product Does the Dispatch know for a certainty that the more dollars he is promising the agri culturist will boy as much per dollar as those he now gets? If not, the hop man is not benefited. The Gazette believes in bimetal lism and does not f ally agree with the St Louis financial plank, bat it also believes in protection and knows that when prosperity reigns in general that the bopgrower will have an increased demand for his product With free trade in those thiDgs so essential id bringing a revenne and at the same time so largely produced or manufac tured by our people, and which, if not protected, incidentally, while being ut-ed as a means of produc ing funds on wLich to ran the gov. em meet, will force our wage-earn era to complete with ignoraut foi eigners at ruirjous prices, there can be no prosperity, cither for the It has been asserted, very often bopgrower, the printer or anyone inrlaoil rlnrincr this fiamnftipn. that the money and moneyed interests The conditions which make low wat a ll on th fiida of McKinlev. rrlceB Ior UUV Bre 80 weu HOWU On first though one is likely to f the PeoP!e that lile comment .unma tW. iha etAtfimfint in trim. 18 new-essary. RepuDllcan Ticket. For Preldent, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice PrenWcnt, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Elector, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, 8. M. Y"KAN, of Uiie, E. L. SMITH, of Waco, J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. ican war with honors, was instruct or at West Point, afterwards re signed, organized the militia of Kentucky and at the breaking out of the rebellion, or when his state was invaded, being an earnest state rights advocate, he joined the Confederate forces as brigadier general, surrendered to Grant at Fort Donnelson in Feb. 1862, was exchanged in a short time and con tinued under the Confederate ser vice. In 1887 he was elected gov ernor of Kentucky by a very large majority. NOT ALL ON ONE SIDE. Majob T. S. Clabkson is the new commander-ln-cmel of the G. A. R. It IS worth the time of any per son to peruse Senator Mitchell's Woodburn speech. John K Gentry, has broken the record for pacing time in harness in a race, making the mile in 2:03, but it will not "wash" if you take the trouble to make any sort of an PERFORMANCES NOT PROMISES, lnvaotintatmii 'I Via ailvor mininrr in. u.t. n b TTi.if.rl SiatP .re Mr' BT ba8 iJ f -ii -nnnnrtor- r.t Mr Tirvn nH assuming that any promises he their combined wealth is something h?, mftke cab,e implicitly de- t i i:i peuueu upoD, wuue loose maae dv enormous. Below is a list of y ... . , . , .; tPntv.two nrominent BUDnorters ,cuu,,l'nu" "JUDV w f. t ...v, j.-j. suspicion. He sneers at the silver eiceed'the total amount coin- Ple f 8 ln lhe PUt orm of edinthe United States since the PabllCHD t0 bnog an inter .rlnntion nf tl. flntiotitntion: uatl0,,al monetary agreement, and ...... n.mrt,ni. mnnnnnn ft88umeB tuat U waa not -incerely Fair estate, Cal.roroia,... 60 ODOO(K) De' Politicar Partie8 nd P01'" Jobn Maokay, 40 000 COO uciaue are best gauged by periorm- Hagan 40 000 00(1 auces. It Mr. Bryan would point w. A. Clark 40.(00 000 a BiDge i,)8tauce of failure on the Wm.M. Stewart, Nevada 40.000.0o0 , of the republican8 to redeem Francis J. Newlsods (fchsron . . , . ... . ... . , estate.) 