Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 25, 1896, Image 4

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.3 m
E. McNEli-L, Receiver.
TO Til 15
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. It. A N,
Agmt ta Heppner, t r address
Gen. Pass. Agt,.
Portland. Obeoon,
tSfin FranolMOO
A'ld nil points in California, vis the Mt. Hhaat
runts or the
Southern Pacific Co
t'li great hivhwHy ttirmiKh California tn all
point r.Ht ami South, tirann Hoanin Konta
of the I'aflific t'oeat. I'ullman Hnffet
Hltwpera. HfMnnrl-nhua Hlanpera
Attached to expreaa train , arlnrriins anpenor
W'ComnifxIatioDa foreeminil-nlaM aMn(ara.
For utoa, ticket, elmpine oar reaerratlona,
T4i, ran nMn or anareae
K KOKH1.KR, Maimer. E. P. ROGERS, Ant.
God. V. P. A gt, Portland, Oregon.
TIimiiikIi Pullman Palace Hlreixra.
Ttiutlat Hlii-pers and Frco Km-llulng Chair
Car. 1'All.Y tol liUK'.
Many hours aaviil via Ilili Una tu F.atro
R. 11'. RAXTKR, Cm Agent,
I'ortttimt, Orrgon.
J. (', 11 ART, Aymt, llrppner, Urtyon.
tksdi mi
P.r Inf-vmalMi eH f" It.n.ll.. !
Ml as a M . (,. ,..
ft.l lir-H fi n mw . la lmrtrt,
lf f"tri I.- -Mi i ii. i i.miii hr.ra
h ptuk l.r a a. Iwb4 vfeaige ia ue
'(icniific mcticau
.,4 n twit I S, lil.M..i,t
m ..li i iihi ii Dkiii iiimi
llHaMH l M'w, tok nif.
milVirauV;E5 & St. Paul R'g
t. Mvl
Glanco at this Map
t IK. !.(- MtaaiMi a. H ta-l Kail
a"- t H .... ti.. . ala all
II- ...I.I itn.a a4 N -., t ha. aiwl
!.'( II..I Ha l.ainaara I Mt alika
Kf a4 aa4 W wa tie V-!Ht la
fh I i..t k 4ri, l.'Waif, a...ai,.f iM
!' g f aiifc ( rtiln rkaiia lark
a .! ai Wna aw ... M lir taws,
M la 4IIk ca aa !- W la lh ut',4
xi. na trt ik ii,, a anaaax
e'.a. I'.M . iJ,4 IM IMI Ultllaal
ay..w.uk4 1Iim a, ax.).! ..aaiai
il.. i- . .!) t , n. i ( f,a
, l ... tm t m4 oil t
I I I I' ... . a t ii.aa
I $ M I T. I.. l,M.
J t af, l.aa At'.
k Selcntitlo American
t jency fof
I M ZJ THaDi ,
Ia Jiy t'lBICN PATItlTaV.
X MllWttV
"SJO W ' A " V
aMaaBBaaamiii 1 1 i n i F
fl. -X ;r ,.r; .
A ttoontsln tilrfa Brlcht Idea That Saved
the Lire of Vauaiiftrii
Speakiug of experience on the rail
road," said a New York traveling man,
'1 bad u alight scrape one time on a
mountain ruud in l'eiintsssee that may
be worth bearing.
'We were coming down a long grade
of ten miles in a mixed train. '1 hut is,
we uuU a gondola loaded with ties as
tne end car, with our two uasseugci
couches uud uuggage car, and 1 should
bay we were uiaKiiig about 20 miles tn
nour on a track that would be treati'jp
us very kindly it it didn't sling us into
eternity if we dared to add five miles tu
r.our to our speed, when 1 happened it
look out of the reur door and saw a
wild train of loaded coal cars swinging
down after us. They hud evident'
Mui ted ut a tipple wtucn we had puMteu
ouiy u tew minutes bulore, uud when 1
saw them they were going so fust Ii.il
Uiey distanced the men ou the ground.
who uiude a run togetou and slop then
further flight. 1 uiude u wild rush foi
the conductor, but before 7 reached hiui
h budordered theeiigineer to letoul his
engine for all she was worth, and in this
way keep ahead of our chasers, for
tunutely we had no women aboard, and
(he men could be kept in Detter control
though it was all we could do to keep
them from jumping oil.
