E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA .. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Lvery 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBTJRT, GeD. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obkqon QDIOK TUVXXJ : TO iStin Frnnolsoo And all point in I'aHrVirnle. via the Mt. Bhast root of the Southern Pacific Co The (trout hiehway through California to all point Mwt anl Mouth. Hrand Honnln Route of tha Paolfio Oiast. Pullman UnCfet UlMuara. 8eoond-olaae Hltxtper Attached tosxprasa traina, attordin- superior eoonmiBodatinna for emmnd-iilaae WMwrianra. For rates. tioknU. limping ear reservations, boo, mu upon or anareae R KOEHI.KK, MaiiHKor, E. P. ROGERS, Ant Oeu. F. A P. Aid, Portland, Oregon IP BUB OSCCLATORY OBSERVATIONS A. Plao Where They May Made with Profit. Be Klaelna; Bum Bio so the Pier Whew Big Ocean Steamer Cornea In. and Joy Kei(aa Gnconflnea. REPUBLIGflN PLATFORM. -TO TUB- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VII THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Cullman Palart Slwpera. Touilai HlpcMri and Pros Kwllnlng Chal' Canl'AILV lo Chicago. Man houri eared vis thlt line to Kaatern Point. STEAM HEAT. PlNTSCH LIGHTS L.OWKMT HATICM. H. 11". BAXTER, (7,n Awnt, J'ortlantl, Orrgnn J. I. 11AHT, Agrnl, llrypner, Oregon Scientific American Agency for i W 9 r i lis. T I'J f ciwirt. Mi m JZj Til A d aaaaia. ' j a.. -1 1 arhakWBiiuvM - t tt.'-n.aO-a aM trmm a a n't au Hi x e mt atai.at. Ma , IM hmr f . aM-wrtttf ttnl. la A w.-ft'-a. MI.M ., lt . M M-M.ahl farl. a iMlrit) 17 a a. . In ul awn la ibe Scientific tucriraa aaa) !- rt-w-.itf t luMfMM s.aa-11 t mM Us fktlh. H. l tto Ij . 1 6 ft VJW lwffeCUf CIIIOAOO. Iwatiiiee & SI. Paul R'g 1 ! mw. v-, . 1 1 Lr Glanco nt this Map HlUltlnti Kl'ti.U tM t fe-l tall at A Mi l"a iia auk a. I I'awaa t.x.'al Ilk. 1 1 rnl iM , IM HMlMIUimMIt ((lkl4 tr i j 1 1 . Ia r.iaal a li hi am M With 1 ai lawk a Wh aa a avow ravla( teste. timn.i.(.t ee IM Wat la IM av4 I'M il-x, x w.t o i It vl twin aa, w ,4 aaii i.. IM UaH. !-.... . ! 1 a,l ft-. V !.,, - t . ' " a 1 I J It' I I- t". I hiM!, ia Ia t fm Eight or wrono;, everybody hkes to see kibHing' that is.every body wbo isn't soured oo life. The night isn't equal to the act, but, nevertheless, it is a cheer ing sight. There are places in this city where every variety of oscillatory salu tation cau be witnessed several times a week. It is on the pier when some big ocean steamship comes in that this delicious drama is pluyed. It Is at the time of year when those who huve been doing Europe hie themselves homeward, and when their brothers and other fellows' brothers, their husbands, sisters and friends gather on the pier to welcome them, and, finding language inade quate, do just what Adam and Evo would have dune under similar circumstances. The end of the pier is packed with as happy an aggregation of mortals as can be found anywhere. Out in midstream is the big, black-hulled steamer. Near ly everybody on the pier is going to kiss somebody on the steamer, and vice versa, and in most instances the ex change will not be limited. Measurable expectancy makes everybody good natured. The crowd doesn't mind hav ing its toes trod upon or its elbows jostled. Pushed and pulled by panting little tugs, tho ocean leviathan, itself power less and unwieldy, crawls toward the pier. At length she gets near enough for recognitions to be exchanged. Handkerchiefs are waved frauticully. Kisses are wafted across the interven ing space. Greetings are hurled from shore to ship and from ship to shore. Everybody is in a tight place, but no body can keep still. Women ou pier and on steamer jump and clap their hands ecstatically. It takes an awfully long time to get the big steamship snug alongside of the pier. It is deliciously tantalizing to those who are impatiently waiting to rush into one another's arms, but it gives the mere spectator, who has no such reason for Impatience, time to ob serve that there are some stunning girls on board that steamship. The glow ot health is on their cheeks and the light of love in their eyes, and they look their prettiest because in the excitement they forget themselves entirely. The breeze toys with bangs, whisks veils aside and sets their hair adrift. But heir eyes nre on "Tom," or "Harry," or "Charley," on the pier, and they are