Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 04, 1896, Image 3

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... -i.
hlZ A .a. A
rfuT - - 1 a. J'
Here and There.
D. C. Coboe is in from Monument.
Fraok Sloan is in today from Galloway.
Jeff Hayes was over from Lone Rock
Frank Rogers cot in Tuesday from
The Heppner Transfer Co.. ban wood
for sale. 87-tf.
has returned from his
Photographer at Prineville
Death to ('aietloa.
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
ars. Call
and Smokable
on Ted.
The Darky Thought That the New Yorkei
Was Very Inconsiderate.
A Wall street nmn t lla this .story:
"I was DiUidiig' the trfp from M w Or
leans to Memphis in April l;y a Mi-ssis-sippi
river slfciunbont. On 1 lie first dny
cut from iN'ew Orleans I felt the need of
the barber's services and learning that
the Memphis Belle was ttmsorially
equipped 1 sought out that oflic.e. I
found a single barber in charge, a
rather pompous, tall person of color
with flowing Dundreary whiskers. Ife
was engiiped in doing nothing at all
with that graeu of execution peculiar to
the southern darky.' I seated myself
in his chair and was soon wrapped in
thought upon some business I had be
pun in New Orleans. The burlier began
his work leisurely, the while, carrying
on a one-sided flow of talk to which 1
replied in monosyllables. .
"The day waa warm und I was almost
dozing away under the soft splashes of
fcis brush when another customei
entered. lie was a nervous, fidgety sort
of man and as there were no newspa
pers in, the room he amused himself in
looking at a few prints hung on the
walls, the uttraction of which soon
palled upon him. Then he walked to
1 he door nnd looked down the decl,-
where a group of roustabouts were en
imaged in the game, of craps. Figaro
had by this time completed the lather
ing of one side of my face and roused me
liy turning my head .'iron ml. I int
mated that life was short, and I didn't
care about passing too much of it in be
itig shaved. He whs evidently disgusted
with my taciturnity and replied with
great dignity, but with no haste either
of speech or action; 'Cert'nly, sah, cer-
t lily.'
"The stranger's curiosity hod been
aroused ly the jumbling going on out
side, which wn as usual accompanied
by thfe 'com sevens!' and shrieks of
'craps' which attend that game.
" 'What game U that, barber?' he
demanded of Dundiitiry. lie of th
whiskers made one or two artistic plays
of his brush over my chin and answered
J.nn, tiuwd, mister, nin t yer ever
seen that game? That'scraps. Kvery
loly plays it round thiscoiintry.'
"The Ktninger admitted he had seen
it played before in the wharves nnd
Ireets, but, said he had not discovered
Jiny mental li:ht from hisoliHerval ions.
A running exchange of (picric nnd cx
phimitiotiH followed U'twrrn harder nnd
t ranger, during which n not over keen
razor had bejrtin lu course down my
right clipck. Itoth pnrtirji to Hie col
loipiy were getting Interested and I was
getting failed.
"The nervous stranger antwnrcd
somewhat obtuse, or, perhaps, theer
iineular of the burlier wan Inadequate
to convey tlio full meaning of tin'
techiih-nl ilctnlls of craps. At nny rate.
ir'K!i for further informntiott. Mv
facr had by that time hern clcnred of
Ward as to my chin and part of mt
check. Fifteen tiiiliuL-a hail favn coii
uined In the proems and my paln-nce
wan iM-cnming th rend dare.
"The Imrfa-r li.nl exhausted his power
of dew-nption and, turning to the
alrsngrr, he said:
"Well, sh, ef you really want to
know how to shoot craps I kin obnw
you,' ami placing the razor on the shelf
lie oprtird a drawer and withdrew a
p.ilr of grrny-loikltig dice. Thro he
trppnl 0rr to a table and fa-pan to
gi a practical enwition of the rny
terioa of the game. This was too much
'Here!' I cried, raising uiynrlf In the
ehnir. 'Fininh up this Job fa fori you
'rt to crap shooting.'
" t'ortiiliily, esih. he replied to me
and tiiriilng to the stranger he added:
One tniniiin an' Fll show you,'
"It only t'k a few minutes to com
idVte his work on rtw, and a I put on
my cost he and the atnu'grr prorrIed
tth the game. As f b-fl the tNmm !
could hoar him pint terlng sImmiI tho
l urry aoine -i I Is In an' It Is still
nh rUva 'for e wet laMrmnhle"
Frank Elder
Portland visit.
