1 - a LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CURED BY TJSH50 Cherry Pectoral AYER'S A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Here and There. O oler weather preraila. Geo. Perry ia over from Lone Rock. The Heppoer Transfer Co., for sale. ban wood 37 tf. J as Sbaw was in yesterday from Bq' ttr creek. It F. Hevlaud and w,fj were io town yesterday. Frank Baird was in yesterday from Sn Dollar. Dan Hirl and lather, Ed. Hirl, were over from Lena yeaterday. Miss Delia Reed left on last evening'! train for Hood River to visit relatives Boro To the wife of Ben Mathewa, in Heppoer, on Monday, Aug. 31st., a girl. Dr B. F. Vanghan and family return ed from their outing ou Cnpliogr creek last Hnuday. Mi-8 Br.Twn retnrnnd hom this morn frig from it six weeks' noting in the mountniDS Bod a the ooaat. Pectoral. The first bottle pave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Br awley, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FAIE. AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. ml I V-Vi-ai l'i. T.'-tr JTi "SEPTMBER -o - a-- fX- l.HUll I ilfiai hi- .-tiT-o-aA. -a-suDss-a 29 30 OIOIOj IBH -mmm . ii,p .,n from Douglas Octobor will Qambrinus Beer, .HALF PINT BOTTLES Hotel Bar V City Drinkable CI Liquors art. Call and Smokable on Tod. NORMANDY CIDER. It la Very ritin and I'rodurcd by the Mil. ion of Mollutis. As fiu-t the Hurst cider In not made by tlin Hrliltli Riowcr, t ut in Norman dy, liny have in thnt province truntrht cider making to perfection. The tutol produee cvrry J" car there oniounts to hundred of millions of pullons: and it In made with the utmost care. Tobe ein. they choone the site of the orchard with judgment, and ace that the soil l of the tvrte which apples love: and they are euuallv thoughtful in select It.ir the varieties of the spple moat fit for cider. Indeed, for the very finest cider, their solicitude U so pn at thnt nine but the second or third year's fruit of the trees is ud; and when the procrM of fermentation Is reached. iKithinjr is left to chance. Chemists of (Treat experience watch the cboiires in the liquor; and the skill with which the pro-ens is rcpulntwl Is bawd on the khowieIje pwthered from loijr plBC' tic. The rrsult Is that some Normandy chirr Is equal In delicacy and fUtor Harrison H'de was dun from upier Rieacitek yesterday. 8v"n Trnfdson was np unday and yesterday. IUos at Heppner in live money lu our town. J S. Bnothby and son, Tcm, were In from L xmctju yeaterday. M 8s vbhnneh and Gill Jones were over (r m Eight Mile yefterdnv. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter wbibkey. On tup ht Chris Borohers'. Sen ohII for meeting of citizens to secure means for rr.ee meeting i Lis full. Mr. Frank McFarliind and fxniily vt) returned from an outing trip up at mi Hpriegs V. Pipe- Mid John Cormlo' ael and family were in from the Lexiugtoo sec- ion Smurdiiy. L. M. Whiililim. representine tlie tulndelphitt wool firm of J. Webb & Co., is in town. A W. P tersoo returned fmm a htief vixit t' Astoria und the seaside tat Sntidn morning. W. T. Brook got in Sitnrday from the monutaius. bviig nen out several Ihvb on a hunting trip. D. P. Ketchnm. representing the Union Meat Co., came in Sunday in qu"8t of mutton sheep. Steps towards getting up the fall meeting of tbe Heppoer Speed Associa tion should be taken at once. Prk Gurrigues has added another ra ler and a bull snaKe to Dis coiieo- ti n. They are worth seeing. Joe Baunister' was down from Hard- oqhu luflt weeK buo reports mresning id progress in that neighborhood. Jus. 8. Paterson. representing Bal four, Guthrie & Co., was here Saturday lst looking after bis him s wool Interests. Mrs. 'Rag Muir, aooompruiea by her mother, Mrs. Coolie, departed for Ash land, Or, on last Tuesday mgbt to visit relatives. William Plemmins and Homer Depny arrived home yesterday from an extend ed vinit to Teel springs. Tbe boys bad a most enjoyable time. Long Creek Eagle: G. W. Harrington, rx sheriff of Morrow county, paeed throngh Long Creek Wednesday en route to McDuffee hot springs. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew, or is uiboestionablv tbe best preserve live ot t ne hair. It is also rnrntive cf dandruff, tetter, and all scalp affeotions. Mrs. A. Mathint anl daughter, of Wttlla Walla, left for their home last Saturday. M'S. Matuiot ia a daughter f Mr. A. B. Floreuce, of Willow creek Hepiner shonld not miss Ibe oppor Inuity 'f having fHll raoes at tm nsual nme. There will be do diflioiilty in aecnriog tbe neeaea smuaut oi casa ior name. WUkoo Bros., of Tone, have juat Ooiabed Ihreslilng 150U0 bushels il beat of fair quiliiv . Thnir raurb x lelded a i aveiiige of 12 to 15 bushel per aore tbis season. Thursday last Dr. E. R. 8winhnrne aud son and Elmer Hlnonrn aud fam lv returned fmm a months oolmg on DiHob lillly and Caplinger oreeka sod ivt r on I'eiiland prairie. Mr. E. Carter, a tborongb enrse of manv vears eXDerieooe. Is unw located in tins oily. A n v one desiring me oeneni f Ler services can sroure atn oy lesv tug orders at tbe bomo of Ueorge Ship ley otr. Williams k Nnonamaker eibiMted Mrs. Jalia Bradley is down at Po-t- land reciving medioal tr-Htoient. Dor' ing ber absence Mrs. John Her ha charge of the Oity hotel. Any person detdring a good saddle horse shoulil call on E. W. Uhea, of Heppner. . Mr. Rhea has one of the finest lots of horses in tbe oonntry. 2t. Two junior nines of Heppuer will oon test the i) tinnal grae tomorrow after- nocm on School H m-e flit. Jay Ship ley and Louie Cinipbe.ll will umpire tbe game. Dr. B. F. Vanghan, the dentist, will depart for Oanjon City on 8'Pt. 7. to be gone an uoit-none peri d. I bone ae- mrinf work should call ou him befoie that time. Babv Ruth has made a new record for b rurUitigs, on the Helena, Mon tana track Baby Ruth belongs to Oass Matlock, of this county, aud is as "fast as a bullet." Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cures yon when sick; if it makes wonderful cares everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That Is Just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cares, not once or twice or a hundred times, but In thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat alio Sarsaparilla Is the bestin fact the One True Blood Purifier. ds To Mock mm. A 11 DTSonn are warned not to drive oi herd any atoclc uprni the land of the midemfrned. o wit: the Eat half of the norlh-wot quarter of wctton M lu T 2 8 R i6 E. TrePtamera will be prnnecutt'd. H. E. Hamwk. SUMMONS. 3. rt. tfreemm, who ek' vacation with B. Diteh tveok, departed Portland last evening. has spent a six A. Herren np at for hi home in Mr. Freeman lI cure nausea, Indigestion, Hood S FlIlS biliousness. 26 cents. goes borne oonniieraoiy improved in health. A dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tak en in time has prevented many a fit of sickness and saved numerous lives. This proves tbe necessity of keeping this incomparable medio ine where it can be readily reached at all hours of tbe day and nigbL. Where They Met. HcKinley Bl'l, with Napoleon eve, Says 'BrvRM 1 t's drink mime Llnwood Rye; We meet as friends, my words are few 1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Brvan savn. In a ioklnif manner. "I wonder I f that's what's the matter with Hanna That's horse and horse, you funny feller When I see my wife 1 am bound to Teller " Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Linwood Rye. Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon, E, G. Soerry, Prop. The Club Ueetlns. Tbe meeting of the MoEinley club was oamed out according to program last Saturday evening at the opera house, with the exoeption of the address of T R. Lyons. Mr. Lyons had been nnex. pectedly oalled to Portland on business whioh detained him over Saturday. Tbe president, Mr J. W. Vaughan, oallsd upon Judge Bartholomew to make a few remarks in lieu of tbe part of tbe pro gram expeoted to be filled by Mr. Lyons, and tbe judge responded ably. The address of Hon. J. N. Brown was well received. It was an elaborate ex position of the issues before tbe people, The musioal part of tbe program was indeed a suocesi. Tbe rendition by tbe little Misses Bartholomew, aud tbe in stromental solo of Mrs. H. W. Bartholo mew were both roundly encored, as were the efforts of lbs quartet. The program for next Saturday even ing will be announced in Friday's issue. Wm, Gordon has at bis stable nt below tbe Gazette office, a very neat and moely finished ladies saddle, of H, as tern manufacture, for sale for cash at a low figure. Tbe saddle hss been ridden very little and is praotioally as good as new. Anyone desiring snou a saddle should call and examine same before it is tno late. tf. IN THK riRCClT COI'RT OF THE STATU of Oreeon fo Morrow County. Julia A. Kanel, - laiutitf, vs Samuel I Gerkinp, Martha A. iierkhiK. James R ..un- amakerand Maria E. Nun- amaker. t'efendauts. To Samuel I. erkl"K and Martha A. Oerki g, two of the above-named defeud"nts. In the name of the soatenf Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the eom nlaint tiled nHinet you in the above entiil d suit on or hi'fore the 7th dav o September, la'.Hi: and you will take notice that if you 'all to ana er or otherw ise apner In sd suit on or before the said 7th da of September. lMifi, the plaintiff above utuncii. for want, iher of, will "poly to the above ntitled court for toe re. lei p-aved f r In the complaint filed 1 this sut, to-wit: For personal decree rtrainwt t lie deiciui- ants Samuel I. flerklng ai.d Mirlha A Germing forthomim of pi:!7 So with interest thereon at the rate of K per cent, per annum from April 1st, lx'Jl, and the sum of J.ooi attorney's fe-s. and the costs and disbursement of said suit: that the court shall decree that the morteaire execut ed by said samue I. Oerking and Martha A. tlerUnR to the lmhard I vestment Company, dated the 'Ml dav of March. 19. upon the fol lowing deseiilied real property in Morrow cou ty, Oregon, to-wtt: thesou'h half of the north eat quarter, the south 45 acre" of the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of section No 22. in township Nr. 3 south, and ranee No. 24 East of Willamette mpri'ltan; and also the west half of the north-west quarter of sc tiou No In. and the north half of the north east quarter of section No 14. in township No. 6 south and range No 25 East of Willamette merid ian ; which mortgage is now owned by plaintiff; which said mor tratre w as recorded outhe ilith diy of March. lf8U. at patie 134 o' Book "D" of the Records of Mortgage in the ortice of the County clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the sld real property sold, and the proceeds of suoh sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants and all persons claiming and to claim bv. through or uuaer tnem, or any oi mem, snail oe torever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate. Interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all equity of redemption, in, to aud upon every pan of snid real property; and that plaintiff shall have general relief. This Summons ia published pursuant to order of Hon. Ktephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on the lUth day of July, 1HIK1. FEE, UAK1EK, HAILKT K Al'BIlN, 4,r)7-70. Plaintiffs Attorneys. B LAC KW ELL'S SEE? i - i i .'irnii ) ii i Ton will find ana ooapoat inside each two ounce bag, nnd two coupons inside cacn four ounce bag of -Black-, well's Durham. Buy bog of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable prrs nts and how to get them. THAT TIIEKii'S. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board ot Equalization, of Morrow County, Oregon, will meet at Ithe court house in Heppner, Monday, September 2K, lftifl, and continue in session one week. All persona wishing to make changes in their assessments must ap pear aud show cause. J. F. WILLIS, Assessor. Ucppncr, August 28, 1896. lm. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Bare to W la. The people reoogn:e and apprecia'e real merit. That is why Hood's Sh'sb- parilla ban the largest sales in the world Merit in medicine mei.ns tbe pnert on re. tinuili Qiirrapariini aosoinieiy, permanfotly cures. It is tba One Irne Blood Pnrifler. Its snperior merit is an established fact and met ll wiua. Estate of Thas. Wallace, Defeased. OTICK is hereby given, that letters of Ad ministration on the estate ol chat Wallace, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 27th dav of Mignst. lh'.fl. by the Coiintv Court of Morrow County. All persons having claims aim I ntt said estate are require 1 to ex htblt them to me for allowance, at my home, about 7 miles south of Heppner, within six months alter the date of this notice or they shall be forever barred. This 27lh day oi August. m. AB1UAL WAIXACK. 470-80. Administratrix, OoodV Pills r K.y to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache. Birthday Party. Yesterday afternoon Mis Essie Letter oelebrated ber twelfth birthdsy, at Ibe residenre of her parents, Mr. and Mrs S. J. Leeiar. of this lilac. Quits a number of ber onog Maids were invit ed to assist her in m-tkio the ocoasi n a pleas iut one, and indeed she was mo I soceessfoi In this. I'ba folio ing went present: Mi tbeir-boe-doao" roachlna on the streets Elise Bartholomew, Fay Bartholomew, of Heppoer last Saturday, n is I1"' fine flilliani. I.anra Hughes. Katie SHERIFFS SALE. VOTICK IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT UNDEK lv and by virtue of a exerutlon Issueil on of the circuit eon it of the State oi Oregon. i the i oiiuty of .Morrow, on June la. IHua audio n c iiirei'ie son nei verea, upon a luoginen ret dered and entered III said court mi the 4th av of Nay. lie.1. In favor of lit nry I'ailberv, PlalnllrT. and Aiitlust II I) Whltiiiau.il hu man and J II. Moian. rielenilauis, lorthe sum ol wo llimdr rt and Fifty Dollars with Interest thereon from said 4ih day ol May, 1'. ai in ratenf ten per cut iwr aoniiin and Twem tve Uollara a torneys leva and the costs and acrriin g cost; aiel herea , by said judgmenl It asordert-d and atljudg a that the lollowiua real proa-rty. to-wit: the Northwest quarter ol cll"ii 'Ihlrteeii (U In InMiishlii lo (2) Sniilhnf Hange twenty three 2.l K st . M. be so'd to satisfy said iiidgineiit. costs and ac crutiif cosls 1 a III, on Saturday, 19th day of September, 1800, at II o'clock A. M . of said day, st Hie fro'it door of the court house In Heppuer. Mo row I'minty, dreg ii, M-ll Ihe right. Illle and I' terestol said defeuilaiita II. I. Mhltniau. II Whllnian ami J. H. Moran In and to tlia above dex rilaii n on- erty at Public Unction to the hlghl and Ih-i bldiler for i-ash lu hand, I he prH-eeds In he ap plied In the saHsiaa tlon ol said esrrullon, at-U-rney s lee and all cosls and rwis Hint mry Gertie. K I. MoUm K. KhertfTol Morrow t'oiiiily, on-goil. Patod this 2lsl day ol Aug. lsa. cert sin to be saroesaiai ana win ao way with tbe work fl two meu where a self-feeder Is used- Charier Jones, the well-known "old timer" in the tousorial line, baa again lucatad io Heppner, having pn-cbaaed Qreso Mathews' shop, Minor building nonnaita tbe ntr hotel Charley will appreciate a call beo in town. Miuert, Katie DlaLm, Teresas Linhtea- thai, Z I'stlersoo and Mrs. J. I) Brown. From all arconnla Cbamberlaia's Ooogh Itemed y ia a Oodaend to th sffliotetl. There is Dt advertisement b nt this; feel jnst Ilk saying it. - . . MM J. . A- ... Sr. .MA apreiuei jueo w ou i - . . ... ,,, r- . i j. ... .. ..us. litis urmoorst. varruuwu, ai, - una otivn uui ii -w iui , means tnr restoring t the stomach. UowT Why. by taking Ayef Barsspa. rills, and Io a short tint