Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 08, 1896, Image 4

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    0 oIlL -
Of Two Transcontinental
Darkness That May He Dispelled by the
Atlanta Exposition.
Accord in (r to a story which cornea up
from Capt II al Tabb Walker, a promi
nent planter of Georgia and a resident
of Atlanta, there is much need of en
lightenment in the southern portion of
the state. It seems that a man living1
in that section was sent on some mis-
TT sion up to Atlanta during the month of
11 July last. While there he saw and was
mucn interested in me mattiujj iu arti
ficial ice.
Returning home he told of this to his
friends, and for all the fact that he Is a
good church member and up to that
time had been a highly respected citi
zen of the community, he was at once
looked upon with suspicion. The feel
ing ran so high against him for telling
and persisting in telling that men, com
mon mortals, were making ice in the
hot month of July, something they de
clared the Lord could not do, that he
was threatened with expulsion from
the church.
lie did his best to defend himself,
and at last suggested that a delegation
of the most reputable church members
go with him to Atlanta, where, he as
serted, he would prove his statement to
their entire satisfaction. The elders,
willing to give him a chance, did select
St. Paul KanSaS City Proceeded to Atlanta, and there, of
J course, thev saw that their brother was
right and that men, common mortals,
did make ice in July.
They all returned home and as quick
ly as possible a meeting was called to
hear the report. When the elders heard
the delegation declare, as had the
brother before it, that ice was really
their wrath and churched the whole
lot of them.
. , , D,.; j made in Atlanta in July they arose in
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland theip wrath anJ church' d tte whoie
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. K. & N.
Agtot ta IleppDer, cr address
Gen. Pans. Agt.
Poktland. Oregon.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
Sheep That Love Snails and Insectivorous
Birds That Feed on Grain.
It seems almost a stretch of the im
agination to think of rabbits climbing
trees. Yet in Australia many rabbits
have somehow acquired the tree-climbing
habit, having been forced, on ac
count of the persecutions of dogs and
other animals, to drop burrowing and
imitate squirrels. -
An Australian sent on to England re
cently the two front feet of a rabbit
that had been killed on an acacia, three
'yards from the ground, and he wrote in
his letter that this was not at all a re
markable thing, and he had often found
them, or at least the traces of their
claws, on the bark of trees four, five
and six yards high.
r or a parrot to eat sheep u another
remarkable thing, and yet the kea of
New Zealand has become a sheep pater.
The irrest hiehwar thron-h California to all having changed to this article of food
point mi awl smith, (irund Hoonlo Konte I from a purely vegetable diet.
or HiLVri" Kn1.""n"t The tradition of the island is that at
Attached toeinrau trains, attordina snnenor 01,8 time ,,iese Prrots were unable to
aoofimiBodatlona forsAnond-claas iWMnnenra. I obtain their USUal Supply of vegetable
eJ.' TidPiU' " n""mtU"' food and that in desperation they in-
r KOKHi.KK, Maiisxer, b. r. koobkh, Asst. vaueu me "drying rooms" ana ate
Gen. r. V. AIL, Portland. Oregon whatever puma to hand, flndimr ahnnn
meat agreeable.
In Iceland almost all the hors are
fish eaters, for the reason that grain is
scarce there and fish is plentiful.
In Lngland sheep are known who de
light in snails. The observation of this
fact is not new: it dates back one bun
dred and fifty years.
It is well known that a large number
of insectivorous birds become grain
eaters whenever they find that they
cannot procure their ordinary diet of
San Franolsoo
And til point in California, via the lit. Bhatta
route or we
Southern Pacific Co
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The Republicans of the United States,
assembled by their repreeentatatives in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievements of
30 years of Republican rale, earnestly
and ooDfidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
For the first time einoe the civil war
the American people bsve witnessed the
calamitous consequenoes of full and un
restricted Democratic control of tbe
government. It has been a record of
unparalleled inonpaoity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed iudispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled np tbe public
debt by 8262 000,000 in time of pence,
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace banging over tbe re
demption fund, pawned American credit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measures and results of suooesHfal Re
publican rule. In tbe broad effect of its
polioy it has precipitated pauio, blighted
industry and trade with prolouged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
aud wages, baited enterprise end crip
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign prod notion tor the Ameri
can market. Every consideration of
publio safety and individual interest
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. Tbe Repub
lican party favors such protection as will
lead to the production on Amerioan soil
of ail sugar which Amerioan people use
and for which they pay otber countries
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe
product of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well ss to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating duties for the
upbuilding of our merohant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in American shipyards,
sailing under tiie Stars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icans mav regain the carrying of oar
foreign commeioe.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It ouused the enact
ment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to deb me our car-
renoy or impair the credit of oar country.
