Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 11, 1896, Image 3

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Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
ars. Call
and Smokabl
on Ted.
September 8, 1896.
Russell k Co. vs. Nealan. Demurrer
overruled by consent. Set for trial to
morrow. Reply filed.
Hughes vs. Huston k Olden; default
and judgment.
Morgan vs. Herren; dismissed without
prejudice. -
Wballer k Muir vs. Sweczea; contin
ued for term.
Fame worth vs. Large & Rusb; settled
and dismissed.
Farosworth vs. Campbell; judgment in
First National Baok vs. Palace Hotel
Co.; defuult and judgment; order for
ale attached property.
HavmaD vs. Campbell; sale confirmed.
Padberg vs. Cochran; dismissed on
Whetstone vs. Whetstone; default.
State vs. Dickson; arraigned' and given
until tomorrow to plead.
State vs. Beach; arraigned.
September 9th.
State vs. N. Dioksoo ; arraigned and
plead not guiltj.
State vs.'N. Diokson; arraigned and
plead not guilty.
The J. M. Bassell Co. vs. J.Q. Nealen;
jury trial and verdiot for defendant.
Plaintiff given one day to file motion for
new trial.
O. K ft N. Co. vs. Swinburns, et al
judgment by confession. Tbia is the
notorious railway bond case.
John T. Crosby vs. Alex. Graham;
continued for term.
Clara A, Cobb vs. Morris D. Long, et
al,; dismissed as to M. D. Long, default
and decree aa to other defendants.
Eliza R. Owena vs. F. H. Benge, et aL;
dismissed as to Sbewriok, default and
decree a to other defendants.
Q. W. Harrington, admr., vs. Hamilton,
I al.; objections to confirmation argued
and submitted.
II. Padberg vs. 0. B. Cochran; die
missed on stipulation.
Benga vs. Benge; trial by court and
deoree granted.
Smith vs. Smith; trial by court and
Horoor vs. Hornor; trial by oourt and
Griffin vs. Orifflo; trial by court and
Northern Counties Investment Trust
Co. vs. Cecelia Taylor; default and de
Whetstone be. Whetstone; trial and
deoree granted.
Rea vs. Hallook and Town of Heppner;
Judgment tor trsoaoript and oourt fees
against town.
Tklak 11 Over.
Dave you ever besrd of a medicine
with snob a record of cores as Hood's
BaraaparillaT Don't you know that
Hood's Bersaparllla, the One True Blood
Ponfler, baa proved, ' over and over
eteta, that It Las power to ear, even
after all other remedlee fatlr It Jva
fcv itnpnre blood yoo may Use Hood's
Bareeperilla with the almost oonQJeooe
tbat it will do yoo good.
Hood's rule Msisl digestion. 23 oU
Here and There.
P. Caris is In from Monument.
Ham Walker is in attending court this I
H. Padberg is un from Lexineton this
County oourt proceedings in our next
The Heppner Transfer Co.. has wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Wm. Hashes is resorted as imnrovina
d. Rood was over from Eight Mile
J . J. MoGee is down from Hardman
this week.
Duve Porter was up from Lexington
Dr. B. F. Yan&han left yesterday for
Canyon City..
Miss Anna Brown' left last night for
her home in Ohio.
Hon. John H. Mitohell will sneak in
Heppner next month.
Mr. Jacob Griffin is visiting his sister.
Mrs. J . A. ratterson.
Wm. Penlaud is down at Portland to
reoeive medical attention.
Mrs. Milt Hale is down from Zilla.
Wasn., on a visit to relatives.
Ernest Rietman, of lone, was a caller
at the Qazette office Tuesday.
County court is transacting the usual
amount of business this week.
Come out to hear Cades, on Saturday.
Sept. 19th, at 1 o'olook, p. m. tf
Robert Stanfield was over from Batter
oreek yesterday after some oattle.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers.
Born To the wife of Al Evans, at
Lexington, Wednesday, Sept. 9th, a boy.
Walter Crosby left Thursday for John
Day to look after some oattle in that
Miss Farn worth, of San Franoisco, is
visiting her uncle, O. E. Farosworth, and
Dr. P. B. McS words went down to
lone on last night's train on professional
Born Near Lexington, on Wednesday
morning, Sept. 1, to the wife of J. 11.
Piper, a son.
T. G. Hailey is over from Pendleton
This office acknowledges a pleasant oall
from the gentleman.
