PDBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. For President, wlluam Mckinley, Of Ohio. Tor Vies President, 1 GARRETT A. HOB ART, Of New Jersey. Tor Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER. of Marion County, 8. M. YURAN, of Lane, E. L SMITH, of Wasco, J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. YocNa Mb. BniAir went np like rocket at Chicago and came down ike a stick in New York. Tele gram. Brian baa at last received uoti- fication of his Domination at the Chicago convention. Of coarse he ccepts. WILL LTE KEEP HIS FOOT OUTt For the past few days, says the Spokane Review, a paper support the democratic nominee, Bryan has been passing through the supreme ordeal of a presidential candidate. For oue in that position to travel slowly across the country, meet ing the people at every watertank station and addressing mixed throngs from the steps of a car or the stage of a hastily improvised platform, is a most trying exper ience. There is always the incen tive and inspiration to say some thing on the spur of the moment which the enemy, ever eager and alert, may twist And distort and magnify against the speaker. The art of opening one's mouth without putting one's foot in it is one of the most difficult of all arts, and few succeed in mastering it, Hancock stumbled when he said the tariff was a local issue. Cleve land blundered with the Beecher correspondence, and when he un dertook a cross county trip some thing similar to that now being made by Mr. Bryan, he conmmitted the stupid error of making up a string of dry speeches from an old en cyclopedia, which was from 10 to 20 years behind the progressive country throuen which lie was touring. At this ordeal of speaking from a car platform Blaine and Harrison have had no equals. Mr. Harrison is especially felicitious, cool-temp. ered and levelheaded when doing it He seldom repeats, and he never utters a commonplace nor strikes a false note in appealing to the sentiment of his audience. Bryan may get back home al right, but he must be more carefu in bis utterances than when return ing from the Chicago convention His commonplace remarks in that trip were very much in contrast to the carefully prepared convention effort. Thomas Wathon, the populist vice-presidential nominee, announ 111! 1 I II cos luai ne is in me saddle and proposes to stny until after eleo tion. But the democrats notified Bewail Wednesday evening jus the same. They have accomplish ed all their plans in disrupting the populist party and robbing it of all tho ciinpnign thunder, and now have very naturally forgotten thoir auti-coiiveution promise give way to Watson in the event that the populist convention hhould endorse Bryan. The pop uliHtswill find the Bryan democrats very tricky bod-follows. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: "For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians in Washington, D. C, Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After si months' constant treatment here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recommended S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, 1 be gan its use. Before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though I am not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your.S.S.S. long ago, I would have escaped years of misery and saved over $150." This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. Tli. Anoirw ran An tin cnnrL And evptl caused many fatalities recently, ' their resorts to the knife prove either hut if in annnnnrwl f W, p. nlidnan fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only . &w Bryan's New York speech was very different from the Chicago Sort Someone has evidently been schooling him for his appearance in the metropolis. Mb. Br an showed his character of honesty when he declined to ac cept the populist nomination unless the convention endorsed Sewall. ortland Dispatch (dem). Extreme heat in the Cast has of weather is probable. The Pacif ic coast has no sunstrokes. It Has been clearly proven that Mr. Bryan's figure of "crown of thorns" which he used so effective- y at Chicago was appropriated by him from the speech made in con gress February 25, 1894, by Mr. Mc- Call, of Massachusetts, on which occasion Mr. Bryan was present. Beware Of the Knile. Wm. M. Singeely and John Campbell, two democratic presi dential electors of Pennsylvania have resigned, as they could not endorse the Chicago platform. Singerly had previously stated that he would not vote for himself, but if elected would feel duty bound to support the democratic nominee. real blood remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out perma nently. