THE BEST Family Medicine Eh Hai Ever Known. Wordi of Praise from a Hew York Lady for AYER'SPILLS " I would like to adil my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them tor many years, and always derived the best result from their use. For Btoin ach and liver trouhles, and for the cure of headache caused Try these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot he equaled. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders Of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the 'digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 308 Eider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. if-, II AW Qambrinus Beer, tuiwHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable) Liquors and Smokable CI ara. Call on Tad. We Have Heart! It. Ask Ihe wool grownr wlint lie think of free trade, e)s tba Portliui'l Chronicle, and you will het-n to words of avialoin, witb dow aud then a little, profanity put io by way of rmpbaeia. He Hl Ml yon tbat free trade ojeHtia the lntli ol the beep irduatry, and I tint llryan is lie moat rabid free trader in the country od tbat bit ((k-cihI hatred ia for lle wool ioduttrr nf the United Htatee. It would be bard tJ And a sheep owner, of any iuportam'e, in the etatmif Orejpn, wbo will not airport the can of p'o teoliun, and j lined band lu band witb tbem ara tba lumbermen aud bop gro ra. Mom Bat Ayr a at the W orld rir Ayer'a 8ereipi.rille enjiys tha extraor dinary distinction of barintf been tba only blood purifier allowed an at Ihe World'- fair, Cbioati. Manufacturers of otber anratparillHi annght by every meeoetonUaioaebowinK of lbir 'd, bot Ibey were all turned ewejr noder the application of tba role forbidding tbe entry of patent medusae and boatroma. Tba deaieion of the World't Mr aoih rltiet in fafor of Ayer'a Haraaparilla wae in affect aa follows: A)er,a Waraspe rilla la not a ternt nwlteln. It H ire not belong lo Ihe I tat of nalroina. bar oo lie taenia." Ilia A aueaUf Judge Dennett ned to dellaM ia tell- laa-a I ke of Jolne Ilrad.baw .f M borne frtm btpt'.ffl. eleatlo(bi baby b ia lb praiub4ll r o Ibe aide- walk. Sow it i fcf4t.a'a mra to t back on UeittiFM, bo drv d to li e Umatilla last KnUy mt "i mail a falter d after lolo ! mirlie walked borne leeemt lite b' tid In t poet. WbntbelB hi. tieiii reme la it U'k fea I'vty. Jnd Kita ard II or I ) olbeia In bold Iba borM Flo lint II aaa tWotietl's Fa i (ailed boa np by Vo. Tb Jda ecknwW4 Ibe via. Ibea called apJeek It 'l'oaHi l take Ib animal amaad It Ihe Ci'jf Mble M ho 0berr. K ate of OMo, fVt f T"ld . Freak J. ClJ nvka ' a iba eai"f t'lr '' '' f'"" ' ' J Cbf A l"o. J""1 ' (4 Tl.ln, r-'y ed '" f "i l. ead rfcet e)4 $ m wnl y llamef (l.e lUt.M.t l ..:i.(e I. e. 4" raM f r'ib It ret - '1 b tba etf Halt'e C,'tb Htotk In Kl .e e ' 'find t Here and There. . Tba Heppoer Transfer Co., baa wood lor sale. 37-tf. WaUnce Smead moaotafbs. is down from the Coffee mills for 35 ceola at P. C. Thompson Co.'a. 5 6. Ed. Holloway was up from the Doasrlaa oonntry yesterday. Tbe family of J. W. Ruemas is now loomed at Ditch creek. The fall races at Portland will he hi hl from Sept. 5th to tbe 12th. Geo. Thornton and family returned from the DiouutaiDs last evening. Get a eobblinsr outfit of P. O. Thorno- eon Co. and save your old bcots. 5 6. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter whiskey. On tup at Chris Borchers'. Mail Punoh Tobsoco. the only neural leaf in package, for sale by P. C. Tbomp. son Co. 5-fi. Bob Watkins made final Droof on bis homestead lnht Hiitnrdav with Fred Thomas and Bob Dexter as witnesses. Father Brinrdy, of Condon, held ser vices in this city a the Cutboiio ohurcb, iHBt Sunday, which were quite well at tended. . Little boy The preacher says there is no niHrrvin 'in heaven. Little girl Of 'onrKe not. There wouldn't be enough men to go around. WillSpmcer hss returned from the mountains and is ai;ain xt his post hi tbe first National Bank. His lame fincer however, is still in his way. It is reoorted