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
com 'ge of silver, except by international
agreement with tbe leading oommeroitl
nations oi tbe world, which we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until srtoh an
agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. All
of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in
Inmande that the Government shall he . . . . .
" oircniatiou must De maintained at a
lesoned from tbe bands of those who
31 VI I V
Historic Hhlp That lias Jot
Mold for the Melal In liar.
Ilrai'hod upon the Ilea u port shoals,
near Quebec, lies the old steamship
Alert, which in 1875-78 was moored
nearer to the north polo than any other
vpkwI has ever been, nays the New
York Sun.
She waa the flnghhlp of the Kare
Wsny hours M'ihI via this line t Kastera Ar,-,l,s expedition and lay all winter at
Through Pullinsn I'atare H1ctih.
TiimUl Hlwiwm i ml Free Hevlliiltig Chair
vert I'AILT Ul CliKKi. ,
R. II'. BAXTER. Gen Agent.
J'orllnmt, Oregon,
J. C. HART, Agent, lleppner, Oregon.
T tcUntiCo America
f A.ency for
f , lm- TtSDt SHAHKW,
I y i - mime fsTIMTS,
a m -
tl fvm Hwtlu.s v MI H
i a to, M.I !.., Htm m.
I W M laka Hi f . t bf.-m
ti uu. k. tt.A .i inm v4 Myvn la Is
!'.' M .wall Ml fe
tM W.U fc. HI. M, Mt If a I (MS a
MUHIHHI lmmmmm$.mtm I MVS 1 Mf.
KlolM-rg iH'ach, Hi degree It minutes
north latitude. In 13 aha was pre-
seated by the ItrlUkh government to
our govrrntnrnt to take part in the
Urerly rrllrf eipedilion, and after that
surcrMtful enterprise aha wa returned
with thaiika to the llrltuh
In JhhS aha was loaned to the Can'
dinn government to Invoallgat the
naTlgablillty of Hudson etralla, and to
bring baek the party of eiplorera left
upon ita IiukUs In 14 by the Neptune,
On this trip the Alert waa commanded
by ('apt. Gordon, and for three weeks
was jammed In field of ice. It was
Iter lent northern vofsge,
The Imjierlal authorities presented
her to I he Canadian government, and
the latter, finding her at lent to I) un
seaworthy, after employing her for
aoine time In the buoy and lighthouse)
wrtlre, aold Iter al auction several day
hit waa IxMik-lit for K.OOO by ahlp-
ImiMcr of M. Jiihn for the sake of her
old metal anJ cither material.
mmiti & si. fam H'g
Tale I fear OrewHaaMr.
On rcliH of ta rente, rash or slane-e,
a gaeroue eRle UI h mailed ft tbe
seal tQlar I'aUrrti sad Hay t etef Care
(Uy ( ream llaliat eameienl t oetautv
sir ale the great merii of Ue renwiy.
LLV PKorilll.rt,
U wama M , Kw Tuik City
Kee.lolta TteU. Jr ,if OrmlPalKMutiL
reeoBe.l4 Uv's ( reesa Halm la ve.
eaa etapttaae tue Hsu Bt.l, "It le a iwtei.
Ins mre eatath tf asevil sjnnreesa-l,-
K. rU W. P.-4. raatuf CeetUal lra
t Larrb, 1 1. Waa, Uut.L
ply'e Cream TVra le tha aaixmttvlK-vd
rare ( raarfk aal etsa'atne tm eaereury
kut an i iuiuiv-ue drug Iti, Ul tsu
Oatse 9L
I.tltl 'Jtattus etaa entirely ut f-n4
M aklnf teli..f, an tti falber aai,
an.l In i.tdrr tt shift the t-urdrns tahk
parity with gold, and we favor all meas
ures desiuned to maiotniu inviolable' tbe
obligations of tbe Uuited States and all
our money, whether coin or paper, at the
present standard the standard of the
have shown themselves inoapable to
oocduot it without disaster at borne aud
sbonor abroad, and shall be restored to
the party whiob for 80 yean admin
l-teredlt with ooeq.ialed success and mligMmeA uatioD, of the earth.
