if- i How do faithful democrats- like the "eell-out" to populism. . Arrangements hare been per fected for the holding of the usual fall exposition at Portland. - Republican Ticket. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marlon County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, , J. F. CA.PLES, of Multnomah. P. C. Sullivan has been chosen as the republican candidate for governor up in Washington. The Oregon Blade will be com pelled to pull down its Bryan aod Sewall pictures for Brvan and Watson, the pops. The last issue of the Pacific Northwest is unusually interesting, being replete with descriptive matter and illustrations. BEGGINO THE QUESTION. Both populist and democratic electors already chosen will be Platforms may be built, orators withdrawn and new ones selected may shout, and editors wear them- who are expected to support Bryan selves out over the question of and Watson. "sound money," and yet all the time "protection to American The republican state convention, labor" will stand in the front as of New York, has chosen Congress- the great issue. The people have man Frank S. Black for governor, t i tt - ii lit iii m i j i bo winea it. ueppner uazette. nan rerused to ue tne nominee Considered in the light of the fact under any circumstances, that our factories and workshops, where the piotected millionaire has The Southern Pacific has decid- made his wealth, are filled with im- ed to refuse bicycles as baggage ported cheap laborers, "protection" aud to charge 25 cents for trans becomes a huge burlesque. Dufur porting them between any two Dispatch. points. The wheelmen of Califor- The Dispatch is begging the nia will carry the matter into poli question. Before the Gorman- tics. Wilson tariff bill was passed the country was prosperous, manufac- Hoke Smith has resigned his turers paid good wages and there place in the Cleveland cabinet. was no complaint that an honeBt Ex-Governor Francis, of Missouri, American laborer could not get has been chosen to succeed him work. 'Tis true, foreigners were The action of Smith was the result admitted under restrictions. Now of his stand for Bryan and Sewall no one, whether native or foreign, As the admisistration is not favor- can get remunerative wages, and able to that ticket, Hoke resigned in many cases work cannot be Be- for harmony sake. cured at any price. Will the Dis patch please inform us whether or The financial issue is not the not the democratic party has made only issue before the people this any material change in the immi- year. This is not a .country of one gration laws since coming iuto idea. The democratic platform is power? If it has not, and it hasn't, in reality a "one-idea" arrange- the Dispatch is wasting good wind, ment, with a few anarchistic an nexes. A platform that commends Four yeare ago Candidate Bryan free trade and state rights should advocated free trade on the ground not prove very alluring to the vot that it would make prices lower; era of the land. today Le is shouting for free silver because it will make prices McKinley's candidacy is grow- hinher. Oue would teed to be ing stronger as the time nears for well tip in turning double somer- election. Bryan's scintillations are snults to keop in lino with Mr. taken for what thev are worth i Bryan. Whore in he at, anyway? very