"It was only a short time until we
began to see that our salvation lay in
the pursuing train Hying the track, be
cause we hud reached our limit, and our
train was swaying and tossing so that
everybody was scared out of his wits.
1 know 1 was, and 1 just sut In my scat
and held on, waiting and listening to
the thunder ol the train behind us,
which was not 500 yards away and gain
ing every second, it was far heuvier
than ours, and 1 knew that if anybody
went off the track It wasn't going to
lie the coal train. 1 said a moment ago
we had no women aboard. 1 meant we
had none to speak of.
"There was one, but she was a homely
mountain girl, who didn't seem to know
unythiiig, and because she sut quiet in
thecoriieruuddidu'tKcreum we thought
the didn't amount to enough to count.
1 wus looking ut her in a du.ed kind of
a way, wheu till of a sudden she lit out
of her seat as if she hiui been sholuill
of it, and, knocking everybody out of
the way, she dashed out of the reur dooi
Ik? f ore anybody could touch her, ami
we thought she had jumped olf, but she
hadn't, Khe jumped for tlm opeu cur,
hanging on like a cat, until she got tu
the fur eud of it, and iu a second she win.
tumbling those ties oil at the rate of a
dozen a second.
"They would hit the track and bonnet-
every which way, but she kept piliuu
tliriii oil, the cuul train getting closci
every second, and at lust a couple ol
them stuck up lu a cattle guard, am.
the next thing we knew there wus a ter
t i tie crash, rails and ties and tracks umi
coal Hew, und the coat truin rolled ovei
itself and went down the hill iu u heap
Ity George, as that girl stood there in
her pluiu calico dress and her old sun
bonnet and watched that train pile u,
a- her feet, 1 thought that Joan of Arc.
Cleopatra, ljuceii hliuibetli, tiruce Dar
ling und the lot of them weren't a patch
ing to her, uud, us Inr as we were con
corned, they wereu't.
"She had saved our train and our live,
and we took herou with us In triumph
l hen we made up a purse for her big
enough to buy a farm with, und I'll hot
(he's got more good clothes, and jewel
ry, oud books, mid trinkets uud things
I liu ii uny girl Iu the mountains, for we
never forget her. She diM-su't unite hii
predate some of the line things she
l.ua, but what do we cure for that? V
appreciate Iter just the suuie."--WubIi
inytou rilur.
Inventlaa af a Humana I'hyalrlaa aa
ubatltnta fur a I'ullKamaa'a Club.
Ir. Abiel V. Ni'laoii, a pructiciug sur
geon of New l-oncloii, Ims Invented a
1 1 ii ma tie Miliee club, which heVhiiiua
tuny bo used In aulHluing ulmtivM'ioiiH
cilleiis without liillit'tuig pel iiiiiiieiil
injiiilea on thrill. It ciiiihihIm of a rub
ber euvelope over a wooden core n club
vi itb a soft rind, simulating the bul k of
a lire, similar to the IIcmIi uii the Ihmu x
of a IUU It la anitply hii rhiucaleii
u i hi. and givrs I lie hIici'iiiiiii the ad
vsiitiigo over the until willnuil I ho ne
ivaaity of illallguriltg hiui fur life m
luilaiiig ol her el luuueiil llijm y. Afti'l
M i'uriiig the piuN'r puteiitH ittnl Im I.ih
i he club vtna um-i) the iliH-tor fiaiiil
(iiictuie of the akull ut the Imiw lutein
n-iilt front Mow tin the lui ol liu
luiid-tlnit la, the ftJituie nnlil In-
linimiiiitU'il u the lume of the akull In
tniil of at the plm-r of conlnrt. Hi
i Imhi could not get any ili'ii Usliea
in the vu iuilj to ekpei iiuent on, ao In
gut H-riuiMitun to umi aubji'cta at the
liiutgu In New lork.
lis tried skulls by hitting Ihem m.