that Paul Jones, the Heppner two-year-old, polled up lame niter h's run in tbe five furlon dash at Butte ou Saturday, August 1st. , There is no pxonao for any man lo sd- pear in society with a grizzly beard sinoe ilie intro'inotion of Biii kitigbum's Dye, which color natural brown or black. Lost Between town nod T. H. Bia- hee's pi 'tee, a pair of blankets and a qmlt. Finder of same will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at the Gazette mce. Hck Mntbews is still nt the old stand. next door to the poet office, where h ia prepared to do auvtlinv in bis lin. Shaving, bair catting' baths' etc., at popular prices. tf. Mrs. E. Carter, a tborongb nnrse of many years experience, is now located in this city. Anvone desiring the benefit of her services can secure sme by leav ing orders at tbe home of George Ship. ley. Bit. 8. H. Hntnir disposed of hi interest in the mercantile business last Hnturdar to his partner, E. W. Rhea. Waldron will oontinnn the business under the firm name of E. VV. Knea & Co. See notloe of dissolution in this issue. Charley Jones, the well-known "old timer" iu tbe tnusorial line, baa again located in Heppner, having purchased Green Mathews' shop, Minor bnildina opposite tbe city botel. Charley will appreciate a call when in town. Eroil P. Vnrrz haa located at Bakei City where be baa bonght ont a seoond hand store. Emil repnrta good business snd is well pleased witb the change, His wife snd child expeot In leave Hepp ner soon aud him in bia new home at Baker. Rev. Dr. Tbos. Van Sony delivers bia lecture on "Kot.ks" at tbe M. K. church tomorrow (Wednesday) eveuing at o'clock. The admission ia free and the pnhiio ia cordially nraed to attend. Tba lecture ia highly spoken of wherever it has been delivered. A young man bad been talkiog to a bored editor for a quarter of an bonr, and obsereed: "There H'fi eomethlUKS In tMa orld that go without ea)ing." ' Ys," said the editor, "and there are still mim things 'n the world whoaiy good deal without going." What causes had dreams is a qnestioo that has never been SHliHUotonly ana waled; but, in nine cae nut of ten frightful dream sr the reenlt of imper fwet (ligation, which a few rtoeea of Aer' H"sparilla will efTi'ctnully r, niedy. Duu t deUy try It to-day. The 0Ett be a one lear a tuition la either the English, Commercial, Short hand or Telegrsphio departoienta of tba Holmee Basin' College, of rortlnnd for aula Aer pereoo desiring to taka a thnrongh bnins cour in a first clase Oll'go should lea the Osteite before go. ing below. If Ed Mullock's ftmily. A. A. Robert family and the (IszHIa family departed last f ridxy ifteruiMio fur Dilcb Creek itb liwirg linker aa bead driver of tba f.iil'-horse lesm. It i reportel tbat Ibey arrived My nlurday alter euronnler Ing two or tbrea breakdowns ol little const qumee. Charley Itojsa earn over from Gilliam eouniy wilb the cattle tbat were deliver ! In C M Oriro fur ahlpiseot to Port' Innd. Charier he not ten In Heppner roe almoal a var pt. He will brio II moriihe' term nf i boo at L'te Kock in iba Oral of S pte.uber. lie returned home today. "II i$ immiilrrinL in my Jinlijment. U-helhir Iht thrrp gmtrer rrmvra Oaf tVttt-fif fmm lae lartir or nut Whrthrr Ac ditrt or fluri not I am fur frtt irtl t.jrtrari from uttrrh II I hum J. Ilrytin la th 1 1 ill f nf Hrp rrtrnlatirti iriea Ih4 II im bill was HKiIrr cvtiitiUrntio. Wold waa reoivnt here yeelerday of iba datb or IVUr MefJ'a'aa, tl Iowa, brnibor of Irv and ltc MoClarsn, wba fn'ra'-rly lived la this aoaoiy. I'tr visile I Ids brothva bar abnol ais yeara ago and wbtle bet va marriml aad r,i,r. a itiia vicmlty a abort lime, ben be rrlarn4 lo laaa. A et atr la Tha IUa rerrnllt aairt: "Tbe frHiet girl In Ibia tily H'wa ani earry fer'lf aialgbt eaoegh whe pmmaliog " fnt a afterward II tbe yntf Udi of Iba loa walked alHitil I k eo i?in bean pA', and rvry girl I: ' Tbat horrid old paper Ma, il il l I wa k Tba e"afrtee year of Ibe M. E. ehnreb. K-ll, Wt eloee with feelt Haa a"e