Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 11, 1896, Image 2

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    years of 1891, 1892 and 1893, raw
wool, which now cornea in free of
duty, paid import duties, tinder the
McKinley law, $22,498,574. The
Wilson law, in addition to assisting
the foreigner to our market has
thrown away nearly $23,000,000 of
revenue at a time when it is sorely
needed. Exchange.
Republican Met.
For President,
williajw Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Ol New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
A Nervous Disease Characterized
by Involuntary and Pur
poseless Spasms.
In bringing forward the old
"free trade" bugaboo the republi
can candidate was equally uiican
did and impolitic," says a Dalles
paper. "Upon this question it
seems to be impossible for Mr.
McKiriley to be honest in discuss
ion. He knows that the present
tariff, far from beiDg 'free trade.'
is as highly protective as any tariff
in the history of the country ex
cept that which bore his name and
which the people twice condemn
It is very difficult to pump this
down our sheepmen. They
The bureau of statistics of the gone broke on the Wilson "pro
It Occurs Most Often in Girls; is Often Hereditary,
but Articular Rheumatism and Scarlet
Fever Predispose to it.
Just R
VM vVl. sf,
T. T. GEER, ol Marlon County,
8. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F, CAPLF.S, of Multnomah.
and lor joy. Among tbe oountless
families ot Chicago there ii perhaps not
one today that feels a deeper sense ot
gratitude to tbe (liver of all good and
perfeot gifts than Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Collier, ol 4903 Armour Avenue.
Mr. Collier, who is the electrician at
tbe Chicago and Book Island Railroad
shops in this city came here from Hamil
ton. 'Canada, a little more than nine
Notwithstanding the poor are always
with us, Thanksgiving is none the less a
day ot rejoicing. Many chanties have
been dispensed and tbrongb numerous
j instrumentalities the necessities and
have and sufferings of many a worthy person
have been relieved. Absent members of
treasury department has just issued tective tariff' law. 'Tis a fact that and Rathered aronnd he fefjtal
its summary ot statistics of finance the people of the United States reconnt the incidents that have taken
and commerce for the fiscal year refused to be satisfied with the piaoe Bnd the various blessings that have
Midintr June 30. 1895. Perhaps most DroBDorous times ever seen been vouchsafed them, sinoe they assen
the most interesting feature of the in this country, and it also a fact bled th ,M T"naBJ. mef D 8t the
taoie OI imports, bu ir aa irreguu iiittl iwu yvnia nyu mey au&uuwi
is concerned, is the record of im- edged their error and are prepar-
portations of raw wool under the ing this fall to make full amends
Wilson tariff law, which admits for their mistake. It is not the
such wool free of duty, varying ac- first time in the history of man
cording to its classification, from 11 kind that a righteous cause has
cents a pound for merinos up to 36 been defeated by a vicious one
cents for scoured mohair. But humanity is quick to restify
Tiflt tin notice, in the first Dlace. these errors, and this coming
the growth of imports as a whole, November will mark the occasion years ago accompanied oy ms wire ano.
,'Ln. . ,i e un.. j.. ..j lile daughter, their only ohild Etta,
ana auerwiwuB uauiiutj imu uic ui wuui uuisn u.,uu then aged four. Little Etta was a bright
various sources of supply. The the funeral of Error. d beBUtifai Kjri but not a very robust
amount of raw wool imported into 1 - one.
the United States in the twelve TnE IhhIi World has come to For tbe last few years she had been
months ending June 30, 189G, is the conclusion that McKinley and ""ewhat Bain but ber condition was
... ... not snoh as to oreate any uneasiness in
grer tunu .u, wu.u.ug nouwi repreauui vuu P'1UU1P10B the minds of her parents, who almost
year in me uisiory ol me wuuuj, mai it snouiu support.
notwithstanding there has been
little or no market for the home
product at remunerative prices.