Ih forehead and top of the hend.atrtk
lug wilh mote than utdilniry micr
njinn's fotce, but did not lu.etale Hit
Mlp, and ttirra was tin find iiiv at lit.
plat of toulni't or liatw ul the aknll
I lia heads vtna ix iinl. and thcr wa
in appairlit Injury of the btain tl
I he Irate were iiiutle In the pirmMu-e m
lluea triulable phi alrlnna, r .Nrl
m.ii waulrU to are the aetunl rffevl on
Ilia tiling brain. e he ac levied inlira e
hi subje la. Ilia ttrat autijeet waaau
H' ll.v, tlrree ralf, wriglniiK ?) aiiiiiiU
It wee elturartl iluwii ami mil, but uul
up to a few aeeuitila. auiiirw hat il.ifrtl
,n I Main re oen il lnliw uur mMel am
was thra kill.-d. Iheie V I.I.m.I
klii'iia niiilvr Ilia eklit tit then aii. am
llinllrd Idiaalatalna In the lunri mrut
Nana over IU liolit lolae uf the bintn
1 1 rt no Injury lu Ihe biain Maelf
llirr) thing llullialr.l that Ihe ml
uui4 lia fully lvted llaitfoio
4"te-p-4 Hands (I) .,iiua
mutur vt hi an and tri ; ut an a,.i
-lin of taaelitiv rulti ii. .iur
day lll keep the tumU fiinn (. . at
III lo prvmii rim'w-4 i, at,, i. !
ItMia in ll antri n,. l-,. .s (
liij iib a imii lui I
Tal I leaf sw1aalii,
Oa rr-4 a Ua eaa, rasa M etaaaA
geaarini aempl will t- nalM 4 lb
"l pla t'aUnh ea't Hay l evef Car
I fcly I ra lUhal ffleal tn nVaaoav
trai the (! arni 1 1 Ue trsavdy.
rx run rui p.
U arro ft, Jiw Totk City
r.ev Jntis r i t. h .HflM r!V W t ,
rwoaiwa-H I I") I '4K 'ain lo a. I
taa ew a atairea!, "It I a pnat.
Ii.e rr f .. tf owl aa fe I
, r r,nr ii n 1 iMiminiis
t I ..r. .. l-tl
f ly e l'!m I tKa m U1rl
fata f ra'a'ta an an a fwr e
Hut IfcjsjiwtkSiuvj. 1 Iwa, liO
Full Text of the Declaration
of Principles.
The KepnblicBDi of the Uoited States,
assembled by tbeir represeDtatativeg in
national convention, appealing for popu
lar and historical justification of tbeir
claims to the matchless achievements of
30 years ot Republican rale, earnestly
and ooofldently address themselves to
the awakened intelligence, experience
and conscience of tbeir countrymen in
the following declaration of faots and
For tbe first time sinoe the civil war
tbe Amerioan people bave witnessed the
oal ami tons ooDsequences of fall and nn
reB'.ricted Democratic oontrol of tbe
government. It bag been a reoord of
-unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and
disaster. In administrative management
it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispenBible
revenue, entailed an increasing deficit,
eked out ordinary oarrent expenses with
borrowed money, piled up tbe publio
debt by $262,00(1,000 In time ot peace,
foroed an adverse balance ot trade, kept
perpetual menace hanging over tbe re
demption fuud, pawned Amerioan oredit
to alien syndicates and reversed all tbe
measures and results of sucoesHful Re
publican rule. In the broad f fleet of its
polioy it bas precipitated paoio, blighted
industry and trade with prolonged de
pression, olosed factories, reduced work
and wages, halted enterprise and crip
pled American production while stimu
lating foreign prodnotinn tor the Ameri
can market. Every' consideration of
publio safety and individual interest
demands that tbe government fbnll be
resoaed from tbe bands of those who
have shown themselves inospable to
oonduot it without disaster at borne and
dishonor abroad, and shall be restored tu
the party whiob for 30 years admin
latered it with unequnled success and
prosperity; and In tbis connection we
heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism
and en oo ess of the administration of
President Harrison.
We renew and emphasize our alle
giance to the policy of protection as the
bulwark of Amerioan industrial Inde
pendence and the foundation ot Ameri
can development and prosperity. This
true American policy taxes foreign pro
ducts and encourages borne industry aod
pnts tbe burden of revenue on foreign
goods; it seoures the Amerioan market
fur the Amerioan producer; it nphuhls
the American standard of wage for tbe
American workingmen; it pate the fac
tory by the side of I be farm, and makes
the Amerioan farmer Irsa dependent on
foreign drrraod and price; it diffuse
general thrift, and founds the strength
of all on the strength ot esoh. Ia its
reasonable application it Is jast, fair and
impartial, equally opposed to foreign
control and domestic monopoly; to aeo
tlonal (liatrimiuation and Individual
favoritism. We denounce the preaen
demnorttio tariff a sectional, ii jnrlnus
to public credit and destructive to bust
era rnterprie. We demand snob
equitable tariff oo foreign import bit-It
oooi into competition witb American
product a will out only turniab ade-
qnste revenna for the Deeretsry ripen
a ot tit government, bat will protect
American labor from tbe degredstion to
tbe aag level of other land.
