e 0k 9 ' Haphazard System of Improving : Them in Tola Country. E. McNElU., Receiver. TO THE GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental :S,C "CJ B7 353 ss GREAT . NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RV. VIA "Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO For full details oall on 0. R. 4 N. Ak lit ta Heppuer, ir address W. H. nURLBURT, Gen. Purr. Agt. PoilTLAND. OREOOK. QUICK TIIVIX3 ! TO JStniL Frnnolsoo And nil point in California, via the Mt, tthaau rout or in Southern Pacific Co The great hiahway ItirotiKh California tn all point p.hpI ami Honth. Grand Hiwnlft Huut of thn Hanifto 1'iaat. Cullman Hnflat HleniMra. Heoonil-cui Hlaeuera Attached toaiprnaa train, attonlina anpanor aocouiuicxlatlima foraeoonri-olaaa iHMiMtnRxra. For rataa, UukMa. aUmplu uar raaarrationa, 0141, ohm niHio or auriraaa K. KOKIIIKK, Manainir, B. P. ROGERS, Aut Gen. r. r. Agu, rortiana, Oregon i ma -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman I'alara Hlcrpera. Ti.,Ml Hli...wn an I Kri-e lu-illnliig thai (.art I'AII.Y Hit IHtaKO. Many liiMira aared rla Ihla line lu Knslern points. COUNTliY RuADS. RBFUSLIGftN PLATFORM. STEAM HEAT. M)WI(MT PINTSCH LIGHTS MATICMi v H. It'. ItAXTKH, dm Aumt, I'urtlnint, Orrynn. J. ('. II AUT, A'jfnl, llrifmrr, Orrynn. Eckntmo AmfrlcM Agency for cavtara. YWana aaaaiafl. DtllCM aVtMT. COPIRKHTI. MaJ i a i.i 11 ma .,. I" lri l-ltv f Mr . ,,ff .. . A..,..!.-, I rirM ifcr., li.ii. M.-..M lf.a i. ..i .i i- a t. (' .( . ii fca taa Scientific Vtucticau IwnlrMiiani ni rrt rfc l-l .1. I S . ..t. It,f.k i i- 'I. ! i. mmk. i i int a ..., ...i... 1 t a Ma., rfwi W a. i t a in. CIIIOAOO, Iwate & St. Paul if y . V.toiie" f, fVW V"" a f 1 C (l - J Son. Reaaona Advanced for the Poor Highways of Oar Rural District The State Mhoald Act Indl TlduaUf. Som time ao, in speaking- of the widening' use of electric cars, we pointed out that In the cities they have largely supplanted the horse as an agent ol transportation. It may be well to say a word now concerning' the state of our country highways, on which as yjt the horse has no rival, except, perhaps, the bicycle. The growth of our railways, steam and electric, is no excuse for the neglect of our common roads. If anyone doubts that we have neg lected them most culpably, let him look into the volume of consular re ports on foreign streets and high ways, issued in 1891 by the govern ment at Washington. 1'rora these re ports it appears that no other country in Christendom, with the possible ex ception of Russia, has been so negligent In France, lor instance, the high ways approach perfection a fact to which the prosperity of the French peasantry is generally attributed. fhe first Napoleon, in the intervals of iiis many wars, laid the foundations of the system. Napoleon III. completed it. The result is a network of admir able roads stretching out over the whole country, under the constant in spection and care of specially trained ngineers. Germany is not far behind. Great Britain learned her lesson a century ago from the celebrated Mr. Macadam, and has never forgotten it. The coun tries of southern Europe have profited richly by tlieir legacy from the Ro mans, the great road builders of an tiquity, llardly anywhere on the con tinent, in fact, would the mud and ruts of our American roads be tolerated, Our backwardness may be attributed to the newness of the country and the rapidity with which it has been set tled; but a more abiding cause is found in the nature of our constitution, and in the strong instinct of local self-gov ernment among our people. Since the abandonment of the Cumberland road in 1838, the national government has done practically nothing. The states have for the most part confined them selves to general and merely permis sive legislation on the subject, bvery where the highways have been left to the local authorities. Tbe, result has been the wildest diver sity of plan and methods. In some sec tions the work is done mainly by con victs. In others, any citizen is liable to be called out to work on the roads for a certain number of days in the year. In certain counties of Virginia, and elsewhere, the toll system is still prevalent