The deficit of , the present ad ministration already amounts to $400,000,000. Captain Jack Cbawfobd, "the poet scout," was killed while miDing a few days ago np in Kit titas county, Wash. RepiilGan TlcKet. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, 0 New Jersey. For Presidential Elector), T. T. GEER, of Marlon County, S. M. YOB AN, of Lane, . E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. St Paul is looking after the Grand Army this week, while its neighbor and rival, Minneapolis, i fSh is eoienaiDiug me oupreme jjoage of Knights of Pythiap. The Ontario News says, "Hurrah for Bryan and Bewail 1" Doesn't the News know that Mr. Sewall has been sacrificed in order that a combine could be effected? "TELL THE TRUTH? The Treasury Department, with Hon. John G. Carlisle at its head, has sent out a circular, from which the East Oregonian quotes the em following, word for word: "Standard silver dollars are not The national democrats will cut a larger figure than was anticipat ed. Their candidates will secure as many votes as the popocrat tick et in many states and will result in McKinley carrying some South ern states, Louisana being one of Bottled Bp! Whether in the form of pill powder or liquid, the doctor's prescription fot blood diseases is always the same- mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up in the system, but they also dry np the marrow in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while essness prema- BUi MELONS BKOITGGT f P. U. W. Bailey Has Ttem oil Exhibition at Deniott'i Store ' From the E. O. D. W. Bailey bus corns op from bis Umatilla irrigated traot with some watermelons which will rusks every oolored man io the city dream of heaven after seeing them. Tbey are on exhib: tion at George B. Demott'a grocery store. One weighs 44 pounds and the other 42 making an aggregate of 86 pounds of melon. These melons Mr. Bailey can turely take possession of the body, and duplicate maoy times over, as he bes it is Dut a snort step to a pair ol hundreds on bis land near Umatilla. SrJSTj. d " W ubts it. Mr. Bailey will dition truly horrible. gladly sot as an escort down to the fruit " .. I . Contagious Blood ranch and show him the demonstration Poison the curse Mr. B'iley has 3000 aores of land under ot mankind is the WBttr, and already baa 100 acres in crop, most horrible of all ' diseases, and has al- Un ,Ll" he haa rH,8ed tblB year corD' ways baffled the potatoes, ailalta and melons, and lie nas doctors. Their pot- 30 acres of fruit trees, asn ana mercury r ; iv,, ra;io tv,ot 1 : . " V"WUU ...... UUUIC UULUCUU1WU, . . , , , I hut i iwhai,c the Dalles Cbrocicle speaks in the fol forth again attack- lowing terms: ing some delicate '-Old residents of Umatilla and those organ, frequently wbo freqaenUy travel on tb9 road throat, filling them witn eating sores. S.S.S., is the only known cure for this rliQpflce. Tt 1 crnar. anteed purely vege-1 emerB' BPot wbicb resolves itself on WPOTASHl gHCUT PRICE SALE! through that country speak of s new oasis in that desert region. In a sage brush alkali plain, for years unrelieved by any green thing, has sprang en John P. Irish, the erstwhile table, and one thousand dollars reward is closer ineprotion iuto fine rows of rota offered for proof to the contrary. It to plants, waving wheat, tasseled corn, never laus to cure and stretches of land dotted over with ------- - - i - . . . -- . . i rTiiann . .irrnm in. rj-r" 1 1 1 niiruiMHLiMii. i ATCnnnrrparilA for TTnitPrl Rtatpa democrat, thinks that Washington, Cance, or anv other disease of the the luscious watermelon. The change . . v i l California. Oregon