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable") A Real Blood Remedy is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-called blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. A BIG BITE. Stoves Supposed to be Sold on Five Years Time, but Notes Due In Ninety Days. Farmers should remember that Bryan is a free-trader. He wants ree wheat to come here from India Russia and Argentina. He wants free barley from Canada and Rus sia. He wants free cattle from Canada and Mexico. He wants free wool from Australia, China and South America. He wants free hops from England, Germany and Russia. Roseburg Flaindeal-er. After all the democrats have done to catoh populists it will sur prise nobody if the populists end by pulling Bryan off their ticket ana giving Tom Watson another running mate. The feeling be tween the democrats and populists is very far from cordial at this time and it is growing worse in stead of better. Senator Jones' interview, blackguarding the Southern populists, and tho result of the Alabama election, have both added materially to the ill-wil which the populist leaders bear the democrats. Again prominen populists claim tliat democratic endorsement was pledged for Wat son in the event they should nom inate Bryan at their St Louis con vention. They carried out their part of the agreement and now the I democrats "fluke." "L. H. Lee, of Umatilla county, in forma the East Oregonian that the peo ple have been swindled by purchasing ranges of a trump pedlar "on five years time" by contract, signing a 90 days note meantime. Many stoves were sold (Home Comfort Ranges) not one of whicb would have been bought for cosh. To the surprise of tbe purchasers" a man, not the one who sold tbe stoyes, came around with the notes in 00 davs, de manding payment. Tbe people pleaded the oontrsot; all of tbe notes plainly reed 00 day from date. Tbe company claims that it was not bound by verbal promises of tbe agent, as against a plain writteD contract A large lot of these stoves are now in Pendleton. Tbe agents may be square, bat tbe people will do ell to reed carefully every word of every document before tney gigo it. Better still, do not be pursnaded to buy something you do not want by a fakir bo oan talk smooth and make people thick black is wbite. People cannot travel aronutl over the oountry and eel) srtiolea a heavy and bulky as stovs, pay their traveling txpensesacd make a profit and do better by customers than oar home merc-hants. Don't allow your self to believe any aooh stuff. If yon bite you are going to be taken iu sure," Tbe above will probably be of interest to many residents of Morrow county mho boo nbt ranges from tbia same company a short time since. Oillinm & ISisbee, of this oily, report having received a li t ter from Iiood Itiv.r giving a similar experience in dealing witb this company whose agents recently canvassed Waat-o oonuiy. What was the date of muturity on tbe note which you slguedT WOOL GTOWEK3 FOR PROTECT;'. N. From American Economist. I am astonished to fiud in tbe Rock? Mountain regions men wbo have beep. to ose a slaup expression, red-hot silver men, telling as that ibey believe a num ber of the so colled silver states can be carried for McKinley, on scoonnt of their interest 10 protection being greater than their interest in silver. Jcsticb, Bateman & Co.. Philadelphia, July 27, lb'36. These are strong words from thfl larg est wool commission bouse in tbe United States. Nothing can keep wool from declining exorpt the election of Major McKinley, with a oongress that will restore tbe wool duties. That nothing may be expected in tbis direction from the Hon. Wm. J. B-iynn, be made