' OVERWORK Nervous Prostration Coniplct recovery by tlic tT,.3 cf Ayer's Sarsaparifla " Some years a-o, na a result of too ' close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all t'uo syti,;t.,mis of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Earaapiirillu, beyun to imjirovo at ouoe, Here and There. raft 42,' and pi-ad unlly increased my weight from one hundieil and twenty-llvo to two Imndri'd I'ounds. Since then, I and my futility havo mied this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, sv fact which We attribute- to Ayer's Siirsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have heen fatherless to-day had it, not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too niinjli." H. 0. Hinson, rostmaster and riaiiter, Kmiud'a, S. 0. TMS RECT.IViG KECAL P.T WORLD'S FAIR. arsaparilla AY LISTS Psi.s Cavo Dec r's Bills. Calendar; Andrew Neal is over from Lone Bock. The Heppoer Transfer Co., ban wood for sale. 37-tf. Coffee mills foe 35 coots at P. C. Thorn pson Co.'a. . 5 6. W. M. Radio, of Loos Creek, was io Heppner Wednesday. J. M. Downing, of Condon, wbs in Heppner last Wednesday. Get a cobbling outfit of P. 0. Thorop sou Co. and save your old boots. 5 (J. W. Lk Saline and T. R Lyons Sanday- ed with friends op at Ditob creek. Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'. George HHrnreton cot in Tuesday from an untiiiK in the Blue raomitains Mail Ponob Tobaoco, the only natural leaf in package, for sale by P. C- Thump son Co. 5-6. The weather is much warmer and campers can again enjoy the mountain camps. ' Jan. Fristoe left last week for Montana on business. He may decide to looate in tout state. A. J. Ray, a wool bnyer for Russell & Co., of Portland, came in on this morn ing's train. Mrs. J. R. Simons and Mrs. W. F. Ruark returned Wednesday from a visit to MoDuflee. Born To the wife of W. V. Crawford, of this city, last Wednesday morning, an eight pound boy. John Nailen was in this week from Monument. He depaited this morning with a load of provisions. Cut foryonr candidHtn. Be patriotic and buy a camnaiini.pockei Knife of P. Thompson Company. 5-6. J. H. MoHaley and wife have returned to their Heppner home from Monument where they have spent the summer. E. C. Warren atid 0. P. Whitemore, traveling men representing two Portland Arms, are interviewing our business men today. Premature baldness may be prevented and the buir made to grow on bends al ready bald, by the use of Hall's Vegeta hie Sicilian Hair Renewer. Geo W. Barrel, representing the American Book Co.; of Portland. Is in the city today. He travels in bicjele costume, tukiug bis wheel witb him. August bsbbbbbb (jamDnnus tseer, .HALF PINT BOTTLES Hotel Bar! City Drinkable) Ci Liquor rs. Call and Smokable on Td. It"ii(liin n May Nut t'y. Iu oonvernition SundMy with Wta Hunley, a leading eitzti of Hums, says lbs Vale Gazette, we were formed tbat It it probable the bondfint n of Gittiiva the delanltitig sbetiff, enDUot be forocd lo pay any of tbo amount rmbfzsled oo ccoont of tbe cn relet manner of draw Ing op the bonds ore of whieb lias no date at U npon it and npon the iiligal procrcdlDg of tbe county eonrt. Mr Hunley ) th&t in a fotrarr ettlemeut with tbe Pl.enff Le n found over f H00 horl, and the court allowed blm to work in roeeift fur taii collected and turned ia after lh (ettb ment. lie filed new bonds and u not rtiinireJ to rank aood tb hortsar: yet the new bD!- tnrn were allowed lo enter t security i Ignorance of tbe at ate of afftir. A good ized lawsuit ! eipeotid tbe rnult It is believed tbat (Jilting i not far way, aod the flVr ha l en publicly made tbat (or f .Vx) be would be captured and brought back. Bryaa Toe Well Know la Hi Hone State- Bar for HcKlnler The following letter reoeived by a gentleman bow in this city from a Ne braska fiiend gives a very encouraging report of tbe cohtionl situation in that Btote: I auppf se you know tbat Nebraska is furnishing tbe democratic lamb of sacriBoe this year. Oar William, as be is familiarly called, I understand is going to swamp