Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 15, 1896, Image 2

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    Republican Ticket.
For President,
william Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER, of Marlon County,
8. M. YOB AN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah.
years from the beginning of our
government down tQ 1828, during
all of which time an average of 90
per cent of American foreign
commerce was carried in Ameri
can ships. '
The first act of the first congress
in 1789 provided, in part, for this
form of ship protection. Subse
quent acts of that and succeeding
congresses strengthened and ex
tended the policy. ' '
Ship protection was abandoned,
because it was no longer thought
necessary, and from that time the
proportion of carriage of Ameri
can commerce in American ships
has declined, until to-day J)ut 11.7
per cent of American commerce
is carried foreign in American
o,uuu,uuu tons ol snips are
employed in carrying American
foreign commerce, less than three
quarters of a million tons of which
are American.
$400,000,000 would be spent in
whole world. The popocrat idea
costs too much. Let ns go the way
in which we will get the moBt for
our investment the sovereign
ballot of every American citizen.
There is more wool stored in
Thft Dalles todav. beloncincr to
nrirrirml owners, than at anv other American shipyards building the
point in the United States. In shlP8 necessary to carry American
fact this is one of the largest wool commerce if the policy advocated
centers on the continent, but all the m the Massachusetts plank is
wool is for shipment, not a pound Thl9 Plank wa8 also ad.Pted b?
for home consumption, or at least the 0re6on Publicans and incor
there is no means or consuming a Porated into the St Lou19 Plorm.
pound. This is all wrong. In- $300,000,000 now annually sent
stead of shipping seven or eight abroad to Pay for the carria2e of
million nonndsof wool each vear American' commerce, passengers
Bblrl ha r,innir,r two or and mails, would be retained in
adopted by the United States. the Unlted StateB if American
three million pounds of mannfac- 8uiP8 did tho work
tured woolens. Start one woolen HC00.000.Cjp0, it has been csti
mill this year and within ten years matcd by the mofjt competent ex
The Dalles will have a milling ca- Perts Lave been Bent abrHad dur"
pacity sufficient to work up all the in8 the Paet tbirty yfiars to Pfty
raw material that comes to this for the carriage of American com-market-TimeB-Mountaineer.
merce Passengers, mails, etc.
This is a very sad, yet untimely The weakness of the United
confession from a democratic Statea 19 ouly "PPt upon the
paper. A paper which advocates Bea9 of tbe world; the doption of
free trade, or practically so, for tbis Policy would strengthen the
manufactured woolen goods, and Dation wbere it8 ODe weakness at
absolute free trade for the raw present exists,
material, should make no comment Senator Elkins, of West Vir
ion iti own citv is reamne the ginia, ba9 introduced a bill in the
rewards of the doctrine that jour- 8euate. and Mr Tayne, of New
nal bo nobly defends. York' in the hou8P' proposing to
There are tons of wool unsold in ax lmPrt8 foreign ships ten
The Dalles. All along the line of Per cent moro than inPrt in
thA railroad, attending as far east American snips are taxed.
us Huntington, there is wool !ti9a Plicy that provides for
.nm,nh r Unn a Urra aized mill the Bamo protection for American
running for a long time at The ips that is now provided for
Dalles. There is a warehouse full American manuiaciures, w w:
nf itin lUker Citv. which cannot discrimination againut foroign
be sold for the freight charges to 8U1P8. J"8 9 discriminate
The Dalles. If there were mills "gnst foreign manufactures, by
rnnncht in tl.A home citv of the L,her duty P tlie forel
Times-Mountaineer to manufao- -rttclea, be they ships or products
trll ll.. wool in this conntrv 01 Ion,l.'n l,nllon8-
(nlA artir,!.,. ,,f ration., rises, thev Uuitod Klato9 nnvy i(1 w"k.