ob livious to such trifles. They won't bo so to-morrow; they will be just like other girls then, but now they are dif ferent, and that very difference makes them so attructive and makes you wish thnt you were "Tom," or "Harry," or "Charley." The steamship Is made fast to the pier at last, the pudgy tugs scurry oft io search of others, the gangplank Is swung out and the race to get the first kiss begins. A man starts In the lead; he is half way down when a puff of wind lifts his list; he puusra to clutch it and loses the race. A aiierlt brunette, with hut securely moored, darts by and iu an other moment is embraced by stalwart Arms, and two spirits have "i-usbed to gether at the touching of the lips.' is or do they mind who sees It, and the spectntor looks on without coujpuno turns or conscience. In a moment the osculutory engage ment Ix'Ciunes general. It is kisses to right of you sud kisses to left of you. You can't see them all; ran't see otio- tenth of them, but the regret vanishes when you recollect that it will be prac tically re)eated two or three times a week for a mouth to conic, so thnt you can come again and see what you misaed the first time because nature limits you to one pairoreyee. All the world loves a lover or ought to and naturally the klssea which lovers exchange Interest one moat. There Is something about them the look vihlch rvoiupnniea them, the blush which acknowledges them by which thry are recognised anil claaai- fled. Hut itrriah the thought that the are the only kind of klaaee worth seeing, There su old man, with the snows of winter on his head but eternal spring io his heart, kiaars a while haired lady. And the way he dors It and the ay she rrcelaee It and returns it tells a story of mutual Uevotion and loyalty that has stood the tret of t oeeore y rare or more. and bakes you feci like Ukiug off your liab Tbra thrre are Hears be twrrn Bioth ere and thrlrc hlldrrn.end brotbrraand slaters and girls and firle awrrt and aholreome to look on, and suftlrirnt In thrmaeWra to make a misanthrope re Mao his miserable tihlluaotthy and ac knowledge I hst thrre Is genuine hanpl- nrae la tins world sud much to make life worth ll lng. Uaculatlun continues unrestrained for half an hour or more. There Is con tAgioa about It. It makre yoo frrl like kiealtif eoinrlxxly yourself. It a Ira oat prompts you to go up to some girl and any 1 "Pardon tor, but I am a stranger to everybody here eud thrre la no one to kiaa ma. IHn t you frrl sorry and won I yu try to console mT Hut the tulre of t-ohie eurlrty forbid II, ami ir lory Ui.ln i -Tom," or "thailry," or "Harry" would have eomrihmg ta aey that wouldn't be a bit plraeaht. Put If )u are of Angto-Rasoa blood I here le one eperlre of oM-uUttoei you wit nrae wMrh, lliatrad of f krltlngyuur en Jr. merely rauara ) our rtatblr Bum Ira tit Iwltih. I hat la wbra lo brerdril fiiivlfiirit etrbange "iilumiarr ." Of Pour, thrre la bo ai-muMMif fr laalr, I'ul that la a e.t nf taaie you ran't un tie mUii-I. I'nwibty ran be acquired. .. V. llrraM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. 8COAB. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar prodacers of this eoantry. The Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to Ibe production on American soil of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people nse and for which they pay other oountriea more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLBNS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and factory; to bemp, to wool, to the product of the great industry husbandry, as well as to fioisbed woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection MBHOHANT MARINE! We favar restoring the early American and conscience of their countrymen iulP0''oyof discriminating duties for the the following declaration of facts and upbuilding of oar merobaot marine and principles: the protection of our shipping interests For the first time sinoe the oivil war 'n tDe foreign carrying trade, to Amer- tbe Amerioan people have witnessed the 'can ships the produot of American calamitous consequences of full and nn- labor employed in American shipyards, restricted Democratic oontrol of the sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and government. It has been a record of manned, offioered and owned by Aoier- unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and 