85 000.000 u,e,r " usueu Dve Mi fflt, Denver 80,000,000 w& patience, Dut, as ne cannot Betiator Jobo P. Juoei (Com do so, the people are irresistibly lock lode,) 25.000 000 dmea to the conclusion that he is Floodestst 25,000,000 1 ., , -,u k . faith to conceal a glaring demo- AN 1BISH mend ot ours says: "It's now 1 to 16. If Bryan i elected it will be nothing to ate, b'Jasus." The Jack Crawford, who was killed up in Washington recently while mining, was mot the "Poet- Scout" However, be is said to have resembled the original very much. Jessie R. Grant, a sou of Gen. Grant, residing at San Diego, Cal- fornia, has left the republican party and joined the populists. lie has evidently forgotten the teachings of bis illustrious father. Silver Smelting .25,000,000 Detver Works, R. 0. Chamber!, Ontario, liver mine 20.000.000 Ohai. E. Lane. California 20.000,000 L. . Uuldeu, Old Telegraph mlo 15.000 000 Mark Daly, Anacooda Mout ,.15,000.000 Unite Hilver timelling Worka,. 14,000,000 S. R. Uauier, Montana sil ver minea 10,000,000 Frenoh Hyodiuate (Old Tele graph taiof) Uiab 10,000.000 Leadvilla Stiver Smelting Worka 8,500,000 Broadway eetate, llulcna, MonM 8,000,000 Senator II. M. Teller, Col orado, 2000000 Senator Lee Mantle.Mont...... 2.000,000 cratio defeat. In short, Mr. Bryan is very anxious to divert attention fiom his prediction of four years ago, wnen ne asserted that tree trade would enable the American farmer to sell his wheat at $1.25 a butibel. Prosperity will come only with increased business. Increased business will come only within creased revenue. Increased rev enue will come only with protec tion. 'Protection will come only with republicanism. Republican ism will come only with McKioley. N. 1. Ticks. Total 1549 000,000 The most active of thwo men tinned above in the iu to rest of Mr. Bryan are the I learnt estate, rrpre Bcuti'd by tho Sau Frnucisco Ki aininer, W. A. Clink, Stewart, HOME COMPETITION. There in more to be hoped for in the iticomo tax plttuk the democratio platform, than from tlitt nrotpctiou titanic in th Newlaiids, Moflit, Jouea, Ilolden, republican platform, for, let it b Daly, Ilauaer, Toller and Mautla. reinemberel, cheap foreign labor Indeed tie old aocuaation of plu. 'y l,WD. od is still bein ... i l ,,1. 1 imi)ortl free, tree labor an iwiki, null ui unmM wrnuu .it -.1 a i on the side of the republicans falls ,icwa on tha waceworker. i.u't it harmleas before the hard facts Bro. I'attetson.-Dufer Diapatcb. ti : . i . i ii i . i !n . 1 1 - r " " t. -H i i. . i I -rr- uvi'R ior an tuat meio 10 innru BEVANISMS. 'If protection has (lain ita thousands. tte gold standard his slain Its tens of tbooasnds." From Bryan's Chicago convention speech. "Speaking for myself, it is immaterial in my lodgment, whether tbe sheep grower receives any bent fit from tbe tariff or not I am for free wool." Bryan in congress. "I favor tbe bill, not because of ita perfection, not tbe duties ere brought down as low as tbey might be, bat beoanse tbe bill is iuBnitely better tbRD Ibelaw ws now have, AND IS A STEP IN THE BIGHT DIRECTION." Bryan ln cotigreee, speaking on the Wilson tariff bill. "Istsndnpon tbe authority of every intelligent vott-r npon political economy wben I aeeert that litre is not, end Lever bas been, an honest dollar." Br) an in congress on lhe debate concerning tbe repeal of tLe Sbeiman silver puiobabing aot. . "Not only m I in fnvor of tbe govern ment topplvibg all the paper money needed, bnt I believe it cnu and ought In Vrevrnt eny private citizen from set ting aside tbe legal tender laws by pri vate contract." Bryan 1j oongrets. "I am not a demoorat." Bryan at Ml. Vernon, Ills., last March. Just Received! vV- vM. jto We have just received a Large Line of Ladies' and Misses Jackets and Capes In n a PRESS COMMENTS. Do not deoeive yourselves. Whatever cbaoue is made in eitt er our fionoil or commercial polioy or however disas trous the iff cts of such a chaDge may be, the wenltbl? will not be the sufferers. Even if their revenues are cut down tbey will still have plenty and to spare. On the other hxnd bow u it with tbe labor ing man whose wages meagerly supply bis daily wants? Is not his place a critical one wbeu the result ot one day s ballots may close the w rksbop or fac- ory, cutting