The practical advantages of a more centralized system, like that of France, are manifest Frequently towns and counties through which important highways pass are too poor to main tain them properly. Important ques tions of routes, topography and ma terial constantly arising, which re quire investigation on a wide scale. ScientlQo training is needed to fit a man for the difficult work of road building, and this is certainly not com mon among town and county officers. An authority on the subject declares that the present haphazard system has not produced fifty competent high way engineers throughout the United State. It lms Wen demonstrated by actual tests that the force required to draw a ton on a muddy earth road is aulllcieut to draw four tons on a hard inacada mized roaiL IVlieu we re mo in her that neiirly all agriculttital products, not to H-ak of other commodities, must tie hauled at li-uat two or three mile in w it L'u n a before the railroad can touch llii iu. It Is apparent what an advan tage the European ba over the Amer ican farmer in this respect Multiply tr three or four the coat of hauling to the station the total of the rrui which the railroa Is handle every yrar, and you have a rough estimate of the annual saving to the farmer alone which would reault from a ayaUin of properly cmialrucU-d highway. In the imig run other claam a would derive al- iiumt an equal benefit from the change. Kvrn if w concede that the sban- loiiing ft road-building by the nation al government la final, there tteemt to I no rravm why the states ahould follow the cx ample. Some of the older atatra hare rerrntly awakened to the Imnortanre of the subject Certainly 'i is hard to find a better Inveatmeut f r the public money than the better ment of the (vinumn road. --Youth' Companion. Raail thaMtf Old Ksrnier Heed was driving Mm of the txmrdrr over the beautiful New tlarnpahlre hilla, whrr the winding roa.la are either uphill or do nhkll, and a level apace I nt found In niany mile, A he urged the strong, wiry lir- up one ( the atrrp ewenla. he worked out the following line of argument: "Nrew, I a'poa JoU city folk think ll kinder tiih to wake the rritUra pull up tbva bills, but taint ao mean you think. It s a big if hi meaner to run 'em downhill, and t il tell r whr. N,hB a hM run, uphill, lita vttala pre nn hi In' narda. but when )ou run lion down Sill, la lunard preaart on hit vital An' that a atght wuaa, bow ain't tr Youth' Companion Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. 8C0AB. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producer of this conntry. Tbe Repub lican party favors each protection as will lead to the production on Amertosn soil of all sugar which Amerioan people nse and for which they pay other eonntriea more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOI. AND WOOLENS, To all oar products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and factory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample proteotion, MKItCHANT MARINE. We fnvor restoring the early Acneriosn and conscience of their countrymen in polioy of disonraiDHting duties for th the following declaration of facts and upbuilding of oar merobant marine and principles: the protection of onr shipping interests For the first time sinoe the oivil war 'n the foreign carrying trade, to Amer- tbe Amerioan people have witnessed the 'can ships the product of American oalsmitous oonsequences of full and un- '8Dor employed in Amerioan shipyards, restricted Democratic oontrol of tbe aailinj? nuder the Stars and Stripes, and government. It baa been a record of manned, offioered and owned by Amer- unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and icsns mav regain tbe carrying of onr lisaster. In administrative management foreign commerce it bas rotblessly sacrificed indispensible revenue, entsiled an increasing deficit, Tbe Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to tbe matchless achievements of 30 years of Republican rnle, earnestly ttnd confidently Address themselves to tbe awakened intelligence, experience liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing lost oontrol of Cuba sod being unable to proteot the