Ml Mil: iilo in linn "i nm II ill ll I E. McNEIlI, Receiver. TO THB GIVES THB OHOICX Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ry- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA PRESS COMMENTS. If proteotion if no Uaue in thia cam paign, wby doee the losing party advo oate free trade? No attempt la made to explain why tbe revenues of thia govern meet are not what they were under tbe repablioan administrations, by tbe dem ocrats. Yoo pat tbe plain and direot question to tbem and tbey dodge under tbe wing of tbe silver proposition. Bak er City Republican. Have tbe free silver republicans for gotten tbat Bryan la a tree trader? Are they going to ignore tbe overpowering question of protection in this campaign and vote for Bryan beoause he represents their ideas only on the ooiosge question? Bryan's whole oonrse wbile a member of ood (trees was in opposition to tbe prin ciples of protection, wbioh the repablio an party believes is essential to the pros perity of tbe nation. Here la what he said daring the debate on tbe tariff bill "What I denounce is a protective tariff, levied purely and solely for tbe purpose of proteotion. It is false eoonomy and tbe most vicious politioal principle tbat has ever oorsed thia oountry." The Dalles Chronicle. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. My little boy, when two years of age, was taken very ill with bloody flax. was advised to nse Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily prooured part of a bottle. carefully read tbe directions and gave it aooordingly. He was very low, bat slowly and surely be began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as a.nnt anrl atrnnu am avaf. T A0 inrA It Ooean Steamers Leave Portland B(ived hl lif(J T neyer CBn prB1M tbe 5 Daus For remedy half its w rth. I am sorry every one in tbe world does not know bow ..! it I. , T A M.. T.I-.. U SAN FRANCISCO. GrabaaiBville, Marion Oo., Florida. For St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. For full details oall on 0. R. 4 N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oen. Pass. Agt. FoilTIiAMD. OBEOON. QtTioa Tiavrm i 10NE ITEMS. Han. Francisco And all point In California, via tha ML Bheata runts of Uia Southern Pacific Co The (Treat hivhwH through California to all vesting. mi ani Houin. urnnn noenio luiuie Politics is tbe aubjeot of daily dis cussion. Tbe atmosphere is very smoky and some prediot rain. Harvesting is almost finished on the north side of Willow oreek. lone is almost desolate, as harvesting is on, and many are gone to the harvest fields. Ben Case and Ed. Olock will give np blaoksmith work tor awhile and try bar Tbe Republicans of tbe United States, assembled by tbeir representatatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of tbeir claims to tbe matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rale, earnestly and confidently address themselves to tbe awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of tbeir countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles : For tbe first time sinoe tbe oivil war tbe Amerioan people have witnessed tbe oalamitous oonsequenoes of full and un restricted Democratic oontrol of tbe government. It has been a reoord of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed iodispeosible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary ourreot expenses with borrowed money, piled np tbe public debt by 8262,000,000 in time of peaoe, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace banging over tbe re demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all tbe measures and results of successful Re publican rule. In the broad effeotof its policy it has precipitated panio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, dosed faotories, reduced work and wages, baited enterprise and erip- We condemn tbe present administra tion for not keepiog faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors such proteotion as will lead to tbe production on American soil