Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 28, 1896, Image 3

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After Acute Bronchitis
"Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
under medical treatment, and at the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Here and There.
Al Biona is on the siok list. .
The Heppner Transfer Co., ban wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Turn GilfiUen was
on business.
in town yesterday
Pectoral. The first bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now taking, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant Bymptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot.
ties more will effect a permanent
cure. To all ministers suffering from
throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Brawley,
D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
i Am
mm a
M. O. Biddle was over from Goose
berry Wedoesday last.
A. A. Roberts arrived from Portland on
yesterday morning's traiD.
W. H. Bayers, of Danglas, was in town
a few boars lust Wednesday.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Bombers'.
John MoBearj, the Umatilla interpre
ter, died near Pendleton last Wednesday.
Warren Carafe and wife were over
from Haystack last Tuesday and Wed
nesday. W. A. Fisher, of Haystack, has the
thanks of this office for some fine melons
last Tuesday, u
The roll of the recently organized Mo
Kinley club, at this place, is being num
erously signed. .
H. E. Warren, O. D. Allison and
Wright Haling were in from Goosberry
Weduesday last.
A. J. Bay, representing J. M. Russell
& Co., Portland wool merchants, is Here,
and may buy a few clips, ,
8. 0. Hyde and W. H. Dnnlittle have
been renominated by the Washington
republicans for congress without opposition.
Mr. S. S. Horner and family left last
Wednesday for their new home. Baker
City. Their Heppuer friends wisli them
Mrs. Amy Roberts, a well known pio
ueei woman of Walla Walla, died at ber
home in that city last Sunday, of bettrt
John C. Arnold, surveyor-geueral of
tbe state, died recently at Fortlajn. Mr.
Arnold was formerly a resident of Uma
tilla county.
Clans Johnson and Polk Thomas
came in (rum tbe Idea neighborhood
Wednesday. Thomas will shortly leave
for the valley.
Robert F. Oynd and Wm. Barrntt re
I turned from a visit to Portland, Astoria
aud tbe coast on Wednesday last. Tney
bad a good time.
The Dalles hose team holds tbe oham
pionship of tbe Northwest for volunteer
work, capturing the silver oup at the
reoent tournament at Astoria.
A, Roderick Grant, representing The
Blnmauer-Frank Drag Co., A. B.Psston
and Sam Sternberg, also traveling men,
were in Heppner Wednesday last.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew
er is unquestionably the best presarvs.
live oi the hair. It is also curative of
daudruff, tetter, and all soalp affeotioos.
School will not oommenoe in H ppner
till Oct 2 The directors are doing tbe
best they can no doobt, but all in all tbe
Heppuer BObool is not what it should be.
Jake Wattenbnrger will give a danoe
at the opera bouse on Tuesday evening,
Hept. Bib, and proposes to make It a
pleasaut affair la every partioulai. Come
Sunday, tbe 80th inst., will be the first
Sunday of the new Cot'leience year,
0. R. Howard will preach at 11 o'clock,
K. M., Rev. H. F. Deunis in tbe evening.
All invited.
Program for Saturday Evening at the Opera
Loom-Everybody Invited.
Opening Instrumental duet, Me
damee Brown and Bartholomew.
Quartette, "The Flag Without One
Vocal duet by two little girls.
Short address by the president. .
Talk on money, T. K Lyons.
Instrumental solo, Mrs. H. W. Bar
tholomew. Talk on tariff and money, J. N. Brown.
Closing song, "America," by aydienoe.
Every supporter of McKinley, without
regard . to former affiliations, is invited to
join tbe olub. Come out to the Satur
day evening meeting .
Don't think your liver Deeds treating
if you are bilious. It don't. It's yonr
stomach. That is, your stomach is real
ly what causes tbe biliousness. It baa
put vour liver out of order.
Bee what's the matter with your stom
Hick stomach poisons liver and then
thpre'a trouble. Shaker Digestive Cor
dial cures stomaoh and then all's well.
That's the case in a nutshell.
Shaker Digestive Cordial is no secret.
Formula's on every bottle. Bat it's tbe
Bimple honest way it's made, tbe honest
Shaker herbs and other ingredients of
which it's composed, that make it so
Any real oase of indigestion acd bil
iousness can be oared with a few bottles,
of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Try it.
Sold by druggists, prioe 10 cents to
$1.00 per bottle.
- McKlaley's Letter of Acceptance.
Canton. Ang. 27, Major MoKinley's
letter ot aooeptanoe .was issued today.
It is a plain, sensible and strong presen
tation of tbe principal issnes of tbe
pending oampnign from a republican
standpoint, of easy comprehension by
all readers. It is devoted to what be
considers tbe principal issues of tbe
campaign protection, money and reoip
rooity. About one third ot tbe message
is devoted to the free silver question.
