Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 25, 1896, Image 2

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KbpuDllcan Ticket.
For President,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jerey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GFER, of Marlon County,
8. M Y-'RAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah.
Protection and prosperity is
the cause that is most Btire to win,
all other so-called "issues" to the
contrary notwithstanding.
The McEiuley band wagon still
rolls on. If you want to be in the
procession that is surely marching
to victory, you must climb into this
Hon. Wji. McKinlet is one of
the great men of the age; one of the
grandest statesmen of tbiscoactry;
he has a long record that proves
his ability and soundness upon all
the great issues of the day; add it
is amusing to hear the little free
trade organs abusing him, berating
and slandering him while tit the
same time they laud to the skies
this young man Bryan whose only
stock in trade Beema to be the wind
from his mouth. It was this that
secured bim the nomination and it
is with this that be eipects to car
ry the country and secure bis elec
tion. McKinley is being malign
ed just as Blame was, just as was
the imortal Lincoln and Webster
and all the other great men that
have figured in the politics of the
country. The condition of the
country, however, demands that
there be a great man like McKiu
ley placed at its head, and the
abusive epithets of the free traders
will not swerve the people from
electing to the presidency the man
who more than any other stands
for the doctine under ivhich this
country has enjoyed its greatest
prosperity. Union Republican.
The republicans of New York
open the campaign in New York
City on Thursday evening with a
speech by ex-President Harrison,
at Carnegie Hall. It will be a
swell affair.
The road that leads to American
prosperity is hedged with protec
tion to Americnn labor, and as
long as we keep in the middle of
that rood and do not break down
the hedge we are all right. San
Francisco Call.
Remi- Weekly Phehs is the name
of a new paper lauuched on the
journalistic sea at Oregon City
last week. It is republican in
politics, well edited, and withal a
vpry creditable publication. May
it live long utd prosper.
Fx-Mayoh Frank, of Portland,
died at Lung Bunch oh Sunday
night He had been in poor health
for some tune. Mr, riank was at
one time a very sucreosful business
man of Portland, being one of the
t)rin of Frank Bros , the largo im
plement dealers.
The declarations of the Chicago
platform declare for free trade as
well as free silver, and the election
of Pryau would mean the contiuu
nnco of the present depression in
our iuduHtriea, and the working
men would not get even silver
wages during the four yean of
democratic administration. Baker
City Republican.
Not even during the war was the
democratic party more dirscreilitod
thau now. It ablest leaders and
uewipapera have abandoned it and
all its conservative ineiubcri are
dcaeitii'g it On the Chicago plat-
form not cum ainglo eminent demo.
crat atatidn, and all that la left of
tho party is a uamo that no one ia
proud of and a record that no one
doff m!.-Call.
Hon. J. L 8nAitinri:i, of Walla
Walla, lifelong democrat, haa
withdrawn hit mpport from the
Pryao-Hewall-WaUon ticket, aud
aUtoa that be cannot indorse the
Chicago platform. That patty in
Waihingtou cannot afford to om
many inch turn at John K Sharp-U-io.
lis is one of I be boat lead,
era the democratic parly Lm ia tht
hvorgrten ett.
Differ a we may on jx.litioa, alt
t.f I'.astctD Orrp o and Wblngton,
too, Laa coin in ou iutrrret ia the
owning f the rami and locks at
the OuH-adi', and o tbi juclioo
we ran all jiio bond. Ia I ue not
liwe eiU of thin ituwutnt matter,
buijlrrp up a ticurr Hiding clamor,
eaicial! with our Abators atnl
rirt -i.Ulitr, nrgin thnn to in
it Uj-oti Ihe soil at I l.o Cam-adra
ir$ proorruUd without delay.
1'oK lie Aturiiran ispU (.hj
tl. t,ll; of Ml KlllfJ ia tl, t)th
tijiat f r.-(-nl) ; it U thartuUkU
liiri.l i f thrir l.t ta f r lha ljjio.
tii-tJ of a i.i w ra of achiefeturbt
at.d i"k;r; it it tbetutJiu.ia
f the Artirncib il a of luditiduat
vitntigbty aid the ditiity of
lain. 1L tie ro'vtata te. txd
Oittaldrr Ibe Unlf ,B Ma Jlf
d n't want 1 s but al the enie the
I f t cU.. I,k in lb t ib!i,'o
'.t.Yn M.il Iim MrKU.tr mil.
Inrbe of twU il ttl fcu-l.
