Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 25, 1896, Image 3

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The Langs: is Averted by Using
"Nearly forty years 'ngo, alter
Mime weeks of sickness, my lwiir
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that 1 was threatened
wnh immediate baldness. Hearing
Aye's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
1 commenced using this piepara-
Here and There.
of the State.
The Heppner Transfer Co., ban wood 4 s,,fm Ma' Wudnlwi la that B-etioe
ior sale. 37-tf.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter
wliibkey. On tap at Chris Borchera'.
J. 0. F. Gordon, a commercial man of
Sun Francisco, is in Heppner today.
Andy Tillard has moved bis fnrjoily to
tow u where tbey will reside for tbe
tioi, mid was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stori
l"d the lihir from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, mid kept
the seal)) free from dandruff. Only
flu occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit,
Avoca, Neb.
Tbirty-two-forty, Winchester rifle
morlle, 1K94. A beauty. For sale by
P. C. Thompson Co.
Mrs E. G. Sloan is very ill with lDfla
million of the bowels, at tbe borne of
Mr?, Rash, in this city.
W. A. Fisher, of Haystack, got In tbis
afternoon with n tine load of melous and
fruit. FiHber is always all right.
Otis Patterson, editor of this first olnsa
family journal, returned this morning
from a visit to Portland and Walla Walla.
William Warren and daughter, Mrs.
W. 0. Gentry, and others returned yes
terday from the huckleberry patches up
about JJitoh creek.
Mips Reta Bean departed for her
borne at Pendleton on Friday ni(?ht,
after a visit, of a few weeks with the
family of Ed. R Bishop. .
From the Salem Statesman.
Ed. Statesman: Politics and business
go together tbis year. While 00 an nut
ing in tbis Eastern Oregon land of sheep,
cattle, bills and sagebrush, a few of my
rt flections would not be a bore to your
Heppner, like moBt of the towns
which a few years ago were presporous,
is now at a stana-stui, yet one gooi
omen is, that while some are leaving
here others are taking their plaoes, and
all the residences that are in the least
desirable are taken. Those who have
sheep ranches go to them io summer
and live in town in the winter, having
cottages of their own.
Tbe business houses are not complain-
log just now of poor business, even if
the wool bnvers have been drawn off-
Business is done on a cash basis, no
oredits being given, and no favors shown
to the most solvent customers. Minor
Brothers are reported to be doing $100,-
000 a year ; others of proportionate
n. Lnrentzeo, of Rochester, New York, stocks doine business on the same ratio.
representing the big shoe mauufaoturers Th miiiin0 nrnnertv formerly owned by
of U'z&Dnnn, of that city, is in tewn
today m the interest of bis firm.
The Dalles is to have another daily
paper to be styled the Evening Dispatch.
It looks like The Dalles bad about all
the daily papers ahe can support now.
Owing to overstock and lateness of the
Sperry & Company has been made into
a joint stook company, and is now going
forward in improvements. A new mill
raoe is being pushed to completion. The
water is taken out higher up on Willow,
necessitating tbe raoe to be located some
season, we will close ont the balance of thirty to forty feet higher on the base of
our nruan ana gra?s soyrnes ana swains, Tt , nBnfiaBarv to blast and
,.--, nnflk W ft T U f-.M TSaA V I In
ni V I'ov. lut vaoih j.. vj. -a. uuiui 1 , .
atiajB BrouDfi a ruuny uiiu iur a 411m in
Unci:. Morns linn, camp tender ior
n"jrn uiumnrj. wno iu aj""K 1 i , . . . ...
Tuesday in aneBt of medical aid for consummation 01 mis prrci man a utera.
threatened bluud poisoning of bis leg,
Ayer'a SursnjuirUla Itumorts 1'impliM,
the mmmv
9 35
V'V wMf-';v..i,.
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Llquoft mnd SmokabU
CI r: Call on Ted.
WOt'LOYt Vtil'f
, It I wars a inula
And some blmn fo il
Would rial to lnli we through
A 4 dead totwh" Mad.
With great bin l"d.
I'll tell )oa what I'd do t
I wnnldn't row,
Bo. I'd j.l-tlie low.
And kfp nnt ruiuhty "tniim,"
Till I g't clianoo,
When I'd kick bin pu
Clear Into tbe kingdom come.
L. A. W. Bcu-rrm.
Moee Bat re al t Wmld i rir
Ayer'e 8rparill enjiye the treor
dlnery distiuotion uf beting lw the onlf
blood pnriflor allowed an cibibit at tbe
World's fair. Chios. Manofaclurere
of Ptber aareaparillm aongbt If erj
means loobtaio athowitig cf lbdr fot,
bat they fte all turned away under tbe
eppltratioo of the rnle lorbidding tbe
entry ol patent odir.1e and nuetratne.
Tbe deoieioo of tbe World's flr aotho
rihee la favor of Ayrt'e Hereeparllla wee
la effjot aa fullowe: "Ayei'a Hareapa
rilla te Dot a patent nodiolne. It Ar
hot be!o 10 tbe bet uf OnetrQme. It W
bere op tie tnenU."