things out your way. Uf course yon are excusable; bad you a personal acquaintance witb tbe gentle man's nbilitiep, you wonld do just like I we sball do snow him under. Nebraska will go for McEinley by an overwhelm ing majority, ' I hope you people will not go wild over our William. He is not to blame for all this hubbub. You cao place Nebraska in the McKinley ranks for a certainty." The article below relative to a partial canvass of .Lincoln, crjan s no me, strongly Eubstautiates the above statement. "News was given out last Tuesday of partial canvass of Mr. Bryan's town Lincoln, and the county of Lancaster, in which it is situated. The county re publican committee distributed blanks and eought to secure an active canvass. In two precincts reported the result was: McKinley 219; Bryan 44. Tbe poll of University place, a leading oenter, was: McKinley 126; Bryan 14; prohibition 19; uncertain 22. It is claimed that, while tbe returns are incomplete, they establish the gener al character of the whole." Koae Hat Ayrre at lb World Fair Ayer'e HarMparill enjoys the extraor dinary distinction of having Wo tbe onlr blood purifier allowed an txlibit at tbe World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturer of other ereaperilla sought by every tneolonMio a showing of their goods, but they ai r all turned nix!r lb appIkatloD ot lb rule forbidding tbe olry of patent tndio,de and boetrtim. Tbe deitoQ of the World's fair autho rity la fvr of Ar' KurMpariHe we in ffxil follow: "Ar's 8rp- rill I Dot pint rr.'iliPit e. It Hm ant belong lo lbs lt of o tctraui. It W br oo It c.er.l." T.-M.: U W. K Lib. r. rgtmB from lb e' t"l ditr c. arrivrd f"' b!w oo ikU' l"kt. sud i Cirt at the Umatilla Mr. CI i f r lO rlrbl t roan, ft I ll'0 (Hetr coov. n tint le nl't ei:l be M lo aouti uf t grt' oi"! "f I, Nuttb- ml nb f,a l irf it. rt U f fl i . '' T ! . l .libit, Ft k J 0n l "lb ) it t'f 'ImI f firm f f. i ( by A t'. ' t t ' " " r,' ftf T...lN "i''l ' '"" ' ad II .1 il f. w iil r Oi ler..'M I..i!i f-i ' 'l"l re ! fe'atth II rt !" rnfd by the tt i.l llU l --'ti '' rt i . H.,,rn In Uf 4 s I I i A l. "ah A v (V.!) S H'l !' t ' ' l . .-. ' f.aa f'.".- -.' " ( Barbara A, Ritchie made final proof on her homestead last Tuesday before U, Oomm;s"tnner Freeland, with frank Louie and Edward Holland as witnesses, Hck Mathews is still at the old stand next door to the post offloe, wbere h is prepared to do Rnvtl ing m bis llnv Slowing, hnir cutting' baths' etc., at popular prioes. tl. Jas. and John A. Hweitzr, of Burns came in Werinpuday lor a ooneignmeni of tbe Home Comfort range. They left for home yesterday aocompamed by (.bas. Goodman. Geo. Fell and wife departed Wednes' day night for Pendleton to reside. Their many fri' tids in this citv regret their de nurture but wish them a future full of success and happiness. The jiiatioe oonrt bad a civil action grind yealerdav afternoon, J. F. Spray v. Wood Gillman for the recovery of $9.35. Attorney Lyon represented Spray iu whose favor the case was deolddd. Mrs. E. Carter, a thorough nurse of many years experience, I now located in tli in city. Anyone uesiriug the benefit of ber services cao secure ime by leav ing order at tbe borne ot George Ship ley. Dir. Dr. W. L. Mirsole. of fing Creek, ar. rived from that, point in private onnvey snce to meet hs ife who arrived from Portland thin morning. The dontor and wife departed for tbeir Loug Creek boms tbis morning. The C ilwmbia liiver Conference of the M. E. church baa been postponed one week, and will conveneat North Yakima, 8ept. 2 R-v E. P. Oreene will retmn here from the Condon teaaher' institute before attending conference. Charley Jonei, the well-koown "old timer" in the tnnanrial line, has again located In Heppner, bsvir.g pwchrd Green Mathewi.' shop, Minor building opposite the rily hotel. Charley will appreciate call a ben in town. Prof. J. H. Aekerman. of Portland, ei ominty school nterititfndnt of Mnlt nnroah eotintv, and IUv. E P. Oreene, pf hia oi'y, will oondnot lb Gilliam conn ly institute which convene