REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. ' For President, WILLIAM McKI.NLEY, Of. Ohio. . for Vice President, GAEBETT A. HOBABT. Ol New Jereey. For Presidential Elector!, T. T. GEER. of Marlon County, 8. M. Y 'RAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Waaco, J. r. CAPLE8, of Multnomah. Tbe Rosebnrg Daily Plaindealer has suspended publication. Matob Pixgbee, of Detroit, has been nominated for Governor by the republicans of Michigan. The demo-populist fusion fail ed in Nebraska Bryan's home state. They know him too well there. A QUESTION FOR WOOLGROW ERS. Tom FitCD'S Speech. BEASON'8 WHY HE WILL (SUPPORT THE MR1.NLEY TICKET. The Sllver-Tongaed Orator of Arizona Ad dresses the Conventloa of That SUte. The Wilson bill for July De ficit of $13,000,000. The tariff is The sheep of Oregon will prob- Dot the issue, says the Pendleton ably be voting in the presidential Tribune. aWfinn thin vpfir flPftin. SfiVStllfil """ n ; tu,0 . Bna 9 A Mayor Pennoyer, has appointed & " ' I r ii . m it. 1 - 500,000 of them now, and it is safe A,oeri ur to say their influence will mostly secretary of the Oregon Press be cast on the side of protection. Association, as health offiicer of nt ihA nandiriatea there is Portland. The Gazette congratu- no doubt which is more favorable both the city ai)d the Colone1' In iha wnnl intarflfits. McKiulev's n0m i vnonvm for nrotection. If Protection be "vicious in prac- As for Bryan his utterance on tbe " aB Mr- Free-Trader Bryan Wilson bill included this statement: tbeQ to operate our factories, "Speaking for myself, it is imma- to employ American labor and to terial, in my opinion, whether the Pay WftgeB to Americans is "v1Cious sheepgrower receives any benefat ,u t" "-"""' from the tariff or not I am for If THE democrats fail to with draw Sewall the populists will de mand a presidential nominee in the place of Bryan. Some assert that they will support McKinley mid protectiou free wool, in order that our woolen manufacturers, unburdened by atm upon foreign wool, and unburden ed by a like tux upon h me-grown wool, mny manufacture for a widni luaiket." It is immaterial to Mr. ASryan wbrtuer me bueepgrower Mqre bBioe88 wii briDg more is benedted by a tariff on wool or but morfl business can onlv not, an indifference the Oregon come througu protection to Amer woolgrower may be pardoned for jcan indu8trieB &a, her workmen, onsidering mulnal. If the wool- protection is the key to progress grower is nothing to urjan, uayan, ftl)d pr08perity, poruapp, win noi ne mucn 10 me woolgrower. The voters of the United states But Mr. Bryan's idea about free must elect McKinley and restore wool was euacted into law by tbe the American principle of protec Wilson bill. Free wool resuld tion, or iu the next four years we in tbe doubling of imports of for- BUall endure such trials as we eigu textiles. The imports for the never before have suffered.N. Y. second fiscal year uuder the VVil- Press, son law, ending June 30, 1896, were over 46 per cent larger than Robert J. paced a mile in 2:02J those of the lattt calender year, and at Columbus, Ohio, la6t Thursdny the latter were 212 per cent larger and on the following day lohu R. than the imports for the last year Gentry covered tbe same distauce of the McKinley law. A leading in 2;03. These are certainly two wool commission Jhouse of Phil- of the greatest pacers ever hitched sdelpbia, J usticp, Bnteman &, Co., to a sulky in their circular of August 1, say that the increase alone ia the im ports of