Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 01, 1896, Image 4

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1S JL m T
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details call on 0. R. 4 N.
Agtnt ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
Son Franoisoo
And all points In California, via the lit. Bhaata
route of the
Southern Pacific Co
Tha great hiahway through California to all
point Kant and Houth. Grand Honnln Route
of the Pacific. Coaat. I'ullmKn Bnffet
Hliwipara. Beoond-olaaa Hlmpere
Attachftd toexpms trains, affording anperior
aooriumiodationa for eaoond-olnaa passengers,
for ratae, tickets, elanpiug oar reservations,
to, call npn orariilraat
K. KOKHLKR, Maimiror, K. P. ROGERS, Aaat.
Gen. r. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon
Through Pullman I'alara Biropen.
Tourist Hlepera and Free Reclining Cbalr
Many houra saved via Dili line to Eastern
JL W. BAXTER, Gen Agent,
I'ortland, Oregon,
J. C. IIAHT, Agrnt, llepjmer, Oregon,
Ttao aaieaa.
Dtaicej rariBTa.
COS vairtuT ....J
1 k a , aai l..,
" f" mi.tH aM m aiMtira,
rt wml Ut'l .-.il hf ! ta (,., I kt,M
!; a il.ra lira W ifaMii te
t mealeM. f im e-fcaU iwiw Hi fka
e i. ii, !, I tMia
-iuu sat wva,,
i "'hi, itwiniiii
milwauRee & St. Paul R'y
TV -
Glanco at this Map
f 4 , c-fctra. UtieeotM a4 at Nit Rail
af el ia mwaarttiM. ilk all liaaaruw
tiwial hM a4 at r aM maha, iM
MKMkliatttiatitatfainaate Mw4 laai
tibltf aM kat4 ttaaai. I tlwatil It
!. Iaal H UNarr, Mu.tli.fea4
. IU fM fli ) rhalt ! k
!.( m Wk k aa at.itW n-t W,
al l 4tklr Mi4
Um ese U, ik, M ,
. e4 MfiMjitkiikM, laaeVe
aMabat Ihmmum ht.M kiwi
Mika.inK-tkiii.M( rM
kal aav In ef au U ft
fw lMk LMNtt w a44ie
C. f. IPtT. fcml aai,
I W. fl'IT. tri laaa.
f -etvaaaj, wa.
4 Sotentlfio American
f Agency for,,
I 11. T v. wJt f
I N 1
mi f .
r1 Sail "out, "' 1 ""I
Nk.k"V i
Man's Idea, She "There's wom
an in Vermout who hasn't looked in a
mirror for thirty years." lie "Is she
blind?" Detroit Free Press.
Swabian Simplicity. Inspector
(looking into station waiting-room)
"Any more for Ulm, Iiieberaeu? The
train's just gone." Deutsche Warte. ,
"Did you ever rough it in the west?"
"Oh, yes." "In the mountains or on the
plains?" "Well, really, you know, 1
was in a boarding liousfcl'V-Chicago
Nephew "Whatareyougoingtodo
with your money when you. die?"
Uncle "Take it with me." .Nephew
"1 always thought you had money to
burn." Waterbury.
Straight Goods. Mr. Crimsonbeak
"Here, waiterl 1 found some feathers
in this frankfurter!" Waiter 'Yes,
sir; 1 gui-ss it was made out of a bird
dog, sir." Youkers. Statesman.. ,
.Mrs. Aybee "Men are such, funny
things! When Aybee asked me to be
Ins he was the most disconsolate man
imaginable." Mrs. Ceede "I can well
believe that." Boston. Transcript.-.
Not Crumbs of Comfort. Jones
"Have you heard that Smith is trying
to get a separation from his wife?"
Brown "No; on what grounds?"
Jones "Cruelty: he savs that she eats
crackers in bed." Baltimore American.
Miss I'assee (aged 40) "I wish to
see a hat." French Milliner "For
yourself, miss?" Miss Passee "V'es."
French Milliner "Marie, run down
stairs and get me ze hat for ze ladies be
tween IS and 25 years," Tit-Bits..
Tailor "When you delivered Mr.
