Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 08, 1896, Image 3

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l : t-
jjaiiiunxius aeer,
,w1half pint bottles
' City Hotel Bar !
Drinkable Liquors and Smokable
CI ars. Call on Ted.
Here and There; ?f ""nbb wins- aain.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bat wood
lor sale. 37-tf.
Tli Seeoad 80-ralled t'hampiosshlp Game
Woa bj ieppaer Score 3 to 4a
Ooon Boone was op from Ltxington
She Song That Reaches Our ITrarts Is
I 'My Old Kentucky Home."
There is one Rons' in the English lan
guage that, nerliaps, comes closer to the
iiiMirts of Americans, part'eolnvly ii
'-they are fur from home ttnrt kinsmen,
"tVMin any other. That scurf is ".My Old
-lientuclty Home." The sin.pks tender
story it Icllsur.d its irresistible melody
nie fnmil'ar to nearly every one. It
linn been nmjr hy noted singers in every
civilized country on the globe, nnd has
Leon eulogized by authors nnd critic?
of classical taste; yet its author,
Stephen Foster, died unhonored and
unsung, nnd unconscious of the master
ly work he had wrought. Like noarlv
oil other great, artists, however, Foster'?,
recompense e.nine after he waa dend,
nnd it is safe to sny that "My Old Ken
tucky Home" and its writer's name will
live so long as human bentiment and
love, of home endure.
Those Americans who were present at
a I'al.ti concert in the Grand opera
bouse of Paris in the early seventies are,
wiany of them, old men nnd women
jiow, but. they can still vividly recall
the indescribable scene, when the diva
ippeare4 in response to an cnore nnd
wang, w only Pattl could sip(r, this
isweet, simple ballad. It was entirely
iuncxpectcl, and before they we.re
awn re strong men were weeping and
"women were hysterically pivin vent
to emotions they did not try to control.
At its conclusion the great singer was
literally showered with ilowers and
contly pft. One rich Aim-Hcaii threw
a roll of billn over the footlights that
was said to contain a sum of money up
in the thousands. The demonstration
was perhnps the niont magnlllcpiit ever
accorded a suitor for public favor.
Aproiais of all this, tint following
from the Philadelphia Call illustrates
th wonderful charm the song still
: A street singer stopped to sing the
other night in front of a well known
botel. He was an old chap, blind of
erne, eye, nnd infirm, but Rifted with the
remnant of what wns once a very sweet
tenor voire. With him ns attendant
wild guide wus his duughtcr, a child of
sunny Italy, sun-brounril, uirge-cyrd
and ntlrnctive in her pletiiresifui g.irli.
The old fellow snug first Hint d.tty of
the streets: ".lust Tell Them That. You
8nw Me," provoking little attention.
Then he began to sing in his tremulous,
ijunvering voice an old favontf. As
he proceeded the window a of t lie hotel
wcro ru set! one by one nnd guests
looked out with sympathetic ey.-s,
'oins show ered down to the ptrt urtiMiue
little timid, who circulated uliont with
lier tnniUiiirine, collecting. Men
strolled out of the cafe nnd gathered on
the alrpx, listening with iuti-rcKt. One
old fellow, h tall, soldierly-lisiliiiig iniin,
with flush rig dark eyes mid un nir thai
wa tiiiuiiniakuhly soullirrn. gave the
child a note with the remark: "It did
my heart a dollar's worth of pssl
When the lust strain of the lourliili.;
old melody died away rverylsMly pres
ent wore that drcuniy look that Is-lla of
old memories stirred and rrfivstieri.
The aong was "The Old hentiicky
Home;" the southerner touched by tie
rend.tlon a former Kentuckiun ruined
by the ravages of tbe war. ClueUiimU
Km4 of fJeate.
Mrs. Lakeside (nisblng Into a Chicago
court) Where'a tbe judge, quick?
rtviUnder Iliirbt there. Wbafs
"I iut ran away from my husband
and he's after me. not three aquarri
behind. I waul to divorce him for dewer
tlnn before be ctta bert." X. Y
A Jrae Mameat.
Tbe JotmnrM. la order to celebrate
tbrlr recent victories, are going to errt
a glpsntlc statue of r.udi'.ha.Tbe heigh
til Iw 120 frrU Tbe mrUl will be un-
rlied from the ordnance captured In the
late war. The monument will cost
alwut lOO.OfiO yen, tod U to be erected
t Kloto-V. .
It Rav. lives Rvry ley.
Tbooaaad. of ese of Ooiamplioa,
Asthma. Coa.b. CoMa a4 droop
rard awy day br hbilob'e Care. For
ale by Welle 4 Warree.