of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people use and for which they pay other oountriea more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well aa those of tbe shop and factory ; to hemp, to wool, to tbe product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample proteotion. MERCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan polioy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merobant marine and tbe protection of our shipping iuterests in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships tbe product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under tbe Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icansmay regain the carrying of oar foreign commerce. FINANCIAL FLANK. Tbe republican party is unreservedly tor sound money. It oaused tbe enaot- ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since then every dollar has been as good aa gold. onsiion liberty. Tbe government of Spain hav ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe the government of the United States should remedy for Consumption. By its timely use actively nse its influence and good offi ces to restore peace and give indepen dence to tbe island. a m VI A AST) ITS CTTHB aW Tn rm FnuoR s 1 have an absolute THE NAW. Tbe peace and security of the republie and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations of tbe earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement of tbe navy and ootnplete system of har bor and seacoast defenses. FOBEION IMM1G B ATION For tbe proteotion of tbe quality of our Amerioan citizenship and of wages of our workingmeo agaiust the fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand tbat tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL SEBVIOE. The oivil aervioe law was placed on the statute books by the repablioan party, wbioh has always sustained it, and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBEE BALLOT. thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured, y prooi-posmve ui i of its power that I consider it my duty to send too bottUt fret to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, I. A. SLOCTM, M. C-, 183 Pearl St., New York. ff Tta Editorial and Business Management of this Papor Guarantee tills goneroos Proposition. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-j gent business conaucteaior moderate fees. 10UR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE. U.S. PATENT OFFICE Sand we can secure patent in less tune tnan tnose . . f.nm Wa.Hin.tnn. 4 .. . . i . ... A !- Dena moaei. urawmg w puuiu., mm u.r nn. We acivise. it catentaDie or not, ixco 01 (charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. a ..,, " How to Obtain Patents," with 5 cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Off. Patent Office, Washington. D. C X W Theeo-iparattvevalueorthesetwocariiB Is known to most persona. Tbey Illustrate that greater quantity l Not always most to be desired. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of - RlpansTabutes As compared with sny previously knowa DYSPEPSIA CURB " Ripsns Tabules: Price, 50 cents a boa. Of druggists, or by mail. " 81PANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprues St., NX WANTED-AN IDEALS ihr.Kar BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, tor their $1,800 prize offer. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable I'lGault House, We demand tbat every oitizen of the United States shall be allowed to oast a pled Amerioan production wbile etimu- 0-r8eIveg t0 promote, mi untl) 8aoh an lating foreign production tor the Ameri oan market. Every consideration of public safoty and individual interest demands tbat the government (hall be resoued from the bands of those who bate shown themselves iooapable to oonduot it without disaster at home aud dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wblob for 80 years admin- We are unalterably opposed to every free 8n(1 unrestricted ballot, and such measure calculated to debase our cur- ballot shall De counted and returned as renoy or impair the oredit of our coon- oast. try. LYNCHING. