Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 01, 1896, Image 2

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    Republican Ticket.
For President,
william Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice Preldent,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEE R, of Marlon County,
8. M. Y' 'RAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. f . CAPLE8, of Multnomah.
the country's disease four years
ago and prescribed free trade.
hough there was little or nothing
the matter then, the patient actu
ally grew ill on the medicine. Now
Dr. Bryan has completed another
diagnosis and prescribes free sil
ver. The Gazette believes that the
merican people will hire Dr.
McKiuley for the next four years
who will prescribe rest and sound
business methods. The nostrums
of quack Bryan will be dispensed
with and the afflicted will, with
proper care, return to the former
condition of good health, so much
enjoyed for more than 30 years up
to 1892.
y- o
opponents oi protection are
willing that this country shall sell
its products and manufactures in
the markets of the world, ofttimes
in competition with serf labor, yet
there is a universal clamor for
higher prices. Many explain that
prices will be made higher,
through free coinage. If prices
are higher, unlesB gold and silver
are - brought together in Durchas-
ug power, no beuefit will be de
rived from it If every pound of
wool and bushel of wheat briDg
louble the amount, under inde
pendent free coinage, that they do
now, no benefit will be derived un-
ess the purchasing power of those
dollars are equal to those now in
use. In the markets of the world.
n circulation and in the arts, the
world's stock of silver is nearly
$4,000,000,000, and the value of
this must be enhanced in order
that onr silver, which must sell in
the markets of the world, measured
d anything under the sun, for the
world's prices, can meet the price
of the other money metal. Many
of us think that independent free
coinage will result in the advance
of silver, but there is an elemeut
of uncertainty about it We do
know, however, that every dollar
that is added to the value of
American products by protection
is equal to the best dollar now in
circulation. Which will you have?
Those national speakers who are
dealing with the financial question
in opposition to the pop-democrat
io idea should be very careful to
state facts that cannot be contro.
verted. Facts and arguments are
entirely different things, and facts
should always be adhered to, else
good results will not be obtained.
It is for the voter to decide wheth
er he would have free trade and in
dependent free coinage rather than
protection and international free
coinage. The couciry tried free
trade in "the fifties" and agaii
Bince 1892, and the results are very
well known. No futber argument
is needed to convince the people of
this country that we cannot pros
per under fiee trade.
The justness of the demand for
free coinage is inferentially admit
ted by the republican platform.
It io endorsed as a true principle
of political economy, bo that the
difference between the independent
free coinage advocates and the in
ternattonal bimetalhsts in reality
narrows down to the question.
"Can we sustain independent free
coinage ana Keep botn money
metals in circulation? The in
dependent bimetallists claim that
this country can safely go to inde
pendent free coinage. A majority
of the republicans think that we
cannot do bo, and this opinioc is
endorsed by a very great many
who have never affiliated with the
republican party. Quite a num
ber of republicans who will sup
port McKmley do not fully en
dorse the position of the repubti
can party ou the money question
but it is a fact that the history of
the country does not show a siugl
instance w here free ooinagu,has been
been attempted when the value ol
the money metals were bo far apart
as they are now. It must be
.i i . . .
ncKuowieugou men turn same
theory enters into the independent
free coinage proposition and that
it is not altogether clear that
both silver and gold can bs made
to circulate side by side by action
m at f . M.
oi iuis country aioue. Tuers is
IntheworlJ nearly 11,000,000.000
of silver. To cause silver and col
ii circulate as money at the same
time io the UuiUtl States th
value of all this Urge bulk of si
vor muit be Increased in purchas
ing power to that of gold, or ss
most bimetallUU contend, the "on
earned" purchasing power of col
must be reduced to that of silver
elsa gold will at once go out of cir
culstioo as money. Then it must
lx admitted that if we should "go
if independently that it is not
altogether condoms that we
could sustain our itilio. To
the most sanguine there diets io
tli'ir toii da a doubt Under inter,
national bimetallism there rsu U
no iKaUtUa as to the result
Io such a compact it Un..t at all
ccearv to bare the tssiateurs of
Ureal Bntslo.
Humming tp lbs issues of this
campaign, ou)nn si.U arc arranged
fre trad, condemnation of the
apretns court, a plea for sUU so
rsigbty and lub-pondeot frt
coiosg;oa tbsolliff sid arc found
protection, refiprority, a jwilicy cf
A Bier too slips for A oif ricao p"!,
strict foreign lifr, trsAsortiot
of tU Moor. d.ietriusso l lotsr.
national Motet!.. sot. As a tnttt
i.f patriotism, as a principle of &.