For tbe third time the Heppner and
Morrow Oonntv ninaa nrnaud Viata at
Tbsd. Armstronff iaover frnm rtnlitnn. ilm i.oti i- ...i n n. i...
dale on basioeea. u . .
Hatnrdiy afternoon. Ihe game whs
J. O Warmoth waj np from his Ella styled "for the county championship,"
ranoh yesterday. ,. ... ' . ,.
tboogb tbid game probably conld Dot, in
Johnny Nealerj wag over from Mono- all events, have settled or finally dispoe
mont tbe lust of net week. j . tu u j u i. . j
ed of the moob coveted belt, for aocord-
uonrt convenes today, yesterday being ing to the peroeotage system of
a legal holiday. "L .bor Dsy." ,, .
lesiinea it won d now be neensssrv
w. a. Bsrnett and Nels Magousen the Morrow oonnty nine to win three
were np from Lexiugton Sunday. .,. : u . , . , .
8 u uuuusj. (tniigat games before declaring them-
MesBro. Msoion and Mnsgrov, travel- nt-lyea champious. However, at suob a
i..g mnn, were ia Heppoer ye,terday. tjtle ig 0D,y HQ emn(y bonr it wi oreate
Drink the oelebrsted J. H. Cotter uo dipsansioD, though may luvite aeversl
b,key. On tsp st Chrie Borohers'. otn,r friendly gameg dQriog ,be
I. Jacobs and O. L. Warden, knights full mooths.
oNbe rip, v-ere iu Heppner over Bun- The Katne WM 0Rlpd at 2 p m. with E-
L. Freeland and Wait Riobardsou as
JZlL tZ nl' I' VkH"Wink,e "re umpires. Fred Hart as offlaial aoorer.
rwpainng the Jialm I'ork pridge near , . . ,
SoduvillH. ttu,i the Morrow County nma at tbe bat
Mai Church arrived at Heooner Ron- 8t,d btto,e they re,ired
dHy iu..rnini and will probably locate in lH0,rd lo tbr credit. To this eight
tuis vioiDity, more was added in tbe seoond. The
Wm. Bngbes was reported as beioo HePpnef nine eeonred two rang in the
qnitH ill a few dxys ago, bat at present first and three in the eeooud. The
Ue IB mUOQ Detter. nnnntm hnv i ' anr.aa.aauuH" in Ihu
Any person who desires either the fourth innins but returned tbe coratili-
demuorBtioorrepubllcHnplatformshould mentin tbesixtb. However, the former
appiy at the unzette offl 'e. . t . i j . i i . u i .
1 retained a safe lead nntil the last hnlf of
WI89 Ada Jones has returned frr m It ho m. ic nnnn.. v,, !
r.... .u . u. u.. ..... . .. ",u " "i1""
Uepp' chTio! hrCe 'D lUe -ored 13 runa and in the eighth sdded
, to more, tnus giving tnem tne game Dy
Jiihn Sonvner, cf Quoaeherry, reports , , , . .,
that, slacked wheat whs badly damaged ' B, 0re of 40 ,0 23 For tbe He"P"er
by the recent rsin iu his vicinity. n,Dfl Matlock pitched the firat two
Eev. Potwine, of Pendleton, came over 1Jnnio8a 8nd Normau UyerB th' remtti-
this morning nod will hold servioes st tier ol the game.
ihe M. E. oburch tbia eveuiDg. All are Tbe following is tbe personal soore by
"Merit talks" the aVSsl
Intrinsic valne of " H J I Mf g
Hood's Sarsaparilla. KS CS.I erW
Merit in medicine means tbe power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power and there
fore it has true merit. When you boy
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
Tbe power to cure is thero. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
tbe nerves and build up the whole system.
To stock men.
All persons are warned not to drive oi herd
sny tock upon the land of th undermined,
o wit: the Eat half of the north-went qimrter
of section S4 lu T 2 A R26 . Trespassers will tie
prosecuted. H. K. Hallock.
Is the best, In fact the One True Blood Partner.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.
HOOd'S PillS grVAllu'r'uKgisul'sfS
The Gazette rfflce acknowledges a
pleasant call, lust .Saturday afternoon,
frniu raesdumes ii Jtv Ureeue and E. J.
There will not be services in the M. E.
12 3
N.Myers, lb, p 0 0
Win. Dunn, cf 0 1
V.t rawfurd, ss 1 0
II. BKley, o 1
ITpuiilr Vuttap OK fl
chnreh. South, Sunday next, it being thr 1. tiniis, rf
rt.uiilur miitithlv ummiiitmont fnp tho I II. Matlock. If. . .. 0
' " ' A. . l-atterson 3b
vuj. L. Matlock, p, lb
Hon. H. Blaekmnn brouebt down
frnm Alaska a fine specimen of hair
sealskin. It h ou exhibition at Conser
& Brock's.