ki own from bis speech in the fifty-third oon grepp, io which bo suid : "Speakiug for myself, it is immaterial in my opinion whether tbe aheep grower receives BDy benefit from tbe tariff or not. I am for free wool." Instead of widening tbe market for American manufacturers, the Wilson law has narrowed it, and the imports of manufuc turcs of wool for tbe fiscal year closing June 30, 1896, are 40 per cent. Urtrer tban last year, aid the latter (1895) were 24 per ceut. larger than tbe imports ot woolens for the last year of the McKinley law. The increase alone in the imports of woolens since the repeal of the McKinley law represents a qaan- Ity of woolen goods which, it made in America of American wool, .would baVe absorbed more than is now annually rajsed in the On i led States. Tbis is tbe way tho tariff law wbioh tbe Hon. Wm. J. Bryan, supported has narrowed oar home market, destroying the only ens tomer that the American wool grower ever bad. On August 1, 1892, when tbe McKinley law was iu full force, as compared witb tbe prices of today, two years after the Wilaoo bill has been in force, on twelve leading grades of American wool tbe prioe under free trade was 42 per cent lower than it was under McKiuley pro teotioo. Wool of tbe same kind and quality in tbe London market has ad vanced 0 per cerjt. since wool was put on our free lint, while Amerioao wool has CUT PRICE SALE ! T.T'VV'V-V For Half Dollars Shoved Our Way We Pole BacK to You Dollar Values. This can be Demonstrated to you if you give us the . Opportunity. nv n m fusii Our Crockery am nware TO THE FRONT ! It's going fast and tbe assortment will soon be broken. We have about 75 pairs of 10 4 Blankets that we are letting go for from 60 to 75 oents a pair. These blankets are made of fine soft material and make an excellent bed blanket. We've some ezoelleDt values in this line. We have a limited quantity of our men's calf oongress shoes tor 96 oen in a rair; also ladies' Dongola Oxfords at 95 cent?; same as above in high top button, $1.25. Our 20th Century Dongola button at $1.40 is a stunner. Don't fail to examine it whether yon want to purchase or not. Dress Goods Stock Complete We are giving as close, if not closer prices than any house either in California or or Oregon. Why we are selling goods this way is because we want money. If you want goods bring on your silver and get gold values according to the Gold Bugs theory. eolined 42 per cent. From tbe time of tbe passBge of the tariff law of 1867 up to tbe reppea! of tbe McKiuley law, wool n London averaged 51 per oent. lowar tban wool of tbe same kind and quality Under protection in tbe United States. Tbis difference in favor of American wool bas all been wiped out by tbe re moyal of tbe duties, whicb hue caused a i) ruble of 42 per oent. in American prioes nd an advance of 0 per cent, iu London prices. These faots are extensively pobliabc-d o wool-growing sections wbeuoe there are numerous culls for lrjiorrparion on the enli-ct. Tbis indicates that this ampaigu will bo conducted on the question of restoring industries wbiob have been destroyed by tbe Wilson bill. Tbe party of protection must adhere to tbe line laid down in tbe platform at St Louis, sod should not be diverted by the alvlce of weak-kneed protectionist- Tbe existence of almost passionate long- ng for proper protection was clearly demonstrated by tbe force of the popular sentiment which compelled Mr. McKin- ey's nomination. The split in tbe ranks of the democratic pr.rty bas created no change In tbe senlin.ents of tbe masses. The popnlitit leaden who do not want the succi's of tho popular movement Loaded by Mr. Dry an rntlaiinul should tako Mr. Wat son iu hand and talk to liiin. They ftbouM convince him that the el ection of "Tom" Wataoii it not the paramount iaauo. Kt Ixmiri Ilo public Ye, but Thomas Walaon U not the man to go through this campaign aa a figure-bead lie ia just m fond of talking aa Hryan, and whenever the democrat at tempt to thole him off they alao choko off thousand of populist Vote. Kx-l'itr.snEN'T UinniMox baa rz pro! a desire to again trpre acot Iudiaoa ia the ecoat, and nhould the lrgit,tatttra have a re publican