I a. a" - ..t.A Lftt. , THE BEST Family Medicine She Hat Ever Known. Words of Praise from New York Lady for AYER'SP!LLS " I would likfl to add my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For stom ach and liver trouhles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. If mmt.":r e nriTWrrv - -y .fig When my friends ask me wlint is the best remedy for disorders of the stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea eon, they will break up a cold, prevent 3a grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to "take, and are, Indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 3G8 Eider Avenue, New York City. AYER'S PILLS highest Honors at World's Fair, flyer'! Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. Here and There. Dick Sheets ia biok from Montana. Tbe Heppoer Transfer Co.. ha wood for sale. 87-tf. Aody Cook was in from Batter creek yesterday. frank Lee left last evening for Nun Francisco. Since? Roberts, of Eight Mile, is in town today. Alec Curnett, of Batter Creek, was over last Tuesday. 0. M. Gri mes, of The Dalles, is ud lonkiog after cattle. John Adams and wife were down from Bardcuaa jeslerday. J. P. Boy don was with bis lleppner oustomers yeeterduy. H. Padbirsr snd wife were no from Lexington Wednesday. Chnrley Sargent and family speut last week iu the moauluius. Tbe bluest, part of ti e Gazette rn-icb left today for Ditch oitek. I L. Howard and wife were up from Galloway la-t Wednesday. Win Dunn ntid family returned borne yesti'rd.iy from theooast. EI. M. Thornton, the Ions nheepmaa. whs in town the first of the week. Drink the eelebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap ut Chris Borchers'. ' Isano Foijel, renresenting The North western Casket Co., was in town yester day. VVm. Gordon and family are in the iroDtains this week taking a little out- IU2. Ferd Hnot, of Haystnek. oame over Wednesday with tbe Gilman Frenob oattle. While reoeivinit express and mail mat ter from tbe np train yesterday morniog at Heppoer Jaooiioo one of tbe express boxes was stolen from a track that was temporarily left on tbe opposite side of tbe building. However, there was noth ing of value in tbe box, so tbe tbiet had all his trouble for nothing. W. P. Scrivnsr is prepared to do all kinds of blnoksmithin., horseshoeing, machine repairing, wagou work, in fact anything in hieliueiit reasonable: charges and satisfaction gaaranteed. Will pntiu spokes for 30 cents each, and other wg-on-work in proportion. 46 tf ''Miimma, was that a sagnr plnm yon jn t gve me?" asked little Mabel. "No dear, it was one of Dr. Aver' Pill.' "Pleas, may I have another? "Not now. dear; one of tbose nice pills is all yon need at present, beoause every doee is attentive. , Some person or persons witbpjil in tentions placed some ties Heroes the truck below the depot no Tuesday evening John Hashes difoovered them while on bis way down borne and tbns prevented a probable ditchmg of the dowu tram, "It is immaterial, in my judgment, whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not . . . Wh titer he does or does not I am fur free wool" Extract from speech of nilliam J Bryan in the House of Hep- re.-entatives when the Wilton bill was under consideration. HAD TO RESURRECT HIM. Cattle shipments. On last Wednesday 600 bead of oattle, two year-olds, were shipped from Hepp oer to J. W. Melliok, of Moutana, who will range tbem in that state. Tbey osme from Tbe Gilmnn-Freuoh Live Stock Co.'s ranee in Gilliam and Grant connties. C. W. Denson goes with tbem to their destination, but Perry Kline, li the fajwett I -ys7 mi I AT FNDiAPl lAUGUST ahr.etlWHrW!l 1 I Dr. B. F. Vaughan and family have another member of tbe party, will re joined the army of pleasure seekers in main till the 9th inst., when another the monntalllB. .I,inmnl. nf sopfl nattla RnO hnal .will In reporting Saturday's bsll game tbe be made to Mr. Melliok, these