A Sw t t Wt
Mr. Jba H ire bee a re etjle if
btrjett tlr, bth la pr o ginl pttPt
tnr. Tbe UtiHn t a t .tt.td.
aid the eiibtio are !' It. Ttie
le the wf to Of tbewbl. lakeael.arp
knife and eat a slit liittadiall) etat
f,.ar ierbe l-ot la I ha Hie, f'fcie
abiet twt p ao l of mee elo ! n4
arvk4 tt-k, tbi ! I In a dit'
-Uner It at the
lire. Whea th e l J J t t. a lire
Ibtt will Ut. I entt.to - .MMI
II aitar.
Miss Mabel Brians departed for her
home, at Forest Urove, on Thursday
eveninL', after a visit of three months
with W. E. Brook and family ol this
Arthur Minor and wif, Mrs. E Minor,
and Mrs. William Rush returned to the
mniiutaius on Sunday, where they expeot
to remaiu until cooler weatuer prevails
at Hepnner.
Manrloe Harmon, of Grants, formerly
seeii 'n foreman o' the branob, came np
last night ami will shortly leave with
John LluiihtH for a graLd hunt in tbe
Found On tbe premises of G. E.
Gilrono.nl thisoity, a bundleof clothing,
l'be owner cn have sme by oiilliog at
the resilience lib ive uientioued and
proving property.
Wilson Brock is enj 'VtDg a little out
in? tbis week, oilt iu tbe vicinity of Black
butto. He is in company with Dick
Leathers, and expects to kill a few deer
and bar before be returns.
Mrs. E. Carter, a thorough nnrsn ol
manv veitrs exnerieuoe. is now located in
thisoity. Anvoue desiring the benefit
of her services can seoure s .me by leav
ing orders at the home of George Ship
ley. tt.
Married At the resideno of J. T.
Hopkins, Alpine, Aitfnst 19, 1891. Geo.
W. Peiiraon ami Miss Viola M. Hmitb,
Rhv J. H. Hosliins, offlciating. We
extend ocngretulatious to the bnppy
oou pie.
IlfPDnei's MiKinley club starts off
with a good mrmtwship, and it ia en.
Ilinsiaotie. , We I'verloi kd this roattef
until it was' too late to give a full report
of (he meeting, but will endeavor to do
so in our ut xt issne.
Yon will l intrusted la reading the
big ad. of Wills A Slocnra In this iaaoe.
they If.-r some very rare bargains Id
Their cl si"g out Hle. They have lota
of uimkIs left yet, so don't fail to call and
e them when in town.
Charley Jones, toe w.di-kuown "old
tiim r" in the touenrial liue, lias again
h-Htd in Heppner, having pmchaaed
Green Miithf-wx' shop. Minor building
oppoae tbe city hotMl. Charley will
appreciate a rail ,hfn io town.
Dr. I). J. MoFaul and other members
f tba Knighta of the M"C0he, at this
pU , wrnt to lone on Ma'urda evening,
bt-re thry assisted air Kntgnl AlKODell
ni . a I . e
hi lii.iltutinil a lodge, ine taiga at
I n stnite out with a ohaitrr member
ship of taenty fle.
The bair. when not properly oared for.
l.iaoe lie Ina're, bfromee rrisp, barsb,
and dry, ard laile ont freely th eerry
(Hinibing. To pretrnt tbt, tbe beet
drM4lng In the inrkt l Arer'e lUir
Vigor. It truparte that el'ky gloa ao
ereentlal to pefiCt btaaty .
Toder the anatttne of the Woroeu'e
Cbn-Mlan Teroieraore t'nb'o ol Heppner.
tbe lloti Jnd(( Ixtaell will gtv a Ire
lore tn the Metbrtdiet Kpteopal Cbn'Oti
H .nib 00 Hrplrmbrr 41b. at M o rl. r
In the eveoti g HnbJ"! "A Woman's
Su." Furibrr auoounortnrol belt aek.
The (attt baa a one year's loitMHt
Iu ei!hr Hi Cngliab.CViratnereial, Hbnrt
hand or Tab grapl la drpartnianta ol tbe
H.i!m- IloinM College, of I'oftl.ljd.
f.r ele Aof l-ta drelrluf to take a
ib-fngli bnaioeae cc.ir In a flnrt cleee
eoil'ge ebonlJ see lbe(lsti ul..re go
ing IwloW. K
Ii. il H.'bi(T. f Grant eonotv. arrived
at ll'-pi.ner rrl lay fitgbt wuh tl.ree
lhnend b1 f Wt'a bp. wt,rb
t e d-M"d Io J. M. (Ired. II a
lb trtD a fo'ly bardonenaerronol
f ll.e ff warm bf. but aelde
ffrti line, Vff etpfieoea4 great
,-(ia ftilay eveotoe. Agnl2l.
et IMtr ln.e, nr mill.
ih. ii f.nl en ol Mr. aed Mra. W l.
h-n i'. i-f eltobra lefaa'am Tte
i,,i wui el .r nv.n'a. ead M
whiob beads near the sonroes of Willow
oreek, called Ditch oreek, flowing into
tbe John Day riyer, can be changed from
its mountain coume into Willow creek,
making twice the volume of water that
now flows in Willow creek, with its ad
vantages in Rummer for irrigating and
water powor.