off his means of livlibood and environing him with poverty. He at leat should use the greatest care that is ballot is depiiHited in tbe right man ner. Arlington Reoord. Ladies desiring anything in this line will do well to call early and make their selections before the assortment is broken. Political promises from one party are just as likely to be u.1 til led by one as the other. The promise of the republican party, backed by the assurance of Mc- Kiuley, to promote bimetallism by assisting to bring about an agree ment is just as good and deserves as much consideration as any pop- democratio promise uoder the suu. Nobs Sat A ver s at the World's Fair Ayer's HarsaparilU enjoys the extraor dinary distinction ot having been tbe onl v blood purifier allowed an exhibit at tbe World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers ot otbsr sarsaparlllas sought by every means to obtain a showing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned away under tbe application ot the rnle forbidding tbe entry of patent mediotaet and nostroms Tbe deoision of the World's fair autho rities in favor ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effeot as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapa rilla is not a patent mediolne. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." A reward of 850 00 will be piid for the arrest und oooviotion of tbe guilty party. Description: Black mare with blze face, branded F A on right b'p; right bind foot bas been burned with roje; toes of front foot turn in: weight about 000 pounds. Write or wire all information to I. Eoues, Heppner, Oregon. 2t. wealth on lioth aides of the jxiliti cal controversy. , Tho cry of "mo nopoly from the populist is not consistent, under the circumstsD- eos, and the less tho dome rrats say about it the better. Trains and energy will produce wealth iu any couutrr, and capital will alwaja work to benefit itself. Yl.U WELL! The HariUburg Itetiew says that at least two-third of thtt h in that Viciuity will lemaio unpick l this year owing to the low prills offurej for tleiu. 'J here is aotna. thina wroog about this ttatetneot, for there is a tariff duty of S rants a poiiod oo Iioni and the country !n tint Kl I atatidaid, t.MS Ubal thi yu thirik aUxit it, llrppbt-i (laietta? t)ufi-r Dispatch. Yoa make us n.ita. Hope ar oaad to make lxr, and txrr ran. Dot drank at any ric when the laborieg man is grlting frw tra lrt t;ra. He must !aa the l.wcri r i f life f.rnL I ven thr etph)rr i fUn fau.i l affor4 the laiury tt lift ha baa allbarao do to k-p Li business g"iog till titnea frt Ullrr. TLa small drmat.d f.r b" oo e C'-uLtt f frr tra it ir.!iWtj, ti e the Gazette believes that any tai oo energy and industry; any dis crimination whereby 11000 income in taxed while one of UJ'J'J 03 is not tated is unjust aod uooonsti. tutiobal. Tbe great Tilden said so aud refused to pay bis taxetv. It can hardly be justified eveo as a war measure. Foreigners that immigrate to to this country cannot come by contract, and the restrictions are rigid What have tbe popucrata to offer in lieu of tbia? The Dispatch is drawiog the Uoe a little too fine for comprs- beoaioD. It doe not scrapie to patronise a foreigner la a foreign land who doe nothing to holp our tradesmen and to support th govrromeot, while our home labor. er is suffering therefrom, yet he ubjWU to a protective system huh givee employ meet to all at (rood wagea. eveo to ritiiens of foreign birth who have paaeJ the standard required to enter our pottaia. No piKcrst ran get around these prvpoaitiots. i It la interesting to ote that the . t a a . t national Or rot r alio ernnoefs ware t it ir i ts io the late rtbellioo. (Ion. J lo M. I'almrr, tLeraodU "No Likes Msrelabrs." Heppner bss a Chinese resident, one Eho, wbo is alsys