Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 28, 1896, Image 4

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Solano Mi
B or
Of Two Transcontinental
"O" TS7 3E3 S
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Gold pens are now usually tipped
with iridium. The bits of this metal
are laid in notches at the point of the
pen, then fastened on with flux, being
afterward ground and polished for use.
Pliny says that the liquor of the
cuttlefish was often used by the Romans
as an ink. It was considered superior
to the lampblack preparation, but was
not used so freely on account of its
much greater cost.
Several species of the rhododen
drons have the singular peculiarity of
producing a poisonous honey. Chem
ists have repeatedly examined the flow
er, but have not detected the poisonous
principle, which appears to be only de
veloped after the bees have manufac
tured the juices of the flower into
A Mrs. Richard King is the owner
of a landed estate in Texas which oc
cupies nearly two thousand square
miles. She employs a small army of
men on her property, which is also a
congressional district, and her power is
so great among her employes that she
can readily dictate, it is said, who shall
be the next representative from that
district at Washington.
News was brought from Sitka to
Port Townsend recently that the
whaling season had been the most un
successful of recent years. The catch
of the entire fleet so far as reported has
been but twenty-three whales. Four
teen deaths occurred in the fleet, and a
number of sailors who ran away when
near land and have not been heard of
since are -supposed to have frozen to
Two Lyons stndents are traveling
t.rirnncrri "PYannfl with a nniiKRft-nmisse.
Steamers Leave Portland the form of perambulator used at the
Everu 5 Da US For 'ast rar' exhibition. It weighs one
SAN FRANCISCO. rides while th0 other pushes him for
an hour; men incy cnange aDout. xney
have reached Taris, and will go to Bor
deaux. Marseilles, and back to Lyons
British museum authorities have no
right to exclude persons from their
reading room, according to a recent
London county court decision. They
had undertaken to keep out one of the
For full details oall on O. R. k N.
AKtnt ta Heppner, cr address
Geo. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obkoon. eccentric nuisances who plead their
own cases in English courts, but the
E. McNEluL, President and Manager.
San Francisco
And all point In California, tie the Ml. Bhasta
rout of Ihe
Southern Pacific Co
Tha nrmt hivhwny thronsh California to all
point Earn and Mouth, (irand Hoenln Route
of tha l'ai'ifio Coast. Pullman Hnflet
rilaaitera. Beooud-olaas bleep ra
Attached to cipraaa train , affording auparlor
aoeouiHiodatfona lor senoml-fllaaa pvanngnra.
Fur nitM, tinsels, almpiua oar reservations,
ato,. oall npn or address
K. KOKHI.KH, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. t. A V, Agt, Portland. Oregon
court held that the collections by
statute are "free to all studious and
curious persons" so long as they observe
the regulations,
A cargo of nearly three million feet
of lumber was loaded at Port Town
send, Wash., a week ago for Dolagoa
bay. South Africa. It was destined
for use in the mines in the interior,
One usually thinks of Africa as having
no scarcity of timber. But it is most
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
producers of this country. The Repub
lican party favors each proteotioo as will
lead to the production on Amerioao soil
of all sugar whioh Amerioao people nee
and for which they pay otber eonntries
more than $100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of miDe
and field as well as those of the shop
and faotory; to bemp, to wool, to the
produot of the great industry husbandry,
as well as to finished woolens of the
mill, we promise most ample protection,
Wo fsvor restoring the early American
and conscience of their countrymen in I polio of discriminating duties for the
the following declaration of facts and upbuilding of our merohant marine and
principles: the protection of our shipping interests
For the first time since the oivil war in the foreign, carrying trade, to Amer
the Amerioan people have witnessed the ican ships the product of American
oalnmitous consequences of full and no- labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
restricted Democratic oontrol of the eailinfl under the Stars and Stripes, and
government. It has been a record of manned, officered and owned by Amer-
unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and "cans may regain the carrying of onr
disaster. Io administrative management roreign commerce,
it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
The Republicans of the United States,
assembled by their representatives in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of their
claims to the matchless achievements of
30 years of Republican rule, earnestly
and confidently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
liberty. Tbe government of Spain bar
ing lost control of Cuba and being unable
to proteot the property or lives of resi
dent Amerioan citizens or to comply with
its treaty obligations, we believe the
government of the United States should
actively use its influence and good offi
ces to restore peaoe and give indepen
dence to tbe island. . .
total TTAJmnnt tf Xfctfceu
Trot. W. H. Peeke, who
make a specialty of
Epilepay, has without
doubt treated and cur-
ad more caaea than any
living Physician; bis
succeaa is astonishing.