We are oot pledged lo any particular
schedule. Tbe question of rate i
practical question to be governed 1J
cwnditioo of th time od uf prodnctmi
Tbe loltng and nnonmpromieiug priori
pi is lb protect mo oJ development ol
America labor end lodualrr. Tu
eoootrr demand right ettleroant and
then it want real
im kBuravK'tTt.
V ballev lb repeal of lb rorlproei
ty artartgemeiil f'lialaJ by lb last
lUpublicsn sdroinlalralio was aalmo
I eaUmil? end demand tbeir renew
aland teoaha o orb tar to a a ill
eqnlia9nr trad with other naitona,
rm realrlclioti abU b aew nbetraM
lb ! ot Ameflasa prdm I in p't
ot other oaulrte. and e,iiraltfe.
BUlkal fof lb prrxlnct of imf laim.
fureal tad factories.
1'rvUrH sio aad reriprooity art li
seaaare af llepabbeaa p"I'ey, aad g
kaej ta hand. IBirlt fal lis
-khl el ruck does both. t d hik
anal tia r reUbliahed; t-roirett.-a ft
bat todui; (' 4eteltD fl the
aeert.atf i f life tU'b W do O' l pro-
d.ifi rifiol agreement t.f Bt,t,
ioUreat wUeb epaa euaikeU lap'
tnra I rttr ta
laik't to Olbers.
t. .i..i. .. l.,t 1. . .t,iu.r. i,.l.il.!i'"l. wa'ei a I'll rp ear m tin
. - .
a I if.l, eti wrnn nm mvii
, . . I I 1. .... f .
f if fr ti ; teeipfiiiy t-i lUupt r
eifla til- aed ! a otlat M a
bdqab. !
We condemn tbe 'present administra
tion for not keepiog faith witb tbe sugar
producer ot tbis country. Tbe Repub
lican party favors such protection as will
lead to tbe production on American eoil
of all sugar which Amerioan people nse
and for wbich they pay other countries
more than 8100,000,000 annually.
To all our products, to those of mine
and field as well as those of tbe shop
and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe
product of tbe great industry husbandry,
as well as to fiuisbed .woolens ot the
mill, we promise most ample protection.
We favor restoring the early American
policy of discriminating duties for tbe
upbuilding of our merchant marine and
tbe protection of our shipping interests
in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer
ican ships the product of American
labor employed in Amerioan shipyards,
sailing nnder the Stars and Stripes, and
manned, officered and owned by Amer
icansmay regain tbe carrying of onr
foreign commerce.
The republioan party is unreservedly
for sound money. It caused the enact
ment of the law providing for the
'resumption of specie payments in 1879;
oiuuo iucu ever; uoiiar hub ueeu us goou
i it, . i t ,
We are unalterably opposed to every
measure caloulsted to debase our cur-
renoy or impair the oredit of our conn-
ti v.
We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
ooio'tge of silver, except by International
agreement with the leading oommeroinl I
ations ot the world, whioh we pledge
urselves to promote, end until snoh su
agreement onn be obtained, tbe existimt
old standard must be preserved. All
f our silver aud paper ourrenoy now in
oirctilaliou must be maintained at a
parity with gold, aod we favor all meas
ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe
bligations of tbe Uoited Htates and all
our money, whether coin or paper, at the
present standard the standard ot the
most enlightened nations ot tbe earth,
The veterans of the Union armies de
serve aod should receive fair treatment
aud generous reoogoition. Whenever
praotioable they should be given prefer
ence in the matter of employment and
tbey are entitled tn tbe enactment of
uch laws as are best calculated to se-
oar the fulfillment ot pledge made to I
them in the dark day. of tbe country'.
peril. We denounce tbe praotioe in tbe
pension bureau, so recklessly and nn-
tistly carried on by the present adminis
tration, ot rednoii.g pensions and arbi
trarily dropping names from, the role a
leserving tbe severest condemnation ot
tbe Amerioan people.