He announces that he is unalterably op
posed to any suoh polioy. He shows
tbat the republican position in tbe pend
ing oampaign is no "new departure,"
bnt tbat its proposition to maintain gold
and silver coin at a parity has been tbe
unbroken polioy of tbe republican party
since 1878
Regular preaching at the opera house
Sunday morning and evening by the
pastor of tbe Christian obnrob, Elder J.
W. Jenkins. All are invited.
To MooK men.
Ail persona are warned not to drive oi herd
any atock upon the land of the undersigned,
o wit: the East half of the north-west quarter
of section 34 iu T 2 3 R 26 E. Trespassers will be
prosecuted. H. E. H allocs.
The Nw York Tribune says: .
There was a young man from the Platto,
Who came here to talk through his hatte,
But when he got talking
The people went walking,
And ho wondered lust where he was atte.
Where They Met.
McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye,
Says "Bryan let's drink Home LinwoodRye;
We meet as friends, my wordB are few
1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U."
Ana Bryan says, in a losing manner.
" I wonder 1 f that's w hat's the matter w ith Hanna
That's horse and horse, you funny feller
When I see mv wile I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, aud they winked an
And they drank some more good Linwood Rye.
Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon, E,
Q. Soerry, Prop.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
ra. Call
and Smokable
on Tad.
Attempt to Wreck a Trail.
Again ao attempt 1ms been made to
ditob tb branob train. Fireman Dur
ban) informs the O ztte that tome mis
creant or miscreants placed obstraotioos
od the track Dear lVttey' plsoe, In tbe
shape of ties, on last Wednesday morn
ing. When discovered it was too late to
atop, bnt, forluuately, the train pushed
the impediments out of tbs way and pro
ceeded unharmed.
Wbat motive any person noulJ have
(or these aitempta to wreck tbe branob
train ie not known, but it should be
understood tbat tra n wrecking where
death! are caused U punishable tbe
erne as any other colJ-blooJed murder.
Knee list Ajer at Ike Worlds fair
Ayer's Harssparilla enjoys the extraor
dinary distinction of having been tbe oulv
blood purifier allowed an eibibit at Ibe
World' fair, Cbicngn. Manoleolurer
ot Other srepanlla (ought by every
means to obUio a showing of their goods,
bot Ibey a ere all turned away under tbe
applkatioo ot Ibe role (orbtdJlng tbe
entry ot patent tdirte and Doatrotn.
Tba deeinbo ot the World's Mr autho
rities to favor of Ayet'a Hsresperilla wee
In effect at follows: "Ayet'e Hareepa-
Hlla it Out patent medicine. Il rlo
bo! belon to the list ot e-jetroins. It it
here ou its merits. "
Among tbe pleasant place of public
resort. Op at Walla Walla.lbetof Ueroey
Simp-sob' dseerre speetel fcolle, Tbe
t.nt.lw will find frank Orftlvle in fbr-e
f Ibe mil iMitt't department, a branett
Ot Ibe bust. ) vtilrb. rftik ID-f "!(!.
Meretenile. Ht en.ls ! In
Welle Walta. sMhiiJ eell u ll.fnejr and
f rati.
g ate ot Ol.U. Vr .vU-K I M
Fak i. Cl y tr-e h 'l b
It Ibe e.ur pHnr f H e flies of V. i
t'h-tf A Co, dmitg tieu ie tbe rtt
of Toledo, rt,tj eJ et ef.eeM,
eoj ll.sls.il fiue witt Vt ' t
One liar. Iff I K.!we t-i e--li eJ every
v ee t CeUMh It at ret t U tntml by
tbe -f Hals' C.U"b
t i
S arn MMoit en nl.l eeented t
mf prn, tt) ClN d l-rii.t,
A. . 1a. A .t.'.
IUU e l'eb C" taerat1f
en, ,!l,4! I He Wel el
owe e's ot tte rw t A
Untin"eia, free.
r j russet a t.
Mrs. Jhb. Dodson departed recently
tor her borne in Wallow county, after
an enjoyable vieit of two months with
relative here, bhe wae acoompauied
by Mis Juiilu Uotiahoo,
Heppner' b e bill enthusiast are
thinking of eeoding a challenge to the
Pendleton dob, Heppner ought to be
able to get up a team tbat will do some
good work witb proper praotice,
Mr. E. Carter, a thorough oorse of
many years eiperienoe, Ie uow looated in
this city. Anyone desiring the benefit
of her services can eeoare snrae by leav
iug order at tbe borne ot (Jeorge Hhlp
ley. Dlf.