io Cmdou nut Monday for a weefc's eloo. Nrvou debility is a oorarnon eom- plnint, eepecially among women. The beat rofdioal trealmeol for thl dienrder i a persistent onr of Ayer's Haraapa nil to rlr.s end invigorate tbe blood. Thie being aooompltbd, nature will do tbe rtl. Iv. W. E. Pol win departed from Pendleton for Portland lot Tneaday mcbt IU will t i .toed io tbe WilUni ellevalletby Itiehop Morrie aod tbe two divtnee will take a pi'More tip over to Klamalb and visit Craler Uk before Ibey return. "Canst Ihon minister a miod die- ewdf'ak M'-btb. OrUlnty, my NEBRASKA FOB M KIN LEY. Tbe IV of Kmponsibillty. Every mother should remember tbat tbe making ot her daughter is ot far greater importance than tbe administra tion ot things iu ber house, and every daughter should reulizs tbat she can learn to avoid mistakes only when she sees them. She etjoys most seeing ber mother's mistakes and revolving that wben she has a bouse she will ''never do so.' A beginning may be male witb a small and compsratively unimportant responsibility, and it is to be renumber ed that tbat responsibility, and not meie work, is the great thing. The very little girl may have tbe care ot one plant, a hardy one to begin with, but system and neatness may be prncticed in its oare to great advantage. If the plant should be a blooming one a emull vase for tbe breakfast table would give an additional bit of oare and pleasure to both child aud parents, Regularity, thoroughneee, quietness iu labor may be practiced under a wise mother's influence till they become a part of her daughter's charac ter. Mrs. Lyman Abbott in August Ladies' Home Journal. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Where They Met. McKinley BUI, with Napoleon eye, t-ny "Bryan let's drink some Mnwood Rye; We meet aa friends, my words are few 1 hope they don't, dear Brian Bore U." And Bryan says, in a Jokln manner, "I wonder H mat s wnat s memauer witn numm That's horse and horse, you funny feller When I see my wife I am bound to Teller." Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank some more good Linwood Rye. Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon, E. G. Soerry, Prop. Jfor Bale. Tbe California wioehouse at Tbe Dalles. Fine location for any kind ot business. Best ohanoe for the right party. Will take sheep in trade. For particulars write to owner, C. Becht, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. 62-lm. Wm. Gordon has at bis stable Jut below the Gazette offloe, b very neat and nioely finished ladies' saddle, of Eastern manufacture, for sale for cash at a low figure. Tbe saddle has been ridden very little and is praotioally as good aa new. anyone desiring suon a saanie should call and examine same before it is too late. " tf. A game of base ball between the two nines that played a week ago last Satur day has been arranged for tomorrow afternoon on tbe eame grounds. I hi gamo is tbe result of a challenge immedi ately fo'lowin; the other game, aud i to decide the championship, as they term it. All are invited to see tbe game. Wednesday evening, over in front o( 3. B. Natter's plaoe, Tom Buckley, "Kid" Moore end Hnrrv Donahoo got "mixed up" sora. with Donahoo against tbe other two Fighting was prevented by the appearance of Odloer R therts, but tbe brawl cost eaob of the combat ants 215, before Judge Riubardsju. Regular service at the M E. church, Snndav, Augi)nt 10. Morning subjeot, Iu All Things." The oUss of probi. tionern will be ti.l.eo into cbnicli fellow ship. Special rally soivice in tbe even ing. Members and f-iniids are urg-d to be with them d tiring tbe day, commencing with tbe Sunday echo d at 10 a. m. Viace Rally oaran in thi weok from Long Orei k for freight. He o iniplaios thai tbe Rhea Cret k bridge is in bid con dition. OnO 'f hi wheeler, on Ibn way over, cot caught in the plunking of that strnctire and nearly btok" Ma leg before ha could get it out. Kl!y says the road are in feiuful ooudiiiou. As Thompson wa in from Butter oreek yesterday. A.' "phiz" bora a atriking reoemblanoe to