The threat to destroy protection
and the actual destruction of it
brought on a panic most disas
trous to the country and its effects.
Capital and labor sustained a loos
amounting in the aggregate to bil
lions of dollars. If the destruction
of protection could work such an
injury to the country and its peo
ple, the restoration of protection
ought certainly to have the oppo
site effect. The manufactiirern.
the merchants, the artisans and
the bankers, too, for that matter,
feel that prosperity cbh be restored
under the protective tariff policy,
and they will vote for the party
that is pledg.-d to that policy.
Oregon Mist
It is very possible that a sen
sorial deadlock will deprive Ore-
gou of any legislation next year,
The Itepubl icuns will have about
sixty members, and the majority
of the remaining thirty members
will bopopulista. The republican
strength will be about equally divi-
iieti, ana unless they can get
together it will be impossible to
elect Verily, it begins to look as
thouuh the halls of the senate will
bo depopulated through inability
of legislatures to elect. It how
ever will have the good effect of
hastening the time w hen senators
will bo elected by the people.
Antclopo Herald.
TUE gold standard democrats of
this state selected eight delegates
at their convention in Poitlaud on
Saturday, to represent them in the
national convention to be held at
Indianapolia on Sept 2nd. Their
platform declares for "tariff for
revenue," and laya the blame for
tho present bard limes to the pro
tection policy of the republican
party a atrange declaration to
make in face of all the convincing
proof we Lave to the contrary.
Put they Lad to "declare" againal
something, and we presume noth
ing el no appeared more convenient
to them.
Tue republican party stands for
good government, for protection to
the Lome owner, the laborer, the
manufacturer, the wealth creator;
it stands for a sufficient revenue
to pay running ripenae. for
American ahipping and necessary
Internal improvement; it atatida
for prosperity, for rmpkiyment of
williig labor and a uare meal on
(very man's table, Htand by the
republican parly Irccaiiso of what
it stands for. Waily Olympian.
P. n die ton be organised a rousing
MrKioley club. .
Joe Gibson of Lexington spent yester
day in Heppuer.
George Smith and wife ere np f rem
Lexington Saturday.
Fred Ward wsa down from Hnrdrcan
Saturday and made tbia office a p!eaaaut
Born Ou Friday mnrnini;, Aognst 21,
1896, to the wife of . L. Simons, of tbia
city, a daughter.
Hod. H. B. Gates ia np from Hillsboro'
lookiuu after Lis intert-ata in the eleotrio
ligbt plant of Heppntr.
Mrs. E. P. Vornz departed last Wed
nesday for Baker Oity to join ber bus
band, who baa gone into business at
that place.
JoIid Hornoroume in from the mount
ains Batorday, and ia preparing to leave
for the mining districts near the Green
hjru country.
The people composing the "Wild West"
camp at Ditch creek returned home on
Fridny afternoon seemingly not much
the worse for wear.
F. J. Bullock and family, Mrs. Otis
Patterson and daughter, and the family
of E. L. Matlock retnrned from their
oaling od Ditoh creek Friday eveu:ig.
Whatever may be the oanse of blanoh
iag, the hair may be restored to its
original color by the nee of that potent
remedy, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair
T. J. Matlook and family aod Mr. J.E
Lathrop, retnrned Friday even in from
McDuffee hot springs, where tbey spent
a few weeks camping at that beulthful
The families of E. G. Sperry and R. C.
W 1 s retnrned Saturday from a three
weeks' outing at IVel eprings. They re
port having had a splendid time of it
camping out.
Rev. Greene preached bis lat sermon
of this conference )enr at the Methodist
Episcopal church on Sunday fvening.
He will shortly leave for North Yakima,
Washington, to attend the annual
Miss Ethel Sperry had the misfortune
to step od a sharp pointed nail Moudiij
morning, bioh penetrated the tole uf
ber she and entered ber foot to tbe
depth of about an inch, oansiDg a very
painlui wound.
N. A. Leaoh and Tom Barnett passed
through Heppuer 8. tin day, on iheirwi.y
Uuwu lo Liexiugiou. Mr. Li-aoli's raimlj
ib at prt-Bei.t camped np t Joiien' pinirie
where thev have uathered lurue quanti
ties uf buokleberriea.
On noonnnt of close times and a con
sequent luck of btnn-6, the M Iton
ki gle, one ol our neatest and nrttgiift
t loiiauiifs, is foiot-d to tediice fromseven
to s x columns, it hopes oin to ko back
to its lormer size when business revives
8. 8 Horner returned on Sunday
morning from Baker City, where he h
Mfctired a position. He will leave with
bis family for that place on Wedm sday
evening. Sturm n)S Baker ia a Iivrl
place, and mucli bofeiutsa is being dune
there at present.