Jndge Lowell's promised lecture baa
been postpooed, owing to battues en
gagemeol which prevent Ibe Jodge't
roroiog to Heppner before oourt week
rorther anuuuucemeola will be made in
tbe future.
The OaieMe't editor visited Walla
Walla re oently and renewed eeqtiaint
anersbip witb nutoeroil old friend
Milt Morgan, fortne'lf ot Heppuer, Is
doing well up to that teotioo and will
probably remain.
Tbe Osteite ba received several Com
mandatory letter from old patron rela
tive lo the (Jt"'l s tew method or
doing business. I'anert Dot paid for will
bestoiped, avoiding eny dispute at lo
wheo paymeot were msde.
Charley Jone. the well known "old
timer io the lonsorial line, dm again
located lo Heppuer, bsvir.g porebwed
Ureeo llalbews' (hop. Minor boildinf
oi.iM.site lb rity hotel Charley will
appreciate a call "beo to town.
N.isptetil.? Tbeo do not Iry la foroe
fiKHldoee: bot osetbe m.xit erl-otiric
mens fur reetonng let la Ibe slomsnh.
How? Why, by taking Ayr Heieapa-
nils, and lo a short time yoor appetile
will c.ime attain, and lo
Th (lalelt bat en jear'a InilioU
In either the rnglMi.'.fuafcWl.rtlirt-
hand or Telegraphie d partineo's of Ibe
Holme liualoiee College, . I'oftl Od.
for al. Any perano rfeelrlog lo lake a
thorough bosiee euarae la a Aral elne
efiilrg should e Hie Usivtle bature gi
lug teioW. It
tl is Ihe loteeltno lo orgaoise a lifyao
elnb In ll-i t ner lo Ihe beer loins. II le
McClure's Magszine, with a stirring
barrHok-room ballad by Kipling, a
thrilling installment ot Anthony Hope's
"Phroso," a dramatic sea story by an
aotual sailor, and characteristic stories
by Mrs, Spnfford and Clinton Ross,
maintains in tbe September number, it
usual enticing aspeot. In scanning a
table of contents of MoOlure's one never
experieooee, it most be allowed, tbe
familiar difficulty of finding something
one really cares to read.
More interesting even than the fiotion,
in this number, are some of tbe graver
artioles. Mr. Low's reoolleotiont of bis
art-student days io Paris and ot tbe
notable painters whom be oame to know
more or less intimately there; Mrs. Mor-1
ton's intimate aocouot of tbe berolo
labors oi ber husband, Dr. W.T. 0. Mor
ton, iu overcoming iooredible prejudice
aud obstruction and getting bis humane
disoovery of anaesthesia perfected and
introduced, and so givng painless sur
gery to tbe world; the vivacious, yet
ermpntbetio toount ot tbe paioter
Whistler (ihat must pioturesque of men)
and hit eooentrio wave and witty speech
es; and Elizabeth Bt-wart Phelps's o
ooont ot ber life down among tbe
Qlonoestei fishermen, a1 1 of these are
tbe very best of good reading io their
several way. All are fully illustrated
witb portraits sod other picture
Considering abiding value a well a
immediate interest, tbe feature ot tbe
number i Linooln' '"Loot Speech"
raised to the fullness of life a it were
from Ibe very dead. It i truly a great
speech, w persons who beard it bave ao
ardeutly testified. D. liyered at Bloom
ington in 18.M1, it practically crested the
republican parly In liliooie But tbe
reporters were so absorbed io listening
that tbey forge I to report, and tbe speech
was supposed until now to be irrevoca
bly lost. Mr Joseph Mmlill, alitor of
lb Cbicigo "Tribune." who beard Ibe
peeob, introduce It witb an Interesting
deeonplion of the occasiou.
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds of blaoksmithiog, horseshoeing,
machine repairing, wagon work, in fact
anything in bis line at reasonable obarges
and satisfaction guaranteed. Will pntiu
spokes for 30 oents each, and other wagon-work
in proportion. 46 tf
of Oregon fo" Morrow County.
Julia A. Parrel, l laiutilt',
Samuel I Gerking, Martha
A. Clerking, James R iNun-
amakerami Maria E. Nun-
amaker. Defendants.
To Samuel I. Uerkingand Martha A. Gerking,
two of the above-named defendsnts.