Our foreign policy should be at all
time firm, vigorous aod dignified, aod
all our ioterrtts in tbe western hemis-
puera csrcu.i, a.icuru am. guarueu.
, , ,..ii , .i i i . . ,
The Hawaiian island thould becoutroll-
ed by Ihe Uuited Htstr, and do foreign
power should be permitted to interfere
lththm! lh.Vi...r.B. .n.l ahrml.l
b built, owned and operated by the
Uoited Htatee; snd by th porcbaae of
tb Dniah island w should jeour a
propar and uiacb needed tllon io tb
Wrat ladies.
... . i .
a- ... s-".. -ru..
ed lb deep .rmpalby sod Jut indigas-
.... ...I
lion of tb Amri0n peopl. and w b-
i. .1.. T'. . ut.,.. .1 ..I I :.
II lb u.llieoc 11 can properly irt to
bring tbe. .l.oci.le lo .o.nd. xJ
larkay America r.Jcnt. b.v i bt
eiprd lo tb gr.vet danger aod
American property destroyed. Ther
. i i.i
entj ptitj wiipii Aiuvni-nu tiiii-tui auu
American propeny fflsn uej aoanimeij
protected at all baiard and at soy et.
W reaaerrt tbe Monro doetrtD lo
fullest eiUot aod w resfflrailb
right r.f tb ColteJ HtU lo ! lb
d. oli in ff,! by reapoodiog to tb sp
, . . .
pl of any Amerioas t' or friendly
interveatioa io ot Karopeaa to
W aliai; Oot l iotet fared d eball
oot iolrrli-r with lb enetin- enws
...ti. oi toy t.f..pea po-er ia ini
baotiapbata, but thi-ee pealoii nasi
...i 1. ..I...I..I tt -
hopefully kHK I.ww.fJ to thot
nsl wttbdraaal ttt F.aruti) powr
lr n ttit beiotapUai aad tothalllmte
uria of ail E- gliea pkiiig paMeol
Iba eatlool by free eaaeael of it la-
rr en.rT.
Frta the hoar if sel.Uvm It.elr awe
ls.iern.ieofa. in wt,i pi ina i mifti
; Ml.le bv regar lej aith ej it. path lb
"gg'.ea H ibef AmerWs ppU to
lblaie frofa Fraa ttaiaa-
. I.I.IMl 1!. featlHtt Itftttl. .1 lh.nih.t
- - - -
latri le aifainet lie I or i "'t.
'' a" '
Ii r a ii a way tviM, a
af lt. if dtBilMd teal lu V art a,Uep, td. Iwlakail, I'mp.
liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav
ing lost oontrol ot Cuba and being enable
to proteot tbe property or live of resi
dent Amerioan citizeneorto oomply witb
it treaty obligations, we believe tbe
government ol the United States should
actively nee its inflaenoe and good offi
ces to restore peaoe and give indepen
dence to tbe island.
Tbe peace and security of the republic
and the maintenance of its rightful in
fluence among the nations of tbe earth
demand a naval power commensurate
witb its position and responsibility. We,
therefore, favor oontinned enlargement
of tbe navv and complete system of bar
bor and seacoast defenses.
For tbe protection of tbe quality of our
Amerioan citizenship and of wages of
our workiogmeu against tie fatal com
petition ot low priced labor, we demand
tbat tbe immigration laws be thoroughly
enforced and so extended as to exclude
from entrance to the United States those
who oan neither read nor write.
The civil servioe law was placed on
the statute books by the republican
party, whiah bas always sustained
and we renew our repeated declarations
that it shall be thoroughly and honestly
enforced ahd extended wherever praoti-
i Wa damand fr.hnt Avnrv nitizAn nf the
Dnited 8tatel ihll be allowed to cast a
free Bnj unrestricted ballot, and sucb
ballot Bhall be couuted and returned as
We proclaim our unqualified condem-
uatiou of tbe uncivil zed and barbarous
oraotice known es the lynching or killing
,,f boman beings suspected or ohsrgtd
with orime, wiiboot process of law.