prosperity; and In tbis connection we
nartily indorse tbe wiadom, patriotism
and snooess of tbe administration of
President Harrison,
The veterans of the Union armies de
serve and should receive fir treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
TUB TaiiIFF. oraotioulile thev should be iriven tirefer-
:.. it.. 1
rr, . . , cucv iu ine miner ui em pio t ujcu i nun
We renew and emphasize our alia- v '
they are eutitled In tbe enactment oi
glaooe to the policy of protection as the
ulwsrk of American industrial inde-
peodenoe and the foundation of Ameri
can development and prosperity. This
true American policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and enooaragea borne industry and
pats tbe burden of revenue on foreign
goods; it secures the Amerioan market
fur the Amerioan producer; il upholds
ha American standard of wagna for the
Vmerioao workingmen ; it pate the fac
tory by the side of I be farru. and makes
lh Amerioan farmer lees dependent on
foreign demand and price; it diffuses
such laws as are best calculated to se-
oora tbe fulfillment of pledges made to
them iu the dark days of tbe onactry'i
peril. We denounce tbe praotioe in the
pension bureau, so recklessly and uu
justly carried on by the present edminis
tration, of reduoii.g pensions and arbi
trarily dropping names from tbe role as
deserving the severest Condemnation of
the Amerioan people,
Our foreign policy should be at all
times Qrm, vigorous and dignified, and
general thrift, anJ fooude the strength all our lutcriste In the western heml
of all on lb strength of esoh. In Its phrra carefully aaUhed and guarded
reasonable . plication it ta just, fair and The Ilawsimn Islands should be control!
mpartlal, eiially opposed to foreign ed by tbe Uuited Htst.s, sod no foreign
control and dororstio monopoly; to eeo- power should be permillrd to interfere
... ... . .
tlonal discrimination and Individual with them; the Nicaragua oanal snooia
fivoritism. Wedenouooe the preeont U bnilt, owned nod operated by tbe
letnnerttio lariffas aertiooal, li.jurlona United Mlates; and by tbe porchaee ol
o poblio credit and deatrncliva to bust- tbe Danish islande wa eliMulil eeoore
iee toterpris. Wa demeoJ auob pror and miicti needed station In the
Kuilsble tariff on foreign Imports wbich 'et Indu s.
potne Into cunpetilion itb American l'be maesames In Armenia hsva arona
products m will not only ftirniab a le- ed the deep sympathy and just indigna
quale revsnoe for the nreieeary ripio I Imd of be Am rtesn people, and tt
M of tbe g iVf rument, bit will protect lleve the Culled Htalee should Her. U
4nerM so labor from tbe degradation S U I' ll ieaee it cvu .rply eied I
(beassv level of other lands. bni g thee trooiiiee la an rod. I
We are Bol pledgeJ to aoy particular Toi key Amerioan leslJente have beea
eebeiloW Tbe q ie.li. o of rates ts etp-e.d t tbe gravret daogere ao
..r.mln.l aaeall.iB to ba lufuntil hi Amerieaa proetf drstfi ved. Tti-'O
odltlosur the lime en J f protlaetit. . end every a here Atsertrao rttifae and
rbeioling and B0opjpr..m elt g piloel- Amerioan property mast U at.do ely
pie M the pmlertioa aed devel ptneol ol prutf clej at all hlrde and at any eoe
Amerieaa labor tod fedoatry. The
ooantrv demands a rlgbt eelllstuenl and
tba it want rset.
liberty. The government of 8pain hav
ing lust control of Cuba and being unable
to protect the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to comply with
its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government of the United States should
actively use its mflaeooa and good offi
ces to restore pesos and give indepen
dence to tbe island.
The peace and seourity of tbe republic
and tbe maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of tbe eartb
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, fuvor oontinued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seacoast defenses.
For the protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan oitiznsbip and of wages of
our workingmen against the fatal com
petition of low priced labor, we demand
that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United States those
who oan neither rend nor write.
Tbe civil eervioe law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, wbioh has always sustained it,
and we renew oar repeated declarations
(hat it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever praoti
We demand that ' every oitizea of the
United States shall be allowed to cast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and such
ballot shall be couuted and returned as
We proclaim our auqualifled oondem
nation, of tbe uncivil zed and barbarous
oractice known as the lynching or killing
of buman beings suspected or oharged
with orime, without process of law.