'cans may regain the carrying of our disaster. In administrative management foreign commeroe. it bas ruthlessly sacrificed iodispensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, The Repnblicaoi of the United States, assembled by their repreeentatalives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification ot their olaims to the matchless achievements of 30 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awskened intelligence, experience eked oat ordinary ourrent expenses with borrowed money, piled np the public debt by $262,000,000 In time of peace, fnroed an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace banging over the re demption faud, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of sucoessfol Re publican rule. In the broad effect of it polioy it bas precipitated panio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and 0 rip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production tor the Ameri can market. Every consideration ol publio satdty and individual loteresi demands that the government shall b resoaed from the bands of tbose who have shown themselves Incapable b ooodoot it without disaster at borne sud dishonor abroad, and shall be restored t I lie party whiob for 3t) years admin istered it with noequaled success am prosperity; and in tbis connection wi heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotisn and success of tbe administration ol President Harrison, TUB TABIFF. We renew and emphasize our alle- gisnoe to the polioy of protection as tb bulwark of American industrial inde pendence and the foundation of Ameri can development end prosperity. Thii true Amerioan policy tsxes foreign pro ducts and enoours(es borne industry an puts Ibe burden of revenue on foreigi goods; it seoures the Amerioan market fur the Amerlosn producer; it uphold tbs Amerlosn standard ot wages for thi Amerlonu workingmen ; it puts tbe fan lory by the side of tbe farm, and make the Amerioan farmer leas dependent 01 ni5 from rAftwMl y JTatUHM Prof. W. E. Peeks, who ed more cases than any living- Physician; bis aucceaa ia astonishing. We have heard of cases of ao years' standing liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing lost control ot Cuba and being nnable to proteot tbe property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to onmply with its treaty obligations, we believe the' government of the United States should actively nse its inflaenoe and .good offi ces to restore peace and give indepen dence to tbe island. mm -yi. -mmr mm large bot- nm. ..... ... He Ol his aosomte cure, free to any aurtererr Ibe peace and SeonrltV of the renubllC who mav aend their P. O. and Exoress address. . , . ..... We advise anv one wishing a cure to address uu mo unuuienanoe 01 us rignsrui in-1 irw.W. ll.riJiJUi,ir.l., 4 waartt., newxorc flaence among tbe nations of the eartb demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement of the navy end complete system of bar bor and seaooast defenses. aa n awi n vW IVi FINANCIAL PLANK. The republican party is unreservedly (or sound money. It oaused the enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of sppcie payments in 1879; since then every dollar bas been as good is gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure oaloalsted to debase oar cur rency or impair tbe oredit of our country. We are, therefore, opposed to the free ooioHge ot silver, except by international agreement with tbe leading oommeroisl nations 01 the world, wbioh we pledge inrselves to promote, and until snob sn iitreement oan be obtained, tbe existing gold standard must be preserved. All if oar silver sod paper ourrency now in circulation must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to mnintaiu inviolable tbe bligations of tbe United States and all ur money, whether coin or paper, at tbe uresent standard tbe standard of tbe most enlightened natioos ot tbe eartb. AS TO PKNSIOMS. The veterans of tbe Union armies dc- erve snd should receive fsir treatment md generous recognition. Whenever ursctioable they should be given prefere nce in the matter of employment snd bey are entitled lo tbe ensctmetit ot nicb laws as are best calculated to se mre tbe fulfillment ot pledges made to Lena in the dark days of the country's ,ieril. We denounce tbe prsotioe in Ibe