Slowboy's suit did yon call attention to
the fact that it was there when prom
ised?" Boy "Yes, sir." Tailor
"What did he say?" Boy "He said he
felt he could never repay you for what
you had done for him." N. Y. Sun. ,
"I'll bet," remarked Mr. Jason to
his wife, as they snt in the family circle
at the play, "I'll bet from the looks of
it that the dress that there woman in
the box Is wearing is one of them ele
gant dresses one-half off we seed ad
vertised yisti rrlay in the papers." Bos
ton Home Journal.
Lasting Regrets."! never bet on
a horse race but once," snid the c-ood
deacon, "and f have regretted it ever
since." "Surely the sin has been for
given ere now," said the minister. "Oh,
I dou't doubt that. But the fact is I
only won $2, when I might just as well
have made it a thousand, sinre I was in
for It." Indianapolis Journal.
"What have you got?" inquired the
traveler In the linen duster, sitting
down on one of the stools. "Cold roast
beef," replied the man behind the rail
wny lunch counter, "cold chicken,
cold-" "I don't eat meat," broke In
the traveler; "I'm o vegetarian." "Try
one of his ham sandwiches," suggested
the commercial traveler sitting on the
next stool. Chicago Tribune.
All the More Reason. lie had met
with serious losses in business, nnd
added to thut his wife, whom he adored,
was snatched aw ay by death, lie could
neither cut nor slep. und his friends
were alarmed ulsiut his condition. One
of them snid to him: "You ought to
consult a doctor." "What's the use?
Life has lost nil charms for me and I
want to die, anyhow." "You want to
lie? All the more rt'Ason for calling a
doctor." Texas Si ftings.
How to Knit tha H;tt F.xit t oahlona Thai
War once 1'oimur.
There seems to lie a renewed Interest
In brioches, the soft foot cushions that
were once popular. I urge that they
are to enjoy a revival, like many oilier
luxuries, and think that readers may
Ik- glud of a rule for kniiting them
which has the merit of Wing nn oft
tried one. The foundation for the foot
stool is a leather-covered disk of mill
iKiard about nine Inches In diameter;
to this the knitted tri la aewed, mid
stuffed with hulr.snd pulled down to
make a deep deprrasion by taking wime
alit.hra through the board Uiltoin
with csrjH-t thread and a sudor's
needle. A Inrge furniture butloii ora
short rord and tnwl tied In a Ihiw is
sewed over the gathering. The brioche,
which originally won Its name from its
rrwinWniice In the ahnse to the French
t-nko of that nnnie, Is knitted of double
sepbyrwiH.I in alrli. a, 16 of them being
narrow and 16 wide, the Initcr narrow
ln;r to a H,lnt at tha center of the
ruehion. ('net on 40 stitches In block
wool ami knit seven row s of the narrow
strii then w lih an old gold color knit
two at i Mica ami turn, knit Hug hack to
the end of the row; continue to kull
l-k and forth with the old gold, tak
ing rsrh t iino two more stitches of the
block until within two alii, h. a of the
top. Then knit down and commence
agnin w iih Murk, tusking another nar
row stripe, knitting In the two Murk
alitrhrsat the top in thrlr turn. When
the hil atriM la iiui!i-l H ahouhl I
sewed or knitted to the flrt stripe.
Thrae din-rtuuia are contributed by a
kmtlcr who has had an pirrietir of
orr kWty He i era. and thry ought to
reliable. Hut 1 khoul.l .,lr B w,tir
who thinks th. ni complicated to rut a
tlrrnrihr Mr or gorrd at ripe, mak
ing the top l.k li.rl.iti piece, Slid, in
knilling narrow, by Inking up two
.'it. )., l.-rlhrr till the thai, mrr.
.l w ill, the pallrto, if the brio, he
la to be kluttnl Hiili down It liiiikt 1
made with nn Inlet lining of U king or
ktoul iinhji m hrd imikjin, rlx. the All
li7wl!lroiiiliue.ly l-rta splng In fluffy
parheli a.- Ilarprr'e IWar.
Ta Tra a pra,ta
Mot auiw.af.,1 trratmrnt . Bfc(, f
lol f.a.1 lib fw fflmi mimilrathrr
I imra a 'tat ; f.J.w rai k Uth w Ith rnaa
Mfe for flflirn tniuulra, thrn Sp!
smigl a rubta-r Ui.d.ige from the lore
lip aa fc'rh sa ankle and ttate ttftt
walk. I iiiit i'a.ir il,i, i,trir
with iikwi that thry are arhl.mi
lnrapar.talr.1 f,.r work koifrr than a
arrk 'MnlN lirntrd.