0 1
o 1
o o
1 1 0
2 1
5 6 7 R
0 2 0 1 S
1 10 2 -5
0 10 2 -4
0 2 2 -i
2 25
0 10 2 -4
0 1 2 .!
0 1 2 0-5
1 2 01-6
T. Bates, p
E. iSaltng. 2b ...
J. HcUiilnii, c
b. Cautwell, It.
2 3 2 2 2 0 13 IB -40
1 2 4 5
Miss Eva Rbea, dan enter of J. P.
Rhes, dt-psrted la-l week for Tue DIlee
here she will attend tbe Oatbolic school s- 1 rout, ss .
ilnsvear. C. (-altiiB;, 8b
' j. Mart, rt
D'iu'1 fail to bear Jndse Lowell's
lecture on 'A Woman's No" at tbe M
I. Iniiraham. lb..
Wm. Cort tus, cf ..
1 10
1 1 0
1 01
0 110
1 1 0
0 10
0 0 1
0 1
0 I 0
g 9
0 0-
t o a
1 1-4
1 -8
0 08
0 I
urcn, Mouth, tomorrow eveuing.
Miss Ualhenne Myers, of Forest Grove,
rrived iu Heppner last Fiidny moruiow
aud yesterdny began a teim of school
out at Unlloway.
Ike Enneg is bot af'er the culprit or
culprits who stole bis mare. He i ffers
Feed the Nerves
Upon pnre, rich bl od and you need
not fear nervons prostration. Nerves are
weak wben they are improperly and
insufficiently nourished. Pnre blood
$50 reward for tbe arrest and oonvioiiun lis their proper food, and para bl"od
t tne guilty party. comes bv taitina Hood's 8rsuDarills.
Arlington Record: Rev. E. P. Greene, I which la thns tbe greatest and beat nerve
f Heppner, lormerly pastor of the M E. ,oui0i It Big0 DUlldl npthe whole
oburcb of tbia plsoe, wsa in town Friday
ud Saturday of last week.
No I total 4 8 2 0 1 1 1 8 8-23
V. VI. Anson Wilt Take Her Into His Keep
log at High Noon. .
From the Spokane Review.
Bpi ksne mil lose oneof its most popu
lar yoong Indies today. At 11 o'olock
this morning, at All Saints' cathedral,
Miss Mattie Sbsrpe will be married to
F R. An6on, of Salem, Or. Miss Georgie
Stone will be msid of bonor, and Msud
sod Mabel Chatmsn will aot as fluwer
girls. Dr. J. M. Keene, of Palem, Or.,
will suiport Mr. Anson. The young
oouple will leave in tbe afternoon for a
mouth's tour of tbe Eastern stvtea.
Miae Sbsrpe oame to Spokane about
seven years ago. and Has since neen
prominent in aocial and musio! citoles.
virtue of a writ of execution issued out of
the Clerk's ottlceof the circuit Court of the
State of Ore ?cn for Morrow County, under th
eal thereof, and to me directed and delivered
upon a decree rendered and entered In said
Court on the 6th day of March, lti'.W, in favor of
Flank Hajfrman, Kecetver of I-ombard Invest
ment Company, a plaintirt. and khI st Henry
Wado, Nancy A. Wade. Frank McKa'land, U V.
Hornor, J. K, Simons. K. U Simons, Frank
Pa (tburn and HiiKh Fields as defendants,
whereby the plulnt it' did recover a peronal
decree against the defendants Henry Wade and
Nancy A. Wade for the sum of l(M2.rSB. with in
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the 8th day of March, IXDii; an-i the
costs and disbursements taxed at 127.70; and
whereby it was decreed ttint the mo'ttaxe dated
on the lth day of May, 1KS8, executed by Henry
Wade and Nancy A Wade to the Lombard In
vestment Company, and now held by the plain
till' uron the following dt s'-ribed real property
in Morrow County. On-con, to wit: The South
west quarter of Section No X in Township No 2
South and Kange No. 27 V ast of Willamette
meridian, excepting therefrom ten acres in
square form out of the southwest corner of said
qnar er section, containing 150 acres, more or
less, which mortiruge was recorded ion the
Hist day of May, lSHS, at pnge'2.s of Book" "of
the Kecords of Mortgages in the otllce of the
County Clerk ! Morrow County. Oregon, should
be foreclosed, and the said real property sold by
the shcrllt'of Morrow ( ountv. Oregon, to uatWv
said Judiment and all cots; therefore I will,
on Saturday, the 19th dny of September, 18!6. at
It o'clock In the forenoon of ihat dv, at the
front door of the c art house in the city of
Heppner, Oregon, sell all Ihe right, title. Inter
est and estate which the sa d di-fendantxand all
persons claiming and to claim by, through or
uimerinem, or any ot them, had on tne lfitn
day of May. 1S8S. or since then have had, or now
have, in and to the above described real prop
erty, and every part thereof, at public auction
to the highest bidder f rcash in hand, the pro
ceeds of such salfc to be applied in satinfaotion
oi sain execution and all cost,
bated this 14th day of August, Wfl.
