Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 21, 1896, Image 3

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The Daagoi is Averted by Using
ly lorly years sco. after
some weeks of sickness, mv h:iir
turned pi-jty and bcg:m falling out
so ninjiily that 1 wus threatened
with nnnifdiatc baldness. Hearing
Ayet's Hair Vigor highly spoken of.
i cwuiiiieiii'.ei liiurr 1 1 1 i u
ticn, nnd was so well satisfied with
tlie result that I have never tried
iny other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated n new growth of liair, and kept
tbe scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs.- II. M. Haight,
Avoca, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
D3. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A."
Ayer's Sarsapurilla Itemovea 1'lmplct,
Here and There.
Qeo. Miller was up from Dooftlas to
day. The Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood
for eale. " 37-If.
Will Mallory ia down from the saw
mill today.
Brooe Hnirjes was Id town from Eitfhr
Mile yesterday.
Qeorpe Barker got back from Ditoh
creek on Wednesday.
A. 0. Carle and Ashbel Labue were
up from lone on Wednesday.
Ben Oppenheitner. a traveling man
from Portland, is in Heppoer today.
Drink the oelebrBted J. H. Cutter
wtjiKkpy. On tap at Otiris Borobers'.
The families of Will Kirk and Joe
Hayes have returned from tbe mountains.
8. E. Mxre and wife, from lower
Ei(jl;t-Mile, were in Heppner on Thurs
day last.
Tbe "Kik" nines will play a matob
same of ball on tbe school bouse grounds
A large number of the Ditch creek
oumpera are expected borne today and
Mrs. A. A. Uoberts returned from a
few days spent at tbe Ditob oreek oxmpg
on Wednesday.
Harvesting is in full blast in most
parts of Morrow couuty, but tbe grain
h not first quality.
Tbirty-two-forty, Winchester rifle-
mod le, 1894. A beauty. For sale by
P. C. Thompson Co. "
From Bev. bchalsa.
In a note from Rev. Sobulse of Sbedds,
Oregon, addressed to this paper, we are
informed that bis daughter, Miss Atbal
iab, baa returned borne from ber trip to
California, where ebe spent three months
in the hope that a change ot climate
would benefit ber health. She is not
doing as well as ber friends hoped. On
ber return from California ebe weightd
ninety-six pounds, but tbis has gradually
decreased nntil she now weighs bot
eighty-three pounds. The family bave
determined, for ber sake, to move to
Southern Oregon, and tbe authorities of
tbe cnoferenoe. the presiding elders, bave
oonoloded to send Bat. Sobulse to tbe
extreme southern part of the State.
Miss Atbaliab goes at once to Ashland,
and will remain there nntil conference,
which meets at Bisebnrg on September,
24. at whiob time Mr. 8o.hi.lse will be
given a new charge. Their friends in
Heppoer bope tbat tbe change will prove
beoefioial to Mies Atbaliab, an1 that she
may be speedily restored io health.
Alfred Biisch, representing Clopset &
Devers, of Portland, whs m Heppner yes
terday taking orders for his firm.
F, A. Merzie, traveling freight agent
of tbe N. P. R. R , was in Heppoer tbis
week securing business for bis road.
Tbe infant child of Alvnh Mikeselldied
on Tuesday and was buried in tbe
Heppner oemetery on Wednesday.
Frank Gilliam and family and S. S,
Hornor and family returned from the
Ditob oreek cinopa on Sunday. They
secured large quantitiesof buokleberries
Owing to overstock and lateness of tbe
season, we will close ont the balance ot
ou' brush und graxs scythes and swaths,
at cost, for oash. P. C. Thompson Co,
Mayor Pennoyer and tbe Portland
business men are having a lively time
l'he Mayor does not appear to be running
affairs to suit tbe business portion of tbe
Rev. C. R. Howard and J. J. Adkins
departed Tuesday evening for Dyton,
Washington, to attend the annual ood
ferenoe of tbe Methodist Episcopal
Utiurcu, ttoutn,
Hick Mathews is still at the old stand,
next door to the post offioe, where h is
prepared to do anvtl'ing in bis lin.
Shaving, bair cutting' baths' etc., at
popular pi ices. tf.
T.-M : Jaok Lake, baggage master
on the Heppner branch of tbe Oregon
Railroad and Navigation Company a
lineoamo op on tbe local today from a
visit to tbe coast
J. A Woo'ery was np from line today,
Heading will be flnixhed in that locality
this week, when tbresbiDg will bfl com
menoed. Wheat will not turn out very
well, and it is badly shriveled
Mrs. E. Carter, a thorough nurse of
many years experieuoe, is now located in
this oity. Anyone desiring tbe benefit
of her services oan secure tme by leav
iug orders at tbe home ol Ueorge Hup
ley. otf.
lit v. E. V. Greene repof's from Condon
l... . I. t : . , . . i. I
n. . . a p- mHt tucy me iihviuk h genu ieauuura
U Ty rlOIGI Dai I inutile at that placi. He e xpeote to re-
HI' II U"'n III tiujn w,,,fj in ymyw
st the Methodist Epiaoopul Cburoh on
J. din Zillinger was down from hit
rooiiiitnin erntti Wednesday. He has
been picking quite a large quantity of
huckleberties this season, which be has
bad no trouble dlsposiug of at a fair
I rice to tbe people io town,
Maroiia Amee. the chief of police of
the city of WiilU Walla, Washington.
died last Sunday night after an illness
f three days with inrUtnatioo ot tbe
bowels. He was an eflktant officer and
respected citizen ot tbat place.