The euigma here in politics is to bear
of populists who are going to vote for
McKinley. There seems to be a light
breaking in on these men who say tbey
have been sold out bv Weaver to the
silver barons iu the interest of the dem
ooratio party. In the presenoe of some
of tbe influential business men I heard
them name over several persons who
were pcpnlists at tbe state election
who will now support the gold standard,
among whom was one who bad ran on
tbe county ticket, and another who was
a preoioct committeeman. These sur- 1
prises indicate that Morrow county will
go for McKi i'ey.
Having read since my stay here Mc-
Clesry's great epeeoh, made in Oonpress
February 12, in reply to Towne's tree
silver spceob, whloh as illuMrtited ami
diagramed, seemed to be nnanewernble,
wd bv tbe sound money side of the
question. I think it is thoroughly an-'
swered by McOleary. To my mind It is
unanswerable, and if any of mv free
silver frierda. formerly repnbrOBne, will
rend that sppeeb, looking f r lh:bt in an
hone! demeanor, and will not stay with
his "'old love." I am greatly mistaken.
I know I have bee ma more conDrmod
in the l iittl.
Let onr olabe and committees see that
thin speech is in the hands of all t bo
ill read it. K. M. P.
Hkpfnfii, Angnat 14, 1H90
Of tie Httbodist Episcopal 'ChurcB South,
Confer? nee.
Mr. J. J. Adkios returned this morning
from Dayton, Washington, where be
spent the past week in attendance on the
oocferenoeof the M E Church, South.
Be reports having bad nu interesting
and profitable time, and everything
passed off very pleasantly.
Rev. C. R. Howard is assigned to
Heppner for another year, a fuot we are
pleased to note. From Mr. Adkios we
received the following information in
regard to the location of tbe different
pastors and elders of tbe conference:
R. G. Miohael, Presiding Elder.
Baker City 0. C Eagle.
La Grande and Moss Ohapel-J. G.
Boise D. W. Yoknra, (supply).
Eagle and Pine M. Larkin.
Snmmerville E. G. Miohael.
R. B. Swift, P. E.
Pendleton To be supplied.
Weston and Milton To be supplied.
Walla Walla-W. M Fanoher.
Dayton-rF. 0. Adkins.
Umatilla and Mountain Volley D. E.
Vernon, ((supply).
HeppDer C. R, Howard.
Covello W. B. Gray, (supply).
W. V. Howard. P. E.
Spokane-G. H. Gibbs.
SnokaDe City Mission A. L
Oakesdale R. C. Mlobael.
Palonse A. Y. Skee.
Wilbur To be supplied.
Rockford and Mioa William Miller,
Edwall-W. E. Beach, (snprly).
Gennesee J. W. Oompton.
Volnier J. B. Chamberlain, (supply).
Leland W. B. Reese, (supply).
Lewistou 8. W. Davis.
Ntz Perce Albert Anderson, (supply).
To stork mea.
All persons are warned not to drive ol herd
nv atix-k iiiion the land of the undersigned.
o wit: Ihe East hlf of the north-west quarter I
of eotton M ill f 2 S R26 E. Trespassera will be
prosecuted. B- M alloc.
giftSMMrT jiTl fftf j
A of Oregon fo- Morrow County.
Julia A. Carrel, llaintiit',
Samuel I Gerktwr, Martha
A. iierkitiR. Jmm-a It Mm
amaker and Maria E. Nmi
tLinHkr. Pefendnntg.
To Samuel I. Herkinj; and Martha A. Gerklt'g,
two of the above-named neienaanta.
In the name of the State of Oregon, ynn are
hcrehy required to apnenr and answer the oom
ulnint tiled auainst yon in the ahove entttld
anir mi nr hefure thfi 7ih dnv o( Seoteinher, lsm;
and von will take notice that if you fall to
mia V er nr fithern inn amio.ir in aatd suit on or
helnretheiiid7thdav of September, im, the
i.l .lnTitl uhnvn iinmnrl fnr want thereof, wilt
spoly to the above entitled court for the rc.lef
pravea r r iu ine eounuanti men i ,
in-H-o- Fnr nfrKiiiml fionree peaiuat the defend
ants Samuel 1. (ierkiniiai.d Martha A GerkinR
for the sum ofJii.Ml w ith interest thereon at
ft... Nrn r.r k r.ni- nptit. Tfr nnnuiii from ADril 1st.
lwi'i oii.l the mim nf S.VI 0 1 attornev's fees, and
the costs and disbursements of said suit; that
the court shall decreo that tnemortaeeej.eu.m,
ed hv said Samuel I. (lerkliiff and Martha A.
f!.,rL;in,r tn thA i nmimni Tuvpfttment Coumany,
dated the 22d dav of March, upon the fol
i,i.nr HoBiriiwd rpnl nrnnertv tn Morrow
cou tv, Orciron, to-wit: the south half of the
north east quarter, the south acres 01 ine
north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of
section No. J, iu township No 3 south, and
rniiou Vn )! Pnt nf Willamette meridian: and
also the west half of the north-west quarter of
lu-ttmi 'n .13. and the north half or the noun-
east quarter of section No. 14. tn township No. 6
south and raiiKe No '25 Kastof Willamette merid
ian; which mororaite is now owned by plaintiff;
which said mor'praire was recorded ontheiMth
day of March. lM'.l. at paee 134 of Book "D" of
the KeeordR of Mortuapies in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow county. Orenon, shall
he fnreclnscd. and the said real property sold,
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
th nuvmnnt. tn nlninfift'nf the above named
sums (if money; that all of the defendants, and
all nprsnns clalmlne and to claim bv, throuch
or under them, or nnv of them, shall be forever
barred and foreclosed of all riirht. title, estate,
Ititnroat nllrt lien. at. law and ill eilUitV. Hlld
especially of all equity of redemption, in, to
and upon every part of sntd real property; and
that nliiintltl'sliHll have ircueral relief.