your pptil will coins again, and com to . The (Isaette has a on leafs tnitioo Io either tha English, Commercial. Hbort- by Cousor Jt Brock, droggisU. Haes Heellsg. Citiieosof Ueppner ar reqneated to meet at lb opera boos r nett Tbur- hand or TeUaraDliie department of lb df enirg. Sept. 8, for tb pur to fire thtMnpngne, and many rbcsp Holme Boatnt Col leg, of Fortl-od, 0 Mrng0g for a rao mawtieg tbis rnmpagnrs ore simpiy soaiistirs.ru aaie. any P"",u 'r,u" w "V " f.H tb groood o! lb8po4 Assooia- lOnrililKH uh.ihtw. we-. - chler. This dewpHon Is very general. Th great bulk of the cider n.! In 'Nor Itiandy goes to the rhompnfftiediatricts, tid I used to molte rheap rlt-impagnr. smI to form the tmdy of other ulnca. bo. Port, It rnia, rsa le made, and otlrn I matlc, of elder, the rolor la-itig linpatt-'l f iir-rml or led lwt juice. nl the flotor by the d l.tl n in very tilfe pro?ort one f the root of th rl surr. Th', it la said. 1 an Irolt t r-n so rxrtllrnt tint the flavor would tl e'ive t poo I jtiilp"' tif nrU It N rjDil ce-t.in lht all th rider tld lii Norn "Mijr dor hot, ty a very lrg t rA;rtinn, gt on the msrVet as rider; Bi d I'iul It la o!i In the (Ui-f of rhrsp wines, l iit thlt atMl nd. Crrtaltily tt att t'ie rhsn n?ne cUlrf .f .'ortt ondv t'.er la I otl.lrt J' r ii- I rate and rr f f trswi.l, Ht.lf-M it ! s ! aome prtal bt of t al fornis, hen at Its txtt, f'bamlsr.V Joiirtisl. tmmm4 MM tstrtasa. An amusing Inei.U nt o urrd In th bearing of a rnil oiun ts-s In th ad tniraliy rort hir I'tatiria Jrtitw r,f Irinity bou- .-wta, , ttj l'sl old slt. t'h ly on y. ft along t(i4it aatufsr lid ;!y ltU r san.ir.a ,n in U't. lot tlr t'm ,ud When th 'pl'rg rounarl ! ran id east aittis il,,nl.' oj.n l.is vt rieftr. Th oil ar ft terf tha flrt thrv tt fir j)s'i f !. but bis wrath ra tl fttasri: mi Stow prir.t4. ,t lPflH b rowld rtrai I ho full ral of !. lnl f rata. ao ltigf. and. tut"tirg b1 1 ' f hi ly, k l o)rr tb rails of th wit aosa hot and trfd $ 'I Uf jwr (aif ,t,m. but whn to g ht yi t. tt surT IV mwrt feared With IsLfbU-r. ll Lkk th t-frs.-'rtil at d aaaraaot ftollega should ses tb Uslslt belor go tog below. u TbCalvrsity of Oregoo, tha grl trmm anhonl nf til DsodI. OOeDS MeLtem- br 14. 1K. Kerry loang Da ana idDtif woinsa to tb oogbt to l.ar ia H Chrisiian doeii"aal io- fineors. Addr t Diversity ot Urrgoa, hugeua, Orrgoto. lie. V- A. Vanabsa esm over from PanJIelnn Kundaf BlnnilOSL aewoo paosa-1 by th two llttl daogbler rf ft. V. I "lowaro who b IimI Vtaittng ealatlvsoln l'aedlelo for HIM waek paat Ir. Vsagbsa Mt for I'ssJWos uo M tut ay vetleg. Tb Iliral Pfirtt aat that Ta' Joo-a. tb 't 2yNrnl. tbal bad a sinch on lb lU'al Hptril Mas, baa mil wron and Will ahl to rt tt Ihl '." T owners of I'sol will s's't him ia tb ttai rac tf b kf't-s ltpfn.pg -Jl is i as sn.il-rirt4, i ssf a fjsaraf, trt.rlh-r th hrrp orr.te r rervuss nay Untfil fmm fa- tnjf or aor , . . . it k,lk,r ht rf.a-s nr d.a-s '4 I mm for frw rr4 kztiocl fmm rfrrrk f It i fioiu J Irr"" ' llar,f ltp rearnfuftrrt whrt, lh It t r as'fr eusi'l-rif io. tl'f Itier a Pradltl llt0 fmhn i a. I At. Pf" d'l'"s WMlag l'rm mtnm Urn" 1 smhi by kief hm toni. tJ a j qnalnHng the ala h pfVt.e -I- g live lag will asak rna tHS wih 1 'rt tsalai at f. h P.s.dM" Off! a Cl sag "lot W V. I ..SO. rrurstator, Mr I. lm.ltl havlag Ana4 of aa'ya4rf last ys's il a " r;i to t ar an t li p-ranaaly rs-i Itt 4 4 y 4 farbi tal. -lii a, fcata, rww. atssar ll.hef A R"'Bas aw N ' rrf H '- p, h a. ( , ., ) m 'm ' li .', ' ! tiua, oa lb Joo ptae lv town. A, w. rartnaoa, By. Hrpper. Or, Btt 1. lHh It Mates live Rvary Iay Tbnoeaadtof ease of Cooaamfilioa Astbroa. Const, s. Colds and Crnap ' earvd vry day hy hbtlob'a Cora. I'oT Sal by Wells A Waria. A Clalk. Tb Iseer of tb bs ball gssa nf Aog. 15, plajad at llappear grooads, ars arby rbailgd to aal rroa bat io a gam of bail, at IU ptief .eaad. rVpt 5. V4. sid o Io b anl. It