5) dlnl Ilu o Ears ' Specimens That Command Fabulous Prices. ' E; McNEluL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. It. k N Ag' nt ta lleppner, tr address W. H. OURLBUltT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POKTLAND. OnEQON. QDIOIC TIME t fiutx Franolsoo And all point Id California, Tia the Mt. Bhaata ruute or ths Southern Pacific Co Th irmt hiuliwur through California to all point Kitt and South, Grand Hcanln llouU of the Panifio Cuaat. Pullman Hnflet Hlsapara. Bammd-Alass rjlaapers Attachad to azpmaa traina, attorrtin annanor anonminndstinna forannund-elaM paiwiD(ira. Fur aias, tookata. alaaping oar rasanratti.ns, em, oan npn or aaorpas H KOKHI.KK, MatiKKr, E. P. ROGERS, Aaat Uuu. r. r. ahu. loruana, ureiou mWM mm EXPENSIVE EGGS The Collecting ot Bird rrs Baa Bs come a Fascinating Avocmtloa ot People of Wraith ana St deuta of Science. . It Is not irenerally known that among the fads of tlie day the collecting of bird's eggs is one that interests the ultureu uud wealthy, and one Unit may be very expensively indulged in, 'while t affords u unlU reci eatiou to tbou.-.uuds of individuals of moderate means, the scieutitic colieutiou oi buds' egga lias, in fact, become a lusciuuliug utocutiou, uud, rightly studieu, u pursuit to which the systematic study of birds, their bi ology, uud the laws governing their evo lution, is largely luuebted, us uckiiowl- dged by uu less uu autlioiity tiiun 1'rul. Uuxley Uiiuscll', wuo showed that a Bliiuy oi the uiurkings una auupeof the eggs of the species aided materially in establishing- tlie close relationship of the Limicoioe (plovers) and the uavioc (gulls uud terns). Aside from its scientific value, the collecting of birds' eggs entices the en thusiast by the marvelous diversity in size, shape aud inurkinge of the eggs, fitly painted by nature herself to adorn the richest cabinet. The ruptorcs, or birds of prey, are a favorite tumily with oologists, largely from the endurance, during aud nerve requisite in soiling cliffs uud lofty trees to secure their eggs, which are often, as in the cuse of tlie golden eagle, bcuu tifully murked. Ibis grand eugle eel dom attacks the plunderer of its eggs, though it is uusufe to auger the uio- estic bird wheu its ueBt contains young. The eggs are two, aud sometimes three, large, uud show greut variation in the luui kings of purple, laveuder and rich- browu, blotched or suffused over the surface of the shell, in California, where these eagles are most numerous, a lolly live oua tree is frequently se lected as a site for the huge uest of sticks, with its lining of Spanish moss, used by the birds year alter year for generations. A ledge on a cliff is also a common resting pluce, and out in Wy oming an eugle bus found a perfectly safe place to raise its young on the Hat top of a giant rock. The nest is in plain view, but is inaccessible. The Calif oiuiu coudor a bird with sweep of wing teu feet from tip to tip, aud tlie largest bird of night in the world, not excepting the great Audes condor is a species of much interest to oologists from the extreme rarity and value of its eggs. This condor is becoming extiuct, like the great auk; REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. The Republicans of the Uuited States, assembled by their representatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in 8UGAB. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors each protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar wbioh American people use and for which they pay other countries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and faotory; to bemp, to wool, to (be product of the great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection. HBBCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring the early American polioy of discriminating duties for the the following declaration of facts and upbuilding of our merobant marine and principles: I the protection of our ehippiog interests For the first time sinoe the civil war n tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer- tbe Amerioao people have witnessed the 'can ships the product of American oalamitous oonsequences of full and no- laDr employed in Amerioan shipyards, restricted Democratic oontrol of the sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and government. It baa been a reoord of manned, officered and owned by Amer- unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and icans may regain the carrying of onr disaster. In administrative management foreign commerce, 'a. i ili i.. :a i j: :ti. ll UnH ruiut)HHijr Buuriuueu luumpeuBiuie FINANCIAL PLANK. . i 1 a ! ! i revenue, euiauea an moreas.ug ueucn, Tbe republioan party is Unreservedly " (or goun(J m0Qe It oaused tb enaot. uuiruwcu uiourr, H..cu uV Uent 0f the law providing for the debt by 8262,000,000 in time of peace, regHffiplion o( Bp(,cie pavmPntl) in 1879; forced an adverse balance of trade, kept 8)oce ,ben every dolaf bft9 been 8g B00(J perpetual menace baDgiog over tbe re- . j Va r Sinml tf JTalMat Prof. W. H. Feekc ho make a apecialtT of Epilepsy, haa without doubt treated and cur ed more caaee than any living Phyatcian- his auoceaa ia aatonishinir. We have beard of casea of ao yeara' standing enreu uy him. He publishes valuable work on thia dls-ense,whlch e aenua with larze bot tle ot hli absolute cure, free to any sulTereir WIS ffl liberty. The government of Spain hav ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply witb its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States should actively use its influence and good offi oes to restore peace and give indepen dence to the island. TBI NAVY. The peace and security of the republic who may aond their P. O. and Express udilress. I w arivU jinv nna wishlntr a cure to address and the maintenance of its rightful in- rrof.W.n.rEEKE,r.l).,4Ce4arCt.,HewYork flueuce among the nations ot the earth demand a naval power commensurate with iU position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of the navv aad complete system of bar bor and et defense. FORKttiX IMMIGRATION, For the protection of the quality of our American citigmship and of wages of our workiogmen against the fatal com petition of low priced labor, we demand tbat tbe immigration laws be thoronxbly enforoed and eo extended ns to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. FA ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtsined and all Pat ent business conducted for Modcratc Fees. Sou Ornci isOppositi; u. 8. paTtNTOrrict iaiid wecansccure patent m less tuuo tuua Uusu J tm (mm VL" i i t rr t nn Send model, drawing or photo., with desenp Itlon. Wo advise, If patentable or not, free of i cuanra. Our fee not due till patent Is secured, t b.umi w-r " How to Obtain Patents," with 5 cost of saaio in the U. S. and foreiga countries (sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Ornct. Washington. D. C. The comparative value of thaae twoearda Is known to most persona. They Illustrate that greater quantity Is Not always moat to bo desired. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of R!pansTabules As compared with any previously knows DYSPEPSIA CURB Rlpana Tabulea : Price, 50 cents a bo Of druggiata, or by mail. .'. BIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce St., N.Y. WANTED-AN IDEAoTm'Pni. thing to patent? Protect your Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER BUKN & ca, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0., for their $1,800 prize offer. CIVIL 8BBTIOE. The oivil service law was placed on the statute books by tbe republioan party, which has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. fuse ballot. demption fund, pawned Amerioan credit to alien syndicates and reversed all tbe measures and results of suooesfnl Re publican rule. In the broad f fleet of ite polioy it baa precipitated pauio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de We demand that every oitiz io of the United States shall be allowed to cast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debise onr cur rency or impair tbe credit of oar coun-ttv. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinage of silver, except bv international pression. olosed faotories, reduced work Lgreement wltn tbe leadinu oommeroial Lr0tice known as the lynohing or killing and wages, halted enterprise ond crip- ntttiong ol tbe word wuion we piedge of boman beings suspected or oharged pled Amerioan production while stimu- nnrBaivea tn Bni1 ,,,,! alinh with crime, without prooess of law latiog foreign production for the Araeri- B1reeraent oao ba obtained, the existing can market. Every consideration of 0,nnr,arj mnHt ha n,H Ali publio saMy and individual interest i( onf gUver 80(J currency now in demands tbat the governmeut shall be :..,:,. mnat hn maint,.ine,l at a resoaed from the bands of those who ,,.. ilh . , an . bIi mB.. e.",-t " " " " " Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Ot the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. A 8t. P., O & A , P. Kt. W & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HCAri lX3.oo PER IAY Cor. W. MadlBon and Clinton Sts., CXIC.GrO. ZXiXj. The regular eubsonption price of tbe -Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and the -regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for tbe Gazette and paying for one year in advanoe nan get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions tor one year in advanoe will be entitled to rhpm Nrw Fbed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at borne at Ibis business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes rPRHonable. Bay and grain foraale. tf LYNCHING. We proclaim our unqualified condem nation ot tbe uncivilized and barbarous NATIONAL ABBITBATION. have shown themselves incapable to degianed to maintain inviolable tbe Allfl UU if if ruiil sa fiirtinut if ity Intiuiml. I 1 1 1 , (I V " conauot it witDoui aisaaier at nome ana hii0iin. tv,. TTnitri Ht-tP. .nrl .11 lug Uuuui, 11 resorts to the most pre- , L , cipitous wouutuiu, where, on some uisuor aoroau, auu suan ue rurrU ()nf money( wljetber ooin or paper, at the We favor tbe creation ot a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust the differences wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate return I to tbe free homestead t olicy of tbe lie- Istered it -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. ThmiiKh Pullman I'alare Hlcrpfra. Ttinilut Hlm'H"S and Kris ItiK'lliiltig Clial' Cars I Ail.V tot liliaiio. Many honra inri-l via this line to Kaatern roll 1 U. HVi nnoAiialar) ailflAuaS Sn1 I ..... ... ... ish blue in a cuve. Uut seveu ririfa are w"" "-i"- most enlightened nations of tbeeartb. kuown In collections, and the value of prosperity ; and In tbis