow, and to me directed and
delivered, pon a judgment rendered and en
tered In said court on the 3rd dnyol March, lxtM,
in lavor oi u. A. inea, j. 1,. Morrow dc Hon (j.
W. Morrow), Henry Hlarkman.l flush Fields.
O. W. SwaiKurt, Thos. liuaid. P. 8. Wilson, Wm.
land, J. P. Khea. T. A. Knee. Otis Patterson
and T. W. Ay em, Flalutlll's and against The
Palace Hotel Company of Heppner, Oregon,
Defendant, for the mm of Ten Thousand Dol
lars with Interest thereon at the rale of ten Per
cent per annum from AiiKuat ind lKtilsnd Ten
nonius costs; ana, wnereas, ny said junimeni
it waa onieren ana anjUfitfea mat ine loiiow.
liif described real property, to-wit: Comniene
Ins at the Honthwest corner nf Lot No. His. (A;
In Block No. Keur (I) of the Original Townol
Heppner, County of Morrow, Htate of Oregon.
thence Kast on hundred and ten (1 Iu) feet.
thence North sixty (M) feet, thence West on
hundred and ten (110) feet, thenue South sixty
(Mi) feet to place oi beginning, be sold to satis
fy said Judgment, costs aud accruing coats. I
will, on Ih
Third Day el October, 1890,
at 2 o'clock P. M of anld day, at the front door
of the court house In Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell all the right, title and Interest of
the said The Palace Hotel Compsnv In and to
the abor dearrllied proiH-rtv at Pulilln Auction
to the nigm-st aim Ixnit ntiiiinr lor rain In hand,
the proceeds Iu he applied to Ihe sallslactlon ol
sahl esecutlnu and all Costa, and cost that may
accrue. K. U MATUh K,
RherifTof Morrow County, Oregon.
Pated Kept. ;iid, 1'.1, tli-xl.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
IN iLHTH K'Hrot KT FOR Till! HI XTfl Dl
A trlrt, Nlalenl Oregon, ( oulily of Morrow.
1. A. Woolery, l'lliitllT.
a. E. Jones. Defendant
Toe. K, Hones, IhIkiiOkiiI:
In Ih nam ol Ih Htate ol nregnn. we com
mand you to scar tx'lor Ihe undersigned, a
justiceoi me rrare Iu iieitiir. In aahl ouiitv
and Htale, nu or Iwlore Ihe l'h day nf Ortol.-r.
at me nour oi iu oi rim s in tns loreiMHiu
aald day, al mr nlhr In he said low n In answer
Ihe complaint ol J. A. ttunlert loundcd on
niniluorf iiom and a herein ha drntanni tha
ii .a nt one lluiMlrwl 1 Milt li and Au.liu Dt,
lara, lor which sum Judgment alll he rendered
ssalnal you If toe fall
said complaint.
I.lven miller PIT hand Hits 7n4 nav nf Sr,,
e. i , n . e, mi a hiip ij
i Juries of lh I race.
E. 0 : lVoalJ KleKay, Ibe famon
eeobt, rams in from b Wallowa ooonlry
Tneadejr evetinj. lie bad beea aett for
by fcUjof ITarper, Ibe lodiso Afeot, sad
lit. ll(Ky nodeielsodi Ibat be is to be
eppoioted iDlerprelee al lib af eeey, In
plaee of tbe late John McUeea. l-tild
) tbe t'taaiill and Lapwai lsdlans
are encamped ra Wallowa like, btvmg
big time f ambllof and bore rsciaf.
Dwe U
- . 1 1 . . ,,u,f.'n. l . ..... , - . ---
iia sws ros i i " t i ti..i ii.-. (v.iiM J I'lii.sid
rt wnmoMrfw..- Ml fM manujwmr'r. deelile lo Uke a
M.... J -1 ... 1-1 1 Ihk. 1 ' ' " - . .
r ibm nnoii m ai""r, - I .