We have heard of case
ot jo years' standing
cureu uy
him. Ha
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sends
with . a
large bot-
Tbe peac, and security of tbe republic JSS&S.
and the maintenance of it. rightful in- Ktffirt&'l
flaecoe among the nations ot, tbe earth
demand naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore fbvor continued enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seacoast defenses.
Tbe republican party is unreservedly
eked out ordinary current expenses with fof gound ffioDpy ' n h
borrowed money, piled up tbe public
debt by $262,000,000 in time ot peaoe,
foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept
perpetual menace hanging over the re
demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit
to alien syndicates aod reversed all the
measures and results of successful Re
publican rule. In the broad effect of its
polioy it hait precipitated pauio, blighted
industry and trade witb prolonged de
pression, olosed factories, reduced work
and wages, baited enterprise and orip
pled Amerioao production while atimu
lating foreign production for the Ameri
can market. Every consideration ot
publio safdty and individual interest
demands that the government shell be
resoued from the bands of those who
For the protection of the quality of our
Amerioan citizenship and of wages of
our workiegmen against fie fatal com
petition of low prioed labor, we demand
that tbe immigration laws be tburugbl)
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to tbe United States those
who can neither read nor write.
The civil servioe law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, whioh has always sustained
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced and extended wherever practi
i Caveats, and trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-'
ent business conducted for MODEM.TC FEES.
Sand we can secure patent in less tuuc than those
(remote irom nasningion. ...
i Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp
f tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
rw f nnt due till natent is secured.
I a Pamphlet ' How to Obtain Patents," with
fcost of same in' the U. S. and foreign countries
J sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
The comparative value of these twoeards
la known to moat persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity la
Not always most to be desired.
Theae carda express the beneficial qual
ity of
As compared with any previously known
Ripans Tabules: Price, 50 tenia a boa.
Of druggists, or by mail,
BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spruce St., H.T
thinn to patent? Protect your Ideas; they; may
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. 0., for their 81,800 prize offer.
nient of the law providing for the
resumption of specie payments in 1879;
since then every dollar has been as good
An anlrl.
' . If" 3 1 . 1 . . . . 1 1. .
- I V H HmHIl 1 LUHt HVHrV Ull 2MU Ul LUr
We are unalterably opposed to every D)ited gtate(J 8bal) be Blluwed t0 oaet 8
measure oaloulsted to debase onr cur- free Bnci unrestricted ballot, and such
renoy or impair tbe oredit of our conn- ballot ahull tK counted acd returned as
ti v. oast.
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free lynching.
ooinnge of silver, except bv international ye proolaim oar unqualified condem-
agreement with the leading oommercinl oatioo ot tbe UDoivilized and barbarous
nations oi the world, whioh we pledge Dractice known as the lynching or killing
ourselves to promote, and until suoh au banian beings suspected or ohargfd
with crime, without process ot law.