Charley Jones, the well-known "old
timer in the tnnsorlal line, baa again
lorutod in Heppner, bsvir.g purchased
Oreen Mathews' shop, Minor building
Koae Hat Ayrrs at the World's rair I opoonile the city boiL Charley will
Ayer'a Bamaparille snjoya the extreoi- appreciate a call wneo id town
dlnarv distinction of having lieen the onlt J. W. Morrow ia bating Ma honre e-
M.A nnriA.r allowed an exhibit at lhe U''""- Ijf'M la ooillg III wora
6ix weeks ago I suffered with a very
severe cold; was almost noable to speak.
My friends all advised me to consult a
physioian. Noticing Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy advertised in tbe St,
Paul Nnlks Zfitnng I proon'ed a bottle
and after taking it a short while was en
tirely well. Inow most heartily reonm-
remend to this remedy nDvnne suffering
with a cold. Wm.Keil, 678 Selby Ave ,
St. i aul, ' Minn. For sale by Censer &
Bock. ,
Ian Maclaren's New Story.
Ian Maclaren's new tbort story, the
last be will write until after bis Amer
ican visit, has been seoured by the Ladies'
Home Journal, for publication in tbe
October and November issues. It is
called tbe "Minister of St. Bede's," and
is said to tie in the brightest and clever
est Maolarenesqne vein. Besides its
charm as a delightful romanoe, tbe story
is said to be notable for tbe admirable
character that the author has created for
tbe chief pereouBge the Minister of St.
Bede's, as tbe loyal lover ot an bumble
Scotch lassie.
Catarrh Cored,
Henltb and sweet breath seoured, by
Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prioe 50c.
7 .,:
Cadets Appointed.
In the competitive examination ot ap
plicants for appointment te West Poiot
and Annapolis, held in tbis city last
week and oonoloded Saturday evening,
Ed. W. Johnson won ibe West Point
honors, and bis brother, Hnntiogton
Johnston, won tbe appointment at Annap
olis. Botb are resideuts of Portland.
The alternates, those receiving the seo
ond highest atandiug, were Clarenoe B
Sewall, of Portland, for West Point, and
Darcey 0. Bard, of Piedmont, for Annap
olis.' Tbe two successful young men will
receive their respective appointments
after standing a second txatmunticu
at the schools wbioh they desire to
Filed for Probate ia the Kaltnomah Comity
The will of tbe late Colonel Louis
Fleiscbner was filed for probate in tbe
county Coort, at Portland on Saturday
of last week.
The doonment bears date of execution
April 28, 1892, and in the disposition of
the 8712,000 estate, tbe deceased pro
vides, among other things, for tbe estab
lishment of a new eleemorynary institu
tion for Portland. To the First Hebrew
Benevolent Sooiety, of wbioh the de
ceased wns president for twen'y-fivu
yenrs, be gives fifteen acres ot land, to
be selected by the extcnters of the estate
and to be used fur the purpose of erect
ing a hospital, an orphan's home, or an
asylum for the indigent, as may be
denned best.
The executors of tbe estate are Sol.
Hirsoh, I. N. Fleisohner and Marcus
Fleisobuer, tbe latter two gentlemen
being nephews of the deceased.
The appraised value of the estate ia
$700,000, oonsistmg of real and personal
property in Multnomah -county. The
interest in the firm of Fleisobner &
Mever, beld bj Colonel Fleisobner, is
bequeathed to bis nephews, I. N. and
Marcus Fleiscbner.
To Jaoob Fleischoer, bis brother, be
devisez an annuity of $250 a manth as
long as be lives. Three nieoes of tbe
deoeased are given $50 a month eacb,
and at the expiration of twelve years,
tbe nieoes and nephews, children ot a
sister, are to get $10,000 eaoh.
The real estate owned by the deoeased
at Third and Morrison streets is to be
left intact until after the death of I. N.
Fleisohner, Marous Fleischner, Emma
Goldsmith, Lily Davie, an dHattie Blum
auer, tbe same to be equally divided
among tbe obildren ot the persona
All other real estate owned by tbe
deceased is to remain unsold for twelve
years, and at tbe expiration of that time
the property, together witb the accumu
lation ot rents and tbe inoome from all
property ia to be divided equally among
tbe five persona named. To tbe First
Hebrew Benevolent Sooiety is devised
tbe nucleus for tbe establishment ot a
benevolent institution.