rAinicferiae l Jft'f no pnncrr
Owl TrwMe4
Celaeltai Ca
Lieut. A. C. Tot lea. wboae fund
for stroopW-al ralnilalkina and infer
rncee Is well known, derlsrvs Ibat tbe
trr utile va It h current affair Is not due
lo lb I'tit'd (sate arnafe, Ibe bk-yrle,
Ibe new fmsn, or the silver queeUoD,
but may tan rrirrttrly Irareil in Ibe
rontnrUaft of lb Heavenly laaliea. He
My, seririlirif to lUrfw-r'e Weekly,
list when luu many of Ue plsneta gr
r n the aame aide of the eua al Ibe same
t. I..,,, in nrmerat Ihew ! no
tnflMff meant. Ihrir mil in
the fcriVk and tmniar ut leir etlaU'tk
mnenlt, in th nuirhtnerp. in tht orgnn
imtlmm, in thetr ini Ad no nvt$
ff them t"i iV ariwH eia fl J
o.f t..r trtt If the ftnli da it t
II. M,tut ar.,a.l -r.ii d itrn IM wine
l,L,m. la .if- It it (at I wld
fulfil K T'l r4Tm.
Tlroe wrl he ale l aarntie aftef
Jely 11. All t-'s"C" f-l l tt bf
Ike iMh nf earn tits) brft- will be
till ff.
Ilsrrass l.lowf WatH Cm.
rtrv I eM.
tl.aMb m-i See! M.ah
thiw.h IVale'fb It-aaelf.
avre. bt
I'f Sua-,
I'Oj It makes irtiul.lre fur Ibe earth.
mr sale- mnj pim ul w tmmw m .... . ., a
tb.wN.os-b be.iaeee roe' M a firwt ciaes ! lbt tov. fr Ural time la ibe
e4lt eboald see IbeUsseiie before history of n. ail Ihe rlenu. eicrtr
tO taalo. ealih, are appenerbiCs' rraloradcifl prri-
K O t A. W relterenn. anaaaser at Iwlis. and w Hb a frmr oe fl year wl.t
tbe Uapoeaf Ui"K arrived tn.es ibai I la Irn luff mf y al tbe sun.
! lli'S awKeiasf eo4 ! ovef to
M alls U alls Ibe vrei4 aaiiet irate.
He was aeaipeM4 la Nails Welle by
Vt in kaetnna, wuo Kike on tefwbtpeav
lam si lbs eeil boaea I set evenlef
air lUenas l.if u,eily ia4 la Walla
U. Creak IRae-ie; fla Orsf, ef
ll fer, a4 i. la. WietMlt. al lt4.
rrie I is bl creel wiaeiy rrea
Ilrnet Ibe llrf felUmaai M
,lk gif e4e4) auskaaaSMW id Ibe
ReisUlsiaT Mereefieee ! Wltb Ibe ae.
alee4 Mr. Ursf, Ibey aill kuak as
erf ft Ii reanise ear4 Lift in Ibie
iN-SMiy. 1 be i!aine irffe s. eev.
rral llfe la Nielat ely.
Watt. Tbn..ei na tt
41 i',i-t M '; l-a ev
Wf -i I id , KVaf'rel al es
el ei tt U sr, .f Ul-
Plaet IHii,l
Aft-rf'H .7n. I"s !
Iiiin ,1 i.a . e
1 1 i'f ' ie I.
Si. 4 eeta
Uk M-ii-
f llf,ie will t
K-p eif tint l"l
A. A. Ib !.
Mi.lle eaiUt, akMe on Ihe rfhrf s'te
(f II. will bae aa ceet,pf'y bar. I
I me, anl mill l-e lb arene f aU ar
nf Hiaeslers etxt it iltur nt. tUrlb ill
ull Uirtmra. he Ibinka. afW enrw
Hals; afier h.'k be ks fnf "ll
I'leraJ rule ef lae rlufft JaVae'.efc.'
Stit Ibe lis4 pg f f Ibe ensifweloitc
icrsr f'WTTiiilatifif, Jrtwrm. wbUh
rlly, b teliee, will eeeae lo he tfvl
nVj by frrn'ilr. Saxi will bi ih
rmlf frMN wb.b lgbl rule anl )ia
I f e ere y wprrnd rr Ike rar-b.