one belonging to B man who bad met the enemy diaa troimlr, hnt Am gav Li word that tbe ocoioo of so much court plaster w brought about through a fall fiom a tbreshitg machine. A. J. Inland, rf the C. A N. W., J. W. Cases, of lh (1. M A tit. P . Wnt. Hard er.i.f the Ot. N.. C. J. Tutile. of the U. P.. and F. A. Mai Zi. of the N. 1' , all freight agent repfMeMiug iheir rrueni IV roads, wet in npp'ier ll Toi-d competing for the Urge shipment of rat tl from this poirt. Undoubtedly. The people of Holland are commonly as matter-of-fact ns the Scotch, and a figurative phrase bothers them sorely. Not long ago un American traveler found in a cafe at Amsterdam a Dutch man who had traveled much, and who spoke English perfectly well. The Dutchman was smoking a china pipe of remarkable size and beauty, and the American, as an admirer and collector of such bric-a-brac, took the liberty to '.omment upon it. "You could rot tumble upon a pipe like that every iny, Buid the American. J lie Dutch man took three or four whift's at the pipe, and thou slowly removed it from bis mouth. "Certainly not without breaking it," he said, gravely. Youth's Companion. A Precocious Maid. A precocious little maid of about five went to church one Sunday recently with her mother, a devout member nnd regular uttetid'.-.nt of the Episcopal church. Tho little or e sat very quiet ly nul demurely throtif h till the loi:g ten ice, but her quick little ears mid bright l.ttle brain were not bo quit t as ve.a ,r,- ' ilicated. After the service r-'ie looked up into her mother's face uml, "JInni- Ltia," she uskrd, eanuylly. "lUcy nay Ah men so much; why iV.r.'t they over ay Ah lady?' " IIoKtOil Budget. NOTICE Is hereby lven that the firm ot Horner A Rhea, composed of H. D. Horner and E W. Rhea, doing a general mer chandise busines in the town of Heppner, ha tills day been dissolved, H. D. Horner bavin disposed of her interest to 2. W. Khea. who will continue the business at the same location in the name of E. W. Khea A Co., collect all ac counts aud pay all indebtedness of the old firm. H. D. HORNOR, 4R5-7S. E. W. KHE . Sated at Heprmer. Oretron. this 8th day ot August, MHi, SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP TtlE 8TATE of Oregon for tbe Countv ot Morrow, Eva Griltln, Plaintiff, vs. U. S, Grillln. Defendant. To U. S. (Irittin, Defendant. In the name of the ntate of OreKon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled BKHiiiFt you in the above entitled cause on or tiefore the fitst. day of the next regu lar term oi the noove entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day of September, 1896, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof. the plain lift' will applv to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: The dis solution of the marriage coutract existing be tween plaintitt and defendant, aud fur costs of this s it. This Summons is served bv publication bur suaiit to an order of stepheu A. Lowell, Judge ot the above entitled court, made on the lbtn dav l July, lsati. J. . akown, 50-71. Attorney for Plaintiff, SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE A of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza K. uweus, riauuin, vs. Frank II. Benge, Mary J. Benge, bis wife, Lewis J. Bchewrich and Sehewrieh, his wife, Defendants. To Fra"k It. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of t lie (lcteuoauts. In the name .of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th dav of Sentember. IK'.Ki and you will take notice that if yon fail to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or tieiore salt! vtn aay ot septemDer, imw, mo plain tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in tbo complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: Kor personal decree against the defendants Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife, for the sum of jsil. 25 with interest thereon at the rate ot per cent, per annum from January 1st. 1MM, and the sum of $50.00 attorney's fees, and tho costs and disbursements of ,said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wite to tne i,omuara investment; uompany, dated the liith day of December, 1888, upon the following described real property in Morrow county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter of section No. :i2, in township No, 1 south, and range tNo. 25 kb ot tne vtiuametie meridian, which said mortgage was recorded on theiWth day of December, IKX8: at paee M of Book "D" oi the Keoords ot Mortgages in the omoe ot tne County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the B'dd real propertv sold, aud the proceeds of such sale to be applied to tne pavmeut to piaintinoi me anove named turns of money; timtall of the defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, shall tie forever barred aud foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien, at law and lu equity, and especially of all equity of redemption, In, to and upon every part of said real property; and that plaiutilt'sball have general relief. This 8 inmnnsls published pursuant to order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above ciiwtit ti I'Uiin, mnuu ni uuniiiuria, i u uv ...... 11 , Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th dav of July, iww. FEE, CARTER, HAII.EY A AUSTIN, 457-70, I'lulntlll's Attorney. I 'mWmA II .iTrrrrtr .:'H"'IAQ i mr d 6 I To Do Given Avay this year in valuable articles to smokers of BlackwelPs Genuine y&" ham Tobacco The Best 1 fimnlrln0Toh!inn IUIn-la ...v. ... V I V I v - e,-1' J - You will find one coupon In side each a-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, read tbe coupon and see how to get your share. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT TII12I IZ' mtigar Been a Change in Busineis ill tanill ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at SUMMONS. Aroording to a oeli brated anatomist there npwarda of 5 000.0(10 little glanda iu tr hnmao totnacb. Tbeaa glabda pour tut the dieitln Jineea wLU h disso'fe or diet tb tnoA, Intll ceati-in it want of Juice, ekori of glands, lift J vt Lelp to reetort tb health of tt.eae trgana. Tbe brat and moat natural help la tbat iea by Kbaker Inatwti? Cordial Natural, twesos It upt'bea tb malorisU nee-led bf tha glanda to prepare tba tliitMtiv J-iioea. tWraoM it ttrrrittlien aod istitforaU N THK HRCUIT COURT OV THE STATE of Oregon fo Morrow County. Julia A. I'arrel, l lalntlll', vs. Samuel I Uerklnv, Martha A. (ierklng. James R Nun amakerand Maria K Nun amaker. Hefendania. To Hainuel I. Herkleg and Martha A. (Jcrkl'ig, two of tbe above-named defendants. In the name of the Htateof Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe com pbilnt filed against yon In tbe almve entitled suit mi or before the 7th day ol fcptcmhvr, l"'i; and you will take notlee that If you fall to answer or otherwise appear Iu said suit on or before the said 7th la of Meptemher, I'"!, the plalntlll hIhivs naiiml. for want therof, will spidy to the above entitled court for the re.lef praved f r in the complaint flliM this suit, io-wlt: For personal dwree svainst tbe defend ants Samuel I. lierklng and Mrtha A (ierklof for the sum of H:I7 .VI with Interest thereon al the rale of a per cent. pr annum from April 1st, 114, and the sum of IMIOI attorney's fe. s. ami the costs and dlsburseinetita of siild suit; Hint court shall decrecthat the mortgage etrcut- ed br said -smiiel I. (ierklng and Mnrtba A lierklng to the Umibard 1' ve.tnieht ( oniosiiy, dated the TM ilnv ol Match, H'i, upon I he fid lowing dcwrltied real proMrty in Miorow pou ty, (iregon, Io-wlt: the anion ball ol li e north rat quarter, the south t5 acres ol the norlh-wat qnarlcr of lbs north-cast quarter, of turn so. zi. in towiistiin no x miii.sihI range No. 21 Fast of W lllsinettfl inerhtiau ; and slso the west half of the iiorlh-wi-sl quarter id tlon No. 1.1. and the north hull of tbe norlli- raat quarter of srcllmi No 14. lu township No A sfiuthaud ranse No 7iK.aaiof W lllamettt merid ian; which mortgage Is now nwnnl lr plslnt.it; w hlcn satq montrssa was roroci cm in .tit dsy ol