majority next winter La will probably lumen. Charles M. 1'airUuks, of Indiana, who waa temporary chairman of the repub lican national convention at St lii'm, U alao an active aspirant. and would atrongly oppona Mr, Harrison, though th Utter would corlaiiily mak a trry able equator for th Homier atal. Tut republican ha beard quite a nuiuWr of democrat aay tbjr will vote f r McKiuley or that they catiuot aiipott Hryan, wbil Late yet to bfr asiugU repub lican iu thia patt of the coubty ay be will !ot vote with tbe party of protection and prosperity. Our poopt here baf e f H the effect of Tb Hhikers art a Uappy Coaaaally It ia said, but lbs shaker who shakes be eaiisa be oan't help it la by do uieaos a bappy Individual. Ho sbtke Ihs person troubled witb ebllla and fever. Tbe quivering tod shuddering aouastinD is followed by no less a plagna, osmely, horning fever, which ta followed by a perspiration bath that leaves the uuhsp- pv sufferer "a weak aa a cat," a nwal unfortunate simile, by the way, as tbe eat, for IU lit, la a particularly rnuaoa- lr animal. Under tbe above olrenm- teoeee vital stamina Is soon used on Wbt will recuperate It? llocletiert Nlomacb Hitter, wbleb eradicatee mala rial it ie ass Id every form and repairs Its terrible revecea a poo lbs system. De rangement ntlhe liver always aeenmpa- atee malarial disurdor. To tbe rtllf of Ibla enmplaiot, aa well as ennslipatlno and d;spexia, tbe Hitters la admirably adapted. No leae efllesllons and tbor. oogb la II tor kidney tronble, tiervooe- aesa, rbeamstim and beorslgla. A ineglaM fall three time a day. Hinoe 1H73 there have been bine rpi demies of dysentery in different parts of tbe oountry in which Cbstiiherlain'e Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used witb perfect ocoesa. Dysen tery, wheo epidemic, is almost as vere and dangerous aa Asiatic cholera. II ere tofore the beet efforts of tbe most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravag a, tbia remedy, however, baa cured tbe tnoat mallgnaul (wm, both ol clulilren and adulis, and under the most trying Conditions, whicb provee It to be lb beat medicine In the world for bowel com plaints. For sale by Cooaer k lirock. MEl'tR OF BCAMI tMKARTHtll. (irate r. MrCMMll Heeasltr kt Jae leaaras la lnita reliable. Iloaauan. It. O , Af. 12 -George F. frContielt, keeper i f reeniJt and seals of the Kbtitof l'jlhist, wbHMbra.l quartet were al PerHiod and eho was reported Buis-mg July 37 ellh a large shortage ia bis aeeouete, hs ) bast ed al Iloeelaod. Judge Hieibein ,f I'oMlaeJ, wbo was la DnUsb Columbia, viailieg Ibe ruiDifg eampe, came apon aa I refrighiaetl the tlrfauller. He Im mediately notified tbe Hillieb (Vlombie officer wbo came aa J took tbe esaa I saloJy. Wbea Ibe t (Tieer earn opoa Ibe eeen lieOotiaell Ml I piece. I(s1iiId( Lis tilioa be ld be eeold ga al t g witb lodge Hle Ui . m.a t a airoihe ol It same fraternity, ai.J ootid l Insist, of malt aay Imable evert ilrsditwapapert It ill lime UrCVsaell U bo on bi war to iVftlsti I. Tboogh tie toed atsHdute ennfre- sioa MeCobkell eekeoojledg! that be rub rietarliaer llarlrd. Tbe funeral of tbe late Colonel Louis Flriaehner took plaoe at hi residents in rortlsud last Tuesday moralng, being cord acted by HatM Ulock wbo paid ao eh qnent tribute to the memory of lb deceased. Tbe pallbearer wer eight la bomber, eod were all emplnyeMof Ibe firm rf FleUeboer, Mayer t Co., of which the deceased waa lb senior member Tb aoli pallbearer wer Messrs. Mot llirsch, Jei-ob Mater ami Hsmnel Munon member if lb firm of Flriseboet Mayer k (V; 8. Itlomsner and II. Arker man, repreeeating lb Congregation IWlb Israel; L II. Lewi, repreeratin Ibe Hebrew fietievoleal As.ieiliiB llsary Falling aod Isaac N. Mmitb, rp- reeentliig Ibe water nmmitlee, i f el.irb deceased IU I member; Lnoia I). CoU, rrp'eeeBling lb rity enanell ; H, Lweo tela, Iae Kanfman aod W. II. Itaro baH. A lieeal Uerwaa'a rrvrlilMHi 1I-sk bltHU enelitlion, end kid ney, liver ana bwe lemibie are eurr t Karl's Clover It.M.I Tea. Fit sal I Writs k Warren. A fcsrraw lrP CoiiJaemr Hums, f Ibe special ebirh m oat KM bead of rattl Wr.lo s !y bad a arriw eectpe lf. ro beltig k.tlrj al ll'ipnef JiitirleHi na Ibe way a p. Al Itial polnl II l-ecswi aerrarary In lore II e lieiailie, anj la doipg liitin wm fang-I t, t l firlqnl!y watrolle l eat from under Ibe rm ks tf Ibe ede Willi faflber Injury lb a badly braised lritb. lr. MeHeerds wee e.I.e l la site J lb li i'd rosn n Ibe Ulur't arrival al . 