ipiision bureau, so recklessly and un justly carried on by the present adminis tration, of red noii g pensions and arbi trarily dropping names (rum tbe role ss leserving tbe severest oondemoatioD of tbe Amerioan people. Ol'B FOttKIuM POLICY. Uur foreign policy should be at all foreign demaod and price; it diffuse I times firm, vigorous snd dignified, snd general thrift, and fouuds the strengtl " our interests io tbe western hemls- of all on tbe strength ot esoh. In It I pbere carefully watched and guarded. reasonable si plication it ia just, fair and f be Hawaiian islands should be contrail- impartial, equally opposed to foreign I - by lb United StsUa, and oo foreign control and domestic monopoly; to sro j wer should be permitted to interfere tioosl diacriruiuation and ludividus itb them; tbe Nicaragua oaoal should favoritism. Ws denounoe tbe present I built, owned and operated by tbe democratic tariff ss sn lioual, ii.jurioo I Doited States; snd by tbe purchase of lo public credit sod deetroctive to busi- D Itib Island we should secure a ores toterpriee. We demand suoti I -"ope-r sud much nseded slstloo in tbs equitable tariff on foreign Imports whirl Iodiea. come into competition with Amerioan rtl usMaoies iu Armenia have arons products as will not only furoleb adr- d the deep sympathy sod Just indigos quale revenue for tbe ororsaary ripen o of the Amrriosn people, and we be ers ot Ike ftoveroment, but will protect Ibe L'ultrd Hlalss should rxertisi. American labor from tbe degradation lo '- - ii-fi issee It can properly eiert to the wage level of other lands, bring Ibrse atrocities lo an rod. Io We ere not pledged to soy periatrial fu'sry Amrriosn reeiJeote have beea schedule. The question of rales lasl'-'P''" to Ibe graves! daogers sod praotlosl QQretioa to be eovrmed In American property destroyed. There conditions of Ibe time and of produetun . and every w here Amrrlcso citisms aod The ruling and on.tpnm:siuif prioci. Arnerlcau pwperty must be absolutely pie is Ibe protection aad develnpmeol ol pftrcted at all hatards aod at any eost. Amrrloee labor aod ioduetry. Tbrl atossoi uocrsisa. avamrr ua-wvnua a iiiui erilirmrni SOU I at- & .1 a, .11 " I We raeft Ibe Monroe doelrios la lbu it wants real I. ... , . , m imiava aiivai aula v rrainros aov rtgbl of Ibe UeiUd Histee lo give Ibe doelrios ffrci by reepoodieg to the sp peels of say American sta'e of friendly tnlrrvratton to esse of Europree en emeotimeol. We shai; sot le iolrrfrred aod stall o"t lotrrlnre with Ibe eitetmg poeeree tune i any Kurnpcao power la Ihii be(Bia.tiert, bet those pueeeioBS must "l, oa any pretest, be t lUadaxl W boprfully lrxk for ear J to theefrnt oal witbdrswal of Pani-eo powers FOREIGN IMMIGBATION. For tbe protection of tbe quality of our Amerioan oitizmebip and of wages of oar workingmen agaiust the fatal com petition of low priced labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those wbo oan neither read nor write. CIVIL SERVICE. The oivil service law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, wbioh bas always sustained and we renew oar repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FREE BALLOT. We demand that every oitizso of the United States shall be allowed to cast a free and unrestricted ballot, and snob ballot shall be couuted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. We proolaim our unqualified condem- nation-of tbe uncivilized and barbarous practice known ss tbe lynching or killing of human beings suspected or charged with orime, without process of Isw. NATIONAL ARBITRATION. We favor tbe creation ot a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences wbioh mav arise between employers snd employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate return to tbe free homestead t olicy of tbe Re publican party, and orgs the pasasgp by congress ot tbe satisfactory free homesteau measure wbioh bas already passed tbs bouse and is now pending in the senate- TERRITORIES. We favor the admission of Ibe remain ing territories at tbe earliest prsotioabls date, having dui regard to the interest of tbe territories snd tbe United States. All federal officers appointed tor territories should bs seleoted from bona fide reel- ents thereof, snd tbe right ot self-govern ment should be socorded as far as prso tioabls. We believe tbe citizen of Alas ka should