Asa Thompson was over from Batter
creek yesterday.
E. 0.: E. E. Bartbolemew is in the
oity from Heppner.
Low Tillard returned from Portland
on Tuesday morning.
Wra, Collins was in from Hayetaok
the first of the week.
Isaao Baser was over from his Clarks
Canyon ranob Saturday.
Johnny Crisman came in this morn
ing from Butte, Montana.
E. O. : Dr. E. A. Van than has oome
borne from a visit to Heppner.
Commissioner Howard and Jas. Shaw
were in town Wednesday last.
Born This morning to the wife of Mr.
Frank Hale, in thiB oity, a son.
Mrs. Dil Garrigues and obildren left
Wednesday for her home at Portland.
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cntter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
F. Alspaugh, representing R. G. Dan
& Co., the meroantile agency, is iu town.
On Fridoy evening of last week James
H. Montgomery, a photographer in
Prineyille, suicided by oattinghls throat
from ear to ear, says the E. O. Mont
gomery had been ariested on a charge of
attempting to criminally assault a yoncg
lady of thai city, and on the way to the
justioe oonrt in charge of the oonetuble,
be requested permission to go into a
wateruk'set. Tbe request was granted,
the oonstahle snd several others stand
ing just outside. Presently they saw
blood streaming out from oodar the
door, and or. entering found Montgomery
dying. He bad severed tbe jngular vein
and tbe windpipe with a pocket knife.
Tears ago Montgomery was one of tbe
best artiste in tbe oountry, but domestic
troubles drove bim to drink, and for tbe
past teo or twelve years be has been a
perfeot wreck, Montgomery was a resi
dent of Heppner about two years ago.
Tired Feeling
Makes yon seem "all broken up," with
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
It is often the forerunner of serious ill
ness, or the accompaniment of nervous
troubles. It Is a positive proof of thin,
weak, impure blood; tor, it the blood is
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Earsaparilla
for that tired feeling is therefore apparent
to every one, and the good it will do you
is equally beyond question. Eemember
Is the best in fact tbe One True Blood Purifier.
W. A. Fisher oame in Wednesday
witb bis usual invoice of "wartermil
Mrs. B. A, Hansaker and children and
John Gates and wife are over from Hay
Fall races are assured it tbe people
will stand together and take an interest
in them.
ferry Houser, of rendleton, is again
in Heppner, workiug for Spray, in tbe
meat market.
Wm. Btarratt and others from Look
Creek left this afternoon witb loads of
Those wbo are owing tbe Gazette will
do ns a great favor to settle np. We
weie never iu greater need.
Cora Hart departed last evening for
St. Helen's Hall, Portland, wbere she
will attend school this winter.
Engineer Patterson is down at Port
land tbid week. During Pat's absence
Larry Hayes is pulling the throttle.
C. T. Smith was down to bis ranob
tbe past week. He decided not to out
bis grain and has sold it for pasture.
Tbe regular services will beoondnoted
in tbe M. E. Churob, South, next Hun
day, the 6lb. Preaching moruiug aod
Rev. Thomas Briody, of Condon, will
bold services at tbe Oatholio churob
next Sunday morning, oommenoing at
10 o'clock, a. in.
Mrs. Dave McAtee and children re
turned from Montana this morcing,
Dbve stopped off at Spokane witb Coxey,
tbe Heppner raoe horse.
J. J. Roberts. Ras Muir, Sterling
Keithly and Mr. Jones are progressing
finely with the new mill flame. It will
be completed in tbe very nesr future.
Frank Laoy is back from Kansas City
He reports business qnite dull in the
East, everything apuearing to be at rest,
awaiting tbe outcome ot tbe November
Ben Swsggart was in from his ranch
this week, and seriously "under the
weather," too. He is aoffttiiug from
some affeotion ot tbe spina resembling
Dr. B. F. Venetian, tbe dentist, will
depart for Canyon City on 8ept. 7, to be
gone an IndeOuite period, inose de
siring work should call on bim before
that lime.