Emil Voruz was circulating among
friends here this week. Emil is looated
permanently in Baker City.
Miss Myrtle Hornor has gone to Bak
er Oity and will make an extended visit
with relatives at that plaoe,
Wayne Howard had the misfortune to
get a splioter io his band Wednesday,
requiring the aid of a pbysioian to re
move it.
Grant Johnson is over from Pendleton
shaking hands with old friends. Grant
was a witness in the Nealan-RuBeell k
Co. wool case,
Miss Laura Muir has on exhibition at
Ooneer k Brook's, a very elegant looking-
glass, the frame of which is adorned
with painted roses and flowers.
The visiting attorneys this week, be
sides the court offioers, are: Joe Long,
of Portland, T. G. Hailey, of Pendleton,
and Hj. Jf. Dine, of Lexington.
Judge Lowell and Proseootiog Attor
ney JLSesn arrived from fendleton last
Sunday morning and area! their respect
ive places in oourt this week.
Mrs. J. E. J. loons, of Milton. died at
her ume on Monday of last week, one
was aululd acquaintance of the Gazette's
editor and, iudeed, a most estimable
Sam Teed, formerly a typo in thia
offloe, came in last Tuesday, having
traveled overland from Huntington, by
carl. He left Chicago last April and
will remain in the West.
From all accounts Chamberlain's
Coogh Remedy is a Godsend to the
sIHioted. There ' is do advertisement
about this; we feel just like saying it.
lb Demuorst, Uerrolltoii, Ky. for sale
by Cooeer k Brock, druggist.
Charley Jones. Ibe well-known "old
timer in the tentorial line, has again
locaUd In Heppner, uavicg porobaaed
Green Mathews' shop. Minor building
opposite the city boteL Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
It is to be hoped tbat tboee who attend
political gatherings at the opera bouse
hereafter, or aoy other kiod of meetings,
will have the good manner not to dis
turb the exercise by unseemly heavy
walking oer the floor when aome r
so a Is speaking.
Cooooil met last Tuesday evening and
paid the neoal amount of bills, beside
transacting other bosiaea. Toe stock
ordioaooe wae ordered to be eeforeeJ.
also the ordioaooe on gambling. Both
ordinaeoee beve been little lees loan
"deed letters" aver sioee Iheir passage.
Drs. W. T. Miracle. E. N. Crockett tad
J. 11. William came la from Long Ore!
teeierday, leaving oa test aigbt'a traio
lor I'ortlaed. Dr. Crockett Is oa bis
wsy to New Tork where be will cootiaoe
taking lecture In tnedielo. The other
gentlemen will retura la a lew day.
Elder J. 7. Jenkins will preacb la Ibe
BarpriM Party.
To say that Miss Laura Muir was
completely surprised last Wednesday
evening at the party given in her honor
at the opera house but placea it mildly.
Miss Laura la one of our moet popular
young ladies, and her friends are legion.
It being known that ehe oontemplated
leaving Heppner shortly for her new
home at Little Rock. Arkansas, her
friends, while loath to part with her,
treated her to a royal surprise party.
Buoh games as only Heppner'a people
can enjoy to the fullest extent were in
dulged in until the "wee email" hours,
interspersed with an excellent lunoh and
numerous appropriate vooal and instru
mental selections. The terpsiohorean ex
ercises by the little Misses Bartholomew
deserve special mention.
The following were present : Walt
Richardson and wife, 'Gene Noble and
wife, F. Bartholomew and wife, H. W.
Bartholomew and wife, Geo. Conser and
wife, E W. Rhea and wife, W. E. Brock
and wife, 8. W. Spenoer and wife, Wm.
Dunn and wife, J. N. Brown and wife,
0. A. Minor and wife. G. F. Mathews
and wife, George Thornton and wife.
Mrs. Frank Rogers, Misses Laura Muir,
Emma Welch, Mabel Leezer, Anna
Brown, Ada Minor, Eva Brians, Ada
Jones, Ethel 8 perry, Minnie Matlock,
Jennie, Elise and Fay Bartholomew and
Cora Rhea, Messrs. F. Book, Harry
Bagley, A. W. Patterson, Bruoe Kelly, P.
F. Ujnd, Tbos. Ingram, Cbes,Ingraham,
E. J. Muir, Benoie Patterson, T. R.
Lyons, J. R, Lake, W. Irwin, Nelson
Bartholomew and M. B. Galloway.