t La4 fr barBpiooat.lp of lb fonnty. II) order el laatu, Jaa. Ilsat, Useigaf. SUMMONS. hi a Changejajusins ED. R. kml N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Ellzn H. Owens, flalntitr, vs. Frank H. Benge, Mary 3. Btnge, his wife, Lewis J. Hcbewrlch and Sehewrieb, his wife, Defendants. To Fra' k H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of the defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint died against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September, 1 st ; and you will take notice that if yon tail to answer nr otherwise appear in said suit ou or before said 7tn day ot Hestetnner, ik;io, tnepia:u tiff above na-neil, for .want thereof, will apply to the alawe entitled court for the relief prayed for In the complaint filed In this suit, to-wit: eor personal decree against ?ne neiennants Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife. fnr the sum of tRM 25 with Intorest thereon t the rate of H per cent per an inn from January 1st. lawi, and the sum of ssi.uu attorney s tees. and the costs and disbursements nf said suit; hat the court shall decree that the mortgage executed hv thn said Frank H Benge and his wife to the Ixmbard Investment company lated the Pith day of December, IK, upon the following described real property In Morrow county Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter nf lection No. "2, In towiphlp Ml utn anil rangu No. 2 K-at ol the I lamette meridian which said mortgage was iccordcd on the'iOth dav nf December. I": at page M of H"ok "Ii" of ihe Kecords of Mortgages lu the oltlce of the "'ouiilv Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall he foreclosed, and tb s Id real property sold and the p-oceeds of such sale to he applied to the paviueut to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that a I of the defen 'ants, aud all person" claiming and to claim by. through f under them, or anv ol them shall e lorever narred and foreclosed of all rtubt, tl'le, estate. interest and Hen. at law and In equity, and eaiclally nf all equlK of reUeuinl nu, ill, Io a d ipon eveiy par' ol said real property; and mat pinliitlll il'mll have gene sl relict. This il iiiuuiiis Is publlslp d pursuant to order of Hon Ktephen A l-owt-ll Judge ( Hie alwive untied coon. Inane at t namia-rs. rennietui, I'liistllU county, Oregon, nu the IMlh dav of July, lw. H.t, CAHTEH, HAIIF.Y Afsns. 4.'i7-70. r'.alnilll's Attorneys HAVE YOU HEARD 11 BISHOP lias bought out the General Merchandise Business of the MoFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wliolesal e Uttr Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being Bold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager aud Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee BIH HON. s the rmrriT rornT or the btatb . of uregim. lor the louuly ot Mot mat. Ralph L. Hanga, l lalullff, va Kstl D, Benge. DvfendanL Tokstlsll. Rviige. tlen ant I tha nama "I Ins (Male of Oreann, Von are hst.br rmulrtKl In appear and aner heroin Plaint Bled aaalnal Toil lu the alioa n.ll'lrd still on nr belora the first day ( lb nrsl regular term i t Ins stKiva enlltled court, to-ait: Monday. Mptsmber 7th, I8S0, snd II you fall In answer or other a I mi plead, lor anl thereof the plaintiff Kill apply lolha ahova t lit It led court lor a ilerrra dlMolvttt the snartlasa tamda now asl.ilng hataaen ynu and hlink-ll. and a ttidf tneut aralnal Sou lot In coils and rtl'liurwmenti nt this Suit This .urn moos Is published liv older nf Hon Stephen A. lsHI, lildganf tb rlrrilit rniirt nl Orrson lur tha Sla Judicial district dalert July jud. 1"m. r. r ir. ., Allnrrwy Inr I'lalmlrT. SHERIFFS HALE. VOTUt t iirnrsY i.ivism that by 11 Ulo of a III of " nlP'O taxied mil Karl s ltr Mas) "tea Is sore nra f.ie Head wb s4 erMM ,1 ..