Tbe exeoutora are to serve without
To stockmen.
All peraone are warned not to drive ol herd
any mock upon the land of the undersigned,
o wit: the Knt half of the north-west quarter
of section 34 In T 2 8 R26 E. Trespassers will be
prosecuted. H. E. H alloc.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Julia A. Farrel, 1 laiutllt',
Samuel I Gerklnc Martha
A. Corking, James U Mm-
amakeranil Maria E. Nun-
amaker. I'efendants.
To Samuel I. (Jerking and Martha A. Gerkirg,
two of the above-named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day ot September, IS'Hi;
nd you will take notice that if you fall to
ana er or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before the said 7th day of September, 1SH6, the
Planum aoove named, lor want inerpoi, win
apply to the abovo entitled court for the re.ief
praven t r tn the complaint men l tins suit,
to-wit: For personal decree against the defend
ants Samuel I. Ocrkiiigand Mnrtha A. Oerking
for the sum of $ri:!7 50 with Interest thereon at
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from April 1st,
ls;u, and the 5'im of 50 0) attorney's fees, and
the costs and disbursements of Bald suit; that
yie court shall decree that the mortgage execut
ed hy Raid Samuel I. Jerking and Martha A.
(Jerking to the Lombard Investment Company,
dated tlie 2Ld day of March, lux!), upon the fol
lowing neseiluea real property in Morrow
con ty. Oregon, to-wtt: the south half of the
north east quarter, the south 25 acres of the
north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of
section No. '22, in township No. 3 south, and
range No. 24 East of Willamette meridian; and
also the west half of the north-west quarter of
section No. 13, and the north half of the north-
eaxt quarter of section No. 14. in townRhip No. 6
soutn aim range rso aitastoi nuiameite inenn-
ian ; which mortgage is now owned by plaintiff:
which Raid mortgage was recorded outhe'-'6th
dny of March. 1889. at page 134 of Book "D" of
the Records of Mortgages in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow county. Oregon, shall
De foreclosed, and the said real property sola,
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
the payment to plaintiff of the above named
sums of money; that all of the defendants, and
all persons claiming and to claim by, through
or under them, or any of them, shall be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate,
interest and lien, at law and In equity, and
especially of all equity of redemption, in, to
and upon every part of said real property; and
that plaintiff shall have general relief.
This Summons is published pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above
entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, ou the 13th day of
July, lS'.iti.
f fcE, UAKIHK, 11 A 1 L a I X AUSTIN,
457-70. Plaintiff's Attorneys.
you r
You will find one coupon
Inside each two ounce baa;
and two coupons inside each
four ounce bagof Blackwell'a
Durham. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives at
list of valuable presents and
bow to get them.
Changein Business ill Around 2
ED. R.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Where They Bet.
McKinley Bill, with Napoleon eye,
Pays "Bryan let's drink some Llnwood Rye;
We meet as friends, my words are few
1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Bryan says, in a Joking manner,
"I wonder if that's what's the matter with Ilanna
That's horse and horse, you funny feller
When I see my wife I am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an
And they drank some more good Llnwood Rye.
Hold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon, E.
Q. Soerry, Prop.
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
Liquors and Smokabl
ars. Call on Ted.
At tbe Mrtlnidlst Kpisrcipal Chun-h.
Regular services at tbe M. E. Cbarcb
next Huoday, Aaxnat 'ZU, by tbe pastor.
Probationer nnable to attend last Son
day will be received iuto church fello.
ship. These are the last services of this
conference year, and a full attendance
of oar members is rtqnested. All are
E. r, aunt!.
A MiKlnlry Club.
The alteutioD of all those ht rewttd
io tbe sncceis i.t tbo cause f protection
to Auitirioitn loduhtriea is oalied to a
meelitg to be LlIiI at tlie opera bouse on
tomorrow, Saturday evening, for tie
purp'itenf making peicoaneut tlieorsn-
iZ'iticn of a McKinley Club. Meeting
at 8 o'olix'k. Let ttiete be a Inrge tu'n
out. pa it if iltcind to oemtuetjoe tbe
aotive woik of the enrr pnigii at otco.
World'a fair, Uliiengo, Monofacturera
of other aarsaparillHS son'hl t7 every
meeaa to nbUio a showing of tbeir goods,
but they were all tarred away uodfr tbe
an nitration ot lb rule forbidding the
v "
entry of patent medift.det and hoatrorus.
Tbt decision of the World's Nlr antbo-
ritirs io favor ot Ayrr'a Karasparilla was
in effeot as follows: "Ayer'a Harsapa-
rilla ia Dot a patent medicine. It du
not belong to the lit of Doatrotnt. It ia
bere oo its rurit."
He Karaol His lhaaer.