and. perhaps, blood. If you have a blood disease, shows the wonderful metamorphosis notes t, green uuc&; iiur ireauury - . - notes. They may be deposited and silver certificates taken ont therefor. They are not redeem able in anything." Those who contend that there is gold behind the silver dollar should certainly give credit to such information from such a source and cease making incorrect statements concerning the basis of silver dollars. There are several republican editors in Oregon guilty of cir culating these false statements. They should read the Treasury De partment circular. This is sap posed to be a campaign of educa tion, and not a campaign of mis statement and deception. Tell the truth and leave the rest to the people is a good motto for all "ed ucators," and the press as well, to follow. No matter how the people decide the question at the polls in Novem ber, the East Oregonian will be content, as it believes in their ver dicts and that they are capable ot self-government Having this con fidence in the people the East Or egonian believes it is entitled to be considered a democratio paper struggling to bring about better conditions, better times and better men. Hast Oregouian. The East Oregonian quotes Mr. Carlisle correctly, but really the statement is only technically cor rect, and the Kast Oregonian is guilty of doing just what it com plains of in others. These highly moral sheets should at all times preserve their stand for "honest" political tactics, else tbey might fail to imprest the public with the juBtnwa of their cause. Hilrcr is exchangeable for silver certificates and according to the IMand-Allison act, which was pur. poaely never repealed by either the Khcrman act or the legislation of lH'.lil, Ihosa certificates are receiv able at the custom houses. Any importer would just aa soon have ilver certi fie Ales as treasury notes hicU are redeemable (n coin and thus daily this exchange i bfttng male and gold is drawn out While the law is plain enough its provis ions only serve to protoct (be treas ury directly, Dot indirectly. It is well to go deeper than the ekia to reach the seat of a "bile." Nevada will go against Bryan. Perhaps this is all trne but it is best to be conservative in these claims. If McKinley carries California and Oregon he will be doing excellent- take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don t qo violence to your system. Don't get bottled up ! Our books sent lree to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua. Vermont has gone republican by more than 35,000 majority. Returns from 235 towns out of 245 in the state for governor give strong jawed crustaceans. The Crawfish Induntry. There are some half-dozen persons liv ing along Willamette slough and in that vloinity wbo make a living by oatobing crawfish. One of these, an old man, no longer fitted for hard labor, was in the oity yesterday with several boxes of the He says be Grout, republican, 52,751; Jackbon, fi9QeB witb liftnotsi and traps of the same democrat, 14,450. If this is a fore runner of what is to come in Nov. the matter is as good as settled now. Congressman IIaktman, of Mon tana, refuses to accept the nom ination for congress as a democrat, because he says that he is arepub- will soon be filled witb spawn, and then nature as lobster traps. He has oaught 60,000 crawfish within a radius of a mile, but says they are getting scaroe, and he intends to move op Vancouver way. He baa an ides tbat the orawfish live on mad. Tbey will eat fish, salmon offal or meat when fresh, but will not touoh it after it has been too long in the water. He says