Man h, lev al psoe 1.14 ot HNk "II" ol Ilia Kf-orda nf Morisagea In the oHI of the foutiiy clerk ol MorM county, (in-goo, s'isll tie orp-loa"l. and lbs aabt r-ai prtqM-rtr lolrt, and the prueewlt nl such sale to t applied In lite payment to tdaliitttT nl th aln nam- iiiminl money; Dial all of the drfendaota and all pa raona rlalmlnt and lo rlalin by. through or under them, or any ol them, shall lt nrcr lrred and (orwloar-t ol all rlM, lllle. ratals, liilereal and Hen, at law and In qoltjr. and erlally of all UllT of rtHlemtilloii. In, lo and iiion ererr t-ari nl said rtil pr.q.rij:; ami that plsllllUt shall bar f etirral n-llel. 1 his a.tminolis Is illdlhrd pnrstlslit Iri order of lion. at-phn A. Mtwell Jiid of th aoots enllilfl roort. niada at 4 hanilwra, l0iiilleifto, I'malll'a eu'inty, liregoli, un Ihs Dili day ot July, ! KKK, CAHTCR, HAtl lY A Arm. 4V.7 Tu. plaliilin s Altororts. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OV TnE BTATK I of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Ralph L. Benge, rialutiti', va. Katie D. Benge, Defendant. To Katie I). Benge, efeu ant: I the name of the rttateof Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer I ho com- nlHiiit. tihxl aiottnat von ill the ahova entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term ci tne anove entitled court, to-wit: Monday, September 7th, 1890, and If you fall to answer or otherwise plead, for uaut tlieieof tin) pliilntltr will apply to tho above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriage bonds now existing between you aud hlmaell. and a Judgment against you lor tbe C(t and dlhursc meuts of this suit This summons Is published by older of Hon. Stephen A. Iiwell, Judge of tbo circuit court ot Oregon for thu ulh Judieial district, dated July 2nd. l.m. K. V. nlNK. 4,'j. lia. Attorney for I'lalutlfT D m REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK MTARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee Ua.l . Il, atf.t,tilin r.t fttsa Pntfirl 4 Mil a l.rl. If not w.UI. aa lh roodillon of I '" " ,b 'IIiM!bt OUtll tl.tf lh atntnaeh, Itwr, aoi bowie, lor all or b'fh complaint Ayer'a IMIe ar"th aotrrrlgtuat ibing on earth " Tb (laiilta baa nti jear'a tnltinej In Ml her ha Rngliah, (V.raitMfeial. Hhort hanil or Telrgrapbla tpartinnt of tha Hnlniat Itoatrie CuWrt: vt rortl-ol, for al Anr xrann dratrlatf lo lake tb"f itfh bnaiane isin'M flra rlaal rK,llrv sboulj art IbeOiMlU bolot t Irig rlo. If T. 3. V-'fill. .f Kiht M.l, csms a totsjt to ba rMtnafd nntfer patrlnd up. WhtU harxlilo b Hb "bar-! Ior." ctrfl fork JrUtAif, ti e it. !' fl'nf-r i f r bt ha"l rii'il b foiiuy, I skiti a? It nil bask nflb oaf. t fotsflnffrr i'f Ibf Mots taol e l!a!btt bf ois.. f it tmmntrruil, snf jwifmfml. tthrliur Ih tJisrp (row r rcritf af mm Ik linff of .f It I h'lm J frnsi (a) lh llor.r H'f trwnfiitnrt when IK lt"t.'vai sfrt n Ur rt.lrtt fin. , r 4i ". ! "al..c i m-n i lt.lH It , 1 t f - J f .f are able U tiu tbrir work alotie. Hbaker iHtfeetite Cardial eoree In. I in et loo ef taibl auj sfcriill. It dxe o by tialnrai tuana. anl tharsiu lie tbe arfl c it ondffal tad oayarvt euaeeM. At tiro,-mate, pctee IU ! la IU0 per bottle. I it immaterial, in mf jmljiirnl, whrlher Ih thtrp grotrrr frir$ anj H'JWfW A 4 nr d m4 I am fur frr ir," t.jrlntrl ftttm ;rai . H Woim J. llrpitn in Ih I !' of H'l ntritnlmt wl.tn fa H'.fsi bU stm U'lr fwBMHiirrafloR. SIlKIUn'SSALK. xrvTi'it i itrttrtiT r.ivr. tiit hv i slrliia ol a rlt t saruilon lu1 mil i4 Iha Clerk offinanl Ilia t Irrull (oiirlolll atu rl own s lot Mmma ( ooiiiy undMbs Ml lhrd. and la m dlrwlt and d'llr.-l uuoit e trr rndm1 and anirml In ald I onrl on thMh itsf ul Man-h. In fo ,4 riank IUrma, Kel- o Unlari om4 mrnl t'fnfiny. as stialiittn. ani saii at .A: Maixy A. frank f.M.od. II .trtHf, J M, aimw.a. K U pt sfo-a. rat.k !