A retorted traveler telle tbia story:
Ia MitiUll. Hotilb Iiakota, tramp
silting on ibe di pt .Uifrm, aald to Lis
peitor: 'I am geltteg tired of II, ia ('
bnsiort li s twen lire "op Lou,
free laneb, free elepttg end fret fy- nsrnetsiitig falna r-f
hi... t ti U list s.ilvf. I am tir4 I 'or-d t ago
cl the whole business. What I want te
eroll.lrig Io do. I wi4 to i lo work
and bo I bae ao fcurh fir? laxee.'
A travelleg tno who verb ard lb e0'
viatli aaid t ifca tran p: C oo
ant gl joar dinf. A mn no mi
n.skaat'fb Ilka that (gM Io bave
Ilia Ulnoef.'
and It is an ettclli'ot lob, wbirh adds
runnb to tba atiractiveneaa of Ibe Internr
of Mr. Morrow's) residence Mr, Lefer
ia an artistic paper banger and decorator
I". O : Mi Ida McCnrdy and MiaaltTle
Matlfak. of l'lirllsnd. repfMentlog tbe
I'riiHi linking Powder onipat.y. are
in Hi rlty. And si a field of lodoatry
which was soiiptwed lo be the sacred
Inheritance of "tuen, and men only, la lo
be invaded by women.
Tbe nati be one jear'a tnltioo
In either id Euglih, (Vimmareiai, Hhort
hand or Trlegrapliia departments of Ibe
Holm UtKMoeee Oillege, of rorll-od.
iboMOgb bn.io.s In a first cl... f
WhatdVrtr may be t'ne oause ol blauoh
log, lha hair may he reetured to its
original cdr by the nee of that pot ut
remly. 1U11'. Viueli.lle ticiluu IJair
Matt Mugrova oame over from P'n-
dletoo Wndnesdey by private onve
ance, ami alter interviewing our mer
chant here, departed tbis umiuing (or
tbe interior ooontry.
8. 8. Horner depnited last evei.ii.g for
Psker City. In look up a iicw locatino
lie will protintily visit Idaho and Alon-
taoa.aDd it i not bamy Ibat tin will
retoro lo llcinner. We wili blrn
Condon Olobe: The father of a bride
groom skipped a wedding the other (Uy
at Aneielope by rising when Ihe clergy
man aekad tf any ona knew Iil cua
why the marriage sbunld riot uka place
ami aaboonoiog thai bis sou was al.eudy
The bair. wbea not pmiwrly eared for,
batee Ha Instr. beeomee rrisp, barwb.
and dry. ard (alia enl freely with every
eebing. Tn prevent Ibia. Ibe twal
dreaaiag ia tbe market le Arer'e Uir
Vigor. II Imparta Ibat silky gktaa ao
nd by virtue of an exerutlon issued out
of the clrruit court of the Slate of (irexou, tor
the County ot Morrow, on June In, iw.si audio
me direrte l and del vered, upon a Judiimeut
rendered and entered In said court on the Hll
dsv of May. IH'.mS. In favor of Hi-nry I'ailliern
flaliuin, ami Againsi n linniiinaii.il n un
man and J 11. Morsn, Dvlenrlauts, lor the Sinn
ol I wo Hundred and Fifty Dollars with interest
thereon from said 4th day of May, 1'1. at the
rateot ten per rent per annum and Twenty
rive Dollars attorneys tecs and the rosts ami
arrruli a costs; and. wherea , hy said Judgment
it was ordereil and KdJiidK d that the lollowtiuc
real property, to-w It: the Northwest quarter n
hrnnn inirtcen in inwnsiiip iwo r.)
lie sold ti satisfy said judnnioiit, Costa and c
criitug costs 1 will, on
Saturday, 19th day of September, 1090,
t 11 o'clock A. M., nf said day, at the front door
of the court housetu Heppner. Mn'ro County,
(ireicii, sell the rlulit. title and Interest ol taiil
rli'li'iKUnts II. D. human. II Vi hitman and i,
H. Morsn In and to the alaive .ti'.-rtlr,t n utt
erly at I'uhlle Auction to the hiKhet ami In-st
htdtlcr for cash In hsiid, the proceed totKiap-
iilleiltolhfl sattslartlnll of Said eierlillnu, st
omey s lee and all rust and costs thai may
accrue. a I. siih,
Hlierirrnr Morrow ( "nut), ureaou.
Dated this Jlst day ol Aug. l"4s. m il.
A of Oregon for Morrow County.
Eliza K. Owens, l'laliitill',
Frank H. Bentse, Mary J.
Bentie, his wife, Lewis J.
fchewrieh and
Sehewrieh, his wife, Defendants.