1'IIU Do Nut Core. Pills do not onr enatitiation. They only aKHravagate. Karl' Clover Hoot Tea gives perfeot regularity of tbe bowels. For ala by Well and Warren bed d"l r,eg. esprtaeed (.trow at lis! ' f !' Vt. Ilort. bee bee lre. IIOOLITTLB hl'KAliS OCT. II F.ndomrs McKinley la Mrong Terms. Tacoua, Ang. 7,-Cfltigreaaiiiai W. U D olittle (republican) of tbia city, niade a pablio atatemeut throngb tb press today of his political view. II emlors MtKinley io strong term and points out tbut tb repablieaa platform I tb only on that can bring about tba adop tion of biiiiftalisin by international agreement. lie says: "I sm for biuietsliim in all truth aud sincerity, by agrerinent witb other Ba llon, if that agreement Ono speedily b brought shoot I am for tb us at both gold and silver as basio money, and If, after aa tone I trial, which Ibe platform of th republican party pledge, q agreement cannot b irdlly resnbed with Hit other nation, for bimrtalism I behev lb repa'ilican party will deem it then Io be tb duty of tb Coiled Hiate to open oar mint Io tb oolong ol eilrsr sod ty pMper retaliatory legi latioo sgaibet other rountrlr, enforce oar jr ao.l protest enrwlve a ag geledlatb etatenieol of Thoross IL Heed, of Maine, pablislml Io Fortnightly I lev ir about Iwo year sluce lie is) farther Ibal Ibe Ht. Ixiol platform I lb only tb Ibat mske pos sible (liebaildingof lb Ni rgu canal, for th Cliieg plsllorro eoodeuia bond tenr in llu.ee ol peace, and on I hec esssr) if lb ranal be constructed tre Isl'le birsi. Us list Wednrslsy bl aod be J of ealtl were d livefed at Ibis p.ttt to J. V Mellkk, of Mootar.. The l,ipmet, went JmWO a ell that eveideg I lars Ktginer Nekell and C" ibielnr r.urn Al llrppner Jnartk lb skipuieol ws divule I, ne ot It far mng Io Montana ever Ibe 1 1 rest Nurlb em arJiee ot 13 es ! lb Onab maike's over Id I'. I'. Tti I ib I e nf bit neal of raUl UraM ty Mr, MII rk fnim Tti Oiim-Frort liMk C,of fliilism e-iitili, te lilt) IU IV. Th . Vs rt-nf , r f r..ttlaa I etvrrsilv. leliver l i leir r H - as" ! tlm M. K. rl.nrrh U r li Uf eVHtlnrf. II ! ''k la prsise nf Ibe lile'ty whieti h rerreoei.l. AN AWFUL PREDICAMENT. Startling 'Omission at a London State Luncheon. All was in readiness for the luncheon which M. Ilanotaux, the foreign secre tary, was giving to the members of the Metrical convention and- Sir Joseph Kenals. About 12 o'clock the chief steward bestowed a last look of proud satisfaction at the harmonious set-out of the table. All at once he shuddered, as n poet might have done, in the final revision of his proofs, at the discovery of a printer's error that would have horribly disfigured his lateat Bonnet. "The meuu cards!" he exclaimed, they have been forgotten; lay them round at once; there's not a minute to lone!" Search waa made for the bills of fare on the sideboards In the dining-room in the butler's pantry, at tbe foreigv office, even in the minister'a private room. Not a trace of the menu carde and the lord mavor might arrive any moment! No auoh diKnater had befallen nlnre the dnya of poor Vatcl. The fact wn communicated to M Crozier with nil tbe delicacy that th circumstancea demanded. Varloua pro iioanls were submitted. At length It waa decided thut all the functionaries great and siunll, who happened to Im preaent should be laid under requial lion; even the son of the ball portei found biiuiw'lf pressed for the nonet Into the eervioe of tbe diplomatic cor The ink of tbe Inst copy wne hardh dry when the lord mayor entered tb banqueting hull. Honor woa saved Lo Figaro. .. ran m riGLiSHBUSINS COLLEGER PORTLAND OREGON Full English Course. french and german. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. aniaaiiiA trKik-ruen i 1 1 v m i'i-ie) DUAKPIHb UtfflR IntS I LADIta ef- fvjrf 1 1 riMi r i- AA Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? Tbe lime for Reasoning wood variet very grentlv, extending from weeka It I Ibe case of aonie timbers xo nianj . 