- Cores talk " in favor BnsX
Of Hood's Saroaparllla, M
as for no other medi- II I Irk
cine. Its great cure recorded in truthful,
convincing language of grateful men and
women, constitute its most effective ad
vertising. Many of these cures are mar
velous. They have won the confidence ot
the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa
rilla the largest sales in the world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Barsaparillais known by the cures it has
made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which prove
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Wrv,j., rn 0,!re llver 11Isi easy to
nOOU S PlIlS take, easy to operate. 260.
Are tou Made
Miserable by Indigestion. Constipa
tion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow
Skin? Shiioh's Vitalizer is a positive
oure. For sale by Wells & Warren.
Ira Leyde Convicted.
On last Tuesday Ira Leyde, who lives
with his father below town, was arrest
ed for the laroeoy of a horse from Wm.
Rush Bod was at once bound over to the
grand jury, whioh body found a true
bill. Young Leyde pleaded guilty to
the oharge and being quite young was
sentenced to two years in the reform
The horse was taken out of the past-
are several days ago, another one being
left in the plaoe ot the one taken. The
brand of the' Rush horse was then
changed, the mane was roaohed and the
tail shaven so tbat the disfigurement
was complete. The father of the young
man thought that bis son had honestly
acquired possession of the animal and
knew no better nntil the arrest was
A Great German's Prtscrlptioa.
Diseased blood, constipation, and kid
ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured
by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by
Wells k Warren.
Mckinley Club Meeting.
Last Saturday night tbe usual meet
ing of tbeMokioley olub was held, a
large crowd being present. Mr. T. R.
Lvons made the talk ot the eveniog and
was listened to with close attention.
The literary and musicial program was
eioellent. Tbe order waa also much
better than on tbe previous evenings.
Oo next Saturday evening, tomorrow,
the club will carry out the following
program: Male quartet, instrumental
duet, vocal duet two little girls, address
and male quartet Efforts are bring made
to secure an address by Hon. H. J. Bean
for tomorrow evening. This will be
supplemented by addressee from looai
Haver wae mara grlevaas wmi Son
the rarmera af ear eaaatr Uu that aa
anjutly laftleta daring Ike east threa
rtui ir Ut wmI irtn. althaagh
aaaaaf ear bm! aeefal altleaas, their la
areata bay fcaea atactica!!? dactrayad.
HBJalf latter T aaaaytaaae.
A fpleadld Letter.
A large aodience greeted Judge Low
ell al the M. E. cburoh. Booth, on last
Wednesdsy eveolng, to bear bit lector
oa "A Woman's Nu,"m per previous aa
It was Indeed a literary treat to three
'bo bad lb pleasure ol liateoitx to Mr
Lowell. II i pet factly at bom oo tb
lecture platform, handle bia subject
easily and witn booming eloquence.
From tha Koseburg Plalndealsr."
There are a great many republicans
who are strong believers in the dootrine
of protection, but who also favor free
silver coinage. There is, however, a
still larger number who faver sound
money as well as protection. We have
a word to say to each. To the protec
tionists who favor free silver we would
ask them in all sinoerity whioh is most
likely to benefit them. Protection with
such money aa we have, every silver and
paper dojlar equal with gold, or free sil
ver with tbe possibility of its deprecia
tion without proleotion?
It Bryan is elected you will seoure
free ooinage and lose protection for be
is an avowed anti-protectionist and
with free coinage you will, to say tbe
least, take a leap in the dark. You may
land in a financial quagmire instead of
on solid ground, and will then have to
extrioate yourself as best you may. All
you oan hope to gain by free ooinage ot
silver is to increase tbe volume ot
money. Bot will you do it? On the
contrary will you not be tbe cause of
driving 8000,000.000 ot gold out ot circu
lation, thus leesening.instead ot increas
ing tbe circulation?
This is a serious question and will not
down. Tbat unlimited coinage of silver
will drive gold out of circulation it tbe
lesson ot history; and, it is laid, history
repeatt itself.