common.placo sayings. The Prices taken without relation to greater part of the business- ele whges moan nothing. Ixiw price? tui'nt of the country is supporting will do us no good if we have no McKinley, and their action wit work and no money with which to bo followed by thousands of wag buy anything, and free trade- earners who are suffering severely mean no work and uo money, from free trado. whether it moans low prices or not Higher prices will do us no good if tli'-re is iioIkmIv to buy our good, and with factories shut 1 aal a uown ami people out or. work. I neither tho farmer nor any one el no Las a market for his eoodn, Jupglrt the figures aa you will, titers is only one way to make thorn add up to tirowrttf. and Mentis: Is a blood disease and only a blood reme dy can cure it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Creencastle, Indiana, says: "For years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move my right arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had finished one dozen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. cures Scrofula, Cancer, Eczema. and anv form of blood troubles. If vou have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (guaianteed purely vegeta table) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else, it forces out the poison matter permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valuable books. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. PRF8S COMMENTS. Tu e (unionists in Oregon Lave de cided on the following for electors M. L. OlmHtoad, Baker, and Harry VVatkins, Yamhill, populists; E. 1 1 of or, Bnlem, freo silver republi can, W. Ii. Buttlor, Polk, democrat If elected they will support Bryan and Watson, and they will be des. ignated on the ballots as the elec that Is by including a protective ur 0f tha people's party. laiiii. ihal moans plenty ol L .. I 1 11 win a rum I;.! wnK.n lor WIS wage Tki Hfc,k, , t Ha,.., I O....MT earners, and for tho farmer a home h U id, bnl tba shaker who ehakes b. market aud increased demand for I eaue ba can't Lalp II la by do means his product.--American Keono- bPP lJiloaL 8.1 bkea the rr.o troubled who alius and rever. 1 1 mittt. The Portland Pi patch says the Gar.ctto Ias wool on th brain. ira, and our ahcrpiucn Lave U4b wol and sLeop on their Land which are vsIuoIom owing t the freo trado Gorman law. The Piapatcb rakrs the (! 'Ue the wrong way lwcauao it ro fuaat sui tiort frwi trado, atata oweij-nly, ananLy, denunciation of the supreme court, and llm evrr alluring frro coinage pUt-k. Th editor tf the I'iapatcb rnt forty d.) in Hlo:n M.l)ing for the election of 8t)lr iK.lj h, and I. U rhargn (.f iurouaulriiry on our j-art C'lm a with ftj t gracri. lha (U' lte La always supported free ultrr rrpubluaii in prefer, rnre la ,.J,l standard men of that party, t ut it I line tl t thire a'eothor lin'tlit iur. Ivfore II. e tc, J utii. li.ta Uing one of I hem. Amu noil th l'l.icai cootrn. ti.ui imst Mriwr. Bryan and H ill a the aUbdard twarrra of tit il-iu -'tatio pally, to di-tnorrat in Ilia UU wilt Lave an ( r lut ily It t4 Lis ticket It ba rt decile! , MtLful" tiHit sa j.il l'r) art an l WtUu. Hi . i a!..U will Late wo elect, ota, II, dnxrl b ai,d ).e fi ilwr trpubluab oba, U, i.m.TratU parly L Un Lut out in Orrf . 