This .Summons is niililishfd pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judise of the ahove
entitled court., mane at i;namoers, euuiBiou,
UmatiPa county, Oregon, on the 13th day ol
July, i'i.
457-70. IMattttin'g Attorneys.
I II niwsa I;:, 1
1 U'MiKl
1 ilitei,;,,,,, , Mr
I -3
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Ton will find one coupon Inside each I ounce bag and two coupons Inside wch 4 oonot beg.
Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your 8 hare of 1230,000 In presents.
1 H I
111 I
mill in me" mi Mia.'
Where They Met.
McKinley Bi'l, with Napoleon eve, ,
Says "Brian 1 t's drink some unwoou uye;
we meet as irieuos, iny unw nv
1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U.
And Urvnn UVI ill A loktlltf llialllier.
' . . . ..hi. n...,,.
"1 wonder ii inai wnai me inauer mi uinm
That's horse and horse, you lunny lener
vvhuu i L..n mv wifi 1 am bound to Teller.
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank tome more good Linwood Rye,
Hold only at Ihe Belvedere Haloon, ,
Q. Suerry, Prop.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Uo., and the stock is being disposed ol at
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds ot blaokHmitbiuif, boraenhoeinu,
maohine repairing, wajjon work, in inert
anything in hi' line at reasooablM ohargn
aud aatifiiolion gnaranteed. Will put i i
spokes for 80 cents each, aud othr waij-on-work
in proportion. 40 tf
Fix wefke UK I aolI.rrd itb very
severe cold ; wae nlniost nuable to epruk.
My ftiriide all edvWd me I t roneiill a
phjuioian. itiemg ciiamurriain s
0nb Il-niedy drtiiwl in the Ft.
Pant Nn!ka Z itnna I pr..cn-ed a hollln.
and after taking it short while wae tn
tirrl well. Innwtsvwl I earttly reooru-
remrnd Io thi rmedy Bone enfferlng
wnl cold. Wm. Kril. 67 rtelby Ave .
Hi. i int. Minn. For sale br Conerr
l .ml hv vlrtnn of an execution Issued out
ot the circuit court ot Ihe Huto of OrcKon. for
the County of Morrow, on June in. iw ami io
me direct I anil oei vereu, ym m j,iiibiih-,,i
tendered and entered In said court on ine on
.l.v nf My. IWM1. in favor ol Henry I'ndherK
I'lalnllrT. and Airnliist II D. M hitman. II VMill-
niMii and J H.Moran. Deleudants. lor the sum
nf inn Hundred and fifty Dollars with tiiienst
thervon Ironi said 4th day of May, l'.i. at thn
tainni ti.n iwr pant iH?r annutit aud 1 weiily
Hve ltollars attorneys Ices and Ihe costs and
rerun posts: and. herra . by said iuditim-nt
II was ordered ami adiiidi( d Ibat Hie lollowlnit
real nronerlv. tai-wll: the Northwe.l quarter o
Action Thirteen (U) In 'luwnshlii Two (J
tMnilli nl Heiiite Twenty three (-1) K-st W. M.
te sold tn satisfy said jiiilKHii'iii, coats aim c
rrulns costs. 1 will, on
Saturday. 19th day ot September, IS90,
al II o'clock A. M., of laid day, al Ihe front door
ot the court house In llc'" r. Mo'row I'ntinl v,
linn'iii, sdl lh rlithl. line ami loiervst i.i sain
ielcndaiits II. D. hitman. II Whitman aud J.
II. Mormt In and In Ihe aiove ii rin-ii p op-
erty al I'nlillc Aucllnii in ine mirm-i ami nei
Ithlder lor rah In hand, Ihe iinmnii iotas
plinllnlhe Miiaia' tloii ol said esi'iillott, at
torney! c and ail fotis and u Unit limy
.write. K U M !!. K,
Mierirrnl Morrow i nuniy. nr. soii.
Dated this ilal day ol Aug. IV"..
of Oregon lor Morrow County.
Eliza It Owens, 1'lulntiiV,
Frank II. Benco. Mary J.
