El TO TUB GIVES THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. k N. Agent (a Heppner, cr address W. n. HURLBURT, Geo. Pass. Agt. PoBTLAND. OBEQOK. E. McNElLL, President and Manager. Q0IOK TUHH I San. Franolaoo And all point In California, Tia the Mt, Bhaata a rout of to Southern Pacific Co Tha great hlchwu thronajh California to til point Kant and South. Urand Bosnia RoaU of the Pacific Coaet. Pullman Baflet Hleepere. Seoood-olaaa Hleepare Attaohed to express traina, aflordina enperior eocomnodatione for Mnond-olu DaesaneTere. For ratas, tioeeta, eleapiw oar reservations, eto, mil npon or addraes 1 K. gOHHLKR, Manager, X. P. R00KR8, Aut. Gen. F. A P. Agt.. Portlaud, Oregon. -TO TUB- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC -SYSTEM Through Pullman I'alara sleepers. Tourist Sleepers and Free H-ltnln Chair CartlAILV toLhWago. Many hniira aanl ria thli Una to Eastern riiila. STEAM HEAT. PINTSCH LIGHTS. L.OWKMT HATICM. H. 11. BAXTER, Gen Agrnl, 1'ortlund, Qrrgon, J. C. UAllT, Ajrttt, c;;Nr, (Jrtyon, Solmtiflo AmtrleM Agency for emira. YftAna aaaaan. Dieicaj ariMTS, COatlWHIl. mm- caa a , au t......f. saw . rl.l.4 kanea f mn( .ktiu ia tM Ijm by a w le Irae U iae a Ik funtific $mmcaa let Hr(l.o ear .MtlSa In re .x,4 i-WIMif lllortrsWM So l.lOi.., kMltnhlalikll , 1 (M a iM.iloiaiM.ikt 44mt S a w 1-leu.aaae.ael liMiiy.M t CIUOAOO. iriiiwaukee & St. Paul H'y iaiMiapoua a.Aw - . iiul Glanco nt this Map H llart Waa. tJlieeases e4 at fel eJI f iM ewe Ita mmimh auk all taee Heetal Dm 4 at rl iM eka, e4 r" tet Ha 1'iimin ltM alikeier I'VMts a4 Kaaa Vf tai a mlaMat W ? KtM, tnwary. a.ii. a4 Mt4. aa. Ita traa rtn raalr tack 'l atk aaa aa ila a4it( 1 a4 1 ia t a' iaa wi la im w4 fca H m a l.f thaa lata. aM kmi afer. m M k im ltita ana.Mattia ItMca haaiai MiaaavamwntiallWaMliaaak1 CVra .a4aiia la iw aaittM iur a a tatMtMUoa, a aMnaa R t. Vt't'T, IHmwI I ,filf Itat aaa. ai p-airvaaaiiwv. In) W TICKETS in t i j a-we 1 3 A SMART OCULIST. Ha Aeta aa Botcnttfle Detaetlva and Xa , poaea aa Attamptaxt Fraad. Here is an interesting account of a rery clever bit ol detectiye work by an oculist: It appears that in a large factory in which were employed several hundred persons one of the workmen in wield ing his hammer carelessly allowed it to slip from hia hand. It flew half way across the room and struck a fellow workman in tha left eye. The man averred that his sight was blinded by the blow, although a careful examina tion failed to reveal any injury, there being not a scratch visible. lie brought a suit in the courts for compensation for the loss of half of his eyesight, and refused all offers of compromise, says an English paper. Under the law the owner of the fac tory was responsible for an injury re sulting from an accident of this kind, and although he believed that the man was shamming and that the whole ease was an attempt at swindling, he had about made up his mind that he would be compelled to pay the claim. The day of the trial arrived, and in open court an eminent oculist retained for the defense examined the alleged in jured member and gave it as his opinion that it was as good as the right eye. Upon the plaintiff's loud protest of his inability to see with his left eye the oculist proved him a perjurer and sat isfied the court and jury of the falsity of his claim. And how do you suppose he did it? Why, simply by knowing that the colors green and red combined make black. He procured a black card on which a few words were written with green ink. Then the plaintiff was or dered to put on a pair of spectacles with two different glasses, the one for the right eye being red and the one foi the left eye consisting of ordinary glass. Then the card was handed him and he was ordered to read the writing on it. This he did without hesitation, and the cheat was at once exposed. The sound right eye, fitted with the red glass, was unable to distinguish the green writing on the black surface of the card, while the left eye, which he pretended was sightless, was the one with which the reading had to be done. NO TIME TO SPECULATE. Prompt Action of an Kiiglnaer fovea tha Life of a Child. "To do the right thing at the right moment is a great faculty," said a well-known railroad man to the Lewis town Journal man. "I saw this Illus trated once. I was on the engine with Ed Chase, who was for many years en gineer on the Dexter branch of the Maine Central. Now as one comes into Corlnna village from the south there is a long down grade that makes a heavy freight or mixed train a pretty hard thing to handle there. We were booming along at a good speed with a heavy loud behind us. I was chatting carelessly with Chase, when all at once he jumped and whistled on the brakes with a vim, at the same moment re versing his engine. 