U 1,a . .limit as a crave- Mocruho Americans are i,ot to be
yard under the present condition bad an ' warahipH. The
t 1 n,l adoption of this ixilicy would
provide a resourco ur the man
, "Now while I know my Bilver
friends would deire to go a step
further than does this platform,
and while, furthermore, there are,
I know, a great many republicans,
who are now earnestly and cordial
ly supporting the republican party,
who would go further in therecog-
niation of silver than does this
republican platform, I insist, in
view of all the circumstances, and
I should so insist even were ihe
platform even less bimetallic than
it is, that in view of all the other
great policies of the republican
party, in view of the momentous
issues involved in this campaign
other than that relating to finances,
there is no reason why every silver
republican in this state should not
support the republican ticket, but
on the contrary, in my judgment,
many forcible reasons why they
nhould." From Senator Mitchell's
Woodburn speech.
The Best Remedy in the
WorldIt Makes Peo
v pie Well.
Just Received!
. . "N
' In a recent letter to tbe manafaotnr-
org Mr. W. F. Becjamin, editor of the
Speotator, Rasbford, N. Y.. Bays: "It
may be a pleasure to yon to know tbe
bigh esteem in wbioh Chamberlain's
medicines are held by the peeple of
your own state, where they most be
beat known. Ad flunt of mine, who re
sides ut Dexter, Iowa, was about to
visit we a few years since, and before
eaviunr home wrota me,' asking if they
were sold here, stating if they were not
she would bring a quantity with ber,
as ehe did not like to be without them.'
Tbe medicines referred to are Chamber
din's Congb Remedy, famous for its
cures of colds and oronp; Chamberlain's
l'ain LI aim for rheumatism, lame back
pains in tbe side and chest, and Cham'
erlaiu's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
liemedy for bowel complaints. These
medicines have been in constant nse in
Iowa for almost a quarter of a century,
Tbe people have learned that they are
articles of great worth and merit, and
uneqnaled by any other. Tbey are for
sale here by Co user k Brock, druggists,
luing of tho navy, stifliciout to
woolen goods.
lfa Hia Timna-Monntaineor a
mr.l nf tl, .ilonl woolen Bnind. provide the men for tho nation's
1II,a ITnitA.1 eUt. the ones Paction, if ever assailed by a
that Lave been silenced aince the Uiia power,
prvsage of the Wilson bill? If it
Fifty thousand republican ma
jority for Maine is pretty gwh!
isu't it?
(Jen. luuniHON Haul in arcccn
pooch that "busiuess never was
ilihturlx'd by the proniiccts if re
publican sucedts."
From Tho Pallet Chronicle.
Mr. . VV. Eliot, of Walla Walla, it in
receipt of an interesting letter from an
old friend and comrade of bis, Msjor H
O. McArthnr, of Nebraska, which be
uivei publication in tbe Journal. Major
Mo Arthur was a member of Mr. Elliot'
regiment during the war, the Fifteenth
Iowa, and be was on tbe staff of Qeoeral
Ht'lkuap and one of the first men to en
ter Columbia, Booth Carolina, wbeo that
oily was taken by Bhwrmsn. Msjor Mc
Arthnr is at present military instructor
fir the Nrbrhttka Htate Industrial school.
He It more or lens interested in tbe poll
tioal mtuntioo, and in a letter to Mr,
Kliot, gives some verv interesting I acts
about the outlook in Bryan's own state,
comity, ward and preoinot. lilt lei it
a)t in part :
"We are going to carry Mebraaka for
MiKiuli y. Ia this part of the state
there are a good many pope, but meet
ings are Wing held all over the country
and tbe signs are improving all tbe lime.
And Ihe more tbe people of Nebraska
find oot tbat we bave oo eilfer to sell
and the nnly persons to be benefitted by
fie silver are tbe mine owners, the more
will turu to MoKmlfT. What tbe farm
ers fcaut are tbe mille ot lb country
npt-ned np ap to tbe workmen and1 when
the laboring men are employed lb
farmers will bare customers for tbeir
surplus prod no Is. HcKlnUy itrnek It
liar J when be said, 'It ia better to open
ap the mills to Amtrloso workmea than
to I'l'fn np the minle of Amerioa to tbe
eilter tt the world.'