very sniious to "mis" with white people and to sps tbel dress, manners sod onttoms. ' During the sojourn of J L Mitchell, the deputy apros ei'mmeoJur of tbe Maooalteea, la oar little eny, lbs progressive China man became imbued with so idea lhat bs oo got to be a Maceabea, lie was mads oes io short order. About oos hood red mea assembled at tbe K. of P. ball sod lbs oeretnooies be gin, varying from the wlerJ, solemn wsrolog of tbe Mighty Tssba and lbs lesson of "slsvsliof manklod" wbrre Iba nsfortuosls is bonsoed to lbs eril lag la a blsekst, lo tbe rigid tiamioa- tion by lbs Huo.ble Eort as to the eanJidals's qnalflesiiuo l enter lb Realm of Maoeabees, and tbe reeeivin IB Orleotsl stats tbe "great eoret" Tbe Oisslte's editor was not present daring Ihs eers rnonlrs bat there mast bsv beea some startling ioaovatioos. tut wbsa tbe dgre was ended lbs Cbisamaa was alutbed prloeii-ally in tsosbto and a rsolof aa under. garmsDl. All tbal aoald be goln oot of IU bo as Ibal be "oo like alaeeUbee; ao aahbe; loo m no bee tlalk, llaiki solar 41 mncbee." metis atnoatit nlafrd, ai.d ll.s data f . r j rsidrtt, fought all through lie tUUi o abd gainad de note of wkirb he ia justly proud. IU t'fter saw any service until disUbra of Orvu yards from the grtat matketa of the 1'iiited BuUa are all against the Lp grower. I'rea trad la hot would the irl !! o at.d waa slrctrd ttvm Btala Iha ttistur t rse, 'iriiat life, tia t r feesioo Uir g ll li.j t,li to d m I Is f the of law, .i the n l. teUhipt it i- n ll.t ft e- te'w m,mU ' t. f . u t 1 1 K l.Uni Irf We Yave r) These Goods ( Qualities Rangiog iQ Price fron) $2 to $18. HOBSiC STOLEN. LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Legends Pertaining to Their Wanderings Up and Down the Earth. It may not be inappropriate to recall an old legend xtaut among the ortho dox Jews of Russia regarding th!s sub- "It u immaterial, in my judgment whether the sheep grower receive! any jl;ct nn(1 whlcU C0D&rml the report of oenejiijrom me larijj or not the explorer. Whether he doe or doet ot I am lor free wool." Extract from speech of W.llianv J. Bryan in the House of-Rrp. res'ntatives when the Wilson bill was under consideration. Heppner to Pendleton via Brppner- Eoho Btsge Line. Persons deoiroos of visiting Pendleton onn save time end money by Inking this rente. Iy so qualnting tbe skpuIs t tie previous even ing the stage will funks connection with 2 o'clock train at E ho for Pendleton. OfTloe at City Drug Store, l'roptietor. Ia a reeeal Ljtier lo Iha maaofsetnr- era Mr. W. t. !lrjmle. editor of the MpMtetor, IltMbford, N. Y, ssys: ' ll ay be a alrssar lo yoa to ksow it klb tm la wbwb fbswbefl.ts's mdkiaa ar .IJ by lb perple of fear owe stste, where Ibey mast b best kaeea. Aa soot of miae, wbo re- idee al IViUr, Iowa, waa abool to visit ae a tew year eisee, and rfure leevief boese wrote me, askleg If tbey sre eld bf, staling if tbey er a l be woeld bfisg a e,isoltly Uh brr, se sb did InH like to be ellboal Ibrm " Tbe meJk toe refeered to ar tbsaber. Uis's Cos k iUmeJ;, faeKwa f. s sure ef tulds aod ereapi CbambeiUia's Tela tlalm f.w iksiism. Isms !, ptt la b td end tel, aal CLass bed sis' Ooli. Cbtea asd IsMboes KewJy fof bweet fmpUisis, Tb ssedicteee bats bea ia enostaat In Iowa ff slaxwl a e,ertf ofaeeslary Tb people bsve lesrsed tbel lly sre situ We ef great worth aed ani, ai d assaated bv y obr. Tbey are lt J ber ty Cbeser k iWk, drsggists. I'olxinuui ( noklng t tenull. The mi li j - t f pun food him loiigbiTn n H't tlirnic (if li'ihliitorH, mid I inluiit that the iIim'U.ksIiiiim imi I lie Milsjrrt hOc iloni! u trreiit (lent of I'oikI. I luTieu. however, 1 1. ii I pure and whultoiiie lid n sils in which to cook the fixM ure of wore linrKirtiiiice than the fotHl Itwlf. Only thuxe who lire familiar with the nffairs ot