eevi. Aag. IC'h Kv. II l iiioa wilt p'ei la the Bvorotcg aad t.e ! r In he e lftg. AH a-a it. lo IIim lt aMtiraw. IU. U. H 'd aill il'ia'l l"f Ihe l of Ibe eucilnet e on 1 ody kthl, Ag. 1. Mr Illia II CV arrtfed fmrn F.iUai l,i! a F'l U mneaiag aad U tulMrig wih H't Hqliee, M. (ireeoe, , of Ht ir M'a (-t nreail Ibe i I it l ! Xt. K elit-rb Haidy t ing, b I itlie I a ey ii,ti,ag n n hh to abiw'y re-vflf l li I' -'b l.r I eko illnwa. Ilmr if't. the at t wan ii fim ii ar et" th Kiaa', a 1 It ri llrt -f .t. lit ! a i"i tt f r i-"i. llse a aa 1 ... . ... i tl.g . a 7i aei.f miff .i 6'. ii.v - e .t. a I. low f -e m The 23d annual aession of tbe Colom bia river conference of tbe Methodist Episcopal ohurch. meet in Nortb Yaki ma, Wash., Angnst 26 to 31. This con ference oomprisee all of Washington, Idaho and Oregon lyiog between the summits of tbe Casoadea on the west, and tbe Blues and Cceur d'Alenea on the esst . Over 100 in inietera will be present. Tbe new bishop, Earl Cranston, of Port land, will preside. Hon. W. R. Ellis writes from Newport tbat himself and family are having a very pleasaDt and 'enjoyable ooting at the coast. He talks of ooming np to Heppner this week, and oo next Friday and Saturday will bold competitive examinations at Tbe D-dles for the purpose of selecting one oadet for West Point sod one for Annapolis. A number of Applicants will contest for these bon or s. Sir Knight J. L. Mitchell, accompa nied t)y Geo. Gray, Sam Meadows and Sam Letzer, went out to Hardraan last Saturday where Mr. Mitchell delivered an address in the evening in the interest of the Kuights of the Maocabees Sev ersl new members were enrolled at the close of the meetiDg. Mr Mitchell has deoided to spend this week in this city io the interest of the order. C. M. Grimes, of Tbe Dalles, received 215 bead of cattle here ecterday which were shipped down on last evening's triiio. The el ipmeot goes to the TJoiou Meat Co.. or Trontdale Late last even ing the cattle stampeded in tbe corral and broke nut, about 80 bead getting away However, thev were snrronndi-d and brought back, with tbe exception of four or five bead. Swarms of grasshoppers passed over Heppner going toward the Southwest yestf rday afternoon. They were at great height and oould only be seen when possing between the observer and the sun. Tnev could be seen tor several hours during tbe afternoon. Many are seen everywhere on the ground today. evidently the weaker tbat gave out iu tbe flight Herry Blackman came np from Port land last Friday night and remained over Sunday with bis family at this plao-i Henry expects to leave next Friday for Tsooms where he will thke the Btemnr for Alaska the following day on an official visit to tbat portion of bis distnot. He expects to remain about two weeks. W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all kinds of blaoksmithing, horseshoeing, machine repairing, wagon work, in fact anything in bis line at reasonable charges and satisfaction gne.rsnteed. Will pnt iu pokes for 30 cents eeob, and other wsg- on-work in proportion. 46 tf 'Mnrnma, wai tbat a sugar plum yon jn t gave me?" asked little Mabel "No dear, it was one of Dr. Aver's Pills. Pleas, may I have another T Not now, dear; one of tboee oioe pilla is all you need at present, beoause every dose is aOective.', Cut for your candidate. Be patriotic and bny a campaign pocket knife of P. Thompson Company. 6 6. Where They Met. McKtnley BP1, with Napoleon eye, Bays "Bryan I- t'l drink some LI n wood Rye; we meet as menus, my worus are tew I hope they don't, dear Brian Bore V." And Bryan says, In a Joking manner, 1 wonder If that s w lint's the matter with llanns Thai's horse and horse, you liinny feller vthen 1 see my wile I sin uoiinii to lener. Then they gravely bowed, and they winked an eye, And they drank mine more good Liu wood Rye, Sold only nt tbe Belvedere Saloon, E. Q. Snerry, Prop. Death of Col. I'lrlsrhner. Ool. Louis Fleisohncr, pioneer of Oregon and ex state treasurer, died very suddenly