also com- (z-tte overlooked the home run earneu itlK fr(lm Tfae GiimBnFreoch Live 8tock hu f.hn M.,EVa, I Ual KobUISOU Stopped in Heppner S R,a.0rn mar-nhi A Mr TntHe. iranra. a f m -l n a, lUiu mnab rn klfl mnu lirima 1 n low unya lino nrca vu mo nn; uvu-to i . . , ir l Y a . , from Teel springs. neuung iue uuiou jraoiuc, wan uero iuia , . - wees ia secure ine CHiue suipmenis lor o J.mor... Ki Hra tn thu Artdnt ftf I OIS rOHU. 81,000 on last Thursday. T R. HnwRrd'. fnmilv have returned The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a from the mountains, bringing back a community of simple, honest, God-fear great many gallons of huckleberries. ing men and women, have prepared tbe Tne families of A. A. Roberts and E. Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, f. Matlock, and John RaUtntt Bnd fam- anil it is nUnvi fha mama imnla hnnaat 1 ily left today for tbe oampoo Ditch creek. Luratie medinina th.t'haa helned to iJvl A U uarie informs tee umpire ioaav make tbe bbakers the bea tbv. one !TTi I flint harVMufinif in full hlant dnivn At . ...... m. i " " ! .. , 1 . uvea people mat meyare. xueauaKers miss -iflie uaoy, maggie Ansins, un- : , ,u., aJmi ,u , R. . . T . . m . uniuK yj iuuii siuiiiiy w'ud i jiid. unit. sre in tbe mountains enjoying a vaoa- " lo ,ue w"n"-"' properties oi enaer ticn. Digestive Cordial. Indigestion is oaus- The Wilhoit stage from Oregon City ed Dv the omaob glands not supplying was held np by two masked men oo the enough digestive juice. Hhaker Diges 3rd inst. Tbe amount of the booty was tive Cordial suDoliea what's wanting. . ii I bid hi i. akoitAP r.io.iVA nAi.A i.ki...uasi ajuns;s A-' B V III D VUlUiai lUllt'ini CS fUV stomach and all Its glands so that after ... . . . No'alUt Da Tcrrall Forgot That Urn Bd Killed Una or 111 Characters. A great master of the art of throwing oft stories by daily installments was Ponson du 'i'eriuil. When be was at the height of his vogue, says the Uotstod Transcript, he kept three running ut the same time iu uiilereiit pupers. Ills fertile imagination wus never ut a loss, but his memory frequently was. lie was upt to forget to-uuy what he did With u hero or heroine yesterday. To help his memory he ut liist noted down briefly in copy hooks what happened to his men unU women, but huuing tlmt often he could nut read his owu writ ing he invented a new system, lie pro cured little leaden liguies, uu which he gummed the names of hiscliaructeisus U.e. were born. Supposing there were three stories runiiiny, tneio were three sets of figures in dili'erent drawers. When u character wus settled oil the little muu or woman iu ieud wus uikcn away from its compauiou uud luid aside. One day when I'onson du Terrail was all behind in hu work he set himself to his tusk without examining the slain. His bud memory led huu into a terriUe blunder, lie had forgotten that lie hud killed liocuiubole tne still famous Kocuuibole iu the previous feuilleton, and to the great surprise of the render he uiude huu talk ugaiu us if nothing out of the common had befallen him. This resuscitation of Kocuuibole is one of the most curious things iu the His tory of the roniuns-i'euilleton. nre Annlhlluton la London. In London every public building from the queen's palace down is sup plied with a fire nnnihilator. Some of the large ones will produce 17,000 gal lons of carbonic gas and stenm in the space of four or five m'mitos. suxxoxs. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE of ureson for the Oouuty ol Morrow. Evatiriffla, Plaintiff, VI. U. 8. Griffin. Defendant . To V. S. Uriffin, Defendant. ' In the name of the ntate of Oreiron. vou are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Hied asHltint you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regu lar terra oi ine above entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day ot September, 1890, and if you fail n to answer, for want ther-of. ( e plain in win applv to the court lor the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: The dis solution nf the marriage contract existing be tween plaintirl and defendant, and for costs of mis s it. 