MrvstUra, the (JaiMl, as a
f.rra Ul.ster la ths jn.tirs f the
dmitds t.f lbs common pp of
Its world for bimrUltiem, il lions
to l allured ioto suj parting lbs
rlrWirratic Utf., with all
that Is so cbjacii -osblo, la order to
solars lbdodsat fie OHOtg.
Tfei Gttetts't onorst Is tbs prU
tM of s tt nnruUr t4 sitter s-L
lerrfits i.f tU IVtteJ HUtea,
The foreign commerce of tbe United
States annually constats of between one
snd a half and two billinuc of dollars'
worth of imports sod exports, an 1 em
ploys several millions of tons of foreign
bips. In order tbat American ships
may be restored to tbe carrying of tbis
commerce, an agitation bag been bepnn
for tbe readoption of the policy of 1789.
to create a preference for American
ships by taxiug imports a higher duty
when brought here in foreign ships.
Senator 8 B. Elkins, of West Virginia,
and Hon. 8. E. Payne, nf New York,
bave tbis year introduced in tbe Dotted
States senate and bouxe, respectively
a joint bill which provi es for s duty of
ten per cent, more upon imports in
foreign ship than is levied upon im
ports in American ships. This policy
has this year been indorsed by tbe re
publican conventions beld in the follow
ing states: Massachusetts, Oregon,
New Jersey, Owineotioat, Peunjlv;iuia,
Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Delaware,
West Virginia, North Carolina, Wnh-
ington, Colorado and Maine. Tbe Ohio
repnblioan platform favored tbe use of
Amenoao sbms It tbe carriage of
Amerioan commerce without specifying
any policy. It was u. eoted that the
republican natiooal phitform would, also
endorse tbe polio of 1789, and Its ad
herents were not disappointed. Tbe
demooratio party can not be induced
to fHVor this policy, which Thomas
Jefferson was particularly influential
in having first established, and which is
tbe only policy tbat has ever been suc
cessful in giving to Aanrioai abipe
carnage of Ameinan commerce. If tbe
democrats would j dn the republicans
and restore and maintain that pidioy, io
me same non-paruean and uoauimous
manner tbat it was a hundred years
ago, its perniauenoe wonld be assured,
it wonld ooutinnouiily employ hundreds
of thousands of skilled workmen in
American sbipjardn, and would oause
tbe retention in the United States of the
hundreds of millions of dollars annually
sent abroad in gold to pay foreign ships
for curbing American commeroe.
Some Woods Can I'.e 6awed M Tliln a
Wrllluj I'apor.
While the finer and thinner veneers
of costly woods are aliccd tacpont tally
from the side of the lo;,', there are
woods that cannot be cut this way no
amount of boiling or steaming render
ing it possible to cut them without
breaking down the tissues to such an
extent as to destroy their surfaces for
polishing while others, says Hard
wood, becoming discolored from
steaming or boiling, and being too hard
to cut otherwise, have to be sawed.
The fine-toothed, thin-gauge circular,
with flanged center, is the favorite for
cutting all ordinary veneers thicker
than 30 to the inch ; 20 to the inch is the
thickness most commonly U9ed for cab
inet work and finishing, but much
thinner is used in the case of rare and
costly woods, or rare abnormal or acci
dental figures, as in the case of burls.
Some woods have to be cut much thick
er, being unable to bear handling when
too thin; genuine ebony, the only fine
really jet-black wood known, and large
enough to be of any use, will not stand
sawing much below one-fourth of an
inch in thickness, owing to the extreme
brrttleness or want of cohesion, but
there are other woods that can be cut as
thin as writing paper and still be
handled in large sheets. Other woods
there are that will lose their fine color
on exposure to the atmosphere, espe
cially a smoky one; these are cut only
wnen immediately wantect, and are
kept covered until the finishers can put
on a protective coat of some prepara
tion. '
A. A. W A S S
For Half Dollars Shoved Our Way We Poe
BacK to You Dollar Values.
This can be Demonstrated to you if you give us the Opportunity.
we are
iinmnAf (inn iriAn
11 U UUl
m and Tinware
AM Rpcommend It..