mediam-sizfld orawfish are the best, as the large ones are too old. The crawfish which water will produoe. The land is the richest in the world under irrigation, and tbe company which baa taken bold of it deserves great crtdit for investing money in a way tbat will give employ meet to others and add, however little, to the natural wealth of the country. Tbe most fashionable investment of late years is in stocks or bonds, nnd it gives us real pleasure to chronicle en undertaking where a company really in vested money in the natural resonroes of a country. There is great possibilities in store for wbat is koown as tlv. 'Great American Desert.' " A Great German' Prescription. Diseased blood, constipation, and kid ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by Wells & Warren. lican and proposes to work for ail ver within the lines of the repub lican party, np in his state, lie will vote for protection whenever the opportunity presents. are much sought after by epicures. A few years ago a crawfish bad never been seen in tbe market here. Now tbey are sold in several places in large quantities, and are served in all tbe principal res- Itaorants and oyster-housns, and many places make a specialty of them. Cook ed in salt and water tbey are good, but when cooked in wine, with a liberal al lowanos ot mixed suices, tbey are mnob , better. Oteijooiao. Armenians are being slaughter ed by thousands in Turkey. How long will this scab on tbe fair face of the Goddess of civilization re main to diBgrace the annals of the In a reoant letter to the maoofiictnr 10th rnntnrv! 'Tm timA Itin 1 era Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of the nowera were ioined torether in the 8P"oUtor' Koshford, Y.. iaya: "It , i, , i i may ba a pleasure to yon to know tbe commendable task of dismember- ., . , . ... . ...:.. UfU rniTlU 1U nuiuu uunuiucuniu medicines are held by lbs peepla of your own state, where they must b best known. An knot ot mine, who re sides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving boms wrote me, ankiug if tbey era sold bere, staling if they were Dot she would bring a quantity with bcr, aa she did nut like to be without them." Tbe medicines referred to are Cbaailw. Iain's Couiib lU-inedy, famous for lis cures of eolds and cronp; Chamberlain's Tain Halm for rbontnaliim, lame back, pains io lbs sld and rbest, and Cham berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keroody fur bowel complaints. These medicines have been to constant nss in Iowa for altnoat a quarter ot a century. Tbs propU have learned tbal tbey ar artli Irs ol f ral worth and merit, and oorqaaled by any other. Tbey ars (or sals ters by Conser k Brock, druggists. For Half Dollars Shoved Our Way Wc PoKe BacK to You Dollar Values. This can be Devimstrated io you if you give us the Opportunity. nv If e are. Pushing Our Croc wiw i nwaro 'TO TIII PROKT ! It's going fast and the assortment will soon be broken. We have about 75 pairs ot 10 4 Blankets that we are letting go for from 60 to 75 oenta a pair. These blaDkets are made ot fine soft material and make an excellent bed blanket. We've some excellent values in this line. We have a limited quantity of our men's calf onngrees shoes for 96 oents a rair; also ladies' Dongola Oxfords at 95 ceuts; same as Bbove in high top bntton, $1.25. Our 20th Century Dongola button at $1,40 is a stunner. Don't foil to examine it whether you want to purchase or not. ress Goods Stock Complete We are giving as close, if not closer prices than any house either in California or or Oregon. Why we are selling goods tbis way is because we want money. If