foieign woolens since the McKinley law represents a quantity of woolen goods which, if made in America of American wool, would have absot bed more wool than is nnw annually raised in the United Btates. This is the way the tariff lo party The gold standard democrats will nominate a national ticket at Indianapolis on the second day of September. This decision was reached at the conference held in that city last Friday. This wil be known as the national democrat lias worked, which Bryan supported, "in order that our manufacturers might manufacture for a wider ma' ki t" Uuder it they have not only had no wider market, bul have been deprived of our home market, thereby destroying the only customer that the American woolgrower ever had. There are two parts to the in- Speaker Heed was renominated by his district for congress last Thursday. This is the tenth suo- eettwivo term. Iu thanking the convention for the honor Mr. Meet1 made oue of his usual forcibl at a a need) 08 composed or. plain ana simple words. to BiUAN is now on his way dicment againnt the Wilsoo tow's Ujew York City where he will be raw-woo! feature. Ono is that the I aaoti&tl of bis nomination by tho home market has been Hurt, and democracy Thursday. His water tho other is that tho iorcigo mark- Uh eppechea ahow evidence of ct baa nt.t been helped. Every preparation, being better than Oregon farmer kuowa how foreign luoB0 tlmt mnrked hi. return from competition has upset prices. tDe rcmJt Chicago convention. Oregon fine wool, shrink, brought atBiton, Augut 1, 1W2, in the uP T0 Jato ono hundred and aecond year of the McKinley law, tbirty.five largo daily democratic 17 cents: August 1, lS'Jd, the papers have repudiated tho demo second year of lb Wilson law, 8 cr,tl0 pHf t, aD(j it, ticket Forty cents. O'fgon flue acoured wool tDr(6 0f tue,e papers aro ia tho tioughtat Boston, August 1.18U2, eouth; tbirty-eeven in tho middle to the aeoondyearof tho McKinley (Utcs; tweoty-one in tho western law, CTcento; August 1. 1806 in ,utea and thirty-four iu tbe New tho second year of tho Wilson law England states. 30 wnta. What is tho situation i abroad? Consul Meeker, at Urad- SiXATOa Watsox C. Rqcibe, re ford, F.pglaod, has joat repotted to publican U. 8. senator from Wash the department that Anioiican ington, baa declared for Bryan, wool ran scarcely l xU thera. while Hugh C Wallace, iational Four Jliuinlrvd pucka, or 100,001) Jemocrstio comitteemao for tho pounds, of Ohio Cecce-wa.bod same state, lias resigned Lis poU wool, held at 23 cents, ss sacri- tioo becauso Lo cannot support fioJ for 18 cents. A largo quantity, Bryan, And thus wo bavo it all aggregating several buudred thoua- over tho country. and (lounds, vt Dakota, Montana, Washington, Wyoming and Iowa ! i Thomas II Watsox opened his wools ero sent over for sals, but vice-presidential campaign in a two tho pricro offered were so low they hour aUresa at Atlanta lastlhora. wero returned In the United Ktatea day. lis strongly condemned tho A lag iuntity of United btatea actions of tho democracy io 8outh wool ia now stored in tho ware- em elections, and said Southern booaeafcf tho Midland lUilaayCtK populism Could stand Brjan but at Ilrwlford, l oping for a chane begged to l eieuat when it carao to I a-.11 This is tho itin in to swallowma ir PielU which freo ckl puts thoAotericao wnolgmwrr. Ill bomo market U Ws. M. HisaiRlT, alitor and dten li tho f.irigner, Itisf.neign pfoj rietnr of the Philfclelphia Uo- tnafkrt I "ea a ueiuaioq ana a:rrn i win-uj uw ituinK