Inrge kitchens are aware of the) eternal vigilnucn which presents the formation of chemical poutons ln culinary iiIciimIh. ts there the ramo v ntchfnlneN in the kltsliens of cheap rating Iioiim-s? I trukt the day la not fur iliataut when rigorous law swill be I j suited roiiii'lt'ng boards of beslth to lnecct the cooking utenmts of eery nililihiiirnt in which food Is srneil to the public. My firnt inspection of lhe kitchen of the rvsiaurnuta at tbe t atlonul capitol iiuiile me khiichler. One rf the which was In daily iue was so covered with erd!gria thai the oi iglnul rolor of the metal rould not le if n. The utensil wua s klcutil-heated otsterstrw 'mi. The bands een of tbe colored attendant were stained green from contort with the pan. I ques tioned the srrtant, and she told me that I was the first Ton to romplala to ber about tin-, condition of I be pan. She went on to say that she "could not wash tbe 'green emit' off ber band." Twen tieth Century Conking. Si a ft -4 wrsiatea. Cut the curuinttrr into bslvr and re r.O the srls. floll four tablepwne f si of rice fr .10 ttiiisiilea; drain, sod sdj to it uii riuult,iunt ly of cbopju d UtraL Pre! two U'liti.lix-, cut Into bahrs soJ peeks out the (; col Ihrm ii.lo nnl pieces, Oil with the. other Inien dienln; edd a bttlf U-a"HMifulof alludad.nll of rpirr. ri.i.t- tbia mWtur Into the ralty from wb b the keeJa were taken: f ul tbe bahes itrt her, bind tbecucum-U-rs Into shai' with a plee f twine mhI stand in baking n; add half a cup of wstrr; l-jle klowly f..roie hour, Iwitlng or fle Hmea. Thew may ittwt lal.rl by SluDlng lb mUture ltOi the -"e from wblih the seds er tnkrn. sod baking la Ike baliea, I'onlon (.l.lir. ' - - - ' ' " "J It (.l. r .1 . iriit ll.s ruii' all f. i I !. l,.ii i.rii H It. linlnr. the I ..! - r. I f t,3 Now II. m l,. (lower gt f"f it e I Irsuli til, is a Wist loltt ike Uet m1m Litvaa (of biaJU, (vwvtl tLrva,b lhXI4i "II it immaltrinl. Is Sg jA jmtml, ' trkilKtr las tktrp geowee ttcrurt an. In i a.. . . m . H. I J. .. . . . ,.,.f.f l i a i f II i I nm J J'Via I tt.i to. ufaliK. k M H'tiwa ts4 kee I ! tea luiml. "f .r." .:.! lhe ct!. , -i, csr 1 rte liolue fti la t t: - t lbs to., I.-. i ii 1 1 if ii in, .! ti 1 iii tf en t f I Si ir t I ..!.. 1 1 jak." The plrtt railway timers' ortito.i W f i Bg ".H. ftiia.M, la fact, thai the fn .'..rte was unable to collect sit the fkrea." Tb rfkreet's a dropf"! t tb f.oe. - ht ss the number ef tbat rarr b a'f.1. e grty - Iml ankp'.:. JpvimaL Years and years ago, so the story runs, un exiled Jew on the bleak wilds of northern Siberia, in an effort to reach nn overhanging branch of a tree, placed his foot upon a log floating on the water. No sooner bod bis foot touched the log than it seemed Inspired with life and moved rapidly off, bearing the exile away toward the vast lec fields, whien were plainly visible and plentiful toward tho north. Rapidly the cur rent swept the log northward, bearing J with it the unfortunate Jew, who whs 1 ro benumbed with fear and cold that 1 he was unablo to formulate a plan of W. D. I.OHD, esenjie from hi perilous position. ior three consecutive days and night the prisoner clung to tb log, pa-adr-g through towering fields of Ire bergs nnd dashing uudcr arches cut by the current th'ough the i-liy-wraping fields of ice. Out into beautiful sun shine our traveler eventually emerged. The giaks was green and the trees were gurl.cil In the nplcndor of nature and birds made merry music on every branch. People great iu numbers were congregated on either lank of the strra-n all dressed In. holiday raiment of the finest texture, but similar in rlinncter to lhe clothing worn by our ancestors 2.0CO years ago. The current of the stream irmd to flow, the log drifted to the hai.k and the almost f J'ti Ishcd and thoroughly