46(1-75. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
11 and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on June 10, istifi audio
medirectei and del vered, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 4th
dav of Mav, li6, in favor of Henry Pad berg,
Plaintiff, and Against H 1). Whitman, H Whit
man and J H. Moran, Defendants, for the sum
of i wo Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest
thereon from said 4th day of May, 181)6. at the
rate of ten per cent per annum and Twenty
f ive Dollars attorneys fees and the costs and
ai cruii g costs: arid, wherea , hy said Judgment
It was ordered and adjudg d that the following
real property, to-wu: me ortnwest quarter oi
f N
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is " Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
mm a spr m
You will find one coupon iusido
eacn two ounce bag, nnd two cou
pons inside each four ounce
bag of Black well's Durham.
Buy a bag of this cele
brated tob:icco nnd read the
coupon which gives a list
f of valuable presents aud how
in .rf 11......
m a
Cbp in Mm ill Imiil
HaB bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Stctlnu n'hlrteeu 11:11 in Townshln Two f!21
Her pleasing contrBlto Voice b as been South of Kange twenty Three (28) E-st W. M.,
. . . ., . . . be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac-
beard by thousands, sod sbe basevr cruing costs. 1 will, ou
been generous and willing in aiding Saturday, 19th day of September, 1896,
public and charitable entertainments, n Ovtock a. M., of sid day, at the front door
Mr Anson is a bright, cultured sounff "' the court housein Heppner, Motow County,
mt. Annuo ibs unpin, ou'iurou Joung 0 ,h , , , . i,,tretif said
business msn ol fc'alem, and now holds 'efendams H. I). Whitman, H. Whitman and J.
, . . . , Moran In and to the above described p op
ine important post Of receiver Ot ILe ert, t Public Auction to the hlglit and best
electric light and streetcar companies of f,,-.;' OTiJ.W.t
tbat Olty. torney s lee una all costs and costs that may
Sherllrof Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of Aug. lstsl. 4118-77.
A Natural BraatiBer.
Earl's Clover Root Tea purifies tbe
blood and gives a dear snd besntiful
oouplezion. For sale by Wells & Warren.
Children's Party.
1' and by virtue of an execution Issued out
of the circuit court of t' e Stste of Oregon for
the County ol Morrow, and lo me directed aud
del'vered, pon a iiidguient rendered and en
tered In said court on the 3rd davol March. 1MXV
Misses Eva Bartholomew and Hanna l" favor of c. a miea, j ,. Morrow & mm j
I W Unrmw 11 . u U .nk,nu Uiw.l. Vll.l.
Abrabsmsiek eotertained a number of o.'w. swaggart. Thos Quatd. p.'s Wilson, Wm
alnst The
Palace Hotel Company ot Heppner, Oregon,
Ueleiidant, lor the sum ol Ten lliousand Dnl
Hood's Pills are the favorit family
cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate.
Wiley MoBee is up from Lower Lake,
Calif. He will remain about a mouth.
I'll a Gi Brttte I pleased to state tbut be
as entirely recovered bia health.
Tbe Oi Zette baa at all times on bands
papers of national reputation. Tbtsr A Ueslarnt of That Mate FzprMt Hlmaslf
can b procured at 25 cents per di leu. "Loves lae sar bat Loves Home Mors."
Represent both sides of tbe ' tunoe.
Condon Olohe: Mrs. E. Meek and son A eitleman who is at present atop
Lewis returned b.me Sunday evening ;ung in Ueppuor, formerly a resident cf
.row . visit to u-PPD-r. uv ng scoom SAwkm itbou-u ,dr ieveral jenrioue of
pai.led Mr. and Mrs. Oorrau tbat fur. " " .
Iwefc-uu uiiib'iin, iu iruripi Ul ICIICI
onrt lHoers lor Ibis lerni: Leslie Mat . . . . '
lock, k-r-iid Jnry baiiff; F. J. Hallock, with bis permission we print tne loitow-if-uerui
buil.1T; Johnny Uager, jury bail- ing excerpt therefrom:
tuo tit at r iit a sa a asur rKat tit a
Isaac Koighten and other Eight Milera namoaigo ia on in red bot sbaue aud that
ere over jeaterrtay. Tbe (b l-tte bHr , , ,. . , u i.i..
coiisiderable romplsint about wheal
stacks beiug damaged by tbe reotnl Uose is a resident of tbe great stale of
rains. Mebrnsks. Mr. Bryan la the bumble In-
The Brand jury, selected today, is a dividual Ibat 1 rifer to. From what I
follows: F. M. tieutr, lnreman; W. 0. I oao learn it seems tbat yon people out
Lao. Marion hvsts O. B. Uodsdou, U. lDer ar aoiua 0 tola lor him nuaui-
L s.1 Uii a a. a a I
e. Aiers, o. t, xioreuo auu u. a.