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free wa nroolaim our unqualified condem- ooinnge of silver, except by international Bation of the uncivilized and barbarous agreement with tbe leading commercial practice known as the lynching or killing natious 01 the world, wbioh we pledge of human beings suspected or oharged with crime, without prooess of law. NATIONAL ABBITBATION. We favor tbe creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences wbioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. ct A , P. Ft. w. s u., and the C. St. h. & P. Railroads. HATUH B.OO FRH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CHICA.SO, IIjL. The regular subscription price of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tha regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for tha Gazette and paying for one year in advanoe can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions tor one year in advance will be entitled to . 1 the mm New Fbkd Yard. Wm. Gordon hat opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at tbis bnainess, and your horses will be well looked after, reasonable. Bay and grain Prion fnrsale. tf. TMU.S. GOVERNMENT! IS tMI.I.l KMt LLr'Hrr""'' The families of Joe Woolery, Reub aa .. .m MnM.n. I Rnnrrv an.. Rililil TlatiAV hftVA Itift for ft AtlWUlml Ul ail 1MB IIBIIIB, iiwiuinsj mi viiui J 1 ll - .a . . m s I W'urk'X nnequaled sucoess and i t enli8l)teDed oationi ot tbe earth. agreement oan be obtained, the existing gold standard must be preserved. All of our silver and paper ourrency now in oirculatiou must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maiutaio inviolable tbe obligations of tbe United Htates and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard the standard of tbe ata. Mil niMin i,r aflrl R. KOKHI.KH, Manager, B. P. ROGERS, Asst. Geo. r. k V. Agt.. Portland, Oregou leave. Wilson Bros., with two headers and a D8"tn ndorM tba mmn we riadom, patriotism thresher rnnniog, are threshing between nd suooess of tha administration of 400 and COO boabels ot grain per day. President Ilarrison. Tbey employ about seventeen men and thirty-eight horses. Louis Dalsiger contemplates attending the Ueppner pnblio school thia winter. O'bers from tba country will AS TO PKNSIONS. Till TABIFP. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate retnrn to tbe tree homestead t olicjr of tbe Re publican party, and urge tbe pasaege by oongress ot tbe satisfactory free homestead measure whiob baa already missed the bouse and -is now pending . . ... vy , . . , rue veteraus 01 me union armies ae- jQ Qe ggQg. serve and should reoeive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given prefer- " , , ZZ ffi your da.m at this prent time .Your pension dates from tin. .UB r i vi lima vnu snn v. now is me iixeoiea naur, r ei . 1 -- j " rr-rf ------ . . u., , 1 7Write for law snd complete information. No Fee unless successful. TERRITORIES. We favor the admission of the remain- PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their VaT Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a W 'eIative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars fv on whom you depended for support ? I THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED 4 UNDER THE NEW LAW )M To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new v&7 law ire entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present -TO THE- VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. I a at ma In tit a Mairat t9 atmnlriVmanl sknll.. . . . .iaa.a We reuew and emphasize our alle- P""" ,u u""' " 1 date, having du regard 10 me interest ol lbs policy ot proteotion as tbe lhe5' 8r D,,,le(1 10 tDe -olml" ' the territories and tbe United Hiates. All , , . . , . . . , such laws as are best calculated to se- federal officers appointed for territories Bf American industrial ind- , should be selected from boo. fid. resi- pendenoe and tbe foundation of Ameri-I , dents tbereot.and tbe rightof self-govern- development and prosperity. This IMm 10 ,n' aM "B 01 lU80UOO,r" ment.bould be accorded aa far a. pr.o- I -.. .I tl? a lanAnnaa I Ka ntanlina in (til I .. .a . a - a a 1 Im. Am.rinsn nolif. taie. foreign nro- u" " tlOaDIS. we Deiieve me cwaensoi tv For yourrrotecUon.