The total number of pounds was
230,811,173. This is an increase,
again, upon the imports of 1895,
which were 191,226,213 pounds, and
which were greatest in volume
for any year up to that time, the
highest previous figure being 172,
133,838 pounds, the statistics of
1893, an amount sufficiently large,
idolized her. In the sohool she was re
garded as one of tbe brightest soholars
of ber class and was the envy of her
class-mates. Although but a little over
twelve vesrs of age, her intellect was
phenomenal. Bhe was possessed, how
An examination of an article on
the wool question, published in
this issue, will give the reader an
opportunity to learn why it is that ever, of a very nervous temperament
nr. n,.1 ia l,n nrr ar.1,1 in tha Wo at WtllOD IB frequently me CBBB WHO oui.u-
o I i iKlnlt:nAnna T? o rl v
in the mooth ot Jane last, owing to
The American Protective Tariff sudden fright, she was tbrowu into
... . . L-
r.nnfTntt !,. inut iumm,! lM.mnl violent spaHams, lo reoover oniy 10 uc
-Jk iafc UU JUOt SIU UVyV V w J Ul kUk I
No. 59 "Tho TariiT," which gives
extracts, in parallel columns, from
one would think, without taking the "laches of Hon. W. J. Bryan
away what duty remained and giv
ing the market wholly over to the
foreigner. '
wool from abroad? Out of the
230,000,000 pounds imported in
1890, 117,000,000 are of clothing
wool, for which the country has
paid foreign growers the Bum of
$19,118,171, while Oregon sheep
have been butchered to make Eng.
liuh and Chiueso holidays, and
Oregon wool has been unsold in
warehouses at The Dalles. Of
this $19,000,000, nearly $10,000,000
weut to the United Kingdom, which
increased its shipment of clothing
wool to us from 15,000,000 pounds
in 1895 to CG.000,000 pounds in
18. France sends us 0,000,000
pounds, against 2,000,000 in 1895,
and Aiiatio countries 20,000,000,
against 12,000,000 in 1895. Other
countries send us 17,000,000 pounds
this year, instead of 8,000,000 last
year, and in this way foreign wool,
growers are supplanting Oregon in
tha woolen mills of the United
and Hon. "William McKinley,
This document should bo road by
every voter. 'Address V. F. Wako-
man flnnol 11 V O'U
street, JSew lurk,
afllioted with St. Vitus' dance in the
worst form. Tbe consternation of her
parents may well be imagined.
Of course the best physicians were
secured at once but theit efforts to
restore ber to ber normal condition were
devoid of results. Sue continued
grow worse, ber appetite wholly faile
A NEIGHHOltlNd paper takes the
Gazette's proprietors to tabk over
tho legialiitivo filit of 1H9."), iuniHt-
ing that to bo coimihtcnt they
should support lirynn. Yes? The
unzeiio never Mipportuu a popo-
crat in tho plan, of Mr. Dolph.
While a large pint of "tho thirty"
were for hilvor they were republi-
caus and their opposition to Mr.
Dolph was, in the miiin, brought
aliout by tho desire of the party in
Oregon to bo freed from Ixwainm
aud ring rule. Tho thirty wore
never anything but republicans.
The fn.ht, begun and won by the
oppooouta of Mr. Dolph, was car-
nod down to tho recent election in
Oregon, aud tho old ring lost both at
tho couvontions and at tho follow
ing election, Hut both factions
Lava como together on common
We have just received a
Large Line of Ladies' and
Misses Jackets and Capes
whole right side and lower limb became
limp, numb, and useless and what little
nouriHbment she was uble to take bad to
be ! administered by others. To add to
tho eerioueuesa of tbe oase she was un
ablo to obtain any sleep whatever.
It wna while in Ibis deplorable condi-
tiou hovering between life aud death
with all tbe prospeots of a premature
grave before ber, that one day on return'
ing borne from bis duties Mr. Collier
found awaiting bim a newspaper, whioh
au old aoUHii)tatioe in Hamilton, bis
former place of residence, bad sent to
him by mail.
Id Ibe local columns be read ot tbe
ease of certain person be had known
years before having been permanently
cured ot tbe complaint ot which bis on
daughter was now ofiVriiig, by tbe net
ot Dr. Williams' rink Tills for Tale
People. He bad often heard end read
before marvelous aooooots of tbeeffloaoy
of this remedy bales no cause with
which he wae personally familiar ap
peered, be not only donbted but pool
tively disbelieved the statements. Bat
here before bis eyee wee apparent evi-
denoe from one be knew, lie therefore
From the Chronicle, Chicago, 111.
as it was incurable. It was therefore
with a feeling of utter despair that Mrs.
Oollier first began to administer the
Pink Pills.
She says a perceptible obange came
over the little one before even tbe second
box had been emptied and now after
having used six boxes ber health is en
tirely restored. In the early part of her
illness her intellect was very muoh
clouded. She had become extremely
dull of comprehension hardly realizing
tbe meaning of words when addressed.