- N.hi,i env m sm si;, Ti ojt Walls arrr. Tim iH Sm4 rav alUa l a)o aflf Jaly la. H rt.e f.ili- la ft ht S 10 tl p( aarh IBXHtlk bfalUf lll b Hsrrsss Mont w4fnin, lh Clerks olfteaal Ih lieolt wirt nl lh si.t nl iirtt-n Iimt Moreno laiinir, iio.Uf lh nl lh.H"d. and ia m. dtrwle-l al d'ilored tinon a de-f rndfd and entered In aald t mirl on lb Ma day nl Mn-h. I. Inla.o'frf rrank llsarman, kw.ltrr nl Imiair4 In.! mul tomfain, as ptaln4 and asal at llwnry Sad. Sanry A. !. r'S S'r.uitHi. u . Hnvnof. J. M. eiimiit. S I. Slianna Frank I's-st-i'o and Moth rl'ld as deU-rtm. arty IH at.lnl w did mm r a ara ilrM acalnd Iba dHnUm Mnf Ha-lea kanry Wad Io. Ihasnm nl iui as oiia In kml thexMi al ih rat f S rn pt an sum frm lh ath dsy nf Man-a, l" an lh anai and uiinann las4 al 1 1 ;i and wnby II m thai tha nw.-t, ... dald na lh IMh dat ol M.y. Iwa. sp,ii4 ! Nnr ad and S.ivt A vtsd tn In I t rd In -inMnl Company S'-'l nno ald I't th plain Its snis Ih nainalnf n-rtiia il nrpwri la Horioo I onniy. tisra, H th a-nisi mm niiaf M swllnn Ho a In In. Khln an Hiih awl eai.g ha fl ! nl lli.tll. awtt'llan. asni.tin ihnm a anar h-f n ., I nl I n-,l a tntf nl aald a-tares a lion, .niaiiili, wan waoi In.. hwh n,tr.r a a er.i4 Has day nl Mas. I al p fnl S Ih hnta M U't$mm In Ih nO- nf l Mii,ti I IMS st gmt,,. I Milf i .t. h wWd Sd Ih aal'l trml 1 a-rfd IH - 'IS nl H-n, n-inl. if..,.-. I., l aMl pdnMnl a'l m4 I vr-p. l n Mtnet.1. ! d -I nr!, al II In th lnnn.mn .4 hal 4 , at M-r ln.l nl i. ..s K-.- ar !! Ih lt A Hr,,-- iMtr It a' th '!. I -! I ri nd M-a ahhh 'h. A 4 - m: all ! a' f 11 !- a-4 In l- ... Ihn. H n I b,-a iheni. a-'f n' lh- m. hal wi h ! ' nl Mf I"" n '" th . h, had ao I h fvHtlUl'" ' rt-.' t al ,-' H f-.! Ih.l l a -h- .rfw-n Sn Ih. hi.- A M OW. f r .h It h -I h l- MiHr.fei.kl i. i4 In ii., '- nf at4 .tin, a -4 .n r. MU4 Ihl Mi 41 .., ! r i ntfif sr. ahV , SMrtlfnf Mn.mo I ntois. j -n in t lh SUMMnSS. IN THK CiniM'IT l.itltroF THE STATE I nf iin-rni Inr Mur-ow County, Tha Ninth ru l otiutli'S I n vest m nt Trust, Unt iled, a Corporal ion. I laiMitt, va. Cerrlla laylna.RH Kins. N. II. Mrllw and J. C. 1 hoitisnii, Ix-ft-ti'lauta oc.rrlls lat lor. rt. r). K'ttf and N. II. MrBre, tlirr nl tha above iiainpd di'irndaiils. llh. ,,.,. ,,l ll,n hint itl llri-irolt. Vnil ara hrr-hv tnulrd to slit" sr si it an. rr III r"tn .iii,i ni.,i a ain.t ton ill in annr aiuoit-ii if on nr b-n,rr Ih Sntd.ynf th-tiastr gtilar rill of the alait eullilnl mutt Ml Th 7th Day of September, I89rj. ml you alll Uka noil. that If ymi fall tn u.srrr or otii Is aniamr III said court on nr tn-lorr th said 7lh day of HrilintM-r. IfM, Ih ulntnllfl alaive nainrd, lor as it thrrnif, a lll a,,l In lh alaiva euiltlrd rouri lor Ilia rrllrf lryl for In th mmiilalnt Htl In this suit. 11- pof plnoal nrffl atralllBI ine nrirn- sill. r-lla Taylor, lot tn sum nf 7iJ allli hit rsl lln-rroii l Ilia ml of S iwr rent, lt nnuin Ir in Ih th day nl June, l wet, and lb mats and dllHircioriila nl said suit; Ibal Ilia court shall dm Ibal tb mtt oruid b th ssld t'm rll 1alt In Ilia l.niiHir. lu. SMtmriil l iiiiiiy.dnlrt tb at i dy nl Nnrrm- r, isna. uon Iba Ifilloatos drwr'lird rral n.nvriy In Mnrxiw Intnily, Or-oti. tot h anuth hall nl Mnrtlmsl uoarirt and horih- ral qoarlrr id MnrthraM quaiirr laxvn tn acrra in a aiar hki. in iir-ot'i t-f-n-r Ihrmifl and aoulbraal nuarlrl l North! tna'tor nl an-li n 1 n. In luansblp lu North ol Ks tS 1 '! n rsl. nt in nilisnirn mrildlan ahhh said moria aaa iMil nn lh i.'ith dav nf Nmtnlr. ! In ri "I mi l.l II. IL IS and 11 of lb Hn-ords nf ntntlaaar in thannif-e H Ilia mnmy irn nt Morr,ia I'miittv. orrann. shall p form I and Ih said rral tmi-riy sold and Ih ri-ds il such sal In on ai-llll In Ih Min.l In .btiuilS d the ahne natnad sums id ennnryi hal all nl tha drlntdanis and all i-ietiiisrlalin In Ihmush nr aidr Ih.m, nr any nl lhm hall im lnr.r txirrd and Inr. Inar-t nl al rUl.t llli , Inlml and lin al la and In mnllf . and all rnuity nl rrdctnirfl'in. In and In. and iitm ry mm nl aald ral emi'lv