We favor tbe creation of a natiobal
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
tbe d ffmeuoes wbioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommerOB.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead olicy of tbe Re
publican party, and urge the passHgi
by oongress of tbe satisfactory free
bomesteaU measure whiob has already
pasaed tbe boass aud is now pending
iu tbe senate-
We fuvor the admission of tbe remain
g territories at tbe earliest proolioable
date, having dui regard to the interest of
he territories sod tbe United States. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should be seleoted from bona fide rest-
en Is thereof, snd the right of self-govern
ment should be socorded as far as prac
ticable. We believe tbe citizens of A I (le
ft should have representation in the
congress of tbe United Htetes to the end
tbat needed legislation may be intelli
gently eu acted.
Mo o NM-TklXB.
A be (.! . I .i great f- liia feed twa 14
?. q W "A v i h"ltrr l tr, ll 'Ileal as sent (he
t-y to e U.d. Here the f .Po Ing
- .,... . "i" el f lare I.IV
- - k ' 1 Ae Ro.lt. fewaliT"
t ininn tTT.
We Iwlleva IN repeal .f tbe rKlpmei
ty arraeg-tnrele r,'i-l by Ibe Issi
llepublicso edoimislratli.e wee nsli -o
al estsmilf and we demand their tbw
al sd eiteesto eorh tera.saeedl
raalneanr Ireda witH other natti.
reoxite rwiiietH-ps hub f.tlei J
ibe ealenf Amerieaa priJiKte In pHe
f ether onentft, eel eeraeeeat
mkte fur ine plm'e of mr
Wa rv usrrt the Xloerna d-triue la
He fullt et'eat en I we rsfflm lt
right of the t'uitl Hteie In give Ibe
doel'iae i ff el by repoJleg lo tbe np
peelet.feey Amenoe eie'a of friendly
tntertentios in ewe of Kare-pvea ea
t aebmenl.
We sl.ai; e't te lnlefee, sa l ebalt
e"l taierlere aiib) Ibe nl's p .
Iie ot any t'.4'paa power t It.ts
11 .
1 A and its cxnta
To the Editor s I have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By Its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. V proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
send raw bottla fret to those of your readers
who have Consumption.Ttiroat, tsroncniai or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
I. A. SLOCUM, M. C 183 reari sr. new iot.
9- The Editorial and Business Manatrement or
this Paper Guarantee Uii generous FroposiUoo.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J
ent business conauctea ior moderate fees, c
Oue Officc is Opposite U. S. Patent Orricrj
andwecansecure patent iu less lune uiaa tiiosc
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-j
i nn. Wa advise, it DatentaDle or not. ireo ui:
charge. Our fee not due till patent is aecured. J
. Hnw to Ohtain Patents." with
cost of same in' the U. S. and foreign countries j
sent tree. Address,
pp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Theeomparatlvevalueofthesetwoearda -
Is known to most persons.
They illustrate that greater quantity la
Not always most to be desired.
These cards express the beneficial qual
ity of
As compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabules ! Price, 50 cents a bOj
Of druggists, or by mail.
uiiuTrn H al inn Who can think
WHIl I LU-His I Li CM of some simple
thinir to patent? Protect your ideas; they mar
bring you wealth. Writl JOHN WED DEfiV
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C. for their $1,800 prize offer.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
q., V. M. & Ht. f ., U 4A,F. Kt. W 61 U.,
and the C. St. L. & P Kallrnads.
HATES tU.OO I li lit I AY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
CilTC-tt-O-O, ILL.
The recular subsoription price of tba
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregoniaa
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the.
Gazette aud paying for one year in
ndv'noe ean net both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregon iaD for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will he entitled to
the same
Nbw Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon ha
opened up the ft-ed yard next door to
the GnZHtle office, and now solicits a
share of your patronage. Billy le right
at home at tbis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prices
rPHsnt'able. Bay end grain fnrsale. tf
fe) ...is...
To persons who served In the wars of the United States or to their
5 Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
Vw on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
W law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim ot this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
p"Write for laws snd complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
f The Press Claims Company j
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate rlTorte to lessen and prevent the
evils of iulempersnoe aud promote mor
HKlllTS OF WO1t!.