near Kttohnm Ppriogs, Idaho, last Friday, Anunst 7. ngd 19 years Be came to Oreuon In 1S52, nod enifaved It) Ihe mercAiitiln business. In IHfil be entered into partnership with Solomon fliraoti and Alexander Scu'imeel, estab- lifhltiff the wholemiU Jihik ds house of I. Fleucl.ner .V Oo., wh'l finally mrreed into the firm of t leierbiirr, M)er k Co Ool. Flciechner a lifclouif democrat nd in 1H70 honored by bis psrtt lib the nomination for state tieasnier, nd elected by a lartfe majority. At a ublio t.fllcrr and business man Ool. fleischoer woo and Dierited tbeenteem of all, and it doubtful if he had an enemy lo the entire state. His fiiceds and arqiiaiutsiii-ea in llrppuer eie very ranch puned to hear id hie dean. la Biltl.k l oleailtla. A iretttlemsn wriMnif tn friends In S'. Helena from It leslaad, H.C ,)(leorge F. McCoonell, tbe drfuultiog keener nf r.-oirds and aeal of ib craod lle, Kalghla of P.lbiss nf Oreiron, ia In Itoesland, where be aeroa lo think him aelf ool nf reach of Ihe olTloere. MK'oB Dell probably ent direct lo Itoeslsnd after disappearing from IVrtlsod. rr n.le. Tbe California lacuna at Tbe Oallra. t Id location f r any lln4 ( linelue.a. llt rliaaea fur tha rifbl party. Will lke eWp In lrale. Yr particn'at wfllelo oaner, C Hill, Tba Iallea. Oregon. C2 Int. )kUTl( K TO rATMa, Time will bot ba ato I anyooa after Jtaljr 11. All tseraona Utliac to pt T lha 1'tin of aarb Bouts be feafter ill be uliff. Uirraaa IJuar Vti Cu f ia imv$trtt, in mtjwljmtut, wttrlktr Ik aJW grower retwirea nj Unrtl from IK Itriff or a of U'ArfW A tfiaa pt d-t i4 I am fur frt wo"f." frtrt$rt mm $irh nf H'ltfi'taa J. r ia in th Ihtum uf H'l rrarafnftrea whtn Ikt Ha lull trut aaifer ciai.ff ama. 1 t, h iraiaa Iba U. Il A N. will roa at. Ccaatilla, Walia Walla aa1 VaclUt .fl. Tb'oo.b !!-', fiiel a4 . . eettii eiaaa, win rua ia rn n ms ISe I'ai'a l'ir.. tba a tax sl - f.fa A tbrnagb iiel ala-a elAfr iVtt- Unl to fi"laaa, a.eH.ef ailb lb el Mai lMf In til I'awl, aat a Hsnwa' liti airr t'rlaat ! Nl faaji, II saa la arii itb ih Clreal Sntba ?!. If Watt. Tl-trto faa alata Ulef flerfif aal Mauia. alia ar j , J.. ...l alii.a 4 l.aaiaa aaa daf ateil ajila. GKANT COCNTY ITEM 8. From the Eagle. Wo. Hughes was over from Heppner early this week on business. 8now fell on the mountains east of Long Creek last Monday. A rare ooenr renoe for August. Dan Morrow and M. M. Rice got in from Heppner Sunday witb the new boiler tor tbe Woodall sawmill. Emil Soharff started a band of 3000 mutton sheep to Heppner this week. Tbev will be delivered to Graden & Rogers. Beu. L. Leland, who formerly resided io this city, is at present in the employ of Henry Murphy, a merchant of Mouu in eut. A. D. Sloan wasio Long Creek Wednes day, hiiviug juut returned from Portland where be wau called on acooimt of the death of bis brother, E. G. Sloau, oi Henpoer. Don't Wrlto When Angry. Never write a letter to a man, wom an or child when you ore nnprry with the person in question, or perhaps, 1 had better qualify my advice by beg ging- you, one and all, never to send an ang-ry letter for 48 hours after you have written it, and then I would suggest reading- it carefully, and, as the Irish man said, "burning itbefore sending- it." Wo have many of us exhausted all our rape in the fire of the letter-vritiucr, mid have felt all the delights of a battlo won by the process of our pens without the hackneyed formality of posting-the epistle. Who is there who has not written his anger out in this wholesome way! Do not, 1 pray, send a cruel let ter to anyone you have ever loved. You will but live to regret the act, and pos sibly with the pallid silence of death between you and the wounded one. If mortals were, in these prosaic days, gifted with invisible powers, I would wish to be that spirit endowed with a force which would arrest every angry word at the tip of each sharp-pointed, heart-breaking pen. St. Louis Repub lic Ills Own Jonuh. In a spite of bravado tbe whnh thought to dive beneath, but tbe hug. ocean steamer caught him and dug u bole in bis backbone. The whale shuddered. "That's the greatest hard ship I evd tried to under go," he cried. JX. V. Re corder. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, Minnie Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Gilbert Smith. Defendant. To Gilbert Smith, Defends t. In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required tn appear and answer the com plaint filed against you tn the ab-ve entitled cause on or before the first day nf the next regular term of the above entitled court to- U: Tha 7th day of September, 1690, and if you fall so to answer, for wa t thereof the tiiniunn win apply in tne court lor the reiiei demanded In he- complaint, to wlt: For the dissolution of the marriage contract exlst'ng between pUltitltr and deieodant, for the care nd eui'odyol the minor child ( plulnlltT and neien'ian sun corns ni i n is sun. This Summons Is served by niibltcstlon pur riant to ail order nf Stephen A. Lowell, Judge ol the aiMive entitled court, uiaiie on the nth day oi July, imsi. i. n. kkh 'n, 4M-71. Attorney lor rialntlfr. SUMMONS. TN THE rIRITIT COURT op THE STATE X of Oregon fo Morrow County. lorrnw i i laliititr, juua a. rariei, vs Ssmnel! (ierklne. Martha A. lierslug. James K ..un- maker and Maria K. Sun ttinaker. t'efeinlauis. To Mm net I. "cltl-'ft and Martin A. Cork I I, two of the alHive-UNined ilefeitdtits. In the name of Ihe eistenf Oregon, yon are hereby required lo appear and mtsiver the r,nn lilalnt filed sgnln.l vnu in the alaive eullll d suit on or liefure Ihe "lb day ot NM'leinlier, I si; ml yon will taka n-uli e that If you tall In ua er or mherw m apH-ir In nabl suit mi or lM-forv the sai l Tlh d ol M''teinlHr, l'"l, Ihe pUlnllll slKive tiainr.1. for waul Iber-nf, will apply to llm .Inns .milled court for Ibe re. let p'rdl r In Hie cottiplaliit filed I- Ibis aull. lo w II: Kor H-rwmal dix-rec lii( Die rtefeiiil. lit eamiiel I. l.erUng ai.d Marlh A lurking fur the sum of M7 to with Inlerrst thereon al Ibe rale of r cent fx-r iinum Irom April 1st. I1", and thf .inn id lnui atlnrner s lia. and the rusts and ril.hiirapmruu of (aid (nil; that Ibe court shall decree Ihal the mortgage rserul ed bv Mid iiiiihi I. lurking ml Marih A livrstng lo the Ijimtiard I .--lineiit I'liuitiaiiv. dated Ihe 2,'d da ol Mi h. tv-e. Uxn tlivlul. but Ing drw'llinl mil pniHTlr In Miirrn enu ly. Hregon. lo ll: ineiii'h ball of Ibe nurtti r. ! quarfrr, the south a'i aer nf Ihe norih-wrl qiarti.r nf Ibe tmrth-mat (iiarer. nf xllnn Ko -'. In township Si, Kiiilh. ami Sn ;l il Wlllsmell inripllau: and Isnlhewrvt half nf Ui Imrlb-Wrsl iiartrnl aartluii Nn 1.1. and Ilia nnrih hallnf Ihe north wM cin.rlrr ol Trillin Sn H. In lin.lilp .No a antith and rang No i.'i f.a.l of ta lunilif nnrn. tan . w hb-h mnrltfagv Is iinw nwttrd br nlaliiliiT. w lili'li Mid nMr'vag was rernr'led mi Hi th d.rnf MarrN. ') al iai 1 11 n ll-.k I) ' ol Ilia kminli nf Mortan In Ibe mlr of Hit I miniy I lerfe of Worrnw riHinly, iirnron, atiall h lnrrrPaw', anil Ihe I1 ril imM.rlv Mild nd lh .t.. ot slirh Mir lo tm appllrd li Hi par in'Kl iilaliiilnT nf In !" namrl iima nt iony ; Ihal all ol th dfletnlaiiia aiMl II annti rlalmlut and tn claim l,v. Ihmiigh of itiflfr llipin, nr snr of litem, shall Ii i,rr barrvd and Ifirvrlnard nf all right, till miai. luler.vl and lien, al law and In .iully. and tonally of all rqnliy n mtnt.ln. In, In ml Mpon n nl wld rwl p...iti , ami thai til' miin anan pav ffm-rsi rfl1! 1 hi. a.,niiitois Is anibli.hMt ,,iriint tnnrdif nt II--a A UfwH Ju l of lh aim, ilillcl Mufl, wia.1 mi C bmlr. IVimIiIi,ii I mallli ruielf, Offirti, un lh I uh dr ot iy. i""i fRK, CARTtR, Matl.RV AfaTII. t',1 K l lalnlie t Allnrnwa kotlci of Intention. La Orrit ntU Lit.. rsn t'tnm M voTtiRia iimmr iii iht in (a ..lioi,( hm.l iiir ka air M hi. Inlrollon I - Mil ai In SMf.'-rt nf hUrl.lm ad lh' MMl fnmA a III l k.U la g L jtawl.n4. NrntnlMliiMf I a I lo-.i milt al ryynl, (ish, AufuM Mb, t ' TiiuMaii iiiinur. H i ..iri v ua a ih aw. a' ru m Miaviw-i;. 