you want goods bring on your silver and get gold values according to the Gold Bugs theory. WIIrlDS S& SIiOCUM. t ing the Ottoman Umpire. The national democratio conven tion, wbicb is in session at Indian apolis, is the moat representative body of men that ever met in a like session in this country. Ex- Governor Flower was chosen tem porary chairman and in bis address severely arraigned Dryan whom he characterized aa no democrat. Tm (iazetU has a juvenile pt bi rr ho often makes us say turn wonderful things, and if the proof reader U tiot extremely vigilant, tbea "gems of thought" go oat to the wotld just m the youngster builded them. Io last iasus so editorial paragraph read, "Sum ming tip the issue of this cam paign, on on sida are amtngrtl, te." "Arfsjed" m tin word in tndfrL Other palpable rrrurt ap ar io the same articla. The you eg maa afurraaid has tQ pruttiiao la varatio of t etk oo the l l ila trnlcM greater ear U t lerriaM io Lis I raorb of tba tjpogisphira! df artmrbl ('an proved to b a big dra. log far I io Cuhmbua, Ohio, the aoJiooc tum!ring fully 3fl,UXX IblabtUbts aay that no otbr at tr artioa Im aver drawn so stiocj ly la (Uatnbaa, ir t a display of fire wmki is toartuo with IL tU fair oa tha satna ground taoyrar ajjs ulea i) r fnt mora t.pi wrglbrl III Tnc editor of the Waitaburg Timea, (X W. Wheeler, baa been suod for libel, the damage desired amounting to 115,00a The Ga zette hopes it will never get into a similar scrape for it desire to dis appoint no one. Any country edi tor (hatha 15 cents, all hi own, these time is lucky individual t i llox. W. P. Keadt, speaker of tbe lower house of the Oregon leg. ialatureio 1803, ha declared for free silver, and predict that the stt will give Bryan 10,000 ma jority at least. Mr. Keady'a interest to silver mine should not make him over sanguine, Tb chance are that Oregon will go for McKinley. Till national democratio conven tion at Indianapolis nominated, on yeaUrday, itoo. John M. I'almer, 17. H. senator ffora Illinois, for president, and General Iluckner, of Kentucky, for vie president Nearly on thouaaud delegate, representing fot ty-on stW, wers io attendant and a great deal of enthuaiaam wa tnanifeaUvL Wontilpila FalM iinW. Senator Caffery, of Louisiana, was ebiMMO permanent chairman of lbs In dianaMilis euotantion. Tbs introduc tion of bis address is as Mlows: "Charged by oar party witb tbs foro tmu of mioiaterin Io its tempi of faith aud Uachlug lbs people it true dm-trlue. oar trits ba dreeorated lb altar, broken iU shrine, and taught false d. Irloes Io lbs peopl. W Dow enter the aooloary of tbs templs and take pe- sesdoa of lb ark ol lbs (mveosol 0t our fsilb wbleb we will hereafter vigilantly oard, fmlecl and defenL Wa will parity Its sacred altars and lebuild Its bruktu shriBS aaJ, lrt tbe hearts ol lb people be t ilea awty fftn lb Irus demooratifl faith, lb lallh (it oar father aid foaS'Ura, w moat separat from our brethren wha bat wrought IM sil and (mm th who ttav f.dlaw I their vtl leaebing. NV eno"t f !!- Ibm is lb at Ibey ba taken fr Ibrir feel r awifl ! 4oiradUta and Ihetr way I lb wajrtf dealn." Walts for the New Lock. Captain W. L. Fink, United States eo gmeer, has completed arrangement witb Messrs. J. Q. and I. N. Day fo building the lock walls, for the new lock in the canal at the casoales, between wbit was intended to bi tbe upper-lock gate and the upper-idinrd gate, and wor will be commeuced forthwith. Th wall on the north side ot tbe new loc will bn a fjot Irgher than the highest stage of water at whioh boati were sbl to rearh the lock during the late rise o the river. The wull on the