To Frank H. Benfre and Mary J. Bengo, two of
the nefennauts.
in the name nf the State of Oregon, yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint llled against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September. 1KS6:
and you w ill take notice that If yon fall to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before said 7th day ol tSeptemDer, imirj, trie plain
HIT above named, for want thereof, will apply
to the above entitled court for the relief prayed
lor in ine complaint men in tins suit, to-wu:
for personal decree against rne aeiennams
Frank 11. Bctiire and Mary J. Benge. his wife.
for the sum of S.':tt .25 with interest thereon st
the rate ot s per cent, per ati'Mim Irom January
1st. 1S!M, and the sum ot "ilUX) attorney's fees,
and the costs and disbursements of said suit;
that the court shall decree that the mortgage
executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his
wife to the lnubard investment company,
dated the 111th day of December, 1HHH, upon the
following described real property in Morrow
county Oregon, to wit: tbe north-west quarter
of section No. '2, in township No. 2 south, and
range No. as Kst of the vu lamette meridian,
which said mortgage was recorded on the an h
dav of December. 1H: at naire M of Book "D"
of the Records of Mortgages In the olllee of the
County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, and tlie Slid real property sol
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied tn
the pavment to planum ni ma aoove namea
sums of money; timt allot the defendants, and
all nersons clalinlnu and to claim hy. through
or under them, or any of them, shall ne forever
barred and loreclosed ol all ngni, line, estain.
Interest and lieu, at law and in equity, and
especial!) of all eqiiitvol redemption, III, to and
upon every part ot said real properly; ana that
plalntlll shall have g ral relief
ins n tuitions is puniiHiicfi ptirsuani vt orucr
of Hon Stephen A Lowell. Judge, i f thealmva
entitled court, made at ('handlers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, on the l.lth dav of
July, ix'i'i.
4.".7 Jn. Plaintiffs Atlorneya.
Wholesale Slaughter Pre
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
(tiale of Ohio, Cut r.f T 'fiT, I
tWaa Ctr.te,
Kfeak i. lVtf ul t-th that be
ta t'be e.i'f artMf f lh f"n ' v. J.
rb-l A Co.. !' la'.a a lh rt
of T"lr. roai.ly at 4 ' af I.
aaJ lhl ll fl'ta .! VI I1'
(U Man !r. J 1 ..!,. f- f ! a 4 vt
rt.. f ( 'h l at im I e if. I bf
tha ox tf It. US lM'b
J ( rar.
Hsntt la " il " '
Hit rr.tv, bm 6 4 "f -rlf,
A. II. I". A v ft....,
(Het s r "
llaife C' H ('! !" io'ail
aa. art .!' y I'." - - I
at aartare .1 tr !t- ,"-lf."t
sVatint'-aiaU, f ,
I J rf t (
JlTftaaU l rtiOg-.-'a.
oolli sliotilj tee IbtOtistle twl-ire 1 1-
log Mow. If
Mr, Nathaniel Mnrlonaoa, well
sliowo ci'i-o of IshtieiPlnf. Minhlfan,
a tij rililr f Ibe htirior l'ilo. vrba
fur a ln lima nffered from Ibe tnnet
r lakief Afer'a
rrt 'iH. bavirf nurt fell ateloftot
it t ftf,
VnJ!ela bl a hreaa no Wed
tiMlsf eet.iorf wlul Iha jsthif at
ottr. I'iv riiiera r front
Iha .nti"y by int t.fT bar la
H aio.l i f hath tooea, a4 al
!! evwr.it iby bl ! a aa
i.s Tl' 'Htift )ra CX Ma.
John K. iliabam. VA. IliiU-r, laaaa HoJ
l.a at4 l-ait W a"a.
utt tmmnlrruil, im say j ljmrnt.
whtll.'r fA t.'i gntrr rwirM nmf
I ar f I fniM A hirtg nr '1
II l.iih'r kr ti-wnf rf.t a mm fr
frtt ir.- t rlmrt frvm " "
' . ... ...II m 1 .
II ft i,N J if fia I" l ifiswr
trKH'ilfll'l lh III.' i a bill tnt
a.r riiitirufM,
T. Hef tier Milliaf Caapaof era
nt lost " " I" Dims im.ini "hi-
,.'li. Hart Idaaiina- !' wmm -
..if Im V' " Hta " ' ,s
Rima , i , Holt el hv nf !'
j hi t. fi i t iet lbt lb
Mr i..l b a We M aM'
e f.aef f r tb a i l a'-lf lb ar
..t ,. a.l euil - a aal ta'int la
t.a M lb r.iir f
1 U I'.iL C.r t i. l. . Al II. IMe
i ilbH t ' . !'rf I. ,
rk..ts.f -.riae1. ,l-lheiw
An,!.... '.! f . I .
i of Oregon, lor the County o( Uorro.
Kalph U Bcngc. I'lalnliir,
Katie D. Retire, Dcfen.Uiil.