Your Worst Cneiny Writhing
With the rheumatism is an individual
whom, if yon have a Christian spirit, you
would forgive. He is, no matter what bis
delinquencies, punished enough. Noth
ing short ot Topbet oould enbanoe his
misery. Moreover, be is in serious peril
The disease is always prone to attack
his heart and kill bim instanter. As a
means of curing this disease, Hostetter'a
StomBob bitters has the highest reputa
tion and the most authoritative profess
ional sanction. Its use in tbe prelimi
nary stage of tbe oomplaint is tbe wisest
precautionary measure rbeumalio inva
lids oan possibly adopt. Tbe Bitters is
also a remedy of th greatest utility in
malarial and kidney trouble, dyspepsia
and liyer oomplaint, onnstipation and
nervousness, it counteracts tne eneots
ot hardship and exposure in damp or in-
dement weather, end is a capital pro
moter of appetite and sleep, Give this
fine lemedy the persistent trial to which
all medicines of standard reputation are
l-fr4' D!ll cure liver tils, easy to take,
flOOU S tr II IS easy to operate. 25 cents.
Peter F. Stenger Dead.
Peter F. Btenger, well and favorably
known in this state, 'and particularly in
Eastern Oregon, died on the 27th mst.,
at Burns, after a brief illness, of blood
poisoning. August 20, Mr. Stenger was
butchering a beef, and by accident cut
his finger witb the knife he wes using
Mr. Stenger had been a resident of what
is now Harney oonnty sinoe 1871, and
was always identified witb the interests
of this oountry, as a merchant aod as a
prominent stockman. He left two grown
daogblers and three small children, one
girl and two boys, of tender years. He
was a robust man, in the prime of life,
about 44 years of sge. He was buried
by tbe I. O. O. F. lodge at bis plaoe, of
which be was a prominent member.
To stockmen.
All penons are warned not to drive oi herd
any Muck upon tbe land of the undersigned,
o wit: ine can nan oi tne norm-west quarter
ot section 34 iu T 2 8 R26 E. Trespassers will be
prosecuted. B. E. H allocs.
virtue of a writ of execution issued ont of
the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the I
State of Oregon for Morrow County, under the
eal thereof, and to me directed and delivered
upon a decree rendered and entered in said
Court on the 6th day of March, 18, in favor ot
Frank Hagernian, Receiver of Lombard Invest
ment Company, as plaintitt, and against Henry
Wade, Nancy A. Wade, Frank McFatluud, D W.
Hornor, J. K, Simons, E. L. Bimons, trank
HaiiRburn and HurIi Fields, as defe"dants,
whereby the plaint ff did recover a Dersonal
decree against the defendants Henry Wade and
isancy A. wane tor the sum ot SiUi2.ua, with in
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num from the Gth day of Mann, 1st;; and the
costs and disbursements taxed at 127.70; and
whereby it was decreed that the nioityr.ee dated
on the 16th day of May, 1KSS, executed by Henry
wane and ancy A. wade to the Lombard In
vestment Company, and now held by the plain
tilt' upon the following described real property
iu Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The South
west quarter of Section No S in Township No. 2
South and Range No. 5S7 Kast of Willamette
meridian, excepting therefrom ten acres in
square form out of the southwest corner of said
quarter section, containing 150 acres, more or
less, which mortgage was recorded Jon the
3lBt day of May, 1888, at page 208 of Book -V" of
the Records of Mortgages in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow Countv, Oregon, should
be foreclosed, and the said reai property sold by
the Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, to satisfy
said judgment and all costs; therefore I will,
on Saturday, the 19th day of September, 1896, at
11 o'clock iu the forenoon of lhat day, at the
front door of the court houBe in the city of
Heppner, Oregon, sell all the right, title, inter
est and estate which the said defendants and all
persons claiming and to claim by, through or
under them, or any of them, had on the 16th
day of May, 1888, or since then have had, or now
have, in and to the above described real prop
erty, and every part thereof, at publio auction
to the higtient bidder for cash in hand, the pro
ceeds of such sale to be applied in sutibfaction
of said execution and all costs.
Dated this 14th day of August, 18fl6.
466-75. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
A Change.
From Puyallup Commerce.
Four years ago Ihe democratic party
was nposed to high prices. It fought
tbe McKtnley law, olaiming that meas
ure provided for high prices. Then it
was held high priovs were cot good for
tbe people.
Now that party stands pn a platform
biob promises to raise prices and re
gardless of everything it baa said or
done in tbe past, it appeals to tbe ooun
try to support it on this issue.
A signal failure having been made
witb the low prioe policy it seems to be
believed that the blgb prioe policy is
bound to be a soooess. But as tbs party
tailed with one so will it (ail with the
The loss produced bv one would be
repeated by tbe other if tbo people were
foolish enough to trust their sffiirs into
tbe bauds ot tbe pop-democratic party.