Ak ynnr phyioian. vnnr drngeit and
yinr friei.Hn nhnnl Sh'lnh'a Cnre for
Connm"tinn. They will recommend
it. For sale by Wells k Warren
Congressman Byniw, of Indi
aDa, tbiuks tbat the national dem-
crats will carry Florida, Alabama,
Texas aod Kentucky, and tbat
Louisiana will go for McKinley.
Num Bat Ayers at ths World's Fair
Ayer's Hars-parilla enjoys ths extraor
dinary distinction of baying been the only
blond purifier allowed so exhibit st the
World's fair, Guioago. Manufacturers
of other earaaparillMS songht by every
means to obtaio s showing of their goods,
but they were sll turned sway under tbs
application of tbs rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medifrioei snd nostrums.
Tbe decision of tbe World's fair autho
rities io favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla was
In effect se follows: "Ayer's Harsapa
rilla is sot s patent medicine. It does
nol belong to the list of nostrums. It is
here on lie merits.
It's going fas and the assortment will soon he broken. We have about 75 pairs of 10 4 Blankets
that we are letting go for from 60 to 75 oents a pair. These blankets are made of fine soft material
and make an excellent bed blanket.
We'vp some exoellent values io this line. We have a limited quantity of onr men's calf onngreps
shoes for 96 oenta a 'air; also ladien' Dongnla Oxfords at 95 cenip; same nn above in bib top
button, $1.25. Our 20th Century Dougola button at $1.40 is a stunner. Don't fail to examine it
whether you want to purchase or not.
Bent It to his Mother In Germany.
Mr. Jacob Et-bensen, who is in tbe
employ of tbe Cbiosgo Lumber C., at
Des Moines, Iowa, eays: -'I have just
sent some medicino buck to my mother
n the old country, that 1 know from
personal use to be the best medicine in
tbe world for rheumatism, having ned
it tn my family for several years. It ia
called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
always does tbe work," 50 oent bottles
for tale by Cocser & Brock.
Two "Irish" Drills Not at All Chargeable
to IrlHhmcn.
The Spectator records two "II i-
bernicisms" which are not chargeabl
to Irishmen. One of tliem was recent
ly uttered by the captain of a ''boys
brigade" a popular military organiza
tion in a certain hngl:sh parish. IJ
addressed the corps on the subject oi
the death of rrince Henry of Batten-
burg, and in ending his sympathetic
remarks chose an appropriate hymn to
close the service.
"And now," he said, "let us sing these
lines in solemn silence!"
The other remark was made by a cler
gyman in a discourse on the transitory
nature of eaathly things.
"Look, he said, "at the great cities
of antiquity; where are they now?
Why, some of them have perished so
completely tbat it ia probable they
never existed!
Goods Stock Complete
Scarcely any wool to speak of baa
been shipped from The Dalles ware
house as yet, and there probably will he
no more sales made until after election.
And ttlll B'yan will get several votes
from men who pans along every day and
see those great stacks of wool tbat
ought lo be sold and tbe money dia
tri bated nnil gat the many tbouaande
of debtors throughout this aeotiou of tbe
state. Antelope Herald.
Catarrh Cared,
health snd sweet breath secured, by
Hhllob's Catarrh Rrady. Trios 50
cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by
Welle k Warren.
Hlttory af Aeieiiraa Kklppng.
Is 17H9, only 23 percent of tbs foreign
commerce of tbe United Btstes was
camel la Americas ships, although
American hlpe sere boilt from 33 to
50 per oebt cheaper, aad belter, and
lasted I. gr, Ihsa fortigs ships. Tbs
li rtt sxi of tbe Brat eongrree, sod auhse
qqetil acts of thai and other congresses
during the latter part of tbs leal sen.
lary , creeled a prefwmee for American
chine lo lbs carriage ot Americas f r
eiga commerce, by tatlng Imports io
foreign ships mors tbas lbs were laied
is Aneilcao ships. 1 tat policy, during
His Dearly forty years II was la force,
eoebled Asaericsa atitie to carry 90 r
sst of American fnteigo sommerrs.
Is lbs mistakes belief thai A Sterlets
blps eoolj IhrreafUr carry sl of ear
foretge sommcres, without soy e'elntory
prefers se, Ihs legislates Ibal had cre
ated tbal preference was partly repealed
la in ,fil eore was te. relet la I"l7,
sod to 1CH was wb.illy sad fluslly re
lelHl. Vtfxm Ibal line Asm teas sbl(w
errid leM aed lees of Aesrtcae) cm
eserre, sod si lbs begleolog of Ibe civil
war they reirt4 bol 6 pr sel, w leb
bad falles el lie eUwe ol tbe war la but
2M sr eoi. ssJ Is lday but II tt
res! il eo f.rlgs s-mstree.