We favor tbe creation ot a national
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
SGault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. S
Q C. M. 01 8t. P., U. & A , f. in. w. at u.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
RATES 12.00 PKH 13 A Y
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
The regnlar subscription price of tb
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tha
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both tbe Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
Nkw Fbed Yard. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
the Gazette office, and now solioits a
share of yonr patronage. Billy is right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prioes
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf
m -j m. -j J v s ' ' '
agreement oan be obtained, the existing
gold standard mast be preserved. All
of onr silver and paper ourrenoy now in
circulation must be maintained at a
parity witb gold, and we favor all mess-
have shown themselves inoapable to
probably the means of cutting it that oonduot it without disaster at borne and
as 1-a 1 o 1A, t n r K VT-intira n 1 11 m)iP fl nrt fa. I
o.,ki ,arif.."t In moat of th format oo- dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to
r. - I
cred islands of the West Indies for the the party which for 80 years admin
Hume reason. 1 . . . 1 1
Th Hi a ai.rrw.nt marl lt latpt n-1 H most enlightened nations of the earth.
pearance in llcllingham bay, Wash., prosperity j and In this oonneotion we
recently, and seventeen residents of heartily indorse tbe windom, patriotism
new niisuuiu b.o icau, , . .m- . .... f , .,lm.lraio,i
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
tbe differences wbioh may arise between
employers and employed enuased in in
ures designed 10 maintain invioiaDie me tergtQte oommeroe.
obligations of tbe United Htates and all
davit that thev saw it. Thev are eaual
ly positive with the Wall street man President Harrison,
who saw it, or one, off the Jersey coast
last month, and it is to be assumed cither
that there are two or more sea ser
pents, or that it is a very rapid swim
mer, or that it knows tho route of the
northwest passage.
The "Era of Actlum," adopted dur
nnr mnnav wlmthnr nnln nr nnnAr. at tha I
r-i---, . ,. , ,
. we Deneve iu 100 immeuiHie reioru
preseni stanaard-me s.annara or we ,0 ,h-frM home8le8d olicy of the Re-
piiblioan party, and urge the pasnHge
by oongress of tbe satisfactory free
homestead measnre wbioh has atready
passed tbe bouse and is now pending
in tbe senate-
The veterans of the Union armies de
serve and should receive fair treatment
and generous recognition. Whenever
TUI TAB IFF. Draotioable thev should be civen Drefer-
I ann. I i , V . a malln. ' t .mhlntrmont n I
We renew and emphasize onr alio- r
We favor tbe admission ot tbe remain
ing territories al tbe earliest prsotioable
glance to the policy of protection as the luc7 ,UD aste.navingdui regara 10 me inieres 01,
sucti laws as are oesi caiouiaiea 10 se- ins territories ana ine unuea oiatei. an
bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde-
TnrotiKh Pullman I'alare HIvfihts.
Tourist HlivMrs ami Frt'S Itecllnliif Chair
Cars 1A 1 1. Y totliUaiin,
Manr huiirs saved via tills line to F.aslrrn
ing the early days of the Roman em- pendenoe and the foundation of Ameri-
pire, coiiuuenioraica ine great vie- . , . , .. m. t
tory gained by Octavu. over the c" ""tow "d prosperity. This
troops of Anthony and Cleopatra, true Amerioan policy taxes fureign pro
January 1, It. C, 80. It was often du,.tg ,nj enooarages borne industry aad
used among the Komans both in . . .
writing and colloquially. Just as In P D9 Dur(,8n or '""Due on loreigo
England people apeak of events as oc- goods; it secures the Amerioan market
curring before or aitor Ino Ion- , ,, . . , ,, ...
qu,Ht, or., person. In this country ,or n Amerioao producer; It uphold.
frequently re fir to event, a. having the Amerioao standard ol wages ror the
happened U foro or after "the war." American workincmsn : it Dot. the fac
DEEPLY GRIEVED. lory by tbe ide of Ibe farm, and makes
Hal a atraoie ae.t saddxa t hange Casae the Amerioan farmer lesa dependent on
our. the fulfillment ot pledge, made to federal officer, appointed for territories
n..mnik.J.-.ir ti.. .nnmn. "bould be seleoted Irom bona DJe reel-
dents thereof, and tbe right of self-govern-peril.
W. denoonc. tbe praotioe in tbe mBi. .... h. .n,.oraed fa, as nrac
m. w-
pension bureau, bo reoklcssly and nn- hjoabl. We believe tbe citizens ot Ala.
justly onrried on by tbe present adminis. ka should have representation in the
tratioD, ot reduoikg
trarily dropping name.
deserving tbe severest ooodemoation ot
the Amerioao people.
oiR fobeiom policy
fj) .is... fl)
fTS To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their
g( Widows, Children, or Parents. Do Vou receive a pension ? Had You a g
W relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
f 0$ on whom you depended for support ?