connection wt ou (.considering the probability oi the hear,ny indorse the wisdom, patriotism Kicui uuu a cany cxiiuciiou; is very I ureut. Mora thun fi Mm hM i...m mi.i and suooess of the administration ol v 1 lr aiugle egg of the greut auk, ol President Harrison. which tlu-re are Hi eggs lu existence. . : ..1 . . . Auicricu cuu uiuiiu two one Ul VUHHUri tiib TABIPP. college and ouu at the acuilvuiy of uut- urm aciciice. in i-miuucipiiiu. ineiut- Wa feue tod emphasize onr alle- tcr collection held for mini waral among the rarities an eiru of the lull- B'oe to the policy ol protection as IU forum coudor, but It uij auriouniy ilia- bulwark ot Amerioan industrial lode- 1 1 .. m . 1 1 iineuiu iw vein s UL'U, a m IV IB lu- I . i 'L,i ' .. , r peodenoe and the foundation of Amen (Hiked aome acieutillc kit-iitoinuiiiuc 1 bought it no siu to transfer the treus- csn development and prosperity, llitf Uie to his OWU coll.-ctioil, where he is ,,, lm.nln noli,-. forainn nro- Imhlii.ir it f,ir . rlu. -1.... I ' K ... ... v. w . . .upiikv. I ... il Kuoi. u uu i oru, nt i nj.icnn i j vmu uu SS BUIIUIU IISVQ I6UI nwu inkiuu . ll iivi - luforuiutiou a. to the nesting hahlt. auc Da flBff fed fe, tl) present admiuis. congress of tbe United State, to the end Kj, by oopgress of tbe eatistaotory free homestead measure wbioh haa already passed tbe house and ie now pendiog in the senate- TERBITOBIKS. Wo favor tbe admission of tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable date, having dui regard to the interest ot of the tulifonim condor hue been rx- puts tbe burden ot revenue un foreigi i-eedingly limited, uud until IsSU, when n villi kui taken for 11. K. '1'uvlor. ed Itor of the Mdiologiat, noegga Imd been '' 'ht American producer; it apboldr taken since the jus. 1 he luklng of this H,. American standard ot wanes for tbe egg snovteu uie iicsiihg inn to lie early . . ii lny, and that but one egg is isid wU.....ru, .. ru.. he collector aevured the greut egg altei tory by tbe side of tbe farm, and make liiiiuuluua eliuib tiov.ii a loiie, v. Inch ,, . ., .... ,i....i.., . ie hud fuateiicd to a buah on the lilufl hove. The voudor's egg ttas fouuJ y- 'urelgo demand and price; it diffuse STEAM HEAT. LOU'ICHT PINTSCH LIGHTS If AT1CM. K. H'. BAXTER, Crn Agent. I'vrllinul, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agent, Hefner, Virgo. ScUntlCo Amerlcm Agency for II. w . - XW- I fF as" & llCak eivnrs. Til ana aaaaa. CI SICK aVgMT. COPYNrCNTS. artoJ r. ' ii a i r- nmiu t mw w Ml ! X S i . Jl t I. ks .. fH4s f -.n'rr .U hi. IB Ai-il'-. t ? bm UhHI "1 I y. t l4vrtl.Nl brf. m !4tc U a iim lii4ktaaetii ia ticntific atucrican I vH ilii r4 mr wo(iS r! ta rKa i .!( i tk h vw.tt p$ 4mm CI1IOAOO. UlilwauKee & SI. f am H'g .t.FAWL .S I MtNHtiOTA Va. Glance at this Map M l I Vlr Mliaaas a4 H fa'l tall ef Me r( s aiifc ail l.m- t.Mf-ui Im a4 a rn aM aei.e, an4 .ej. lel IW iHlwut Htt4 itfeaa liltiniMl daiMM ! lis folpasMt lt IVIwaf, wain t ajlih f tm 1M ! (ats 1 mt lu a w 4i( laiafv a4 ! .tiu it ;m M w its Mtt KtMHtam woa tki lia. Iwl mmii t-0. eM IM saltan lr t lm f ' I t elUa1 III t t, al Af-t, t 4t, l ! A.. it. r"vtfc, VMM AS TO PKNSIONS. The veterans of tbe Union armies de serve and should receive fuir treatment I and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they should be given prefer ence io tbe matter of employment and tbey are entitled to tbe enactment ol the territories and tbe United Slates. All mob laws as are best calculated to se- federal officers appointed for territories I lure the fulfillment of pledges made to hould be selected from bona flJe reai- brill lu uo unit une i, iud uwuui r i , . , . , . . ment should be accorded as far oeril. We denooooe tbe praolioe id Ibe ,)oab,, yVe believe tbe citizens pension bureau, io recklessly and nn-Us should have representation 1 TM U. S. GOVERNMENT ...13... 