property or live of resi dent American citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United Statee should (TonsaiDDiion 1 A AND ITS 'CURB Tn tot I To the Editor s 1 have an absolute rernedv for Consumption. By its timely use actively nee its inflaenoe and good offi- thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanenuy curea .v prooi-puiiuvc aui i of its power that I consider it my duty to tend two bottles free to tnose or your reaaers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. c, 183 reari st., new tote. 09- The Editorial and BuaineBB Management of. tola raper uuaraxnee uui geaerou ctopubiuuu. Gl.inco al this Map at t 4 - He - ii" a lia ail l'.e. ul ifw iM H -al e4 , 4 r. tl . I u. e.ee- UVI4 okl lv 11 a4 fc4 -.. Iw hM t a , ie aoa a iimIk Heo. a , a r4i lfk a4 ; 4la tit i la iM rvt imKt ita laaa la. ImI av t-a a. .l.l I . i n a t I i i,i r J ! I,-,..! ,.!. J I llilt.tin iked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled np tbe public debt by 82G2.00O.0OO In time of peace, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over tbe re- lemption fund, pawned Amerioan credit 'o alien syndicates and reversed all tbe measures and results of Buooesnfal Re publican rule. In tbe broad effect of its polioy it bas precipitated panio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de- oression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and crip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production for tbe Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio safety and individual interest demands that the government (hall be resoued from tbe hand of those who have shown themselves Inonpable to conduct it without disaster at home aud lisbonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party whiob tor 30 year admin latered it with unequaled sucoess and prosperity ; and in this oonnectlon we heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism nod suooess of tbe administration of President Harrison. TUB TARIFF. We renew and .emphasize onr alle giance to the polioy of proteotion a the bulwark of Amerioso industrial lod pendenee and the foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign pro lines and euoonrages Lome industry aad puis tbe burden of revenue on foreign goods; ll iooures the Amerioan market for the Amerioso producer; it uphold" the American standard of wage for the VtucrlOHn workingmnn ; it pat the faa lory by the tido of the farm, aud tnaken the Amerioan farmer lea dependent on I amM ? rata, Captain (to t la 14 pmrr who kaa .t.nlr arivarrd on the Jerk nf tb Vndiin'4 alilpl J a tup, riian; )a P quiikl lv' you ace iht'S going dvwnt I'atjaanffr-I my wife aed? ".- "Welt, ao long t ran t nt Ik rt of mr I'fa riplalning why I lat hr Ian 1'ila airantrr it-!) Cora nifi ial 'ulirii-v "tt it imm.tltt i.tl, in mi jttljmtml. FINANCIAL PLANK. I Tbe republion pnrty is unreservedly for sound money. It oaused the enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since tben every dollar bas been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debtee our cur- renoy or impair tbe oredit of our coun try. , We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinnge of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial nations oi the world, wbioh we pledge ourselves to promote, and until snoh an agreement oan be obtained, tha existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in oirculatiou must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable the obligation of tbe Uoited Htates and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard tbe standard of tbe most enlightened natious of tbe earth, AS TO PKNHIONS. The veterans of tbe Union armies de serve and should reoeive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they should be given prefer ence in tbe matter of employment and they are entitled lo the euactmeut of sncb law as are best calculated to se cure the fulfillment of pledges made to them in the dark day of tbe ooantry'a peril. We denounce tbe praolioe in tbe pension bureau, so recklessly and un justly onrried on by the present adinirii (ration, of reduoit.g pension and arbi trarily dropping name from the role a lererving