To receive 1 pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new
7 law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it
k5S to vou and is wllllne and Anxious to pay. Why not present
Ji your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
4? time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour.
v5) rrWrit. for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice, faj
Uft No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C.
JT. B.THU Company it tontroUtd by nearly one thoutand leading new-
. 1 41 n i....i u..!. ri pavtrt in tht Vnittd Slati,and it aua.itnUtd by them.
pensions and arbi- congres. of tbe United Htate. to the end rjrinn
from the role a. nMded laUoa msy be ,U,el1-
gently enacted.
We sympathise with all wise and le
gitimate efforts to lessen aod prevent tbe
Our foreign policy should be at all eTiiH 0f intemperance and promote mor-
AttorneyH tit lycrvv'
All bnsineae attended to it a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
t 1 : i s
It. U'. PAXTKIt, Or Airnl,
I'orllnnil, Oregon.
J. C. 1IAHT, Agent, e.;nirr, Vrryan.
T (ctcntlflo America!
iava W rnsii.uiur.
TOAOa aaaaat.
Dleiow evaaT.
f- tnf-nall' s H.M.lrka t r't
Ml KM a iu, ssl .?. hiw
P mi f' aM.fM h""11 tm law!'
I ,f ptrtl lasra mil t-r 1. m IiM br.w
IM Atua f IM Ira tf rfcwaa ta ta
S'ricnUfic tukan
I i'H Hiiiiiav tiia ft ta fa
.-f4 a, i..'ltl'f l-lM4rl a.l lfcllli,
M .Ll km II III S)l tMSa
'iim 1 n sr Vi a aa-
.r ll.r Spirits. lorelun demand and Drlce: It diffuse, time, firm, vigoron. and dlgoinod, and ality.
B cv. a 1 (.. A . 1 I " I I
nirm. ow.yoaric aignra wnrn nrr ,.... .. . ...... s. -11 ... I I. ...!... k.mts.
daughter told her that Mr. Trlvvet had '""' nu lauuaw " "
aakrdher to U hi. wife and that ahe I of all on the strength ot each. In It. pnere careiuuy waicoea ana guaraea.i Se lUonblloao party la m'.odfal of
had WtHMiio rngaged. L.aannabu a.r.1iatlnn it ta lust, fair and The Hawaiian Island, should be control!- tha rivbta of woman. ProteotloB of
ul - fl . i. a i. -1 r-. 1 I -
1 aim kw 1 uuKn nut 10 irri hmiit 1 .... . ... .:.. ,i4. ....I
aKut ll." Mra. tlwayback addM, wl- Impartial, enally opposed to lorslgn 'u oy mm uuneu maita, inn do luisisa """" '""
ing anay a tear wilh the corner of her control and domeatio monopoly; to arc- Pr shonlJ be permitted to intrfrre o'r'"""' 'H- V' "
tpr-m. -It 1. woman's duty to m roar-1 . ,, .......... .... .. ..sm. tu ih. v;.... ..n.i .,,ni,i n',wa P'"""'
rlL I Irf I tha home of m h.nnv irlrl- ,,"DI oiatrimmauoa -nn muiv.uuai - -1 " " faor the admUioo of womso to w der
hood to Iworoe Mr. 8wayMiok, and fivoritism. We daoouooe the present be built, owuwl .ml operatrd by he I ipppa q nsefaloMie enl welooAe their I
now you must Irate to jH-eome dmoorlio tariff ae KHtiooal, lujurlons CoiM 8ti; and by the pnrchas. of 8o operation in reaemng tbe ooutry from
Trlttrt. Will, I cannot help feeling my I ... , . . ... . , , , u ,...,, p.....,
ran notcr puouo rreaii sou aeairnciite so oust-1 " '""" ... - 1
le hrr tlaughtrr with IndilTrrrncri I .... .olernrlaa We demand aaoh proimr and iiineb beedrd (taliuu In tb. aDU n),""a
I I n a a a t t M 1 1 I I .lalen. K erk k V . a . . a. a -
oucn are me prmripioe ana poiiciea 1 Lie. ting ai.ist nireei wci. rnnianii, rnr Amri., nwaeo, Ing De.ob, Ooeae
of Ibe rennblioao Dtrtr. By Ibeee orio- etCiHU. liiret ecno-fltioo witb llw.ee aUamar. aod rail-
come luto competition witb Amerioao me maa.aciee in Armenia Date arone- , , .,..,,,.,.., road; also at Young's li.y wiib geaabore IUi!rod.