'Ihis Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge oi tneaoove entitled court, mane on tne ltjtn day f July, lstftt. J. N. BROWS'. 59-71. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. 1 SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, Minnie Smith, PlalntirT, vs. Gilhert 8mith. Defendant. To Gilbert Smith, Defenda t. in the name of the state ot oreRon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint Sled against you in the abive entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day of September, 1090, and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit: For the dissolution of the marriage contract existng between plaintiff and deiendant, for the care and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendan' and costs of this suit. This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 14th day of Julv, 18W. J. N. BRON, 45S-7I. Attor.iey for Plaintiff. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATE 1 of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza R uweus, 1'laiutiff, vs Frank II Beige, Mary J. Honge, ht wire, Lewis J. Sehewrich ami Schfwrich, his wife, De-femlants To Kra k II. Benge and Mary J. Benge,twoof the defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, von are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint lilcd against ynii in the above entitled suit on or before the' 7th dav of September, lS(Ki; anil you will take notice that if you fall to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or iptore said th day of September, lstw, theplaln lilfnhovo na en, for want thereof, will applv to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the enmnliiint Hied In this Butt, to-wit: r'or ver-omil decree against the defendants frank If Bengp, and Marv J. Benge. his wife. for tin" sum of bMl la with interest thereon t the nitc ol X per cent peranum from January 1st. lN'.U. and the sum nf f.Vi.00 att"rney's fees, and the costs and disbursements "f said suit: that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by th said Frank H. Benge and his wife to the Lombard Investment Company. datei the liHrgfciy of December, IRKS, upon the following described rral property in Morrow county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter ol section No. :2, in township No. 'i smith, and range No. 2f Est of the Wi tamette meridian, which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th day of December, ISxH: at pare 54 of Bnolt "D" of the Records of Mortgages in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall ne. toreclnsea. and the snu real propertv snin. and the proceeds or such sale to be applied to tne pavment to planum of ine aoove named sums of monev: that all of the defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all eaultvof redemption, in. to and upon every part of said real property; ana mat latutltl Bliall have general renet. This S mmous is published pursuant to order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled courr, made at Chambers, Pendleton, umatuia county, Oregon, on tne utn day oi July, 1K!M. MSB, UAUTJSK, UAll.KY S A US I IN, 457-70. Plalntiff'i Attorney!. SUMMONS. mm Live SiooU Co., came io from Fossil I'litRdHy to look after tbe osttle ship. meut muds this week, awhile they don't need belp. As cvi. denoe of tbe honesty of Shaker Digrstive Cordial, the fotmoln Is printed on every TIia fluvetta Annlil invi luVinp tn writ. tins items by aayioa that ail tbe Hepp- 'iie. ooia oy nrnirgiHth, prionu ot tits ner people who are not iu tbe monntuios to f I 00 per bottle. are oool-mplalinB eotO. J. W. ("Bud") WilliiiKbsme osme over Where Ther Met r'flmhnnil? RppP from AloUuiree