1 PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH 1 To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their 0 Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars V(v on whom you depended for support ? I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new I 1 ' t J . M Immama f n.n.lnn TK nniMTIimMlt MUM It V' law are ciuiucu on iiivicasc vi jnwun. rv,. w... to vou and is willing; and Anxious to pay. Why not present ra) Ji your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the ? time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. v Vi) rr-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. fTn No Fee unless successful. w1. $ The Press Claims Company f araaprae enaot Alas-1 i ion ia the Vi? goods; it secures the American market Iration, ot reduoit g pensions and arbi trarily dropping namea from the role as leserving tbe severest condemnation of Ihe Amerioan people. oin roRF.icw pulicv. Uur foreign policy should be at all Ibat needed legislation may be intelli gently enacted. TIMPBBANCE. We sympathise with ell wise and le gitimate efforts to leaaeu and preveot tbe evils of iotempereooe and promote mor ality. RIGHT. OP WOMKIf. PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, fl!) 5i8 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ft) rm. JT. B.Thll Company U controlled bp nearly on thousand leading ntwt- VJ wiptrt in the United fstniei, and ie guaranteed by them. fr,4 limes firm, vigorous and dignified, and l...-l..-k ll !... ... .1 1. . . ... t - ii.g .. uoiiuw .,, insiuve. witna few gpneral thrill, and fonuds the atreuglL 'l onr miertsis in me we.,.-ru iiemir Tb lfc,pttbli0M p(lrty .. Blodful of UVfnirhuUd" " re.b of esob. In It. carefolly watched and guarded. lb, rlgbu of PfnU)n cf " n i i .. ....i. .... t he Hawaiian islands snouia ne controii i amerioao lodosirios looioaes rqaai ed by the United HlaUe, and do foreign opportunities, final pay tor equal power should be permiUt-d to Interfere P"'""" BEPPNER, Attorneys nt Ivnw. All baaiiinaa attended to it. a prompt anJ satisfactory manner. Notaries i'oblic and Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK I3CILDINQ. i OREOOH he collector's gun, and fortunnlely did rrasooable application it la just, fair and .. ... . i. . i .. i i . . . i IIUI ITIUI lllll u nu IB lilt CIVg, lie l .1.1 ..1 . ,....! . I.a,l not -..... im,.l iu.raru, -h-h, uparv. . lu...Ku eggs, but taking off his shirt hew rapped control and domrslio monopoly; tosto i no tgg lu u and lowered a to the dot- t,oul di-erimiuation and Individual inui ui Lna ciiu. mmavir in Uu n . . . --a l U'. .t ii.. . . aafely. ii.imiii.ui. nvurniiuHu, lu. fit-u. Mr. Walter Mllryant, for many yT7a ! rli-mnor.lio tariff a SPctioDal, it jurloua curator cf birds In tbe California aead Mi-, -...In ...I a.im. ii.. I,, hn.i rtny of avleiieea, allowed what a .l I leelor may endure for rciriua on one ol BrM irpriae. We demand sock bis eaptHlitiotie to lxiv.r t'alifoinla I .qaltabls tariff nn foreign Imports tsbicl he ruastof Uwrr I'al.loruia. ,M,.rM ,P'n Am-Hcan most au uuknuuu territory to bird rtu- prodntie as will not only furnlab a4e deata, and b. deu rm.iieU to vl.il It ,, r...no. In, the aeerasary sipeo lilt laland Is UUiiilial.iii-d. and mwli 1 do not usually paaa near ll, ao It was ' ,UB hot will protect aome tliue Utlore ha u.au-g.d