Is IT) I as set e ee4 w,Ub coo
floe J eor CimwIwIm ssd Inlabd Saf
oroe le teewle of Ibe I'atted Htaiee, ss
srt Ibal has sever bes lietsibi, asd
Sir bee gits lo ,e l'elt4 IliaUs
Ibeflwal lalaa.1 ebt plug Is Ihs woflJ.
Is irl Ae.tfS leg air; See desied
liftss rle, wttch sol bes brs
Stisaily le foiee etf 4ur. Itcf
Ibe set of IrJN. abv rlw4 l , sen
Ibeirae rwtie fotelgs Llie lo frwlj
eU witk AsiMas bi$s la it
rsrtageol Aaieikas Meigs e mtt
turn lino io Iism ettwe tevw b
etede lo egais gie Ike earryteg f ear
Sneseeo to est es ekto, b to te
se4 eeUtJits. Is eshat.lits were
(ai-U-l Islao leoaiteM Asties
Hoes eel wMrdteos Mi 1V9 eikerapej
Iba tss faii4. Tts iti.ly set of
lMkee. t; Ibe hlp tf SBtaf aH,
leeJ f. sr eaa4e seJif It s Aeswwas
t't. te 4 skiea ere el Aaterteoa sea
ef tt.. tkal le Ike eeai lUl of so
etUtael s-1r eaUi.te la Iko
t'i- l Ri.tf a. Tk'te taa l-e S
r- ea-y eel m4 M lo t-tOt 4
The Mormna Temple.
It waa only fonr days after Ibe srrival
of Ibe Mor nnn emigrants in Ibe basin of
the Hall Lake that Brigbam Young
marked out tbe aite for Ibe great Mor
mon temple. Tbe people of the colony
labored on tbe edifice fur many years,
bsaliog Ibe grsnite ot which It is coo
struoted from s quarry twenty miles
distaot. At last after tbs expenditure
of eeveral millions of dollars, it baa
bees completed, aod ia one of the ro'e
eolid end irapreeaive buildings in Amer
ice. Its walls are sixteen feel thick
sod will probably stand witboul
crack fr s tbnoeaod yeara. Tbe temple
eod lbs Mormon tabernacle are ereht
lectnral beddings of which coy city
mlgbl be proud. Frrn "Wnnderlamle
of tbe Weal." io Dvmoreet'e Magailoe
for Heptaimber.
We are giving as close, if not closer pricps than any bouse either in California or
or Oregon. Why we are selling goods this wav is because we want money. If you
want goods bring on jour silver and get gold values according to tbe Gold Bugs theory.
Wheat from Grass.
Mr. Fabre claimed that after 10 year?
of cultivation he secured a variety of
wheat from a common gross, the
"Aegilops Ovata," which grows abun
dantly all over the south of Europe.
Others, however, claim he was nn?-
tuUeu, and that tne uowers or urn
plants In his experiments were hybrid
ized with wheat.
A Fart Worth Knowing.
Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia
and all Tbrnat and Lung dieaaoa are
cured by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
Welle A Warren.
Where the Pursuit of a Competence In
Far from Kasy.
Teople do not seem to go to Florida
nowadays to grow oranges and glide
into afilucnce gradually while cti-
resHid by the southern t un. It Is, in
fact, too gradual a flidc, especially if i
you siart with pips.whicli require seven
years before they give you oranges.
Besides, it is not such smooth oniim?
ns that. Now and then cornea n b'tm-r
frost with its sequel of Vae vietix."
For my part, I love a frosty morning
in Florida, with its rich, tmolty, red
eastern say, against which the green
or the trees hns so strong and Incongru
ous an effect. But there is too much
swearing nfWv.ard for the peace of
mind of a lrtuous and sympathetic
person. Nice little grOs In full bear
ing may. It Is said, l.e plclicd up cheap
nftcr one of thrse calamitous nights.
It Is, however, much like buying shares
in a bank thnt hns jifit cloned Its doors.
Onty the most patient, hardened end
(!iipecunious of emigrants enn stand
orange growing in Florida. True, they
are lured on by the prospect of ninrket
gurdrning in the niennMme. Early
strnwherrles, new potatoes, etc., acil
well in the north. But so many other
pnrfa of the western heml'phere are
1 tie Eipiwliinn.