-C.Urti "Cares" or ducU Md ,DOoQra gee borne industry and ,,D,,i,,0 bar"a' ' reok,eM,y ,D1 n- ibould b.v. representation in the W Tlltlil for Catarrh in lldllid furm to be tllken I rrlo.l nn li tha nraanni ail minis, consress 01 tbe United States to tba end T(J . . .. .. ,.. .. U.I. Ik. a! ..-na ..n f.,,olo,n v " r- " m L r:i,..l B,,.. nA tm m, IMKUtul bH r . . ""'.( r -m No Charge for advice. 1..1 11 n ....... .iii.. vi ...... I nnla the hnrrlnn of revsnna nn foreisn LxUile of 1'uUaaa. ..r b..ih. which are injur. ... tu. . mw.t id, of reduoag pensiooa and arbi- iouatf too long Ukn. Catarrh is a kmal, not ' Ursrily dropping names from the role as a l.Uldisii,caiiiMKl by sudden change to for the AmeriosD producer; it upholds ' r r ii.. T il . . . r1rvinr tha severest oondemnatioo of -1 t. i,.n 1 .!.-. ai,,... I coiutT-UUiipweaiurr. mwm 111 sun uw h, s m.,!,,.,, ata rulaiM of waffHS for tbe I - 1 I1I1IMMM I - .... I .1 . I - - I Tourist Hlirs a...! frre Cbslr Cri,M7,,,l,1" r fa IU i Amerioan workinrmeu- it tule the fac ,be Amer,0,n Peo"le' t an UAiLV lochli-esu. Cold in tha head miim t-xo-snive flow of amerioan wnraingmeu, 11 puia me ibo- mni-na. ami. if rvintwllv HeulertMl. mere. I .. k. it,. .i.U - ix. f. mnA m.V.a Of a roBKius imliui that needed legislation may be intelli gently eoaoted. nri f-fc "!-. - "-. nerv ine tress wiaini wuuiuau PHILIP W. AV1RE1T, General Manager, 618 P Street, VVASHINOTON, D. C. C) IT. B.-TSU Company U controlled 6y ntarly on Ounuani leading aw. f5 paper in IU Vniud Stale: and it gv tranttta on mem, TIMPIBAMCI. Many hours samtl rls this line to r.asUrn foliiu. nil a a.f wmlArr K -.ill fiillner I MVliM rwftin In tha Ixwri. a nwring a mud la tlie rrs, la I tuo amerioan isrmrr ir-a urp-uueus ou We sympatbiae with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lesaso and prevent tba avila of intemperanos and promote mor- Uur foreign policy should be at all ality. breath, and .Wmliii.i an die. (or,ign eaiM J Bn( price; it diffuses times firm, vigoroue and dignified, and charge. lbei-tnlyalwwldlnui-etoallay ' STEAM HEAT. I.OWICWT PiNTSCH LIGHTS. HATltati luflaiumation anil bxal Ihemmiliniiie, Cream Halm la the acknowledged ctire tliree trouUos and eooUlua no m-mry bur any tujuriotta drag, l'rir-e, 00 eenta. BIOI1T8 Or WOMEN. Mv's ire for . II'. BAXTER. 0'n Aa'nt. I'vrtlitmi, OrfgoH, J. C. IIAUT, Agent, lfrppnrr, Ortgon. BolenliHo America Aoncjf Tor 1 f??&P: r oavtart Ttaoa aaaaat. Olaiow PAvaHTM CO-TaiOMTa. mrni f.-t'--ll- W1 tn H-W)l.S -rlWSn HI N a n, mi r..ii-.f . ki Ou4 tM f. a-nHne tm Awmtre. hHfrMiakiiiiHii i-aai Ms IM ai lit titMi Irae 4 -Wis la m dtntific ium(nn twlfio mir4 t tut wOS frf Hi rM M mrnll tm It If, IH s ii-- v a cva IS I lnl-,a UlUlf, general thrift, and founds the itrengtD en our lotereswi in me weei-rn nem.e- TJ Il0pubUoaQ pMt, , mindful of of ell on tbe strength of eaoh. Inllslpbere carefully wskbed and guarded. I tD, ri((ljU 0 WOmso. Proteotiun of I rsaaooabla ai Dlicatlon it ia last, fair and Tba Hawaiian islands should be oontroll-1 Amerioan iodaslriea molodee equal - " 1 . - im-.nut ,.ii. ! Inraln a.1 he the lluiied Rtetvs. and bo foreign I opportooitiea, equal pay tar cqai . ' ' .!.,.. k.,..r. "orkand prot-ctioa to tba bom-. W. c-D.roi.ou iiisii, .