Ily this time Mra.Hwayb.ck was u- MOl,ae,. M - . no, 00i- faroljlo ilIe. ed the deep sympathy aod juat iadigna- ., . ,ula .,.,.. Wa k for TEIiUrnOWn
lilng violi-nlly and her daughter was I , j u I . . . . . .
trtimrtoruuiLrther. qaate ret.noe for tbe Deeeeary ripen tiou of tbe Ammean peopl". nd we be- u.em the eooaidar.U Judgment of the I
' " I I ... . - I . M . . t I
I Mien come tnaee too onen.moiiier, I . f the . verement. but wil protect e loe ljuiieu maiee enouia nervia amerioao pm.p... vawu - uTa. Portland P l.iir.i.i s.mrt.r.
darling-ahe aaid. ... L .11 n-11 e. r,mrri. ..... 1.. be bl.tory of oor great party and Io tbe i a. u.,,c-ttMT ta4 Mo.iar. ...nda; ai.nn f. h.
"Ofcourae you wUl, but It I. a fri - . . ' ' . le.iiee of onr eauee we preeeot onr plat- OOEAW WAVia
trial to part with you, my child. You tbe wage Utel of otber I
mu.t r,ol mind your food mother scry We are not pledged to any particular Turkey Auierte.u reaiJeols have been ,arMM lhtl ,b, .iUan will brlog
"" I . . . ... 1 I ... .1 ... , ... n .. .
In- vimr svm. tnnlher. I'm aura ecUedOlee. ibe qieelldO or r.le. ISIIrBr IM " tioiury to sue iwpuuncan ywj
you rouhln't grt a finer young man Lraeiioal onealloB to be eoverneJ bt I Amerioan property destroyed. There proaperily to lb people of Ibe Uulted for laMf . es4. Comfort, Heamir Tral ee iha Tslhooa, mii,f OaU.rt s4 (Wa Wate.
man ir. irittn nr eon ia iaw, ami
the Wat man In the world without re
)ia Uivcr and Tuo-et Sound Navigation Co
baares Portlatiil 7 A. M. Dalit, tirrpt Hun.lar. Uatrt Asu.rla J P. M. Ialtf . eirant lundst.
eaiurtlaf nlhl. l p M. leaves AtUirUTDallr a
beata Portland and runs rtlrwl to Tuwla and Thnradaral A. M. ftaiunlst al P. J.
.i w-v wwwi.y .111 vri.f m 1 ws. is. us aiiimaj ai.nt ai a r. M.
hg&t Cbrcied to BiilmJ IVsliutio. M tViflfi Free tf Eipfiut
I I . ! f a 1 a I ... - I . I I .
f rihirss you eiiHH l4 me to grt mar-
rU-.l aotiiriinie " I Tbe raling and ODOompMmiaiDg priori
Mr, htsavberk'e aobe hnk
eod eteryebere Ameriran ritlto and
Amerioao property must be absolutely
pm:Asi: op the skw.
The Inieua. lulling and smarting lix-i-
. - . A A, M . . a fi.iHinri.iiiri 1 iM'"Mi 1 .