Tte te feet Orfwtaali; .
Oa rwt4 of a rania, ma ot alawa,
TBaWe eam4 will I Snait.l4 Ike
I aUirk aa t liar l erer Cure
triy e ItalM) aalfiaaal U aVasa.
wai Ike rl s.. n of Uie rwJ;.
14 arr m., rm Tk Ctty
tLm, i4a 14 Jf . f4 0i fa'K UmL.
reReaiaik4a4 tif't ( rMas Iktla lo a.
M em4Mae t aauat. ft ie ona,
I. a r fw ealanra M a4 aa A,tL'-.
e- Fiwla W. ftU, I'aalvt CaelnU ft
lareli, Haktiia, Umk
rif'e fW fla'as te tk atab4l
f. ra'aitk k l wet'aitM mmtvtf
kvf iy UijttrtMM ra I'iea, M eaaia.
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The Republicans of the United States,
assembled by their representatives in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievements of
80 years of Republican role, earnestly
and- confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of their countrymen in
the following declaration of facts and
principles :
For the first time sinoe the civil war
the American people have witnessed the
oalsmltnas consequences of full and un
res'ricted Democratic control of the
government. It has been a record of
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. Ia administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed iodispeosible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary oarrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled np the public
debt by $262,000,000 In time of peace,
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace hanging over the re
demption fund, Dawned American credit
to alien syndicates and reversed all the
measures and results of successful Re
publican rule. In the broad tffect of its
policy it bas precipitated panic, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, closed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and crip
pled Amerioaa production while stimu
lating foreign prodnotion tor the Ameri
can market. Every consideration of
public safdty and individual interest
demands that the government shall be
resoued from the bands of those who
hae shown themselves ' incapable to
cooduol it witbont disaster at home and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
the party whlob for 30 yean admin
istered it with nneqnaled success and
prosperity; and In this connection we
heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism
and luooess of the administration of
President Harrison.
We renew sod emphasize our alle
giance to the policy of protection as the
bulwark of Americso industrial inde
pendence and the foundation of Ameri
can development snd prosperity. This
true American policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and enoonrsges home industry and
pntg tba harden of revenue on foreign,
goods; it secures the American market
for the American producer; it npbolda
tba American standard of wages for the
Amerioua workingmeo; it pats the fac
tory by the side of the farm, and makes
Hie Amerioan farmer less dependent on
foreign derrand and price; it diffuses
general thrift, and fouuds tha strength
of all on tba strength ot eaoli. In its
reasonable application it la jaat, fair and
impartial, .tislly opposed to foreign
control and domestic monopoly; toaeo
tional diacriminatioo and Individual
fitvot itiaro. Ws denouooe tba present
demoorstio tariff as sectional. Injurious
to public credit and destructive to bnsi
nraa totsrpriaa. We dernaud auou
qaitabla tariff on foreign imports abich
come into competition with American
products as will not only furniab a.U.
qnata ravanaa for tha eeeaary rtpan
ea ot tba goveromstit, bat will praise!
Anienrao labor from tba degradation to
tba wage level of other Undo.
We are not pledged to any particular
ached uW Tba question of rates is a
practical question to Ui governed by
condition! of the liuie an J of prod actio. ,
Tba ralteg and aoencnprutu'aing princi
ple is tba protection aa J daval.pmetil ol
Amerioaa labor aoj iojtialrt. Tba
ooontry damaads right aaltlvmect and
tbtn it wants rest.
on atirrfciTT.
We betisva lbs repeal of tba rwipmd
ly arrongrmeala aefnltoli by I be laal
lUpabliraa edmialairatioa waa a katioa.
al salawilv and we demand Ibeir renew
al a4 sitsoakHi oa sork irs aa will
eqaalna anr trad with other nallona,
remote realrtetloos ahub aawoblraei
tba sale of A metises fyrndoris ia aria
of other aooalriee, aaJj ercarearfa.t
asutkale for tba prmlitHs of oar fatrua.
fwreats aaj faekHieo.