Ex perl meats.
From I'liyalup Commerce.
Tbe oiticdns of this country ire averse
to trying experiments. They ventured
iu ISO'2 and bava been sorry ever since,
Tbe "4 more years of olover" did not
oome. I hey do not tutend to loiiow any
rlll-ot-tbe wisp this year. Prosperity
aod plenty existed on every hand under
the Harrison admiuiatration. Tbe poll-
Catarrh Cannot Be Cared.
Witb looal applications, as tbey oannot
reach the seatof the disease. Catsrrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, end in
order to onre it you must take internal
remedies. Ha'l's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and acts direotly on tbe blood
and mucous snrfaoes. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is not a qnack medicine. It was
prescribed by one ot tbe best physicians
in this oountry for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It ia composed of tbe
best tonics known, combined witb tbe
best blood purifiers, aottng directly on
tbe mucous surfaces. The perfeot oom
binatioo of the two ingredients is wbst
produces such wonderful results in cur
ing oatarrb. Send for testimonials, tree,
F. J. Chenit t Co , Props.
Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by druggists, prioe 75 ceots.
rhorch Anaoaaeemeat
Tbere will be preaching in the opera
bonse Sunday, Sept. 6th, at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m., bv Elder J. W. Jenkins. He
will preach on tbe sobjoot, "Tbe Work
ing Churob" in the morning, and tbe
evening subject will be, "Is Remisslco
ot Bins, as set forth in the Gospel, Offer
ed to tbe Uooon verted Conditionally or
All not worsblpirg elsewhere are in
vited to attend, and all tbe members of
tbe congregation are urgently requested
to be present as a meeting ot the cborcb
s called after morning service to consid
er matters ot special iapnrtanoe.
Mrs. E. Carter, a tborongh onrse of pies ot tbe republican party accomplish
many years experience, Is now looated in
this oity. Anyone desiring tbe benefit
nl ber services oao secure sme by leav
ing orders at tbe borne of George Ship
ley. Dir.
D C Horrin, the grand lecturer of tbe
A O. U. W., talked to a fair audieoon at
ed Ibis result. What are Ihe people
offered now by Ibe Cbioago nomioeea
aod the platform prom lees. That was
what was offered io IW; none of tbem
have been realiid. Mere assertion
mere opinion ill not be subsli'aUJ for
tbe opera house fast night. Mr. Uerrio'i I (be solid, tried, late, and substantial
ooming waa not duly heralded owing to
Ihe non-arrival of a letter regarding tbe
Hon. Henry Blsokmao. enllsotor of I
internal revenue, is np from Portland to
visit bis family. He returned Just a
groond npon which Ibe repnblicao parly
asks tbo election of McKinlsy.
I was
fterir Oa tAg.
nsrvons, tired, Irritah'a
few days ago from a trip to Alaska and cross. Karl's Clover Root Ts baa made
has many interesting things to say lor me wall aod happy.
that country.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old
timer" in the lonsorial line, baa again
located to Heppner, having pniehaaed
Green Mathews' shop. Minor boildlng
opnosiU the city hotel. Charley will
appreciate a call beo lo town.
Italph Itenge is io today, after a alege
of threshing of anme eighteen days
Tbe raio of last week bae interfered
lib work la thai hoe tbM werk. Ibe
wheal rrop is better tbao anticipated
aod tbs barley crop la very mocb better
V.. O : Peter Rudio and wife have r
tqrord borne from their outing at IMig
i trek and MeDaffee snrtnis. Tby
were aeeompaniwt by Mae rtete lUdMi,
daughter of William llodio, of lxog
ISreek, who will rrnia bete during Ibe
winter and attend school.
E O s E I. Alloa teft Woodsy toleg
Mas. E. B. Wokpu.
For sale by Wells Warreo.
Is a Free Mae.
Malcolm Cborcb, wbo was setting 13
years io Ihe peolteoliary tot manslaogh
ter rommiited ia Oraot oouoty,
graoled a full perdu last Wedoeadsy
Churob was senteaoed sil years ago, bat
by Ihe Oommntatiflo of Governor Peoooy
er bis term would have expired Deeeos-
btr 1, lKid. His pardoo waa grant I ia
reoogaiitoo of faithful aed valuable eer
vines as assistant iginoer at tbe pui
Cborxb was formerly a reeileat
Heppoer and bore an iethol repots-
Una. lie baa maiy frieads bsre who
are glad Io koow Ibal be Is oars more
JoJge 8. A Lowell, of renJMoo, will
dolivor hi teettire no "4 Woman's No"
at Ihe M . E ohureh. H-mlh, o-it Wed.