In the name of the itate of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear and snswer the com
plaint Hied against vou in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September, W.MS;
and you will take notice that if you fall to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
oemre tne said 7tn oav ot September, 1K9B, the
plaintitt above named, for want thereof, will
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
pravent r in the complaint Bled 1- this suit,
to-wit: For personal decree sgaiiiRt the defend
ants Samuel I. Gerking and Martha A Gerking
for the sum of IH37 SO with interest thereon at
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from April 1st,
1W)4, and the sum of JSOO I attorney's fees, and
me costs sna nisDtirBements 01 saia suit; mat
the court shall decree that the morteaire execut
ed by said samuei I. (Jerking and Martha A.
Gerking to the Lombard I. .vestment Coinpanv,
dated the'22d dav of March, lSHii, upon the fol
lowing neseribea real property in Morrow
coti ty, Oregon, to-wit: the south half of the
north east quarter, the south 25 acres of the
north-west quarter of tho north-east quarter,, of
section rso. in township no a south, and
range No. 24 East of Willamette meridian: and
also the west half of the north-west quarter of
section No. 1.1, and the north half of the north
east quarter of section No. 14. in township No. 6
south and range No ffi Eastof Willamette merid
ian; which mortgage is now owned by platntlft;
which said mortgage was recorded on the With
day of March. 1K8D, at paee 134 of Book "D" of
the Records of Mortgages in the office of the
jouniy t;iers oi Morrow county, Oregon, snail
be foreclosed, snd the said real nronertv sod
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
me payment to piamtitr oi tne aoove named
sums of money; that all of the defendants, and
all persons chiiminir and to claim bv. throinrh
or under them, or any of them, shall be forever
narreu ana loreclosed of all right, title, estate,
interest and Hen, at law and in equity, and
especially of all equity of redemption, In, to
and upon every part of said real property; and
insT piainun snail nave general relict.
This Mammons is published pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above
entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th day of
July, 1HM.
4S7-70. -Plaintiffs Attomevs.
J r.r '..
iEST with a big B. Blackwell's Genuine Bull
Tmrham is In a class by itself. You will find
coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two
pons Inside each four ounce bag of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Bay a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon
which gives alls tof valuable presents and bow to get them.
one X
cou- X. (
11 a :
NOTICE ts hereby given that the Board of
Equalization, of Morrow County, Oregon,
will meet at Ithe court house tn Heppner,
Monday, September 2X, WM, and continue in
session one week. All persons wishing to
make changes In their assessments must ap
pear aud show cause. J. F. WILLIS,
Heppner, August 28, 1896. lm.
Estate of Chas. Wallace, Deceased.
NOTICE ts hereby given, that letters of Ad
ministration on the estateof Chas Wallace,
deceased, were granted to the undersigned on
the 27th day of August. IMS), by the County
Court of Morrow County. All persons having
claims against said estate are require to ex
hibit them to me lor allowance, at my home,
about 7 miles south of Heppner, within six
months after the date of this notice or they
shall be forever barred.
This 27th day ot August, 1W.
470-80. Administratrix.
Wm. Uordou b at bis stable jtit
below the Gsk tie i flic, a very beat end
Dloely fielshrd ladii ' saddle, i f Eastern
manufacture, tor l fur cash t a low
figure. Tbe ssdJl be been riddel!
eery little sod i rcttcllf a goo I a
new. Aoyote desiring snob a sadJi
should call and rlsmioe ssm b- f r il
U too late. If.
M and by virtue of an execution tuned out
of the circuit court ot the Slate ol Oregon, for
the County ol Morrow, on June 10, isisi anil to
me directs i aim aei versa:, upon a juogineni
rendered slid entered In said court on the 4th
day of May, ls'.sl. In favor ol Henry I'adlierg,
rlaluurr. auo Against H O. w hitman. II Willi
man and J H. Moran, Dt-fendsnts, lor Ihe sum
of I wo Hundred and Fifty Dollars with Imereat
thereon from said 41 h day ol May, MI, at lb
rale of ten per cent per annum and Twenl
rive Dollars attorneys lees and the cosis and
accrull g costs; and. whrrea , by said Judgment
II was ordered and adjuiig d mat ins loiiowtu
real property, to wll: the Morlhweal quartern
Hrllon llilrteen (i:i) In lownsliln lo (!)
nouin oi nsuso iweniy inree (ii) r.si w. si.
be S4iid to saintly said liidgnieiil, costs and sc.
criiing cost i win, on
Saturday, 19th. day of September, IflBfl,
at II o'clock A, M , of said dsy, at tlis front door
of the court house In Heppner, Mmms County,
Oregon, sell Ihe right, litis snd liiterealnf said
defendants H. P. Whltmau. H Whitman and J.
H. Mnren In and In the alovedw'rtlx-d n i.p-
erty at I'uhlle Auction to Ilia hlghxt and beel
lil'lder lorrah In hand. Ilia pn-erda lolieep-
lied In the sailsiactlun ol Ml. I eseeullnu, at
urney's lee aud all costs and rixis Ihat uisy
aocrue. K L NAImh k,
Sheriff ol Morrow Cminly, Ort-son.