- .. I... aiul II... K S 1 .1- - J.l.n..,.i. wbervt.y th .lslol sT did fwr a srv.o.al Im-m aairi taa df4anu Hry 4Sa-l ard NmT A. tal o Ih Sum M i-4ja allhln fl lltrtn al tls rat rt a if rnl twr mn nam lr..m 1st h daf ol kink, l a I r-M'a and di''i'voia tat4 at tft.5i at.d Krbr It a ds twmd ttisl tlta M.rfaaa dall f lha lk das i4 Mar. Iaa rotd I t lln.rt ta.la4 asm f A ta-ta Iti lha ,fmlH i, mit r.Mniiny and r'4 It foain II .if-.o Ih krfloatne 4er lld .. -..i V atittm I . tt..rt, b, !t th sw.tilt, Hf ol Bv.ii.-a sin In f.ia a, hxiih and as ka fl ( Ho ....o. mttdiati. atf.tine tbtft..- 4 aw t in l-f l-ta nnl t4 Ih .-lh4 t-t.tt nl aaid f,nalt r4.,. rtrf.taibii.f It a. fm t..r nt 1m a hit a t.i rM,4-rtiM.,!ti hi dy t Mat. t al tt T .. ..( 1 ih atts M W-.'lt la lb .' r.f , I l SUMMONS. IS THK ( UK TIT 4!(iPltTOK TUB STATE 1 of Oregon lor Morrow County, The Norlli rn Counties Iiivcstin tit 'I rust, l.lm- itcd, a Corporation. i'lalotltr, vs. 'eeclla'laylor.H.H King, S. 14. M. lira and J. C. 'f houisou. Iiefendauta. To eci'lla lavlnr. a. a. King and N. II. Me Bee, three ol I he ahove named defendants. lu the name ol the Mule id Oregon, you are heri'hv icfiuiied lo apnear and atrsaer tba pom plnlid llli-'l avalnst von In the sImo entitled suo on or le'lore the iirtt day of the nekt r'Kular ti rm ol the shove entitled court, vis: Tne 7th Day ol September, 1800. aud yon alll lake noti. that tf you fall to aii.wer or othera ls ana-ar In said court un or le'ore the salil Till Hay ul hrptemla-r, l"i, Ilia Idalulltt alum iiaincl. lor araut theroof. will apply to Ihe shore elilttleil court fur ttm relief ir.yei lor hi inn roinpiaiiii aim in una ami. to alt' r or M-rMOial di-re against Itia Helen daiil, I'm rlla lay lor, lot the sum ol V, llh Inle'rst II,. loon al Hiatal id a la-r oit. tr aiiiiiioi Iron Ih .'Mb day nl June, i-'"ft, and Ihe calls aiet fllsloirtciiieiiia of aald suit; that Ih iiirt shall di-r- Itiat the niorlaaaa rsecliltNi lit ih sld I iTfiii lavlor to Ih litulrd I iu vritiM nt 4 iiniaiit. ill-l Ih sin day of Sovein t r, I, uiiii lha lollowlne dcai-rlb! rral m,N'rty In Morroar I utility, tlreaon, .t stlt; fli aooth halt ol Northrast iiuarter and riorth rati tiuarti r ol Notitiwitt ouarirr (rpt in M-rt-a In a aiuar lorm In Northeast corner thrdi and oiiiht ntiartrl nl ,St,rtht uttarter ol t lion 1n, Its loartithlp On North oi ltaa 1 aeutr-iu r.asl. ol Ih lilainelf ln,-rtillail ShlrS said tiHtrltraa Was tt-t,rdl nil Hi I .th dst ol S(ivnitM-r. aaa In He 'l. on i II, tl. IS and It of th llwor.ls of Ittoflsarfr III III nfto nf Ih County 4 lefk nl Vlorrott I oiiiil. Otaoo. shall Iwi forrlid aod Ih aald ral ro-rtr old and th ptot-mla of aurh ai to im af.pMtM lo Ih btanfil lo piaOii'it ol th aixit nam! sums id annnyj thai all ol lha iliMlaiila. anq all iwrannsrlalia Pi ihionah or iiii'l-r ihm. or any of thm tiiail It .tfr barnnt snd otrli) nl all nil. I IH. . Iuutl and lin al law and In rtpilir. and all )oilr id r.tmpiiin. In and In. aod t.i-.n r i-n of said ral proil. 1 his Siii.moi.t la .il,liilird huts. .at. 4 loan nr-it-r i.l ll'.n ai.hn A lwll. Jnd of Ih attt eoiiitM t-tt,it. m-l aleharaltat. Iiv11. Ion. I ntailii (ouuiy, un-a-Hi, on Ih Jtth daf ol i'.i, li, n.i.n a tin's. !i. Allolit)S lot I'lalutlfT. Hot It K T rTa. Tim wl'l siot he ailowe I aft Jul Is. All ttne failn-t t tat by ties I i tl tif rti ..t.lb Lift afltr will be tit a. Ilarraaa M'inT A WatiB di I mist; I 11 4 Uft.,m I ."...If It ..tw n I' l II,. Mi l l I t'.. Ih h II "I 1 HUM MOSS. 7 it rim r it ml HT of 7118 TA7 1 ..I un f..n l..t H..rt. uunly I lata A I ..litlit. It Woftts li I.-" t ittt.it .... hltall-. Kvl l..,m ItU K. florkntfta, I ta II I 14 II .-. I. I.. I h'. I II 1 l.tl It.t.t. I II li,..n ao-l - - lit.., . , i trinlai,i la llt.fi and I. II. .('., wa c4 th at. i.tt. . lhst.la it. nt id li tt m lit.Ht. '. at h t-? t-ct'tt-4 i-n.t and ao 41 .if. it tti' i la i tt ,,titi4 I .n iwt 11. Ih ;ih dt il t-tt,,l, I. If..., mi l lt tt-.l. th4 If 111 l.l II i in ui --t sh-oiid I a,.tt mii. t a.ft in al-t anil te.itt" .i.f ii.i ..m.. lis dt 4 iv,.ita i.. It. fro I .tntt, ll-.n la. aal ..1 1 i,. I, tf !. t.mi..r-i nl IMn.tl sill aat-l tdt.l a4 ! ti i.t.i. i,i 1 , t n niM"l t.o4 ..th. ttli n .i..i.l.t. II. I tf tW am t, ! ; , .., .