Hence, his ttUc, Lewis J.
fchewrich and
Kchewrich, his wife, ne-fendnnts
To Fra k if. Reuse and Mary J. Bonge, twoot
the defendants.
in tin. imnm of t.heStnto of Oregon. Ton are
hereby required to appearand answer the com
plaint tiled amilnst vou in the above entitled
suit on or before the. 7th dny of September. 1X;
mid von will tiiku no lee that it you lau u
answer nrntherwlso appi'iir In Bald suit on or
before snld 7lh duv of raqilemner, iwm, tnepiaiu
I lit' above na eo, for want thereof, will appiy
to the above entitled court tor the relief prayed
for In the comprint tiled in this suit, to-wit:
for ler-oiwl decree aeainst the defendants
Pnmli II heime and Murv J. Henoe, his wllo
for the sum of ill i willi Interest thereon t
the rnle ol per cent per an inn from January
lot. IS'M.nud the sum of $"l.otl attorney's fees,
and the rots and (llsbumcinenti of said suit;
that the court, shall decree that the niortuaKe
executed hv Hie said Frniik H. Benita and his
u if.. in thn lmiliard investment Ooinnany,
dated ihe i'.'th dny nf December, 1KHH. upon the
followliiK dccrliel rial property in morrow
counlv Oreiton. to wit: the north-west quarter
ot icctioii No :'2, in township No. 'i south, and
ratlin- No. K- st of the l laim-ne inerminn
which siild inortciiue was tecornen on ineimn
l.iv ..I lii.ci.mliiir. 1KX: Hi lullie Al Of Book "l
of Hie Kccords of Mnrtiiino-s in ilio omce ot ine
nuntv Clerk ol Morrow county, iin-non, snan
i... i.. r... I, ..i.,l ami Hie add real nrnnertv sold,
aud the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
the pnvnient Io plaintiff of the. above named
sums of iimiicv: Unit ail nl the defeti'iants, and
ail u.rainia i 111 1 1 1 if and lii claim by, through
or under thcni, or any oi inem. snau "o iic.n
barred aud force losed nl all nam, one, esiau-,
Interest and lien, at law aud III utility, and
esini liillv ol all citniiv of reilcMipt'Oii.in, to a-id
upon etciv t sri of siildrcnl proieriy; aim inai
tin 1 1 it 1 11 slmll have gciii-ul relief.
Ilils. niinoiis la published pursuant to order
nf Hon Stephen A Ucll. Jinlue tf the above
imiUi led court, iiimli- al Chambers, Pendleton,
1'tnatilla iniiniy, uu-g-iu, on tue iiiu uav oi
S miffhtftp hm
All wooleu yool, boots, shoes, oversUoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and iu fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and Bee the stock before it is too late.
Manager and Salesman. ' I
The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore.
Gilliam & Bisbee-
till u 1 1, hit
vkk. caktf.k. mii KV Aram.
I tiumui m fl'tniiini
We are not small tood, lbs,
we ate it tits Largest
We are small men, Xs.
mercfiants in
f K HIK t'l Krl'IT
i n TttK nitt i ir nii itroK the state
I of (ireiton lor Miir-ow County,
Tin- N, ii Ih rn oiinilcs
1-ive.lui III Iril't. I.illl-
lud, al otiiitaHoii.
f'ec.llillrvlor.H Kluif,
N. II. Slrllce ami J. L.
I l.h.l.l I l.-fa-11,1 H l.iH
To i i. i II. iavl.-r. M. k. Kin Biul K. McB-,
llirce oi the ul-.ive iiMiite-1 defend. tits.
loti,.. mo f ihe Mute of i itct-m. you are
t. ...... Oi... 1 lit aiuwar .ml Mli.is er ine coin
,i ii a .ln.1 miii in III"' ainne eoniicu
.oi' r iH li.te Hie lirst.isyol Ihe licit r. (jular
in of the abuse eollilcil cou 1 1 lit:
The 7th Day ol September, 1800.
ao.l s.cl Kill leke liotlie til. I II "ll lull I'l
lit llllll-l Im-iK-iir 111 M, cnii'i Oil -
I. I..r.. I I.i. a.1,1 .It, il.V HI MllenilH-r. l"-i, me
icd, for want ineteni, win
1 nl llrefon. lor Ihe 'ninty nl
Kalpn U Heiiso, l l.n.lin,
A lixs -iTrriptlia.
Tbe eonotry is iok anil Is being' ilrua-
am In death It b l'ie nrrilin nf
bonleof rolltiosl qtsak dorl.irs. IVttrrl
ilimbarge tit whole -kit ami tnlfu of
Vm" sml eninlojf a siotfle tre-ifi skiUeJ
Io Hie scient e of p 'tl'iesl rcootn. A
few more doees tf fret trade sod the
landiufof fee million more of ianer
laborer Irom fisreln eonntrM I
floitb Ul gfanl oil repnbln of er,
aoJ thre wou'l be en ioh of it lelt for
tllfrieaJ Io Bor tiief. font yeers
of nroUetion of American Indne'rie
ad the total HiLibili of laeJin.
laborers fr fotelgi ehfe eill ptere
tl oa ill fse e.tln. bneever, ami ell tll
Ii tiell " Milt" Kle.
Kalte D ll'nee. Ilefend.nL
To K.tte l. heime. elen -anl .
I - the name ol Ihe riala ol litrinli, tnu are
tieral.v eroiilred lis al-la-ar ami an.eer 'lie nun
niaii.i at...! aaaloal oii In Ihe atets eiill-Ird
nil on or hed.fe Ihe lir.1 d.f ol Ihe lies! irgili.r
h tm c I tbe alwse enlilli-U conn, lo Ii
Monday. Septemker Ttfc. 1898.
and II ton tall lo.in.ef ot nlheralM fclrad. f-.f
III lheie.il I lie planum lll aiy "
ala.se enlllle.1 rourl lof dcrfre fllaaots In. II
m.rila.e Umila Imsr eil.ln lleen ton and
hlinarii. ."'I a pideinriil araln.l you I. I the
fawt. .lid rtlsb-l lanielll. ol III I. .Mil
Ihlaanmmnn M 1 lat.a-l 1,1 older nf Hon
Stephen I. melt. I .l ol Ihe rlrrnll court id
lte..ii hK llt.Kh Iu Iki.I di.tel'l d.tert Jil.J
;nd I-. K f
laiA AlUirfey lor flalntirt.