To ksll ). Hi te, ' eleii 'snl
I i tb name of th Mat of Oregon, yon are
hereby re.iilret to appear and an.aer the coin.
id a I i,l niri against you in Ine iie euti'im
suit on or befnt tlie first day of lbs net rt sular
lenn I the above entitled court, tu-all .
Monday. Mplamaar 71k. I8B0,
and If you tall In alisaer of other Im pVsd. for
a aul ll,e,e.,i ti,a piainiitr am apply In Hie
ale enlllliw) court lor drerea dlwdiliigH
marriage lemda now vslatlug llecn ou il
himself, and ludgmrtit airali .t sou hr lb
rots and dlloira-niaiits ni it,ts suit
1 hi summons Is published ly outer of lln
Slrlihen . lell. poire ! the eteeillt roiirt ol
Oregon lor Ui ttte Judii lal dlstrb t, date.1 Jmy
in1. IV It r, ir.
t:. . Attorney b.r 1'iaii.utT
avoTi'-i l liraaar uh tiut bv
i 1 -lrloe iat a will of tr'ill'n XmurA mil (
th Clerk offlra ol tb t Irrult I ixirt ol Iha
atai of itreff-o for Mnrrw c.iiinfy, mler tbe
el Ihemtf, awl tn s Stri and dell.rr
,ia a de- te renders and "rw In said
l nurl on Iha Mb day t Man h. I" s In ( l
rrans Hsfferinan, Harvt.ar M lftit4ld In.aat
lntil mnlRf . as plalntl", n1 a.l al II-.. y
tde, h...y A. Wale, t'k ! t.'iaod. It
lnr, J. M, Sl-notia, r I. Sl.ii,,. frai.a
laai,m atnl Ibiffti field as rtl-dai,t.
aervbf Iha plaint did fawn, a arr.,.,al
derna Iflhat Iha dl"ndanl. If nry st t.i
haiHT A Wa le P- th sum a a in,
laeaat tlafan at lb rat nf a bmf rt, I an
turn II.H. Iii.llh ,1a, ol Man h. I I Iti
nail snt diat-itniamant tl4 at !'. and
Ifnl'f It Baa 4. that Iha atirflf.f. ta-t
nt, tha l'h day of Mat- l, te.i4(d t.f lnr
ladand haw? A ISada tn th lnad I.
IM1m.nl I naifanf and no a "! by Iha ..lain
It UNI. Iha tinlna Inf Itaa4 frmi .t.w1f
. Mirffia I Mi.tr lfr.,t. ti alt Iha a. nth
aaat inartef nf a.tlna n s In 1i,.i.Mi an f
will a, ,4 Uaia Ha f. tut i4 Si .a-w ta
Ma a"a In
nr.ia 114 lew Hi Ilea ..,-!, in '""',,..,,, all..n ....al.,f
Ililt l II. e-iviei iar i.tprrier i
t,tpWr (J-aUa bat aaal Irom Una
(nlfit hit
Wm. (lorrloO fiea at b't ttahlt Jol
tai.r Iha tiaselta ffl a 'try Meal aa1
alraly flnlaba.1 U4it' aa44l, i f Falera
ajanafa-!"", f"" ' f"' tb at a !
Ren' 1 h tad II ha ! tAAm
tarv lill'a atiil I .all!lv aa a-nndl aa
A.a eairn( aiel. a d1l
sboql l fall aal tlaiBina aan tef It
e ,ai lata. .
"A If a lri I'iad la tny
tUtuarb," M He d.afll la
bm-.'M of b e fiA after lf
The rae eloaej al Ralia, Mnnlana
on haiarilay. alter a rtrrf ul ml of
teait lour daa. It la atata Ibat
Bullma end a unstler dollara tait
Ibrous-U lb (kkI t la durln Iheranr.
Tbt rae-aj lergan at llelaa na vtfluee
day, tbe 13tb oil., I t Ut lamlsyt
J. M. Ilra-lrn M loading CflaaO rate of
haep ti-lsf, aitilrh arllt It ahlpfn-l not
It Cbieayi lnsi'nm tanraiug via lb
Nnriha'O I'aeifle. Mr. Orada on
fortuoata la loatnf sl 'a a aaiolisr ol
sheen hll Ihat ra lie ma bfentfll In
f, .1. .nanlntf nn l llil..,s nf I tnarldlaa. .ln fc.nlnn
. w r "1 "r " ..r. . I ho.'. I""l n ul Iha amlh.nl .rfn. .rf aa' I
ai a la "I
t. .hud Bm"ara a as la.rf lH a t a
iial das irf Mat. at Ms' a .-s " " "I
th a-f-t i4 M'.saa In Iha nl-l nl II a
I nlf I ial af Mnima I n.,.y INa-n sh...
ha ..a Uaat and tha at't eai rn-lt .i'i t y
Iha .Mill nf Helena I ntit, lln.in l all.'t
Sal Jnnsmant and a! nala th.rl.na I a.i.