To tbe unlimited ooinsge of silver ad-
vooat we call bis attention to tbe fact
that ever since 1878 every dollar of silver
baa been on a par with gold in Its debt
paying and purchasing power. Now, by
free ooinage aot, may you not destroy
this parity? To lay tbe least your oon
dition may be worsted instead of better
ed. It so, what have you gained? If
McKinley is eleoted your silver will be
worth as tnuob as it is now without a
shadow ot a doubt. So you are talking
nneqoal ubanoea againat you by support
ing Bryan, tbe free silver and free trade
oandidate. The sound money republi
can peroeivea the reasonablenesa ot bold
ing on to what be knows to be tbe true
doctrine be will take no obanoei by
supporting a measure whioh offers no
He knows tbat (or 18 yean silver has
been t qual with gold in paying bia debts
and purchasing bis Peoeesities, aod for
43 years all boeioes bat beeo on a gold
basis and tbat, during tbat time, ssve a
years coder President Buchanan
and tbe last three aod a half years under
Cleveland both democratic presidents
without protection bad good tint.
All th manufacturing, miniog sad agrl
cultural industries were in a prosperous
oon dition; labor was employed at fair
wage and general prosperity was tbi
ml. Calmly consider thee things and
let your better Judgment determine the
Yirtue of a writ of execution Issued out of
the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County under the
teal thereof, and to me directed and delivered
upon a decree rendered and entered In said
Court on the 6th day of March, 1896, in favor of
Frank Hagerman, Receiver of Lombard Invest
ment Company, aa plaintitt, and againat Henry
Wade, Nancy A. Wade, Frank McKarland, D. W.
Hornor, J. R. Simona, E. L. Simons, Frank
Panburn and Hueh Fields, aa defendants,
whereby the plaintiff did recover a personal
decree against the defendant Henry Wade and
Nancy A. Wade for the sum of $1042.88, with In
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 6th day of March, 1896; and the
costs and disbursements taxed at $27.70; and
whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated
on the 16th day of May, 1888. executed by Henry
Wade and Nancy A. Wade to the Lombard In
vestment Company, and now held by the plain
tiff upon the following described real property
in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The South
west quarter of Section No 8 in Township No. 2
South and Range No. 27 Eaat of Willamette
meridian, excepting therefrom ten acres in
square form out of the southwest corner of said
quarter section, containing 150 acres, more or
less, which mortgage was recorded !on the
31st day of May, 1888, at page 298 of Book "0" of
the Records of Mortgages in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, Bhould
be foreclosed, and the aaid real property Bold by
the Sheritt'of Morrow County, Oregon, to satisfy
said judgment and all costa; therefore I will,
ou Saturday, the l'Jth day of September, 1896, at
11 o'clock in the forenoon of that dav, at the
frontdoor of the court house in the city of
Heppner, Oregon, sell all the right, title, inter
est and estate which the said defendants and all
persons claiming and to claim by, through or
under them, or any of them, had on the 16th
day of May, 1888, or since then have had, or now
have, in and to the above described real prop
erty, and every part thereof, at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the pro
ceeds of such sale to be applied in satisfaction
of said execution. and all costa.
Dated thia 14th day of August, 1896.
M6-1S. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
.IV and by virtue of an execution lisued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 4th
day of May, 1896, in favor of Henry Padberg,
Plaintiff, and Against H. 1). Whitman, H Whit
man and J. H. Moran, Defendants, for the auin
of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollara with interest
thereon from aaid 4th day of May, 1896, at the
rnie ui leu per cent per annum and Twenty
Five Dollara attornevs fees anil thn coat unit
accruing costs; and, wherear by said judgment
it was ordered and adjudged that the following
real property, to-wit: the North west nnnrtr nf
Section Thirteen (13) in Township Two (21
South of Range Twenty Three (23) East W. M.,
be sold to satisfy aaid iudcrment. nnatji and nn.
cruing cobU. 1 will, ou
Saturday, 19th day of September. 1890,
11 o'clock A, M., of said day, at the front door
Oregon, aell the right, title and Interest of aali
defendants H. D. Whitman, H. Whitman and J.
H. Moran in and to the above dnanrilx! nrnn.
erty at Public Auction to the highest anil beat
Diauer inrcaBn in nauu, tne proceeda to be ap
plied to the satisfaction of aaid execution, at
torney's fee and all coat, and costa that may
wiuo. r.. U. MAllAlljK..
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of Aug. Itm. 468-77.
A Very Pltaaaat Ooraalea.
Oa I ait Taeedey evening air. Eogeo
Qilmaa gave very cioalleol sii o'clock
diaaer la boor of Mia Drown, prvbo Upera bona Hooday. Hept. 13, at 11 a.
Io bar departure for ber Eaetero bom.