1 theae can be Drocured at Thorrnaon A Iiinna. Iwer Mm Rtret k " iieppner, uregon. Three (entlemen ar eetl ariislnled ellh Orant, llsmey, Cmnk. Gilliam and other eountli. tai cu mi s noney aud time In mlu tbcre sectluii elin Irsvtlluf men. rrtre In keeplni eltd lb lime. months or years In tbe can of dense wood. bard Nerre Oa IJ. I was nrvon. tired, Irrttabl and ero. Karl s Uiovsr Kool Is oat mau m wall and bappy. For sal by Wells Warren. Oreco Pres Aaeelalie. At a meetinj of lb xeoollv ommlt- le of lb Oregnn rree Aseooiation, beld In Portland. Joly 29ib, IOC, 11 waa de cided to call tb anooal neeling al As toria, Otn by ananlmoos vol. Tb dt el Uioi Aacost l'Jih. A'l mmbr of tb association wbo Inland beinf prenl ar rtqaeeted tu send Ibeir. name and yrly dor to C. L E. Wblt. ehalreaao ot lb eieeativ 0ounil(tee. Tbl mai ler nal be attended I al ene. O C. PuCoeJTt, Trashiest Albbbt Tnta,bK-rlary. K. LK.ttiTa, Cbalreaaa. OaoaaartMALb. CMiBti Nr aat.u lerlel-el Maa. Tbl avirainf . abonl 4 o'clock, a fir alarm aa lrn4 In, aklaa' Bp a sofa ealean.br f lleppner's deatnto el fb tart le tb aeeof lbenifls(r turn It, koer, proved ol I be ertun. Ia n sssaaer ll.e dry grae tvlere F4. IU Ilisbc p' reside and I'll i II CoU' pi twees liUd. Ib'esteeiB l d Htdef bl dsO K le well direeted bex-k f f lol (d tb bis an J tb preril lb fir IsJJk luekily proved 14 l a aoery. " it feieuiferinJ. in m ij4jw I, arsWrW K Arp grusrer reeeirv i farf ens fM Inrif or H blWIritrtrr 'f am , TI-LOALPSOK- 13T2STNS, The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol MArXICIIICHTICIfi KNOL.ANI) W P1TTERS0X. JIGF.NT. !. l!J worit v rklaf ky Ibe Kye. Tbe edtanr In Ibe aoruraejof work manship In rnarblnery la one of lb re markable fraturr tif manufarturva. I t rmerly If a shaft could t roalerlirbt wllhlo 1-33 of an Inch sll was well. In deed, under old prorrM this was as fit a derree of correrinrM it.e eje could prrrelv. Ilut thl as alU-p-iher too far from prrfrrt hi answer many purprwe, and mrrbanlra art atiout drttainaT an mean to lntir Biore ntvHilut areurary. On i.f the dm! siiftfT.Uon thai lb ) was lr reliable than tb Bnrera ram frnin hr niilrtf of rrruln rytinder with ptuf It waa found Ibat a numWr nf pluir riuld be made ail prei-larly aJile mi tt lb rtuld Jwlce. but Ihe vrrlr.i nlre drlrrU-d a di!Trrenre In their alee tbe moment they rrr t'Url t tb hl fif wblrfc Ilry Were In1-ndrd. It Is said that bow the il.lTrrrti. f I t-'O of an Inrb ran r,t,y U rwr. rrltrd by the nxwl Inetrvrtrnrel pf. eB N. V. lf't, J.i. nUal I lb rtsrr ar r-l Ibis pr-inrT f U. Irf an ltitrml n,ine in w. sktti, yrr brioe " JuUr Aarrbil or tnrvrl. f r..V I ti l i'e. 8VJM0XS. In Tni rtarnr enrar or t Ulir H . ..rwr. t-MMta! Monx,w' va ' Mnrnor. tl.nUnK T a M..ror. i.i.m.7, In the nm. th. . fon ar milt pp' 0l ik. . e.. TO7J"..U.IH - ".-Muri I- "II U (mmnltruii, f jm tjmtml, rkrWe Ik ktp yrnvre rreeiiv a fjlfrne IK trtj ne e4 H hflhtr k J-s nr no! am r T. 71 .y H,,,: . I", a-r IT"' to'h "' "I'm u p .!((( ' ninof it """', SIHl tu oT iii Ihi IMS ., V'J'Jl .M.n r. li.. .i- iUlinl u ''"" -i. o( i'.ir. ' ia ee "".r M i-toittn'f. MEHlrrs SALE, ""rlOMI-ti " "Ilo, I, lit. I A tt r -'t 1.1,14 "" l ' - ' "... . 2Zt '' '" -.i7i, J - i h r. -. -m .....IrTTUlTr'' ...... . '"" rtii r-1 I e r e4 aerrw I, I I I Inn. Sll a IhllWA til , I I II ..I I I. 1 . . t L ' 1.. j, I . . t fl--- .1 111. .1 I I. ... l.l t .... .... a-s I. a . 1 1... I It J llwmtnlk IUmf Hp U ntm J f,r-- lht .,MM ' " f'V" -""Ms.. M '.W' .ll.rrsecu..us.u.iur,e,eHs.... ' . ."j ' re-r.lal.rr a-fc fM M'lWa M wm,mMrt, ,,4,. Iht U M', I.J , ' i - . , 7'' --.71.7 eiM 'tien. I uu i-r lb rutticn I Mwst-l by l.tii.n. Ciie " N v - - - - . - I " ' V2Ttl?.l't tZi a lii.i,Utrll-a -i'blo IWrttUi- '-.'',.. l'l-t.e. f I r.".ai...4. . p L 7J ' .-" '.' Cl li.t IM ir.... 4 IU.-i-. a , u. i. r.,, ..... r 1. ., u : f .VUTr; 7Jlf.t .iiwinmiau ). 1.1 .m.uw.i u. ,,,,., ,, , ,H,Ht Mh.4e- l.U se.ee4. ly r "-ITTHWul I r.TTTVH e f ef n. 4 u Vu ! e.ir. J,l. - ".V stltf V ! A V. errew. l,m.b. -.tarth HsiJ,, I m. s . U ' ''- t4 , ,.,.,. tfc , ' ".rjaT t -' - -ei. .U V " '