have representation ia the congress of tbe United States to the end that needed legislation may be iulolli- gently eosoted. TEMPERA NCI. We sympathize with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent tbe evils ot inlemperaooe and promote mor ality. i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-; rent business conducted tor Moderate Fees. Sour Office is Opposite. U.S. patent Office Sand we can secure patent in less Umo tnaa thuse trmnt frnm Washington. Send model, drawing or pnoto., wita aesenp- tion. We advise, u patentable or not, Ires 01 5 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. i 1 c.M.uir-r " How to Obtain Patents," with (cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries; (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C 7 The comparative value of these tweeardS' Ia known to moat persons. They Illustrate that greater quantity ia Not always most to be desired. .. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of Ripans Tabules As compared with any previously know DYSPEPSIA CURB Ripens Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a boa) Of druggists, or by mail. .. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprues .,H.Y. WANTED-AN IDEAoTSfpS thing to patent ? Protect yocr ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,, D. C for their $1,800 prize offer. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable "JGault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 4 Q., C. M. & Bt. P., C & A , P. Kt. W. & C., and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. H A.T K ta.oo IT I CI rAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., caxcA.ao. xxii.. The regular subscription price of tbn Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and tho regular price of the Weekly Oregoniam is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in' ndvanoe can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50 All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the sum Nbw Feed Yard, -Wm. Gordon baa opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy ia right at bnme at tbis business, snd your horses will be well looked sfter. Prioea reasonable. Bay sud grain forsaln. tf 1 S larfr.i haU in Ike t rule J ftletre la a i i.l M I Ikr aifaam at ( hit g, In. S Will eta! tu.iaJilaUiie. -It i i maW '.,. la tag jn tjmrtl, tktlher O0 nft gnanrr m-rii oal r ar rri.M) .,rj ur f ( ktiira-4-tTT. We twlleve the repeal of Ibe rerlproci ly erfengi-mrele aeguliated by Ibe teat lUpnblarasi edmloiallalloa was Dali.io al sal am it y aad we disand tbrir rnr eland eilroaUa oa ee. h Urtt.s ae a ill rqealiaaaur IrsJe with othar aaiiuee, remote rre I tie I tone whkb aow batruet Ibe sale cf Amertcaa iroduels la porta of fiber waualrtre, aad secure enlarged Mat i rta (or the pf ne's of oar farm. foreele aad factofira. II k tkr km or if.w atiif ia ff frrm mnmA " fraef frrMU ;aarrA r It l.'l.liai J flrV ia la lk rfoM tif .'. rrarafufiir vara I Km II j..a fn'l ro baxfrr nan ("nlu a Tka feMS t'k far at,il.4's rare A era-lrirl e tk aa .laiaar -ua. tie II at ir ent M Vi lw e.le t.y Welle A Vt ! . Irnra Idle l.rnilai.Hne aad lo the liissate I'roteHt... s.,1 rrcpriy are lets otlll) !, K, .. ,f the catitiral by free oaernl of IU la hebtleels rw at lUpwblirew t.tta-e-, aa J go hau l ia ban I. IWejeralMt rule bee raaklrawlf HSk 4oa both, ee l t.IS ssaet ta r eelabliahad ; prrMrelano M ekal we ptl t a ( frra a4iwtMie f.if Ike aerreee'lavs nf life wkieb we d i 'u rrS.S StiaotrTb'S. Ttrm the or -f sekletin) Itirlr w lejrri.lrir, the l-r-.pt e nf Ike t'ilJ ear; re.ipr.wsl si'eat t4 i,,i9ai",,fcF'dd ai'h sympe'oi Ike latrte.ta which aa n nra asarkrls la re ;Sle et irfhrr Amrtra triple le mm f. oar r-a ea.U M slUt. frr ttrete fr.-ss I'erotwaa d-aies rM-ifeHI e I 4 l.af . W wt wk ilerp en I a.tl si4 l U. ant aw-nia ! ea wa a '' I' e t.r . taillel the Ci-e !-..... " . I ' . 1 a I. a. t.1 i..... M I IV. r.-l 1 ' a- wm w -i .a. ai .a-s. . u L. u -I . a ' " i ' i a.,1 Cuwt..a e tmf WfwV.U.Mt.' 4. lssll, .