'There is some thing uheud there on the track,' he ex cluimed. 'It may be a dog, but may be it's someWly's body.' "The breaks were put down hard and the train (.lowed up and pretty xn we saw it was in fact a child sitting be tween the roils playing in the gravel a baby too small to think of danger. It seemed certain that the train would not be held before striking her, and Chatte run out on the pilot toanatch her out of harm's way. The big en gine came to a atandatill only about three feet from where she still sat. Khe looked up, laughing merrily, as if she thought it was a fine thing to atop a train. "It was Chase's instantaneous action, when ho didn't know whether it was child or dog. that saved the little one's life. A delay of five seconds would hae been toi late, for the trulu would certainly have gone over her. I have htd men act many tlmea In etnerireii- cles, when cool and quick Judgtm-nt waa required, but never happier lu stance than tlila." GETTINQ AROUND THE OLD MAN Aa fnralootlaa; I'apa Carrlre III Daagh- tar a l-oa Lure. There la a buslnesa man of thia rlli who has a very pretty daughter with wnom one or papa s oniee atafr has fallen hopfloaaly In love, aaya the De troit Free I'reaa. As the youii(f man la not InvlU'd to the paternal nianaion, and the young woman haataen notified to keep away from the paternal office, the counm of their lova d.ira not flow very smoothly. However, they have hit upon an raped lent whlih glr limn a channel ,f communication, and they will continue to employ It If apa'a ryea do tiot ret on this r xpoae. It waa tha -trl who thought .f It-It always la I he girl who finds a clew to tha aim ttlon. It la this way; When papa rntera tha nfllca In the morning ha hanga hie hat on a errtaln nail among- a row of other liataaiitt proceeda Ui buainraa. Then tha Intrrvatmt clerk, while the head of tha flnu la reading hi morning mail. Ultra the hat from tha nail ttl.rr. It U hung, haika Inatdr.allpa hia hand under me lining ana Ultra out a tiny mlaalvr, which ha at onc ronvrya to hia own p krl, and the eoiiU nta f which da- liar hi and amua him all itav. At night whrn papa returns noma hia Pfruj uaughur allpa Into tha hall and makrs a raid on that hat. alwera find ing thera an anrr to hrr tiilalv of th morning. II. iw much l.mtfrr ea will oorupy tha p.lll..n of Cupid a mail carrier remains t.i tw area. I -ill t madder than a hatter whan ha Bade It out Tata la taar OvpoHaalit. On rMpt r4 Ua rMa. eaafc atanaa. teerue aaa..!e ill t aoaiM t4 tha a t yaUf t'atrrfc aed Hay t'evar Care I Hy'e ra I '.alia I eafnaieat la d'oaa- suate Ua iTMMt a anii t4 Uta naaady. tLl riHtTllII.H, U Warra M , i T a City Em li&m rt.i t Ji nt r'..t r.'U VI a - . -. - . - - -' . - ( raiaaaJ4 Uy'a Ciaaaa lialaa to a. I aaa aa I Im aaiaaat, ' It ia a ral IMS rare f. raUtrtk it aaad aat ra4a. Hav. f ra"i W f4a. faatnt Ca.trai aa t'karak, ll-boa, MuwL riy'aCrxMn Pa'm la tk a. afU1tf1 rwta f it a'arrti anl ei'aaa a mrt a eat lajrt.e dn-f iTtxa, W aaata. Tea lal roa4a for luaaaa, tha feeet teada fr pkaaura, and the Wat Maaaa f ailllUrg awh r-.la -Ihra ara abao. latt tatraaatttaa U) I ha aalH.Q I hat oe 4 ta tea Rxtal .n.fi. nJ the ka( 4 at. T aa tnrrBt lr.)unra of rirV liaalioa ar alvaja trwa aiia - krra tha mad era tv -l.ara.aa. Miaui rf tfiftWf tjUff, latnlflJra, J Wtaa, f REFUBLIGftN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatives in oational convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of years of Republican mle, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles : For the first time sinoe the civil war the American people have witnessed the calamitous consequences of full and un restricted Democratic control of the government. It has been