Mednesdsy, but ws still V4 I under the wes'ber. Lsat niifht be .HALF PINT BOTTLES for Porllsod for medical attention City Hotel Bar! Mcftltilitv ftl'1. with Kanolnnn at. left Says "Brian 1't'i drink Mime Linwoed Rye; Drinkable Liquor and Smokable CI ars. Call on Tad. KnlshU of Ihe llarrabrei. J. L. Mitchell, Dep Knp Com. of tbe Knights of the Mhco ib"M, arrived in this ity last bnnilay morning and has spent We meet as friends, my nords are few 1 hope they don't, dear Srlan Bore V." There is no HOHe for any man Imp. And Bryan says, In a Joklim manner, i :,i, ..,:i.k..i .:.. "I wnniierii mat wuai tnemaiier wiin nan That'i horse and horse, yon Innny feller Ihe introduction nf Bm kuiah im s Dye. When I see my wife 1 am hound tn teller. wbn U color natural brown or bluok. n"e ney gravely bowed, sua tney wmtca an I eve. And they drank some more good Lliiwood Rye. be found at Ins parlors, Matlock oorner, 'dd only ft Iho Helvedeia oalooo, l where be will dispense at popular prices. IU. Hperry. frop shaves, shHmpoos, hairouta. etc Iiost Between town sod T. H. Bis- hee a jilifp, a pair of blankets and a quill. Finder i f same will be suitably ffj I that tfer touched autirunny, s-t iu n eil J-.hr. MeOarl, I,., accepted a Position oe,i"' ,ro"! F,,Mil D,ck m" "t ,onp lib tbe Union Mat Company. Bob 10 ,,,w0 before lie tfot sruoud a enrgo Hhsw is ti"t rooseeted iib the com-I that wotild biva fnnadered a tunic, and pn y at prrseot bnl will oootinas to tiny wbn ri;0v I, full hs is a nuisance. I II.-H..I, lib 1 ...i ll I Messrs w. v. U tn and J . w. wor- Dik , t0tn im:.o.e bima, If on lomi row cm down rduefay from lbs I , . .. ,i , A Wrary Waailerrr. "Califoruia Dick," a pilgrim priuter in in iniiiiuir i . i . , , . . ibis week at this place in tbe interest ot Awarded by leaving same at th Osaett mnn' D' ,,je mhy' ,u" tbe order. Lsst Wi diemlsy evening be -delivered an address at the M. E. church, Siotb, hnini the many ooniraendable featnrrs i t the order La represents. lis highly commended f'atrrnslism and es pecially all bfoeflcUry aocieties. At lb close of bit add-rsa, which was full nf nliln facts, with idal f nnnuh wit in jeoted to bold undivided attention, a luterlerml torn with lb lyleaaurc vf t'ry will ask lor a lew hours' work and Bomber of Dew recruit, were reoeivsd- oui. a squsr m-s.. ana men win g on anj Sir Ktiuht Mitohsll. accompanied by Hirk Mabw I still at lbs old stand. o w ,,a," '", repeating Bomber of th Ino.l Ktnifhts. will go nrtX "!r 10 'b , me' b.'r h" "o"""' narrsHv that rutty be tro toUsrdmao tomorrow .b.bs -III i-lr!" 7 V..,. .i;, L" ! ! B' " on" a',' u,1 ,,ct liver a. addres. at 8 o. m. W. bes-.k .r...: " if ' ".. d1 tnmp pr.nl. - - i r-i ""- -- i for Mr. Mitcbrll a ffood anJiene at that r. v ti un -i tv. m.. i wi. I blsee. and ferl assured that non Will SO hnnu and ennlanla hv flra on last Kalur T C"'h ar wav dissppoioled. dsyaiitbl. It bsd beeo Dwy laroiahed is nniion cora. a acgieo's l eongn ' I . tl I .1 . . . Ull.O It -I Mill. ana wss generally wan sppoioiso i . tbrooghoot. Nolosuraoc. ,.!,""L', Cur Vut b' W,IU . . . . ... vterrro U. U. linbiway, onaoana ox Mr. IN THE riRCtJlT COURT OP THE STATE of Oregon fo- Morrow County. Julia A. Farrel, I lain tilt, vs. Samuel I. Gerklng, Martha A. Oerking. James K Mm makeraud Maria K. Nun amaker. Pefendan'a. To Samuel I. Herklng and Martha A. Gerklrg, two of tne above-named deiendsnia. In the name of the Slate of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer tne com plaint tiled against you in the above entltl-d suit on or before the 7th day of September, lx'.ifi; and you will take notice that If you fall to ans er or otherwise appear in said suit on ot rjeiore me said 7in oav oi nepiemrjer, into, tne plalntlft alaive named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the re.lef p'aved f r in the complaint tiled 1' this suit to-wit: For personal decree against Ihe defend