( ela'th rsr4.
hesltk) eeel Isfeelb ee-orej. Iy
fshllirU' 5eterrb Hm4r-
ret, la, Ir JeHof frte. for sale bf
Weils Werresi.
: e
Usaleof ni.in.IVf -f I.-U-Kj
Ffsak I. C nee r-eihtUt Uj
Is ibe eerl-r t-eter f H e f t f f t
Cbeney t'o . t".'i II e flit j
el TIH - e4 ! ef.-eeail.
4 tbst esll fi'Ui ff
De fltae 1re-l 1 f ' e4
ee tf (Vent t ro-i
Ibee-er f II slfe f 'f .
I e i ( ?,
Heisrn tn lf'" i i,-,'ll"l '
a rfMe, hi C ' te.t.ti,
A U Kk. A nti..e.
(4 t i r !' f
II, I i ('' ' '
. .i,.re' : na It l 4 I ee
e erxs
Ire lie .!'. f
J fnrsif
f fut eS f ) V
A (4 )4a
I I reveling 14 lief f.e alnug I
f M. . ai .at a ,
,ee le eetl g'sela. l'W
. lil . . ... I. - a
.. ..l. I.,.-..a, bine) v tbe t' ' '
The lle"i"el lei pive in llie nam- pns IQ m n, -" " "
re.s eni"ry. (.ia re.ly l i tuil! I a r-l er l-tl
-H is tmrnuUH tl. in jJjml, j nv.r tfeek ef elnagl. be eill b lillo
TH ll l,.t Ibefe le -
(a-sarsr fine Ik Ijflf of til
n. ja.r a "s or . wsi "" . , i j .... ii... fc
,. ..- - I il'fl mm Hrh ' """" ' '
It I fin a J rrie . r.f Vfi j ,, be l-l 4'e "' pti-..rte.
reernfufire (sen Ide it !' e i rioellt ef b S tl.et t lllb'
tW i f -f
Ii..r(a !!' cton nlee thai be
a'tlie. el Ml!ls ll ejslot fs4
r. I f. -.l. Ike ealbef ef b4
e e 'e.t.s.es4 .f. ee-t I4e Tt?t.
i,l Mfts( e4 J i H'.
f.. j l, , ! ... re er 4 llseee j niawt,
J -e V tu.-lh aed , e4 I " j
ami u.' -t..t It. t V.ie ep' , e'l In j
.f I. H. saj tb etet In .
v .. .
l. nt nai- ( in e.i.ra n ii.e Mr
1 1 ,ft. ! 'i t
I! l. b ! ' tnlbe eeikt-tf
..... . I . II- ....
j f-r l .'.tt, sn " iee w w. .
K'tfl'ie . t I i Ik" fa I
m . i .a
nr-.t ee'tl , eel ,,a)i,j de l4
ie.l '$ b-J fe 4 He .Mb .
g.j tl be iil $ M Ible, tt.ee
pat'u.-f e b'n -M.li ls'
sit em rrs SALE.
Nitr t tirerat i.tvft mT br
tiHii.nl a mil ! ete..iil.m Iwel mil of
Ihe tlsitl nfl.ra of Ihe s limit luurtnlll.e
i. la . '. n .k M,i"-n ..niy nodal lh
eaji Ui.eeiil end m use dlrwl4 dlliered
.item a d- e f..d ao-l emie4 In ld
l .mrt on IkeMaj slat uf M.erk. I l l.siss .at
ll.nl lla.aim... karvl.al ! I.ml-.li I "I
e....l I r.iain) . a. .il Hi ahd ! Meut
tsadc. is..- j A. vt.de. !. M' I .".ts-I. II Vt ,
li. . j e. i"s. a I- elm." "
f.-.i..,tn and ll-.n fni-la rl. e-ri.i.w
b.lrl t Ihe et.l'.l did isat a at.....
d,aa.a.t.al K 4alew-l.nU l-'lf n.-la...
I s,.,. a s la lha . .m t ' ljs .Mali
! al. lh.ma .1 Ihe rale I" ' -! I'
I ..i If Ihe .Ih rt.f V.ls, ! an I the
1 avail aM AMn.niNesl IslM al I - "s a
I mt-t.i j II na. 4e- Il .t ll.e ! 'd
en Ih. iuk A.f ul Ma. Is -K-l ' i...
al. .i-d ft.Mt 4 li.d. ! ll-e lmlaitd I
.lal I aav.ia.nr a-l no a s.ad l. ll.a flaln
III shhi IM .l,..li4.s ll-iet ' H"l""'
. am. I raitf li.r I' 1
.al .,...,!. nl Km I.-H " In ! te - 1
.-.'h awd M.s-ee f e-l nil -
SMI.. e.n baln.,, Ian In
I.M ...1 nt 11 .11, a.al -. ! nl Si
al aa. IO... laL.I ! .....la --
Ua. Sink l"llH 1.