a aamidar. th k da , nf i 1, l a al
Mare.ll. th lirtaiws M thai A.., at tha
4,mt n Ina as h.oa In It, rr 4
H. sne I ,a ..n a O all Iha llaM tita tl
ari.n na a hi. a ium4 A. Ia.ta-.l.an4 ad
fan... riaifwl f na In 1. 1 a h. II h.-,,i,
MH Iha, n. any nl IKani, I '! an ll.a IMa
4. 10I May l ta n than ha.a 14 ax. a
ha. . .nf a, It,. .Im,. d.l.M ! S.
a.. .4ff tad ni" al y.! ! a
lAlirt Kifin miii I ff.i. I. tMt y..
n-ttl.4'.u'. Im la f . n a
al n4 il i-"'
M .,H leh 4.) at l-l ,H !
I. Sill" K
as. v aiia M at.i'.a i 1 -a
ffutict Of InttntiQU.
in thk rincnr cui'itror thkbtate
I of nifKoii lor Morrow Couuty,
Tbo Nortli rn I ouiitles
liivestui tit I rust. Mm
llcil, a Coriioratinn,
Cecelia lay lor. P). H KltiR,
N. M Mi Ib e and J. C.
'I boltisoll. lleli-udants
Tot eeella 1nbir. . M. KIuk ami N. It. Mcllee,
Ihlee ol tbe above nslned di-lfttdallts.
lutliei.nl d tbe Mule of I iri'noti, yon art
herehv teoiilti'd to sidH-ar and ansa er Ibe rom
s.l ul nt Hied "sln.t von In Ibe slxive etililli-d
snl' on or le lore tbe tit. I dsy ol tb' nest r. yjiilur
lertu of tlie whole untitled i-ourt, vu:
The 7th Day Ol September, 1899,
and you alii In til tintl.e tbat If you fall to
au.aer or other w lae aidiear In aatd eourt on or
l-lorn the said ,tll dan of fetdeinlier. !. lb
.In 1 nl 1 1I above named, for aatit tbereof. alll
a..ly t tbe alaive entitled rourt toy Ibe relief
l.t-ved lor Hi the einnpiniiil nieo in mis sun,
beall: 'nr HTniial di-rriaiatalii! tb rtelen
nl. n-rlla lavlur, Im Die sum of ;, I , alth
Inleie.t tberixiii at Ibe lal ol S t-er eeol. tmr
annum In in Ibe .'Hh day of Jun, l'l, and tb
eiat. and dt.biiraeMieiiis nf said suit; ttial lb
riMirl aball di-etee thai tba nnoteas eseruled
br Ibe said l'e-elia Tailor In tba liinl-jtd III.
vn1tueul ( nlitfliy.dnl"l lbeSidarof Hnvetil-
ler, v, U"n tb lolloaliiif deaer'laMl real
,r,,)M-rty in M'ifiii t oiiitty, ureanii, to all
I be tuxith ball ol Hnrlbeaat (iitarter atnl Mnrlh
aa.t iiar1ar ol Norlliea.t iiiarter letrvpt ten
(.'in in a sn'tare t'litn in aorinri eirtier
tbf-renfl and emitbeaal il'tartel nf Nortli
loaelry n a.ll -tl 1 en. Ill Ina tiablli te North,
liai'K J amir n r.at, in tna w inaiiieiie
mi'ih'.lan ahhb aabl luorieae a a. re-irle
nil the I .th das of Nn.einla-r. Ia III IhaiS "ll
mi II. I?. U and II. ol th Hemyls of
nmrtaaa-ra in ilion,a 1.1 ina onniy i irta ni
Mom, a t mtntr, llretfnn, shall ha Inrerltaied,
and the aatd real rnarly Sold nd lb UMa-ats
ol sin h ale In In a,,itt ta th ffmi Ul
lalutlfl ,.l the ataiva named sums til mmiayi
hat all of th defendant and all tni, lalm
In titmuiftt nr undey tbrm, or any nf lliem.
shall In Inretar lekiiad and fnfe. hMHl of
n.hl til,, eatata. Inlera.t and lian al la a and
In ixiHt, and all rniiy nt r-dntt.Hy. In and
, and ii-.n ! M't nt aald leal plfa-ltf
1 his H.,miiii,M la ynihh.hed bursuaiit loan
ntdt id flnn aie.hrll A l.aell, Jndf n th
la.ie i,lHie. rMiiv made at rhamharm, lavlt
Inn. t n,i.ia ( nnhly, tni-fni, .n th ynh day
id !. !,. runs iinv.,
.. 'i.. Att'-lt'.is b'f I'laliillrT.
Gilliam & Bisbee- t
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
wb are not tde Largest jnercnants ia (ill, world j
s s But when the peoplt ol all the surrounding country are In need ot s
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery wsro, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwtra,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pip Httlng!, Stoves and Ranfet, Wagons,
Hs'ks, BunKlt. Wsirnn Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Bawt. Sled jet,
Wedfret, Guns, Pistols, Cartrldgei and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Oran
Hewart, Plows, Harrows, Kokes; Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillert
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We have Good Goods at Fata Prices, and Cheap lolin Goods at Chop John Prices.