I'Mlesl aa4 rrlprnity arc Iwiaj
maaaarae tf lUpaM.saa owl.sy, sad g
a4 la baa J. !e)M4falki tal baa
taekteaaly slrnek doa both, a"J tNtlh j
asat ha re ratabliabeJ; roiilia forj
bat produce; frea almiaioa f.it I ha
ftearaaatlaa of Itf w lea il o fa
; reeiproasJ agrea ot Katnal
in larval wkkra gala rpa tsarkaU la f
tar t aar ooaa asakaia to altera.
rr..teti"B bul la aa dfineal UJaatry
aai lrai, as4 areaea oat awe toakei
f , enraaltea, rwetpr)y ba l I ap t r
id trade a4 finis m outlet f,v .
aatpiao, i
We condemn tba present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. The Kepab
liosn party favors such protection as will
lead to the prodnotion on American soil
of all sugar wbioh Amerioan .people nee
and for which they pay other oountriee
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field ss well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to "tbe
product of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample proteotioD.
We fhvor restoring tba early Amerioan
polioy of discriminating daties for the
upbuilding of our merobant marine and
tbe protection of onr shipping iuterests
in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships tbe product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icans mav regain the carrying of our
foreign commerce.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
for sound money. It caused the enact
ment of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar bas been as good
as gold.
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure calonlsted to deb we our cur
reuoy or impair tbe oredit of our coun
try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
coin e of silver, except bv internatioual
agreement with tbe leading oommeroial
nations oi the world, which we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until such an
agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing
gold standard must be preserved. Al)
of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in
circulation must be maintained at a
parity with gold, and we favor all meas
ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe
obligations of tbe United States and all
our money, whether cola or paper, at the
present standard the standard of tbe
most enlightened nations of the earth,
The veterans of tbe Union armies de
serve sod should receive fair treatment
ami generous recognition. Wheoever
practicable they should be given prefer
ence in the matter ot employment and
they are entitled lo tbe enactment of
such laws ss are best calculated to se
cure the fulfillment ot pledges made to
them in the dark days of the onantry's
peril. We denounce tbe praotioe lo tbe
pension bureau, so reokleasly and un
justly oarried on by tba presont adminis
tration, of reduoii.g pensions and arbi
trarily dropping names from the role a
deserving tbe severest condemnation ot
tbe Amenoso people.
Our foreign policy should be at all
times firm, vigorous sud dignified, and
all our iuter. ats in tbe western hemis
phere carefully wstched and guarded.
Tbe Hawaiian islaods should be controll
ed by tbe United Btatrs, and do foreign
power should be permitttd to interfere
aitb them; tba Nicaragua Canal should
be built, owned anJ operated by the
United rttstea; and by tbe parrbaaeof
tbe D.miitli Islands e should secure a
proper and much Heeded station in tbe
West ladles.
l'be meMsoias in Armenia bate arous
ed lbs deep sympathy and juat lodtgoa
lion of lbs American people, and we ba
ll v tba United Mteles should Mania
all the lull leaoa It can properly exert to
bring IIims atrocities to an and, Ie
I'nrkey Amerioaa residents bate beeo
eip-srd to the gravrst dangers aad
Amsrieaa property destroyed. Tlite
aad every a bar American rltlltas and
American property mast bi absolutely
protected at all batards and at say coal,
uonaoB rxx-rk!a.
W reassert lb Monro doctrine In
tta fulleel atieat aad refflr lb
right ot the Usiled Histea to aiva tba
d.Mlriae iff-ri by responding to lbs ep
peslt of est Amerioaa si a or friendly
intervention la ens ot Kumpaan tn
troaebtnsal. We shai: nol be interfered asj shall
nt Interfere a lib lbs etlelmg pnaerae.
,t.m tit am I i.. ...
beroia.bere, bal tbM xaea.lnOS Hoel i
nol, on any j rririt, b siUaJed. W !
bopefully In, k forward to tb stent
aal w.ltidrsaal of Karts pnaeis,
nm this brmiapbee aad lo lbs altimate
anion of all E giiatt shaking pane of
Iba e. atineul by ffnt naent of is In
crn noMttrriun.