The Oregon Indnatrial Exposition will
open at rortland, Haturday evetiluc,
Meptember l'l, and continue one month
Ae an expoeiti n of tba resource, prod
ucts aud industries of tLeeutits Nortl
west, It will far surpass any of ita predr
oess.irs. Its financial success la assured
by s guaranty fond, and wi'b this to
rely npon Ihe manrgera havegooe ahead
with boldness and cn Qdeiice lo gatbi r
tbe most complete e x Libit of everything
entering into the life snd prosperity of I at the snme game and the commUr.lon
Una region ever brought together. Many Kn" ore so sherp thst proflts never
alterations are being made lo the inter-
lo S reent letter lo Ihs maoofactor
ere Mr. W. F. Betijimio. editor of Ihe
flpecialnr, Itoshford, N. Y , eaye: "It
may be s plaore lo yoo lo know Ibe
bleb esteem la which Cbamberlais'e
mediriees srs Md by Ibe peepls of
yoor oo etato, where Ibey mn he
beetksowB. As auol of miee, who re
al dee si loiter, I.iwa. wee atom I lo
vtaic me s fe yeara since, snd hfie
leaving borne wrote me, sking ifttny
were Sold brre, elating tf Ibey were n I
ebe wosld btieg s qnaslily with bey
ae ebs did m liks lo to wiibool them."
Tbe me.ti. loes referred lo are t'basbr.
lais'e (Vsgbj Ibuiely, farontiS f.r I
Sores f On) Je snd emep ; Cbamberlaiti'
Tals ttalm tot trieemaliera, lame tck
patne is Ibe si.U and rbeel, end Vh
bedaie's O'lla, t'bulers eoj Iienbee
KeBdy f r bowel f. tuplaiats. Tbe
eaedlrtare have bevs to nmUet oe lo
.ia for almiMl a nartre rfsrrMury
The mo.I have leareel Ibal they ere
srtt. leo of al snub sad owl it. a d
seeealtJ bt aey fiber Tby ere (or
sale tare I T tVxf A Br.k, draggtais.
Ihmegk iratee es ike 0. II A !
rss is. t'n atiila. Walts Welts erd
I'eedUiao. Tfngti elte, first a4
mm4 riaa. sill rs t eoaet wtk
ISe lel raf'fla. Ibe eam se kelu.
'. A Ihmseb firal elaae alpf Port
land lo Ss- kaae, Soeeectleg wUh lb
B'al elae !( f In St. faul, ae.t a
IhMMtgS fcStlal elevpvf ittlasd lo HI
I'aal, w.ll rss Is t-seeotto sub Ike
Oresl Jtwlbw railoaf If
lor arrangements of the huge structure
io wbieb the fair is held, (specially in
providing greater facilities fur theeo
Jo)nieul i.f viaiicrs. HH-cial attention is
being paid lo those who attend io many
ways besides Ibe mtiai) and exhibits.
Every sighl ainv thing special will be
given for the amnseineol ol visitors.
Frrqneul exanraions, at extremely low
rales of fare, will be rao oo sll rallrosda.
aod eecia rales will be given al other
limee no all lines lo Oregon, Wasblng
Ina and Idaho. Both In ibe variety snd
qiialily nf Ibe exhibits snd in Its special
tiraetinoa lbs fair will be far euperbr
to soy ol its predeeea re.
seem locome nigh cxtiectntion. And all
Ihe time the newcomers are blarkcning
itlidei- the Florida run, eiijovli g little
fevers (quite hnrtiilras, thry ore lold),
aetiling lov n t. I"! they may to the
siK-lety of tin voluble moMpiitor and
realizing only too olidly thnt thre
ore iliNnpfHiiutiii'Titt snd -irlvatloin
enough Ut be u!Ti red in this Matidrd
Istol of prrjwtoal aunahltie. The pur
suit of s competence Is, In fact, no
eaalrr In Florida than elsewhere.
Cornhlll Ma-rarlne.
It Waa
Ala, flat It
Tor iyBete
sod Liver complaint yoq bave s prioled
gnarant-s on every bnltls of Htiilob's
Vita tier. 1 1 never fails t't core Far
sale by Wells A Warren.
"I la 4''W. Is !
fall Skawera.