ItM.fay ovouing ou ter lbs etiptora ( Ibe
W.O T. U. Ni elroiM'ia will be
rhar-t. though a e otnliii'ioa for tbe
ArmonUa tin t will be 1 fr, at lh
In of ihe mooting. Mr. low. 1 1 is oae
t Oregna'o nvwl forcible, Ingteal and
elrvjnont stwskot s and an one n aff "4
Io tniae title opportunity f ba"hf htm.
A eprtJ roi al pmgrsm will ali be
prrwtjtr d.
From all ermofits rheevborlate's
Coagti lnvdy te a Ondoood l lt.
effiioted. Thre te adverlioemoal
eteffit tb.s; we f-l nt lik say teg .
Th Iro -ct . Cffniiiio, Kr. Vt sale
by Coueof lUnek, dii;i-U.
The neHo b a J ImlfO
In either th. Englh,0miorrlal,MMirt
t4 of Ttlrgrspht dprtiit' of Ihe
H-ilm-e l!ainM ('.,tiv. of I'.ftl-hl.
f ete Ae tMtrleg U Uko a
lh"f"f H kisM inmtmr in a n !
awn i, ,..!,!! I ' lhtl tt b-f rg
itg Mow. It
. tl.a r.itt I h It baa bona IVMI to OB
dritttad thai be went le ItMlaed, B, G , I free maa
10 Ihe Interoat of O Porllaed So.liri
hiehdoaire to leveel to "me mining l Tks lit W
prop-itW. end lhat Mr. allee, wbote Oostfte.o. eoe more Ihto ball
quiie an eipetl Io thai line. ol the Ills of women. Karl s Oof It-o
ibe properiio for Ibe eyadieate. I T.a e pi. rnr f..r Gunstipatuo
"if i. tm..frroii. la m jw-fumeaf. r ore.le by Wells A Werrea.
trhrthtr th " II cmiirr rreritt
lmrlll from th rtn of nl I Mr I. Itlnwathsl bavlag disposed of
. . - i ..... . . ..
II hrthrr h d'f or am a of I am ytr i neriy all of Iwt yea's sioea aae goes
To Da
Given Away
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
1 1 SBtaasd i ill
mt a saa O
You will find one coupon In
side each 2-ouuce bag, and two 2
counons inside each d-nanca 9
ThO Best I bag. Buy a bae. read the couoon S
SmoklngTobaCCoMade I and see how to get your share. 9
I and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
tne l ounty ot Morrow, on June Hi, 18. and to
me directed and del'vered, upon a Judgment
renaerea ana enterea in sain courc on uieitn
day of May, 18, in favor of Henry Pad berg,
I'lalntlll, and Against H. D. Whitman. II Whit
man and J H. Moran. Defendants, for the sum
of I wo Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest
tnereon from saia 4th day ot May, 1KW, at the
rate of ten per cent per annum and Twenty
'ive Dollars attorneys fees and the costs and
accruli g costs; and. wherea , by said judgment
it was ordered and adjndg d that the following
real property, to-wit; the Northwest quarter ot
Section Thirteen (13) in Township Two (2)
South of Hange Twenty Three (t) Knit W. M
be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs. 1 will, on
Saturday, 19th day ot September, I89S,
at II o'clock A, M., of said day, at the front door
of the court house In Heppner, Morrow Comity,
Oregon, sell tne rignt, title and Interest ol said
efendants H. D. Whitman. H. Whitman and J.
H. Moran In and to the above described o on-
erty at Public Auction to the highest and best
bidder lorcasn in hand, tne proceeds to heap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's fee and all costs and costs that may
icrue. K u MAIUK'K,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of Aug. 18U6. 4118-77.
uk. AH Around?
ED. R.
lias bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
www i
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call nnd Bee the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
When Tkey Met
McKlnlev Pill, with Napoleon era.
Hya "llrran Ut s drink Minis Unwnocl Rye;
sa inrai aa inotios, my rna ara irw
I hcipa lhay dun t, it ear arlan Hora I ,"
And llrran an vs. In a )mIii maiiner.
I wn.idrll Uiat awhat sllia matter ulth llaiina
Thai's lioraa and horao, you lunny feller
When I an my wile I am hound lo teller."