1 ,m d-irttMi 4 Hi lit tHl I .U't J ly. quivering tod tmiMaring ninalioB fotlowtd bj do Im a pln, Damol; bortiim frvr, wLxb la folloJ by PritrailnB balb Ibal Wart h nobap pv (uffrrtr mm "ak a a cat," a mt anfortunal aimil. tv lb way, aalb eat, lr H all. I a 'ltentarly rouaca Ur animal. I'mlar lt abov airmen aianr vital aiamlna la anon tiaJ np Mbkl win roprai I'T llixiriirr ilomvb ItHUra, wblcb araJwalM Dm I rial dlaraa la Mrfjr lm aotl rltr IU Urntila faa(-a uia tba aval am. ! raiitiil iha livaf alaa aitnta- oioa Dial aria I Jia..f.li-f. T lb tWrt pi Ihta aitlain, a wall m eonalipaUia anj d)ii-la, Ida liHWra l aliral a Ui'lts! No " aftleaiinna aoj Ihn imah la II lor kl.lojr imnbU, nervosa , ihaihiii anj DnralMla. tttrglaa fall lhl limea a day. ( (1 imn.itfri.il, in my ju.lumml, m ki Ihrr tht hfrp ynitr rviri am trjlt frt'm fa l-tnff tr n! , , U'arfW er f.vi m,. I am f, frr irt4 f jrinti I frt-m 11 II ilium J iryiin m Ik I of lit ti rrr Hf.idifi vktn Ik ll'iltm f.itt Wbat is true of the lumber business ia true of other branobes of trade and oommerca. The effects of the present administration is not set forth In an ad dress issued by the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen's aesoclatioQ showing that the out this year has been oortuiled more than 23 per cent and that tbe saw mills are idle while the importation of Cftnadiao lumber baa doubled, Tbe direotors deolore that this state of afftirs is due to the reduotion of tbe tariff on lumber. Canton BeDositorv. .Tbe' following from the Chicago Tribune is a point well taken: The priooioal reason whv Maior Mo- Kiniey does not imitate Mr. Brvan's finmple and iuvada tbe "Vneoov's ooun- ry is that id all the broad ezDanae of me uuite.1 Htates there is no seotion tbat is Hostile to bim. Major MoEinley knows no north, no south, no east no west.- His patriotism is as broad as tbe land, and the princi ples for which he stands bays inured to tbe benefit of every section of the Union. Canton Repository. OTHKK CROPS AND THE TARIFF. A- A-A-A-A CUT PRICE SALE ! LP For Half Dollars Shoved Our Way We Poe BacK to You Dollar Values. This can be Demonstrated to you if you give us the Opportunity. nv Tbe Beat Coni?b Care Is Shiloh's cure. A negleoted ooagh is danueroue. StoD it at ODoe with Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. JDRY LIST. rr i TbaClit(raia,b4a alTba tall Fine luratma (f af kla I of boat dm. rbr f -f II. tub! party. W ,11 tka aWp la I .!. f.tr f'"1' (HUM ohf. It, U,bl. lb Kit, dtl"0 Im. From the Oregonlan. The attitude of the democratic party toward the oropg of tbe farmer becomes of ooneiderable interest, in view of an nmistakable tendenoy of the American people to go more into manufacturing and less into farming, especially iuto farming of the great staple orops like beat, oats, eto. The large amount of food produots we are already importing is sufficient to' show us tbat, as we in crease in mannfaoturiDg, and therefore are a greater home market tor food' InfTs, we shall buy a good share of f hem abroad, aniens a favoring tariff keeps np tbe home price for tbe farmer's benefit It la probably not generally koown tbat tbe Wilson bill maintained throughout a distlnot tendenoy to lower tbe tariff on farm products, giving a material ad van tape to tbe producer aoross tbe Canadian border. A few examples will suffice to show (be eeneral tendenoy. Tbe