Tb diooer might bar bea very ap
propriately sty lad "Tank sop par,'
so greatly did it raeemble those elJeo
Urn tappers. Tbe similarity was mad
all the mora aotloeabl by tbe oof
Cbioawara knowa to be mors than 123
year eld, and to bsv been need al
aevtrtJ famous New Fj gland dioaeri
wber dtoVreat prtwiJeel baf baa en
tertained, one ol wbota we Millar d
FilliBor. A very pie ant Mar
pawl la tbe dipitt" of the many
WmtHo viand. tnUrmiacM with lb
Dal social eocvrrvatioo. The evening
weeTry pleaaaotly scent.
fcertM V Ma,
I was aervoaa. tired. Iriilal.l a4
ma. Earl' trr K-iT bee mad
m wall aod baprr-
M .a E. II. WoaoB,
For sate by Well A Wema.
vat Taey Net,
tt,gnWf !. alta r!-K et.
eT lrt lj4 Br,
a . au4 as f Hnte, f
I .. Ihey . t. A I rtaa uf I .
A ...... a l..l,iAin. teMMt.
a t m . .if. I kt I n .
Utet ll'f f aaa4, ! ali.e4
AM Ut 44. a -m r4 ti 4
Hold oalv at lb llieWr Halo, K.
fl. Mrty, trp
smith t T' rAtiKJ.
Tima wi'l a4 b allow! "
Jalj id. All -'" fetiiM 14 ,VI I y
h t if earh tn..!B bfflf Wilt
ll t ft
tlirtiu I.Uat A War a Cm.
. aod 1 Jki p. m. Ut CDoioieg sabjeot
will be -Our HUwamablp." Ia tbe
eveaiog be will prarb oa lb Condi
tion I of Irlanlplaetiip." All aol worsbip-
lot eUewber are Invited to Ibeee
ar riots.
"It U tmmnfeTMi, Wlf JM'toaxaf,
irhrthrr (A4 sAerp grtivrr rervire Oaf
tVnrflf from (A Ian J of
W htlhrr h dors of tUt auf i 11
re tmit " Kftriwl from eTwwvA vf
II I ham J. rrwusj fa ia iiuumor ivp
rtrntahrt irhen A II Umtm InU irj
a (-r cwanifrTafwa.
Hoa. Joba r. Caplea, . rortlaed, will
4drea tberoplf Il'tpee? e tar
ear. Het.1. 13ib. a I 'ink. p. Bv, oa
I ha nulit leal Wane of Ibe Oaf. Mr.
Oaplae as a lifelong republieaa aod one
of tb beat Dabll euaker la Ufef'MB.
All are lavitad Io l a4 bear
Tb Qatella b4 leaf I lltwi
In etlttef tha Ki)sl h.('4-nil, hlv-
tiaail or TalarpbM Aatavrtmaal tl tb
ll m llaelnea Callaara. c4 I'orll.bd,
f.if !. Aay paran dealrlof la U a
Ibofongf b baaiaaa eraa I a Aral c
etler abonld aa Ibe (JaSat W baf 91 f
log blow. U
Tb Fitst Chrletiaa Cbarcb ot Bepp-
oer will reoai re sealed bMs forlbeeoo
tracl of bolldlcg a church oolbeirl4,
oroer ot Ual aad CeaUr street. Tbe
pises aod speeiRoatioD eaa be ea al
W. L Baling! store oa aad after Tbare-
day, Hept 10, and bid will be opened
Wednesdsy, Hept. 10 The building
commit We rrerv tbe mbl Io re j l aay
or all bids. J. W. J a six.
21 Cbainssa Building Coin.
U immaterial, in my jmlg
vktthrr fA sAevp grrnrrr rerei'res aay
lent fit from tht tariff or not .