At the Arizona republican convention to elect delegates to tbe national repub lican ooDvention, Tom Fitch, the origi nal ailver-tongoed orator, waa called on (or a speech. Io bis response tie Rave hie reason for being a republican. Those reasons appeal to every man who has ever acknowledged altegiaooe to the flag of the party of progrers, and thv formulate the thoughts existing in mil lions of minds in answer to tbe question, Why am I b republican ? Mr. Fitch said : "Gentlemen of the convention : I thought that tbe seclusion that tbe up per gallery grants, combined with other oircumstaoces, would exempt me from any invitation to speak before this con vention, but your repeated calls leave me no alterna'ive consistent with courtesy but to answer them. "Tbe speakers who have addressed you have spoken of the free coinage of silver as a oardinal priociple of the republican parly. I fear that the St. Louis con vention may compel as to retrace some of our steps in this matter, and, as the Htatesmeu who control this convention have not included me among those deemed mnst fit 1 1 represent Arizona at Ht Louie, I feel quite at liberty to tell the truth. ' I nuppose do one will question my long devotion to theoauee of free coinage of silver. Years ago, at the iuoepliou of tbe movement, I, as vice-president of tbe atioual executive oommittee of tbe si! ver, in connection with A. J Warner, the president of tbe oommittee, traveled through tbe South aud Wett preaobiog tbe doctrine of bimetalism, and I have never siooe bad oooasion to change my views with respect to tbe great benefits that might result to this nation from tbe complete restoration of silver as a money metal; and yet there are other circumstance quite as iiiflueo tial which Qiust be poteut in determin ing my future and tbe future action of many republicans in this mutter. "This morning a friend, wbo is a mem ber of the oooveution, aiid who now hon or me with hia audience, said to me: Mr. Fitcb, yon have always beeo a pro- nounoed advocate of the tree ooiosge of iler; what will you do it tbe t. li"Ois conveutioo adopts a plank io their plat form favoring a siogle gold standard and denouncing the free coinage ofulrei?' I did not answer tbi question then, but with your permission t will do ao now "1 belong to the rf pnblit an party be cause Its history is the history or tin growth, lbs greatness and tbe freedom of 'his nation; because it is the friend of labor without being the foe of thrift; because it is wise, because it is j ist, be cause ils restoration to complete power will rekindle the furnaoes nd start the turbines, and fill tbe land witbthemnsio of con tented and well-paid toil, and put bread into meu's mouths and hope into their heart. "I lielimg to the republican party be cause it is the greatest political organ ization of free men io the world; because under its wise guidanoe star after star has been added to our fl ig, ship after ahip has been added to our (leeta, factory after faotory has been added to our re outO0, millions upon millious have been added to our wealth, oity after city baa been developed from our villages, sod the land bas been Woe J with a net work of iron raila, and furnace fires have llloiuloeted the night, and the grand dispaoD of labor has beeo made to sound throughout tbe continent. I belong lo the republican party be cause otider its iospiratioo three United fit ate, ono s wrangling end diaenrdaut common wealth; these United Htatea, om-e shamed with slavery and drcrepit with tbe