!!. Totir la familiar wltb lwb
I lie I'll aext the l.ffWr snalbersre,
! bee a rfarkat)e f ft U" llrrier'
k as ap lnwtbr islnr'e-e-e4 111
rJ'e r"T', t-l !. le I a f
i' rt.t.,,lir tarrari eM a rkftiie
"! a." ! hit ilrliteTW sre a!
a-'a r4 M Inese t ! ru 1 '. fvaliae
Hif lr,u'a,ti.t at. J lebt to llr
w ls
Hepport o Pendlelosi via D'f pasr
Eebo Kt Line. rreoae daeims af
vksltiaf radleloo Ca tsve time not
mooet by lakips; (hie leal. I'f ae
qaalnllnf Ibe as ant the firevbme et
leg Ibe (ta trill make ceaoeelxa wltb
'cturk Uia at K bo tut Pdlti.n.
OfTiee at City lra More. W. D. l-omi.
E. Ot Al PortlssJ tltsee K. Ilshb
bae eae4 Willises U. I'-al-b for divorce
beaeaeeof deeeilai, Hbe aleleelbal
Utey eieasarried In W'sblglneQatv,
tlrefna. May 10. l,-7. aa4 thai be will
falir ebaale4 inmi 11. 1X,, at
Vh !(, ae4 thsl eke bae lee bad to
rely o aeteeir a ad bef parents for sw-
poft Kb asks for Ihe ewetiKlf vf Ibeif
oae Bilsof chil l, mm II eare.
"It it feseviferW, in m Judgment,
whether tht therp grxnrer reeeiret mf
Imne fit from Ihe tariff er .f . , . . .
Whether ht duet or 4 not I mm fur
free otd A street from A of
WiUhm J. lirjtin in the lUnm nf hep
ttmemlnhret when Ihe II tlmn ti!l inu
nnder fn.$ l' ral "U , .
I au lo appear aud anawsr
Notict of Intention.
TAN'D orriflt AT I.A (IRAKDir, ORKOOf
J H"i -L I. I"- M.HIiw la harrhr slrra thai
lha l, . I lowing naaied Mllrr naa nlrd nntm
of his ItitmUon lo wiake riiial pronf la tui ixirt
nf hla claim, aud thai aald pnail will be aiada
lM-fire Ih county rlrrk of M"ftw eon my al
Happner, ureg'in. on ii trtr l"ih, t, vis:
AAUON M hi hi H,
H V. Ht. mi .rf the tu ar.t and KfU WU
and srvs e I. lp i. H K W. M
II names Iha loltt.altia wHuraii In aroaa
nia muni a maiiMnra uuou and eultlvatu.
ei vain latui, vil :
trad K Thomas. A. J MrKanrle. KnUrl
ttt-. Juba w. Irrpny, all "I rl'ppiwr. Ore.
i ii. a r. wiimik. iuiar.
We are not email men, lbs. We are email men, Xs.
we are not itis Largest mercnams in tne Worm !
a a But when the people of all the surrounding couutry are tn need of a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crnckeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oas and Water ripe, Pipe fittings, Btove and Ranges, Wagon,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Aies, Hammer, Raws, Bledges,
Wedge, Ouna, Pistol, Cartridge and Ammunition, Mason Jar, Qran
ltewsr, Plow, Harrow, Kskcs. Mowers, Tub. Wash Bolllers
snd Boanls, Hheet Iron, Zinc, eto., etc.,
Blioul J call and Examine oar Goods and Get Trices.
W bar Oood Goods at Pais Price, snd Cheap lohn Good st Chep John Prices.
J. C. BOECI-I3CRS, Prop.
1 1 mm laiaaawaawaeaa ease
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
Notict of Intention.
IAMi orrti it at tiir ri iM.ntiri!.
t An l 1 K.rll.a la Sarvl.r sliaa
thai Ih Inllueli.g beaaed aaliiar has SlaJ
Ike m har Intaullu la esl ! ftinni In sue
! is) lif nal m. arte rhal aald pr.l will (
mad belirre J. w. M.trme, rmmir Clark, al
llap.nr, Uiaenn mi la .., a, leVs. lis.