Seen today in tbe cheerful home of the
Collier's on Armour Avenue, she is the
personification of health. Her nervous
ness has entirely disappeared, ber intel
lect is bright, keen and active, her
strength has returned and the roses in
ber oheeks attest to tbe complete reoov
ery ot ber bodily health.
She is now ready to resume her music
lessons and as soon as the schools open
after. the holidays ebe will again take up
tbe studies whioh she so suddenly left
off oc that eventful June day. The
sister-in-law of Mrs. Oollier, Mrs.
Lewis, who was present at the interview
emphatically confirmed all that Mrs.
Collier has said regarding the past and
present oondition of little Etta, adding
that a famous physician in Hamilton in
variably recommends Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills in such cases as this and many
Mrs. Oollier herself has tor a number
of years been a constant sufferer from a
female complaint wbioh so far has baffled
tbe skill of the doctors, and during a
period ot less than six months ber bus
band has expended over two hundred
dollars in fees for medicines. She has
now begun the UBe of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and while it is as yet too early
to announce a oure In ber case she feels
so much improved as to express the
belief that ber pbysioal troubles will
shortly be ot tbe past. These are some
of tbe reasons wby the Oollier family
return thanks on this our national day
ot praise and festivity.
The above is a oorrsot statement ot
facts oocoerning my little daughter and
my Belt Mas. A. Collier.
- lt. - .ft . . v ru txt . w M
this 3nd day ot December, 1895.
'" Dan GiiBENR,
Notary Public
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are sold by all drngglsti. Thou
ends ot boxes have been deposed of
This win one of the few remedies whioh
was not cut 10 prioe during the recent
druggiuts war.. This fact shows that the
prioe ia iu the reach of all. Their cures
are positive aud permanent They are
ho nnlailing specific for such diseases as
locomotor ataxia, partial paralysia, Ht
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rbeuma
tlsm, nervous headache, palpitation of
tbe heart, pale an i sallow oomplexlons,
nervous prostration and "that lired feel
Styles !
l iff cs i
Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call
early and make their selections before the assortment is
We Have ir These Goods 011 Qualities Ranging if)
Price Fron) $2 to $18.
Kev. Greene Returned.
Rev. E. P. Greene returned on Wedoee-
ay evening from conference at North
Yakima, and will have ounrge of the
Heppner M. E. churoh another year.
This is iudeed pleasing to Mr. Green's
many frlende here, both in and out of
the churoh.
Rev. Motor, the presiding elder for
some years past ot this district, hus been
given a oirouit over in Grant county,
Uov. Robert Warner, ot Ellensburgh,
being assigned to Mr. Motor's place. ,
Mr. Greene desires the Gazette to soy
at services win oe neiu as usual lien
Bundny at tbe M. E. churoh.
BUtea. There an increaao of 2,. ground in Bur.jH.rt of well L now n ()( D0 ,m( ju miking aeeuranoe doubly
000,000 pound in combing wool
alto, (bicflj from South America,
which kindly reciprocal in this
waj for our inttrfcrrncft again!
European aggTwwion. Of caret
wools w import from Alia, aud
Oceanica nearly S0,000,0(X)pouud,
chief!; from China. To thoee pro
ducers w Lave ar-nt, in tho two
jeare 1KJ3 and no 1mm than
110,000,000, We tuy their wool
free of doty. Thru Kogland aelle
thm their mrrcbanJiiMv
The democratic Idea waa that
and oft-triod republican ptiuciploa
and will help fleet McKinley
ilia !lil at .saliiu wna no pojn-
cratio affair. It wn a little fnniilv
row anions ourarlvp.
Ynar Wrl Immy Writhing
With the rhouninlii-m in an individual
bum, If )nu rinvg a ClcritKn .iril, you
would frg!t. Hi. K i) in Her what bis
ili'liii'l'iMin.Hi, uiiil.iJ rtioiili. N.ilb
tug ebort f T'l-I enil. h i.r 1,1
eniarry. M rrutir, be i In swrious rril.