--- r-- faf or tha admiaioo ot women to wider tiooal discrimination and Individual with them; tba Mcaragua Canal snoou pberei of 0Mfain-M Dd wsloome their Attorney Lyons made a busioees trip favoritism. We denoonos the present be built, owned and operated by b I go-operation in raaeuiog tha ooutry from to Canyon City Wadaeadsy, returning demoeralio tariff aa actional. Injurious United ritates; and by tba purchase of Demoeratie and Populist mismaaagemsot Thursday. to DOi.,io ...j., ..d dr.trilcli to busl- the Danish Ulaods we abould aeeora a n misuse. I.swrmoe Hwaek esmo ia from bis L... .i.,Mu W. l.m.n. .nr,t. Lro.r aud niuoh needeJ slalioo in the Snob are tbe pnnclplee and policies sherD ramo 00 Camp erwh ToeaJay. .,..,. ...., , , f...... ol the repooiiosB party - - 1 hidiisu lariu dd lummu iiuiitiriB wuii ui . v m v. 1, , . . (....... I 1 - ' I ...i-.t-s urrvw u . , ..r,1.. .k Am.,l.n The ro In Armenia have arona to neppoer, BEPPNER, Attorneys cit Ivfixv, All busineaa attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries I'nblic and Collectors. OFFICE IK NATIONAL BANK BUILDINQ. 1 1 OREOOH (iKAMT COCNTY ITEMS rroia the Laale. If. ...I kt T J Maltiwik mmA lamllt I of Heppner, p-elhroo.b L-ng Crk h" r""M tot lb " Dy tbeae prio clulea we will abide, and tbeae policies corns luto competition with Amerioan Tbe tnassaeias in Armenia nave arona-1 w m j gMOtioti. We ask for prodaclaaa will not only fornlsb ade- ad the deep sympathy aod just iodigaa- iem the eoosideraU jndgmeat of tba tiou of tba Amrriean people, and we be- Amerioan people. Ooofl lent alike tn I . ... I . II. - .1 ... ..... ...ft ..J 1 Ik. Toeyaaroat. to lb. MeDnff hot ottb. gi.veram.ol. bot will protect Mm the United Bt.te. '- springs. Tbey were aecompaole4 by J. Amertraa labor from the degredatioo to all tbe ind jeeee It can properly eiet t lo a.odidalea la the fall ae- K. UHirop, city editor or the -! be aaas t.el of other lands. bring Ibeee alrooltiea to ao aod. ! .-.. tK.t ih. eieetinn will brlaa OtegoateB, vl leo-letoa. Wa ar. nt nl..! ja.1 In an nartlrular Tarkef Amsrioao residents hae been I ..,. L- the ReDnhJu-ea Dartv and I. Jewetl, wbo ftfimnly ran the x-beOuW Tbe onretion of rates ia eipterd lo tba gravest dangers and prosperity to tbe people of tbe United linebefaea Oaayoo Oiy and Boras, lh UoB o goWO4 by American property deelroyed. There paaeed Ibrongb Ueg Creel .e.laee.lay r , . , . . . .... ... en ute to lUppaer wbere be will poeei bly locale, lie baa dispoeaj of bte poe WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Put Sound Navkation Co Stors TtlETDONE, BAILEY GiTZERT AND OCEAN' WAVE. Leaving Alder Htreet IXf k. Portland, for A'tnrla. llwaoo, Long Beaeb, Ooeaa Park and Nsbcnita. ihreet eoroerlion with llwaoo steamer aod rail road; also at Toong's Hay with Keaabnr Railroad. TBXjBPXZONZI Uatss rartiend T A. U. Dsiiy. esrvpt Sunday. Leeres Askiria 7 t. M. Dally, eicvpt Suodsf. xib-ZX-XJir OrA.Ta.nnT Leares fortlsnd f F. M Ksllf. srrt Hiind.y . Hainrrlay nlsht 11 t M. It Astoria Daily a si V A. i.,es-H uiidai and Mondar. Buodar algbt, 7 t. M. lMTa FnriiaM and runs dliwt lo l'sii. To1.f end Tbarvtayst A. M. ai,,HsT at I f, X. Ues lieecv tloadar aud frVlaf at 7 ai A. M. Ob mtodmf nig l at I F, M. tot aslHy, lft, fomliirt, rtaurt, Trssei ea tae Ttlrfhoo. tmSUj Oslsvrt sad Oreaa Ware. CHICAGO. HiiiwaukeB & SI. Fam I'y I t 7 HlHHOTA tons la the Hdvt valley . renditions uf tbe time sod of pro.locti.11. lend sery her Amencao cmios aoa DISCA8I3I OP THE tKI?f. Theralmgand aaeampmm aiug prloci- Amerioan property mutt be abeoiotely The Intense luhlng and sroartina ac- pie s lb. protect io. aad development ol protected at all b.iard. aod at any el. V..k ia 'it T7alUreJ M OK SUB DOCTklKI. Amrrteaa labor anJ laduetry. Tbe euantry demaada a rigbl aettlement aod Rerree Oa I4e . 1 1 1. i.t.i. ., Karl's Clover Root Tea baa made ,b,B ana well and LaDff . Msa e. H. noapu. I do anra4Trt. Fu( eala by Welle A Wsrree. We believe tbe repeal of Ibe rer limei ty arreofrmeete aegntieted by Ibe leal ansuMr i.aT.--i Glanco at this Map Te Uttlmm Oar fceserna Tbe I's-.fle Northwret lonBiatslloe! U obllran sdrolalelratloa was a astioa boa'd, aitb baadH'iartera at ISnlaad, la e,,BT so, , d.msnd tbeir rtoew s...( err-m--.-,,. s-.--. . --. ,(t, (a ,rk fra aa will ix l .J tWa-N.a itxlaala esUlis of I .. .. 1. 1 Ie4aalieeear trade with oiber usi .! traia, taee, irms saieerei - toae ol aoy .. I ie . 