Tracher "Ten mills make one cent."
Small bot ''Hut dail ssil ..at ha knows
leu hundred mills dat hasseiit made a him and know thai be is the aame
oeul siuoe ih admiLlatiatioo Changed I Mr. Bryaa tbat told ns four years ago
bands la lftyj. iLal if we wonld vol far bia bartv Ibat
Mrs. E. Carter, a tboroogb nnrse ol t would be bl.ssed ailb a period uf lbs
many ye.rs eiperieuf, Is uow looaied In grtei prosperlfy Ibat Ihettoootrv ever
iuio uny. ahiuui uriuius iw ivorui i . . . .
f ber services esa amours e . me by Irs? v
tug urdeia at tbe boma of Ueor ge Hbip- "goods" we are going to try oar best to
ley. Dif. defeat bim, aud from lb way
Coogreaamso Ellis oame up from tba matter looks to tbia alata wa will
Newport ha nday morning but will re-I succeed admirably. BrotQS Ssid "I love
turn lor Ms family tb last of this week. CltMM bu j of, lUtDt mo,n toi ao it
". " ,ro '"'' u .i.k I i.k. tt.lit. It,.... hi 1 1-..
nmh isesiisil In rauatif sorularjl In I 1 - -
18"Ji I my country mors, and shall oast my vote
Craafi.btog bat been attempted B lor Wo. McKioley who will balbe&tii
Willow CWk witb sneoxea. Toe little presi.ltot of tba U. H.
eraatsoens are snUodid eatlog when I -I wish yoa would Mod me a few
properly Booked. Tba (l-Mita will pub lMllM ol ,0Bf Btt).. ,.,.. f Bou
mously, and tbut there will not lie a re
pnblicao voter in all of tbe great West
Of course yoa know Mr. Bryaa sod have
i An
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on haidwaie, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. (Jail and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee-
thir vomiu friamla at Ilia rAiidnnna nf f"land, J. P. Khea, T. A. Hhea, oils l'attersol
meir young irieuns at me renoeooe oi I ,rt T w Ayer. HiatiitiirM ami against Tin
Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bartholomew, on
last Friday afternoon. Those preaeut Ian with Interest thereon at tho rate of t n per
.. . ... . u p.u n..ii...l.. I cent per annum irom august nn iw mo inn
were: Mary MoSwords, Fay Bartholo- unSi ,ui sod whereas, by said Judgment
mew. Elise Hrtholorliew. Lutie RhSiiiUS. jt was ordered and a 'Jmlged that the follow
. ... Ing desi'rilHKl real nroperty, to-wit: ( onuiieiin
r anule HirK, Mamie Uunu, J-liliie Bar- tiw at the Southwest corner of l.t No. -ix (lil
, i . , . n. ii tv.... V 1..... I in mot's ro. riur in oi n original lownoii
.loM.jmr-w, iuu.., i..,u - i Meppuer County nf Morrow. Stale of Oregon,
hence s-l one hundred and leu (IKi) feet,
the ce North sixty (mi) feet, thence 1IH one I
hull iri-d and tn (ltd) fret, theuce South alxt
(i4i) feet to place of la-glunlng. tx) sold lo satis-
y said juiiginatii, costs ana accruing coats. I
win, uu ine
Third Day of October, IS90,
tbolomew, Bertha Fnstoe, Greta Abra
bamsick and Fred B irtLolomes
A Fact Worth Knowing.
(flnnaii tirt inn T.at flrtiiiiA Pnaninriti iu
. .., v...,K, ""'" .UnVWl P M lt anlil ffuv .III,, (ronl
anil an l lirom ana Lnng oieHSs are m tne court nou.e in Hei.pner, Mormw cnunty.
cured hy rihiiob's Cure. For aale by
Wells k Wsrren.
A "Hot One."
The delivery olerk at the "O" wlndo
of tbe pnstofilcs bsd a "hot one" banded
to him reeeutly. says the OreMooiau.