Than lhay gravely boa ad, and tliry winked an
And thry drank anme more gn4 Unworn! Rya.
Hold only at Ibe IWlvadcre Haloon. E.
0. Hoerry, I'rop.
Wm. (lordno has at bis stable luat
below Ihe f iatette rfflce, a very naat aod
nicely Oolshsd ladies' saddle, of Eastern
manufaetare, fur sale lor cash at a low
figure. Tbe saddle hae lioen ridden
very little end ia praotleallv aa good aa
new. Aayotie rtealring annli a sad-Ilo
a boo Id fall and oiamine same U-fire II
ia loo late. If.
of Oregon lor Morrow County,
The North rn Counties
Iuvestm lit Trust, Lim
ited, a Corporation,
Cecelia Taylor, B. 8. King,
N. B. McHee and J. C.
Thomson. Defendants.
To Cecelia Taylor. 8. 8. King and N. B, McBee,
three ol the above named duleiidants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled scainst you In the aliove entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of the above entitled court, vis:
The 7th Day ol September, 1800,
and you will take notice that If you fall to
annwernr otherwlae appear III aaid court on or
lieture tne saunin nay oi ncptemncr. ii, inn
plalntlfl above named, for want thereof, will
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
pmyed tor In the complaint tiled III tills suit,
to-wlt: For personal decree against the defen
dant, Cecelia Taylor, foi the sum of 71;M.'i with
Interest thereon at Ilia rate of S i-r cent, per
annum fnon Ilia ith day of June, I", and Ilia
coata and dl.biiraeineiila of said suit; that the
court shall deerea lhat Ihe mortgage eseeuted
by lb aald Cecelia Taylor to Ihe Ixituhard lu.
vestment t'omiiauy, dated theMti, day of Novum
ler, ikmh, upon iha following deM-rlbed real
liroierly In Morrow County, Oregon, to wit
The Mouth half of Northeast ouarter ami North
rut quarter of Norlheast quarter (enreiit ten
ai re. In a Hiiare form in Northea.t corner
thereof) and Noutheaat uuarier of Northwest
tmarterof 8.Tti-in 1en, In lowu.hlti One North
of lUnga Tweuly-Ava Kaat, of Ilia Wlllamelta
meridian, which anlil mortvaae waa r-orliN
on the l.'.th dat of November, lias. In II.Mik
on ea II, I.'. IS and II. of Iha Kpeord.nf
moriirsKe in ilia omi-a ol Iha Cmmly I lets ol
Morrow Coniitt. Oregon, shall lie foref-losed
I ihe aald real proiieny aoid and Ihe proceeds
of sui-h .ale to b applleil In Ihe fiayment Ut
hiainiin ol ihe a'mva ii.mm smna ol money;
thai all of Ilia ileieudaiila ami all peraoii.e lalm
log Ihrouvh or under them, or any ol litem
shall tie forever barred and forei-ioae of al
rliihl line. eaUle, lutere.1 and hen al law and
In equity, and all eiiily of o-dernpttMn, In and
In, and upon ver i .tt of said real proivrtf
1 III. Siiitiiiii.ii. is pulill.lird fiiii.naiil In an
order III M nil eteliheu A. Iiwell, Judg o lh
alM,ve entitle court, made alehamtier., I'emlle
Ion, I mallll (ountj, tiregon, on Ihe SUhday
ol July, ir. m.i.i i.vu.
ifc niwiiiir! iMiiiiiiii
Gilliam & Bisbee t
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
we are not ttis Largest rierciianls in me Worm !
. . . But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need ot a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwtre,
Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, Pipe Kittlngs, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Saws, Bledges,
Wedges, Uuni, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Oran
Itcware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash BoiUers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zino, etc., etc.,
Time will not be allowe.1 anyone after
Jnly 1st. all persons failieg io pay ly
Ihe fib Of earh innota hart after will be
eat off.
Hsn-Fra Mont k WaTta Co.
Now le Ihe time In gt lbs Weekly
O'pgoeian, Iha grea'oal aespapof of
Ihe VYeol. Milk Ilia t).s'o,b.lb etnet
ly la adame,nee yoar, -l Sa. No hotter
eombleetion uf aespsre eaa lie made
la Ibe slate. Iteatdae we will give aa a
premium aa additional Journal. tie Wab
fnol llantef, aa agrxnllcral pep.
Come la now and anhaerlh.
BiiF.ntrrx SAl.K.
frt wmil
li e foim J. Iirft
rrrafcif lies trhm (h
an.fr r rsiai.teroft.