Mr. Nathaniel Mortonson, a well
known uit.Z'not Hliperoinir, Michigan,
aud editor of the Superior I'osteii, who
for a Ion it lime milTered from tbe iuomI
exornmaiing pains of rheumatism, was
cured eiift't years ago hy taking A)erV
Sarsapanlla, having never full a twinge of
it sluce.
T.-M. : Times are liyening np at the
locks, rhe oolitraotora have begun
drrdtiing al the npper eud of lha canal,
and have put forty stone cutters at work.
The recent tilgn water uncovered a fine
quarry of granita on the bank of llit
river, just norlhof tbe atonashrd, hiob
is bring iirepared for the inner walls ol
the canal,
Mr (). F. W. Wieoker. of New York,
who Is Iravxling hi the interest of Kcrilt
net A Sons' publishing tiouxe, arrivrd in
liepiiiier Hxtiirday morning. He i in
troducing tbe worts of Kiinenn Fit-Id
and Hubert Louis Stevenson, each of
Inch lira very exoelVnt Volunes ol
literal me. We ackuowledgn pleaeant
call from tht gentleman.
T.-M.: It ih )oung Americans of
this city were penult led lo Vole. Mo
Kiuley would orrUluli vet an over
whelming majority here, that is it the
propensity for bu lug caps la an itolx
of their preference for president. Th
New Xoik at or yesterday put on asle
a lot of campaign eapa, and no in the
lima of going to prr sixty two Me Kin
ley and lhlrleu ilryso caps had brrti
The oldiKt mn In Marion county, and
alni' st the cldesl in Orrgmi, is John
Ihirbm. If Mr. Durliia lives I all I lie
l i b of m tl in-iulli, lm will lie on bun
lied and two yeait of age. Ills sons and
grsn.iKohs bav in eonteniplailoa II.
celebration of ihelr paternal inoHtn'i
one hnodrwl ami Meoml birth, lay anni'
fersary, lo ,trb an Invitation will be
Mlendi-d l all pioneers of the ut who
cams lo Uregon as early aa PM'J.
Watts "Do you think a man can be
a Christian on a dollar a day ?" Potts
"I don't see how be can afford to beany
thing' else." Indianapolis Journal.
Wallace "How did you feel the
first time you (jot into u barber's chair
for a shave?" Ferry "To tell the
troth about it, I felt like a bare-faced
fraud." Cincinnati Eiiijuirej.
With a Comma or Without.
"Wasn't be put out when you told him
he couldn't have a kiss?" "Oh, no! lie
just took it ua a matter of course."
Alii he took it, as a matte-of course,
did he?"
lllohlis "What nonsense it is for
the newspapers, in tiicir accounts of
weddinps, to describe the bride being
led lo the altar." Slobhs "How so?"
HtotAis "Well, most girls could find
tiiHir way in the dark." 1'hiladelphia
lie (confidently) "By Jove! lean
tell you, the woman who could make a
tool o' me isn't living." She "Poor
thing! What a satisfHCton it must be
to u that she so thoroughly accom
plished her mission before she died!"
.New Budget.
"So you've taken to cycling at last,
have you?" "How did you lind that
out?" "I saw you on your wheel yes
terday." "By Jove! I'm glud to hear
that. All the reRt of my friends hap
pened to see me when I was off." Uich
inond Dispatch.
Great New York Editor "What
docs this mean? Why was my editorial
on tbe decadence of journalism left
over?" Trent I 'ling Assistant "Please,
sir, so much room was taken up by tho
'How to F.at (.'orncd Beet Hash' sym
posium." Cincinnati iCunuirer.
A scientific writer put out rlaming
handbills, headed "Know Thyself." A
wag soon called on the lecturer and told
Inui he was inducing a great many peo
ple to form uciiiuuntauces of a very low
order. The lecturer lookeil at the wag
a moment and nuid: "My friend, you
urts right; but it iiever oecuired tome
until I saw you."
Teacher "Polly, dear, suppose I
were to shoot at a tree with five oirds
on it uud killed tnrcc, liowmuuy would
bo left?" J'olly (Hged bixj "Three,
please." Teucner "io; two woinil be
left." Polly "So, there woiiion t.