a record of unparalleled inoapaoity, dishonor and disaster. Io administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispeosible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled np the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peace, foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over the re demption fund, pawned American oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of suooessful Re publican rule. In the broad effect of its policy it baa precipitated panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, olosed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and orip pled American production while stimu lating foreign production tor the Ameri can market. Every consideration of public safdty and individual interesi demands that the government shall be resoned from the bands of those who hsve shown themselves Inospable to conduot it without disaster at borne and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party which for 30 years admin istered it with nnequaled suoouss and prosperity; and In this oonnectlon we heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism and suooess of the administration of President Harrisoo. TUB TABIFF. We renew and emphasize our alle giance to the policy of protection as the bnlwark of American industrial Inde pendence and the foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true Ameriosn policy taxes foreign pro ducts and enoonragas borne industry and pats Ibe burden of revenue on foreign goods; it eeoures the American market for the American producer; it upholds Ihe American standard of wages for the Amsrioan workingmen; it puts the fac tory by Ibe side of Ibe farm, and makes Ihe American farmer leea dependent on foreign demand and price; it diffusea general thrift, and fuuuda the atrengtb of all on the atrength of each. In ita reeaooable application it ia jast, fair and impartial, equally oppoaed to foreign control and domeatio monopoly; toeeo- tiooal discrimination and Individual Nvoritiim. We denounoe tha preaent demnoralio tariff aa tartionaL injurious to public credit and deatroclive to buai ores entarpriaa. Wa demand snob equitable tariff on foreign Imports nhicb coma into com pa m ion with American products aa will nut only farniab ade quate revenue for the Deoeaaary ripen see of I be government, bnt will protect American labor from tha degradation to Iba wag level of other landa. We are sol pledged to any particular acbadaUa. Tba quae! ,a of rates ia a practical q oral ion to be governed by coojitioee at Ibe time aad of prod not lot . Tba rollng and nnonnipromiaiug priori pie ta tbe protection aad development of American labor and ladualrv. Tba Oonntry demands a tight eettlemenl and tbo it eiiterreL i fcanrnor-fTT. Wa believe the repeal of the rwiprvoi ly arrengrmekle negotiated by tba laat lUpubU'an s.lmlnielfailon waa nation al eeletnllf and e demand their rmew a aad eileaelt en sorb tertneaewitl aqeeliseonr trade with other naHoiie, re axil a reatrictiooe wbtrb now obalmct the aalaof Anterloea pmlurte In porta of Atber oaatrtea, no J aaoore eelar rJ markets far tbe produete f ont farme, fureata sa J fartoriea, rrtatt aad rariprneily are lain meaearea f ieblea ail)ay, aad gn kaej U baa.l. iVajxtaratia rnla hat teakleaaly almrk 4ra both, ar4 tk ami be re ratathiehe.l; protect. fur bat mt produce, fiaa aJiaa.n tor Iba keaeaaattra nf life t i b d i n4 pro gaae; reeipmeal agreetneat of taataal Intervale abteh gain fpe anaiketa la r tarn f..f ear anen aia'keta to Pihera, rroteetlan bnllJt an JaBal ladattry aal If a la, aaJ aeearea ant wn fctwket Maaraele; feepviiy bail la f t r eiffa trala ait j nla to onlM f f eat atjtina, BCOAB. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on Ameriosn soil of all sngar wbioh American people use and for which they pay other countries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of tbe shop and faotory; to bemp, to wool, to tbe product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the ill, we promise most ample protection. MERCHANT MA RISK. We favor restoring the early Amerioun policy of discriminating duties for the ipbuildmg of our merchant marine anil tbe protection of our shipping interests in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships tbe product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under tbe Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icans may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. FINANCIAL PLANE. Tbe republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It oaused the enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of sppcie payments in 1879; since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure caloulsted to debase our cur rency or impair the oredit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free ooinage of silver, except by international agreement with tbe leading commercial nations o( the world, wbioh we pledge ourselves to promote, and until suoh an agreement oan be obtained, the existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our silver and pnper ourrenoy now in oirculatiou must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable the obligations of tbe United States and all our money, whether ooiu or paper, at the present standard tbe standard of tbe most enlightened nations of tbe earth. AS TO PENSIONS. The veterans of tbe Union armies de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they should be given prefer ence in the matter of employment and they are entitled to the enactment of such laws as are best calculated to se- oure the fulfillment of pledges made to them in the dark days of the country's peril. We denounce tbe praotioe in the pension bureau, so recklessly and un justly osrried on by the present adminis tration, of red noil, g pensions and arbi trarily dropping namea from tbe role as deserving tbe severest condemnation of tbe Amerioan people. 01' B FOHKIOS POLICY. Our foreign policy should be at all timea firm, vigoroua and dignified, and all our iutereste In the western hemis phere carefully watched and guarded, The Hawaiian inlands should be control! ed by tha United States, and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere witb them; tbe Nicaragua Canal should be built, oaneJ and operated by tbe Uoited Htntea; and by the purchase of ihe Dauisb islaude wa ahuuld secure a proer and much needed station in tba Wrat lad lea. The maasaoiee in Armenia have arous ed tha deep sympathy and Just indigoa linn of the Amerioan poopla, and wa be lieve tba Uuited Htatea all on Id exerciet all tba lull leaoe It can properly atari tq bring tbee atrocities to an and. Ia Turkey Ameriosn reeldetita have been eipteed lo tha gravrat dangers and Aroaricau property destroyed. There and every a here American cltifns and American properly mut be abeolntely prulrcte l at all hannls and at any coat, no son iHxrraixa. Wa reaatrrt Iba Monroe doctrine lu ita fntleet eiteat aoj wa reaffirm Iba right of the CuiU Hub lo give the doetrlae art.! by responding lo ibe ap peeleofeny Ameriove ete'e or friendly intervention in eaae of European an emaebment. We ehalt ant be Interfered aad stall jOl interfere a lib tba etitlmg pneeree - lone of key Karopean power ia tl.le j beml bere, bat lbee xtaeeetione tnnal j not. on any pretetl, be rites 14. Wa j hopefully htdi f.ar4 lo the avetti j nal WithJreeal t.f European poaera ! Inra Ibia hemiopla aad lolbealUmaU oain of all a'in treating peitaof Ihe rininect by free rteaobl of Ita In babitaala. rraa keH.rTk. front tha boar ef aebieving their tit lalepenletiee the reopte t.f Iba l'oil I Ittalea bate regar.le4 witb ayntpalhy Iba etretleeef other America papt lo freo iSemaelvea fmea Parapeao d iaaiaa- lt". W wa'ah a Mb 4B al kbl lmg ( lolereel ! .mt ballleef Ibe (NSaa j pelfi e aira( etlt 4 ap fifa!nn j a I ear beat Wa oat f.r tUa fa! jt ee ef Veir i)eatnilfie alet -., liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing lost control of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply witb its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States ebonld actively use its influenoe and good offi ces to restore peace and give indepen dence to tbe island. TBI NAVY. Tbe peace and seourity of the republic and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations of tbe eartb demand a naval power oommensurate witb its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement of the nnvv aud complete system of har bor and seacoast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. For