We favor tbe creation of a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
tbe differences which may arise between
employers and employed engaged in in
terstate oommeroe.
We believe in tbe immediate return
to tbe free homestead t olicy of tbe Re
publican party, and urge the passage
by oougress ot tbe satisfactory free
homestead measure wbiob has already
passed tbe bouse and is now pending
in the senate-
We favor tbe admission of tbe remain
ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable
date, having dui regard to Ihe interest ot
tbe territories and tbe United State. All
'"d"'"' officer appointed for territories
hould 09 ,eleoiea lro.m boo. tide reel-
dent thereof, and the right ot self-govern
ment abonld be accorded a far a. prto-
tioabl. We believ tbe citizen of Alas
ka should bave representation ia the
congress ol tbe United Htates to the end
tbat needed legislation may be Intelli
gently enacted.
We sympathize with all wise and le
gitimate effort to lessen and prevent tb
evils ot inlempersoos and promote mor-
maun or WOMEN.
IiepablioHa p,, , miodfaI of
tbe risbt 0f 0meo. Proteollnn of
I Amerioan iodattrie inolade eqaal
opportooitiea, coal PT fortqoal
""rk .od prolactlOO to tbe bom.. W
I fstlrnr iUm ..lmliinn cif rnmtin In wiAmt
Lnh.. , ,n,nM mnA .ioom. .h.i.
ao operation in reaomog th ooutr from j
l)amocrtiond Populist mitmaoagrmsoi
8acb are tb principles sad poUdo
of lb republioao party. Uy tbee prio
roJ . al., st Yooog'.
,oln Mnlirtn. W. ... fll.
li.era the eoneidarata iadnmeatof lb
a . I n..tl..i .,lb I- I
r.K.-. ' .
,0B blstory of oar greet party sua to me
Jl o'oar o.UM -t prent oar pl.t-
(U, ,h ,oUoo p,
i mrm ma oar OBDatUaiawi m ids iqii m
victory to tb Repoblirao party aod
I prosperity lo tbe paopl of lb United
. Mtalea.
Th Intma iubing end emarting Ind-
dVut o ei-irma, Irltrr, salt -rheum, and othat
inraia, truer, eaii-rneam, sou hub
of lb ekia Is ineuntly alUre.1 by
: OiamherUin t' d rkia
L XI any very bad ca kar bem
I Urn It ll Li ,,..IU
rrnrw.tly rwred by it, ll b )oally
H J ) W aw w-
Cat U. kU tiifiM as aiut ft rVil
f (, mtrt eki r-d harsU,
blaina, fmat bitea, and rhrool nr
Fur sale by druggie at 25 cU per bt
etliownl ar ih rilng hkw erta a isvnnt r-m-
Tn !r. fad rwdltUj rr, tby
rvji4 a hat a hon im-I. hen ia bed enmU
Uon. I oiim-, tluoJ puntwr anj Verwitlugn.
I Fof al by C"er k Kmck, d'gflst
I fet mt Teaa ea4ewlaa.
Tb Innorre of f.wia In protwUng
I th walrr ipply I well lllnatratrd In
. hrM.oHira. In aonrat dar abe
Mxrad T.S"P.tWO aTM i.f T
- tUf 4 hM hardly I.o.avw0 rre. ikI
thm anity uf aur aod mbr lalurt-
i rj.mane erTrta axw Irareal.le
tb rVeir Kia.fl of the t
-II it immnl,r,l, in my jm.ljwunl,
wlftt, fA thrrp grwtrrr fwl if! na
r"as raa r.inr nr mnl
I JWW a 1 or awf far
tn trtf- f rtr,$rf fmm t)wth of
It if.'trtai J Rrwn m I A Hmtm f Rrt
II hU trtu
aa frr roaahiVrtif h.
fcH ttsver ftaa fee
U a er fnf ladpb4 aarHM
t-eeae f-UMa e'ia an aaxklr.
r w ta rtt a w rea.
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j-. !... tti-i-nM Vt,e
: W ,1 . ,.(,,, ... ,((,, , a.r-h
Ta.l., T- Uf ! Ka.ty,
f a- 2 e as 0n, e''e i
fnm r.Vmmxir of lMfcfei
Prof. W. H. Peekc, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, nas without
doubt treated and car
ed more cases than any
living Physician; his
success ia astonishing.