diseaee of seeeainn the Unit ed Blabs have bcme s Country where no slave's preanee dn honor labor, where ao free man's utieraoo arsob ik ed by the band of power, where no man doff bis bat to souther ticrpt throiiitb the oonrtesy of equals, where ednoalmo U free, wbers manhood I raepected, sod wbrs labor Is protected. "Coder tbe patriot ie rale of tbe repub lican party, theae Ueited Mtateebsve b eosae a aslioa wbnae credit reigns at tbe bead of lb world's finance, wbnae flag floats proudly opoo every , and bo rai would rotne si I ha droro-b at out of tl bivr I f loduilrv to a'Dj lo de fenaa of tbe Coon try on every shore. 'Toder tbe rule of Ibe repoblieao party, Ibaee Celtd Htalee ba tMrome the greet!, feeeel od met prosperous saliiKi under Ibe ligbl of the sue. "I bl"0- to lbs repabliraa paHy h eaoM It gats land lo tbe land!, tw Sane It gave work lo Ibe lodaeirtooa, broinM II gave fret! ro to Ibe !. twean eh-s Ibwaatl') waa lo nl II tv arols aad Irvaanr fur prarta- ti "Forty years t lbS a la-1 of H. 1 )oloe4 Ibe r-poblwao real, st, I m yonng lo vote, I flung etv bh I eg tottef shift fur Ffn'l eed Jsi, I pravealaa a pap'r rpnrt si the Cbieago oiviiiloo lo IN'', wl.o all Mitot Ix-'iU.l Abrakaiw t.iee U Irmt (he preai.loory. 1 beard Ibe ' i.f to leave tbe path along which mr youth and my manhood marched, and where, when tbe evening bugle f ball sound the float reveille, my age shall be found still marching? Bather will I turn to the republican goddess tbe same steadfast face that I bore when my Ircke, now whitening, were blaok as tbe raven's wing, and said to her, as Both eaid to Naomi: 'Whither tbo goest I will go, and where thou lodges! I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, tby God my Ood; where thou diest I will die, and there I will ba buried.' " CLOSING OUT SALE! My little boy, when two years of age, was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily procured part of a bottle. I carefully read the directions end gave it accordingly. He was very low, but slowly aud surely be began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now bb stoat and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved bis-life. I never can praise tbe remedy half its w rth. I am sorry every one in tbe world does not unnw now good it ie, as I do. Mrs LinaB. Hinton, Qrnbamsville, Marion Co., Florida. For sale by Coneer & Brock, druggists. Ketch nm Bros. Not Arrested. Thursday's Oregonian announced that I) P. and William Ketohnm had been arrested for herding sheep io tbe vicini tv of Cloud Cap Inn. In this slatemeot the Oregoomo got. bndly mixed, says the Times- Mountaineer. Io tbe first place the Messrs KHtolmra are neither sheep raisers uor sheep herders. Tbey buy and ship mutton for tho Union Meat t o. and only have oue lot of sheep, wbioh are being ranged near Mill orerk. Aud they were not arrested, although D. P. Ketcbura, having heard iberewas a oom phiirit filed agHinst Dim, went before U, 8. authorities and gave himself np, fur nished bonds for his appearance when ever wanted. The Eetohum Bros, are well known in Hepnner, having made many shipments of sheep from this p lut. We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who reeog- a 1 I 1 US il-.nnn m n. r e a nizes no cost or vaiue, win oner muu guuuo 3elow the Regular Mark! TaKe a LooK at Tese Goods, You can find a Bargain ir) tf)en). It Save lives Every Day. Thousands of oases of Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Croup ate cured every day by Sbiloh'a Cure. For sale by