'ris, nwi m H Mms Ii. Inlli mttMf In pm at nniin.nM r4l.r tipmn i.d tullhaUon mi, kna l 1 is li.i.M.i otn. Il K'lt.lias. M s tM M immmt Jmm. u ii'i-e.. i A'ofct of Mention. t Aaorirri'-f t i a r.aiir ir ab i a r ! tk. lh a.U'.Wlf, MW M4I. k eiMl Mk, kf ,l,fn Sn mmkm ! M l l T1 M ' .aim !.! I.m4 I I a m4m ! .rf ..! a ! . . M MapM .w,.., ,.i,i ii. ... ,i. !n(iir rtiaru .. K j.iw, i J WJL 17mLt, VJ i"4 4 " r . r - - - - - - - p - a- lt. II 1 1 MIS a.f ithi.. tm4 ' -4 Mfail. v MM lt, a'lt " le r l-". pw a fu9w a iri ffey, l' wf Hcia ar. M.f i l , !) ! IV m w m n" ta. K'Ut I. . !a ' 1 ' if N t a . it LETTER LIST. LETTERS ADVERTISED Or.. Aug. 10, 1S'J6. AT BEPPN'EB Ailami & Martin Diirrell. SO Huet, Mr. Angle Hart, Henry Klncald, Jennie Ren, John tor these letters please uy I. P. William. P. M. Devey, J If When callintf dvertised. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X of Oregor EvaUriltiu of Oregon for the Couuty ot Morrow, I'ttlrlrtin IMaiiillrt U. 8. Grittin. Defendant. To U. 8. Urilfin, Defendant. In the name nf the -tuie of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and aimner the com pluiiit tiled Hwiilimt you in the above entitled 1'iuine on or befive the first day of the next regu lar term oi me above emitied court, to-wit: The 7th day of September, 1896, and If you fail to answer, for want ther of, t e idiiin iff ill applv to the court for Ihe relief demiiuilcd in her romplniut, to-wit: The dis solution nf the rnttnhiKe contract extMing be tween iilumtut and defendant, and fur costs of UiisB it. 'I his Summon is served by publication bnr- uant to an order oi stepneu A. Lowell, judge of the above entitled court, made on the 16lh duv f July, ltiH. J. N. BltOWS, M-71. Attorney for Hlaiutirt. SUMMONS. JN THE CIRCUIT C'URT OK THE STATE 1 of Oregon lor Morrow County. Eliza R Owens, Plaintiir, VB Frank II Bonge, Mary J. Henge, his wife, Lewis J. Schewrieh and Seh.uvrii-h, his wife, De fendants To Km k II. Bengeand Mary J. Bengo, two of me neienoants. I u the name of the state of Oregon, vou are hereby required to appear and answer the com pliant men against ymi in the ahove entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September. 1MB: aud you will take notice that If yon fail to answer or ntheru Ise appear 111 said suit on or neiore said 7tn nay nt seinemner. injo, t lie plain itli'ahnve ua - ei, fnr want thereof, will apply to the above entitled enurt for the relief prayed for in the cnmpbilnt tiled In this suit, to-wlt for er-pnnl decree against the defendants Frank H Bengo and Mary J. Benge, his wife, fur the mini of 25 with interest thereon nt the rate ol s per cent per an am from January 1st. Will, and the sum of "n.l)0 attorney's fees ana tne costs and aisnursements oi said suit; that ihe court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wife to the Iimbard Investment Company, ilntel 'he Hlth day of December, 1KH8, upon the Kiii'iwing nesennea real property in Morrow county Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter ni rectlnn No. :'A in townnnp No. 2 math, and range No. 25 EBt of the Willamette meridian, which said mortgage was recorded on the '20th day of December, IKiH: at page 51 of Book" l" of the Records of Mortgages in the otliee of the ounty i.ierk ot Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the sdd real propertv sold, and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to tho pavment to plaintiff' of the above named sums of money: that all of tile defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by. through or under them, or any of them, shall he forever nnrred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest aud Hen, at law and in equity, and especially of all equltv of redemption, in, io and upon every part oi said real property; ana that pliiiiitll! shall have general relief. This S mmons is published pursuant tA order of Hon Stephen A. Lowell. Judge cf the above entitled court, made at