anta Samuel I. Horsing ai.d Martha A Ovrklim for the sum of H't7 Ml with interest thereon at the rale of a percent, twr annum from April 1st WH, and the sum of foot attorney s le- s. and tbe cota and disbursement nf said ault: that Ihe ctiiirt shall decree that the mnrteageexei'iit ed by said amuel I, Herklng and Martha A (jerking to the limbard 1 vestment Company dated the .Mil dav ol March. iw. upon the fol lowing descillied real property In Morrou con I y. Oregon, lo-wlt: Ihesnu'h lialf of Hu north ea-t uuarter, the aouth tS acres of Ihf norm-west quarter oi ine nnrin-easi quarter. o Vctlon No rl. iu township No H south, and range So. i Kaat of VMIIamelte meridian ; mid also the west half of the imrih-wi st quarter n aw lion No l;l. and Hie north half of the mirth eat quarter ot section No 14. In township No. f. south and range No 75 Kast of lllnmeile merid ian ; which mortgage Is now owned b plaint In" : hleh said HKir'giige w aa recor'rd on the .'i, II. iNy of March. Iwj at page l:it o' IPx.k '!)" ol the Hecorda of Mortvagi-a In the olllee of tin County Clerk ol Morrow enmity, Oregon, a'lall lie tore'liiail, ami the seld real projaTtv nld and ttie priM'eiHls of such sale to Ih applli-d to the tmvtnent In plaliilllT of Ihe alaive imineil sums of niouer: Ihal alt of the defeiidaitta and all Hrftona cIhIuiIuh and to rlahn liv, tbrougli or under them, or anv nf them, hnll Iw lorever lair red and foreclosed of all right, title palate. Interest and lien, at law and In routty, ami especially oi an riiiiy m reoempuoti, in, i 1 .EST with a big It. Blackwell's Genuine Durham Is In a class by itself. You will find coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two pons Inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's R uenuin Smoking Tobacco Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon Which given alisiof valuable presents and how to get them. . : - ym -'''---1,1. BullV X on X cou- X am ) 1 A) HAVE YOU HEARD THAT TIIKKlCasafaJiJ imm ED. R. BISHOP . SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Ralph L. Benge, I'lalntlir, vs. Katie D. Benge. Defendant. To Katie D. Benge, ' elen 'attt: I ' the name of the ntate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you tn the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term rl ine above entitled court, u-wii: Monday. September 7th, 1890, and If yon fall to answer or otherwise plead, for want theieof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court lor a decree dissolving the martiage bonds now existing between you and htuisclt. and a judgment against you for the coms and disbursements oi una suit This summons Is published by order of Hon Stephen A. Ixiwell, Judge of the circuit court of Oregon for the th judicial district, dated July :ud. IKIW. K. r. hims, 4,'Hi Attorney lor rialntirr. Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock ia being disposed of at Wholesale Slaughter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, lleppner. Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee and upon every pan nl aald real priiiert)' ; and of lion aiephpn A. Miwell. Judge of Ihe ative th plaintiff shall hare general relief. This rtotninnna ia pnlillsln-d Miraueot lo entitled eotirt. made at t'haiiilara, Pendleton ( instills count . ureaon. oil III 1 1th d ol July. l-n. r&r., uak l r.ii, iiaii.nT a ai sin, 7u. I'talntlfl s Allomeis. Mm Kit A)rr el Ike World a fair Ayer'e 8r..tMllU tnji tbt extreor- kXiU ,, fjorjl.tyt AxmA rortloed llDry Jtsliucticioof baTinaleeo theoutr on laal Tntadajr. lie M r y too blood purifier l lowed a eitibit nl lb eeaalnl biainet mo end very tiigbly r,.,l.f. .. s-n.lo.ifiv Manofafllnreri wo B,B- ol Otbtr tareaptrillaa nqgtil by every rr Hale. Tbe California ioboo lTbe Pallet. Fine localtot f r aoy kind of baatoee. Tbe poell traia vbtrh earn np tbt fleet rbaoee fir tbt ritfbl party. Will Fr pariieo't't