This locality waa vi-ited os Monday
evening wit It an old fashioned Ibondrr
shnwer, follnwteg tbe beal. weather of
Ihe fatt loo weeks or mora. Ilia did
B"l cav M fall till early teaierdey
ming, and si intervale etece geelle
ahoweea have s lo aait i mialB
leg Ibe dry, bol earth and Ibe esd nf the
helt Irrm it so d nht paaaa.t f. r tbia
aeaano Frtirrs and eha'dmeS ell
agre thai Ihraa raina wi do ae 'oea'l
matte araosnl of g t, nnptg f
Oaly rtarrvl of
Hilled lllaa.
The birgeat and itnnllrat skeletons of
humans etrr preserved srw kept in the
inuaruni of the Royal College f Hitr
grvna. In Lincoln's Inn Fields, Itndon.
One la eight f'-rt four Itichea In li.-lgbt.
Tbe other is Iras than two fert. f'harlr
I yrtie, the faiixiiia IrUh giant, ho
more gem-rally known aa tl'Urlrn, died
l i IT'l. when be waa 21 j rsra old. Hh
i acily for iiHr vna In I, ft j leg
lua hue phti ral pripnrtlotta, ! olrrit
t ua dia anguiah over toeing sit U's pop
rlty to Wit, a C .!!., ,irl(u, be
r'ratik s rank of ale In orwi'ey. Tbe day
follow Irg he was dead. V) tn- had a
grral dread of l--eori,,i.g a ,!,rf tir'
n'n atihjrrt. l!e tiMd a hcrgiin l h
s fihrrmn lfure be d.r j lo lake h
lity out luiq ihe rbannrl and throw l
Hunter. t!ie I'tigltah itfh. rart
nl this arrar r-nirnl. and hr p Ing tb
rhrrmrO I V O be prvlalUd Up-ttt lhl
to carry ol their larpal lb teller,
but in at lark rope lo the lty sod
Iris II fp sfairt Sfter II had ls lo,
Full English Course.
Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
. e 1 in - -Bk . i ii ni i v : n n r o tr f
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
All these can be procoreJ st Thomi-son Hinns, Lower Main Street,
lepjiiter, Ore-gno.
Theae tontletnea era a)ttalnt4 with Grant, Itamey. Teno. OlMUm and Other counties,
aixl ran noney a a lima lu Making tbe atciiitus its lraiti( na.
friar In keening wis ihe llrae.
The Lancashirf. Insuranxe Co.
Ol" Nf A.7eil ICeoTIC , KN(IIMNt)
Ie cite World
aiteS il,ns ttia ("igud to b'tWOoq.
di'i s for fall eoie
A ! twatie
Kefe Clvee IVW ls rri6a Ihe
A-n- a I cive s deal end h-ei.fn
eoiWtl'n. eale by VtelUiAWar.
rant and aiarlmf volonlr whaat, be- Urs1. The C.bertoro aryvrd two maa.
tera tt-A lluntrr P"I l! l!y.
Th liny i.r!rlt it thai of falii,.
( rsrtidn.i. tl. K,.i;i..a darf. ki
f i.l.lr. In rtr,' hi tne early fartof
t,m irtiiiiry. Te chill d4 t t craw
sfu r birth, and Iwfot h caf h 1 he
teen S .? rd ISer l-'y. It I akl. wet
e- 1 1 lua Vr t.-H tHtri-no ) h fin,
t'ea 1p tha g nt'e f'ln m ,f np r-f
Ihe tH' firn aor when h.'ld Th
ak.trfoo of tb dwarf ran ei ttd
Into It ss eaail ss s Krm.-.V. T
Ota tW4y fatvf,
U1 S 1 rt tl nif b. tba UM SS t -
''tt it (mmnlfri.it. Is mg jm tjm!.
heaelfroai fae I ei ae not
krthrr kt oe ,. ( nm ft .
jrvw ir 'f r-jirnri rrpm mjrnwf rj
If tttm J ('via ith '.law tt tttp
ea.fc (mum,
A few year sro s r-rrdirt'on thai
care kitrben toweling would on d4v
b S fa.hlonntle drr.a fat rie wotiid
lsve met wliu ecorn. Itt iwty. srm
Inf snd sbaurt aa It o.m.!, rrub l
tlal Up Into Ibe Oralr.l Iff f morhll.C
HMtttRire and are lodorvd by lb Wn
laibca. Tberr aro varlona wtavraand
wvlirota of crsth; the car werare
atnrwbat sbey In n far, w hd lb
rloi tnrh la ti.onth. The rlor rat e
from rrm lo blown. In-wa p,m-'.