frlghtenrd trav eler repeated 'or the thousandth t ine tbe Hebrew worda, ".Sbamo Israel.' snd in uncertain mannrr dinmouti'ed from lhe log. The inhabitants crowded about, and, speaking in H-brrw, with which lan guage be wua thoroughly convrrraul, learned of bis need of food snd ret ami supplied three w snts. after which they Intju'red whence bo came and whither he waa going. Numerous inquiries were made regarding tbe people who lived beyond their circumscribed world, who in reciprocity Informed blm of themselves and their mode of living, which bad iu nowike changed sloe tbe advent of the Christian era. They worked and worth Jed even as did the Jew in ancient times when I' was a garden and Jerusalem the center of clvdialioa. Tb tra tier 'earned that these pode were lb lost tribes of lrstl, wbo bad migrated to thik goodly country, bit by the descemlsnte of Aaron named Jokepb wbo hud mmh away without leaving any Irkcrndsbla. With tbetn tbey bad brought many vewets snd mrhof tb paraphernalia of Solomon's u-mple, and patterned tbeir bouse of worship after Ibis fsmnus temple of Jerusalem. Thtf traveler waa tld lhat the stream's current ws active sis ds)s la the week Slid OB lb srvrnlh becn.e quiet snd did hot mote, but is be ws a iurmt-r of a d.fferent tr.b lo Ibetu- e bs would aot be allowed to re main within be country, fa be was I.iih-1 In iMMt, w h'ch w sa puhrd cut Into I l.e rnrrr-it and wss Uime by a rlrruitous route Lack Id r-.lwfls. AfO rrwartl In- wss kr.)..tird. returned te l;u snd tool bis odvsatere. AtUu U J ah 8 htn.rt.t. . Mi wr-u as . a V '7T li m 1GLISHBUS1NS n i i ui UaUsUbUCra PORTLAND ORtGON Full English Course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. BOAHIMDlPARTnEliTM LAMES 4 , TirtrRY STiVvN Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? i Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All tbeae can be procured at Tlinropaon BinriB, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Tha renllemen srs well acquainted with Orant, lUrnee CrnnV rlt'llara snd Otbsr OODn ties, sad can savs mnner a d Urns In mkktu lbes sectluus alia traveling mea. Price In keeping alts, tht times. THOM PRON "BTISrNS, nxrrirzji. mm- I lAfwf 1 BUCKS! BUCKS! Don't buy your Bucks until you see the Full Blooded and Grade Delaine Merinos from the Cunning ham band, of Pilot Rock, which will soon be in Ilcppncr. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM. NOTICE TO TAXrAYtKX V'cnrt I kee-f -! ! m$ nm I 'lf III ! rH, rri k Sawtaf wf4mm-li S, k4 wi4 tt mmm mm Sit - " al-kl-S ikoM l lkl ihitHH SS k-i w4 Mia ma I, t. Willi. 1 la rxlilaa la tia l-4 awaScat. i;lie Slid bis blf S kier didn't fl s!'-if r!. Willit-wss oe!y Seven end I Is itr IT. but be rne Lrf "t Oee dsf tV.Hie's initnmi bi I "tietkltf la UII fc'rn eileesi eif news frcm tb bouwboM ef hi H elder s:er, who bsj ir.srT'ed a yesrbe. f re. Vi':," ssid r strr-.s, 1it -f l!ii. I . . - -. VI.--'- I... I... fiick'. V"i'i aa eiu-! fin. tsi bViiih" ns t . i-a. k i i ..... tt.. it,. i. I l. K.i' "W.'l " k.i.t " a f - u - t 1 , ,, --I i ii I l I . ..... - , ,,.( , H.M (.IV M.ia n, - fa. aljU 3s".W vJ,l 'llUa 4 1 V. ; e. r fti-r ' tb trsiieear a k.iii'-. i . .... .i . . . M . . . M I i i ; I, I i e k ii I C'An te bS kv 1 ........ .i U W I j (snsv sSii.aiakia ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. lasaM f Cas , fs4- NOTfe M kwM fta. IS W S4 NOTICE tr 1'IS.SOLVTION. VOTti t I , iv.i IM $rm M 4 "' I ". Mkwm i U I. taM M M l " . S1 k Ii It-. ,n.K ,4 i,,. . if 'vT'1 . m 4-i.-l I... i i. t a kk., mA M-.l...lh.i..wM , ,h, 9,u ' ii.. i.... hi m . s.. , . , , ; ,.7" ela t..4 r S I l.l-.M.. ml Ik. 4 ., . M. Ski 1 t k KH I . N"HI W k tXKCCTOh'3 NOTICE. k- .. t- . ...I ..4 ... 1,,, , , "iM. i .r: ' V" r ". .... i. . , ,. , , ,fe-r J:""u V a .' . ' -. Si fcWI, Has. M -1Vlt, tmj,