"My home ia etill la Linoolo, I vole
tliKre ael my reetdenr U la the seme
ward and the eame voting preoioot as
I .Mr. linen. I bave lived within two
IriDB alnut a financial crash. Dors Mcivinirjr i'i.cuoiiHoeinaaiui.i i,,.Ck.of bi. baoeo fur tbe past seven
I I . 1 ! I .......1 I ........ I f L k 1. 1 m. m.II T T . t . a
riHi'ot , inn ana b auuw uiw fii. a
nu Kontifiuan and bae a very pleaaaal
f tru ly, but be woa'l stop al anything
alU'wod to p lilio to soeeavd. We tMk
a ol n'ir warj and llryao'e prlocl
a fi-w date sine-! think shoot two
frti aid MaKloley bad tbwe to
i nan's one. Ia my opiol m It will be
this way at rhc 'io time.
fnnr )h' ago Bryan was wild oa
fr Ira-Ul thai wae all we eeJel to
make n all wvallby aal bappy ; J '
fwa tbe markole ti world aad lb world
wM be ria t as aad Ibea tbe mil
I mi uui. Will we ihb4 ouresarteie
and ti e lurolgaers bmk as la aad tbe re
vrrav bae ba fet. We are la tbe anop
tu l t4 Can I a. are Il'yan ool ea IN
larlfiMiia with a la foot pole. He
f xilrJ lte U oaee bo I he e'l da It
K ItraaliSrr
K il' I'l.'vrf IUI lea purtSve tbe
I.1.--I an I fivwi a e'ar and tal,ful
i l. r.'t sale by V)lleaHar
Laa them not we are prepared to
furniah the alatiatica.
The '.Dallca, tth ita unnurabor
chI water ower, stould be a good
manufacturing town, and enpocially
for woolen good. Uut it neter
will bo nnder the ousting condi
tion of the (arid on wool and wool,
en roods.
Hut there ia another feature John It Gentry paced a mile
that the Timee-Mountainoer will at fllon Fall, N. V., on Kept 10th
do wi ll to consider. That paper in 2 01 1. Thm equaU the world
U iirrfinir II.a idprtton of IJran record acaiDrtt time and ia the
mm " e w - -' - - - 1
and advocating the Inflation of fastest mite ever made by a pc
nf our rurencv to that extent that in a rnc(
even Hryan himself ailtuita would
tha nener at The Dallfa rreaoma
thatca,4lrlisL,,athonleorabroa.I, rlMioiia lehl iu NoM h.-ni eUlee.
will inveet in a wcleo mill under Wral .JK.n.a. Marj land K.--anrh
an admitte.1 condition of 1--Ure and other h .uth.
money matter. If Itryan t. alected? l1 l'")
t ti ,.i lit. 1 11 . i. it... I tho Naixileon i lroteeii.ui in
11 Aicrviuiry urinim iui
There is one trne speoiflo for diseases
arising from impure blood and a debili
tated nervous system, and that is Fame's
oelery oomponnd, so generally prescrib
ed by physicians. It is probably the
most remarkable remedy that the soien-
tiflo researob of this oouDtrybas produc
ed. Frof. Edward E. Phelps, M.D.
LL. D., of Dartmouth college, first pre
scribed what is now known tbe world
over as Faine's oelery oomponnd, a posi
tive onre for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver
complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all
nervous diseases and kidney troubles.
For tbe latter Paine'a oelery oomponnd
bas succeeded again and again where
everything else bas failed.
The Boy Orator's Flckleneia Establlahed at
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
n -
Mm 1 w c
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call
early and make their selections before the assortment is
We Have ir) These Goods (311 Qualities Ranging ir)
Price Fron) $2 to $18. .