Dated this 21sl day ol Aug. I"H..
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Eliza R. Owens, PlaintlfT,
Frank H. Benge, Mary J.
Benge, his wife, Lewis J,
Bchewrich and
Schewrich, his wife, Defendants
To Fra' k It. Bengo ond Mary J. Benge, two of
trie deieiui tints.
In the name of the Htato of Oregon, you are
herehy required to appear and answer the com
plaint tllid sualust yon in tne above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September. 1 S'H ;
and you will take notice that If you fail to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before said 7th day of September. 1W.I6. the Plain.
tilt' above na ned, for want thereof, will apply
to the above entitled court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint tiled In this suit, to-
sor pertonai oecrce BKSinst tne oeienoants
Frank II. Henge and Mary J. Benge, his wife,
for the sum of .ri:il.2 with interest thereon st
the rate o! s per cent pcran"nm from January
st. win, ano tne sum oi mm. mi attorney s lees.
and the coats and disbursements ol said suit;
that the court shall decree Ihat the mortirnge
executed by the said Frank II Benge and his
wife to the lxmlard Investment Company
lated the l'lth dav of Decemlicr, 1SSH, upon Hie
following dencribed real property in Morrow
comity. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter
ol erllnu Mi. 1, in townaliip no. 1 south, anu
range No. in rai ol the vtiiamette meridian
which siihl mortgage was recorded on tho 20th
dav of December. IkxH; at pago M of Book "II
of the Itecnrds of Mortgages in the oftlee of tlie
County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, and the ald real propertv
snd the proceeds of such sale to he applied tn
the pavment to pisuitin oi me nnove namci
sums ol monev: that all of the defendants, anil
all iieranna clHlinlng aud to claim by, through
or under them, or anv of them, shall he loreve
barred and forecliMieil of all right, title, estate.
Intercut and lien, at law snd in equity, and
esieelally of all eqnltv of redemption, In, to and
ilium every part id said real priqieriy; and mat
plnlntin aiiall have general relict
Thla H nnnons Is ilillxliiil pursiianl to order
of Hon Stephen A Uiwell. Judge i f the al.ovs
entitled court, made at t nsmiiers, rendieton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, on the i:itlt dav ot
July, l-l.
4'"-7H I'lsiiitlll'a Attorneys.
Mm M.W.
lias bought out the General Merchandise Business o the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slauffh
AW wooleii gooda, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cobL Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
ol Oregon, lor Ihe County ol Morrow.
Kalpti I. Hongs, I'lalnlllT,
Katie D. lie me. DefrndanL
To Katie D. Hniige, slen 'sl.l'
I . the name of th xialr ol Oreton, ymi are
herel.y rxiolrwl to appear and snaaver 'he com
plaint Qlfil ssall.at ou III Ihe above enlltlnl
nil on of beloie Ihe flrmt day ol Ibe nel rt-guiar
IrriH i f Uie alivs enlitird court, lll :
Monday, Ssptsmber Ttk, 1694,
snd If you tail tn snaaer of nlher Ise plead, fr
anl lhrn( lb plaliillft will apply In Ihe
aliove ettllllc! rourl (of a drcreai dUe,,lt lug lh
tnsrrlaga letuds hn eilating M-Iieva yim and
hlinarll, and )odineiil aealnal u lot the
Ciia and lll,ii!acnii't ol line ami
This an m moi, is piihiialied by order of Hon
tphin S. I.wpII, itl'tfff of Ibe rlrritll rnitrl ol
Oregon i,r tl Slh judli lal dlatri'i dated July
iiid. I"S. : V, lsr
. Allorpey lot I'iaiiiilfT,
I of iircg'in inr Mum I On lit y ,
1 he Niiiih rn l ouiitlcs
lnveatin nl 1 'rust, LI lu
lled, a luriHiraiioii,
C'ecellslatlor.H H K lint,
N. II. M. ll.c and J C.
1 lioiiiaftii. Defeiidalils
Tniccrlla 1a)l"f. s) H. K'uf snd N. It. Mr Dee,
llireof the alHive tiaiuiHl ileieiidanls.