the protection of tbe quality of our American oitizetiship and of wages of our workingmen agaiust the fatal com petition of low priced labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL SEBVI0B. The civil servioe law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and bouestly enforced and extended wherever praoti oable. FREE BALLOT. We demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to 'oast a free and unrestricted ballot, sod such ballot shall oe counted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. We proclaim our unqualified condem nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous DrBotice known as the lynching or killing of human beings suspected or oharged with crime, without process of law. NATIONAL ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS . We believe in tbe immediate return to tbe free homestead I olicy of the Re publican party, and urge the pssssge by oongress of the satisfactory free homestead measure which has already passed the bouse and ie now pending in tbe senate- TERRITORIES. We favor the admission of tbe remain ing territories at tbe tarhest praotioable date, having dui regard to tbe interest of the territories sod the United Slates. All federal officers appointed for territories should be aeleoted from bona fide resi dents thereof , and tbe right of aelf-govern- meotsbonld be accorded aa far aa prao- tiasble. We believe tbe citizens of Alas ka should have representation in the coDgreas of tbe United Htatea to tba end that needed legislation may be intulli gently enacted. TIMPKRANCE. We sympathize with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent tbe evils of intemperance and promote tuor ality. RIGHTS OF WOlf CN. Ihe ltepnblioan party la mindful of the rights of women. Protection of Amerioan indattries includes equal opportooitlea, equal pay for equal work and protction to tbe home. Wa favor the admision of woman to wider spheres of usefulness and welcome their co operation in reaouing Ibe ooutry from Dvmooralio end Populist mismanagement aod misuse. Such are the principles and policies of Ibe republican party. By tbeaa prin ciolea we will abide, and tbeaa policies wa will put Into execution. Wa ak for tlirm the considerate judgment of the Amerioan people. CinQ lent alike in tbe history of oar great party nod in the jaalioe of our eanaa wa present our plat form and onr osodidatea In tba fall - snrsnee that tha elect ion will bring victory lo tha Republican party and proa peri I y lo the people of tba United autre. DISEASta OF THE SKTX. The luteins llrhing and smarting lnci dent to et irma, U-ttrr, aall-rhe urn, and other ilwwi of the alin it ineuntlr alia red rv applying Chamberlains, ta and Hkin Ointment. Many very bad cm-a bare been prrtnanrnily cniwj by It It ia nually ill. lint f..r itiliing piles and n favorite renv eilr for enra nipple: rhrta-d haiuU. chit blaine, fn4 bite, and rhronle sore err. t ut sale by dmi-gUts at 24 rents pn boa. Try Dr. Cad";! rendition rewoVra, they arjt4 a hat a hnrw nor. Is hen in bad entail. T.mik, I.Uaid further and vermifuge. For sale by Cer A Urock, ttraegiele Hall riMe eaae Ittetaetwaeea. Tha etipprrealon nf bull fla-hlina' In tha muili of franca baa mulled In eerioue ilistur lnera In arvrrsd tutrna. I Ike a aaa.ie.ee Wmir. In rrirtldenoe. It I, tth a jwpnhv tion ft 1 .iT2 women outnumber the turn by J.ooO. Atatertra raeete la Kieelrtettf. If ana irVpae n va Aiin-riea la far abea4 cf at y t.tl.er iMMnttrjr In Iba rf ale. Iririlf, "It ta tmmatrrUUin my J Ijmrnt, trkttHtr Ikt aAeeyt jmirrf rr.vird nag lffl Wea Ikt l.trtf nf not , , , , H A thrr A f.ws or tlt . f nm .e n4 t. Xfroef frt-m l)tck of It i.'.'i.iat J fria la A (( of Htp rr (. if. i re mktm IKt II tien (o arua a.er ratJ return. ) rilte ptM t are. j Il'a ) ln ear ev.eti4tn. T tl'tiitsla Karl'a Cl..r l .4 Tea gtvee pefet r'aaUrtlf n the twaeia, T ale br Welle ael W arten lt h Va'fceea la ttill at ifce nest lir M 1 e .- r-ffjae, wkeee .e U ttH la b attlg let I f Ilea Utet'i-f. bff rattiagt bn.t' fU, l I plaf ftiag ' , ion U A AND ITS CUBK TO the Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles fret to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCTTM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew Tori. S9- The Editorial and Business Management of this Paper Guarantee toil generona Proposition. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-5 ent business conducted tor MODERATE FEES. Our Officc is Opposite. U . S. patent Office and we can secure patent in less tiiae than those j remote from Washinirton. 1 Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-? tion. We advise, if patentable or not, freo of 4 charge, Our tee not due till patent is secured. ( i a Pimvm li"t. " How to Obtain Patents." with! cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opf. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. & St. P., C & A , P. Kt. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Kail roads. RATBS 9S.OO PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8tg., csxx.ca.ci-o. ixji. TMU. S. GOVERNMENT I fa) ...is... A v J J . . PAYING MILLIONS re; 8 A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a m( relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars v? on whom you depended for support ? f (!) THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new S law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it 7 to you and is Milling and Anxious to pay. Why not present f(5) your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the ji time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. i? gWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. v2? No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, () 618 P street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ( If. Jl.nts Company It tontrollrd iy nearly one (houtand (coding twice pnprrt tit Ikt tailed Slntet, and It gnaranlred by them. 5) a fa TFmlf m"W mK cSd 2Ls3TOICr.S Attorneys cit Iraw, All bnsioeas attended to in prompt and aatiafactorr manner. Notaries I'oblic and Collectors. r.r,, OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. BEPPNEIl, tit;. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Colli UIUIII UUU 1 l lllll'l .lllll 1 I Sin-wi TULFi'liONE, BAILET Leafing Alder 8treet IVck. rorllaa.1, f- A.lorla. Ilwaeo. Long Be.eh, Ooeaa lark aud Nahcotta. Direel ennneetmn witb Ilweoo ateamera and rail road; also at Yonng's Usy with Faaahnre Keilroed. "rniiHiiioNii ,rr Portland 7 A. M. Pally, eirept vun..y. Leaves Astoria J P. M. Pally. Meant Sund.f. Uarea Portland P M Pally. ,een a.i... a,iM.r nlrhi ll p tt MrM ArUwtalDallt a alS M A. M.,eeeHaun4ayand Monday. u.l.r n! ht. 1 f. H. 1 oozivrsr wavh Leairra Portland and runs direct In ae Ti1aT and Thnre.!. at S A M SattiMar ill a tae iiaaeu ednea.Uy ai.4 frilay at 7 A. H. On ataday atgaiit a P?el. Earfe Cbtrlni la t.M M BrirVi Frre tf Erpecse. For Salrty, Speed. C owlnrt. PletuMra, Traret oa the Telephone, ftaltey Calrert aod Oeeaa Waa. h Keeley klie: f r s mm It to Advertisers nt a rcnt financial sacri fice. You nccil it in your business, and as a matter of Ihi.miicsn c must m 11 it. Tim !'.Mn ?M'.-, IVn'M'iNr, Co, w The comparative value of these twoesrds Ia known to most persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity ia Not always most to be desired. .'. These earda express tha beneficial qual ity of RipansTabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB .. Ripans Tabulea : Price, so cents a boa, Of druggists, or by mail. . BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spruct St., N.T. WANTED-AN IDEAoTK thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prize oiler. The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 92.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Qazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advnnoe will be entitled to the antne. Nbw Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened np tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prices returnable. Bay and grain forsale. tf . lVt OREGON IV, II HI llllllll I. u UJLllUUUllUllini CiTZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Tor tho Ctuv o Liquor, Opium isl Tobacco Habits It la InraM at taieia, Oreena, I TU Jftief lUi.tiful TWn on Ik CWaf I Call at tse fi. terra efflee lae Mrttrataei r'fel'"',"U4' ,MlMM", "' 4 ears OUR STOCK . OF . . . SPACE IS j TOO HKAVY ' ! AND WE : ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD U1U 1