Wells & Warren. Payable In Cnln. "Are any of the D. 8. Bonds payable io gold?" was a question asked a writer ou the Ouzet'e yesterday. Iu reply we ill say that on investigation we find that all U 8. bonds are payable in ooin " Uod r the present administra tion the government exercised tbe option of Daving iu either gold or silver. The present secretary of tbe treasury bo'd that tbe option is with tbe bondholder- be can demand gold or silver. Thi position is oprtaiuly oorreot, as those who came to the Bid of tbe governmen in giving gold io exchange for bond are, in all fairness, entitled lo gold i return if they demand it. So brufly atated bonds are out payable in gold or gold coin, that is, iu these terms. Tbey are payable In "ooiu," and at the option of ibe bolder. Away We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. wevyyyy Yours for Cash All Kirnmmeud It. Ask your physician. )our druggist and your Irieiiils atxnn notions iura lor Coiifumi-tion. They will reoommeud it. For sale by Wells k Warren Were Hitter Enrmtr. Watson, Drvau'e populist running mate, ia the cnngresHman from Oeorgia who kept the 52 id eongrr in an uproar bybisottaiks on Bryan, and the to men are bitter euemiee. and be been. Here is ao ei tract from one of Watson's speeches, where he bad S little fuo at Bryan's eineose: "Oo the otber band, we have our handsome and hrilliaot friend from Nebraska (Bryan.) wbowa put foiward as the 'darling' of the demo. News From Teel Springs. Everyone is having an enjoyable time over at Teel springs. About 800 people are now there from every part of Eastern Oregon. Entertainment, dances, social parties, etc., are tbe various ways in which many pleasant evenlnkS are spent. We learn thai H. Stevenson of tbis place assists in tbe many entertainments with bis ventriloquism. N. Dickson, of lone, is the envied man in a big bear fight which occurred about three miles sooth of camp Isst Tuesday. Tbe bear and Mr. Dicksoo met in a seoluded spot away 1 from tbs sroustomed baunts of the white man and after a somewhat formal salute irooeeded to mr-keesob other's acquaintance. Nat denies adopt ing Ibe usual practice of climbing s tree, the bear is dead sod of course bs noth ing to say. At any rate tbree bullet bole io s monstrously big bear bide sod a foot tbat weighs six pounda arc evi deooe io Nat's favor, so be is given tbo benefit of all doubts. as II v "--..... uw - r-j EHGLISHanoBUSINESS PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, Binoe 1878 there have beeo nine epi demics of d)fcotery io different parte of tbs ooontry io which Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was oaed with perfect (ocoeaa. Dyseo- tery, wbeo epidemic, Is elnioet as severs and dangerous as Aaialio cholera. II era More Ibe beat eflort of Ibe mot skilled , m I aw wa ka a or -v m I a W LIMIj DLflKIVO. BOARDING DEPARTMENT L A&IES Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Do You Want a Rig ? i,Iimi Una have failed to cheek its ravag .. . . . . . 1 ii.i. ,mwti kfi.ap ti k cured I lie - out in i.i ol iu Don, in urewiem mau , moat niaiigDaui wu ui t n i . i i . 