Wilson bill aid an ad valorem duty of 20 per oent uniformly on horses, mules, cattle, bngs and sbeep. This took the place of high er apeciSo duties under tba McKinley aw. Tbus, on horses, the specifio duty of I'lO per bead onder the McKinley law averaged 30 por oent ad valorem the speoifio doty on mnlea aversgfd 93 '20 per oent ; on calves, 43.53 per cent; oo Oattle, 03 22 per oent; oo lamb, 22.01 percent; on abeep, 25 35 per cent all reduced to ao eveo 20 per cent by the Wilaun law. So of graio crop", eicepl wheat Tba old duty on barley 30 cents a bushel averaged 61.68 per cent, reduced to 3 J per Cent; on buckwheat, 37 per cent; oo corn, 22 per ceut, and on oata, 35 09 per Oent all three reduced to 20 per oent. Tbe duty oo bulter was reduoed from 0 to 4 oeuta per pound; tbeeae, 6 to 4 oent; milk, prepared, 3 lo 2 cent; sngar of milk, 8 to 5 oenta; veg etables, 40 03 per oot to 20peroeut; egga, B lo 8 ceuta a doto; bay $4 to )2 a too; hops from 15 to H oeuta a pound Tba inevitable e fleet of this cbaoir was to iucreaae tba Imports of tba wares .(Teoted. I'mbahly oo on would serious ly claim tbat we are physically onabla lo raiaa enough of Ibevo prodoots for our on ue. If wa import them, do teao low tariffs enable t he foreintier to nndnraell tba boroa proJuoer. Howe ar not anri rtaed lo are that, whereas In Hi flacal year ending June, lS'.fl, wa im ported 1.070 729 btiahelaf birlay.it 1H;5 imported 2.110,810 buab'le; of 0rn, to JH-.tl, IsHl bnabela. and lo 10.5:5 bothela; of oals, lo 1X13, 21 300 bnabela, aod lo 1HN3 30K.308 baahala; of Dalaeed, lo 1KI3. 112,013 boahala, aod lo 103 4,- l'Vl.r2 boahala; of bnpe, lo 1.'3, 2.1. 044 poun.le, aod lo 13 3.133 6Cipoo.la; of bay, to KO, l04.r7 loos, aoJ lo K'J iol.lku loos. Il la tai 1 tioaplloos prove lb rola, aaj In Iba inporta of antmala I a ur loos lllueiralioo of tbl fact. Vodar tba re.lafed larltT, (mpartaol ralilaiorttaaed from 3119 lo 1 Ut 134 Kil lo )i5 II jfaea, oving parbapa lo I ha practical alaeatioo of lb market, aUxnl alntut Iba sama at aU.nl I2,tUU fur aecq year. lint faf aheep were leaporUd In lvii Ibao to l"!. 519 aa a,aioai 4-4 5c2 Now, lb Wileoo bill, la paiiio a 2) mt oaal a4 val.irara doty oa beef and mul oblla it oerrd Iba duly oo tref tiltiieailaally. It la li ! prrame.t, raised tba duly oa mitt a. Fr Iba doly m bwf aadr Iba MrKmlry lew avera4 t p ui. i.oi n.i a mia atsJ only 17 1-1 tblriffo aaollna ha I aod Iba lmorla of aheap fall i ff. Il la peeHv riear bwb party la moat likely kiafT.r l Iba farmef favoralda lai'fl ! bimd'ia The following citizens of Morrow Co. bave been chosen as jurymen for the tjptember term of court: , E. G. Sperry, Heppner, A. C. King, Ioue, Geo. Noble, Heppner, R. Nuunamaker, lone, B. F. Akere, Dry Fork, Jas. Neville, , Heppner, Miohael Kenny, Lena, Wm. P. Snyder, Heppner, Heppner, Dry Fork, Ella, lone, Stookman Farmer Stookman Farmer Stookman Farmer O. 8. Hodsdon, J. R. Stanley, Allen Evans, M. A. Olden, Elmer A. Beaman, Mt. Vernon, W. C. Laoy, Gentry, F. E. Holland, lone, F. M. Gentry, Gentry, Geo. W. Sperry, Lexington, 8am Walker, Dry Fork, 8. P. Florence, . Heppner, Stockman Jaoob Dronnd, Dry Fork, Farmer W. G. Scott, Heppner, J. 1$. Natter, Heppner, Saloonkeeper Marian Evans, Lexington, Farmer John A. Williams, lone, Robt, F, Hyud, Heppner, T.J. Ally o, lone, J. W. Vaughan, Heppner, Merobant