I st m Naf , s- .1 ft' t" ' "
l.ila,Mll In l. n- rat IS
I .-nl I ! a. Vl-r-.n I ..vtiif IM--.-.-. .l.-.,.i-t
la. t..ea.t.aaa f I K a i I a-sl e'"l-lt
l. a .. .at I .. ...I. ll...n Wlt "t
aaM tvlaaaanl . . I a I In. ". I 1,
aa s.l.nl.1, I... I a a 4. n.a t , . .1
II a 1-a a IS.. Laianaaa. t I l-al -', ll-
... vl S I ,l fc la 11 a II !
l. , f.-.r. a. . . I ll-e Cfi I I
aa ai-4 eas.i. .stk t. nit' ' - "
taia-n siaivF,!. a aM In s IS..- ..s, .-
..idlnlin atais e itnmi'
...,.l. i.i lhr .l-.se ciilllli-l lourl lor Ihe fell
"1 ' ' , ... a. ...1 1.. ll.l. --.11
ot ..Sr. I lor III I lie riiltllilRI.it 1I.1-.1 in inia - i,
i,...ii .... i.-raiiiial d.i lce as-aln.l Ilia defen
laol l r,'. ll. ... lor. im ine sum in ... i nun
llilr.-1-.t lli,e.ill al Ihel.te ul 8 i-r rem. Jier
.., .,iii,i lr in ll.e ."ih rtar ol June. I-"1. aud the
ruai. ai,i di.i.iir.eioi'iii. nl Mid anil; thai Ilie
noirl .hall diflen tint Ilia liiiiltir.Ke eserllled
I,. il,.a,l,Hii'rli l.ll'ir In till' I'lltHHini III.
,,i i .,,ia.t .I.I., I Ihe "t'i dai ol Nnrln
., -,w. ul-.. Ilie ..llonlll den-f'lreit real
-.i. Iii Miit'on iniiiitr. lir.K.Hi, I.i n II
'l l.a aw.itlt. hall l-l Nolllir-l uiiaflef and Nurlll
I..1 onalli r I I Nnrthcl quarter letcep' lell
a. Ill a ni'ia'e lone III nrthr.. eoriiei
l,....l. .,..1 n.Milliea.1 ii ialU'l III nllllline.1
.....il.i nl-nti ii Inn. Ill Ion n.hlu IKie Nollh,
nl H.'-ee l....l,.Sse r... ..I Ilie Willamette
nin.l.'l." nhlil. an 1. 1 ...!. e n as lenide.
nil 111. I ah da ol N.isemla-l. k" In H-eil "l.
iHi.a II. I.. I and II It. her..nla nf
ni..lr in 'le .inn. in in ...in.. ' -u.
...... ,,l. line.. ii. St. a. 11 Im. lorwl.ased.
ai.. ll.e aa. f al .r.ifit enld awl Ihe imreeli
1.1 .o tl aaia I.i I -a al-l'iled tn Ilie nltlni.l Ml
laii,lllt ..I ll.e L.mr.1 ..lin. ill Bllioer;
loal .11 id Ihe .1. lel.d.nU a-ol all pelamiaelalm
.,lhfMuh ..f ... d.l Ihi'in, tit ... id ll.em,
.1.11 tpa loir.. I.-I1.-I .I'd I'lle. dine.1 id ell
ii. I.I lii.e est.'. It. f.l and Isen al tan and
In .(.ii and .-I'l lf "I r"l-in.il,.n. In and
I., a ..I ,u.,n...lf IH.ll nl Mil I teal e'"-llf .
1 Ul. M ifaii...... I. b..t.h.l.e-l 1.1. 1... .1.1 I.i an
...t. ..I llt.n ft.i..an A U.nrll. J..le "I Ih
ala..a ...IK'.-.! ...nil made al 1 I tmlals, Pan.ll
...i. I m.Mua I wnij. Iil""t, Ih. Tim.l.f
sl,Ht.l I I M A I V..-.-
.u ii All.iin t" I'lalnlln.
. . But when the poople of all the surrounding country are In need of . .
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oaas and Water l'lpe, Pipe Klttlugi, Stoves aud Ranges, Wairons, ,
Iiacki, niiKtili a, Waxon Material, Hardwood, Aie, Hammeri, Baws, Sledges.,
WedKPi. UutiM, I'isUils, Cartrldicps and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Qran
ltcwaro, Plows, Harrows, Itakea. Mowers, Tubs. Wuh Bottlers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Oootla and Get Prices.
WehavsOooDatKKlaat Kxia I'rlrcs, and Chtap lohn Ooodi at Chep John Prices.
J . O. :i3Q RC Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Licjuors and Cigars.
It lite i Hi t It i nt it r f IHR
I l.f . f'rt- l'.ln ntlif.
I .1 A '-, i.l.illH.
1 ) 1'a.a, laH IN
Crockhiks, Gknts Furnishing Goods,
And Wants Your Trade!
lie will make it an ol.jVct for yoa to trad ith
bim a LU iriccs are rilit, and all gtxxlt thai be
li and li-e aro f tLo very U.
Stori; on Main Strkkt, Nkxt Door
to City Drlt, Store,
r-loppm'1 Oregon.
fiU I.
,. a m K
I t. i'
II ...I...
. ll
I .nn
h -
I ..n.