Iu the name ol the Mate ol iireson.yoti are
herehy ifNiiiiml l4i appar snd snaecr the com
plaint Hl.-I aealnal vou In Ihe alnive eiilllled
nil oil or te-lore Ihe tlr.l .lay ol Ihe lie It r. (ulal
li rni nl the simt entitled c.uti vis:
Tti 7tk Day of September, 1690,
and tun will lake m.tl.a thai If ymi fall to
anaiaer or nlhera. tae spHar In said roiirl on or
lielore tlie aald lll day ol aepleinlier. I, Ihe
ulalnlin ala.ve I. allied, for anl lliereof. will
a.pl lo Ihe atiiive entllled n.nrl for lha relief
pr-ye-1 Inr In Ihe eoniplaiiil Sled In this suit.
tn.ir rnr ieritial iP-eree ssatiiat tlie deien
daiil. 1'ee. lla lal..r. lm Ihe snin ol T. I is villi
lnlereal Ihi rwm al literate ol S Iwr rent Mf
annum ft -tn Ihe JHh day ol June, l and Hie
roata and illat,iirttieiila of said anil, lhal the
eMirt aliall deerr dial Ihe lliorlfiase esef'iiled
by Ihe Said t rrella laytorln Hie limlHird In,
vealitieiil I oiiiiMHiv.dale-i the ail, day ol jietn
lr, na, iip.iii Itie I'.lloelns fleaerilH.t real
e,,er1y In Morrow I ounff, liri-s.iri, lo It
ha e.miH half ol Morlloaai .inarl-t and Nnrili
real toiarter of orllo-eat uuarter levi-p' Uli
We are not small men, lbs. . We are small men, Xs.
wb are not tlis Largest jeM in tie Worlilf
a a But when the people of all the surrounding country sre In need of a a
llardvare, Tinware, Crockery ware, (Hasan aro, WimhI and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe Unions, Stoves and Ranites, Wagons,
Hacks, HiikkIcS, Waguii Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, Uuns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars. Gran
Itewsre, Plows, Harrows, Hskci. Mowers, Tubs, Wash Botllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call aud Examine our Qooda and Oct Trices.
We have Oood Goods at Fais Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chap John Prices.
fsslssd s Vsprenary
TL Oregouiaa rrceolly publisbr J IL
folloio( eorrfspouJehc:
rokTLsKD. In i (To lb EJilor )-
A good deal la belna salj by lbnpt.t-
roftb "boy orator ot lb flatu"
boot tl qnrstioa of II. ml of p
land ia tbi country !) oilh r(er-
tr to lb BaoDey qtelks. Tel Ibeee
am aetiilemen r oprortip( lb tf
dnlirnsl Kuglisb pillcy, la Belter tea
time mat vital to tb iutsreet o( tbat
iionlry tbat t. tariff fif revecris only,
mor Itiea oil lb free) lnf il nlsf
ef ea pf ril anu. ant Iu. tb F-nf
lisb (re ts4 l'b Uii eoootry.sn.l yea
t . W t. trier it la llryaa mnd He all , tney baveaU lb Ibal tiryaa
cllh Hryea elva rlob, II le j Xfmim Of Wsevsa? ra deMsa, aal lb
.,1 k. '.Vil'L nrtwn aUI l.s.h .t.4 ra f.l. abil
p. .ili f.lt U trsoe. thai itaiilbei
L...... I,, it.. Un.r .. ' '. f Aoseiba tllst.lf.
J Tb U"iie4 bi aU a pr tti
trhrtkr 11,0 l,'n nmse T rereu-e any .,.,,, L
ffif fr,,m I J Lr,f or m..t : '. i bt aril fswt-ieb
II f,r J or d.mt m4 I omorlaj,,,, k ft s a lo ber rlt ee, a
r trtmA" - t itrtrt fnm bi,a4 lls man II.SS) ete deeds
llldim JlrifOsi I"' lionmoi ii'fi , s . j, t .,..
fof lb Js'lb talK-y bf
v'oti'e is iirsrsy mvm tiut hy
i' slflneof em of nernl..n ImimmI mil ..I
J. C.03OKCI-Ii RS, Prop.
lia leinaaaaaaaaams a a
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Grockrims, Gknts Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens SurrLiKS, Etc.,
real ttiarter ol i.rtlo-eat uuarter e,erp' ten i
s.tK In a a-i.iaee .,im In ofiliel r.irnef I i. ITr I A 1
ll,eie.,li and iMiuili-aai quartet ol S..rth..l i a-a. f l f a.- TO V A I 1 ! I V f t
aia'lef nl 1.., leu. In l.l..l,lMll.,e S.rrlh. A I If I 1 Vf . I I V Illlll I lilll
ol ll..(. I.enlf h.. I..I ol II,. ISll.,elle I I II CllltO 1 J L I I 1 1 CI V i J
merwiian whirl, M. ria was reroMfl I II V a vw m. w . a a
rrxnfilfii'S lr)il fi
sjn rr rt(fefsi.