Tbe il . i !)) pr.itie loatlak
bit hrart and kill 1. 1 n Ii inlrr. Aa
means ol ruriitf llilf iiv. Ilixtrttrr's
with free wwd we 1 ould aUnt thel Mi..mwli I. tin t b tu lmrt.t riuta-
itnportalion cf woolen tnanufae- J rtwt autt.fittie ir..fr.
ture. On the contrary we have "" ' '
ft,..-. 1.... .1 t . . , ' l'f til M M Ulllt U !
never Imports ao many wed.-n pfW(.ull(in.f, mmnun ,i1,,.,ie u..
mauuractaree in a year, eicepl u.ie eaa rt'ly e l .,.i. ti. Imi-rw l.
odA M e did in lV.Ni. Thiana ! a rmr.ly (.f ih grrntr! uiility iu
h 18V0, the tear the berrta '! an! kt.liwy trji.ie, ,ljt-it
aai lUrf tow itii.i, c i.li-.li.a ana
Srrtoiifturu, 1 pnui.lriuoU Ids ff-ts
(f ii,1.tili al nt"n ii iNnii) or Id.
elWt Wrallirr, ati-l M a c'iil ri
muU-t of i Tttti and r. j, U, ihi
One rt.1j tit -r.'-i.l Irlal In wiib b
all bl riure ol Uh lai I ti-itiltlu are
topid ly the McKbley Unfl
rulmiDaUd, Iu KH) we imp.ft.l
,&M-i,ir,2 (a manufactarr. Io
1 H 1 Una im cut dawn to lll.ru),.
UMeftd in hn to tVi,(nXum.
No it U ciu on the rl, the
Cguretlicg:i-i,:2:t,()00 or 18U.,
atKlls l.otm fur wm We im.
rUd a half mote clolk la KM
then ia KKi, a fourth mre
naiU and waeta, Io 1K3 e tiJ
H4.rno,CiO for foreign diMigwU; h-'1'1'.-,'4 -ta
W., I9.00O,rA England eol- SilS'""1 '
Iictel f in.217,(nX) from ni for wo.4.
en it-aaofactaree (a 1 against
fW-Ol.OU) U m That is the
U&drwy i4 frre .. aa the rd
ahoai 1L
. at . Oj . m . t
I'M oiurr luitg. to (he liiil l. ..u I , v
are and aa enon as be learned Ibat tbe
story wae absolutely true, be lost bo time
io procorinf the Pink Tills for bis suf
fering daughter. This was oo Ibe loth
of Hitiiiibr. Trior to tblt date sad
ettr consulting doctors ot different
booli of medicine, be bad takso ber to
the Homeopathic lhspeosary where ber
rase was diacnaaed by all tbe tntmhere
of the family who unanimously deolared
la tbe prmenre ot Ibe clase tbal there
waa do loiigrr any bpe to be belj out
log, which is a result ot the latter. It
also is a permanent core for all diseases
resulting from vitiated humors ot tbe
blood, such as scrofula, erysipelas aod
like diseases ; diseases peculiar to women,
snob as suppress ions. Irregularities and
all forms ot weakness. The pills build
op Ibe general bealtb, thicken the blood
and send It ooorf ing tbrongb the veins
wltb renewed life. Aud one very peoul
iar thing about this remedy is that there
are no ODpleasaot after effects. Thous
ands of former soffsrere are Dow rejoic
ing to know that Ibey are cure! Child
rert may take them with perfect safety.
These pills ere manufactured by Dr,
Willi stua' alsdmio Gompaoy, Sobeneo-
tady, N. I , aod are eold only lo bie
bearing the Ann's trade-mark and wrap.
(r, at SO eeola a tx, or sli boit fn
I'iSO, and are never eol J lo bulk. Tbe
public should beware of fraoduleoi inui
tatkMia, as many tmecrapatoas niedioioe
ewinpanlve have beeo luaking far lufrrior
rafcrM (oasnuiTu
Hooatnr J. bn II. Mitchell made a Irtl
log tech fir repobliiianiam at Wood
barn l.t Friday. Mr. Mitchell lo that
I fn b laid bare tbe real ieeaee la Ibis
campwlgn, vis., prulK-tioo lo American
Utwr, Ibe integrity f Ibe natioa, the
airrmacy of lew and order and lotattv
li e.Mttitiiteti authority, AU elm, in
cm imrf silver (iiwiia be b il.Usuh
of, tmaie l.itbfue, lh vill parts it tbe
eation. It tuiff rUinJlr.