tosnur Amenrao labor from tbe degradation U jHiaaage on a rreigni aiuouuer. Tbey .. , ,.... landed b,m witb a supply ol pro. I.,.,u ,U m ,T'1 ",0,b'r ln agreeing to return for buu tu a ck. We are ant pledged to any partirulai Ibe wcta piu but the acbounei l.rheJoU. The anealmn of rale ia a ram nut, sun Mr. uryaui luuuu bliu .. , I. . . , . elfoiaruoned. tl. bad vollrelrd . ar U"'"1"' S0''''"" lot of rare siciu.vua, aud diavovrtrd etodilioa ul Ih tlu saj uf prodaclio se.eial new a,t of birda. , Tb- Uof ,nJ BMo-pwB11is- p, tieser bavins-eeo the faeenf man. n.aus ... . "... . T ' i j i . . ul Ibe Wirua could be caugbl ly baud " " !"" ' upi"ru u. l)l,kUlful a lb location . ior lb I America lalmr and laduslrv. Tin aU....i. of i.to...um. i... . .... aoantrT demsad a right elll.mnl and h i - i -. i on a lonely Island uua iat.l. lit Ba tbea it wauls ret ledum! Io diulng un sliellhb and am b tarda as k cam I.I aewure, and did nn ea e( Io lb Uuiiulaiid tulil Iliri weska aiirrwarti. when a. I..k.nrr rrimueil tll' lb repp! of lb reclprtKil and In aiciiu .. arrengameeU aflil f tbe la 1 he brat ot orally all birds ai iuol lUpubllcaa .lrulllrUo wa a aatioe Inlereatin. and la them lb oul .(i.i kt ealatnltr and dtnsnj lUir riw nnos a.u.a io tiu.iy uu a.iiuirc. lium favns Ilia ailmiai.in nf atnman to wider ilb tbero; tbe Nicaragua canal sboald o OW(floiN1- mJ w,,3om, iMt be built, owned and operated by tb U, operation in reeouiog tbe ooutry from Coiti'd ttlatet; and by the purcha of I Democrat io and Pnpnliat mismsosgemeoi be Danish bland we tbuuld seoure a ud misuse. r.r and much needed station In tb Saab are tb prmclplee and policies of lb republioao parly, uy the prm. riplr w will abid. and Ibe policies w will tint Into execution. We ask for -Jlli deep sympathy and Just loJigna- U,.m tb eouaideraU J idgmaotof ibe linn of Ibe AmrrioaD peopl. and w be-1 Amarioao popl. Caofl lnt alike Is o stora-a ITT. tl tiny, lkhB-crtird. dy bum at aad etUoakai oa aoea Urn as will f that Uiry. Il bumming Mrd. io Ike alis ear lrd with Mbr Balloe '""I Vl"l'T. ,U remote rirteiioe whkh ao. oUtra! tw.'irf. lib i.f lb bHwt ruri.M ol I festa I that Ol Ih l al.forb.a Lush) it lb U of ArprCa pfodael I pft ...o.r.gly .oa ut ba, .I... a and 0f otb ulra, ad r .lgej IMI.ro. It M IP-ban. .a king purasv ... . . w.tb a rund .bliabeo b..l- . '' M lb fndUof mt fM lb lop for lb li 4, sbM kj t ' f..rai aad latH.. It hi H as iMrsv'a as its .... J. 1 1 ul ae.U K.H I !' im4 l.tawibf r. ( ia laiaiiifrri.il, I -t jti ljmeml, ketkt tH tk p ynwrr reieiee a fvneSf frit f Ion le .. II A Ihtr kt it.tr ,.r .. ( am f t frte tnn'l ttroet trnm ;eeA i III" to as J ir.,a) In k Ifniis nf Av riMfii at A'ai the H lU-ai tlt ws aal'P roi4tVmfii. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pugct Sound Navigation Co Slfiscrs TELETHONS E.1ILET G4TZHET AND OCEiS WAVE. Leaving Al.lr Hireet IX ck. Portland, fur A'torla, llwaoo, Lnog Hoaeb, Ocea Park and NatcHa. Ihreel ennnee'lno wilb llwaoo a'pamer aad rail road; also at Yoong' Hay with 8abore llailroad. rr3E3XjZXvXZ02vrX3 Lmtc Purtlani T A. M. Tally. txcrpt snmlay. Ute A.turla 7 P. M. Dally, ie4 Sunday. lev lb Culled Blair .bonld irvU tbe bl.tory of oor grl party and Io M r M mm,. ,r,.ur. .u.rt.y m.hL.i P M lar Astoru Dally a Weat ladies. l b msaoiet In Arro"ni bar aroiis- all lb U tl jpoc it can properly lrl to bring lb atfooiHe to ao end. Ie .'iirkay Amerioao riJeut have ta elP'.srd to lb gravet danger aad Amarioao property delroy4. Tbellm,t od every here Americao cliiBpe aad Aroaripao property moat b ebalaity at 15 A. M., aet4 auudaf an4 Muwiay. .inday nlht,1 p. M. 0013AN' WAVU Jnsiio of our esua we prot oar plat form and onr atodtdto ia tb fall e- anraafl that Ik alootlun will bf log I U fwllaM sad runs Mrwrt la I'varn. Tmhf awl Thnfa.r al A. M. alardar at I f . SUraaOO mat ino OIOOUOO win vein Lraa llaaro SidMaUl aud filiia al 1m A. aL us snukt sun ai a p t violory to Ibe R-pnblicea parly aad -,,...