'1 he three shut woiilu oe left, and the
other two would lie flied away." t'hil
tuleiphia Aiuerieun.
"There Is some excuse," said the
police judge, "lor u man neeomiug exus'
periled by the strains of u band oigmi,
but to rush out uml ut tack the musician
with an ax is carrying things wiin a
little too high a hand." "I Know it is.
jedge," plended the inuu who hnd never
been in u police court before, "but wheu
a blame dugo conies uml stops in front
of the house j'st uf ter u mun has hud an
argument with his wife uboui whether
he gits mi overcoat or her h clonk and
b'guis pluyin 'Jlonic, Sweet Home,' it
u more thnn flesh tin' blood kiu bUiuU!"
Judiuinipolis Journal.
Tills & Slocum
"II il immnlrtiitl, in Mf j m.I j mm t,
whrther Iht W; grtnrrr tfrrtrtl iin
I r fit from lh t.tnff wof
lrrfr A ilf or if.irf Nof I am ft-r
frr woof f xfro. f from .r of
II lfoim J Itrtrtt In th Ifttaa uf AYji
rramfodi-rs trhtn Iht ll'.U-n f.i1 w-.it
mn'itr rifrriiion.
Il av livra .rtry l'y.
TbmiModt ol Caart of Cobsuroptioo
Adbma, Coogha, Cdta anj Croup 'e
eorJ day by hbiloli'a Vnt: For
ala by Wrlla A Marrea.
tmf mi
TtisCatifornia wiahqalTt I1!!.
Km .kla ff aat kla l of hiio.
Ilt rbaaaa lr it rifbl t'y, Mill
Mka aborp la liw.U. t fadioaU'S
riUM otf, I'. ItnLl, lb llrs.
" ft.' lm.
Throng iria ra l. O. II A N. will
tna tl. lVait:i, Walia .H at.d
ldlli. Tarongk lpf, 0'l ad
J i1m, will ma la .mu a ana
IH I'ao a l( ft. I, attaa aa artvk
A thrga fll Um alr pf ',.t.
I4 M aHig with lb
I Im 1p 0 ai I'aat, a4 a
IHfnagh ioW'WI lrr lnyUa4 to Hi
I'aal, w. taa la se-Mii
(Irval .iba failaat
la Ik raiMna Oralr
Aa ii baD : "If oo Iblnk you
aow an r abonl lb monry qnmlioa
tbaa)onr bib)Miy, Uka a -itioa oa
Ilia mo! liavetr J tidenalk lo lwa and
pea np oa lha flrt tVI,w Ibal c -inr
along, and I ba rbtncya ar tbl ia two
annul iba crowd will ob.lruct lha
walk, lb Uei II, at or a half of tta
ttoppta m-ly Ihrtmgti I. II rnri.vily,
and it .U.r btrau II y rcul l an
lb;, l -ul,l tio dolu'b in la iba
ll, a long aa bay a rl nc u
Ik. Nritbar ahoabl yna b uilttit.l
If ica h nl.l baipra lo iioi.
la.li ara t afilrd lo Ut t ib iil
anl walk ai,.imd a lm of laa in ft Art
l. I m al. i g TL l,i.a sia fly in
li.nrlf lt, Wosl I II al Ihry f
Mat anl dolafb tar liiihirpa &,!- j
H t r rll.ui.w, if ) bpa to I
for Half Dollars Shoved Our Way We PoKe
Bacl to You Dollar Values.
This can be Demonstrated io you if you give us the Opportunity.
m are mm Our Crockery ant
It's going fast and tbe assortment will soon be broken, We have about 75 "pairs of 10 4 Blankets
that we are letting go for from 60 to 75 oents a pair. These blankets are made of fine soft material
and make an excellent bed blanket.
S 3E3I O S3 IS. 2
We've 8omeexoellent values ia this line. We have a limited quantity of our men's calf congress
shoea for 9S oeuts s rair; also ladies' Dongnla Oxfords st 95 cents; same as abnve in biifh top
button, $1.25. Oar 20th Century Uongola button at $1.40 is a etuuner. Don't fail to examine it
whether yoo want to purchase or not.
Dress Goods Stock Complete
We are giving as close, if not closer prices thnu any house either in California or
or Oregon. Why we are selling goods this wav is becau-e we want money. If you
want goods brmg on jour silver and get gold values according to the Gold Bugs theory.
L1KO Oilier i'n ynn-uin.
tiiii Itiiilit to isiaucrce.