the severe! condemnation of the American people. Ot B roHKION 1HL10V. Our foreign policy eboulJ be at all oea to restore peaoe and give indepen dence to the island. THH NAVY. The peaoe and security of tbe republic and tbe maintenance of its rightful in fluence among tbe nations of tbe earth demand a naval power commensurate witb ite position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of tbe navy and complete system of bar bor and seacoast'defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. For tbe proteotion of the quality of our Amerioan citizenship and of wages of our workingmeu against the fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforoed and so extended as to excludt from entranoe to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL service. The oivil service law was placed on the statute books by the republioau party, whioh bas always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declaration that it ehall be thoroughly and bonestl enforced and extended wherever praoti oable. FREE BALLOT. ?3 i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J Sent business conducted lor Moderate Fees. Sour office is Opposite, u, 8. PaTtNTOFrict j rand we can secure patent in less Ume tnau those! fnmnl. frnm Wnshincrfon. 2 V-T . .. -jj. J !- 2 &euu moaei, arawing or pnoto., wua ucstni Jtion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of! (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, i i a Ciumirr " How to Obtain Patents," with! cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries? (sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Orricc. Washington. D. C. The eooiparatl ve value of these twocardi la known to moat persona. They illustrate that greater quantity ta Not always moat to be desired. .'. Theae carda expreaa the beneficial qual ity of RipansTabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA CURB .. Ripans Tabulea i Price, 50 cent a boa. Of druggists, or by mail. . . BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St., N.Y. WANTED-AN IDEAraomi. thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0.. for their $1,8(10 prize oiler. orelgn derrand and price; it diffuse I times firm, vigoron aud digmfl-J, and general thrift, and fonud the strength ll our interest in tbe weetpro hernia- of all on the ttrength of each. In it pbere carefully watched nd guarded reasonable application it U juat, fair and Tbe Hawaiian Islands ahould be control! mparlial, equally opposed to foreign d t United Ktatr, and 00 foreign control and domratio monopoly; toaeo- powr ahould be ixrmiltrd to Interfere liooal di rimination and Individual ln Ibem; the Nicaragua eaoal ahould 1 favoriliam. We denounce lb prearnl built, owned and operated by tbe demnemtio tariff a aeclioual, li jurlnn Coiled Htsteaj and by tbe purcboaeof lo Dublin credit and deetrnclive to buai- ib lianiah inUmla should aeour a We demand that every citizen of tbe United State shall be allowed to oast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as oust. LYNCHING. We proclaim our unqualified condem nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous oraotice known as tbe lynching or killing of buman beings suspected or oharged with orime, without process ot law. NATIONAL, ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and arljus' tbe differences wbioh may arise betweei, employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. homesteads. We believe in tbe immediate return to tbe free homestead t olicy ot tbe Re publican party, and urge the psssagt by oongress of tbe satisfactory free homestead measure wbiob ha already passed tbe house and is now pending in tbe senate- TERRITORIES. We favor tbe admission ot tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest practicable date, buving dui regard to the iuterest of tbe territories snd tbe United State. All federal officer appointed for territories should be seleoted from bona fide resi dent thereof, and tbe right of self-government should be aocorded a far a prao tioable. We believe tbe citizens of Alas ka should have representation in the congres of tbe United Htates to tbe end that needed legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TEMPERANCE. We sympathize with ll wise and le gitimate effort lo leasea and prevent th evil ot iutemperanoe and promote mor ality. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable ' ;i Gau It House, . CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B, & y., o. m. at Ht. p., v it a , p. r t. w. s u., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES te-00 PER II AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CXXCA.GrO, XXjXj. The regnlar subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50 All old sub-' Horibers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to hpnm New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon bas opened up tbe feed yard nest' door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at Ibis business, end your borses will be well looked after. Prices reasonable. Bay and grain fornale. tf The U.S. GOVERNMENT I IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH 1 To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to theii Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension t naa rou a ax relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars- on whom you depended for support ? ' THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive t pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the x time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. v5) f7"Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. (7,7 No Fee unless successful. j$ The Press Claims Company 8g fS PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, f) 61S P .Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. fi K.U.Thll Compnny 1$ controlled nrnrly one Ihotuand leading nt- J.. 1 1 . T ' ' , . -..,-- .....I ..... MMf,f l.It AtM. neat eulprpria. V deoiand aaob equitable tariff on foreign Import which com lulo pom peii 1 ion with American product a will not only furnish ade quate revenue (or tbe ceoeosary eipea proiM'r aud much needed station io tbe tVeet ladle. l'ho maasaoie in Armotii have aron- ad th deep rropelby and Jual Indigo lion ot ihe Ami riean peopl. and we b- e of the g.vernrufot, but will proteoi "' t'ulted Hutr h,,n!J Mth isi A met 14 so labor from the degradation In tbe nag level of other lan J. W ar aot 1 h JgpJ lo any parti, ular ached ule. The Q'iitioU of ra'ea I praotloal qiiration to ba gnverned by condition of lb lima an J uf prodorlioi The ruling and onenmpnim au g prlnri all the lull iae tt on properly Mail to bring thm alfoniile to an end, 1 l'uikey Aiuarloan (aai lcl.ta bst been ip--l to th gravest danger and American propvrty drttnyJ. Tl ud etary a here Amern au rittiie and tmarioan property mut U bolu'rly pie I tbe prol-H..Mi a J dv..pment ot nrolert.14 al all halsrd and at any Aoarrieaa UUir and loduatry. Th euantrv daroaod right ettliuol and than II want rrL aloaaoB IMKTSISS. We rraasrrl lb Monroe d"f trine la H fulle.l iiat and w ramrni the right if Ibe UatlrJ Hut lo sit lb docl'lo 1 ft", el by rnndiag lo tha sp il of say Aommii !' or frinJly lnlervatloB la eaa of Rnropaaa rviaetimaet Wa ahal; aot U inUrfrd a4 shall nt Intel er UHll lb ilig t-iea- a,,.t,.aer lra.1. -ilh ... '-. h. ay Kmp- I) II U bii, bt, bat h.. itie Banal fetiro(ITY. We Ml the rial of lb rlpni ly arraiigMnaai aeguiiail by Ibe la lUpubltcaa drulniai'ailoe wo a atia al eatainilf and demand tbrir ran al end iteaai oa aurk tr aa eill Ismail ieW lalion ulUh iltiei Ibe al of Ametleaa piojarl in m of nidrr otiati, n-l trarlig4 eiaikaU f-f Ik pmliicts of our farm. furaal a4 fvlnfie. IVukxilh l .l(fueily are let i.f ll,al-l a t-d.ey. d f uiuiirs or won in. l llxpublioao party is mindful of I nEPPNER, Ibe ri.xbt 01 women, l'rnteoil'n or American iadoatrie include tqaal opportaoitiee, rqaal pay for rqaa work .id protect 100 to tbe bom. W favor Ihe admiaioo of woman to wider aphnre of oaefulntf and weloom Ibeir 00 oM-ratioo in reacuing Ibe ooutrt from iVmocratieanJ Pupuii! miamanagemso nd miiuM. Hucb are the principle and policies of Ihe republican party. By tbeee prin clidm we will abide, an 1 tbaee policies we will put into exeoutioo. We ak for tlipna Ihe cooaidarate Judgment nf tbe Amariean paopla, CtnflUnt alike in Attorneys ot Jtrvv-, All buainpoa attended to it a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries t'ablic and Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. 