Hfla aiollH
A r.i I of fi ii t .1 1 1 r li e
a trM an I Couiiclioii ol the (M.li; ty.
lWrtliai : l'lr wilti bUi
lere. I raaJod F A on li.'l bii !.!
t u'n4 iti rM;
If't Hi ; l4't t ) tit
n' it at i r-fia
FbeM, ll fpf . )'tt -ii .
t. t,
ti .4 . . i,
lmi 1 1
t .
,1 i" ... K - ,
' ' ' I l J ,! lt
Msk lb Mwl ef learwK
II is Ibe duly ot r ruao to make
the ro"l of tlintlf. WbaUter bis
raiHuntive tnv be, be le sore lo find
enie Ure et.rre he ca be aacfnl to
binlf and lo olbra. Hal be eaaeot
rvaeb his bgbt nfulma wilboal
(...I bralth anj be renait have wi.
blib Hbool ore bl Tbe bloo.l
rii.tiiatc lo etrry rra and tit. aad
brn II la pure, neb aod healthy it ear
b!ili lo entire !, bill If it
U In j ue It e.-tts tllMiaMi wberevar II
II Ilnt's Mroriie le the ere
j la bUasI fiAf. ll eereeaall rbeasa,
efiffula, ttti. t)iaaa4 rbeetna
, lim t .! lhM dHH-atare hve IbHf
otiiiie le Ibt bl'-l.
the tu.i r.aaklare
l KI..U L'e i A k'gUie4 e.mb
ta .li .i.ii. fU,,p II al otina H t)
f .! t'f. Ir sle by Writs A
i W airiu
Rryaa llab Orls.
Leal (vsolng oitians of Hrppnrr in
at Ibe opera boose to bear Hun. T. (1
tlalley, ot Teedl'toe, diecnee Ibe I art
of tbe day fmra a free silver standpoint.
It waa also the oooaeioa of Ibe nrgtatsa
lloa of a Rryaa alwri, though lor a war
or inure tbe supporter of the tatwmo
f Ibe Tlalte bave beee eklralsbing for
Bemre, and the rreoll of Hie work ia ao
a tuvniWrstilp of aearly 4V
Mr. ileiley wae greeted l y a very
large and enibneteelie aodtvare
listened ellsativeiv to eeefytbing Hal
wee said. Tbe usual dietai benoa caused
bv people coming la aod going on I, oo
tbe occasion of aearly every tb!i
aalbertag al Ibe ojra bnoee. wee Beta
My etneol last eventog.
At Ibe ol e of Mr. IlalUy's tffrt, Ibe
elnb tinted iffite as Mloes:
At Hiana, preetdcbli Tca M.rn,
vice ptMiUrel; Mat. lano, ue ix
debt; Hses Levar, eeereUry.
Dig down to the causa of your sick
ness, if you want to get well and stay
well. Most likely it's iudigewtion. The
irritating poisons ot tormenting, putrid
food, left in the stomach by Indignation,
cause headache, neuralgia, ncrvousuess,
dizzinesp, stomaohncbo, nausea, irrita
bility, and all the other well known
symptoms of judication.
Tbey also cause many pnins and dis
orders which are ofteo laid to other
causes aod benoe are not easily cured.
Dut aa soon as the poisons are removed,
all these symptoms and disorders disnp
pear, because there is nothing left to
cause them. Nothing succeeds in this
like busker Digestive Cordial, bt-caiife
it prevents the undigested food from fer
menting io the stomach and lulps the
stoinaoh to digest its fund.
Sold by drnttfists, price 10 cents to
11.00 per bottle.
i i
T rT m. .mm. l--M
Full English course.
I- ' rrf7 Y, JSjesrj.ua s-
tmmJin .lv rrl
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All tliono can be procured at Thompson & Binna, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
The rt"iillrmn are srquslntMl with Grnt, Hrnr, Cmnk, Ollllsa aad Other eosDtles,
and ran save monf and Urns Id snaklii Uisss stcttous IU Iravtllog sua. .
I'rtrrs In keeping wllb lb ilmsa.
aarprlae Tarty.
The little friend of Miss Lutie Has-
mos surprised ber ytirday afternoon
bv dropping iu on br ia a body, at the
residenoe of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs
John V. II mm as, of Ibis plac. the orra- .
ainn being the Of lebrati io of tha 10ib
mll-sloe id the life ot the young lady.