Shortly before 1 o'clock a Swede oame
to the window and asked: "Ton gat
yanoy Infer fur raol" "What's the
nstne?" qntitioued tbe clrrk. Tbe ap
or. villi, sell alllhe liith'. 111)4 ud Interest nf I
Ihe said Ihe I'rIscm lloini Coin run v In and to I
the alHive descrllied proiH-rtv at 1'iililie Auction
to the h hest and l "t Imliler f t i s h In tiand,
the ,rn eels to h spnlle I to the sailsisctiuu of
ni l "xecullou slid all costs, and routs that may
accrue. r.. 1.. ma i mm k.
Cherllrof w0rrow t)onntv. oreaon.
Dated Kept. Und, Inwi, Vl-Ki.
1 Irlel. 1
Mle of 1 in-g in. 011 11 1 y of Jkluriow
J. A. Vi'iadery, I'l-lhtlll,
a t , a .. ...
,. . . ti.i ..... I B. r. 40iira, t-if'iiiiaii,.
plicant for mail looked surprised al tl e 1(tH g. N,n. ,rm,ui:
In III nam ( Hit Mate ol Oregon, S com-
maud you to ipear Iwlora Ilia undrnilgnrd, s
Justice 01 I n Ivare In Heppner, in said ( iiiniy
and Stain, nil or la-Mir the Ivih day ol m tou-r,
k'4, at th hour of In ol o'rliM-k In fht forenoon
aid day, al my nlllra In Ihe said town loai.sorr
Ihs r-iinnUIni ol t A. Wnolrry fotindrd nn
Ask vonr nhvaiaian tour drairelst and prunil.sory iM.ir.snd oh.rein h deniands in
yonr pnyaioiao. your orngeisi sng t n ( ( , , ,,,, lhr M h.
yiiur friends annul HlKloba Cure tut UrP. i. hirh sum hi lll h rndere.l
Consnmpliuo. They will recommend I asaiust yon ll um fan so ui spwar and answtr
it. For sale by Well. A WarieD -, f - , . , . .... , . n . .
a. i, i.s. n, a. sii imsiwin,
4at a!. Juillr ol Ilia I'm .
clerk's fgi'orsnee. "Wby, yoa Boddrrl
csuie )oo drr latter, of coo r so."
All Breoawena It.
Notice of Intention.
ush tbe itoeipt for cooking tbem in the
near faiure.
Arthur Minor and Frank ftnbsrte. and
Ja l.a Frrelsnd and Will Hpeoeer went
nut to Hie rnoootsios shoot mg last Hno-
dy. Tbe B'st party were tot Very 0.
resslol but r riflaod and Hpsooer bsggeJ
quite a Ddmber ot grow.
Charley Jooee. tue well-konwn "old
Iba true Weatero etotlrosoU"
w bere Taey Mel
MrKlnteV lll'l. Willi MlM tf.
Ka) "Hria !la drink aunaa Unaood RS
SHarl as IrtriiUs. any or.is l
1 b"i thry dira't, ansa rkira i.
And Mrtan Bars In a hialna- nsni.r.
"I niiitr II inal what s Ins maliar Ilk Hauna
Thai fturwsiKl kviaa. jom lunny ll f
ked aa
AUeatlea I
Tba M. obonh. 8 . nib, will begin
epoia tevival lorvioea, Saltirday, Hept.
19. Evaogeliat E A. Rise will eondnot T AND orrirg at I. a nKArtfitt. oron
, I I i K I I. w N ul Irs la hrrvliy ln thai
tuc isitwss, ptaavinua .wi. -w u ma mnnains iiiam sriiier has nird nMir
foe IS davs A eordial lavitatloa ia ! I "! hu ""n,i"" " m ui f-rt
lor 19 ays. A ooroiai ibtusou mvi i . . . . , ., .. , , , ,
tended to tba publio to altattJ Iheea I '"lor IN rnnniy rierk ! Morixw r.n,ir al
I ,ivihi, wirf "ii, .... .....r, ,.'m, B-v,
Diaetloga. aaro a. m hi ll
The Cbriatiao people are tspeeially I n. F. Ho w-n for th sr.u and Nfv swu
nrsed lo Aoooerata in Ibis ff.irt fof tba l"4 NH ! '" 1 4 " " K u
nrru 10 ooopersia to iois u irs mi sue nmlnrt ,h. ,.g lllinM w ,,,
saving Of HO Is. C- It lIoWAkO, P. C. I hlsmtiUnnmis midsnrs uuuu sml culllralloa
frwl K Thomas. A. 1 MrgemU, Kolrt I
pptlrr. Jobs M. iMpny, ail ol Mm. purr.
I1U B r. SIMSI.V HraMMr.
Notlct of Intention.