From tha bom of nehtaViitg their ana
independent, tba tropin ol lb l'nt4
HUUe ks rirde4 nub s)pUf ttk
sirafgleanf a bat Anrte pnl U
frea thaaaaalteS from KtrnkMS ii aama
tk, W watfti n Mb 4 an I aht tirf
IkUreat h kernkS ttkllle e tba (Sttaa
r''' ''a agaiuat eili an t ept rretf.n ;
a4 ar Ui kop v p, t l .e felt
f tbrl 4etnato4 fvlet Is.t
liberty. The government of Spain hav
ing lost eontrolot Cuba and being unable
to proteot the property or lives of resi
dent American citizens or to comply witb
its treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government of the United States should
actively nee its inflaenoe and good offi
oes to restore pesos and give indepen
dence to the island.
The peace and security of the republic
and the maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of the earth
demand a naval power commensurate
with its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor continued enlargement
of tbe navy and complete system of bar
bor and seaooaBt defenses.
For tbe protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan oitizanship and of wages of
our workingmen agaiust the fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
that tbe immiifration laws be tboronxhlv
enforced and so extended as to exclude
rrom entrance to the United States those
who can neither read nor write.
The civil servioe law was placed on
the statute books bv the republican
party, wbioh bas always sustained it,
and we renew onr repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever practi
cable. .
We demand that every oitizsn of the
United States eball be allowed to cast a
free and unrestricted ballot, and suob
ballot shall De counted and returned as
We proclaim our unqualified condem
nation of tbe uncivilized snd barbaroue
oraotice known as the lynching or killing
f human beings suspected or oharged
with orime, without process of law.
We favor tbe creation ot a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
the differences wbioh may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommeroe.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead olicy of the Re
publican party, and urge the pasaage
by oongresa of the satisfactory free
homestead measure whiob bas already
passed tbe bouse and is now pendiug
in tbe senate
We favor the admission of tbe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest prsotioable
date, having dui regard to the interest of
tbe territories snd tbe United Slates. All
federal officers appointed for territories
should be selected from bona fide resi
dents thereof, and tbe riht of self-govern-meut
should be socorded as far as prso
tiosbls. We believe tbe citizens of Alas
ka should have representation ia the
congress of tbe United States to the end
that needed legislation may be inlalli
gently enacted.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate efforts lo leased and prevent the
evils ot intempersnoe and promote mor
INe Republican party le miodfal of
the rigbte ot womeo. Protection of
American industries locladns equal
opportouitttM, eqaal pay for eqaa
work s.id protectioo to tbe boms. We
favor the ad minion of womeo to wider
spheres of asefaluMS sod weloorae their
oo operation ia rescuing the oontry from
Demooratio and Populist mtsmaasgrmsa
and misuse.
Saab are tbe princip.ee and poll, iea
of tbe republicaa party. By these prin
doles we will abide, and then polk'iaa
we will put Into execution. W ak for
them the oooaideraU judgment of ibe
Amerioan psopla. Cufll-nt alike in
the blatory of our great party and in tbe
jnalioe of our cause we preaeot our plat
form and oar oaadidatea la the fall as
surance that the election will bring
victory to Ibe Rpabliraa party and
prosperity to Ibe people of lb United
The intenee lb king and smarting Inci
dent to tcfna, teller, salt -rheum, and other
diaraera of Ibe akin la IneUnlly nJlaved by
applying Chamberlains and" f-kin
Ointment. Watty very b4 cmx bare Wn
ttertnanently rtitrd bv ll It U equally
ertVient fr lulling pikwand n favorite rem
edy f.ir aort aippk-a; rharped bands, chil
blains, frt-4 1. 1 iea, and rhrmli anre eyes,
lor ml by ilruggUla at 'ii rents per bou
Try lr. f adjr (ndltia rwVr, tHey
are j,M hal a harm nnl ben in bail u
Uon. Timn. bkmd punoer ami Vermifuge.
For sals by Conaer k Hmek, drnggUts
Faaral -Ueta.
Tbeolite. oak. laurel, myrtle, roa.