it i s. a liul, r is
M 1 tVe-bsia a WJa
U ffMSI 1I f'la, MOpil-l by
I, asiaiars Mr K i. I'l', Msl.tft
Inn, an I U.s r. al. Ite.. ssf I
tw l-paHe1 loe Iheir fap"lS b m'
i V..s ! t'eia. I . ,
I'. elatd )e yeat" ley ff I, 4 C'el. j
A J c4 Ayef'a .tosl. Is!-
ea e liqsa lae feteet4 a (I 'f
eu-keeaa .! el sas hew
Ihie tse Ihe ereeeail; set ee r IhM
,,i- ftipa'sloe oexliu H tai
Mr HsiUlM ftU b' (4tbaer
a I Hs"''t.
M tif ti I el-H via rt'l trMf 'l
hia.e lae. rei s'-nasml
M.It l'ea.4 a ef lie S4
on. t, l.k'tf Ih-e la'e. I f M
e a 'e ihe . aja ,.
it-, . ! e-. ..
bit tw Iti MeK iaUy I a tU f J lb
Au.ellrsa e.try ol ifutlHea to
leea la.JaeMf en 4 Aeserlrea lab..
J. 0 M.
h Hrrkl olflr t,t hm IfriiH I tniti r Ih
tst n9 irjT'ft lf H'lrtnt mttT, utitiff Ih
tiafH fMrhs fMrM ftls'l muifm t t'l
nun on lliMH iUf u Mr h !. In fiu f
I rail I Mfnan, HawvU! tl limlsrt
trtriil ( t,ta,hr, sM inf I rt. r ttmry
frHf, J K, i n..t,4j K U (ftb
''Iturtl aafstl II list h imUlm sna A, tmAmttt
tWvt.y Us .Ut( 0 sr m -.. I
4r rv stfttl r.1 ! 4rlfteia)tj H"ff Wa,tatae
rtff 4 M IN HlfUfel I H l
Wrwl llMfwnt, f ih ttm nt J f rn sf
Hum If) H Vlh 4af of M ,, I Att tibd
' fSt.tfmtt HI 1 I? re t
fcpt II u4f'l !' U 'UM
tm IH (MH Am$ War !" t-r ilf t $ Im,it
WaVf4 'f A if f Isftftfaftf't In
r( tnTTt r.nf fjn twm K 'I hy t. lla)
liff nfmm H selti l$jr ftls fsMki Jtf.ertf
ta Umtrom '. If I ts I- H It v-ilt
tMl tlet'taf let 4jntin 1"tl Ifs ! I
-Mh .4 H.r ht ft r r-l bi,.c,tU
fj.fWl!n r.irlf INe-frffTs t mn i
it f mil ul lt kilht4 ct v Ml-t
i i sf1M fUtiiMt ' f ff
J h r,tv Ie 4 " II,
1H pmf ,4 In i, t4 II
I SeMtstf I Wet. I tMM
! t"tm i 4 4 IK Mi','1 ! If ,, .j
li. Hfit l MLi.t uMf t ttt. iys i
l'letwrntil et si ra I ' l' miA
nn if 11. Ih MH 4 u4 (
- ft tW ' .fHrsl af tfa A. l
1 Ja Vf 4 I txH IV'. ft l f ,U
! A tu( j Mi ' ma it it. i r iku I
J. . aw a- as-aw a idn 1 r . w
9"i s(m toiil-f b)4 W iiaai lef Ibm. f It
HI III eill iUf 11 Nimlllf. 111 fV "U."
rnorittr iu f i i.ttif of hm f'itititv 1 Ink f I
l4irrM I iirtiTa if-rtii, h.I ! fan l1, I
i.. tn Mt l r i ftttf ss. ih .rtrsU
iaf ! h asl Ul I- ilM IO Ih firiil V I
f'lallttllfT t lh l'sltP IMsl Mlllt Itf HHIfjl
lhal ait ! Ih ftHitila at ail srii r lali
hall I ff(f4-f ar r- ai f.fwte nf mil
riatlit lit, '. ilrrMii mnA lin ! U ftM
Im .'ittf . m; ail wtvlf rf r-1i rU.n, In mf
il,-. ff f -a rl t air rat pr-.i-Mf
hi' i'i la snl. al.-r .Mr.ai. In in I
rMf i lfn tlr.tfn A )il. J '! 'tf Ih I
d'nta ilH fml wttU Iftasl r.alra, ti'it
to t, 1 r n't i I .xiitt j. i'ira i ..n i. 74m 4mf
h ir 1. nil vi
o ;j. AM') fr taliiillT,
Ha will make it to oljVt fur you to trade nilh
Lira m hi prlcm tro riht, u.l all hhU ikni tie
ljrD(llo aro ot tie tf ry
h in! 1 im 1 it mi ht r tMK MTATK
I l - i-.f w cttiiity.
t laia A l hh, I .aim i ft.