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
ws are not ti3 Largest Wnts in MMM
But when the people of all the surrounding countiy are in need of
Hardware, Ttnwars, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Willow wars. Nails. Iron, Barbwlra,
Cumberland Coat, Cass and Water Pipe, Pipe f ittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, BuRgi.s, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes Hammers, Baws, Sledges,
Wedges, Uum, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars. Gran
Itewsrs, Plows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers
aud Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., 1
Should call and' Examine our Goods and Get rricea.
We hava Good Goods at Fata Prices, and Cheap iniin Goods at Cbep John Prices.
main sthekt - iiuppnkii. oheoon
J. O. BOllOl-J lOI JS, Prop.
11 ' nJ,
Keeps the l:inest Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Suitlies, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
From all aerots Criarrialal's
Coagh lUmrdy ta a 0We4 la tbe
ffltoUd. Tnr ! adtimsal
sUrtil lb we f"l Jnsl il aaf II.
The tVmai. Cesollne, Kf. tut Sale
by Collar k Itr-k, d'aiste.
Tbe n.t-t' bs a sar lulsnt
la sMlbf h Eaglb. I Vf e ,. MH"
band of Tle-rapi.M depsrini'K's f
II. .Im Uoane '', T""'
foe est Aet r dslle It lak-a
Ibnmagti bnins eit t" a ' ela
eil'a-a should se I Us Usi.iu beture t"
U bsOow. (
l.m.r" la tbe lonsori.l Has, baa a.aia
l.s aUdla U.ppoer, b.sirg pa-ebed ,tT '
(Jreea Malbewa' Simp, Minor baihllng As4 snry drank sants ature fwd Uawoa4
ppiMilla lbs rily bolol Cbsrley will I H,,d oly al lbs lWlvt deie Halovo, H
a( retlaia a call bso la town- (1. Hperry, 1'rop.
"It l tsawnferwM, la swsjr )tjmrnt,
rhtthtr fi thtrp from r rrcritse any
ttnrjlt fnim Ik Ian Of af . . . . .
M hlh.r m tf.es or ... ao, i am T tou Cbarcb 4 Uepp-
frtt irool - Kftract from ntrh , , ,r
li s lu.m J. jrsaa I. IA o-oVe Bff Will rlt tll bid. I t lb.
reseafuf irrs r'i'a fA llVsaa bul, tru Irsol of lei dirg a ebarsb aa tbetr
kkdrr cjnsn'riifwn. soi eer of Oal. and Crater etrreta. Tbe
C-.edoa Ob.b: Tbe An lope tleraUl I plaas sod sptfloais rsa be ssa al
oi,t d wp a a"8piinrai to a ynao W. L rUting'e store oa atd alter Ttiers
tH.le.a'am w,.R mmV' d.y,8H U, and b ,!. .ill be oit4
" . U'.J I . u U. t,l Th. S..l..
li s aril day Ihe sebw lms s 0t " """"'" J --a
Wall. Tl)tnt" rtins slags UiwR
tlPtft a4 Moodm-ot. sfrtttng eey
df tfH May a4 l-avtatt
dat eiavi.l Me-Uv. HV'sl a" I e'sp-
s..si M lha is""
Caiarrk Cared,
health and eweel besalb sornrsd. by
Hbllob's Calar'h Kmdy. i'riMi 00
rvtits. Naaal Injector fra. For tela by
Walls k Warrsa.
It An.
Time will not be allow. I say one after
Joly 1st. All nrfsnns f-ilieg lo pay by
lha loib of aaaib month beresfur will be
sul t ff.
IJarrsta Lloar k WaTaa Co.
DOrnt R AT Tlt. IUl I M OKEM!.
i. T-i. i sir is tmiit al..
Il.at lh l,illi.( i.ard wlllrf has Sli-d n
Illr of hr iMientiun lo mils Sial pinl In ans I
lt'l id af nalm. and thai said I will tm I
mai siiif j w . !. it.. rM,t,i eii a. at I
Hcnr, o.rg-.n. i law ir Imi, ), .is
MAMiiurT FmmV,
Widow l saMiw M Uif,
II I R n ki d. 1. Il, I m . I and t, ant SI la I
fi W i. Sar a. I B k a S. . M
ftl.a U.a H.ilnali.. m lli.a a. fo ..rts I
r.ai i.ra Iii.nui raai'laiM m owl calil.ail" I
Said lal.d .1. I
tlx In. la iiiiam, Ia il'lams. Frank
aid, ! 4 u. Jai.klna, all il ll.r I.. an
jaa.r M-r.
4"l. -f,....f, I
Ha will make it aa ol'jVct for you io trade with
hi in bis pricoe are rilit, and all gootU that he
handici are of the very bent
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Hoppncr, Oregon.
rtk sr. 4.
will of and abased bias do.e in etrst
ub a b'g aoib'ella. an every J imp la
lb. fM eb. servaesad Ual e. bad
laogtil a sbe br la ail be IHa.