HO !lteawtetbelw.m'hs olddeh
lr ol froeviti Hprnwle. Iitlng uar iMio,
Waah , dio.1 Maitirdsy afioranoa a4 was
l.nr-.d hnoday aftereooe, Oe lhe iHtfi
of Jvaa Mr Horewala tat a IJyaaroll
4aufibtor. et.d oej Jalf htm wiie by
Walt. Th 'r.oa rts slaga towo
Ht rer ae.d SI lSfiHK ', M'il g'V
da as V "! ' I - ' o y
daf o s ea t-1 if !. H, , lt an I
t r ! In tb ifcifrivf,
f.fttk, e.aa s-
trlrart from spoor o
ff rata in th llimm t,f tUp
H i. f'l. rue
Kaat lo bey and alot torsos al'y a
rbotee line of dry aed feretabiag gmde.
eMb'fg. bats, abooa, ete. Mara lilf
aed Ki-lmaa are In ebarge of ibe li- aw.e
Cab hlore with Imtirttrlioee In sell
g. o.1a el rteoe la eail Ibe limoe, at, J
e lially Uvite the paUlu le espal I'-o
taw ao! ol elyltab '-ls arntu g da.ly
and eaatliMk haaw4e thai It.ie aow
aho-k e ill be euld al P'We to 4f y ra.
"It U (mmnlrrtnl, in 11 1jmnt,
irkfiKsr th eAorji frosroo ri-n- ass
(oaef frvm Iht rf or aof
U'htlhrr h dt ttr dure not I am far
frt woof"-tttrnfl fnm -or n
WiUutm J. fryrta in th It, as uf lup
rtmrntatli fi aeiVaa Ikm Wi!nn bill kroi
aawter ewfcoeiow.
IV and by vlrlua of an ater-titton leaned out
nl Ihe rlrrnll r..nr o a alala ol ir.-..n,
Iha I'oonlf ol Motrow. and In tea rtlf.-ele-l and
delivered, tetn a llldgmenl reiidet-e.1 and
lerel In aaldaiHirl on lit ud darof Marrh, lw.
In la rnr ol C. A lihes, J I., Morrow A eon ij
W Morr.ial, Henry Hlartmau, He rl'ld
II. W . aaart.rt, Ihoa ij-i.l I f H Wiie.ni. W to
l-enland, J. I Khe. T. A. filie. (HI. I ailer,n
and T. W, Ayeea, I'lalolin. ami as. In. I tna
ralar Hotel I omfainv nt Hef-tmar, iNeton
lieleielanl. of l,e auia of ten 1iniiatid lol
laie a UN Inleeeai tlwmis it the me of t p
rei. l keraiiimin from Angnal ;nd l'lti-l lei
Imlla'a eie: aod. a h.ima. ha aald Indg-wenl
II waa oi-i.tl an l ayiji'l(1 llial Iha .,ll..w
mt ernhe real ff-l-'ir. mail I otnmene
liitf al Iha IVHilhweal r.roef ol li ha Ols (ai
In IU"k So r.if ninl ma (inaioal Town
llaf-i.net I onntv ol Hmeis, aiat of ifrrf.i
lh,ivrul m. hnnre. and ten llli ieei.
o.e-e stiflSMilt iil heor Rm iim
b'lninM and ln III"! Iet. ibenrs iv, mi, i,i
(Mil lo blare Ol t-fl Ol, I n ba a-. 1. 1 In Mile
It mm )dgn,i,l, cia and - ruing e.u.
III. on Ilia
Tftlrg Day el October, ISM,
al JorU f. If ,ri a.' I 4m t at IN ftnnt d"n
if$ IKfoeill kfi-i. In lll o.ef. atofmo I miulf
tr-.n ml il in l.l. Illla .'.-I InleMI ,4
IhesaM 1 l-e l. .e 11,.1 I ..mj-.nr In and In
bi lh. MH-t and MS M'l-fef 1' ea-b In hand
Hi. serial In la ai ll1 la !, ai I.', Ilr.a ol
Ml I ao-l a.l r. ad .. ie.i mat
s. I. StlM I.
alpee!'! S.iim. i oni, inegon,
ImM 4 tt,4, . t'l !,
. - bain mm.
rt.all.. Meralt Ills CSD el alll SIKiB KS '
fall suJ maaiag evr.