V -f it l- r fM
l.iof i i r t H k i
.ili UK R I sratT(
I it- 1 M M s I,
II ,h hf hu M
J loul NlM lHrof
Man, (vm
ifs. It-ftk,t I
1) U-ti I af 1 I llil.i. J( rf M
ai 1. ' 'ii.i
n li, r.a. .s r l I f ft
H 1 H-(M'rl ail' I).
b.ii km iii h f"t i ih . i-i 1
Stork on
Main Stri:i:t, Nkxt Door
City Drug Stork,
,11 .,1 ll ,r, I la ?lh .lay mt
to II t - M
a I J I,..
le j oer lb It areJ Hifinl' rll
re aa4 mar law.flo 4s at 4eele4
af ty ar ?i r ttteUly
l i,l4 la K. hlkM ao ! ef t-
I 4 m4 Ma, IMS M l w I l 11 m .. . a
Aftef. U, .1 w, n,i , 4 4 ) -
if ih wf jail l,.- al b,,i.!i, aH.-ai
,iUIliHMIMI ui l Ll1 lha .
eta arf a a. , .w- aj aa I, .
a aa ata.ii.H, a 4 a.i a
w ihi ina ual M .... a a
r , W STIa- a
ea ' rf ! H"r ..tf (
Holid Of Intention,
i 1 l I lt l'-lh Ihat if UM li
ui1MHi.flai thtl ! a.'l 4
I i i It a 1 1 :it ! 4 , a I.
lannliU t'l l et a l I .- ai :
fn lll.it t iM -! e.it ! ra
4 I !" .. t l Iw l.u lill,
tt ai -4 tl Ih 'nl
ft, II t. .1 , U ..
!. li - ' Mlt li. x r4 jt"f at
i I " fMt ! tf la Mtit I,
ia f 1 mtH II. II wsi it
la 11 m-4 I ' ft I Met f
' I- l ' 4 4 ft i t
. I l lt . i wa tt mi h ' f-l
f f - .'.t . f ih u -. i .r.f a4
i. litl'-finti -- ltasriw I I
"f 4u I I I Af t?i !. I
. h-.i te 4-1 l-4j (Ml p.MlIf U w
, ! t II I, rs
tt- a If a) ftt lis M fc I t U
eV.Itt r -ea J ur liM Ja t , I, ,
... h. rlh ' I . m t IL M
f ! is t . tf bl a)
; i,-t r.lfll4f4UlS t l f-ar
f It ft If rJ I , .f U lC l
rresiT to C. VsB lln. Kail 4nf ill CHy ll.rl.U
MfsS cvcr'thino in tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tinworo.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
-a .
MS i H
,?;.i.'riitkiiihriN ! RECflPYIM PIUS
ri...,ii.e..M.1..i.uaiaite z:t. sr"W-4.?rr: vrxszz .:4. iiuiu
Vourcj JiOUX.D to rrnko 'Km.
mtr ea I 'm.
pi 4 nl .,lft.l lfm.
I mm ,t .
i e,M
. 4 I a-j
. al
t-M I M
ii aae ra.4 a- 4
tl "at easr. are mymi fK ls , i,
Maa t-.as Yt ' mIm
Ml f a II I M tie SI sm a T I a, a
e-4 aea. y 4 e !
.if , e-l I- r s-I' ii i Ms ee
rtM t t rUW'H
Wall. TVsr.l. teas 11
Lcnvcs No ConHpnlton.J
'a. il', .mt1 .i !! li i n,.M H . tt.a ! r a eet MaUrle T
tllr i-l M f lis t 4 eff
4y sfi4 M n f .. m
day eli Ui, !; ', a" I el es-
av.at It Ihe Ie
Ttm ail i - aiU.el sat,. .Hee " - " r-
i.;.,. I m-..i )Mj
. I . I . - a
at . . . .-a I . '
a-.-, i. a,
Hl'IH S !
r i s ft-i e
Jmif le, 4! m l-li t .
1' I ', i r;, a. tl la, l,efarr ,ai lee I--HM ..! ' l a' r-a
1 I e 'i si I M
: ry lr !-
"r-., ,
t, V. I al. at
W I', MH.
M r , 1 1 ai e f
i a I .1 . , .ia l, sl vH
,IMI4 nlMnMii.
He lisses,Uli
el s i
m e . Sa I I ' ' -
a 1 1 lf lee. i', aefcla eal U l
llsne Maf a U O. e t
l a. IlliM