County court convened on Sept. 0th
with A. G. Bartholomew, oounty judge,
Messrs. Howard Bud Beckett, commis
sioners. J. W. Morrow, Olerk, and E. L.
Matlock, sheriff, present.
Bills allowed dnrina . tbe session
amounted to (2675.95.
Bill of costs, State vs. Leonard Allieoh
paid to tbe amount ot (9.90.
Bill of costs, State vs. Ira Leyde, paid
September loth.
Petition ot J. A. Woolery, et al., for
appointment of O. B. tiperry, justice tor
district including lone, granted and ap
pointmeot made.
Bond of J. M. White (or delivery of 30
oorda ot wood at (3 70 per cord, approy
Sniil annliiotinn Nn. 143 natitinn. nf
" "r r u. 1- A V- C Ik.
W. O. Lacy, et al.. accepted and viewers I . . . ' . . ... v
nnnlnl. P'
. .. !.!. .l fPk..
Tbe Baker City Blade, nntil recently a
republican paper, bnt now a populist
organ, says that should Senator Mitohell
stomp this state for McKinley, aa be bae
announced. "He will be bated and held
np to rldioale by all honest men, a by
word witb tbe voters, and bis death will
Itoad application No. HI petition o
O. M. Bpeneer, et al., aooepted and
viewers appoluted.
Sheriff authorized by the oourt to pro
ceed with collection of delinquent taxes
nn to and including 1891.
Jodges and clerks for November elec
tion are to be allowed but one day'a
No other business appearing oourt ad
journed without date.
Blade editor is conscientiously standing
oa the Bryan platform.
prreaand all Ihe Ipera la Ilia
country could tcaka a p! alow.
Ins (o c atiiUlieti mhj a woolen will
almuld I built in that town, tut
it I'ryan la our next prpeidetit,
aocb a rvjct would t alwut as
fcaaiUe aa lifting Ml UoJ with a
ctkaerew.-llaker City Ileimllic
ao. Tha lOlltMo at The lallee aud
other j lacea la tut tha atory of
couditiona at Ilei t ner. Mornw
Maine Im out.l uii' ln-raelf tliie
jear. On ei lential )eare, at
lhe Ht'tenitier rl.etion, it a
aotit U K'i ffoitt t' l.'.IHH)
let'uhticnu. Two jeara a:i it
a at th landalida ith '.I'.,H1
majority, hut tha W,U0 mttk hae
never l-eu n aohr! l y th rej ulw
lieaneot 3din in any rotiuo
elwti'ia, Mai tin went "jjref i.lfiek"
Catarrh Cannot Be Cnrrd.
With local Dpplioations, as they cannot
reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh ia
a blood or constitutional disease, and io
order to cure it yon must take internal
remedies. Ila'l's Catarrh Cure ia taken
internally, and acta directly oo tbe blood
and muooua surface U all's Catarrh
Core is not a qnack medicine. It was
prescribed by one ot tbe best physicians
id thia country for years, and is a regu
lar preecriplioo. It ia oom posed of tbe
best tonics known, combined with tbe
beet blood purifiers, acting direotly on
tho mucous sarfaeeo. Tha perfect oom
binatioo of tbe two ingredient ia what
produces such wonderful results la cor
log oatarrb. Bend for testimonials, free.
P. J. Cuinit A Co , Prop.
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, pries 79 oeoU.
Keree al Partita.
Last Tsiied ay Uai tit p peer woa tbe
two-year old iasb at Portland la 0Jl;
Bgoole, nBd; lone, third.
Oa the same del Baby Both eaptored
tbe three quarter daab ia 1:16; Jim
Bneemao, eeeood; Uowlisa, third.
Oa last Tboredsy Tampa took tbe
money in tbe flve eigblhi daeb; Moeet
lUy, eecoad; O rover, third. Time,
Fruit;' raeo found Miea lleppaer ra
it la the 8e eighth daab ia 1 10&.
uirrtal VPtli liM hut it ha ftl-
. i . I I . I il - ,1 I 1 "
CHiiiiy ia iu Deu vi iuw ii Idetitly futtnlf treeri-I h r
tH-tio under ahteh it nuoriabv
and at a tuna wbnn tha a bole
CmtI BtaUa waa ruat,ruu
a vi.;tMV hi its n AiltUl.