Chamliers, Pendleton, Unintllln county. Oregon, ou the 13th dav of July, is!. f KIS, UAKTEK, HAI1.KY fi AUSTIN, 457-70. Platiitift'i Attorneys. tiUMMONa. THE ClKCI'IT COURT OF THE STATE 1 c of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Kalph L. Henge, Plulutiir, vs Katie D. Benge, Defendant. Tn Katie I). Henge, efen ant: 1 the name of the rftnteof Oregon, you ere hereby required to appear snd answer Ihe coin lilalut hied aimliist vim In lh above entitled milt on or before the first day of the next regular tariu i i tne unove entitieu court, to-wit: Monday, September 7th, I89fj, and if you fall to answer or otherwise plead, for want liieienl the pialutlli will apply to the above entitled court for s decree dissolving the mariiage bonds now existing between you and hlinseli, snd a judgment sgaiust you for the eots and di-bursemeiits of tills suit This summons Is published by older of lion. Stephen A, Ijiiwell, Judge nf the circuit court of Oregon for the Bib Judicial district, dated July iinl. ixuft. K. P. Hi NR. 4.VI (W. Attorney fur Plaintiff. SUMMONS. INTHK riRCflT OOl'ltroF TUB STATE I nf iiregmi lor Murine County, The Nnith ru I nuiilles Inveslui lit I rust, Lim ited. Corporal inn, l'lni:itlir, feeella le'vln'.fl.S King, N. II. Mi ll nd J. C. I hoiusiiit, llefeuilalits. ToCieella tailor, r. H. K'ng an.l N. It. Mi-Bee, Hue" ol ihnab.ivci named deleudaiila. lu ibe name nf llin Hiaie of iiregmi, yon are heri-hv riiiied to apia-ar and Niisv.r Ibe emu- iiilnt nieii against vnu in trie aiaiv eiiimi'il sul' on nr hlote the brut day of lh next r. gular i, r in ol ine aiHiie fiiiiiiiii I'niiii i: The 7th Day ol September. 1000, ud iim will Uk iiolb-e lliat If ymi fall to an.wer or nilieii Im aiM'ar In Mid enurt on or la-fore Ihe said III Hay nl nepleinlier, IWM, the Pin i. tilt ai nan. e. I. lor want Ihemif. will apply lo the almif eiilHIed ronrl for lha relief ired lor In lh rompiaiiit nie.i in this suit, In w ii : rnr IHT.onai iieri agaluat him ni'ieii daiil, Orrlia la) lor, Ini the sum nf ;?.l 4.', Willi Mile est iiiereon al Hiatal nl a la-r i ffiit. Nr annum fr 'in lit .'Uh day nl June, il. and the rita and diliiir,eiitruia nf Mtd suit; Ihal Ihe enurt shall ili-en- thai Ihe mnrtgag s-uid h Hie Ml 1 1 ii ella I a) lor In ihe Lombard In. veaiiui-iit 'niiiiaiiy.datiHl the at i day nl Nnvrm er, iww. upon lha lollnwlng Hiai t'laxl real ioa-riy In Mor'nw I nuiily, llrrgim. tnwll I h Noiiih hall nl .irlln .l oiiarter ud Nnllh rl iuartrr IJ Nnrlhraat uuarter lsiep Isn In a-mar lorin in Miriliea.l rornrr Ihrrmli ai.d ronitlipaal quartet nl Ninth! iMaiier ni p.h-11 n in. ui loan nip un norm I !! Tai-nly. fit Kt. nf Ih VMIIaiuell lee, i. Ilan which Mid Miorlga waa iinrOel on Ih I ilh da nl No,iiilirr. Iia In ! "II, iih,. s II, M, 14 and M nf Ih Km-nrda ol moi igagrs In ii nlli-a nl Ih I mi nly I Irrk m Wotr,w I ounty. Or, gnu, shall Im. for-liMMNl, and Hi Mid il pninr anl and th n ! nl UM li mi to I, aeplt! In Ih ymii In pialntin nl Hi imii iiamni sums nl money: Ihal all id Hi defndn!a and all a.ronsrlatin log Ittmugh nr n'oier lhm, nr any nl them, shall ! loir brred and forri)d "I all iHhl im ii, lul. ml and lin al law and Im..'iI't aielallKi'iiif nf mleninllon. In ami tn and iii-iii ,iy it nt Mid ral Dfnrly. 1 hla ennimniis la buhlt.hnl tHtranaiit In an onlei n linn mnl,a A Uiwll. Judg nl lb atfit i.lllel r.11111, Riat al rliainlra, lndt. Ion I niaillla tuuuiy, m"n ns tli f lib day ol J ilr. lara,, 1 1.1 la A I.Vusa. a L Alloriieya lor I'lalnlllT. SUil UOSH. In tm nm tit ruMrr r tiik ttk nl on inn brf kfofmar uunly. I lata A I uhh, I'latnllrT, ta Ml t !. I -ante I.-. m. p. r a. i. s- htm. IWill R MiKhniirn. 1,1. ail. I M ll ,(i,.a. I. l i,h. af II J .. li,U i II Hio a and H'nwa, fcl wl fwilvndanla la l.. ad I. It u bra. lao cat lit lrta it tvl rl' In ii r'n l II, i nf I l.vfin, ana) era afi.y pr.irvd napirar and n,.,i Ih i-om p-iaii.t !! rfnt ) In Ih aia nlind ill io, nr twi.rf in Im rlaf nl a. inml.f i M nii a. lfe Ivlf- lhl If ynw fall im.ihniii,im a.tar In Mid anil nn nt .!. ih Mtd UH day ! awHiwif, lis .iiiia ii imuM ff wi,l Itifn4. win ift In Hi tiit4 r.irf f, ii, rllf f d to In it. n.t.lali, P ..