We have heard of cases
of so years' standing
aaJ cured by
M him. Ha
.ft i .... n
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sends
.with a
laree bot
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sttffererf
wno may send ineir r. u. ana express aaoress.
We advise any one wishing a euro to address
rrof.W. O. FEEKE, F. D., 4 Cedar St., He w Tori
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-;
rent business conducted for moderate Fees.
i Ous OrrtcE is Opposite U.S. Patent Oftice j
and we can secure patent in less tune tuaa Uiose!
i"-",UL" - -.- -r ? ' . . .... J . 5
i Send model, drawing or pnoto., wun oesenp-j
t!nn. We advise, if oatentable or not, free of S
ScbanrS. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
4 . D.u.u, " How to Obtain Patents," withi
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
(sent bee. Address,,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Cummings 8c Fall,
i Of the Old Reliable .
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
u c. M. s ut. v., v as a , t. r t. w . at u.,
and the C. St, L. & P. Rallroada.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
ClS.XCJi.a-O. ILL.
To persons who served jn the wars of the United States or to their C
s Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension? Had You a a
relative in the War "of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for Support ? . v3
A rrijMTc i ttTrsc a
e i - : ...U ....... A..
i IU reCCIVC I pension, Will' IIUW UU
'J l tsw are entiilrd tn an increase of
fg) to you and is willing; and Anxious to pay. Why not present
your claim at this present time ? Your pension aates irom tno rjj
2 time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. rts,
'() rWrite for l.-iws snd comnlets Information. No Charce for advice. TfV
No Fee unless successful.
The Press Claims Company j$
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
fi 618 P Street, WASHINQTON, D. C. (
JT. RThl Company is controlled
J fmpcrt ia (As Vnittd Statci, and it imranUxU by Hum.
Attorneys tit Icixvr,
All basines attended to iu a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries 1'oblic and Collector.
Columbia River and Piiffct Sound Navigation Co
Ltot Alder Street Di ck. Portland,
- 1 lark aod n arc-it a. iwreel ennNion with Ilwsoo eUarner aod ril-
If - a t-A J A U ffV- 1 1 . . .
I "-'I" - "x' -
.1 Lea re Portland e P at iMIIy. e-H Sno.r.
at A. M.,errpi Sunday an4
ire Portland aod tnn rttrerl tn I'aarn. Twin arid Ibnnday si A. M. Saturday at I P M
Leave llaaro Wednra-lay and PrMlay at J A. M. Um a-inday Blfil at P. M.
tat Safety, pe4, Com (orl, Plraanre, Trl o
i ae
I 1 lly
- 1
tn I
E::!;; Institute1
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri.
fire. You nml it in your lntMiKs, and as a
matter t f imsitu s v.c mtht u it.
Tut: Path.i;: c, .suing Co.
Ia known to most persons.
They Illustrate that greater quantity fa
Not always moat to be desired.
These carda express the beneficial qual
ity of
Ae compared with any previouely knowa
Ripana Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a bosj
Of druggists, or by mail.
thine to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may
brim! you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER
BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C.. for their $1,800 prize offer. ,
The regulor subscription price of tbe
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe
reeulnr price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tbe
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subsoriDtions for
one year in ndvanoe will be entitled to
Nrw Fbed Yard. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
tbe Gazette office, and now solioits a
share of your patronage, Billy is right
at borne at tbis business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Prices
reasonable. Bay and grain fnreale. tf
Tr? hmtiti rn
t TltAiiainifi tAm9 It. a r. a...
UUl. humou,,.. uhuvi h. tt m
pension. The oovemment owes it v''
fty nrarly oat thoumnd leading nevr- ')
f.ir Aetorla, weo. Long Beach. Oce
IUy witb SeMbor Railroad.
. . .. a. .. -
r. " i r. m. iuiy, tsr,Ht saii.u,.
-...ird.r nlFht, II P M, Iv AetarU D.II. a
Mon-tay. Sunday nlsht.t P. M.
tb Tel't-Sane, Baltry CalMtl so4 Oraaa Waa,
For tho Curo o
Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits
j It I tort4 at Salvia. Orea,
! TU il.M (risfisi rra- on (A CW
Ca'l l IK A.fert ) tne eartlrulan
ainrtif ene4aual. 1 taaUMal Miaie aa4 m
OF . . .