Whtthtr A d't vf dart mot I am for
fri tntoL'Eftrutt from trt
W'.tlUm J. Ilrt,in tn fA lloum of krp-
rfntnlirri when Ih4 lt'la bill ro
umtrr eoniutrratuin.
and bv virtue of an exnentlon liii nut
of the circuit court of the Htate of Oregon for
delivered, 'ipon a judgnient rendered and en
tered in said court on the 3rd day of March, MM,
In favor of C. A. Khea, J. L. Morrow A Hon (J,
Morrow), Henry Blackmail,) Hugh Fields,
W. Swaeirart. Thoa. Unaiil. P. H. WtUnn Wm
Penlaud, J. P. Khea. T. A. Khea. Otis Pattnrunn
and T, W. Ayera, Plaintiffs and against The
ralace Hotel Company of Heppner, Oregon,
Defendant, for the sum ot Ten Thousand Dol
lara wmi inu-resi inereon at tha rate ol ten rotr
cent per annum from August 2nd 1H1I4 and fen
itoiiara coals; and, whert-aa, by aaid Judgment
iv win unierou ana auiuiigea lliat tne Io low-
ng deaerihed real property, to-wlti Columella-
at ine Bouiiiwcat corner nl lyit No. Ml n.i
ill Block No. four (1) of the Original Town of
liner, uiuniy 01 Morrow. Hum nr nreimn
thence l-aat one hundred and ten (110) feet,
tiieiii-e rorth alxty liio feet, thence West one
iinnrcii aim leu mm feet, theiu-a Hnm i a Iti.
iij irei piaea 01 negiiiiiing, lie aolil to satis
V said luditineiiL cosU ami aivruinir i.t. I
will, on the
Third Day of October. 1899.
at 2 o'clock V. M of aaid day, at the front door
ol the court house In lleppnxr, Morrow County,
. ...i i an ma riKiii. line ana luiereei ol
the aaid The I'alaoa llnUil Company In and to
the above dearrllied property at I'libllo Auction
hi uin niirni-si anil w hunier lurcath In ha nil,
the prnreeda to be applleil to the aatlalsrtton of
aaid eiecutlou and all coata.aud roil that may
accrue, K. U MATlK K.
Hherlffof Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated Sept. 2nd, iMim, 472-al.
Mas Met Ay ars al lb Werld's Fair
Ayer'i Hersaparilla sojoys Ibe itraor
dlnary dialinetioa ot bavmg bea tb otilf
blood purifier allowed aa etbibil al Ibe
World' fair, Chioago. Uaoolaolarers
of other laraeparilla eoagbl by vary
means to obt ale asbowlog of tbelr good
but Ihey were all tamed away uoder Ibe
applirettoa of tbe rate furbiJJlog tbe
eoiry of patent Bdieta aod aoetrams.
Tbe deeiaioe of tb World' fair aatbo
rilia la fevof of Ayet'i Baraapalll was
la effect a follows: "Ayr'a Sarsapa
rilla I not a patent bedieln. II due
aot baliteg to tb liat of aoetaui. Ilia
bar oa It BiariU.
A tlef Mepl. )1,
ana nl lha
r 4iy f-fa.
a4 e ei.
lb elaeb edt-
r-f lleppaee will b
Kap aa tear eiual
A. A. Ib !.
Wall. Tbn.ta..a raa elaa-e tlwea
t!l poef aa1 Mnaaeil, Hlllt ( afy
Jar nH M'-1y 4 laif every
J teei. )?, fait-if aal an I eaaap-
aat mala In tb ialetv"',
llfwflt, aget.1.
tleppoef to reodtetoa via Ileppaer
F.bo rUa Lin. Fereaa deeiroa f
viaiiiog reedlaina aaa v lima and
money by Ukleg U.t real. Hy o-
qualnting tb stent th pv"es a
tag lb Hear will male cenneKia Hb
1 e'clork traia al K bo fjf I'anJlaHoa,
(KT.na al Oily Drag H' ta. W. V, lt,
TliKtt b teste lb O. IL A X. will
lea via. Vmaiiiia, waiia wans
fend Tbraagb sle-pata, Brel aad
aen4 elaaa, will ma la naaHra witb
tb CMhi Farifl. lb earn U batata
for. A lbrab Brel ele lapat Fart
land be e I, eeH,g eltb lb
eralelaas eUapaf in W. Feal. a4 a
Ihroofb M'M elaapaf l'n11a't U M
rl, will tea la e-aaaHa nb lb
(treat )t1bael fallaf If
Var IrKlaWy.
Tbe Oasatt la la reeaipl a latter frota
Joba T. Kogltsb, of Daaviil. Illiooi
rortsarly a rea I Jed of Mof row enaoly
aol a sbeepmaa of IbU eactine, bevieg
baaw la pailnersbip with K.L Cot,
Hardman, artviag narb laftmatbea ta
regard Io Ibe plifMi of Illioola. If
Kliglleb i l pfraeal fullowing toaraas
tile parenil, liaing a Bamliar of tbe
Feybea Falmar F.egliab C- wtt..lel
groeaw. of I Hint II l.