Be Sara T ara R ial
Aa l ll.o ge eUel. If ymr 1.1 4 le
Imt ere, yoef e palite failing, loaf e vw
oli, fo may be iffe lhal llmed's Sal
at aUUb efcel aJ Sd. Tbo lake
aa Uiiijte. leaiH apna llot-t's aed
obly Il.i-l'e. Tbie le Ibe ta.lteiae
.k vb I aa ll.a la'ce.l eeUai la Ibe Wfl l
II . -t a rlaearl;la e Ibe Oae Tf i
i d ri"ft 1
Tk I) rtk rare
Is ftlillob's tare. A aagbeel etli
te dsneamea. ftoa it el
hhilok s Cere, I of Sale by
VI arrow.
Moils A
Warmer waMba bae eeers4e.l Ibe
eooter sill of Ibe B'at ef Ibe wt, Tbe
reooal ret a bare d- a raa4 daaj of
gj aed U le to be tvted Ibal I boy aid
Are toe wane
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices.
We have Ooon floods at Pais frlcct, and Cheap fohn Goods al Chep John Prices,
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Gkockkiks, Gknts Furnishing Goods.
Stockmens Suituks, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade!
He will make it so oljVct for you to trade witb
hi in aa Lin pricr-s ara right, and all goods that be
handles aro of the very beat.
Stoki: on Main Strket, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
rioppiHir, Oregon.
Iw i a'fi linn at rnstiii
tlWI 4ala fv-rt I oil, u
I. W -lir, al
. a.
a t
loaa. nn-1a.t
MltTN lla
o H.nrMW,
foe via.
eooowd rlaoo, will ra le eoneoett m elib ?'l " "
Hm Lal'-a refine, Ibe same ae tfce I re-K.'t ba w
1 1
Iiraia. M.l..O.Ii4X..l.!liHfH OPPflPVIWR f. Pllft!
tl a, B .a tn l M l . n . .
MIS I..., 4.-l aal
fore. A Ibroagli t elaae alawpaf 'oi ; u. .si k (.. SM t- ,i..i
land to p. ..aa. v.eaor4,a wHb Ibe ,"Z"Vt',H " - "
Brateleoe eloopa to m. Ial, a4 a; A'-." 4 "H
Ihrongti toartet sloepof rnfUaad to HI sa J.atea lt.l.,
Teal, will saa la -eoHioa eiib Ibei - -
(el Notbfe railway. If Hgtict Of InttntiQ.
Vtt' f I b-aa flea ba (ba Me'e4
1 V aa Soon a.
. f.Mn'ia
l. r fi.aa O..I
IAt f.yrt' a at I .ai.
H I. (, at.a la !..
tM lA.i,, .,eH a,,.. Pa S
al ait i.i.ki -m v. a . . a . .1 . w..
a -a.a aa4 IkM aai-t l. ba avt. I
M 04 a.4 a. iu a" .T : . " 1' " . ! : '
r .A aeaal a.a,. a... l ' - a --w . e- .
) aa ae 1,, a4 t.aai.-l -4 ai MJ f iuki Mild II ll It
j 4..a a 1 aa-a-a .'-a a.ai St f lea a, ta . af a iM IIuisl
- - . ' - 1,1" ae M M
Vouro HOUND to Take 9Km.
Leaves No Constipation, ta
t'qras It. ee well ae alt IliibnoobaaMi, Hub !fadnbe aal Malaria. The eal ?
t wroaf tat a fill la Iha wnttd. K-il I by ml rrnealS eaol by mall
t t of r'fo, r eobu tot 1-1 1 nr. mi utincnL txi ,
Ha a rraaeto4in. Cel.
aa 1 in. aaaaaanaaaamaaMaaaaaaa-aaaaasiaaaaaMasajaaa
Tun Lancashire Insurance Co.
1 w ND7I.5ilN. IChT. ese Jlae. Iteaeat lea la Vr lt
- - Are toe Baaa ! M 4 ...a. . -i-M kwi in a4 , a a , , r r , a a a s u
III l 11' I , . . M ikk ....... I,, - a I.. - 1... , . 1 , . ,, ............ ..a....... , - , . .,
m , . h .to t elate. r..ire. ... - o. - ... -...-....-.,.,,,,,,.,.,, f I'll I I III I II h II P Un tf r fhitTt nt hf
, iSio rM' 7 Visits eie. i p t ea,,,f Mf.-vt , , ,n f He., I'M 'llllisl VJaACllU WlllCU