II llli.
d t.
II -if V. a.. Inn nf Ih
W m. II 4 I m at bie sUUe J.t I
t-. Ihe iititit t (t., a.! j
sie.1; ext.4 Ie4.e' ee-14, nf l.-fe
ee.fat. f eete ff b et b j
(.i t, Ibe 4Jie be U f-Mf
e.ft liii sal M ifaf-eai'taee tee'
eee. Aie sttaniel enet, m e4l-e!
II.. a. I.I ll.
II ... ll ,1 1.1 .A
, . ! a I
a. J .1 a- ' a '
i. ILIaWt. Ifcrt ' I '.I4. I
awl. -al - a. . - In "
a. aaif ....... a a4 I '
I asaat lt.it Il k t.1 f I ' "
f A.i 4 M.t law n. I
J I-... la 4 i
1 .... t
etva'l f w
i. ft
f S i
I. ..I p.
a- I -
n I InnS. I e
a-a i - I -' "i. .
. ll. na - . .-t I , .f lhf"l. fon ae
K-s..-t -,,- d naif " . II.
, . II ...I -l l-l ei.llllad
a .11 n . .rf la .1. .1 H n.la.l I-.
aI S .1 ni l l. t..l ll ! Ial tn
....-..-. .1-,..' I a I .....
. I,. a 11 a.S-1 ".In .11 S-l aa l.. a . -a.h.
...I il ... a ... .1 -l ll,.. at .11
., ; 1 I -In. ...Ill . I ... ' -. .llf
a .-!.. I. II . ... .Si I K ad la ISa I'll'.
In .M f n .a,- .1 'la. alit Ih n.tand
an'. II . .1. I - ' I, M . . n .nf I. M-Iha
I ... I . . a.' t I . " fc I t. '.at II "n .1
o, ,. I at a W.sa
... .. I I m i". -t i-l.al ll-a.aaaa Inaas
n...fci. . I 11 . -ai al S . all.rfiai f
i, a- I ' - . '! - ..' ..a..--a-... l-l nal-f
. . , , . . ' '.-a li al .... n.".t
, . . , I . ll I " . ll l- ...-I
I . . I ... , a ' I l-..a.ln- I I ---a
,, . 4,'. 1 i a . , .ll.-. I'' l n
....... , . -I .1.1 . a i I - . In W ...
ka I Ml
I n. I-
tnrr.na.if to C, S. Van mi. to t lly Hotel.
Has everything In the lino of Fresh Groceries,
Condies, Nuts, nnd olso keeps Crockery,
Lamps and Tin wore.
Stock is Complcto. Notions a Specialty
.al .4 IS .
I I.
Jfofft 0 tnitfit'o.
i-i.l e.-....-- i - . . a
J i... A la ll a .... a tan .L.al I e.d en 4 aansiam a.m- w. ,.
. .- af
iff f t !
a. I-
r1 ! M t- let.
I , -1 e - .
Wa t. tb". t
It'tt" '
4f t t'
-n fti '
f el. I e4 en.1". le it
l.r nin I tili.lr
.a . a
I.I,. i,e ,tiete ' f
. ... I .,ilI
, a - 1.,- f. f H'f ,-t.l WHS.
; li.. ...I..', a. k - t.fc4 Is-n f"1
!( .;, ft9 4"e t fn"
. inl ' 4 II. at t . e. av la. '.
. I.. i.l.l !
1 K. ,t fcl I f . l ' t !
. . ... I . . .. .J
i T.n t . - I e- 'e '. '
., !l ! ' - I f
i I .-ti l-l . ts. I . b ' f e -! t
. as
t.l t .' "
lllll l,ll I'll!
f a..M.t a. -' . .a t I aa,.
, a-. I a -. , .a- .
ICMM I S, i I. I
ka. ' I a..f I . a. naa . '. I - a.- .
i .a., iaia ni..-l f. I
Ufa t' t" i.i-ie'f.
tn i t,t. . it-. f If i a . h n
..... a.aa e. -la-aw. a l-.ai-t s - - a
. ,dl tf ....
I a I 1
. -
- f.
ea'.-l t-
... ,a. t tM!al.l"f I'
, . n . .....a , l a ... .4 11
fa - a. . .. 1-4 ta
, . 4 a-.,. I-, a. ... .4
i'i.U.mI i f-aea "!. 4 &
, iaaa. . -f Ha... t
t a- al I - . .1
: . , ... . ' . f..s t aa'
t- f 'i en
ii in Pt
7. V; a B B EB Ell H
w I 'II I
mm : puis i
Yoims HOUND in 'VnUo'Km.
LrnV". tin (!nt'pilt)fi. a .,n
t'n-.a I, nt'
. ' itms .
fS I I laf 't ,
.. . I It in... l . . l. (.... ae I M'' Te"l
i I-. -i . . I Hit I t "I . ni.ie eet.1 by ea-t
i.e.. I. .fb UlMlsH 4 ri'ICAL. tt) ,
4., M
n4 "
tletS, a1
, V a e I a. !
, III II l"t
t aa... AtaMtaMfSk
ft Heesieesj, i
-., i-' f,
1 . , a a t ..... n a . , t .... -a -
. .. k
ttarf a L4wf A el Ue-
-vame" i U .rvee.
SsaaSa .