Mr. Kagdab tba npreaaa blnvulfla
regard W lb pulilieal eitaaUoa la till
ot; "Tills ! will go stroag fa Me
Kitiley. Tb rVye rnea era vtng vary
day. I dvM vary sateb. If lb
tlcmcHH st pat Bp B ged I rial, fbal
IWje will gal a aHiiy of lb demo
rralM vol. I kw pareraMily ba-
AfU IbM Will Ik4 f"! blw aad II at
M all over ibe rlry.
"11 Kaelera O'egnsj bat a gi4
ana' I el t'4 ber weal . axw and '
will aVieey Tailing lnh bar auffees
Mfl4. H witb all eiba arttlaa l.
w prujaaa n4 eettrV
aar - --f iniu .aa iw
Ton will find one coupon
Inside each two ounce bag
and two coupons inside each
four ounce bagofBlackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents and
bow to get them.
THAT THIrei3aBjajajaJB'
a Chan ia Business AH Around?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the Mcl'arland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Slaughter Prices
All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
IN H'BTlCE'g rorilT Full TH T. SIXTH DI8.
trlet HUle of OrcK.ui, County of Morrow,
4. a. nixuerj, i laiuiiu,
ft. K. Jnnea. DefenilanL
To 8. R. Honea, li-l-n.lnt:
in ma name oi ilia Hiaia nf Oregon, wa rmn
n.-r. in aal1 l oiiiiln
maun 7u io apiiear rieiura me liuilenliitied, a
jiiaiii a oi ina rrare lu ll.-i.i.
ant euie, on or liefnre the I Hi iUt of Ululiar.
Ik H, at the hour of to of o'clurk In the torenmin
aal1 day. at mjr oHI! In the aal-l loan Uianaaor
lha roinlilalnt of J. A. MiHili-rv Iihiii.I.kI ,n
nnimlaiHiry nolra anil herein ha i1rn.au. I. lha
aiimni una nininre.1 llilrl an anil H lil Ihil.
Kinenl will be remlere-l
ao to appear and ana f
Olvfti under mf band tbla ?nd dar nf ftrbL
11. 1 awaai U. a att-sSai.e.... .u
mum m ntm riuiiiirvN) in
Urt. lor which iitn Ju.
Metlnal foil If vott UU at
Notict o Intention.
4 Sel L I. If. Notlia la htl. !... Ik.l
the lollnalns named anllrr haa Aled k'HIra
of hla Inteniioa Io make Snal aroof In ant, twirl
of hla claim, and thai aaid pm.il will ha made
rwior toe i-minif eiera oi Mnrrna (winnly i
Heppner, Oreon. on tiriolier Imh, lap, via:
H. K. nn. wna. lor lha Nu MKu and Kru ivu
and eKi NWI,. See t, f a 4 . H n I W. tf
lie na.nea the lullnalnt wllneaaea In proa
hi eiiiiiinnooa realdauti ulna ami eulU'alloa
ol aaid land, !:
rred H, Ttiomaa. A. I. MrKemla, k.lrt
i"wr,joaa a. ixpnr, all ol lli-ppnrr. lira.
a- a. B. r. WIIXIM. Kealater.
Notlct of Inttntlon.
I asd orm it at Tnit dai.i.m. ohkoo"
a s
I a
aili . lav l..lla la kerel.e
-I. , . .. r
i.ai n.a inniiaii.f Mml aeiiier baa Sled no.
1 "i n-r iinniitm mi anaaa anal ptnm in aio
id h rialta. and al aaid i n.l 1)1 be
oeMira i. m, N-.ime. ruiiaii rl.it. .1
ffiappaaT. vrefiin. na la-biif itn )A a
MAkliHIT mv.
Wlylnai .J aL.I.... u W
" ' I. Kn. fit. I- the I .la I, I and e. aod ar.U
a. ia i i. . v.nw u
., if i., . pk, a ai
ena nainaa ina lul oalna a in n i an
pal enniinnaua raaidauta poa aod callltaUoa
W. Hq WK1( ,11
Mia Annie iiilllaia, laaua O Wllllame. Frank
"am, wia a. ana liia, ail of llar lman. 1 1..
iAa. r Mainit.
Notict Of Intention.