Clraol (nn) Jrw: A wriiof rw
ha ba lak-a t aw a.ttie elrbrai4
parrtah 'b rad, wb-cb II tar bS
ta .ra-inreiad .y lli .f fl Si-d
llrt pt.af rapMal ll ll'sJ al lh
fli trrra eiionil iv.oil f.rf O sol !
I. V) bile a aaoitxr ttt are la
.roal lb. riw Ik if. lakee. Mr
V r Cri ' aaot. appeals ( U-o
iff la lb rH
O-att neel St Tasyoa Cily t
alaats l s.l trrmnafy f"-w ba
n.a-.(ttn-a f In'. ala
Ul .( 4mI.,M las )Uy asrf. lf
..no lr a f ! .flrl
m t. a' ' . r"
...l,i- ii b. ! i
m I.S.lt.f l II t.llf "S
fBaiiit re.r tbe ri.bl to r'J-.l ay
or alibi la. J. W, Jisaia.
2k Cbalnasa Reildieg Cf.
Now is tba Una to g-t Iba Weekly
Oregwiao. Iba gr.alat ..pap, of
Ida Waal. W ith lb. f)--l'.b..ib eiriel
ly ia ad vanre, sua year, (3 60 X bHf
ansbleaii of aspsx s ess be made
iatbesUU. Ilrwid. wa will five a si UssOrms t Taa I.us.i...
. I .. I I I at. tt-l 1 .anal l I
prriuiuns a-i ii.wi.ai ;oo, a. ,,r .frrt,g fa HMrkf 'dHi Mist tilt
foot 11ablf. aa arwrilUfal traiof. I...I...I, ( .wi aa.i.,, hM
Corn is. and in
Notice 0 Mention.
mmmm fbiss : nni : fills
Vouro HOUND lo Take 'JCm.
''It ia Immtlri
IrA.fW Ik Ar, groacr re,r-. u m U" U " "
braff rt fi fa iff or mttl L ! ...- f
. . . . . . ' I ! w.a 4 ....
it Kiihrr km dtt trr O'. I om f a..iia.d ..
I ... a L t l ' I ll II Mrs lt.H liraMil S'ik
44 f at 'i r
a, tf l . . ......
rttfulnlift krf-ra IK Hlk tnf SrK i .a. a-.-,...
It'l'Klsa J. tiffin la f.r if litp
kjai.r rnasiirrfua.
Notke of Iftttntlon.
ll,rgkj iria aw be O. IL At 5 will t ....,,. ih.i
raa vie. 1'a.eliHe, Walla Walla a f i" --
Loaves No Consliput on. .w-4
t'na t, a a all lnli..a-.. h.. k llea.l.eb aed Malaria. Tb r. f
wrTaia tH in h w-n . . I br .i- "' ' aa
rami iluf rle. A.. eU p tx 1. Il.l.ll4 MMUC'Al. CO.
f afi.r. tJ.
U V. T. .
klsans "Lat oal lb aa," sr.d lis! Is
1st lb Lndf aiacab do. Ii te
parly a.d simply a I ),' irgse gt. a
abd sa sul lis'y to II . Ktba of alas
taa. A Hi, of ILm mJ( is a.W
b.iB .rf...t-4 ia iHp.f a a., ,.,,.4Uln0. Utnng i..p.ia. fl.t a 4 tv, izzr.rjirT , I UK LANCASHIRE Insuk.v a: Co.
ladt ele!ly ,lkl.l asav J .e. rV. . anil ra la -.ai al i - 'f " -f -
IS Can f V D. Ibe " b"t'" aHF F t-Ff M tm$ a ,k F f.iw,
tb. Udy ergMits-r-ro m 21. fal!
. ! . . . 1 '
ll.. j i j ,..t!, in. j..a if )cia al.btoaMaia in , ,, b rU ..,s, m a i.. at , . a ,i
........ I P"'. r. i.h ..-ft a m o
to fl,lf . 1 1.. 4 l a . k .. a .i ..i . -
1 V
Ol' R.I ANl'lll'.MI r If, HMII.ANII
nTflKSOX iblVT Hi tl.s. Ms I III II tea ...-1 rt
H..ub a.
l...ib el. If iO t e-.ii l l-e k.atks
kaiiki it. ts i. ts-aj. rl to.l'
t .1 A H ., l I. a l e in j.
.a taT- 1 .4 a ! !
bat 4m I gil ldi.a' SI. 4 Oal .
1 1.4 ii
fnat r aa-
af ' . ....
I'ai'. ah ion la I suriM anb I be " -..
UllSl iusUala la...', U awrA.
r i .
I. W
I riMI PI VIA! tl.cm at tha