M(KlMIt would IRth-r jho
tha mill t. AtnetlCau laN'r than
tha iitinla la tlu eiUer .f !.
a ot Id.
ft,iwc will Ugia la lb il. F.
rtiifcti. Hualb, elDlay erirg.
i IV lu. '. C. AJlia wtll pfeaeh
Many"! u U"I like ti' nl,t. aalaiday atkl
A. IUim w.U prvaca, (n
reabteg leirw eeb
All Hnaanl It.
Ak yoor pbysletaa. your drag gist aad
your friend etwal Htiihib'a Car for
iniiim(lin. Tbey will roruaad
IU tor sale by Welle Wartea.
henlaea KialUi.
Tot the Orfw Iodualrtal Eipnettioa
to be bIJ al Porllaod, Bept. 19, Jtfl,
Ageet Uart of tbe O. R. A N. Co., will
!! spaotal siearetuo llckete at lb rat
of on and oa fifib far for lb rowed
trip, pins Bflv aewV fur twa aJesieexiw
(mopnee t the Kipoetien, ataktag la all
fi W fur lb rowed trio.
foiling da) al lUppaer era Hpt. 23,
r. Oet. aad 13. lieket etpb H(.
Z Oct. 1,1 a 1 11 If
It ia aound rfpuhlicao rroWUae'tlv'i-rit.I'ttt would lalhrr in- i,.agui I
it. d.triw. It I-uta money inU tU ruina vt U .4a.tr i. . U l.awu i 15 lf
tha X..Ual treaLry, in.tra.1 of A lieen, and
UVina money uut, aa Uoubtiea anJ imj-t tatit -ru H '. trj ' ; ( CAl iuUi f.c
auUl he da iw than hi rrt. i i' aie
tl ....t w t r. f. m f .e Amett. a trt-i 'i t. rl. I inii' II f I'
ran stiia IU tl.erff jlngof Auieti. ' r. c ,tU i r t-1 f r 1 1
I i i .i . 1 . I i .
r i .
1 I, . t r i !! bate a rlW4
.m.i,! a ! IMI el P.J&e
, , .. tl f I e fle eT
( alesrt raea.
bltb aat !' h watfnr!. by
M.ilobS Calwrh K );. I'rirw Ml
Maaal In jrir fre. For eate by
Welle a w err.
O, H Halt, the toaenrlaj Srtt, ea
h f-aa l el bie p(tr, MetbM Cnraav,
bf be will J ( at etla( prieae.
hat, thtmtma, liaiMinta,
"Mutton was free yesterday lo Salem,
and wool was almost free in aetern
Oregon about 30,000,000 pounds ot
it," aJ the Salem Statesman, comment
ing on tb Barkley-Fenooyer-popoorat
"My friends," said ex-President Herri-
sen, "aa a repuoitean 1 am prouu or
maoy things, bot I eao sum np as tbe
bigbeet satisfaction I btve bad in tbe
party and its career Ibat tbe prospect of
rernblicao socoess oever did dieturb
Coder free trad in wool, lb gift of
fro trader Bryan aod bis party, Dearly
160,000,000 poonda ot foreign wool be
taken tbe plsoa of American wool, re-
sulliogin.a money lot of more than
120,000,000 to American sheep farmers.
Bryaa says MI am for free wool." But
tb American farmers want protection
for tbeir iotere! and will vot tor Mo-
Klnley. Pslem 6lateeman.