south tide will be only 12 fet high for tbe present It is hoped tbat the look will be complet ed and the oaual be ready for opening to Iralllo by the middle of October, but this will depend to a large extent upou whether the weather is favorable or nut. Mi-ears. Day have Contracted with the Star Huod Company, of this city, to dredge the channel at the tipper en trance of the oanal. Tbo late Wood bus depoHited a bank ol sand just shovs tbe anper eud of the canal, which projects out and set tbe current awny from tbe entrance, to that it wool 1 be a'moet im poanible for a Unit coming down stream to stem tbe current and g t into tbe canal. It will b necessary io ordr to make a straight channel to dredge through this sandbank a dintaoc of some :VO cr 4 feet and to cut IT the point, DecesKitatiog tbs removal of soni 25 000 or :W(X enbio yards of sand Tbisrao prolmbly be completed by tb Inn lh walls ol tb new look ars cum plcted. an I the lower eolrancs can b cleared by that tint", and then the canal snd locks will b an acoimp!isbeI f t and tbe eummcri- of lb t'olumhia val ey will begin to pa- through it. Th bydraulid nmrhinery for operating IL locka I In thorough working order, and move th ponderous valves witb th utmost rae. Oregoulao. THE BANK OF FRANCE. TftE report that Wejlcr wrap rl a young Atuerieao io th American flag and t urordbim to death, down io Cuba, i rt.bably netru but if it bald prov to l fact that such a Lrrtb! atnxv ity aa i4rplratHl th Hpanish should I drubbed till they ui- rauder and then trate a they hav tirale-l their priiera, CuU will jet U ftA ltrrev I IJ!II via ttepa et I e V NUe tA. rr"M 44roMl teilia rJlek a at Urn a4 mMf if umf ii,i rt. ry A Dlacuaalon That Will Arlne on the Ques tion of Heuewlng tbe Charter. The subject of renewing the priv ileges of the Hunk of France will short ly come up for discussion in the cham ber, after having been in abeyance Bince 1802, w hen the senate approved a bill for the purpose. That bill, eays the Edinburgh Scots- mun, hns not since rx-on niouinea, ana the provisions included in it will, it is thought, be adopted without material alW-ration. Oue ot them, which was to empower tb bank to increase its note iwue from 3,5O0,C00,000f. to 4,- 000,0(.'0,ooof., was pniwrd as far back as 1893. The charter expires on De cember 31, 1HU5, and the proponaJ la to extend it for a further period of 20 years from that date, in consideration of the batik making certain concessions to the tate. Among these collections la one by which the bank Is to forego nil future IliU-reat. on the government debt. amounting to, aim not to demand repayment of the capital ao long na Uic charter Is in force, lhe bank is to undertake th" service of the national debt nnd transact other buai iie for the treasury, both at the head ofliee and liranelie, free of charge, and make an annual iwyment to the lutter of 2.0oo,o(Mf. during the first year of tbe currency of the new charter, and 2KCii()f. wr annum surmrquent- ly. It U to epe-n several new brauelies. and make u!vai:ec to agricultural co operative aoeiet . It is not improbable that an enort will le made to convert U bank Into state lntitutmn. but ueh project dties not ci.ininuiid support either In financial or ministerial circle, and I nut In tbe leuet degree likely to meet with sueerea. THE ISLAND CONTINENT. .4GL1SHB(JSINES PORTLAND OREGON P gv ,7c Sga TTT-l Full English Course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. B0A8DING DEFARVnENT-LAilES t: 73 mm Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All tbeae can be procured at Thompson A- Dinna, Iower Main Street, lleppnpr, Oregon. The