-,,, (. .. . . r rmaperiiy to tb p-opl of lb Uoitd "EtV lunirtt w '"w wMtf-twi ma rrtx u WffB. far Mafaiy, Syaafd. Comlort, Plfaunr, trl ob W T.lrfhona, lUllry Gstxrl and Oraaa , DtT.ASIJI OP THE lilt Tb Inirna Itching and martinf Inri-I proleHeJ at all hs.ard. and at an, Co., aW- maoa iMK-TKIKt. applying C1.ae.bflain l.r s4 Kio R thuiiRMiL Many very Ud cse bsa T W rraefl tb Monro doelrin la ta-rnianrntly rored bv (L It Is llly I 1,1. .. t .. li,l.:.. an.1 a f.anl. Ma. a iu,i". iiwdi - . j, ... u,m,Uac rhai raM fcvJa. cbll- ,..,1,1 ,J IK. t'all-.l Htala Io i lb Haina. trM biuav and rtiPHii (or y , , . .. Fur aal by drucguis al 23 ciu par boa. d.Mlila Bt b rpaiKindiiiaT to tb IP I ' intralia la or t.aropaa aib. l"c, l.i.i punnatMi Tsraauuam. ii: Er.:!:j Institute For tho Cui-o o Liquor.Oj.lum ul Tobacco Habits II I tmla4 M SaWaa, Orv, Tkt U mi f!iafiaf Town on (A (Wg Tall SI IM Ostaer aHBf Sne Satrelmlara MrwUtats4aUaa. Traaial antsnawlsar fa fa eroaebmeat. w sbai; aol b ilrlral aad (ball Dot laterler Ilb tb estsliag poe- tno ot y Kampp power ta ll.i Fu sat by Cer A lie!, d'aggUUl Bla4M mt tadtata tsar. Tb kkua of a India warrto at bat..., .... b.t tho. p.,P.i,a. .! ' 'i "M '""r4 ' s a tr I M",',,,u, a few day ago by o. HO y pruPH, vm "' la) sura r digging rellar. bnttullv ksk f.wrd to lbnl- Th Uly bad t t.rwd iaaniiug , . raailur, fating tact, and bnit It ra al witbdr,.! F.arp-a v", ,uun. inn. IbTpieai. .( s.r b4 from tkM bkipWaa aaJ solbetiiU artow bead. Mb. I artHibd lb a.braof all Cg'isfe pkig rHW "'I'l' t-oJ. er4 witb f urafsi rsrtinfs lb ..iMPl by ff at of He la bahtlaat crsia atotrr. Flaw lb boar f MbUving Ibtir Ijf b1af, lb pi$4 pf lb t.U4 rP r rrwtrtt-.-raArr "item" em l..i t w C'aWb la tiio. J ln to W Uka loi-tl!. a-na-ly U.a mxitf klr wry m l-aL't U f-Saasa, a tb, WW e Ujra kma if knt UAnt. I"aank la tl, a4 lU.d Jaw,iaw4 I y n4.trkaera ksrlt II. Haaal I I a See for f.i II., wk a4 t" .laaaas ia eo ,Hlly. r f as: ty II rile A ". t. H !.- lla'l-I.P' .l ll HnltMjiiti.il 1 1 1 1 a y ar 'i t.(..l.,a, 1alaa ! rai'4. ! Sat 11 est K)"'. Hl's a, I a. .i - a.. i . .. . 1 a. a"r,rt a-4. ASjSVtl, lp ,,inlul I'loiawiloa aa4 rlpi'w,y are tela aawara) el lUpablie r-dw-y, a4 go kaad la bead. lwal rl b resklpaoiy uak doa U.ia, .! b"l saat ta rlblibJ; posUmi f at, a I pfd lie adonaatoa fur lb keeaaa of lit bib a 4o ! pre 4o; rrlp'J i t m SDall .i. la a kik ataMs saarkal la 1 Iota rot ar pa asum waiwis, . ,,4.,, 4 rink .1 f.-i raw to iV'pMi bit 4 t-l l-U.ly j14. wpS ol'b d-r aUH-g iii Wa.,. a r-af -.! . 14 a. l I,. I., aad a, .... Ia k- "" f.U.a. .aa.s-a.li b-IW P M ! ' a.tiy I N,"a. I ... ..... . .. !.. l-l a. .a .. l I.- 1' a fall l galfaJ -! aU ) llal I ' " - lUa- Iraal a-l ... k-f I r "Oj .. h. ' ittMii ir-irw vt). pva.n MUle k regar 14 wHb mp Iky lb l4r dp wmti-r. It ss.fi t Up twal 1 psayaat, armg rya. - aM .. lfl l lki A rp'e I l, , 1 ,. 1h. riM-rira g Irla, a I . 1 e.fl.ai H a. I '. a, 1 1 f an..' t , a,;.l I. . I. a iaf aa ! U-aat I - .. -afc. J T . OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HHAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at .1 great finnncinl iv.cri l)tiinc.s. and as a ficc. You nrrd it in votir matter of husijus v.c imiit Tin. I'.uu.win nil it. i'Uj.. IbKaN.i Co.