ti2lm. Bt.0ttoobl.la.tbo0goftbeirtmd. llr,or? al.rL bml chtrt trftin diptebrt J J. M? r ,f1 ..r. l h.i.l mt.K JM ami bnslratns. ""'". ""r "ro " Tbt ileeiaioo of Hit WorM't fair Pth'- (, E. I. Oreen baa brea rbwn m ntlM Id fator f Aer' Hfsaprll 1 ,,0, f o b (Milam Co. teartiefa' to rffeel tt full": "Ayer t bataapa-I n,.,,, uii Adif. 1721, l C"odoo. lit Gnnaf (patina, rtat mora than bait rlllt W Ool patent ni.lirin. It (.rubably go frxoi lti't lo lb I Ibt Ilia of nmen. Karl't Clor Itnnt, not twin tn tot ii ot "iraun. im I mi.I enfereort u tbt M. r. ehartb ! Tt M pltrit rnr fur Cooalipaiixi vviv uy tm ujriit. i.ioriu aasiuia. I rurins nr nna mrnw. lk Ilia f '. T W : Tbt bralth of Mrt.I. N. Btrg-tl m ifally improved by bf rrt vmiI I M K (ktrrb Aae.sjil Hneday Anjoal 9, rnular kI to t !. Wbt i tt left btrt Ibt BBoinIni tod af'tlnf. tra. Iellt I I " " ' ., HUTU TO f THOH. U. Cm, ft I"!lit.ift, Wa.h vnil . . j ... preach In iht v.0itf. Itev. Tb-t. Tn ( ,b , Mr KI(tUf f,8b riwy, D. Itof rHUil. r1ltr bit t,anld bm t$t I-d in I bit fHiily tl Uctqrt on IUW "u WJ-day i.i.ea. tl m t t l mots, A y vtt ttstlll Ut Ibt taxpirrt .f lbt- bwtiltipp rt M KiHly. Hl.otit rt- Tim will isM t tilowtd tBioita ftr hn' on br retatri wsm iflioiittual I Jqi a. All i-rtt failtef to pay by h loik of ttcU Broom UfaMc wiU tm tut i S. Ilirrwt MoHf k Wrt Ok on(e HUU HUMS. TS THK riMrl lT nil KT OF TUB NTATE 1 nf on-con l.if Morrow ounlr Clara A. t otib, I'laluilfr, a. V orris H. ln. Until Umi.tilolle. r.O Hoek. num. Hell R. Hurknuin, his ll., C. M H'ishes, U llnvtii her hnsland, II. J. raual, lis ii lr I H Hroon and llrvan. bl He. tlelcodanla. Is I Junto ynt and I.. Ilufhra, two ol the a-tiataal ftelendanla. In th nam nf th sun of Oreeon. yon ar hetiil.y reqiiirrd in apr and aof Hi eom laltil Bled aalnt ton In Ih aim entitled anil on ot beiora in 7ih it or n aiet fn si III ut n-.l' that miutmmt M mh SUMMONS. N TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OK TUB STATE I nf (ireiron tor Morniw County, The Noitti m rnniitlei I n vent m nt Trust, Urn- Uud, a Corporation. flalr.tlrr, TS. rccellaTaylor.H.S. Kln, N. H. Me lie and J. C. Thomson, lie (endanta. To ('ei'i-lia Taylor. H. h. K'ng and N. 1). McBee, three ot Ilia ahuva nsuieil deiendant. In the name of ihe Mate ot Oregon, yon are hereby refilled to appear and anser Ihe coin. i.lHlut fili.,1 hist von In Ihe atiove eiilitted nl on or lHfore the first day nf tlienext r gular tein of Ihe slime entitled court vis: The 7th Day of September, 1898, and yon will tk Untie that If you full to ii.wcr or otnem im! ainiear in sain eourionor hefnre the, sn. Till day of Hciteinlier, laiai, the i Ih I il I 1 aliove tianicd. for want Ihcreol. will iil to Ihe almv entitled rourl for Ihe relief r veil mr in I he iiiniii aim men in una suit. mutt: Kur n.'r.onnl dit'ree aaalust the defeti in. i eeei ia inyinr. nil tne sum oi 1,7.1 n wnn ut rat lliiTenii el I lie) rate of N ier cent, per niinin ir 111 Hie .inn nny 01 June, ivm, snu ine co.l nil ill.iiiir.eineiils of Bald suit; that the mirt shall deeree tlmt the inorliiaiie eie iilel n ihe l,l ( i-ielU 'Imliir to th Uiinlmnl In. vesliiietil !'(iniiiiy,dHted the m nmy of hovein k. ui-oii lite iiilltiwluir ne-r'iie. rea pniiierty In Mnr I ounly, liresmi. tnwlt: I he Mil 1 11 nan 01 oruieaai quarter ana norm al qnarlrr l orllieasl quarter leseep ten im In aiinare lorin In Mirlheaet eorner hrreofi atid Hoiiiheasl quartet nf Norlhweat a'lefoleell n leu, in inwtistitn imp nonn. I lU' iie Twentr Rv Kat. of Ihe Willamette inerlilUn which sail niortaa wa wiiMrt mi the l ilh dav ol Suvenilier. Iw 1 11 Hn , Miiwe- II. M. in and 14 ol th Keeords ol moriaaaea In h nmre nl in louniy urrinf ilnrriiw rouiitv. Oretfin. ahall lie forerloaeri and the aald rral irorl v sold and Ihe prorevda it nu ll sale In ! aiiillel In th ymu to nlalniiri "I Ih named sums ul monev that all of th defendants, ami all iiemiiiselalin lot 