renllrmro ire well neqiulnliM llh Omni, lUrne. Cronk, OI'IIib snd other counties, ttul cn Mtt money and II in In mtkliif thcx (vUuni Kith trarelliif men. frleet In keeplnt Mb the time. THOM PSON & Sick poison ts a poieon hicb tnVe yon Sick. II corues frr.m tbsstunib Tb stomal b make it oat nt nodiKesttd loot. Tb blood gel it and taints lb whole bodevtthit. That's lb aayot II. Tb wsj to be rlJ tf tt is Io look after your digestion. If yuur f.Md is all properly, Iher ejill he botbing left la tbs slomsch to nmk tick xOMin out of. It your stutnecb Is Uxi k Io e Io Ibis rerly by it. '.f. telo Halia Hb a few do.s tf Shkkrr lhalefttv C rdial. That's th f nr i f tt. hbeker I' lfenlite Crdial to Jelicioo. be.iihful. orli, fi a.Utf par Dinlicitisl pi ante, bert and viae. It pt!iTely rare lndirftti'o and f re Trtil It, f..fmKo of lck-pl-n. At drtfk-lals. Trial bull! 10 Cent. M ai Ayer i ik wtds r.r Ayet' MfiMill snjoys th tlr dtnary 4MHe4ua of harm te lhe 4It blood i ntifler all.e. aa eibibtt al lb WirflT fair, fbieesv Msaafecliiret of atber rprilU .ihl 1$ ty Ksl0bllaasbip rflbir gKxU,tHiftt fnm lh fan ie m4 bal the f all larael ! atxler II', II htlkrr k .( e - act am f, r l(rli. of IU rl f.-fbtdJi" lb re icxJ.- rfr. f r.e ;. t,f entry of paletil aedie.e WJ anetfiol. art tleter le Is snre eur f..r llilrb siil B--f'ns ! .It in fellete rt ijOukly. ! by n ells A arre. 'f it immnltrtul, in twy jiLjmtnl, wkrlKrr th ttrtft yrrrre rreKre s Tb dlWa of lb World fair satb. tilie la ts .! Ayf' HrtpHlla In lft a f.ll; "Ay? Htp fill I ol a fateal e.lilii. Il tl bmiimt u Ine ..l uf aMlfSHi. tt M bet oa tt ateeil.' H , ,'l.iw J. Iry-ia i th ll. tf tiff recnf-ifurf tht It iV hilt wn f U iei-ifeH.if. in r Jmitjmtnt, ttfttlKrf IA tkrp grtr rn-eire an f r.. o 1 1 o f n tuie. f aa I tar (of th A O, U. m , a l e It. II 4-1 W t. n Tn lr - U i-i i lll i M nJy eia". k.. r r.M i km l.if-i .! ... ' i. n i i that lha tv-rfM'e. VrtTeV 1 1 '"u7l1M i,fwM..M, W M i Autralta Is Ue lnnm Threat AU lb Beeeeee. "There m iMithlntf ." we are told "that n.t jiiilii ll.c etra(r i.lmir Au I stralia for the flmt time so much the variety an t Uouty of It flower. Au Mraila U. InUi-ed, a lat.d of floral Itwrll- nm, and rmwber baa nature been limr kUh lit ber jrifte of bM ami 1.1uw..iii tluti In New Kouth Vsli-a.Tbe ltlMDe Is an rtidke uxrMii of ur'tir; U auty, 'lb-re la a plethora ri cotr in trie f.merm that ctrtjwhc re Bieel the p9tr 'I h-j re not plneril here and there only, to "he one lhe lnipre.on .f limit: thry nrr moutitaiti and l!ey In all kwte of f.irtna iil lad- if Iwauiy.'rrs. In ri.h trima u Idrr- 1 ith rtery pnlor.are multj-li'l l y ti-u.ioii and rtUn l with a ptnli fl lh.l ttiet krwreis tw!it lr U-und, cte that of Inflnilude Iterlf. until rery nhrnh and -Utt. ntv tnih, r'td In .. ...Jk.r, nuiliee tbe rffliutlj . with t-lue i I f.l I ael nny n4orl djr. Tt.e poft'rti rtiUttu fof the Autr ban fl .ml kiiirl"tM In lrlly la ! erliml anywhere. AatutMT the fstiwite llitf flnwnr I lhe kU'rlv warstah. nr t 'i Inliis It ta rHiRHiittie in r rrr tlr dr if-., Il frows Io ll He e "it of foir -r fie feet, the Stehitrf lem lii-8; tiirttMmtsUd i f a nrf !'', t.. floier of lhe ileiit ,,,..(.!,. f.,mr-l-tie frw n a fifUn fl rrf. hil Itiriiee IN Ue - Tbe lite r"e, wlii a 0 til . . H -,. - in i' I We' . 