Those participating in the f.sti?ill-
were: Wills Minor, Elsie Ayns, Ia
Bartboluraew, IWrlha Fristoe, F.tta
Ilogrs, Ia Caropliril, Lull Camptx-ll,
ltroa Meadows, Alia Uvh,Muie 1 iki.
Leab Mluor, 7. rttrrs..n, Wilia Ilr
ren, Fannie Kuk, N.'llie IluwarJ and
Minnie IlenderstiB.
In a recent lttrr lo the tnanafartar
ers Mr. W. F. IWi.J inim. e l.l. r i f li s
rtpvcUtor, ISashf.irJ, N. Y, eaye: It
saay Le a pUasare lo ya Iu kauw the
high eetwra lo bk-h OialrrUlb's
ttH-'lninfs are held by Ibe prrpte ol
our oea stale, where tl,y biui b
best known. Au suiit uf c ine, wtm r
ai lre al IVitrr, I , wae atx.ul lt
visit me a few yrsrs uncr, and Iff. tp
leaving boute wr -te tne, akit'g it lhy
ere eold ber. st.lit g if Ihey were n I
sbe would big 'j 'me M ills .. t.
as '.. did I H lias la le wnL al tVra."
Tbe n. le lus Mf rJ to are ("list l-f.
lam's (.Vsb lUir.ely, faitvHiS I -t its
torse f e.ls afd croep; (ln.mtw'iain'
I'ala ';n f. r it varaai in, U i.e l k,
flns la li t s,. i t, ar. I ("baas
lliii's t'.i'ie, l'li ,lf ar.J lirl(
Itxmxly f if rie r tnUini. lhe
aalt.-ioa list I n ia .rtnt t tu
! a f 4 a'inl a , ifif fac-l i'j
Tbe p''le Iet It.l t! y are
artkWe stf grrsl lti act sr.. t,l. ar I
"IT. ft. Il.tl.ibe lr.al arltM. r, ! ' ' tf ." f- U'
be I anj al bie arlore, Mallrk Unfaer, lr ' 1 -r X -s, .tri. als.
here be will diepenee al anpatar nw, ! ......
Itavra, sramt, halrenia. esc.
v" )
Don't buy your Ducks until you
see the Full Blooded and Grade
Delaine Merinos from the Cunning,
ham hand, of Pilot Rock, 'which will
soon he in Heppner. Prices and
terms to suit purchasers.
SoTtcr, TV TAXrAYEti.
Not!, f
RsMst if efx 1 su 4 'm
t K-M sa. 4 t r
a-' 3 ,
is laasa.ifrri.if. in SHf ; f.
elxfVrr Ik sk.rfi (r.f ,
II A I V. r , ,! 4, f, f , , f r
fit r. . I, t i'r t f , f
11 . i J ;'r,.n f t If ,,. . f lt ,
f. ,('.. .... 11 V t I -
Is af
u . . i., ., - , l a4 mi ia
n I swHI t(. ti.f a
... rl ntf iaMiia mtMt ss-
r-a i sa-. rauas. J. f, Willis.
I (. f l ms.
I Male ef I aa W alia, N4
N'itt fl.a kal t4ae k
..-. .( ... n ns ii, .' M I B
' . ... ( '. to-l a. t.m a - S.l4 m
' ' ' a. t ) a. Ifca i
,, I., a, t.-a. a.,
...t H ar, fMM aa
- s-. i- a - w,a.
- t . ,4 M a.tH . . ,
. - .... Km .l.t. 14 axli. at K,
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.. ii i e
unu usr.
I mm aftvtariiip at iirrxfa
1 S W . , t, iaav
rsaae, I W Jartsee, kali
"tm, ri
Wave aaillag M IMs Mae ktaM sae
S4r.ntaa4. J, f. W laaisea. f. H.
Hollct of attrition.
tee tf. S sf U ris.sas fa.aa
Vtnirtre ararsv tTtTat iTN' tag
, Ma MiM ka) SU4 ariks mt
iatatal. s. Ma. (aa4 s (urr, 4
'" a4 taa aaks u ha aalal
S ' f-'t i Ui al la... I .
at N'rfMt. law,.! kmatoian, aa ,a.
t4 IU ,ljl UK.
w 'a4 Ifi!..ll.ll4 trt Ifca SVta
Ii a ia. all. .in a
Wi. a-4
aJ aal .1,
l-ak-t Vri M
" a.i al U.i,u. 1-.,
a t eiLo , aasia.