At Cleveland tb olber day Bryan
pledged himself, if elected, to "pat io
tore every word of tbe Chicago plat
form if Ibere ie power ia tb government
to do it." At tb platform calls for a
tariff for revenn only, federal snberr-
vleno lo mob aod a poll Heal nprem
eoort, people wbo w ant Ibea Innovaliiins
will koow fur wboo to tot. It will do
sack patriots ao good to tot fr II o-
Kinley. He i aot In tb factory etiwieg.
railway stik'og aod aoarl slnfflng lie
of baeloe. Etebeoge.
f W AVa laa feat W aTO
Full English course.
. Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy.
he) i neiiiirt araiavMruv. uira
vUhMm iLrAKIlLrl I re LADIlj
L-4-X . -iwl-. . i . t . " ii. : 33L' r," r,, rm k 11
.vel 'Art"
' V-.. .
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
iiorse r
All these can be procured at Tliomiwn & Binna, Ixwer Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
Thw RYtitlrmtn arc HI a-qiulnl1 llh Ornnt, Hamry, Cmnk. Ollllam and Other frountlt.
and mo aava nuiii,. and lima In making Ibaa tmUuiia Ui Iravellng Kan.
I'rlirt In kwiln( wlm Ih llmra.
LJVxaTMxiT. sxmrn,
Mae Nal iytre at tke World e rr
Ayer'e Barsaparllla enjoy th eslranr
dtoary dUllneliio of baviog lwa tbe onlr
blood partfier allowed aa eibtbtt al lb
World's fair, Cbleego. kteoafaelorers
ol wibwr aareaparillaa aoogrtl by vry
aaoetoebtaiaaabowiog of tbeir iwl",
bat Ibey wer all larwed away nndr tbe
appHrathia of tbo rale f.wl4Jieg tbe
entry of patenl Bdi.aea and anelrame.
Tb deiia of tb World's fair eih
rltio ia fefnr of Ayer' Haraapartlla wae
la effeet a follows: "Ayer't Hareap.
rilla t al a pwtewl oliln. ll b
o beloeg In tb lit of aoetraui. ll ie
bre ( He turn. it."
rat or Titkka
Tl wrnWe of lb W. O T V. if
Ibt placa eiptaa Ibaif Mb ai peeia
tiu of, aad aactot bearty Ibeak f-r, the
flae Wrier oa WedeeaHay etealr g by
Ho). Blrfbe A. L, of t'Hidlxo;
feebeg aar4 tbal tb la raeain( re
epoaeibilltiee of bfe, M Vii ly .fMil.
by tb boeeraU geolbetas, raaanl fail
lo arowee aad rf ifcew roaar la mere
ariiv aad taiibfal f? tt la tbe ma if
Trelb aalllKkl.
Don't buy your Bucks until you
sec the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning
ham hand, of Pilot Rock, which will
soon be in Heppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
It U immttlt Httl, Ie ei f raf.
arJU'r 14 ey owe mir ai
saner TO tax r am:.
NrT1f e la .ff f'.. ii.i it.
111 ml f'-m K nit !-. M'rt.
V f ..i j. I .4 .m.h , ... I.
mmm9 k A I m-'-m m .h , ... n
mtm Ifl ltf MMlmll M.H 1
fmt a1 m t. r. ll I I.
i.tVTt fl T. tV In.
!.! l tm W l.
N'll'll M V ". !. WW mi t4
' ' v4 i kf I I ...,
.ti. e 1 a iv. t irtf 4 . . , .."..-t a.n ki-ii.1 a.
M M !' r.' -r'-a, i n t
urttt Mar.
I tma anvrgnaro
a tm,mf
tM, t W
H 1. t
at wirrxta
iaan), Mi N II
i"T. r e
t r, mini r. m.
Holla of tnU'Von.
I... a Otfv ,t La Qa.aa. rta
Vrrtirata tirir.r TimWTmt
111 'Zlm. ""' i"" ""' ete a
- , v w a mm m
i li.j
.Imra.MWnMa lia
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tr-ria turn tm n,. mm.
Can 'Ultnt. i- r amm-n'). tn 1 1 -1
kf MUn
a(i- . Mf