MAIillllRT .atj
M iA ankalaai M Ewiry,
W t I. Ma. "l. Iha lrta , t sad s, a ad t
M'lwl.1lli !. I.
aarw u,a h.llnwli, wilr iaips In em
kar mniiiwM ta4tM npam auU colli, aikoa
en mm taii. ir
Wra Aita iiililaas, Janua O w llllaa. fraal
ward, Ivitd M. iaaalua, ail at HaHwaa,
Aa.f M'H'hS.
1 !. awe later.
Notice Of Intention.
.Orris r Tee (Uus. -,.,.
is f w. l
NtrTV- i ntsrar ntvui imi thii
l.eln KeaaaH lif Ka Bw4 Mlr
af Ita l,lf,ltMi I aall S 1 lcl I a ai 1"r1
IMrUile thai aald a-l elll ae a-ada
kat'rfa I n-ial I ts mi atate I af , I fM,,
al lt" 'If' rl4.ml.l fl lea, .11
ktaa i.im lui i, ., a, an,,
m He. Mil. M Ifca a aa i, 1 . s, K II
a "
eia Max iae i'aeln m ar.a
Mr iiwm rveklewe aenai aa4 raiUialtue
I-.. 14 M aMir Me. .t4 l.i.lll, ftnnl
H w i ja aaaa. a. I m I i wn
tit, i u.-.r.
ea n mtf-t
Notice of Intention.
, I Al 'frl' RATI .! . itmH-tn
I I . ! .4b la lit Ikal
li.a li.tr aM eM,5 aaa .4 m.Aum M
af li- ii-- y .ai f4 I ai mi
t t'im -"1 ll.al aa4 a-.4 elil m a.a im
' al l..a, in mi, mm m4-min It, lai
lit) will male it an object fur you to trade with
Llm ae Lit pric are right, and alt goods that he
handle are of tha very beat
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Iloppner, Oregon,
MMIU riMHWl.aaawl,,.,.! J,,
tbrob laae ea I H (. II A X. will j N Mi i. m. -t mtu M
mn We. ti.He, Walls W.lie ! . ""J irji'' aV" " " "
v I aa aataS lae I. e II i iaaaa M r--S
te4!etoa. Tbfnwf lae , 6't l 1" r"e 4 t.'lKUM
een4 eleee, will inn le el"w a t -.r nmm f tv. I,
t'. a r !. Ike e ae kew ' '".: Vj" ' "' "
a r wiienw
Ian4 to e '' tU
6i4 else iUei m N. t'sal. a4
lbmf b Ile4 eteeawf erlla4 tn Nt t
tsel, wJI inn la eene mtth IW '
(ret Jf.1e rllwf If .
Pills : HI
Vouro HOUND r.rnU ,Kin.
xn viMh'n sutivk.
(t Ii 9 a a. f fa l-al ia mA.f,n4)
A a a,aa a,t.-f nm
4 M
ae , mi
m . aa'w- I a
Te se aa-a - I- - . .. 4 a ,M . a li ae 1
111) ',1'UW 4 a-4 tm S1.a aa .-. l a. I . ., axl. la f , I If III 1 t 1 TCI
S' , V. a llva Uwl a (-l a . a . m , aw l m jlil II
a eM lMMi.1 ( n awl i l-ut al t'rt el J a.,, I II If I I . I t I , 1 1 1 It
t4 MMlHIAl tr:tW.r,,e ' I m l.f a.,.m. IJliIJ IJIj.lllIll)
f A,a.u j I H a-"t. Ar Mitet.M f! f AaliaJV" IMItHHII
Leaves No CunMlpntlon, .w.
f 'eree It, a eall ae alt I'.iUveeaaae, Hu k INslaebe a l Mslarl. Tbe efclf
isrttil hII in Ibe ).rti.. Hl I I f U le.ta -r - i Lf mall ee
rret w sriee, ii eeuU e l-l l lil.MI-i MH'1CI.( .
Has raeetaesi, Cel.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
til A MC'lt It I It Ms It Mil I. AMI I
I NTTTWX ICBT on. .f fiiiiiMiiiiiM w. .-
I It I
al l' iM I
Plenty of them at tha
Gazette Office. , . .