UetOrrus av Ths t4iJa a-u.,
Augtial l. I-
vim' is surir oivr hut tm
I' wiai Mael eHIf haa S.ad IMrtl.
al be luinii,.a in Make ftnel la ei.i',
m aeerialw. ai.d thai aa I pe.rf am he ad
. ia. via
u a atlM.H
?1 w "" " a i aaaeU.THSt.il II
ai aaaaa lha Mlalt, tUni ta enva
M.nwae na, Uaa apua ad mliaiia
W. "Ill , ,1
a.M M .tai.ii Mr. f.eld llfaMll, Fran
n. liana, 4 a..n aaaa, ail W lma. .ta-,.t,
... aa. r )-.i.r
" '"i i--"i P" 1 pv.rt
bl,.ia ( .nit, 1. 1 1.1 k u llnima I
al Met p. ., n eM..i
Ufa IM1R4 foi au, lam
T efca-eeaaa,
S!l a.. aea aa'a4 a4 ta dri.e aa a4
a,aaa fa Mt nf li e f '
Hotlct of Inttntlon,
1 Airtnrri'R av lanaiai . nanrfii
I a, I ana. k.l.al, fit. a i.
im ii, aamM Mtiaf M, an MX
Kee I- ti.l!.. t., w. . a a ',i ..mA a,i
fcef m and lkl eai t ---J alll na n.a 1 nn
aura 1 wnnif I ! m W-drna v..,nif, ..,(
ntfant. aa arn4M.net it. k, tia
atatH 1 ri naan 1.-
H t .. tl V Ina
it immlrrinl, f mf jnJjmrnl,
aAfHf (k tktmp grritrtt reratre mf
ltfl from IX I rif rf tnr.
Itaafak It JatM,
"1 ami
eamne Ina I... ...n t .a allMnua l n..
a mntinn. ma4a na and inlllialana
an nn a
a "an a . ief ato'tlnt f Ft-eeMa I
r -naoea a a M I aM-r. a.l tf lap
ft 9 lla..a
" t II. tfllal a..a fl f f 1
KXH.L'TulfM .SvTlCK.
N I it If t la k..n.t ('.en ti tka al.nj'.iml
at i4 ana r.)ml I., t.
Wi an.a aa ataeni.rf
1 a4 I -nint nlla tl I nt
We are not small meD, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
;ve are not me Largest mercfianis m ine World i
a a a But when thepeoplsot all the surrounding country are In need of a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockaryware, Olaaaware, Wood and Willowware, Nalla, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Uaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe KlttliiRa, Stoves aud Rangra, Wagona,
Hacka, Buggiea, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axea, Hamineri, Bawl, Blcdgea,
Wedges, Ouna, Platoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Maaon Jara, Uran
iteware,Plows, Harrows, Rakea. Mowers, Tuba. Waah Bolllers
aud Boardi, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc.,
Bhould call and Examine our Goods and Qet Prices.
We have Oooo Ooodi at Fats Frlces, and Cheap lohn Goods at Cbep John Prices.
J. O. BOROI-IJmS, Prop.
! mm ii fcaaaTMaftatvAmafstTaama mm M
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens' Surri.iEs, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will make it an object for you to trade with
him m hit pricot are right, aod all good that ho
handlet are ot tbe rerj ImmL
on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Iloppnor, Oregon.
nans : mchfii ; puis
Youro BOUND to Tnko 9Km.
Leaves No Constlpution, -vtwa
Cera It, a wall aa alt fllllionatiaa. Hiek llea-lart. an.J Malaria. Tb n)
rbaeoaraai. bill la lb woriX M-il l tr ii"n ' I f wll e
rrH tet ri.. & eanu pr t. I UI..N i lf MV.IUVM. CXI ,
Ha I'raaaiann, ('al.
. I it Mlahilllktiitalt4l
"Ha. ti,m. aitlKltl
1 l tm rtm M
1 ..t.tt 1
, tfca m a 1
ra. T tirn't frvm JAj tf " a, . .1.4 af I.. Mm
M lfw J. 'r. (a Hut ,V , ,. ... 1 ..a a .. , a.w. 1.. 4.M fc-4
.M.ew.4e,fju n .A-"-1""" v , I'm.',: TV'
ka.lef r,m Urmlfu. J t 9 ta, Mlwtvi' i,4.
Tnr. Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W Htm50X. 1CW7. ee Olsa Hlei W..rl.
m Mm.
Plenty- of them
Gazctto Office.
at the