1 1 tie forle rr'-. .w. iflt 4rrilifut. th l-l"ti l fuSI n I Imtrel. hl flV-tfl' el ditil Snd fftn rhsriof aldiUul to an Aiitlrv! l t-U('iel. T1( r. l !v. r-f wbieb a lwM.fil lrltnn. In l. I ld In !, wis llJr 1 1 la ISe own, l i eltl f r-m IU 1-,rf p. t tin-laAt in V MuMll, h t tie Ii uw f lit! n -ili l,l M inrni r-.l o'! N .!..: re 1 rt fr,m de l-r V f r l of ila'l "I am r;lad,"bea;d,planlljr,wben she flrstappeareil In ber bloomer, "that vou ba ukrn up Ibis 'new woman' Wea." "Heallf b said, doubt fully. "I w as afraid you wouldn't like it, but It does mt in a If a woman should take a more Important part In th'slfsirsof life." "Yea, luderd." b replied. "It will Uk ber mind off her rlolbe. and that will be a irreat stride foritard. Fliewill care lea f.r apje-sranees and more for the realities of life. The tritlal Ihlnp that bae heretofore claimed ber at tention will be liftioted." "Of coiir," she ald. oud:jr. "With ur eolarpi-d sphere of UM-fulnea we naturally lake a hrmeoVr tlew of ih.r e and bevmiie more If reliant. Trift rrne lo annoy n, and we are resdy lo rrsfi-le with tb treat pmblrma of life." "rely," be returned. "Now. If you were riot riew woman too, would I ierd fully ttinM i fi-.l totli rl, tjml lour bat U no! on trnljf'it. t nl ih i if - " "C.ol rrsrl ilit' rf.ert ' . ,'Jt -I mtl I'-!. I ke fi!,:.U" - ! fcwl. -Tb four burfinr mi ri"rilt rotiliril It.e at.r- 1-etiV at 'iie, txm , u Il b -i !( ! I n th rlw of f). ,.,ii thai IV ti .1 trI rritiie sf irf tVy I 1 ai-air ! U.rtnwlit-a In deeii Ia, ewntie of Ilia t-rntiMi Ut .Vt j.iil op la Ali'sny. ' Y,i i.n ..f , ,ii' 1. 1 rr iennal ilr! !,.., i.n i inif i be i)iaprr,, Tl lI.U. I . w f lsee-l on roiny of lhe I at,M ,e JI IbrtHicbmil th ri' v. One of lb rrr-t rmnllrtf t-itt Ibe ma.4 was ihit of .r f. rti bam, of ( t,an. M , f . rir!y stone ert l t. .i.-i ,j ,j lb waren lrfM.t. li (tarn e H... With or band, ln ter .a n-'rn dr. I if.., f -l. .t f,. , , I ejljUle.! l IK ri.Hj, r.g a,, it. t a . S htavrfifeil ! .'.in , l f .. f-toroi, oi te iff-i 1 I I a t' n 1 SOCIETY IN OAUTEMALA. taapakaMy iHill foe Averag Teal a tiroagat l la Aoaertra. Life lii .Suntemala City to a forrijrner, r i . I raei-liilly a )outiT man, th SetvOrleriha'i ioiea-tV-niocral. paeet iUhiI na nmeh attmetlrenea from a t!ntnlMilnt of smuarmrnl aa would a rrnulrt.ei In a praieyard. Ttier Is ah lo'uiily nothing Io do except work, 'ep and rai. The only pUe a man ', Io gn when he baa flniabe, work Is in a atilonn. and there be has nothing lo .' f ir rerreotiun but drink. Tbe door t i the Wat wariety laahut in Ibe face of it .-r;. una -'fringo", aa Ibey are i Ij the has-lity ibma bo mat tr e " il tt.rir, (f four, when nt-f ,aa otTeial U!tiity tie Is lnied la the prrai Imt' ball and ruber nfTielsl fnoriiotia, and hss enlre Into eortety, t ill Diet U nt curb Ihino; as social In-irr-onr In lu American aenoe. No- a allowH in or a younir la-ly an e Il la In lhe pre-nc of br entire iiniiy under Ui wstrbfnl eye of br Iiieno. and I !r re I. n't much pleaaure II lliia kind of iall Io Innl )"UPg men of America, (.uatrm-ila C ity ba Hiulation of ao.coo, but baa ao theateta. 1herwaaiioerrimpaay "f fair rbsrarter there iwo year mgn, i.i.t liirr b len tto attrariiotia at ail of tti ia kind durlhf Ibe at arttnn, trfiie I ry h'th Iq (iiiaiemalat ity, n. a.'ar.ea are by no rtiean eor. n.l.rf high, t would Hoi ad i, a "t Jo'intf rtun Io gi Iher wilhj lhe ! - of mat, if bia f.itiun, T her hn len iFmu-h imtb trU a to the eon n try Mltli ttoia i(iuh aisa Itnrae an i.l'tjta cauanl lb dWlk of Wi.l.aoj I. and Will. am UI l WnUam It. ! !:l aH I Wee k lied by sr- na, lorltatd III. Waa a. 4-a In taf liej bar'ea , a lbwlTft; Itard II, I l-r I II. tI IMesrd V. wr nnir iVee.t. a anitt-it of Up rr j a nt Itflify I f,,a I ti rj oe a surfeit if l-a kii'-e I i ! i f a. atiaf-rt -I I. I - I a 'n it-.(r. to fl v . ti I iKo .ii. ii ,,f iHnry VI. t i mr,- l i . 'j. I to tb (bare r f I . .f t. .1 . $.1 I -i.:,,.,!,!,