Isaac Knigbteii, Eight Mile, Farmer James M. Hayes, Heppner, Stookraiser Geo. W. Durao, Gentry, Farmer J. O. Keitbly, Dry Fork, Are Voa Hade Miserable by Indigestion, Conatipa- tion, IJizziness, Iioea of Appetite, Yellow Mkiu? Sbiloha Vitalizer is a positive oure. For sale by Wells tWarreu. ill Our Cillery m nware TO THE FRONT! It's going fast and the assortment will soon be broken. We have about 75 pairs of 10-4 Blankets that we are letting go for from 60 to 75 oenta a pair. These blankets are made of fine soft material and make an excellent bed blanket., We've some exoellent values in this line. We bave a limited quantity of our men's calf congress shoes for 96 oeuta a 'air; also ladies' Bongnla Oxfords at 95 cents; same as above in high top bntton, $1.25. Our 20th Century Dongola button at $1.40 is a stunner. Don't fail to examine it whether you want to purchase or not. Dress Goads Stock Complete We are giving as close, if not closer prices than any house either in California or or Oregon. Why we are selling goods this way is becaue we want money. If you want goods bring on your silver and get gold values according to the Qold Bugs theory. Cheap Advice. 8ucoesH lo Bryan means death to lb sbeep industry," says the Moro Observer. II otours lo tbe people up this way tbat tb sheep industry is already dead. Millions of pound of wool are stored in tbe warehouse of Eastern Oregon, and tbe owners cannot sell il for whal it would Ooat lo thke it from tba sheep' back. "Sucoeaa to ltryau" roiitht re vive Ih industry. It ooull certainly "kill il do deader," aaya lbs E. O. It probably does ool occur to lb E. (). that Ihe parly to whfih it le ever de voted is reaponaibl for the dead abeep and wool industry. To ak aheepmeo to support Bryan ii adding further insnll to irreparable injury. I'llla Io Mt ( are. nil do not ears e ttiiatioo. They only agtfravaaat. Karl'a Clover ltool Tea givea perfect regularity of lb tMiwela. For aale by Walla aod Warrao aili TEN COMMANDMENTS. . . Tneae My Commands, Prom Day to Day, Explicitly Thou Kbalt Obey." From the E. 0. Mrs. Barub, who ia visiting in Port land, baa been complaining of ber bos band, Mose, tbat be does not write let ters as regnlarly as abe would like. 8b also complained of the lack of sentiment al entbnsiaem, contrasting lb letters written now with those poetio effusions of earlier days. . Moss replied tbat be was so popular among tbe ladies, and tbat he waa receiving ao mnob attention aod so many boqoels tbat lo fact there waa soaroely aoy time left to devote lo writing letters. The next letter received oonlained tbe following: Then are tha new commandment ton. Which wive now wak lor married men, 1 Remember that I am thy wife, Whom ttiuu muil cherlnh all Ihy life. 2- Thnu (halt not Uy nut late al nlaht, Wben lodifra, frlond or cluU luvlte, i Thou ahalt not mnte I minor or out, Norchtw tobacco round abont 4-Thnii ahalt with prataa reratre my plea. Nor paalry uada by lue deaplse, t-My mother thou ahalt trtv to pleaac, And let ber live with m lo eaaa. Remember 'lit thy dutT clear, To drraa m wall tbrnusboul tha ytr. T Thou thatl la manner mild and meek. .! m Uia aB avary weak. ahoii ihalt not be a drinking man, Rut love on prohibitum plan. a Thou ahall not flirt but mini allow Thy wil uc Ireolnm, anyhow. 