I 'l about ail niotillia, ma
3 1 1 aiXTi
t..i..mn.r.i i protrrtej at ell banrd. anJ at any eet.
afresh, and Unr auuie time she rr fused I ... I I d.'iit ut ersema, teller, aall-rhum,snJHlier I
l.i I niml.irlnl Then aha smillnl a I americaa iaur auti louueirr. sue
liamlkerrhief vig.irou.ly to her tf I oudnlrt drmaojt a rUht eettlement and
tbeo It wants reeL
NT- ;
ha, mamma, ilrar."
"N mi.ntli!"ei. lalmrd Mr, htaay.
Imck. ''What on earth dure the pro
rrlir.ttr mean by pulling It off that
lii(f T Mary Ann, I dim I brllete he In-
len.l to marry you at all, eo I du't!
If he did he l Insist ou hating the Wed-
oviit to eraema, truer, aaii rnam,snjner m. n . ej 111 1
Moaoa iHrrama. dua-r of the sklokj Inaunily fpL , t(iiif Tmm!Ia
We rtaaerrt tbe Monroe doetrioe lo umuiert. 1 Many very U4 ce We be 100 aC W 01 G V 11121111115
He fullest eileat aoJ we r.amrm Ibe frmf rurvd he Ik ll lie erpially J
. trTn lent tot lu hlng pilr ana a fa tori la rem.
I'M fcenra-a ITT.
M'e Ullete Ibe repeal of Ibe re lprH
ly arrengrmrate eegoliaie.1 by tbe last
lUpl.ll.'an ediulnialfalloa wee a bati'
I Wilt f'f ttatllltaj -- asxv mm awvasaa s'r
right of Ibe Unite.! Hi alee lo lte Ibe T i..r , rilrfUs rttapH kamU, cbil
doetiiee .ffeel bt re.non.hoir to the en '". "-S eore ejrea.
peslstif so; A met 10 e eiae or frieoJIy
salt h't sure Hl''lS rluipped ni
lUina. tnM bitea. and rhfmic
r ur aale by dntegwta at tents per bot.
ting rtmie off Inside all week at the I al eaUtuilr and we demand ibeir renew
anneal ju.ige. I .1 1 ........... . .. k L.,m. a. .ill
Glanco at this Map
I4iisii., MiiakM e4 at rs-l
ar sM -. s eHnia ! all laaro
Iim.uI IIkm s4 at 7sl iM (saha, and
rMsa IKal Its Iralossie tltktet ttk:ee
mterteelMMi lo ut Kurope.o o- ...u.rlableimil.
emeebmeel. un. i'snafi, tka4 puriueraoa tanmlug.
We stiai; aot te luleifsrrd aed shall fot sal hj Ce A Hrefc, dieiiUI
Bt inlerlere with Ibe etlelieg poa.ee. f-- ' ,(U1 nrm9tm, i, t
moe ul any t'.u rien imeer la It.iei Mr. M-.h1 lUtnklnr or tbe t
Jerka.., "but why il )ou rl.l la ree realiietione Li.h ebalieel j b(Bi bWi bo lb, .. J.,,,, ,,,1 l0-r.illlr.rer. here le aa article
erli.(f jour rifht band Inside .ur t basal of Amerieaa rr.du.ls in twie. ,,.. .,l. 1 u. women UrWr. On of tbrm
1 he fteal (orauan lu..ke,l el Ibe - befully .h k MwarJ le Ibe eetl- tafcee u he lb ihroai 1 a maa wbo
rrwl Am.ri.an In own f..r kt uke f.ir Ibe peiHiuru ul our 11 in. . . r.. hM.. be a Mf Adm e apple.
u)d base le a noiwal on eerih. s i...!!... i . . Xwal I mn t mder. It
" I W(tef mmww --
For tho Curo o
I Liquor. Opium tU Tobacco Habits
I II hi lore 4 l !. Otecna.
( IT Jfoef Ceaafiel Ton 0 (A Cboal
S Call al the O.lsrr ere M paHlettlar
attwiit oooS'UuUai. Insussal r1sla.4 tar
1 eaira,
Asm l at, a.