?. rypreao, amaranth nnd parsley
are all funereal plants among the
Orwks and l.otaant. "To t In nee.1
of parley" ten a Ureen un)irm t la
diraUng Ih death of K.e ir,n aa .1..
nrrltwt. An Athenian army attcm
marvhing agalntt the t.JitMUana
stamored on Its way oat of the
eity by SAAeting two tntiies Is ten with
paraley the omen being that the
" ayi4 mmm W in need of
IN ttitele. i'htoae-o Inter Ureas,
f im immaterial, in mg Wtef,
trArfkee (Kt aArryt f.ntree f-etr a)ae
''' rVt.es fke lf mf ,
'' o .f. m.4 I net
ree mm)m fiwf frnan ej-r .
It tiMim J tljtm tm I A Humm t
tfM,rm arAen fk it .!
nnfe r eoni-ierjfnMi.
ralar. rf4.
tie)! aad eaee ke.ak eea-t. y
"kit.-ke t-aUrtb tVnteWv 'nee iV.
tt k Vaoew U etitt ttt- m'4 4,
rail 14 Ike t rffe, wkere h te
I r-ere. ! 4 aat) irg tt ' lle,
'f stm.ff bU' ekr , al
-- f-) H,
AW-w Vrfl a trJTtt
AST) ITS r CtntS
To tub Editor s 1 have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cises have been already
permanently cured. ,V proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my dirty to
send two bottles free to those of your readers
who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 183 Pearl St Hew York.
039- The Editorial and Business Management of
tins Paper Guarantee tnis generous Proposition.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-5
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and we can secure patent ia leas time than those'
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Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-i
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Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q., C. M. & Ht. P., C & A , P. Ft. W Si C
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
...is... m
To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a Sr
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars y$
on whom you depended for support i f )
To receive a pension, whe now do not. Thousands under the new
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour.
trWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice.
No Fee unless successful.
g The Press Claims Company
7) 618 P
JT. S.Thlt Company eonlroUtd
paperi in the Vnlled Slrttai, and it guuranUtd by them.
All bnaineas attended to
manner. Notaries
' . t
nmbia Rivcrand PuffctSoundNaviffation Co
Leaving Abler Hlreet lX ek Portland, for A-torl. Ilw.eo. Long Beach, Ooe.e
lark and Nahettta. Ihreoi oor-Deeilm w.ib llwaao steamers and rail
road; also at Young's Hay wnb Heaah'.re Itailroa..
Leaves PortU.t4 T A M. Daily. er.pt Suadaf. LeaM Astoria t P. M, Dally, s.rept (nndaf.
Leaves Portl.n4 P kj Ih.ii,. a,rH S'.tiH.y. n,iMay nt.ht. II P M tar AtfewU Dalit a
at IjA. M., esreft suudajr a4 M.,wUt. SH4ar nlgkl.1 l. M.
Uaves PoHiaM aad ran.dlr-rl I e.r.. T.j1. an-l Thur,. SAW OalnM. .1 I
Um$ thm k Mnd IVstitttlw M Bftrbri Fit tf h;vi
Por Sefelf . SHe4. Coratort, Pla.,re. Tr.rel T.lepsone. IU.W, C.l,erl aud 0.n W..,.
Iho Keeley Iiisliliils
K '
It to Advertisers at .1 grcnt fm.-ncm! $acri
ficc. You need it in your luisine., and as a
matter of luisinr we nuist sdl it.
Tiik I,atti:r5..n lVmiiiiiNc Co.
V j
la known to most persona.
They Illustrate that greater quantity la
Not alwaya moat to bs desired.
Tbeae cards express the beneficial cjual- , ,
Ripans a Tabules
4a compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a boj ;
Of druggists, or by mail.
thing to patent? Protect yourideas ; they may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEB
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. 0.. for their $1,800 prize offer.
Tho regular eubscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tba
regular price of the Weekly Oregon ian
is $1.50. . Anyone subscribing for ..the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled to
the some.
New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon baa
opened up the feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solicits a
share of your patronage. Billy is right
at home at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Hay and grnin , forsale. tf
General Manarer,
ftreet, WASHINGTON, D. C.
I nrurhi ens Ounuand Utultnn uva
tit Irfiw,
it a prompt and satisfactory
Public and Collectors.
For tho Curo o
Liuor, Opium iti Tobacco Habits
ll la Iie4 at Meat, Oreesn,
T il t ttmutifut Town on Ae CWal
Celt al Ike fl.rS eetre M k.ran.1.
r-..i.b.iaMa4. irateMsrltateaMlre