The emperor of China has lately had
so much Irouole with his functionaries
of every kind that he has grown dis
trustful of them all. lie had noticed
that, while bis alatcsmcn seemed tube
widely nt toriuu.-u, tn court physi
cians agreed beautifully whenever they
were called together. Uul a test thet
be might nnil.e of their skill uud sin
cerity occurred to him.
Feeling somen hat indiiipoicd, Ibo
emHTor sent for one of nia court doc
tors. These I'hysieiaus ure paid public
fiini'liouiirieM and me leniued profes
sorH. t)nc of them came, liNteiied to hi
linijesly's uecouut uf his t rouble, diag
nosed it, preot i iU d ami look hisleutc.
Then the cuicror sent for another
court doctor uud gme hnn exactly (he
same account of Ins ililliculiy. Thia
diM'lor I Inn luiiili bis own diagnosi,
which nun ipiite dilTercut fiuiu kit
brother physician, prcscnlicd a dif
ferent remedy and vieut bis way.
A third uud fourth ptnuiciun were
called and each found a different dis
ease and rucb rcacrihed a dilTerenl
medicine. Then the cniM'ror U-enine
angry nnd nlso snrcu'ntic, oud begged to
Uiiom bow beeoiild luiir so runny thing
the limtt.T wilb him ond live, ami
whether be should continue tolneif be
liNik all I lie diterse sorts of medicine
that bad that day hcru prescribed fcr
Tbe diK'lors could give li i tit nototls
fnctory ansvier to these ipn-rlions, but
nu ll lniied that b was right and all
the others wrong. Hut Hie rutcror de
clared that this could not lie true, an I
rondciuncd rtery one of the pby tician
to low a month's salary.
Of coursa the moral of UiU atorjr ban
no occidental application. Though the
doctor of nr wrlrrn countries re
serve Ibe right to ili,igree, sucb imv
of radical dHergence prolwbly rul.
not -cur under the practice of our f
feeted science Voulh's CotiiHiiiion.
Siii nm m Ma t Was.
"There U lot (if itmney In Ibe larbrr
lug to, ,i,. un Uuud a limn -f war,"
aid a lilnt-jq. l.i t, on sIiim rap was a
t hick band benring ill b t let of gi.ld lb
I'. ime of the l.tHnlmi hip OlMiipKi, In a
luilirr shop. "Ilow't Ibal?" .tie of th
liiiU-r n.kr.l. 'Why, Dial's eay."
nuered Ibe MorJ.i. Lrl. "Tak the
t'l'l.ipm, lh bii thul I l-loff ih
Hk'i gol ! uirri ' Uwrd. 1hryt:
I M li.nc and be lo me thrir hair
i ol. All a limn ba lo do I lo hip a a
btii.Uiiinn for Ibree year ad l a-
'plinl lo tbe bar I -r hp, imr 1
In-ill Ihe roM riunri I Mill l f 4
i ...i Hi, m .1 ton w ,il rak a a I"""" (
Tttt, Thru jua'il rr liia frm,,
r'rv Bun t It.e lilp rvrry llirro
I ., .i ll.. That n air H A A.I.I tbt
a a rniiiith, l,,li i a iuatii.
and tSrre t.m ba I',', a iiull",
That' i.i l a l f,.r a lti-f, 1 I n I at .
.ur,l,lt It q tfilcf (.r d K.r, d..,'' r" ai.atr laii.t'iLan lo wb .
a Ibikkcf a.oi, a eul. f II. wt .,1 i "' "' ' ' T tin'. fr 1 t ,..nih.
l ot, I lrl toil fcl, tSe I m' f f in
tio.llr " . fan trr , I'tMriir)' f
"II 4 tmmitttUtl, In mf jn ljmtmt.
The People AkrU to Bend Exhibit to Ihe
Portland Exnuaitlua.
B. 8. Pngue, chairman ol tbe commit,
ten on state and oounty eihibits of tbs
Portland exposition, baa addressed a
circular letter to all tbe prominent citi
isetia of Ibe atute, asking thorn to do
their share in sending in exhibits for tbs
ouiueral, forestry, grain and g'ais, fruit
etc. In this letter Mr. Psgue says:
"The iucocts of the n position ol 18
waa io a Inrge degree due to tba pnblio
spirit manlfeatrd by Ihe ritlzene of tba
state shown io tbeir eontributioo of pro
duota. which were so exteusive at to
a'most beaiider all who saw them. Tba
mansfenisut of tbe exposition this year
ia pruotirally (he sums aa it waa lat
yenr, aud we feel tbat even greater suo
cess will attend oar rfforta tint year than
that which was obtained last year. We
0:in not make it a stiooens without the
aid of tbe people of Oregon aid Wash
ington, and tbia is ad lret( d to you to
adt your eo opcrstiou.