-I in In ta Soil b, il 9 tfa.rtal .I. .i,..l iaa 4lnd . li'tl Lo. i a, II -ifii ni I, Hgha Ih lni m I ilm IoItpmS thmr.n a Ik. nl t i ri I, fan. annua Iron, ataerb 11 I I iliii nt ..i.ii inw lna a... a 11 iiwi, l in tn nl a a is. aii.iHin I. ad Si " "l iSiaimearMk.! mi Mid .iii n.l Ii. hn 4.w it.i i Ha aaort r ni,4 i ir. Mid as ri.ta , l.g ,.n I I-.'. I Ih iw.i,'l liMlmM I ..M, .. AmLA in I -a ih ?.,.?, mmt , ,hi I.. i-g a . 14 ii ..-viif la wrf i , ih.,... In n Ih ! hail Ml flv ,ifc l ..a.,. .. !, .w hlf nl Ih a nl a.h.a a ja n i.wlta o i .,h.'i i at t.i .A ih an a'.i fi.Hn waiva -l aw.- WM p.. i4 . n u'h nt .4 w I l fa I 1 I fc. n- II a .( M knri,iN la ttt . i, ,,-.. l, nl Mrw ottinlf. iSiiiiFniss : rann : fills "!'"' ' 1 ' ' fca ll J.I' I .' . ir a -t n. i . " ll l".ll t l.,lbl.lll.ll wl ... A Inal e "II 9 H. i . la i tj .l I ( - a I -1 M -s BLACKWELUS k .a jt ti i i Ton will And one coupon Inside eeeb two ounce bag, nnd two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blaclt wcll's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable pres ents and bow to get them. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRU'S. Been a E,i;,r;: in ED. R. Has bought out the General Merchaudise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at mm Ski REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleii goods, boots, Bhoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, bats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. FRANK M'FARLAIMD, Manager and Salesman, The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not email men, lbs. We are email men, js. ve are not ma Largest Rlercnanis in ine World But when the people of alt the surrounding country are tn need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olassware, Wood and Willow ware, NIU, Iron, Darbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Gas and Water Pipe, Pipe Kitting!, 8tovci and Ranges, Wagons, Hacks, Buggli i, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe', Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Onus, Pistols, Cartridge! and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran Iteware, Plows, Harrow!, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillera nd Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, ete., ete., Should call and Examine our Gooda aud Qet Prices. Wa have Good Goods at Fin Prices, end Cheap !nhn Goodi at Chep John Prices. . GILLIA.M & BISBJJHi, MAIN 8THEET - THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. 1JO.RO 1 I 10 RS, Prop. i i i . 1 1 m isiim a in a a Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD U1ULH IN Grockries, Gents Furnishing Goods, Stockmens SurruES, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! lie will make it an object for you to trade with Lim aa bia price are right, ami all goods) tbat be bandlei are of tbe very bout. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppnor, Oregon. w luiwaui tn C. ft, Vaa Iu yn. dnur to t Uy BoU Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. . Notions a Specialty, -- J : WITH Youro .HOUNB to M'likcMCin. SEE? llSK ill 7 BISHOP nor rnces R. BISHOP, Prop. IIEI'NER. OIIEOON in. 1 A. !. I A ii,t... M eC'-" ' ' ' a-l . . - ' ii i ..... m , ' , . J t M f k IT F lr dr a ,., Tt . I . i way nlWea t-irr i nf a ! le f I' . ... I ... I . f ! t ait l) lie iae fte. ea. aa"a, i.-.i s t i " I, i. 4 . .1 ' I H . -a I - i ftt , .. ... , , a vi n No I 4 I C.H1 t l tt fl . '.,. I. , , . . i i ; t i ... i (.- ' . i. . . . . , l 1 , ' m r I, ' I i h I , (- it a w a in 1 1.. iif . I', -a a ' ist il .i tmmny4 lf (ll a. ,11 ft a t M .1 TI , a.. I, I . s I 1 . if.. if. t I lu ll ymi I. ,1 I ..LliW V ft 1 j 4. A I . (it. I a ! 1 1 fce ta4a leal W W1U W. laa, Wis -a"l ; . m.1. ti :' I I l H rw,uri aaant a. Haf I la.igv taj. r f . k ' I I a il . ., m ,i. "a m ri ft