1 h rousti nr iii der them, nr any of them tiall lie lorever hrre.i ami forerioteii in ai runt mi, eaiaie, lulerent and hen al law and In equity, and all equity nl reilemiiilon. In and ... - . . .1 ...m.m a. . a .a .. n ulil a I ..VI..a..l. 1 hie nunimoiia I tuitdlshrd pursuant U an nr-lerol lion niennen a imwen, juna ni 11,1 sliv eulltieil eourt. made alehamtiera, I'eiidle 11,11. I uisillla 1 oulily. tire"n, nn th li'hdaf of July, ii. r.i.1.1 i.n- A.j. ...... aa t.1.1 .... a. If. miUIH.fl PI, , le.l.HH. aull on ot before Ih 7lh day nf netMemher. I will tas n-.l Ihal II ynu fall Ui iMsnsiw .r In mI4 suit before ih aald Till Uy wf e.iml-r. I-. ll.e tl.lntirf !- named IiT want Iherenl, wll ,.lT b.ll. ateive lilted rmirl (..rlhelelt .rated In lli mnilelnl pied In this suit to w II rn Karwmal Uerr-w airalii! Ih nelen nl Muni l.iii. r, , ll'iih- nd I. Nuthee .illMiinnoli. with lotenwt therein Ih ra' m s pri arr annum from Mann IM, I.'l Hellh lite llilrfwl Ibetenn I nun Man h IM lwl, and Ih ens nl f ttt aiintnef lr. aiel bm mmit and niienrarmni nf aald Mil. Ihal Ih rurt sliall 4rnm lhl Ih WuMt eieenled ky Ih Mid M.iT'la l lfl S'd Muni mf tn lb j.mlair.t Inteetmeut In rony (Uud ih lh day ul f Wy !, ni, Ih bllnln( neerl lard Ml ei(f In N ortli Lan. A tn,li' 0 frr. HpD day, An It, mi I tbt woik of lh t,ft,r , trn l-ty atj friend t't nrged to tilt lid all lb' vliwt and t In Bikii Ibrrn UUfnllolb tborrb tud lb ran. (at nl Ol .it. ty f Tl!i, j It ilk J. Cly tn-k't r-ib It M It Ibt ti"f tr f 'b ! f F. i b-ny A C". d( i batr In lb i tl lulidc, rnerty rd tf"fi-f. td lll md f m I y II 0t Ilntdttd l !'' f. f fhrdy ra i-f r'i" II t eared by b '4 llali'i lli C4 ri rtf. f)nn ttt t-' 4 JOfl-d it anv tv- , tb A-h 4 I . b, A, I). W A ll t.o 1 1 I' ' ' tl.ti r,'. f . , . I ' ' ' I w ' " ( .. l ft. - fVa.,. It WtlW'll . f- I J ri t k "- ard to ftinn ilil ral relalloe, will btt l'bit fuf o tul-naliip. Oia'ley Jot, tbt Well ktaWM "old I tine r" in Hi (..ifil in. bat Mm , aleHt llerntier. bf p1'ebd (!' Matbewa' V.p, Minor bailjlfif "I i$ immaterial, im my jljmtl, irkftfr Ih tkrrp grower ryirt an tntfli mm iht Utnf trr ( ..... W'htthtr At 4" or d ( mm frr irotit,mt.rtrfrt mm frA H'i.'i-iw J. tlrynn im Ik fir tn.fer (ii,crqf inn , t (-" tbt rlty laoi-t I htr ly will j -,,,. .j,,. fn !,,, tro fl-e-la' trail ! it Kiw. Vt l al rn bad d It t,wtit l.al hm i.r Iwa attorny tnt td; bat, tm win nnl nf lm, fiiiifnl 4'ene r If, fwill M lape t-r .ntn-m, wt.ttii t lew i - nf Aii ..ti!4 will efT-'Inaily r.rn .If le.n l .ily-l'y II l day. "I la immntrrinl, im wif j l-mnt. Ibrntfll traint tbt O. R k S. will rat via. Cnli:it, ti't'ft Wtl t m4 teftd'.4'i. Tbfnngb tl'epwt. it and avtraid flaw, Will fna I Hl ea) WHk IStCtUw Vf Ibt at br- We are not Bmall men, lbs. AVe are small men, Xs. vie are not ins Largest rnercnants in tfie Vorlil ( But when the people of all the surrounding count 17 are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olasiwam, Wood and Willow are, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe rittliiKi, Stovea and Ranges, Wagons, Hacki, Bugglei, Wanon Material, Hardwood, Axe', Hammers, Bawa, Sledges, Wedges, Ouns, Platola, Cartridges and Ammtiiiltlon, Mason Jars, Oran lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs, Wash Bolllers and Boards, Blieet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices. Ws have Good Goods at Fan Prices, and Cheap lohti Goods at Chep John Prices. MAIN STKEBT - IlKPPNKIt. OUEOON TIIE PALACE HOTEL UAH, J. C. BOKOI-IICRS, Prop. 11 snaiiaiiii lla Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD -DftALsH IN- Grockriks, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! Notice of Intention, lat Orrn at La Cats. Oasnnn, Jnm "in. 1 ""a NoTu r. m timriiv n1vr.11 ihat ihr lullitaliif named aetllef b (14 nottr rat hlalnlenilun I nas tnal t-i'fi In uiert nl hlarl-im, and lha- aald .