1 I a. .h.a 1 sola, la faft eey prtNlael ul Ibe stale, reoxi.e reeineutuve iwi w pwhsh te Mm aa sihibit It be ed at ft Peel diiHbeeti " ; " r . Z V . ..1.. atketslue tba pmdafteal oar lesaa, y laaeapolia d.'tr. Ibe and I ''- eoeelsre ol tbe Kal.lsif l lhu Tata fraierttna and reipr.4nty are tale thibit will be aeea) by eee4ria ' OMtsm e( lUpabUea pAU-f, aaj 10 band la ben t. W.etlie rale baa retkleaelv atratk both, aad bla laeet be re eelablishJ ; pnxelaa fl applying U.emUfUin a rye and rkia Ointment. Many very bad ce-ra bave be-a We r assert Ibe Monroe doelrtne la p-nnenenily enr-d bv It. Il U eiiaily I r?L mi Cur iLrkine biUe and a nvorlte r m- lie fatleel etteat aad we reaffirm tbe .... t .....Li rhsril UixU. thil- rlgbt ..I Ibe CalWJ HlaUa lo give Ibe .'". fra and rbrrmle sore eyt " . ... .or saU by dru4s at li cwU per bot. dootriaa t ffrt by reepoadief to the p ' peel. rf. ay .f. or frt-ndl, JCrLZZTl interveallott ia aee of Ed ropes a ea- Ujo. Tk', btJ puri&r sod verwifug , rk E::!:j Uule erabiiieal. For sale by Coeeer A llwt, raiglete WeahallBotbe interfered aad shall t rrra-sMa h "tatlaTeais a ialerUe a lib tbe eiletiag pMHae- Vtm ao. I. thia r ,b rMto !.... . . . . S . . riereaii, in ew-ir"i es, v'i ISf I W l B.HS ' - - ' - . ; ........ 1-.. I ' " - ' d..,l.,ed.lM IU..leol A pr,Ja.l, I. port. U r.,,. . ooalrie aad aeeare aal.rgei U ,UJL aUe .a tbe of .1 v tbe O A ra bepefally l.twerd U the .teat- lii.rtrf aabtevemeaia. are a r threat aad l pella aad will be aaei HiKeiki... iiiesi- s H r.l mpM j e-1.erH.leg tbe feeoar- at iMO lis .. ! elB all taera . , . , . (. ,m at r,..i s4 ... ra tbe .tale. Tbe b. -J will HMWHU.iittii.Miii luial (. eiw ti the !reae1eJIB ol the ethlblt Bt.4 t.but sM eid t lie ,..!- ) I n sMiinae la (MBtrtbeie sr iir-lee wbl we F! i I'. a-l.ea.a ft tbe l" lJ'f ,4 k,twtea. wall aagkl W. w.s, f ,f, wbiab we 4- a.l pre 4 iaa. elik Urn milalg aeir lark I . . . . ... -eiae 4 t a aa mii lek 1 1 repeaeate4 Vf M 4e, rerlprwal agree ateat al mala wnda. A Jdreee ail ihiw, rp.-s aal withdrawal of Earota pwes eapli.tie la la rrniwi 01 ra. ntoas t in tb-,.b,.a.4 lath. M,"f T 1 . I (-a all ru.l faaall. IKa alaaoet fcei S aaio.,f all .pealing pa"B.4 c tfHk- Ibea.kl tJ disa. IU catiaeal by free feaeeat of IU la- n,, of tbe bage wmag ef 1 . babilaala. elavery, im orpoflaaiiy af a paerai!y lawofked ML aad a rare of ereataree alosnet aa new lo liWalarw ae were tra BBeirtrtata. rroa IU baar af aatievr. ibelrewB ledrpeadeaeei, lb. people of tbe tVU4 Hlatee bare regard! with nth Ibe iM ! aiMe sex ae IM Vwl la Ike ew-d ink, il-.. it... taie imiiii I faf Kit;tna, l'ft X rteeeel ! svtM. s4 w rfw in the nnw mM4(m 1 1 . a. eawtot t'mm at H tkt rr- I'l tfcs Wilee " IniM iw .f I ein s 1 V. I etage !. Hre bf a lan. f lrK. i.Ihw.iIi, w mA4 e t i. It t t. i f.i. I f !, ! less mti. rveneee, Ct Confute la4laaa,-gate IbK !et. etwee4. re'ineg wocnaa af fut bet aaalpeaeal AH Ibeee, beetvef. woald bave l aa assgSt tf aba kaJ gralsoa H-ar.1, TiHilaa t Cf. sliaggleaal lbe efMa F-'f. aa . a leader aad SfatMtM aal .t.iU akLrk aalai sna saatkate la re- tar f.4 car ra aaertete ba aikjaea. , free lb.aa.lts frnaj tar-ta daiaa g gity aib. aa4 a aoeeeetrw rn.eritna ball ta Bp d na-itte ladeeOy 1 ta .)) Mb J-p ae4 ab tie li-e r4 i.ieeeet aaxaateg la gete la a4 I., le, and .-.. var aa, a.-l.l'uil ti beie U.ti.el tbe CUa -b f . I ap ialeMt.t.all . i 1r.1l...!. ...., ........ t. I i. , i'ir .-'--er - ir..e..ti ('".' " " " ir..iH...i-,...( - s.,rf.lMlj..iitab-.-rrai il.met iu. ; . . . . ....... . ... . t , .... 1. 11 . . : . . ra- li eaafc wsy USm, jfiganeae a4 ini aa wmtim ivi ... sm wer wn a f4,Uf ifcuwe," la AsgaM ' Wam.UetM ! Us., I. tareeaa el tbat 4ataailae4 Bwaseel lo , fUsvett. For tho Cuixj o Liquor. Opium iU Tobacco Habits It Is lorela-l at aalesa. Oregoa, Tba Ifuet f!jaf(i Tor oa (Ad Oxuf tall si Ika O.ltrrs e-s ne aeHb-itese Btrtrtlt re4aUM. T erttaie aad sere OUR STOCK vof '. . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a rcat finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we nuut sell it. TlIK PAHEKSCN rtltlSHI.NG Co. 1