GILLIAM & BIS13153i,
J. C. UOJCr-IlCKS. Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens Supplies, Etc.,
lAnd Wants Your Trade!
He will rattko it ao otgVct for you to trade itb
Lim m hit tiricoa are riht, and all good tbat be
haudliJi are of tbe very Im-hL
Stork on aMain Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Hoppncr, Oregon.
Tlct ' a4 lb vmmmt4 (
u rn f ltd ' a. If yet, fcata il.
1st Khalr llitfaallta !ldil.
J..-3 Mily Ih't syas.-'rrtw, bal all U a
is item. . ih.li,.i.-a are utf
fihakaf UffaaMr l'..i.ial,
rVi mar. f tnalis ot ta tare I hi sit
.a.a'f. Irslyoas l.l ril I n'M
enraat3l, Iwaaa aaly l l at
e asshph. y.ataial. en I Mwalifle otf.
I X 1 II t If t IT i ..I r 'f THK eTAtr.
f nt t,nt..n l K-,ih,B mmly,
I lata A I i.i ii. I i.lMtlfT,
w..ii. ii !. i,.,t
.., I.I. all- I n .
hnn tw:. a S...n,
1 1 a it i a N ,l.. I.
!. . h . I II
J la l. I..I.M I H am a
aid - - lii-aa, Li
ale ln.'an.at,!a
In I ii.t.ia ! ( a"d I. II ,(hr. laa al II,
i i. ,11 n-l . i.t
I , ! Ha d li ( nt .. tnssts
y.i'',l l'i i'ld eil'l.! and ansa, th ea
a. .1 y, t ...Hit f In It. a anllt .d
i s il n trf I',, lh iin day fat aa.niai l.
I at. I , I .1.1 lata n -'l-a thai if tna tall In
a -f .n ... a imm .,vr in ani l . an
I at... aald "th da, at a.wUl -a. th
r:al-..9 a'.. .-! aant ILaiwal aid
,.,t,.ll.ilMi ..l,l'd I.IKafvltH
...t In la II. n.e nlid S d ta It.t ,lt
h. a II S-a- nt.an.l n' asal'Md th dafand
anl lit ,ia ... I I, II IfH.M I, M
.lh(l,,Ml; 1 Si la ,.l.a4 Itl4.a .1
ti,. i.i..4l,.iil l ,(,. If.na Mania
l.l i. 1 aiih I a ..la. tt nfna teina
!. a IH inrl. .4 II. .,ni .a altran, S
l a a. I li. .-d A ..,. nn M a4
...ii i al t -. ..,i n.ni II al iha aMf.
a., , . l il . a . I M'."'a ll I.- ff n4
I. , ! , I.. - , . -d In.aalwl
.i,'. 1 II t i H l M ItOmi) I
I . I , a . I- I I. a m In M:t
l.,f , .i a . la ! I.HI M
I a -r- : . , .-.. .M Ii. . l I.a I iA I
a ' 1 ' .n n a hi. Il
. t ...-. .-I i a l i n ih at.
a---a i. .1 " . ,t 'a a aa
l ...,-!-l ..,ll4.ttN I a
I 111 I i '. . ts.ia., a
I. ..,.! I s W.ma m..i.
! WW W stCaV. W X ajaaTJai JKTitaa AJ
tMrai4 loC. a. Vsa I n. a. Htsl dnot ta City HoUL
Hos everything in the lino of Fresh Groceries,
Cnndies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery,
Lamps und Tin wore.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty.
a? ? iiu - -a.i.,4 4 m.i nfinii nt mm
t J I 0 f.. - r-'. W I A M M aa. M te. I 11 1 1 I II i J I II II
-rrrrT't.i i i i im -. . i .11 i 1 f K K H I I
t i4 - . - - -! I IIIJII XXllVl
ta. mi - -!"-' 4 t BllUllBIMIf
II it'lh, H 'rna.1t,i lr.. . a. -a t - -4 t 4 M 1
MTU t t
f4 It- -t
t4 r '( m4 I
! ii- r 4 n9
j M i I Tot m l M.i,
t I f H I J tW T f I ik
- f f'Y a !$
WIT 1 1
Vouro HOUND to 'l'akoMCin.
In.iun' ahalaf I $ ! I A al
Tt. Tt ntn
sit ti- lrfia
'n l, aa'ii. saianii i.(
iw I . ' 'sl
I i '1.1 I l.a )!, r.fcl,.l. I l
... t' '' til IU 'I -' "s.
H .i I d .,,'. I'tee ta .,' I
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... ,. I.-.. t I m
. .u. -'tat' Iw
an t tn.t.a. f
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I e t- 'h