-I I.. l it, t..M-, ti 4 at") In ll.i t .ll li-kla Ih l.e-M.n ih4 -I, al Ih ! i ti s, t..i ,. n at-tnt IH ll4 ltl 4. nl Ih . mt h'.-. In Ifc ti-.t I !..! t a. il .f I I, ll.iktt l., . lmt. . it , l it, 111,1 in I l't ' i... i,.. ,. ,n . -, aih I. l.t.tS lhtH 1 1 f-aH iraiae I be (. IL A N. will ma ia. tVettlle, Walla Well ai.J t. . 1 1 t . i. .tu, a. . a . & . ,l Trl.e' t -tn'talH le iinw In - " . " " , ' s. al ib. wi .-". fca r.af.. . ' " . W .tr. t fitti..n. Tb f b.wlf ' ', I ; !. I'av fia. tbat eatt.e M ltl.i- at. it etian.lafiM i, if "., T.-1 t A IhrnBtta Dial Plata elltf I tot- lanl lo l- kafcsi. M-t.f. A'lt ltlt.rXr, )lla IUt.1. I'.... I).te. II art. I tne II !'. Mte K. I. t-...l.a l la ...i.Mt,e fiqni Hbltl.f I baw P it. ok .J k..: tu.a- lb eisaatBaltoa. I "'M I I'aal. II sen ta "ar,u. f O. M "t . " aeM tti' ' (IreM lrftl.ta ratleay ,.f l,nnt i ta stte II raw fvate ( ir, t.4 t- b t I iMU'a'e lt.l , ,,,itl il, ir, 4 in .wlt.) at f I t ft." t - ' f ' al 4M . ti ti I, -.., l Vt i ) ss Ittt 4 I', s.l si eifft I ml I tl It'a Mft l and l I.W k Ih d d-fct.a- l..i a. I I .. tltlt.e a - d It ,iat h, ll.n-.,i. ni.'lt ihn, nt a-t I'o n ld n. ii- o h .49 M wr t 4-w t.t a . Ss -1 14 Im, at 4 f4 to Ih a1 rtyi.'t t.. tit tt4 ttttf f't ht.f l It. Ih 4il-. nnol .th I.. mi, .dt.a.t. is f...t 1 . i . ttf ttd t. ..I..- ai a I '-tt t. I m ixit 4(f ul . .t. I - 4. NltlKI aaa !, st.ttif 41...,., i . ., ,tr;,' We are not small men, Bba. "We are small men, Xs. we are not iris Larpssi rnsrctiants in trie Vorlil! s s But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of a Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Kails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, I'lpe rlttinits, Stoves and Rangea, Wagons, Backs, BugKh s, Wairnn Material, Hardwood, Ae, Hammers, Baws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Gran lteware, 1'lows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tuba. Wash Bolllera aud Boards, Sheet Iron, Zlno, etc., etc., Should call aud Examine our Goods and Get Trices. We have Good Goods at Kaib Prices, and Cheap 'obti Goods at Cbep John rrtcet, GrlLLIA-lSl 33ISBKIS, MA.IN STREET - IIKl'PNKU, OUEQON THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOEOH15RS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD l)hVTB 1N- Groceriks, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmkns Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an olgVct (or you to trade with Lira m bin pricei are rinlit, and all gtxxU that he hatidloi are of the very Ihhi. Stork on Main Street, Next to Citv Drug Store, Door rioppnor, Oregon. tterraanf SMC. Vaa iHisn. I Am Is I Uf llutl. Has cverythino in tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery, Lumps und Tinware. Stock is Comploto. Notions a Specialty, tiutic Of tnt$r,UQfi. t O ' i F-M t tf ta.M m Ma ; ; 4 , f t a't. i km i It A-eawtei r W' 14 'I (H -m rl M litet it turn 1 tl eiawt- !l tf - 'f i t ti.a i Mtin I I t "I'l sif l..t' I, f.- iM I .. ew4 m "I ...- l f 4i t lafe-l t"l a. fe1 n . I . ; 9 M IU t l j t f 'J !( t '.4 M ft .-I . w is tj b.fli, k ! I 94 t - P- t It j '.! a-- i-:.. I jk, ta I itV''sVr ft I , f e, f -m 7 4 f ftl i 1 t I t " " t n 1 f W I'l l 1 wmmm : mm puis i I sv-ac'li.l 1 1 ki la 1 u.i. .. 1 ... nl w ....... 1 .,.., ..,.. t . t. ..-! a I 1 .4 , hi. . 1 .4.. .tM- t.,,t, i,ntTVMM..'i,,.itMi,.,i 1 uiii 1; i.viyi' iiiiii; 1 sins Walt, llf rttta llt ! r .nl ,tt ? .t..l .11.1, attlS I ? S ttai i"l Vf -' an I .. 1 t t1f Sel I . tf . h ! tt a 1 1, lke lellf 4 stiet I4 lite le i r. Ms I- l t 1 1114 l- a Is ; a.i, It I r Is I, LWIMM ,M tl,s t Ik rf tlv 1 f I . t . - - ' , -... H t.. I ft..,.t.tt -4 t4 ! . -i ltl I "! i ! f.' . 4 I -.- t - vt td. t I '. I ( Ca.4tf af I 1 1 li ' w-t f- ,- . I las f m 11 i a 1 1 a L'fivrs tUi C.'- i'p it tin, ( .,.. !' a lj , ' H .f. i , . I '' i I at I ft,i I tl i4 i il. .'. i 4 l- a f .I 'L a. l MUl.a Ue-l . .1 1 aia . t at4 I , si I II.I.MM Mt.lllCAt.UI. ft taaHe, tysi. r' i l ' Uf- fvf Ml Vt 'la .. (..t a Ir ' a tbat i 1 n 1 r i mi rwi enr,e ait ul tan . s1 Sjt JT3