ISe Knpnblioao party ie mlodful of
the rixtite) of women, l'ruteotl'n of
Amerioan industries locludot equal
opportauiliee, equal pay for eqaa
work Slid protection to tbe home. We
favor the admleioo of womeo to wider
spheres of neefulneee aod welcome their
on oprretino la reeomng the ooutry from
Deninoratis sod Pupulist mismaasgemea
su l misuse.
Hueb are tbe prmriplee and policies
of the repnhlioso prty. By tbeee prto
rli.lre we will abide, and these piliri
will put lata eireaUoa We ask for
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 P 5trcet, WASHINGTON, D. C.
K.R.Tht Company ii tmtrnIM bj nrarly one thousand Uadlng newt
paper in the Vnileil Rttttrm, and in uua.vnked by them.
NJL W- v N.V-' VW NJeV VV VV- NJ" V.V-' S. W V
AttorneyM ot Jvtiw
All bueiueas attooded to lb a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Kotariee Public aud Collectors.
HEPPNEU. ! i t , t
J 11
' ffOT nn I A
u un ii tiiiu i uiliiuuu uni "(
u n
sifttm tufjudnf, b.:let CATZERT AND OCEIX W1VL
II, -m tbe eon-i.ler.U Jud.meotof lw k,H. AUer Hlreel lack. Portland, ff A-lor, lU.eo. Ixnt B-eeh. Ooeae
Amerioao pnile. Citfllnt alike In I Park and Nl c ta. Ihrrei D-etiq w.ib II a son eimor aod r'ail-
be history of oar great party aod to lh
nstloe of our cue we praeaat oar plal-
form and oar ovidiUu ie lbs fall n
stirseoe that tbe eleotioo will brio
victory to the Ropnhlirea peiv and
prnaprrily In Ibe people of Ibe Uuttel
DltKAftlJi OP THH fKt!f.
roal; also at Y'-nn.'s Hsy wiib tw-aatnre Hailroad.
Imtss Portlan4 7 AM. Dsi:. rpi Suu.lsy Usrm Aswla J r M. lslly, etrvpt gundsf .
Uatse Portlsnt f V lllr. i-W ,ih.i.i. mtnM.i Mihi II r V U. r.i, -
ell A. M.,ti-r4 suthlsr ai4 Muwl.f. tmUr nlbl,7 f, M. i
oortA.tvx WAvn
LmsS Port)n1 anil rs Mtmrt mr,t. toit st I kutvUr al 4 V aalnMsTa I P M
l"M llaacB H,.t.lr au4 m-lr al ) t A. M ua e u4f nl later. MT
Cbf.sfi It Tiilrd iVs'iai! U ttvia Frtc of Eiwt
TV tiinaai It ! In. ftnJ utaBrtits Irw4. I
tlwa.-e f( lle skin te tiasUnily sllare-J ty
. . ... - ...
si i'lrlne (.lsnitrUin s i e Snd rata
(hulmrnl. XUny wry bad cwwe bsve Ww I
prmtanmlty currd by l II U equally I
l!w K-nl (.if iti hlri 'il.-s end s ravnrita frro-
alv ir srw tiU, chs j prl bantla,
blsins. frM htUm. and chpmio enrw
Kor sale by lru-iu et U ctu ji boa.
Tre Dr TaJtS TasHUa PaweWa.
erajwtahsls harm imkI. hrm ia bad fundi
tsuo, 1 uttH', bkui mibr and Verwttiugw.
Fof esU by V"t k Itrnk, d'(tls
I ll le lor.M at I
Cuixj o
Tobacco Habits
Glanco at this Map
MUsisw. s.lfmla a4 4 r-t !
t s4 ls rmmnm tie etta et ls
liMiai hmc iM e rtt -4 . a4
Kl.l U-sl ) l'lni l . 14 ttbetar
tk itf s4 mI , ls i'im Is
eKM I l.M l'l-T. tveiM s4
toHN skIi Im I l l MI tat
l i kk kss sa S-S tmmAi$ UK
e4 iiki.e e s-e it mi le ivs
ikIms iim s tf iaa Ik ta .-. se
IV t J. .I.e.-"
dan 't' fa' shush ttat be ant,
Vy. Vr ae, 4e w"e f.t te
liitfM lr li-ht s an' Am f-A
a rtay We ef pfl sl-M er
rttlf rift.. I M!s ytr. tt4w If te sun
tone im kle tie !! ' A tix'n I f ot v
be bands be eimSilnl tl. rl ststl'
A elnry of the rlrrl man fifidoe
f..r final uHl la f urttikbrtl by the Nw
Yutk Tr.liunr. ll le H tip l lal.
end le aU.ut a enratW I bila.lt I j h
bill Ir f!