"I am awiwe of tba fsot tbat tba grain
crop is not op la its osaal standard of
exeelleooe; that lha (rait erop it mora
drfloient tbao it ever waa before; tbat
vegetable! are Dot aa average, ia fact,
that atl rrodocta ara cot aa good nor aa
plentiful at tbry were last year. Tba
deflciei.cy can lm overcome by every f ar
1 10 intertatcJ in Iba material progrrae
ami welfare of tba state taking ao lntr
el In tht MpitiD and (orwarJing nt
an rtbibit. Maey, last year, ia visitlof
lha rxpnatttoo, aatd: Tbota ara good
atbitiita, but I bava bettrr at borne ' Wa
eollect tba bet tbat raa ba obtln.l,
bat ctn only da ao by groaroat eo oper
ation ou lha pari tif all persona lulrld
in tba ripaltna. !
MWa btva flva dUlirrt drpartmsot, 1
and solicit yoor loUrtal ia alt.or alla .
la the one Ibat yoa eaa bet p la. Tba
defarlD)Bl no Binaralt, which inclaJre
fold, ailvar, Iroo, riaatbar, lead. Ha and
olber urea. Coal, bulhliat aloaa aod
articlaa tDDofetard eat of Ihe aalaral
prtxtuelt of Orrgoa. Tbt toraalrf drpert
osrat lorlodea woods of all kind, and
e-liolrt at any aal vry derlptioa
ma.la ant of wood. Greta aed irae da
parta,tt, aal tbia iaelu't t?fyibiag
adr Ibtt baat tttabla, bcp. floor,
eora aod all grewta Ihlnf aad arltcli i
naatfai tarnl (root Iba tsata,
'Th fiail df artmal. abicb wi
aial nt fraila, a'. dried, ran4, aid
frail of atl ktada la all fnrtna.
"Ct a a ynr aila aad en
opf'i.a? Wa will irapl all aihiMlt
fra f rbait lo Ib't etly. aad acb a
,. l will b M'trnl at iba tbat of
tba tlpilia frea f char at."
ita I r Amii,a lr
At law a! Ha Or-a Vint
Axxuiina I At' fi, oa .Hy !!.
Iba follnalag yfBcera ra UcU4 la
av t tr:
rreaidfal, k. W. I'aiWr i4 It ft aar (
(!! pri ll II L H biij tt
VMtl4.,l , raw4 Ha lw. I) C. If,
tiU, of lli.lbu' a'iaty, A.T.f,
"tlailj lra, tl. '. .kll, of
J,k-iH; s( l-araa, U V.
Full English course.
french and german.
busine: s branches.
Bookkeeping, shorthand. TiiLpr.RAPHv.
i i -
1 1 1
ijuimu mum
IAL Dliili
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
w'..af, wb aaty try l lr It a
t ui.-t.aa) Y kaw ibl lbt at
(ai.y a jib at sb . try ea lit bmi
i i.f Iba ftaal'y, aay Wat, and II,
iixrbtl aauid J..nbua c 4i lr )
ll.t af'tw ibii tt,iiu if: in. i
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Klfl.llHMHIIIIIial lit IH,' ... ' . lat.x.ltliJ l.t tlm illi.4lilli
I ii i,m fry-ia laiM ir ey rV' j '
v. fairr afcea H II .. a Ml Ir . j ' "
talrr r. ... r a., a ; wlala la tba alal waalmai
arlfH,ela.Ar utrer reeeir a. . 1 "iy. HWf aa, ua--fa II.
bn,tt f,tm Ik I in or m.4 ! 11 rH4.
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All tbeaa ma to proourml at Tij.un;woii A Hiuna, lxwcr Main Street,
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tMiltrmra ar il r.,il.nir. th ltr.nl. H.rnry. CmoS. Gl'lUra and other count I
and r an araiwy a4 Urn In ,.tu,t the limit lih Irotllng mu. v"on,
I'rt. r la lflnt alia lh tlror.
The Lancasiurf. Insuranxk Co.
t MANCintsiTiCM, i:noi,anii
k. miioNix, iur. (i'o..( tt...iieti..ii,M
-Mi f -- . PiTT Pp!rC irAi)iiiiiiiifsvv
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