(". will l mad ha Ui9 f. I. kreeland. e.ttimal(Mir I', t i Irrtill I nurl al llr.iHr, lirvcun, aa Angu Mh, 1"m u' tim a iiit.rii.irx.' IM entry Vn ll'ai. .er lb N', r. aw, Jt and sr. v, Jiw a w I'. I . K ( M II names II. ..H"I wllmaw In aim hla pnniliiiimi r-.eme oa and cullitaUu ul. Mid la -d. t IS aieaaodrf I mnell. I'al RelUhas. MIS Kty and leim Jnun, all r4 l-i..ir iw,mi. 14 Kk M t WiliMlN H'lialer. to r.'i Mr, frrni. town in ea.l hH 1st amM h ! tirle and Ih w eat n!f ti4 Ih Wtln a (I'Mirlvr at aer 1 1,, ao V In l,fMh N keT1h end rl.a bn k aal irf I h 1 1 'n-ein Krt.lian a hi-a aak laxMt aa M-aTdad lha l1fc daf M ! (" I Km l 'ol Ih Hee4.l M I Ih i.Hw M Ih lark ol W ' ruulf I i,eri ,Kal tmt f.ervehM-1. Mf Ir, aal-l real br..a..if fA mn4 Ih trwa-t M . n m! in m arfu'e! " Ih atnaHt hi .l4nlitM Ih iaM natnd !.. n at..,aa. l.al ,l $mj II. (talaaMlalile ! 'l aear.rw1 rlIMk,s ai en .IM hf, Ihnmen ' ajtlrf ahem ,.r M ,M) thee ahall aa I..' a. at lakiead and I ..fa ..d ia) ail riehi. fi nuw. ,..iei- ewt tiati. l la nl l4-"Ht. -vl Meaalal f at all alltf ft ee-laaKi',. hitM spit . H'l t Mil real 1 , a4 thai b.iHti al.it l.a i a (a i eai ta, 1 h I saimeae. f f "W M,fea A e.t ! :4 ...a it Skl al I ha l' ,l l.a I el. 1 rudi.lf. f'e), IM IHt 4ttf M Ji. ) i r. r.ntta. ii.ttnf t tij. t fialullt S I !..( I . I ' I I J I MiMtsHeVl Srt,a)M tm ( laf I a . , I J I ea u4 le . Kotke of Inttnt on. 11a will make it an olgVct for you to trade with Lira a LU price, are right, and all good tbat lie Landloa are ot tbe rer Ih'hL Stork on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppiicr, Oregon. Hotlce of Intention. AMI Orril AT INK liAllft OHg'.fi" m . Ia IDihi. le haral.a eltea H al l.a h.lL.al. a-a. aelllaf has Sle. IMS IN- tmt hr i,laHtlai lei mab tnal S,'me im , e.'l ! her r laliti a'.d thai Mll W"! mad tmitrt k I, (awlail, I' n fnmmlMlon. . l M ." u t-. An inn, is via MkMK A KITi Mir. If ul iiHd in hi , tamasail. IM R . l, M It. tw. M, T. I a ii. m h H-n Ih (..ttnwlnf wllneMaal tn 4nt hat ,-.n'lmm.e raHU tteMI ee UIalhHI m. Mid lacd tlf A T H'.l nl Herf., Of , f tank tl d Hlia.M, el .. lej, M (4wr4 II.., lOH't. laf lr s le, l JA. f l'f. IH 4 keltarf. unMo la C. a Vat Inyn. 4f to t ill llu4L Has everything In the lino of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lenmps nnd Tinware Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. ,Sk frl f l, ! . Nmti t ttfrrkf 't lnl ih A I'lfntt B"l (laelllellaf I'ltHrfl,,,.,, iwa il la ' NOTK'K vrisjr.sTios. I AMI nvrtr AT IHfl t"ll Hl'int I ' lan. U at. I I at.eej thai , h.at'. a , kaa la4 e.laie! ha .ia..l..a tn iwat ! t-.e a .itarf1 mi haa.lal'n. m ll.al al1 fr-f tl. la M4 la, ' , . ka...4 I I ,.- laal.-a. at IK pf. Iwa--, nn aj.Klaf ea, laal eta f f lltktai e,itTT. im (.-, i.-t lha rw m , T i , a r k at I,, MaellM f.,(U,f Vila,, lha If m 131 w ri'jj ii uu.; .(...- i..i.ie. .u.e i- " .isa.i.i... ; ,......;.. -a. .-- i HnrN S ! HK rl nr 'I' r , , I IXtlmmJ D'ftm In l llatunf H'p ;. ' " T "... si I - ii "..-- u , t .. . i .i..a a. Il,ai U l.a.. ,..1 .a. t)rt M'1teSI llSt If ' . ., ' rrrrfir r-et lkS it lii fr. Nt Snftl' etMtty , mnjir tv4elfea, ' r.tm fla4 J, U M 'ek'l fl , ...eaj ',ej.,l,lfi ., ll ... I . . , .1. .a. if 1. a It, " . ,!'- (-alee W-feaO. fA.t W.i. TV-tnr nm ir. 1 Tr '."V.V. I:"".'.. Th 'I.-" t.a t ,..' lJiH-k In !.. Kfi .h.f '.n -Mar. . Hh.-.1. f '...?.la 4. f.. f t . ,0 k I i 'I - a. (.. 'tf , . I I'. ! a, I I - Yor HO U N I) to TiikoVIsm. tvr-1 No r ri I . I', l a t J I ". I ' .' III na a H I. I .. I . , ii,,, . ii. .u .. tM...i -iy M t ' . e a... ..... I -.. .. e- e ' 'mm .. .. ai 4 I- 1. 0 . 1-1 S t tt t, , , , .a n .-a- h p-a. i t ... M ,1 , . .. I , ' t ' ' I i i v. i i I . Ii.rle ill nt I. I It, a., lU ). H a. I ... M M..t,.'l I . I t tn h tt., - t tar, H...e-i t I ' l t t f J th I let Ul- t. 1.1 A t f l l I e.. i I .4 rl , .'-I f I ' . II all. t II U u.litih I ' t mm U Uaf lll ynak leAekt, -f--'t- i' , trti. tf