Ibis material are o.iiiJty sntrmrir,
or ftriahrd nn'y with s U II and mtUr
of rwinnd I nro or dura. , wid, fl
skirt has e'itr'iewl. oel(d f" a
snd ss lino j't ki. w hub baa far.rr
rtitlr Sbd rvirfa of prieti I fsen. An.
oO.er baa S I .eiie wal itb a 3
foil ir and titlita of lefi ar 1 1
t.ri l orn. Wl.'f tl rf e . i oj utar loot
)rr. St r.v' to a.. l y
easa rUi(b In strit-aT rt.r, wkWb
l ta ker ly IS t- S tett tie,
but tty wkt ISje ! , r ff
fH.r I e si.rt''r U-.
k H I ! M.'t a - ., , i . , en i
'i at. I t-r.. t -t h i tt no ., iii(t.
IS ahal U r'" I J'l rS fxwrd
HI. !. I,. it
1 tni nert tr nu ar or TftK cTart
nl lr,,,, ,rt ,h. ! ,, Mrr.,
Ullf M . Mwf, ITatotlS,
IU. M llimil, Itoton-Unt.
t S hulM l'.r..a,.
" i o neA. yn are
!. .f ei .lit I., aptt a.4 SM..f ( ( rr,m.
..in Si.-I ri-M ft ik .!,, biiii.4
i e m in. ti
.U lia ui ia ahr.i i,uiwlnmrt, toa
TSe US Say st w.sr, IteS.
imrMi.lM ka atart. 1. ,,B ii,,.
th. t)-oi am i ih rmir, hM (
' ' wMl.t. t n yk. 4,.
"4 m.r. r,l.. 1.1,., ,.1,t,e
... I 4.'.-I.H 1.4 Ik... ....I, ,k. fc)
Ik 1 M ''. M M at
I kt. ..,-. Ufc.n4 H t' Mir
' "' M ... ) i.m
f.an...,!iirtwit,a4. mi .. luttti
l t S Sa..w '
' im i mil tie.
of Inttntlon.
flrr i
rrr n.n.ta Wits a trtmtitl'.f
aeaUI ' r rmtti tt a rt wetr
art U i!uitri.i.c- roJ it sot ia a ' ke akia tfc.l fit tor U -1 et
rve-faiora al Ike H Us N.f arts, Ut j aWt stmts s osarter sf ss Kl ,e-Jeu'y wtm.(kt. l f, 4
a. fee foaet frutiow.
lAH I'i - .'j'iel'u A'laavA.J
V... I -. ft.1 i t U.I. II
II.WV,, crva4 llkkly ef it fJ.J
and eli-a-d srrr. er-riaUe it rtn.
fsl'y with wk la (-fir, rMr e.f !t
I ; ft v, t? 5 of ffud !-.
f '. t!. o t : 1 1 . , ,j
l kif !'. ; frij jt if ..
's ..r -d ".io I a-! I t
a I ' I H 4 lry J-r it. im m ,,!
b"jail ee.t;-a.sa fjo
v.4V f w-iw . 4 d'rv: at tbe tt
I of r ytr b w.'rit w It -- f
dfSfci; s ye?, 14 nor . rVee
f''. It o- : r J , I- ' t ...
y ' a , tl luci t .!n t.
Ji',ri: I I.,,.-, lr
' '. 1 ? Ill . ; . t ' ' .
il f I I It it U . ,;,-,.
M ! f
i o cirrus t rt tut ts neiMtaj,
'""t" - t i. .rr
4 -.! MM a. I
Knatf y
Wlt -i M katry,
" le W W .Sa4Fu
'' IUmm I.
u U 4 all i.iuihm
ai4. t-a.M m. I- i. , Z
.-ai '
"tl it t--l"r( ,1, (. , frjjm
trk.fke lk0p 9.w, f
trk"a l rp grrnr m
fffn l'-0 lan tt- t t ....
II l.r it rf.wa exit I itm
fr- m W - tl er I r.a ;rk rf
. II i t m J tl a ia I II f A.17
r'f '' IV II .uato (hm Wm
H I. ffc. e k 4-t . d , ar femf ,
e a- ,i' , utk , f
' .. . J I j , ff m ,f f,p
..r i,,a.ta4
1. i it . , AarW.a ln. ohm,, r t l
J. .L.f. iWysBtlisgyi.e,