thl. Summnna la inihll.hrd oiisii In an ntdrr nl linn li-hii A Uxrrli. Judge nf lb aim. i,tMtr-d rtnirt. md at i baniir tvndl ln, I miuil. louniy. tsrvan". ,h nh day of July. I. t.i.n l v". u1t. We are not small men, lbs. We are email men, Xs. we are not lis Largest itlercMs In me world 1 s But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Croekoryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails. Iron, Barbwlrs, Cumberland Coal. Oaasaml Water Pipe. Pipe ritttiiRS, Stoves and Ranges, Wagons, Hanks, Kuggl B, Wagon Materlal.jllardwood, Axe , Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Weilgrt, tiuns. Pistols, CnrtrliUrs and Ammunition, Mason Jars. Gran ite are. Plows, Harrows. Rakes. Mowers Tubs SVash linlllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Priced. Ws lisvs OooD Goods st Pais Prices, snd Cheap Inhn Goods at Cliep John Prices. NU1N 8TUEKT - IllilM'NKU, OREGON THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOROI-IICnS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars T. R. HOWARD DI'UIuB IN Groci-riks, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! No Io IIms lisso M fH IM Ws.ll. l).sonwn, I sos .frt t-l Ihette-i. iil(l H',sntit If 11 e4e,SM '. M M ! awllaf .4 - ol alsrB easlas Sawlo 10 I slslo, Hahl "ill gtvo ofBMa ao s4 iKt-raal -O'aal.lao WS l.A floalof, ')llt,ral (SM t I 0 a4 ohas I rii i ir of'Cf Uf Intention, itso'wrKS st tss 's's . , mS II VOTt'K f ts tan tm I V (.41- Mt a tw4 lm. I h. ll.ni u. nS S-l e" a-tt- 4 h . " (M lhl -1 .11 I ah.n I l . 't nl - I nn.lf . SI f--r. inn. a-a eyW i ia l. Mi . i-i t . i .o wit.-. t r -,,-.;, i t , ; t, : . I H 'I Allotti.ta l flaliitlff. sruuns. IK TtH CIW'flT ml KT ''f Till iTAlK 1 n nrr,-n h-t M'i.ni untiiy I lata A. rid, t'lalailff, a MiaiM ll l I'nn'a .i hl.all-, Me. hum. hlia a tiH-S-Mtn. hi. !-. M-I.hr I. II ...h.. hf h I II J ra,l. Imnlrl II Dioaa and -- lloiaa, hi all Mndna a to,, i .. and I, Htifh. loo nf lbs el nmd ntn-l.(tl In lh !. nl lh aiala nf flri, fn il. h-hphf n-i'i'r-4 n n e' .n4 i,... Ih. niw l-l.l-l Sin nM y-l In Ih at... .nliii'd .-ill nn n ll-w Ih tlh rial mwm.1wt a...t cm a ll i n.-ll. U..I ll nn lil l- a n. Hli.1 tn an,. as In .l-t .-,11 nn . I MnnliiinM tlh ds nl a-ni. I- ! l4l'i'ld m."l . .'.! Ih.f. vtil aril l-ilh ! antll'M rl b h tM ll In ll. . I .. I Ml. 1.1- . I' l . II r- l- ( - a.l-Ml lh. -wt .-a J I. ! , I -. a I I. 1 !-. l-t lh n- $ i I i anh ll .! lh-r--n .1 II,. fa. . I I f iwikm fnrfn ll-nl, 1,1 i... I -I mi, ip.- I- i t. ti - m - m.M, Hn h IH l-a. li- - I 1' tl. t . -4 'k. -d I.- -... t.n I and. II . I In ... -il 4 llt - nl . ... ..i.d ' lh. n -l "l ll l. .--d I , Ir . In lh .i4 f,-i.,l I .n r -, 4-1 4 I ' i.t ! i s -n ih. I, l- a i h -I . 1 1- . I . ,,f-.l, ln.r.,.. In -I II.. ...I h.lln'i Ih an ,lh III M I -i. .- .- nf'W, I t h! . n.-., h ..- , I 9 "I h . t I ,! n.ll.. .hl,h l I .-''. . I ... ... I n lh Ii' - ..I I n air. a I h .-S l ' n lh. a ..I. n V. .'..... in I He will makn it ao oljoct for yon to trade with Li id LU prices are right, and all good that he handled, are of the very ImhL Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, I-Ioppner, Oregon. Ji WW W .at.:. KJTOa. to af-sV. Ji garau to C. a. Van Iuy a. Meat dmr to t ill But I. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Condies, Nuts, and olso keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Gomplcto. Notions a Specialty, : WITH IM 4 sw-i U ls?S, f ( s- soasi OJ ,M ft.. - A m A I Itotarf , fMMl7mf Rll . .ris4 h- 1 1 '. rnrifi i in a stv- 4 I r -t m4 ' ! B IIMll iwlf fc, - t M M I' 41 i t fla IK. S ll s' fl . I t at . I. 4 iWa4 t l H V ff Mfflil ; FIUS Y(uim BOUND to Tnl.oMCm, v ) ( "! t I I III fit s it r i ' r . ' i i I Jf Hi I ' t a t ! a, i I . .- hs0 . m t I " I ol S 4 1 s I t H. -I i h . .1-- v a.- 4 sa A JotVl r a- loart ly lis soatfl r;i T), I r-r'f,l J At " !. I . ntt tf.e s, f .!. 1 full rl.va (nr y r at I .pat ar C