1 t t ; t OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. i Columbia llivcr and tat Sound foliation Co Shsen TUD'IIONR, BAILEY GATZERT AND 0CE1N WAVE. Leaaing AhUr HlriHtl tX-ca. Portland, for Alorla, Ilwseo, Ixrng Beaeb, Oceae 1 an ana ?irtcMia. inreoi onp-tieaunn witb llwaeo aUamara and rail roa J; also at Yonog' lty wiib Keaabor Ilailrood. TBXjiaPXXOlVIl Lmts Portland 1 A. M. tSally. ascrpi aunday . Leave Aslnrla J r. M. Ially. ticept Sunday. nAIiiBV ovt.Tir.mnT' lb biatory ot oar great parly and lo Ihe I Usrai rortland IK Inilr. tr.M a.mrf.r. iiuHy nlrht. II M. litres A slot la Dal I v justice of our oauae we praa-nt onr pll- " -" "" ouaaay Bi.ut.7 p. M. Lear pnrtlaM iM raa illrwi la lm. TwUt and thnrvUrai A M Kalnrdar al I P X. U Uaiara Moinmlay and rl lay al J A. M, tm .ioday nlgil al f. M. Clf IfJ ta lifail Df;lis;liofl Ej'.b Ma Frtt tf Eipfust for "WIHy, t4. Comfort, ricoaur. Trawl oa lh Tcl'iiHon. Ully Calsarl and (K-eaa Wat. form and oar oaoJi.lta In lb fall - arane Ibat tbe eleetrna will bring victory lo the RpaHlka party and pmaperily to th paopl of the United Mlte. DlHl-ASia Op THE (Kit. The Inlro lulling nd sanartinf nrt JViil in K-arnia. U-dc r, aaU-ihaiiiiv, and tHlr dwaaee of ile akla U inaumly ailarol by mm applying lliambrllq Eye eJ rkio I fil Uinlnsrnt. Many Vary Us4 taar bar b permaiwnlly rami tf it. ll I tiilly all., irnl (if lb hinf pile Btkl a IhvnrtU r-n l l.r "ire ntmiUaa. rhapl! haraia. cbil t-Uina, fmat btlsna, and rhrook anp eyaa. yr mm by drut-t at Xi ortiU pr aoa. Try lr. r4l CaaditUa Paw Aero, iht BP jte4 ht h,.f le W ben in bad roodi- laua. 1 uoan, UohJ puritwr ana varatilug. For sU by O' Jt Hrwk, aragg 11 h Eedej kliluls j For tlio Curo o l iquor. Opium ul Tobacco Habits It Is larai4 U Sal.as, Oregaa, i Tk$ itt llHtuttful rpwn 01 the Coaei 1 rait al thm O.tsrt o pamrnlara M rw u remit -lt. ui. Irwiawajl artiaa4 ur ; fr el, oa any pil, tw iiJi. W apfa!ly l"vk LiteorJ to Ihe van t aal WilbJr! i4 rt Iri'ta tt.i hrtoi U aal lo th aUimaU all K-(ik pating iiii lb e lint)l by fra et of It In-kahiUata rt j aaiH.rTK. FoO thai bsi of t,iVirf Itirif ) aaJ la ban I. 1 .. all lU boa .tHWIloJl-Mr.jr,, r'r',,-Lae.UM,t,acfc J,a. bolh, .Mt4 ttnfil front I A liny sir awl ,.,,.( II h ihtr . il.w 1 ,f. it. 'I I oa .e ; aal fe tm raUIJ stieJ. t rieHk. n ro (r.'.r-V :''!':!.?.? 'vi .bat ,1 1-1 iu w iibj mf W" sf sj i 'r ffwof y yw i i favaraNfsiM it'i aa II lmn hilt r. ,aaia 4 I fawthk 'U t - I ' tpnc. lU .,! .4 lb t,Vt4 "f r " 'r.ifi.. ra,4tal tgrtnl l t-f ntalnal I lga I. I a)ilh)n ni b i 4I iI .a0 4hf . h aite t U Byaaal tMllla- tl.. . J Uterael tib aia tlm itU I ! aiieggUo iJUef Aa 1. lo LTtl lit IH Ilia a ,,.... K.'l lloter HH!ln.a t f r-af m to .!.. IHe-lf. fr..aa rtaa 4.aa, !. t. if tT-a -,l-r.4. M- ra. etle mt l4ia tr Th akelrtoB of a IioIimB Warrior l least ia I eel ai tm l. tall wo found ta Muwonguo, Ma, a t data ago by I o ism-a wbo wri t gr "g a radar. Tbe Uly bl ! ! ! la a iiiing .iure, far.r.g .l, m&4 alnl ar I on ml if-a ln..i.ft.al a a, I af ta4 lf brad, at bile aro'iti l Ibo Bra t.oa aris e.. f batxla ruJ amb rtwxa rarvinga rr Wf rrwbwtloai,-rUrr S If' mt T f ar (' ae h ia I " 4 f m tArUl IM-ri:v. Ma;!yala.aa-ia Merarysr I t 4 . aaiia. lo Br I !--. lia!ttl.gu. I '! I b lwl. B4 lt4 J ia i. ta'sw-l I f aswl U eaaP t I '?"J ' ,k",M ! l'r..lel.a, t.nt-l np 4 ta , iifii.i'i -, , allisl, a4 )' r'lt i a u . a I I it'i Il.tiii' al.Nt, .... U.U .,. U....I-U t'twUmm, 'n'',7 M.IU f.f la.. I. .a. 1a--ly a. I h.' Im. , 4 b4 asl fi l.if I'll ti oay I it-., HMa a Ha,U.rf. fcJ. inaliiit, ' . a : a .1 ei.tak ll ,i . a i ,, mm W Wa'rH l't 4-0 a I ti n , a.Mrt , I I i.p.,s 4 nl.v.ir. t. In l..'l..l i' t ', -l ." . -,. 1 '.rw .-l .; t i(w I.. -y a 4 war ll t .i.a .a ... I I lu fall i U- Is IM ..K " 1,-ea mm wi eat nm m aWarevf ml ' Is.siimI phM IrfiHialajaaaairiA iW ffkooa. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It lo Ailvcrt.HTS at .1 great financial sacri ficc. You nc i t! it in your business, and as .1 matter of huMurss u tm:? m 11 it. Tin. lu.!.K;i.N lVui.i.ujNa Co.