10 -Thou (hall ft np han bahy trim. And Uj Ilia child lo tranqti litis. The my enmmand (mm day to day, linplUiliy thou aball olwy. ky The j Ui(M. Mr Illauk, of Ohio, gav a lonobano a week ago, says tba Waabiugloo Toal, I t soma Ohio delegalaa to Iba Cbrialiao Kndeavor enovanlino. Tbere wa ica cream for deaerl, and lb boabaaa ootio J It) at one of her gueats bad alo all .r portion. '1W Mia X" aai l aha, "dit let ma glva yoo soma mora lea ream." "Well," replied Mias X.d.ftl denlly, "jml a monthfal, if you pleaaa.' "Mary," aaid lb hmlea to lb maid, "Oil MiaaX'splala." AoJ aba doeao'l know lo tbla day wby a woman anroe tba labia rbnked over br cbocolata. ! a Hiftt Vt ll lloaard ba ra ep to Hakaa oa a viait to bia retail. V bo l.a lata be aid pfr4 I lleppaar ia twataj VI ttM a ptieMpal Ih IteppOef pobH b-U, kleb an (B i4i IWii.t 1 Mr. li.tvarj ataae eeiafaidi frvaa tUgm a (liftvie ba tia aaa.l"s4 aa ! I iw ka K a'f a t waa I a aWwt ! la Iba l.wf ih hi Ii t b anaelf. la -i ! la ll-ta ri eaaaitf itilln bla to aa !!, al em Ullu l Iba !"' 4 ll - K Ik. Ik Ilia af Waajear C"n'i( ali..n, eaaa room lhaa ball Iba Ilia 4 women. Kafl s Clover ftA, a la a pleaaatil tnt for CDOalipatlM Kt a. I by Well k Warren. tUeaa Hara4, Mra. ('a-n. of Ilalal, had It tela. fortune Ik bar b'na by flra laat Monday. Her eo living alib ber al tbetin.easj Jual a fa dais aa- ibaJ l.orle-l a ttahy. 1ft ld nitafonaa) 0e alniflv. Several baeineaa rr I eaea of ll-iHner rv.aifibaUd tnwar.ta bB rJ. Mr. C'aaoa's relief aliieb. ondonbt. a ill I i " m a. fri HOW Plr atNi WROTE. Tba Novell! waa RyaUaiaUa aa4 Melkaakal la Hla Week. NGLISHaoBUS1NS w mm tan mmw- PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy. IS M I wMtlalA mliftl fti vjbt i k isi M r J U1J Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle II orse A trat Uttmf a freaartH" iMaeaaed bl, fottalipalUw, an J but y, llef aa.J bowel Irixible era fared by Karl'a Clokar It Ta Ptw aale by Wei la I Warren. 1 broegb iraiaa a lb U It A N. will turn Via. t'ell!la, Walla aha aid 'r JU.. Tbrwugb alpfa, fi'al a 4 Mntid olea. Will ! I ekeeU a Will Iba I' an Cat i An, Iba aan- bee!. !, A tbnf b fl'al taaa atapf lVt- flrat ela akpf in b, I'.al, aa 1 tl.r.High . , tt atraprf f'iellal lo HI wl. w II a I a le.-tioe with ih itel kodberw faiiaaf ba ftturb ai prenalej ly Iba lady. Rve w le I aefn.aa, life-l, letilaV aad Karl rir H Tea baa made sua well ee4 bappy. Ma 11 Ik WtaaM. P. ala by Wella A Yt arrea. ''ff l i..iferi.if, any jm-ljmtml, arkeO.rr I k tktp tnnrer rrrir aay Itnr fit fmm IK4 turtf e !.,,., II kfke a . e ,!. f f, J( trt tr.J tjtr l frx,m aiwerk ii.IW ... .. .1 ' !"- I If'MO la IM W.p. ) m Maak. ip k-Wej IM H l .7 km ly la a-la kaje eok.lru(M)e. fitepbea Fik preaaola a Boat lolar eatiDt pea plot are of Dickaea, bia family aod of ' Oad' Dill," where b wa a frejient aa I waiooma f qeat. ia tba Bep lambe La J tea' Hum JouraaL Of Iickn' mat bod of work Mr. fik says: "Doriug my viaits Dirkao wa not at work opoa a aoveL bot b sbol blmaalf la Potar't rbalal fmm 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. alrnnal ry day. Tbii wa aoolher part of bis metbodioal syaUes. II I fait W lb mood b would writ ate 'Uoommroial Traveler attic!; If sol, b wald ao war tellers, read 'All Iba Tear IWnad prtwfa, j H dowa ktaaa, 11:1 op tba tin wnb oma of lllraf labuf. Tbi. ba lolJ ma, wa