-nt .WH ee.trHwar TMU.S. QOyERNMElNT PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States -or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new Jei law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it y$ to you and is willing and Anj.lous to pay. Why not present foJ your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the f IIIIIW JXJkM ul'Yf1J I 'U TT S MMIlva IIWHI I f i tT-Write for laws snd complete information. No Charge for advice, a. a a-a a SJ .)) no ree unless successiui. n The Press Claims Company S fa PHILIP W. AVTRETT, Geoeral Manager, fa (Tj) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. Jf. S. Thlt Company it controlled by ntarly on thousand kadinf new "() "i paper in the Vnited Statu, and U gM irantted by them, rA HIQIITS or WOMEN. The ItepabUoaa party la miodful of Ibe rights ot women. Protection of American industries includes equal opportunities, equal pay fur equa work and protection to tbe bnme. We favor the sdmision of womso to wider Spheres of osefaloaes and welcome tbeir eo-operstloo io resouiog tbe ooutry from LVmooratio snd Populist mismsnsgemsot and misuse. Rucb are tbe principles and policies of Ibe rspublloso party. By these prin rlplre we will abide, and tbeee policies we will put Into etrouiion. We ask for Attorneys cit JUqw All business attended to iti a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries l'ublic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK MnLMNtl. BEPPNER, : t I ; t OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. PAlummn DirAtinnrl 1 lUHIIIIUlu IIIUI d 11 1 a ion Oo i i n i t uaouuuu v im Stciners TFLErOONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEW WAVE. Lesvint Alder Slreel IX-ck. Portland, for Atrla. Ilwaoo, Long Beach. Ooeaa Park and Naheotta. Ihrrot ennDrrtioo wttb II wsoo steamers and rsil- road ; also at Young's Bay with Seashore IUilroed. Tuuunioivrij PortUnd T A. M. Dally, esra-pl Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, esrrpt Sunday. Tl ATT.inv rx A mrjiinrim them the Oooai JersU J-ldgmrot of lb I LrT Portland a P V lH.Hr. esrrrit a.m.Ur. SaiMrd.y nlthl II p M. tvearra Aitorla Dally a AmrriOaO people. Cooflleot alike In at 4 A. M., escrpt Sunday and Monday. Sunday eight,! p. M. tha hi. tor of nor a-raat n.rtf and ia IK. I OOOAN' A-XTIil i.i , , . I Leave Portland and rnai dlrert to lav. Tuwlaf and Thnradaval I A M Bamn1a..iie w justice ofoor eeuse we preeeolour plat. Laave,lle Wedrwadayand frtdaj Tat JaJaTls. oW wnd.f algi MS PSt rotes ana oar esoaustes 10 me run ae- , . , fi. , r. t.,. ..- e a n..A . r suraaee Ibst tbe election will bring "wV """ " "tuv,w ,nt w uma tiotory to Ibe Republican party aod rof ",, 'l1- Comfort, IWun, Travel oa Ibe Tatrpaooe. Itail.y Oatsrrt end Ones Wave. prosperity to Ibe people of tbe United Slate. DlsnASKH OP THE SKIM. Tbe Inlrnes Itching and smarting Inrl-1 dml la srarms, tetter, aalt-rhrum, snd Mhet I 'i' diaraaraofthe sVIa is InsUntly allayed spplytng Chamberlain's f.re aad rk Ointment. Many very bed eases bare been fwrmanrntly cured ty iL lit equally n. ami lor Ik bin tilrs sn4 a rsvonta rm r! fr snre nitnMt rrartnd kamla. rhil btaina, trm) bitaia, and rhronlo snre evea. I or sale by uniM' st S3 cents rr hoi. Try Dr. TadyS fewdUWa rsweVra, ttwv sn jta hal a Korae nmia w bra In bed mrU I hie. Toom-, bluwl puiiftrr sod vermifuge. For tale by Coeser k Brock, draggiets i h E::!:j Uul. For tho Curo o4 Liquor, Opium isl Tobacco Habits II is lorated at ftalam, Oregon, Tht Ifuei Btamtifut Toww oa (As Coast C.1I al IKe O.l.rre emr rr eamralare StrirUi eaaaftdraital. 1 raaim.nl artaaieand ears rare. Jane Jaae. JloVe-To-laV I plraard a prrt't woman ty iniu.g irr lliai a rrrtain ml fa.-asl. snuH-rowl. t-ailhradr. trior- lal biiar.1 liar hrr. Yilike-,rlout! Jirits-Thr rrd farrd, anuSrirrtJ, I .alt!. .-.!.-.) mortal wea In r Ural l.it.v,-. Y Wwkly, far jeer Pretrrllew.- ralank "(mtm W 1 aftr) f l tn b la liquid f. In t-a UAaW IntwaX'V, . I y t.U a e.lltV klery or 1..U V 't4aaaa, i la'k. Lh fe are tl.'-ir kai if tooting A aw. t'aiark la a lorwi. Out a Hal il irwi,n i. I y aiil lckacarto e4 I ( damp miift. It etarte la Ux aaaal pMaatai, afavUrg ry. ears sad IhmaA. t'-ll ia lt kal aW'W esrwatte f. of leair-eja, aa., tf aUrvrJ, Oa r a .ii 4 i.i.na .1 I -i trrwrm .a ta 14 Wd, a r-wtef a.-aa4 la lb eara, 14 tra!k, -4 a'rt.iimaai aa tt'tmrm rl -ag-a, 1'rtraac1f a .l-l tm nni Una! tf t rmrlaa.i aiM laeaa.au I J a I -a nt le II. e. knlnl,-.4 r.tf f, OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers :it a crc.nt financial sncri. lice. You nerd it in your business, and as a matter of business we imi-t sll ii - ww ess Tin: Paukks, lVki ibiiiNc Co,