1 J - . b. . . I i i a ana auuii. miun in. ui". ; f eooditloD. which proves it to be the brat medicine lo tbe world lor ttowvi oom plaiuts. For alo by Comer A brock. (rmt) Don't You Want a Place to m Put up Your Team ? sttara. His mil Vuts fur McKiiiley. Iraourcs is to liRTAS earrfully avoi ls mention. It g his free tra.U tretrl in Lis many ilernwtfst.eotts cHM't- (Itt 11a Vnuos Uo well that tb fuol t( c)t.1er&tialho liaa ln stamp! on fir trale I y j talicallv all trne at 1 1 atri.d i Ati-etUat-s rrbrJles rf f vn-rr Jly etT iat !!) It democratic paeirs of tlal state, is also oua of tbs i!emtsti0 r rwi ileclialrlectnra As editor tf tils peprr Ls stnci;l o'wa) 1'ryan aoilfeoaH and says l will Dot snr-tKirl them ss a vttr but as ao lector, tf ba is rlerUnl declares bt ill support ths democf silo nrmi t a. Ibis is a j-eruliar eilmn. in all Ibe bunch, and bie entire speech, wblob ranged from Tom Moore's poetry to Joe Miller's j at book, o Ihesnrn and anbatanre of lb old deuveratld posi tion oo ti e lm iff that 'We all) prat tles what la wrong, while we know wbetia right. " 1H97. (live us McKinley bill agaio, (live os bis good Frotrcilno j (live os lb frleod of James O. Maine, Who bears oor heart's sffectmo. It fact'ry wbiatle shriek ooeemore. To labor's friend all bail. And ehoal the rry from door lo dour: McKioley's Dtooee P-il " uMwae Are You in Need of a Saddle II orsc Her faaaiaailita. Newapapers are rnbliahlng the eroel lory that a "t (iri f rdol" It s saigbbormg tows reently look Ibe Uaeber'st laramaiioo. iter i a porlioo of abet she wrote lo aeswar lo a qnee- tloo 10 prKlog: b T cty iadlvjdml lotwo 8 parU-tba bed, Ibe ebiet sod lh (tauiRiiek. Tbe bed eBlios lbs e sad brace if ony. The rbtat sow lanes lb (org and o piece of lb liver. The tantmick I dtd to tbe bow), bi b there ie five, a I o a, aad soma. Iimea w ar t y Tb also are dvi.Ud lalo a oatsbr of stasiry ..oti.!.' U't nblb Ibi for lbs besefit of Hmw who aitesl lb ttemibatiua at Ibsroarl bD oorr'W. Ball S area ' I.t Thoea-Uy at Halle Twpa woa II. eevoa folAf Jb. Mia I'-ll'd Joho lrea' al n( la bl4 brevlb I d l'.aciao third; I'm Zi Or. Ml- Tbs Ooyoo C ly Neae gives tbs fol lowing aocoool of Dr. J. II. Fell's recent los by fl: Dr. J. II. Fell Del with a sad uisbsp lat Balorday aigbt by baviog bis resi dence at John Dor dlrovd by fire, together with all IU sooteols save oo trook of slotbiog. Tbs fir was soppo. ed to hsvs origioaied from a lamp ss ploainn. Mrs. Fell bad retired sod lbs Dr. bad bea called out lo see s ptict, and lbs Dames pra-l so rapidly that it was linpiiealbl to se soy of lbs tarsi tars or tvo Dr. Feirs flee sorgioal lo truo.eBla Dr. Asbford owoed tbs rldoo, wbieb was lassred for about A Katseat HeaauSee. Karrs Clevae Ibmt Tea aurifias Ibe bll sod sites a eleae sod braelifol snmpleiioe). For sal by Wall A War-rs. All these can be procured at Tbomioa t Dinns, Ixwer Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thra gentlemen are ll aciiliitf4 with Grant, Harney. Crf.k. fll'llara and other eountle. and eaa eat money and Uma In making tbtM an'tluu allb IraTalliif men. Price In keeping wllb Iha Uma. THOMPSON Sz, T3TISnsrS, The Lancashire Insurance Co. OS MANCIIKHTUHt KNO L.Jtrt'I) I fae4. - . .l - and io aecrel sibretr4 bi 7ip lb!r, and foor r later, on Ibeae dialabl Korea. slaxwl saaibl Ibe eebn of It rf rats wbn srraiee bnl4 It for Ibalr battle sstbm. I e)J lb tonene aad frtendabtp ! Hkef atij Mtart Kins, sad llollef sel Utashaw, at-4 ItwOeM sad 0klleg, sod lbl Seblt R .f tbra all. Jam (I. tt'aiae. ... ttb, I baa. Is IU io ell lb Ued I tBtWH ak ! t-r.yl, EfvJTTv Srb .fiea t, !) i.f it tf-ltlf f I j I, .i Mm IVMard ..ld lafor.te at IV) lo Jf) for T- re ' Friday lrk evened ple lo a ibr farl raee wbteb woa by Mt ll4i line CM I'ooU pa ? tit f .r fUe. Uv0 rra AaawMritM. ; it a Baxlai of lbs hhiIiv OMoil lee of las ( Yrmm Aanlaitoa, ald lo Portland, July io, It was de cided to rail lbs sosoat bbmIIsc at as loela, Of, by aaaolmoas ut. 1 as dale l ois Aagoal I'J'b.. A'l afcbr of lb aMnetslioa woo ialawd blf aeeeast ar rt)1atd h 4Hl4 I hair somas sad yaarly deee to t. L E. Whit. ehifo of the rtreauvs swoiti. Ti t oiat Ur saaal be s Headed la t O C Dotwart, Iridet- At-aiar T ta. H-ceetary. CLE airs, Cbalraiaa. (lsaos P4UL. Csiaisa Naaitu -II u imma!rri.i. in .f jf. Hlsdy K'd A l"h ll l'd ale's la a iiJU tk ara grwve reir Hi fft..s 4h wbicb wo (Ji .