Ticus m, Xp," remarll l.en.
eli our tiede with other rat !,
here there la aurb a thief a lime, ami
entaere.1; "Tint, air, la kit teale
r af 1. 1 ! Imlianaiolla Jmirttel,
Taie I. orrtiir
t ie4it 4 Wa e'e, tk e uar.
a -er.u ami4e will l-e sMlU4 4 late
l,i.iiis'1 WVies It N"r"" I e--4 -Ur l uiks l llsr I stsr t'r
(Ut I me I is 1 ml sateftl le (Ksauav.
sue the ! BMiti t4 itie pMawdy.
U.I rniTTItllr
U w ari.e U , rw Tor k Cuy
U. Jake Itet4, Jt . f ftel P1K Umt.
reoasyU4 I ? tv)sa ta kne. I
! . ke (aeae(.l, llatepnai.
ll.e fe f. rlfc If ea4 si iwll
lie leasts w t-i: I'a-. ttrs !.
t IWiS IWtak, kius.1
r.v'ti -. 1 wie
a.4ai , H lw e llle rfcalP far
t ,ih rJ kas HiU isavllff kSMtav
S-4 IW 4iU Ut Wl I IM A
uw lM la tat, ksi ea
S Vrw s4 4 tee I t rW4
MiMa.M) t"t Miistaoka fsapM
H- l 4 lilfl
I ...wn.-a a I Im
r I. tf fr, i.i av
t ,ta4)l,1 Ims
rrws wesw-e
irroiiMboti.eaeliiii,eoiiii Wl(rhl 0 C!l a womea with rtmr
0t..a of all Cogtwrl ei-eakio pHof eery lime the ee Adam' epfle
Ibe maUneal by tree r rt of lie io
habile, is.
i fken THrHine
erase auotrrroe.
Trekxtkia 4 rioeily are tio
eaaeiee t !Upeblieo p-t.jr. ae.l
kaej la baud. 1 !.' all tat ha
reeklrael; etrueh d e bnlb, anJ tank
aiusl be r etblisl.J; r-e.ect..o f
wbl pied- (re aJeiMvlaei f.t Ibe
..! W ut I f eU'b Jjfc-4 fo-
deee, reeiprueeJ rul of aietual Utee bate r wJeJ mmtphtll mnitftmtij,r9(Hm,
f Is Mtifri.i', la) mf fe',
trAerkee fA Arep grtorrr eereirt m$
htt from fk litrtf or a( . . , , .
. . . ... Itlfc-IAer rf. ue J.s mot as fur
mm to i.r er e-ie meirewe 4--1 ttr-t fmrn ,jk
lJepmlnr, Ibe topJe ul lb te led ' J ltrm in lk llomm r.f Rp-
. . . - reseafafiree wk fAe H isi bill wit
1.1 t. .kiak ..I. eM. sa,kia la t. etres le f obf Awerkret ppl to
l.r f , tM aaarksla Id olhar ! tf Ibeojaelt frnea lrepa dle- . , f st ee4,
lera I. ear rr ' MMk a J m beaik eff. by
lVr,lee. bell i me-i t tJiry ,. w mU Un PMHb'e lrf fUtawtt. "' fc.
....... ... 1 IsImmI II a kerttl b.llla al Iks t'ul-aa 111 " '
S.J H. ...... e-ra-e. -.-.e, ' llk , I atlll a4 lk o'-l lk-l.
f .r oarwite: riHitiy bed i mm f r ', r1'1 ' erull . t I '). MI 4..,, . is a,., ,, . . i
le kt lis).,
er at
r'r'tfWsH. f.'m le Ik el-l . .. ...u s ..1. m-M L- I l ki $ "l - Ike fll f'el I .I aatlliee le
ewe. f. e,... l ,. hs kHrxi. , " '- J " M 7 ' HSael.. k. f ton,..' b1k'
OF . . .
.a l I lVMI.lll.UO Hi tS IV..It llll.'IIV.ltl sltlja
ficc. You need it in your huqncfs, .nnd as a
matter nf liin, vc nu.t mI! it.
Tll I1U.U.S lViiI.tS.HlNC Co,