, iiv m mm BFijiina: n . i ,w w
b.m.. tr. bat Ib -ae .a.e'laa Bun.l fc,f ....j,,, Jk Vr, 4? trM
Me1 tnitig br sirurr'tiJf I jusb tn be
I . . :m .1 ... I.. 1 l. L i
, t rui ma&itrr;
r""'"' "P,tla ton w ill bah Am imliiMi )
aW, Otra.
Tk Xt t fimfif Tca-n M A CWrf
tail al la. n.r.Tte mm tnr ns.l.
1 "' r1awaa4sf
TV. lrk
km t'Uh Un414, the tnenr rf sne
bUl.ir ruina. was wl'f efrl4
to t y Ik ksiy f.r tb wrt tum t4
ikM.iMwuttiIMiMfl,iili et wxieeseela, ta I-( I tlwtr
s .ui. s ivwn .m.i iwmi 4elnftlHi -f careWae t-wrwta. Ileal
M ia at-tsn r wt' tfce M.ask lMI k mAti tbel S U nU few pmteetiaej te p 4"WM
Ik ta satt4 am ie bi'l en4 tHnv bis rlm l ! , , ,
)nlHMi.likiMt.MMRa Ir. l.i. t. t was al.i-. to C' I thai. '
r I IHT bMniimi I H ll..!l l. t U, n U f eaa.ei lt "By W He I l
at a. I ba re rsishli.Ud. t"4
wbl we ptedore; f'e diU f Ibe
eee.al.e nt life wl tb we d w4 r-'
aeee; tMpal ersssel t4 Sseteal
lubMMle Wblh felt p nakaU la la-
tnr f a rer ta aaka4e In Ht.s.
ctae aii.rpe.
II a lhet km . .! ant am j
frtm ar.wW frwf fnm tf
from lb h ef eeitin It sir ewe J l"rn 14 ' -n.se ff A
,, fM.WiiHSMS I II tlmvm titl !
ld'Ie.ieea, ine r ie w ! rsfclftifM
Hlatse bete ra-Ul Wlb e;npalby Ibe
a &
jr i to
n 1 : AND
OF . . .
It to Advcrti'crs at a crcat finnncul sacri
fice. You need it in your liitinc:s, and as a
j . e ...
, J-''w' m.lttcr l h'.l'T.? V." MUM Mil it
' t ' ' r I " nl I l l IT: mm, wb Ksl . t.ii.
nl, ita aey pr.l.tt, be IUaJ.J.
U''bf!ly l-.k fowe4 M Ibee
frtrs. ' ....
i al Will. I'eeal v4 r.e"fa p-
reele and f seWlee. i . U-le b.i'k aal'lu llvatMaI a'! Ui eepprea Orta f-nffe, XL-'lI
Vrmim ..4 mtpe-r. ty are l-0.,tl .a r, M .4-- . . t 'T C
Wil la ba,4. Ie.all ! baa ! trlrlKrt IK thtp gnxrrr r.irrl 4.1 'kfc "
JkeMeUe j, .uil. - ..j
ekUealy mtn i I ,.V " ' T. 'V'-"'. . "7 ' ' ; ' fl
ett efU el oibr A itfWa f-' !e lo
rills ts V4 reee,
i P. Ha S 4 mm.- .tPat,nv
frs lbsaaltM fm l i .! na-i "!r e'esai kele fwe H.rf
I 4 , ws'.n I p h . r a ,n, i..ttii..
i. ! I fc .lt. it.f.,1
. 4
t tee f( 1t Im i,hv j
9 ! j&qh&mK
i.. rs.l,.a Wa na.-l l ba esMb g, ,1 $aU ,m U.t ( (
a 4 l" ga pt I. I'.a f
t M 14 lla
1 Hi, ATI I.kMtN l'LJajUUKG Co,
U.4 wv4 i f wttsa Ve bss4 U
t fctt tall aa'
aike' ate . ell
al Ibait 4tltiaiH4 """t'isiw fs