-k.i er i I rl1,' woo by ' f'r from ls le. oe oof i it'al ks wof aGRICt'LTl rlAL ruixcuK Korea. Tbs lein llabts will ba ran by tbs slodests lbs isras a last yr. Ceotaora Hall will bo rao by a slob aad lbs board a ill ba very ehp. Tbs boys msds srrseoal for foot ball before srbool eadrd laet fall. QEtoeollna aad ennai bas beeo a-l l'd to lb eollef. Mm Kb ba tbs mnakc. Tbs ealaloto' wilt bo eol In s fw days. Tbey srs S lillts larger Ibao aeaaL Tbo board ef refeals roet )t aevk aod sleeted U II. MilUe to lb fweillns of aeaakleat ef lbs Aftlcalloral eolleja. Tbees wra s aasjb of appbcaiKXt toater M . Lelaad aadO. II. Clark were lct4 to fid verse y Is tbo ptleUef af9a. A aake of the 4al era over oa tho sl lakiai s rvat fmas ttwir Ilea. dnvraistfoa. Oosv.tua, as 1. 1 it'Aie ks w mot I le o t rfntft rVeas yiewa ff II i,7..i J I, ft ia fA If. "f top ' raf.ifit fa ll"loo y fJ frr fpnn re.fn "it U (m mg jijmrt, trltlktr Ikl tkrp grant r(Viifeny rwa fmm IV fn oe awl . . . . . M Ktlktr k d" oe W a of I mm tar frr wnl' Kttrt't frx m tpntk tif IV Uii m J trftn ( f X llam rt fop rwalafire rJLa I A Wti hU mnt mmdtt mit.t ritlkim. 8UMV0SS. IHTntctRrt iTroraT or Titt stati nl iifvfia '"' ll County ot atoteo. Ully M. vrnor, 1-laiauS, a Situ H Mormt, tWfnuUnt. To R Hntnnf, l)tn4ant. la lr nam ot lit (Mala o4 Orvfmi. yon are hereby r-i"l'rt lo apMI a4 atMaat Inarm. bUlnl l4 inlwl im( In tb unm nuii4 caui m an? fclif lb sm Hat ml thm teiular Uw ui in abma antuladcmirt, Tka Ttk Say ot Stk, ISS. iwl II jom tall an la ahaaar. I aanl tkaeanr tra .l.lnil mi apnlf to iha CHirt h Iha elta( .Iamtuta4 la Sat ranplalnl, ta-m II tka4laan l"'l" " tffaa twilnH aa klalntl nA ilat4nt. 1. tha rnatiatr "4 all Ua aiinaie rniit aaaBalnllSaa4SHadaal,aMeaaiaf taiaauil. IHua.,alMHnaUrrH fcf feuhllreUoa rt t" an ol MffU a Uaaall, JiMtaa o in awa aHuUa4 mmdt a iha Im oar ifcaj. t S Mow. ;- Altneaaf Ut I lalutlf. 4 fart Wattfe kala j kitEtiirrs SALE. uivt i RUktsr civiavHATturta k a-4 b ifi. o n -alk. vv A h rlmill r.,f t4 Ik Ika Mm. mm Jan la, law. mtA Ut a -tl.xt. a 1 4l t-l, 9pmm ..'l...f (4 I iuatw fwarl 1.4 ia Ot llkl in m.i. t.mnif mm Ik lk af n ! M I Mt. f-.tnUt, HniM S t lU1 mlmmtmt. lh " r-'f awj urn Ibiiiq tK4 t '-1 W.i iM a Iranartip4 ml aa4 ).-... mm tM ta tharamntf af 4 tmm ""'t Maa linm. mm JM 14, aM, I aa lm4 mpmm tmm Imi- Un,f.0 wtiM Mi qai ml i aa'a ml antu.n , i mm knna p , mtmx W M . t -4 laita :- a.u tU-mmm, mrntm tm4 I "4 r I a mm Sf(v. Ike lia Say ot Aofeat. ISM. 41 l Mw e , 4 aM 4t. at Ifca ln.-. 4, ... (. m., ( " a.lliM.,,1,1 1 . ,. , ..4 1 , My a iwpVii 4tM a 1t ,bn 4mm M a mm ' f .1 l ,i I . .M . .1 .,, ,tm.m. ,. , , . ftm ,,, mt -- I 4 I j - 4 .a ! la-ia m m 1 a . . . .., ' I T h lt ili.ny wit IltU tt l'-' 4 It j I I 1 t"t a I Lilt d p e ri Ihe Ji'a an.Uf "l .tan b 4. rM??T imr.T7a-MH 41 cm rt ts say City t eao tf S bjf' 1. IO. ea 4 t MMj g 1 a WJ s of I m-mm'm n..i,. mum. I. i ,!l .1 w imi-i;', mill mi ltAM frv m4i' aUtri U.w .! tWt I Wv4s Wurra ki- um t . Win Ow.laa , t tX wvl ateatf f 'm i Bjv -Cf ! A trry. IWI fmrm . nt'lej Skall Ml I