bia al diacii line. Tb uaa room In lb balt aa praly foe. BiabaJ, so l ba4 windows oa all 4ee imiaa.ho( qWt, pteaaaal View of fields aa J ptaotalMMia. II a-ldotn talk. d of bia txx k bat ooa day b lowd a lb Uiabd taaaaarript of ona-d tbe 01, and told a Ut method of plauaiog alorv. Having al'i-l ajt U woil. writ do tba aam t4 tb ko aad aarmoad It wilb (jaerfa: hball ba b l.ct.T t'aeawlat f aar haaa? I f real. 4 t bl pe"(-f'i f A 'ty I . r a I at mm wilb lb lbf bar, let aa by r carted t t.iej. II l- a) aaaj bia lab. aJ . did Tataa a I tlollilay, aej Iba rfba oritera of bat waa Ibeo Iba Ibebat OeHowl ' Tbey all albd Ms 'i'biaf.' aad M liked Ih ti!." All tbeae can ba procured at Thorn iwoa A Binna, Ixwcr Main Street, Heppnpr, Oregon. Tliea rentlernen ar ell arqnalnled allh Orant Harney. Tmok. Cllltaia and Olhar eounUaa. and caa aa money and tlmt la Bwklii tbew a-Ttluna alili lraTlln nan. rrtrealn keeflnf with lb time. THOM PSON & BTNNS, The Lancashire Insurance Co. " MANCIIItaiTKM, KNai,ANI riiiiRMis. kmi. ?. js tit xv riii lo lb tlaaa In l Ik Weakly (WMHiiaa), Iba atf of .a ttuk ik litakJkMHM ly la lae..aa e. MfWi M a-41- l rtkeois all -Jb-4 ma tceaits 4et.aalei vl ptea a Sa ve-le . pb;a ia. Molef ('I abrlai' Oaa Ueataevall party from tb OttUa. Tbr la oaty oo democratic par la Orafoa, aad thai Is lbs aatwoal Jemo ratl parly, obioh sppnin'! delriaUa lo lb Iadlaaapfiiaoevallo laalwaek Tb Itryaa drmrari baa diatpard. abdloaiad, srrdered. bea alUaed op by popalisn,. Tbr will ba oo tlryaa doxratio lkkl lo (rto. Tbor will ba 00 tyBa and Newall alarl ota, only ppttst llryaa aad Wateoa alaoiora. Aptaraolly a"df lo Oregon will ba rbaoc lo Vol for taalL Tor fie prldl, f 'yaa to'rt aoi sapport Waiaoa or aobiHly. This fm pliftea malUe vary maeb aad la a flaa ekaejj.l fof fiber alatea It ea a dij aavwpt aoe rif aa abviooa aitaaloa. l i bl to t Imilaied avtryabaea, VX t aoaj I Iba Ifta4 raaj.laia aiib I 'jaa. wbo la a p ta'i.l, at at iitf m a ra'wl alaifiea M dav-ral ta ai..r Hi Uat ablta1 allow ! fr L aw Jk'n dMrt fa no f Mm, lade., ittwat d!aieg .irMlf a p,P,i Lwxwat ai: y ol f..f lb ladiaaailta raa.ll 11. Pit weal ffr4 onk Vary rrM, aaa a!e.l OaaUateaak laaMrrin4 im f jtljmnt. lainaaaaw, i-ww -in i (Vaak lUawdy diiaH la ik to. ytr relr-o .. VM a aM e h. . "'S'", M ,h' " f W Aa d- t-f A f , " 7 !mMI,, ..., a.-, eg V , f-m r .i-4l iba al''a t Hen, a , mii f - N. , t ., j J I -ri im ll II. aa f I, t4. I of alflt Ull ,,", ''"' 'M HVwa ' ""II l." .M ' I k-- a I-1 leTTt J f Ill.lI-kir.7 , .f t..;4. ftal-ral I'ap. ' t b4 i i4f win ft4a a ib ia b , SUJUIOSS. in ti nart iTit.t ar or mi run Ui.y M t mmtt, l lainll. ' a a! I Hnmi, tvl.h,nL TaanMR Hrnt. tU,,ant In I.- hm al tt.. et.w ul Ornn. ran t'T 7 W- !- an . lU em.. -il S.t wtinti la lbeaiaxeenilil.4 r.ala U o tba ab euil4 rmirt, ,' Tba Ilk y at ftetnr, , aM II t 1.11 a. k b .ht lh.r. p.i.,n ein t1tlf i ,h fr, ,h ',-t"'-l b r..,,.,,. .. T timn. o( Mtnw rtrv tM l.lall B4 Uto4- UKtaaantkMH by fUUlk Hf, .aei M ,H m.,.h.m ,.., "'':'' R aai.tki ' ' AtaWttlBksl A.. I l.b.. KqVci of Intention. Aktiorrttf arTNtPttiaa r.ar . f. r' . ' ",Um a"r V HiiM Im 4u4 a. i. rf b. i... i,. , r--i k. .,, ,4 tml4 tmni mut r r. , ,.,,, M i,fc tk atai.atr knsT. ''! le la a w . M. at . lb. h..i..,,.4 Maw4 a., u u,. n fm r. at4 M tmm4tt al '' - rtoaf ilil,, t, fj,. Ii'l am